Jack Kemp

Jack Kemp

  • April 9, 2014

    Firefox Expands Into Censorship Update: HOAX!)

    Update: Red State has admitted this is a hoax: Firefox users: We sent you a little message today. By: The Directors (Diary)  |  April 8th, 2014 at 06:41 PM  |  74 Today, users of the Firefox web browser were given...

  • October 22, 2013

    Will Obamacare pay benefits to a pregnant man?

    When I was considering taking computer programming courses in the very early 1980s, I went to a short introductory evening course with other people looking to enter the field. One person in the class was a woman accountant who had not yet worked in p...

  • July 26, 2013

    Has Haim Saban outsmarted himself?

    Talk about strange bedfellows: a NY Post article entitled "Weiner donors are in it to support Huma" includes an unusual contributor with an unusual reason for aiding Weiner:   For many people, Huma is the gateway to Hillary. She's one of the c...

  • July 21, 2013

    There, but for the grace of God...

    Barack Obama has once again interjected himself into the Trayvon Martin post verdict emotions by trying his best to aggravate all parties involved by stating "Trayvon Martin could have been me."  All the details brought forth in this case reca...

  • June 21, 2013

    Bloombergian gun madness

    I could say this event was an unintended consequence, but that is not the case. This is exactly the type of fairy tale utopia, a gun free zone between boys' ears, that the left wants to create. What exactly am I talking about? In a little story - ...

  • May 19, 2013

    Update on adding two Hamas-linked 'journalists' to the Newseum's Memorial

    Rick Moran reported on May 10 that the Newseum in Washington was about to induct two Hamas "newsmen" onto their memorial engraved glass panels.  Now there seems to be some second (one could argue first) thoughts about doing that. Clifford May ...

  • May 15, 2013

    Media Icon Attacks the Administration

    More trouble is brewing for the Obama administration. Liberal icon and Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein has publicly criticized the Dept. of Justice -- and thus the Administration -- for accessing the phone records of the Associated Press. Newsmax...

  • May 12, 2013

    Obama picks felon as CT gun control advocacy 'character witness'

    CT Carry of Connecticut,  a gun rights group, finds that one of the Obama administration's photo-op parents of children who died at the Sandy Hook School is somewhat more familiar with portrait photos that include a set of numbers directly below...

  • May 5, 2013

    Niall Ferguson apologizes...for not having liberal license

    Recently Harvard history professor and noted author Niall Ferguson apologized for his remarks at an investment conference's question-and-answer session.  He said: ... economist John Maynard Keynes was less invested in the future because he wa...

  • April 29, 2013

    Judge Jeanine Pirro Answers Boston Terror Mom

    Judge Jeanine Pirro, a former District Attorney and star of her own program on Fox Television, answered the outlandish public statements of Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, the mother of the two Boston terrorists. Answering the outlandish questions, "Why didn't y...

  • April 23, 2013

    Be Careful What You Pray For

    Back in September of 2010, Stella Paul wrote about a visit by students from Wellesley to the Islamic Society of Boston mosque which lead to "Jewish boys bowing to Allah." Stella said in part, concerning uber liberal Jewish rabbis, that: We've s...

  • April 10, 2013

    Weiner wants to run for mayor (with the New York Times' help)

    Anthony Weiner is attempting to run for Mayor of New York this year.  The Huffington Post TODAY reported that: According to an interview in The New York Times Magazine, published online Wednesday morning and in print next Sunday, Weiner's po...

  • April 3, 2013

    Did Arianna leave NY sublease in a Huff?

    Arianna Huffington partied so hard in her rented Chelsea loft that it looked like a scene from Animal House after a rowdy frat party, according to a new lawsuit. When Huffington departed the 4,400 square foot, seven-story apartment at 227 W. 17th S...

  • March 30, 2013

    Who Should Decide Who Our Heroes Are?

    Well, Bill McClellan of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, not satisfied with the uproar over his first article advocating the removal of most military funerals, has now written a follow-up story defending his original position of not wanting the governmen...

  • March 19, 2013

    AP Reporter asks if U.S. would monitor a Papal election

    In a question that brought nervous laughter to other journalists, a question by Associated Press reporter Mathew Lee, asking whether the United States would monitor a Papal election, brought a serious formal non-answer, as reported by Family Security...

  • March 16, 2013

    Vote Counts and Vampire Counts

    Recently two well-known conservative experts on U.S. voting irregularities came to speak at the Federalist Society of Mineola, Long Island. They included John Fund of the American Spectator, Wall Street Journal, and National Review, who coauthored Wh...

  • March 13, 2013

    The Cuomo Inheritance

    In 2000 I saw a revival of a 1905 play by English playwright Harley Granville Barker called The Voysey Inheritance. The play was later revised and readapted by David Mamet into a shorter two-act version in 2005. What held my (and Mr. Mamet's) interes...

  • March 8, 2013

    Nancy Pelosi wants you to pay a $10.10 minimum wage. Herself, not so much.

    The Washington Times now reports that "Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said that recent Wall Street gains mean one sure thing: The minimum wage should be hike to $10.10 per hour." Well, that sounds generous of Nancy Pelosi.  But ...

  • February 25, 2013

    Gun rights betrayal

    Their official name is the Richmond County Tea Party Patriots -- and they arguably put Congressman Michael Grimm (R-NY) in office twice, first in 2010 when Tea Party supported this U.S. Marine veteran for the U.S. House, and again in 2012. Grimm won ...

  • February 6, 2013

    Wounded Warrior Project changes mind and accepts donations from a Baptist organization

    When I read the first reports of this story, I was shocked. And I don't shock easily. But this story is on its way to a happy ending, thanks to public pressure. A Florida television station, WPTV,  reported recently that the well-known veterans'...

  • February 1, 2013

    Muslim protest echoes the 1960s boycott of Coca-Cola and Israel

    As Pamela Geller reported yesterday: How do we know the man is an Arab or a Muslim? Maybe the fella in the desert is Druze or Zoroastrian... Muslim Groups Call Coke Super Bowl Ad "Racist" Answering Muslims (thanks to David Wood) Ever get the feeli...

  • January 21, 2013

    Liberal Dilemma: When Gun Rights Meet Victim Groups

    In a week full of many gun rights controversies, I was thinking of writing an article about the fact that there must be a gay guy or gal who wants guns to protect him- or herself from violent anti-gay bigots, whatever those bigots' rationalizations. ...

  • January 20, 2013

    Gov. Cuomo, here's why your seven shot gun magazine limit is already outdated

    According to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo: "Seven bullets in a gun, why? Because the high-capacity magazines that give you the capacity to kill a large number of human beings in a very short period of time is nonsensical to a civil society..." Ch...

  • January 15, 2013

    Dueling Documentaries: FrackNation gives the counter-argument to the anti-fracking Gasland

    FrackNation is an independent documentary that recently premiered in New York City's Chelsea Clearview Cinema.  The film will be shown on Mark Cuban's cable station AXS.TV on January 22 at 9 p.m. Eastern.  Since accusations fly freely on bo...

  • January 11, 2013

    Why Should Only Governments Be Allowed Canine Protection?

    With great interest, I read Thomas Lifson's blog piece about the Welsh government's attempt to legislate the sentencing of dog owners to two years in prison if their in-house canine obeys a pack animal instinct and bites an invading burglar, protecti...

  • January 10, 2013

    The Connecticut Bill to 'Out' Gun Owners Shows Us a Nationalized Issue

    In 2000, Rosie O'Donnell's bodyguard applied for a gun permit in Greenwich, Connecticut, presumably so he could protect O'Donnell's child on the way to a public school.  The gun permit was, Rosie claimed, sought by the security firm of her bodyg...

  • January 4, 2013

    A Marine Tells it to Sen. Feinstein

    Shortly after the Sandy Hook shootings, Sen. Diane Feinstein proposed a new version of the 1994 assault weapons ban to be introduced at the beginning of this new 2013 Senate session. The new bill requires universal gun registration, banning of ammo c...

  • December 21, 2012

    Culture War -- with Guns

    The left has literally and publicly declared open season on the NRA and gun owners who want to protect their homes and schools. This has been done without any justification or explanation as to why they make a call for what is, for all practical purp...

  • September 15, 2012

    The 'Enemies' of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan

    The general impression in the mainstream press is that the Ft. Hood Shooter attacked  military personnel who he assumed were on their way to -- or returning from -- fighting in the Middle East. This week a little known (by the public) reference ...

  • July 12, 2012

    Has Rahm Emanuel Inadvertently Created a Pro-Life Slogan?

    Recently Rahm Emanuel, the Mayor of Chicago, has made a vocal appeal to Chicago gangs to stop shooting when small children are near the intended target(s). He told the CBS Evening News: "We've got two gangbangers, one standing next to a kid. Get awa...

  • June 15, 2012

    New York City Council stigmatizes sexy female cab riders

    Maybe Nanny Bloomberg will require them to wear burqas eventually. The NY Post reports that: "A dozen scantily clad women rallied outside City Hall yesterday, decrying a bill they say prevents beauties wearing skimpy clothes from getting a fair shot...

  • June 13, 2012

    NY Planned Parenthood turns into a Circus

    In my neighborhood this morning, I found a flyer in free newspaper street box for the "8th Annual Benefit for Planned Parenthood of New York City" and a link to their website. They call the event "Summer, Sex & Spirits." Now getting drunk and hav...

  • May 29, 2012

    ABC recycling phony Obama Auschwitz claim

    Writing at ABC News this Monday, in an article entitled Vying for Commander-In-Chief: Two Men Who Never Served, Mat Negrin states: Obama, for example, is related to a number of veterans, including an uncle who helped free Holocaust survivors from Au...

  • May 21, 2012

    The One Television Show that Obama Will Avoid

    Barack Obama has been on so many television shows, from David Letterman's and Jay Leno's programs to The View and a host of others, one can hardly believe there is a program he would scrupulously avoid. But there appears to be one. The program I'd li...

  • May 9, 2012

    Why is Obama considering degrading our military dogs' training?

    Does Obama want to quickly braise and debone our military dogs as well? Soldier Dogs is the latest (March 15, 2012) book written by Maria Goodavage, the founder of the Dog Lovers Companion National Guidebook series and a featured columnist at Dogster...

  • May 5, 2012

    Imam burns lesbian

    Geert Wilder's new book, Marked for Death: Islam's War Against the West and Me, mentions a fairly recent horribly barbaric incident. Geert Wilders states, on page 51: "In October 2009, 18-year-old Laila Achichi was burned alive by her parents and an...

  • April 28, 2012

    Frank Gaffney's Warning -- and Video Lessons -- for America

    On the morning of April 24, Frank Gaffney, Jr., president of the Center for Security Policy, held a live public gathering and online briefing in Washington to discuss his latest project.  Gaffney's organization has produced a ten-part video cour...

  • April 24, 2012

    The Film Industry's Selective Bravery

    In Brooke Goldstein's and Aaron Meyer's book Lawfare: the war against free speech, there is a reference concerning perceived Islamist pressure on the motion picture industry that has led to a significant case of self-censorship. Goldstein and Meyer q...

  • April 18, 2012

    Who's out of touch?

    In her ABC interview of Mitt Romney, Diane Sawyer asked Mitt Romney if he was "too rich to relate?" You can see the video here. I do not offhand remember her asking this question of John Kerry when he was running for president. Forbes informs us that...

  • April 15, 2012

    Dems continue attacks on Ann Romney

    The Democratic Party's attacks on Ann Romney are still the gift that keeps on giving. Breitbart's Big Government website reports that U.S. House member from Florida, Scott Randolph, has attacked Mrs. Romney on his Twitter page. Here is what he said: ...

  • April 13, 2012

    Hilary Rosen's and NOW's Karma Ate Their Dogma

    One of the last callers to Rush Limbaugh's show yesterday was a woman who asked a great question: If the Democrats can criticize Mrs. Romney for not working outside the home (and Ann Romney has MS and is a cancer survivor as well), then why don't the...

  • April 8, 2012

    Chris Mitchum, Former Blacklisted Conservative Actor, Enters U.S. House Race

    Recently I had an opportunity to pose written questions to Chris Mitchum, veteran film actor and son of Robert Mitchum, and currently a candidate in the Republican primary for the 24th U.S. Congressional District of California.  We first spoke a...

  • March 25, 2012

    Rally for religious freedom in NYC

    'This isn't about birth control. It's about government control.' "Did you come to protest?" "It's not a protest. It's a rally." Actually, the Priests for Life Rally for Religious Freedom event felt at times like a religious service with multiple peop...

  • March 6, 2012

    American Muslims Show Support for NY Police

    "Some of you may not have heard of us," Dr. Zuhdi Jasser stated, "because we don't fire off (constant) press releases. We are pro American Muslims. We are compelled after the relentless pummeling of that the NYPD (New York City Police) has received t...

  • February 18, 2012

    A warning from Britain

    On Thursday night, the Chairman of the newly formed British Freedom Party, Paul Weston, spoke to a group of New Yorkers at an meeting sponsored by Brigitte Gabriel's Act For America organization. Weston also said he came to warn America that what is ...

  • December 28, 2011

    Tell All book about Anthony Weiner will reveal attraction to men

    There have been rumors about the sexuality of former Queens, NY, Congressman Anthony Weiner. His appearing naked in camera phone messages taken in the Congressional gym indicates a certain instability. Today's New York Post has a cover story concerni...

  • December 3, 2011

    Of Mice and Moshen

    Ihe New York Post ran an incredible story about Mohsen Hosseinkhani, a man who claims to have earned a Ph.D. "from Harvard Medical School" and then a medical degree from Shahid Behesti Medical University in Iran. You have to read way down into t...

  • November 10, 2011

    Occupy Atlanta has confirmed Tuberculosis cases

    In 1956, the Israeli Sinai War was code named "Operation Ten Plagues" after the 10 plagues Moses visited upon the Egyptians (flies, lice, locus, blood, etc.). Now we have, it appears, de facto plague warfare spread by OWS people and their homeless co...

  • September 14, 2011

    Turner's NY 9 victory upsets redistricting deal

    David Seifman in the NY Post points out that the Republican gain of Anthony Weiner's former seat is more than symbolic, i.e. it means the Ninth District won't easily be gerrymandered as a result of the 2010 Census: With the state slated to lose two ...

  • August 15, 2011

    Krugman's Out-of-This-World Suggestion (Updated)

    Wow. They must have a bad paint fumes problem at a noted economist's office. Paul Krugman of the New York Times has suggested we need a war with space aliens, such as on an old Twilight Zone episode. You can see a video of that comment at Newsbusters...

  • June 13, 2011

    About Those Pro-Weiner 9th District Polls

    Much has been made of stories saying that the people of Congressman Weiner's district want him to stay. Let's look into this a bit further.  New York's 9th Congressional District is a gerrymandered creation, the result of New York State's previo...

  • January 31, 2011

    Laughing Your Head Off in Liberal Land

    The new tone of civility the liberals are pursuing apparently includes wishing violent death on Sarah Palin.  Recently in Missoula, Montana, an otherwise high-quality performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado by the Missoula Children's Th...

  • December 18, 2010

    Sacrificed Survivors of 9/11

    In the 2002 movie The Guys, based on a true story, a lady English professor is asked to help a New York City Fire Dept. captain write eulogies for eight of his men who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11.  A big part of the captain's "ne...

  • December 11, 2010

    The 9/11 Responders Health Bill Failure

    Thursday, the Senate Republicans got blamed for not passing the Zadroga Bill, a $7.4-billion piece of legislation to aid those who have respiratory and other serious health problems as a result of working at Ground Zero in the post-9/11 World Trade C...

  • September 7, 2010

    Gov. Paterson, do you miss Rush yet?

    A number of months back, Governor David Paterson famously taunted Rush Limbaugh as Rush sold his New York City apartment and left the state, complaining about a raise in New York taxes. "If I knew that would be the result, I would've thought abo...

  • August 24, 2010

    Rauf, the Peter Principle Imam

    Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has achieved fame and notoriety in America based on his effort to build a mosque at a Ground Zero site that sustained damage from the attack. If we take him at his word, that his intention is to build bridges not to aggravate t...

  • December 15, 2007

    John Bolton and his Upper West Side 'press conference'

    Last Thursday night, former UN Ambassador John Bolton went to the Barnes & Noble store at Lincoln Center, on Manhattan's Upper West Side, ostensibly to promote his new book about his experiences at the UN, Surrender is not an Option.  When h...

  • May 13, 2007

    The SS Exodus, Baltimore, Hollywood, and Harry Truman

    Many people in America today have gotten their understanding of the birth of modern Israel and the journey of the ship Exodus from the best selling novel and movie of the same name. I saw the movie as a child and thought I was watching an accurate hi...

  • March 25, 2007

    Bottom up and top down changes for fighting in Iraq

    In Washington on March 17th, at the Gathering of Eagles stage area just east of Vietnam Veterans' Memorial, I got to hear some spirited speeches, but Air Force Maj. Eric Egland's urging of more support for bottom up tactics and intelligence gathering...

  • December 4, 2005

    Oriana Fallaci in New York

    Last Monday night, the Center for the Study of Popular Culture gave Oriana Fallaci the Annie Taylor Award (named after the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel) at a dinner in New York. I eagerly purchased a ticket to the evnt, expe...

  • September 22, 2005

    Big Labor, Wal-Mart and Hillary

    Wal—Mart, the largest private sector employer in America, is the number one object of hatred and derision on the part of Big Labor  and many of its allies on the left. The AFL—CIO opposes Wal—Mart because it is a non—unio...

  • July 6, 2005

    Non-lethal weapons not liberal enough

    For many years, the military has been doing research into non—lethal weapons, mostly for crowd control and hostage situations. Liberals have often encouraged this research, as a means of restraining the use of firearms or other deadly force. T...

  • June 5, 2005

    Amnesty International and atrocity

    I'm confused. The left, in the personage of Amnesty International, is claiming that the Guantanamo Bay detention camp is as bad as the old Soviet Gulag camps. They called it "the gulag of our time." Notice that they artfully avoid using the words "So...

  • February 16, 2005

    How does the Left know that Hitler is bad?

    Recently, a high school student, seventeen—year—old Jeffrey Eden of Charlestown, R.I, Rhode Island won a prominent award, the 'Silver Key,'  by constructing a diorama comparing President Bush and Adolf Hitler: ''Bush/Hitler and How H...

  • January 16, 2005

    Moral relativism

    In these days of liberals attacking Jesusland, and advocating moral relativism with its no right and wrong philosophy, I always hark back to the words of Barbra Streisand. Yes, for real. Actually, they were the words of Neil Simon, spoken by Barbra, ...

  • December 24, 2004

    Christmas, Hanukkah and political correctness

    A federal judge yesterday upheld the city's ban on Nativity scenes in public schools after it was challenged by a Catholic mom from Queens.Andrea Skoros of College Point charged that her two sons, Nicholas, 10, and Christos, 8, were "coerced" into co...

  • December 20, 2004

    Upping the ante on lowering the voting age

    Since Left Coast Democrats, led by State Senator John Vasconcellos, have called for a proposed amendment to the California State Constiution that would lower the voting age to 14, I thought I'd go them one better by proposing 14 year olds vote i...

  • December 10, 2004

    Hillbilly armor and adaptability

    Chattanooga Times Free Press reporter Edward Lee Pitts has criticized the military for not having full armor for all vehicles in Iraq and has admitted he convinced the soldier at Secretary Rumsfeld's press conference to ask his question for him on th...

  • December 4, 2004

    Spirit and sensivity

    Last year, my father died and, in chance conversations with two liberal Jews, I used a common Yiddish & Hebrew phrase, Uleh leh shulem ('He rose to Heaven to his Peace'). They didn't know what I was talking about. One had the decency to admit it ...

  • November 30, 2004

    Documentaries and disinformation

    I recently got around to buying the 1996 documentary movie Fire On the Mountain, the story of the 10th Mountain Division in World War II and the contributions its members made to America after the war. Why would a bunch of hip filmmakers who show at ...

  • November 26, 2004

    Denial on the Hudson: liberals and 9/11

    The liberals now have a new cause: outrage that Republican voters and their President would consider that the 'Death of History' has risen from its grave. This coincides nicely with their previous sore point, outrage that voters in Jesusland believe ...