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March 28, 2025
Yahoo Finance writer says Trump’s tariffs will see America driving Cuban-style antique carsFor months before and after the election, most of the media have been working very hard to scare Americans that Trump’s tariffs would absolutely devastate their purchasing power. Meanwhile, throughout the four years of Biden’s presidency,...
March 27, 2025
The Signal Scandal was a nothingburger, but the WSJ takes the opportunity to attack VanceThe WSJ is no better than all the leftist rags peddling propaganda, and this latest story in regards to the Signal group chat debacle is just another example. The paper never liked Vance as the VP choice, and they also tried to take out Gabbard, H...
March 24, 2025
The president and his policies do make a differenceThe main goal of Joe Biden and the Democrats was to make the government more centralized, controlling, and powerful. They want to tax more, spend more, and regulate more. They wanted to destroy oil, coal, and natural gas companies, and to take away f...
March 20, 2025
Trump’s in, and suddenly Jerome Powell is concerned about inflationJerome Powell says Trump’s trade policies will cause inflation but does not explain why the tariffs in his first term didn’t. Why doesn’t Powell say how fewer regulations and lower energy prices will lower inflation?...
March 11, 2025
A history lesson, using Ronald ReaganIt is understandable that anyone born after 1970 doesn’t remember the disaster that Ronald Reagan inherited from Jimmy Carter. It is pathetic that people like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and so many in the media look at the first two months of...
March 6, 2025
Media work overtime to hide Trump’s progress, and the Democrats’ hypocrisyWhile most of the media work very hard to destroy President Trump and Elon Musk, and keep the public in the dark about how the government spends our money, they also work hard to hide a lot of progress that Trump is making. Here are the Trump stor...
March 3, 2025
Why Illinois and the U.S. are brokeIllinois, a sanctuary state, with Democrat super majorities in both the House and Senate, a Democrat governor, and all state office holders who are Democrats, continuously imposes higher taxes on its citizens. They are chasing away taxpayers while in...
March 1, 2025
The reporting on Republicans hasn't changed much in more than forty yearsThe press has a funny way of getting it wrong as they assess Republicans. Once they are proven fools, they pretend nothing is wrong. This has been going on for a while. President Reagan was called a dangerous cowboy and an amiable dunce. ...
February 27, 2025
How would keeping tax rates the same cost the federal government money?We are constantly told that if Trump’s tax rates from 2017 are continued, it will cost over $5 trillion over the next ten years. That seems to be what would happen only in a theoretical or fictional world, where tax receipts are...
February 24, 2025
All of a sudden, the media and other Democrats are worried about job lossesFor five years, a huge number of highly paid government workers in D.C. have been allowed to work from home, and not once did I see the media and other Democrats worry about the waste of taxpayer dollars, or all the residual losses at local businesse...
February 24, 2025
Media disseminates fear porn over Trump’s federal downsizingThe media is spreading many horror stories about federal employees being let go by PresidentTrump; with all the fearmongering, you’d think that there isn’t just a superfluous amount of federal workers. We have always been treated to sc...
February 23, 2025
What about all the jobs in the oil and gas industry? Why didn't the media worry about them?The federal government is clearly bloated. Spending has grown 600% since 1990 from around $1 trillion to around $7 trillion while inflation has gone up around 140%. Yet, the media and other Democrats are reacting to Trump's audits of ...
February 23, 2025
Lies, damn lies, and statistics—or, in the case of Democrats, pollsThe media and other Democrats intentionally and routinely use skewed polls to mislead the public. Trump won the election, including the popular vote, so one would think that a fair poll would recognize that result. However, that’s not how th...
February 21, 2025
The AP and other media outlets should look in the mirror when they complain about being silencedThe AP and other media outlets are whining loudly about the White House blocking the AP from being in the press room and on the plane. They claim they are being silenced, but that is not true. They can say and print whatever they want, but they aren...
February 20, 2025
A quick overview of the Russo-Ukrainian war, from 2008–2025Here is a simple timeline of the Russo-Ukrainian war over the last 16 years, going through the administrations of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Donald Trump” In 2009, Obama reneged on U.S. agreement to provide missile defense to Poland and th...
February 17, 2025
Maybe we could ask Al Gore, John Kerry, and the UN to explain why we should go along with the Paris Climate Agreement?Maybe we should ask Al Gore, John Kerry, and the United Nations to explain why America should go along with the Paris Climate Agreement? On second thought, since these people don’t deal in facts, maybe not. After 160 years of an exponential ...
February 17, 2025
The German central bank agrees with President Trump!In trade relations between Germany and the U.S., the European nation has clearly been on the winning side of unfair policies, and now the president of the nation’s central bank says Germany would “suffer” if President Trump were to ...
February 16, 2025
The prosecutors noisily resigning over Eric Adams’ dropped charges are hypocritesI am very confused as to why New York-based Department of Justice (“DOJ”) prosecutors are so ticked off about the DOJ dismissing New York Mayor Eric Adams’ case. I ask this because they’ve never been incensed when Biden’...
February 15, 2025
Trump is just following Bill Clinton’s bureaucracy-cutting exampleFor all the Democrats engaged in a weeping and gnashing of teeth exercise, let’s remember that President Trump is just following Bill Clinton’s bureaucracy-cutting example. Here are some stats from Google AI: In 1990, the U.S. populati...
February 15, 2025
Oh, the weather outside is frightful!After 160 years of an exponential rise in our use of oil, coal, and natural gas... After decades of being told that humans, CO2, red meat, cars, trucks, gas grills, gas appliances, and multiple other things are causing disastrous global warming......
February 13, 2025
It has been obvious for a long time that remote work has a negative impact on productivityA significant majority of federal government workers are complaining that they are being required to show up to work instead of being allowed to work from home, as they have been allowed to do for five years now. A new article from Fortune via Yah...
February 12, 2025
Melting down over DOGEIn FY 2024, the U.S. had an almost $2 trillion deficit, almost 7% of the total GDP, in a supposedly good economy. Total debt is over $36 trillion, and our economy has a GDP of less than $30 trillion, which includes massive amounts of government spend...
February 7, 2025
Progs and Dems keep going with the ‘Trump is controversial’ schtickI keep reading about how investors and others are having trouble figuring out what President Trump wants to do, policy-wise. That seems odd since he is so transparent, and has several basic common sense principles from which he operates. The compl...
February 5, 2025
After four years of near silence, media Democrats suddenly decide it’s time to address big government problems—and blame TrumpWe’re hearing the media and other Democrats talk a lot about inflation today (after four years of essentially ignoring it), complaining that President Trump has broken his promise because prices haven’t gone down in the last two weeks. Th...
February 5, 2025
Trump to put maximum pressure on Iran, revelation doesn’t drive up the price of oilI like Zero Hedge, but this article on oil prices isn’t very good. One of President Trump’s main goals is to lower prices for businesses and consumers, so this is great news. It was bad news when prices surged as soon as Biden was install...
February 4, 2025
The WSJ gets more pathetic every day as they try to pooh-pooh Trump's trade warTwo days ago, the Wall Street Journal ran this piece on President Trump's tariffs on China, Mexico and Canada: The Dumbest Trade War Fallout Begins President Trump conceded Sunday that there may be “some pain” from his sweepin...
February 4, 2025
When Democrats say you’re ‘screwing up,’ time to double downFrom Yahoo News: Weighing in on the Trump administration’s actions of the past week, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said he didn’t know President Trump would “screw up so soon.” The comment, publish...
February 3, 2025
A Washington Post writer seems to be confused as to which administration lacked compassionMost of the media has always acted as though Joe Biden and his Democrats are the ones who show compassion and empathy, while Republicans are just mean. Take a look at this headline that ran in the Washington Post, by its columnist, Colbert I. King...
February 2, 2025
With Trump imposing tariffs, suddenly the media is concerned about inflationPresident Trump is imposing tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China to force them to help the U.S on illegal immigration and drug trafficking. The media and other Democrats are complaining that it will cost Americans more than $800 even though T...
February 1, 2025
What if tax cuts are actually...good for the economy?We are told that keeping Trump’s tax rates the same or lowering them a little will cost the government trillions of dollars in the future. This is the same false prediction that was given by the CBO and why Democrats voted against th...
January 31, 2025
Democrats weep crocodile tears about tariffs, but ignore how taxes, regulations, and government spending raise costsI have never seen such simple-minded ignorance when I see most of the media and other Democrats talk about the economy, including basic economic knowledge. Take tariffs. Democrats just repeat the mantra of how the consumer pays 100% of the tari...
January 30, 2025
When ‘economists’ complain about Trump’s policiesCNBC had Jared Bernstein on Wednesday morning to warn about the dangers of Trump’s policies effects on inflation. Bernstein, who was a top economic spokespuppet (adviser) under Biden, is warning that Trump’s policies could reigni...
January 29, 2025
Democrats put lipstick on a pigFor the last ten years, the media and other Democrats tried to destroy President Trump. They tried to impeach him twice and they opposed almost everything he supported. They still call him 'Hitler' and 'an authoritarian.' But ...
January 28, 2025
Doomsday alert....again!On Monday, my local paper treated the reader to a long article warning us of doomsday. This report has been issued for 79 years and so far, we are OK—but while I anxiously await this brilliant report from so-called scientific experts, I tracked...
January 27, 2025
Easy solutions for birthright citizenshipThe easiest solution would be for the Supreme Court to reverse the ridiculous decision from the 1800s that gave newborn children of illegal parents this privilege. The second solution would be to just immediately deport illegally-present parents o...
January 26, 2025
When US media carry water for Mexican drug cartelsMexican cartels are making billions trafficking illegals and drugs across our border. They are allowing dangerous gangs and terrorists to invade the U.S and destroy our country. They are raping and killing women and children....
January 26, 2025
Where is the 'independence' in the Washington swamp?The media and other Democrats are having a collective cow because supposedly independent inspectors general have been canned. According to USA Today: President Donald Trump fired over a dozen inspectors general ac...
January 25, 2025
Democrats' only guiding principle is the quest for more power for the government over the peopleNearly three months after the election, Democrats are on a scavenger hunt looking for their guiding principles. According to this report in Semafor: ‘Give us a little time’: Democrats search for a guiding principle against...
January 24, 2025
John Brennan should be prosecutedOne of the best and most important things President Trump did as soon as he took office was to take away the security clearances of 51 intelligence officials who, at the request of Antony Blinken, signed a letter to interfere in the 2020 election. Th...
January 23, 2025
At long last, a president who cares about facts and scienceAfter years of having a president who barely could read and just repeated what was put in front of him, we now have a president who can think and answer questions. He is even able to answer reporters' questions from reporters without get...
January 23, 2025
DC pigs squeal about Trump’s ‘aggressive’ upsetting of the apple cartThe media, bureaucrats, and politicians—all mostly Democrats—squealed like stuck pigs when President Trump, Elon Musk, and Vivek Ramaswamy pointed out all of the wasteful spending that was in the 1,500 page Continuing Resolution; these go...
January 23, 2025
The porno industry crawls out from under its rock and claims protecting kids from their 'product' will harm themPornography is still around, harming our kids, and as an unscrupulous business, it fights for its interests by fair means or foul. This Yahoo! News article says that requiring age verification to observe pornography will do more harm than good for...
January 21, 2025
Another idiotic forecast: Why does anyone still pay attention to Paul Krugman?Former New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who's famous for predicting that President Trump would bring global recession in 2017, can't stop talking. Now he's now got another forecast for us. Nobel economist Paul Krugman says T...
January 19, 2025
After 60 Minutes interview, FBI director Christopher Wray reminds why FBI credibility is in shamblesThe Justice Department did little, if anything, to stop the millions of illegals that the Biden administration openly allowed to come across the border. The illegals crossing included gangs, terrorists, killers, rapists, and tens of thousand...
January 18, 2025
Biden pardons 2,500 for what he claims were 'non-violent' drug offensesIn the past few weeks, following his pardon of his corrupt son, Hunter, Joe Biden has commuted and pardoned over 4,000 other people. Here is his latest mass commutation: Biden commutes sentences of nearly 2,500 nonviolent drug offenders ...
January 18, 2025
Janet Yellen throws another can of garbage into the Biden dumpster fire economyAfter four years of allowing Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats to spend up a storm and calling inflation "transitory." Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is suddenly concerned about the debt ceiling. In Her Last Official Act, Yellen Warn...
January 17, 2025
Nobody empowered oligarchs like Biden didAs part of Biden's farewell speech (where he spread a tremendous amount of misinformation, while claiming to care about the dangers of misinformation), he warned about billionaires having too much power. Throughout Biden's four years in of...
January 16, 2025
LA fires become breeding ground for ‘climate change’ propagandaIt has been obvious for a long time that the climate is and has always changed cyclically and naturally. So why do most journalists continue to repeat that humans and our use of natural resources is causing warming that is causing ice to melt, oceans...
January 16, 2025
Joe Biden’s farewell letter is full of classic Biden whoppersOn Joe Biden’s way out of office, he and his puppet masters are doing everything they can to tie Trump’s hands so they can blame him for failing to lower inflation, eliminate unnecessary federal workers, lower energy prices, and deport as...
January 14, 2025
WaPo publishes an attempt to rewrite history to boost Biden’s pathetic legacyWhere is Glenn Kessler, the person posing as a fact checker for The Washington Post, when you need him? Before publishing a claim that Joe Biden has left a “remarkable legacy” on the public health sector, shouldn’t we at least analy...
January 13, 2025
If progressivism is so progressive, why does it keep taking us back to the Stone Age?President Trump is always thinking of ways to make America stronger and safer, and when America is stronger and safer, the world is stronger and safer. The Panama Canal is extremely important to America and the world for trade. ...
January 13, 2025
Jake Sullivan: Joe Biden kept America ‘out of war’ and her people are ‘safer’ now than four years agoI have to wonder what Jake Sullivan has been smoking, or if the cocaine found in the White House belonged to him when I read this stuff: Jake Sullivan: After Biden Our Alliances Are Stronger, Our Enemies Are Weaker National Security adviser J...
January 13, 2025
Media and Democrats uncover the culprit behind the fires in LA: Donald TrumpThe media and other Democrats endlessly complain about misinformation, but here is Massachusetts senator Ed Markey spreading false information about how the fires in California are caused by oil and Trump, a pair of outrageous lies: Dem senator ...
January 12, 2025
Leftists whine about ‘conservative backlash’ to DIEInstead of focusing on hiring the most qualified people, the government, educators, and businesses have focused on picking people who matched a desired skin color, or sexual preference, to fill board seats and other jobs. Now, heaven forbid, Repub...
January 11, 2025
The Fed goes ‘proactively hostile’ against TrumpThe swamp is deep and it clearly includes the supposedly independent Federal Reserve which sets interest rates. The bank was lowering interest rates in 2024, but now they are talking about slowing down cuts because of a theoretical increase in inflat...
January 10, 2025
Gavin Newsom actually does something right for onceHell has officially frozen over, and Gavin Newsom has actually done something right for once—he’s eliminating college degree requirements for a number of state jobs. There is a great reason to do so: Most jobs don’t need one year...
January 9, 2025
More veiled threats against those asking the government what it really knew about the migrant rape gangsThe British government, with help from the BBC, is seeking to silence Elon Musk and obviously others, from telling the truth about the horrific rapes of children by Muslim migrants, because telling the truth would amount to racism and Islamophobia. F...
January 9, 2025
Maybe California politicians should listen to Trump instead of seeking to Trump-proof the stateTrump has had the common sense for years to tell California that they should clean up the underbrush and save water when they have record rain and snow. Instead of listening to Trump and following his advice, the complicit media and other Democrats m...
January 9, 2025
Joe Biden reveals that he warned Trump not to use the government to settle political scoresJoe Biden is a congenital liar who can’t seem to remember anything, so I have no idea whether what he said he did a month ago is true, but apparently…Biden is lamenting his decision to appoint Merrick Garland because the prosecutor faile...
January 6, 2025
Joe Biden authors an essay for WaPo about ‘what to remember’ on January 6Joe Biden probably doesn’t remember what he had for lunch, what he did yesterday, or what day it even is—there’s no way he remembers anything accurately from four years ago. Yet, that didn’t stop The Washington Post from pu...
January 5, 2025
Carville, like most Democrats, deludes himself about why Democrats lost the electionJames Carville said the Democrats would have won the election in a landslide if they would have disposed of Biden a year earlier. According to The Hill: Democratic strategist James Carville said Democrats would have easily won...
January 4, 2025
More garbage from the experts, speaking of terrorismAfter the current terrorist attack in New Orleans, NBC has come up with a report from so-called experts blaming the right wing extremists for most attacks in the U.S. This NBC News article is meant to divert blame from the FBI and others for failing ...
January 3, 2025
WaPo wants Congress to get a pay raiseWe are running a $2 trillion debt in a supposedly good economy, and somehow the WaPo editorial board believes that members of Congress deserve a raise: Congress — yes, even the members you dislike — should get a pay raise La...
January 3, 2025
New study condemning certain kitchen utensils was based on a ‘major math error’It is amazing how many reports, meant to scare the public into compliance, are so wrong. No matter how often this occurs, most of the media just repeats what they are told, which makes them worthless, and dangerous. A new report, obviously not ser...
January 1, 2025
A ‘greening’ Earth is bad for plant-eating animalsMore pure idiocy from green pushers spread by the complicit media, via Yahoo News: Climate change is making plants less nutritious − that could already be hurting animals that are grazers More than one-third of all animals on Earth, fro...
December 31, 2024
Carter appears to be as decent to others as Biden is honest and empatheticThe media and others spend a lot of time rewriting history and misleading the public. Jimmy Carter was a terrible president, but the media said what a genuinely nice person he was otherwise. Yet, here we see a story about how he treated people whe...
December 31, 2024
Progress! NY’s commitment to destroying the state economy continues unhinderedSee also Olivia Murray’s “Kathy Hochul signs law that fines energy companies $75 billion for ‘climate change’”. Democrats have been seeking to put oil, gas, and coal companies out of business for years based on a mass...
December 30, 2024
Most of the media seem to think their job is protecting the status quoMost of the media is working very hard to destroy Trump's nominations for cabinet no matter how much fake dirt they have to dig up. They are also working to protect the status quo and bureaucracy no matter how much incompetence and corru...
December 20, 2024
Media loses all their marbles, claims Musk is the real president and Trump is just a puppetThe media have a new talking point to trash Trump—they have decided that they will say that the “elected to nothing” Elon Musk is president, and Trump is just his puppet. What a joke. Not once have I ever seen these same people q...
December 18, 2024
Horrific story about Venezuelan migrant gangbangers violently torturing people in Colorado doesn’t get picked up by the legacy mediaThere was a horrific story out yesterday about violence in Colorado; I saw it on a few shows on Fox News, but it didn’t make ABC nightly news. My guess is it also didn’t make NBC or CBS News. It is not on Yahoo, Drudge Report, or Washingt...
December 17, 2024
Wall Street Journal blows it on interest rates and inflationInflation skyrocketed because of Biden’s spending, regulations, border policies, and energy policies, not because of low interest rates. Then inflation slowed down because people hit a brick wall on spending, not because Biden’s ...
December 16, 2024
Biden administration finally admits its policy on Iran has failedAfter 12 years of Obama, Biden, and their entire administrations of so-called experts and “adults in the room” appeasing and funding Iran to get its regime to pretend it would behave, they admit their policy failed. They admit the failure...
December 15, 2024
Anchor babies with birthright citizenship is an idiotic policy that encourages migrants to come to the U.S. illegallyBirthright citizenship essentially invites people from around the world, who happen to be pregnant, to make every effort they can to come into our country, whether they break our laws to get in or not. They don't want to take the ti...
December 14, 2024
Scientists now know how many years of life you lose when you eat a hot dog!Supposedly you lose 12 minutes of life every time you drink a soda and 24 minutes if you eat a hot dog. And of course the media report it as if it were true with no questions asked. Scientists reveal you lose 12 minute...
December 13, 2024
This is what happens when bureaucrats who have never run a business make rules for the rest of usThe Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a bureaucracy created out of thin air by socialist Elizabeth Warren. Democrats pretend the bureau is just there to protect consumers which is B.S. Their budget is not controlled by Congress or anyone. They ...
December 12, 2024
Biden, the media, and other Democrats spend a lot of time rewriting history to pretend that the Biden years have been goodJoe Biden, the media, and other Democrats sure spend a lot of time trying to rewrite history to pretend that the Biden years were good, forgetting that we all have lived experiences. They continue to lie that they inherited a bad economy when it w...
December 12, 2024
A running list of ‘intelligence community’ screwupsBelow are just some of the things that the Democrat intelligence community under Joe Biden has screwed up on: A Chinese spy balloon was allowed to fly over the U.S. gathering information. Large drones have been flying around the Northeast for w...
December 11, 2024
Inauguration Day means the DoJ gets back in the business of justiceFor four years, millions of illegals have poured across our borders. This includes a huge number of terrorists and dangerous criminals like gang members. Drugs have flowed in, and children and women have been trafficked, raped, and killed. ...
December 10, 2024
Leftists now making ridiculous claims that Trump's policies 'will ruin you'Vladimir Lenin in his many letters to other communists, used to rant and rave about other revolutionaries, calling them "idiots," who "are going to ruin everything." Today's leftists are now weirdly echoing that early Sovie...
December 9, 2024
So where are the articles complaining about Medicare and Obamacare insurance coverage denials?Ever since the UnitedHealthCare CEO was killed, we see a lot of articles railing against denials by private health insurance companies. We even see some degenerate people claiming that health insurance executives deserve to get killed. What we don...
December 9, 2024
Peggy Noonan attempts to diminish offense of Hunter Biden pardon by attacking Trump’s nominations, calling it a ‘bipartisan slippage’ of moralityBelow, Peggy Noonan somehow compares Joe Biden’s continuous lies about how he would not be pardoning Hunter… before giving his son a blanket pardon for crimes he obviously committed but was never charged with, to people she claims are un...
December 9, 2024
WaPo journo argues it’s cruel to force federal employees back to the office because it amounts to an ‘invisible’ pay cutIf we had a strong president instead of a weak figurehead for the last four years, the federal workforce would have been required to show up for work at the office years ago. Instead of Biden surrounding himself with anyone with a business background...
December 7, 2024
How can anyone say our unemployment stats are good?I would challenge anyone to look at employment and unemployment statistics over the last year and justify the media’s and other Democrats’ talking points that the economy is strong. These numbers are from the household...
December 6, 2024
Pete Hegseth in the media’s crosshairsAgents in the legacy media will seek to destroy anyone who gets in the way of radical Democrat policies, no matter what they have to fabricate and falsify. Meanwhile, they will catch and kill stories protecting their chosen ones. They destroyed Ma...
December 6, 2024
Déjà vu: ‘Former intelligence officials’ warn about Tulsi Gabbard’s nominationAnother letter has magically appeared, signed by 100 former intelligence and national security officials, warning about Tulsi Gabbard’s nomination: Nearly 100 former national security officials 'alarmed' at prospect of Gabbard lead...
December 5, 2024
Democrats know they have to lie to the public about their policies to win electionsDuring the 2024 presidential campaign, Democrat Kamala Harris tried to run away from her beliefs and policies as fast as she could. Open borders, abolishing fracking, health care for illegals, higher taxes, and forcing people to buy electric cars ...
December 4, 2024
Pakistan put all its energy eggs in China’s basket, and now its people can’t afford to keep the lights onOne of the best ways to create an environment in which an economy can thrive is to have abundant, reliable, reasonably priced energy; a sure way to destroy an economy is to make it so only the rich can afford the utilities. Here, Pakistan accepted...
December 3, 2024
What sort of legacy does Joe Biden have to ‘tarnish’?The dishonest media, who hid the obvious mental decline of Biden for years, now act shocked that Biden pardoned his son. They act as if it is rare for a congenital liar like Biden to lie. Here, CNN says that this pardon will ta...
December 1, 2024
Trump understands that curbing monstrous government spending is what will halt inflationThe U.S. debt is hitting record amounts now. According to Fox Business: The $36 trillion debt milestone comes just months after the U.S. eclipsed the $35 trillion mark in late July 2024. The national debt has passed other trillion-d...
November 29, 2024
John Kerry hits the circuit to campaign for an official ‘climate emergency’John Kerry and other green pushers are out there every day trying to scare people into capitulation to give up their quality of life. In the following article, he warns of a “climate emergency,” but then magically transitions the conve...
November 27, 2024
The myth of an independent Justice DepartmentThe Justice Department, under Garland, has clearly done what the boss ordered. The green energy kickbacks have always been a massive scam, a way for Democrats, especially under Joe Biden and Barack Obama, to dole out huge amounts of our mone...
November 26, 2024
Biden is working very hard… to screw things up before he leavesMedicare, Medicaid, and the U.S. are broke, so what does Joe Biden do? He suggests doling out massive subsidies for drugs that aren’t currently covered: Biden proposes Medicare and Medicaid cover costly weight-loss drugs for millions of ob...
November 25, 2024
Democrats and the media campaign against Trump’s cabinet picks by attaching the ‘compromised’ labelNo matter who President Trump picks, the media and other Democrats seek to trash and besmirch their character and name. If they succeed in taking down one, they just move on to the next target. Trump is obviously (personally and painfully) aware that...
November 22, 2024
Bill Clinton blames Trump for the public’s lack of confidence in the governmentIt seems that Bill Clinton is as delusional and confused as Joe Biden is. Clinton campaigned for the most incompetent candidate the Democrat party has ever put forth, speaks on behalf of the progressive policies that have utterly decimated this na...
November 22, 2024
So Trump’s tax cuts will hurt in the long run?One thing missing from all these articles is how much taxes to the government have gone up since the tax rate cuts went into effect in 2018. Trump’s win means low taxes, stock market gains, and economic growth — for now The ...
November 21, 2024
Not everyone is happy about DOGE’s mission to slash the bloated bureaucracy…The headline is correct but the article is essentially a justification for the bloated status quo: Vivek’s back-to-the-office mandate could finally eradicate the deep state New Trump administration can demonstrate its commitment to fisc...
November 21, 2024
If leftist women want ‘a better quality of life,’ Europe won’t provide itEver since the Dobbs decision, the media and other Democrats said that millions of women would die because they wouldn’t have unlimited access to abortion. Instead of calling it abortion, they called it “reproductive rights....
November 20, 2024
The world will become safer when the ‘adults in the room’ are… goneThe world will become safer when the “adults in the room” are… gone. The Biden administration has repeatedly told Israel to stop harming terrorists and sign ceasefire deals so they can continue their mission to destroy Israel, b...
November 19, 2024
No one should believe economists—they are apologists for bad policiesThis article in USA Today is so full of misinformation that it’s hard to know where to start. They work very hard to absolve Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their policies for the rapid rise in inflation—but the actual evidence shows how re...
November 19, 2024
Who is more dangerous: RFK Jr. or Bill Gates?The media and other Democrats love Bill Gates, who lives in a 60,000-sq.-ft. mansion and flies around the world in private jets, because he is a green pusher. RFK Jr. wants to get a lot of chemicals out of food to make it more natural, and we are ...
November 19, 2024
Illegal vote-counting continues in Pennsylvania, and even the Democrat governor calls out the cheatingDemocrats have said they never challenge elections and elections are clean and pure, but these lies have been on clear display in Pennsylvania for days. County election counters even bragged that they were ignoring the law. After days of cheating ...
November 18, 2024
A deal that the media and other Democrats shouldn’t be able to refuse…The House will release the Gaetz ethics report on the same day that… The January 6th committee releases all the information and recordings from witnesses that they hid from the public. They should also send a list of all documents they dest...
November 18, 2024
CNN reports on ‘sticker shock’ of car prices post-Biden-Harris, but refuses to acknowledge the causeAll too frequently, mainstream media outlets spot the problems, but refuse to tell the truth about the causes. Here, CNN via Yahoo News identifies the problem of high prices for cars, which also causes insurance and repair costs to skyrocket, but fai...
November 15, 2024
Democrats denied the pain of Bidenomics, and it cost them Congress and the White HouseIf the media and other Democrats would like to understand why they lost, all they would have to do is look at what average people have experienced over the past four years as the government has grown in size and power, and the purchasing power of the...
November 14, 2024
Elizabeth Warren melts down over Pete Hegseth’s nomination to Secretary of DefenseWhy should anyone care what a woman who stole a job from a legitimate minority at Harvard has to say about anything? Elizabeth Warren is melting down, arguing that having Pete Hegseth as the Secretary of Defense would make the U.S. less safe. When...
November 13, 2024
French wine industry tumbles, and fearmongers blame ‘climate change’We are constantly told that severe droughts and global warming are caused by our use of natural resources to improve our quality and length of life. We are told that we must give up our use of oil, natural gas, coal, meat, and other things or the ear...
November 11, 2024
Pollster Frank Luntz accuses Harris advisors of ‘political malpractice’I have trouble understanding why people continue to rely on pollsters who continually get things so wrong. It is like believing all the false predictions from climate fearmongers and basing policies on those predictions. Here, Frank Luntz says any...
November 8, 2024
The election had nothing to do with racism and sexism… unless they’re referring to the DemocratsThe Democrats always play the race and sex cards when campaigning for office; now a huge number are falsely blaming racism and sexism for President Trump’s victory. It is demonstrably easy to show that Trump’s win had nothing to ...
November 2, 2024
Hilarious: Leftist media scared of RFK Jr. on health careThe complicit media and Kamala Harris are trying to scare the public, saying it would be dangerous to have Robert Kennedy involved with health care, essentially, because he has disagreed with the government pronouncements and rules on health care. H...
October 21, 2024
Why are the media and the Harris-Biden government so intent on hiding the truth from the public?Why are the media and the Harris-Biden government so intent on hiding the truth from the public? Merrick Garland wouldn’t release the full transcript of Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur. It is obvious that the poli...
October 20, 2024
Pay attention to what Democrats do, not what they sayThe United Nations, billionaires, educators, and scientists fly around the world in private jets, eat like kings, and stay in luxury hotels to have gabfests where they pretend they care about their carbon footprint and falsely claim they can control ...
October 19, 2024
The Wall Street Journal needs to get a grip about TrumpTrump had tariffs, lower taxes, energy independence, rapid economic growth, and extremely low inflation during his four years in office. Americans of all races and all economic levels, especially those at the bottom, saw rapid real wage growth. Pov...
October 18, 2024
CNN fearmongers about Antarctica greening at an ‘alarming’ rateA new “climate change” article from CNN, like all the continuous articles on the weather, storms, or warming, is meant to scare people into capitulating into completely changing their way of life. The media just regurgitates what they are...
October 17, 2024
Isn’t it great when MSNBC advises Trump on how to run his campaign?This Democrat campaign worker at MSNBC is saying Trump is destroying his election chances by campaigning in big blue states. He says he is wasting his time. Trump’s new campaign strategy is as incoherent as his rally speec...
October 16, 2024
About whom is Trump speaking when he references the enemy from within?The media is having a collective cow over the fact that President Trump said he worries about the “enemies from within” who will pay a price for what they’ve done to this great nation. Only those with a guilty conscience would ta...
October 15, 2024
The New York Times downplays Kamala's plagiarism, in line with the media's history of dishonest actsKamala Harris clearly plagiarized her 2009 book, "Smart on Crime," touting her virtues as a prosecutor. That's the finding of Chris Rufo of the Manhattan Institute, who has taken down many a puffed up intellectual and university pres...
October 15, 2024
Climate narrative falls apart as the cooler-than-average La Niña expected to appearScientists know that El Niño and La Niña weather patterns have been around for tens of thousands of years, affecting land and ocean temperatures, storm patterns, and “had a role” in the “demise or disruption” of ...
October 13, 2024
Maybe our intelligence agencies have misplaced prioritiesIran, Hamas, and other Iran-sponsored terrorist groups have targeted Israel and the U.S. for destruction for years. But somehow, our intelligence experts never caught wind of all these meetings by Hamas for years where they planned the ...
October 13, 2024
Some ads you will never see from DemocratsBetween Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the polls are extremely close. But that seems odd to me with the following information: Trump is picking up black votes over what Biden won. Trump is picking up a lot of Hispanic votes vs. what B...
October 12, 2024
Why are Democrats so determined to keep non-citizens on the voter rolls?For years, we have been told there is no voter fraud and illegals don't vote. No matter how many states violated their own election laws in 2020, we were told that the election was pure as the driven snow. Here, a Washington Post Democra...
October 12, 2024
It is so hard to spot media bias!I am having trouble finding where Reuters or any other campaign workers for Kamala and other Democrats have reported that George Soros or any other billionaires funded “left-wing” political non-profit organizations who support Kamala and...
October 11, 2024
Democrats fund Iranian terrorism—here’s their rap sheetLebanon is run by terrorists, supported almost 100% by Iran, who have escalated their attacks on Israel for over a year, and now Israel has finally decided to retaliate and take out the terrorists. And as soon as Israel does its job, Joe Biden and Ka...
October 11, 2024
Biden-Harris years defined by spending public money for Democrat vote-buying, but when it comes to hurricane victims, they need CongressNo matter how many illegal aliens have flooded over our border the last four years, we don’t see a budget inquiry illuminating how the government is using our money to pay for housing, food, flights, health care, and other expenses. From where ...
October 10, 2024
A fraudulent Federal ReserveNew York’s attorney general, Letitia James, campaigned on a “get Trump” platform, and set her sights on destroying him no matter how corrupt she had to be. Her case? Donald Trump put out a financial statement with estimated values, ...
October 10, 2024
Susan Rice points the finger at Trump, suggests he violated the Logan ActThis is just one of many October surprises to interfere in the election by the sycophantic media and other Democrats, from an article at The Hill, via Yahoo News: Susan Rice: Trump’s reported calls with Putin appear illegal Former White...
October 6, 2024
Hilarious job numbers from the Bureau of LaborAs the media campaign so vigorously for Democrats and cheer how great the Biden-Harris policies have been, suddenly, the Department of Labor comes out with an unemployment report that blows away expectations. Biden and Harris were out b...
October 2, 2024
JD Vance told the truth about abortion in Minnesota and Walz, along with the media, are bald-faced liarsIn 2023, Minnesota repealed protections for infants born alive during botched abortions, meaning that doctors and mothers can let a fully-developed baby die without health care—which is exactly what President Trump and JD Vance have been saying...
October 1, 2024
Compounding economic problems, and now a port strikeWe are seeing the disastrous results of the Biden-Harris administration on many fronts—the problems compound—and now it’s visible at the ports. Highly paid port workers, who earn between $100,000 to $300,000 per year, are demandi...
October 1, 2024
Plain truth: Carbon credits are worthlessThe first thing people have to know is there is absolutely zero scientific evidence that CO2, cars, oil, coal, natural gas, methane, or anything else that is being blamed for the climate has any direct relationship with temperatures, sea levels, or ...
September 30, 2024
Allan Lichtman lies his face off for Kamala HarrisIf Allan Lichtman, the supposed “prophet of presidential elections”, were honest about how he evaluated his own keys in an election, he would predict that Donald Trump would win instead of Kamala Harris. The following article from RedState reveals th...
September 30, 2024
Alabama’s Secretary of State purges illegals from the voter rolls, DOJ suesMost of the media and other Democrats say we don’t need people to prove their citizenship to vote and we don’t need to have photo IDs because it is already illegal for non-citizens to register to vote, and there is no evidence that there ...
September 30, 2024
Darn facts on the economyOne of the biggest lies of all from the Democrats and the media is that Biden-Harris inherited an economic disaster—but in reality, they inherited a soaring economy. Another lie we are told is how much better Biden-Harris policies have been ...
September 29, 2024
The huge number of migrant criminals released into the U.S. proves that Democrats don't care about the little guyA huge story hit late Friday showing how many illegals ICE knows are roaming the American streets and it's lot of them. Yet most of the mainstream media just ignores the story. More than 13,000 murderers, more than 15,000 dangerous se...
September 27, 2024
Science says the earth’s temperatures are trending cooler—but the talking points and radical policies won’t changeA new study reveals that the earth’s temperatures are trending cooler, but we all know that won’t make any difference on the progressive talking points and radical policies from the left. First, the story: MSM Journos Inadvertentl...
September 26, 2024
CNN gets all puppet-y againKamala Harris is running for president, supposedly to turn the page, which is to get away from policies that don't work. She is pretending she is the candidate of change and most of the media cheers like ignorant puppets. Here, C...
September 25, 2024
Sen. Coons goes off the rails and says people 'misremember’ how bad Trump’s economy wasFor years, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, other Democrats (including many in the media) have intentionally lied to the public, insisting that they “inherited” a deep recession from President Trump and that their policies and high inflation wer...
September 24, 2024
Fox News’s Juan Williams plays the Trump-voters-are-racist cardSomehow, Juan Williams seems to think that anyone who votes for President Trump is a racist: Opinion - Trump is at 48 percent. How could this be possible but for widespread racism? At this point, the racism is obvious. How else does it make s...
September 24, 2024
Media screaming about ‘disinformation’ are the most dangerousEvery day, we get stories in the news targeting Trump and supporting Kamala. And it seems that every week, we get another story about Russia supposedly supporting Trump with false information. We never get a headline about all the...
September 23, 2024
Chicago public school teachers directed to pass illegal alien children, even when they failWhen I saw this article, I thought how great this was for America: Chicago Schools Tell Teachers to Pass Migrant Students Regardless of Performance A new report revealed that illegal immigrant children are receiving special treatment over U.S...
September 23, 2024
That darn Israel!The media repeats the talking point that humans and our use of natural resources causes warming without any data to show that it’s true. Yet, when the Biden-Harris administration builds up the war chest of Iran, and wars and terrorism subseq...
September 20, 2024
Bias through the years: a long list of media infractionsFor decades, most of the media has put forth tremendous effort to destroy people they don’t like, and to protect people they support. Evidence has been irrelevant. During the debate, the ABC moderators spent their time seeking to undermine P...
September 19, 2024
Democrats don’t support women and girlsAmericans are constantly fed a narrative about the pro-woman Democrats, and the anti-woman Republicans, but it is all based on one issue… abortion! But, shouldn’t we look at all issues to see who really supports women and girls? ...
September 18, 2024
When will the media and other Democrats care about the massive damage the open borders have caused?President Trump understands that his oath of office required him to enforce laws Congress passed, which includes Democrats in Congress. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden seemed to think that they didn't have to enforce those laws, so they effectivel...
September 17, 2024
Democrats are intentionally dumbing down the kidsFor decades, most of the media and other Democrats have lied to the public, insisting that they, and not Republicans, care about our children… but their actions and policies show that this propaganda is clearly not true. They only care about m...
September 16, 2024
Trump’s policies are far more popular than Harris’s, and it’s as simple as thatThe choice gets easier every day. President Trump’s common-sense policies are much more popular (and help people of all races and income levels) than Kamala Harris’s, the latter of whom believes that the government is the solution to e...
September 13, 2024
Wall Street Journal joins ABC on Kamala’s campaign staffA scathing report comes out on the exit from Afghanistan, and the WSJ dutifully comes out in its written edition with the following: GOP tries to tie Harris to Afghanistan Now, why would Republicans try to tie her to the disastrous and dea...
September 13, 2024
Anyone who thinks the inflation problem is over has their head stuck in the sandKamala claimed that the economic policies of the Biden-Harris White House have brought inflation down. I would ask a simple question: Which policies? There are none. The reason the inflation increase is lower is because people couldn’t affor...
September 12, 2024
Something is missing from the Goldman Sachs report that Kamala quoted during the debateOn the Tuesday night debate stage, Kamala continuously lied about things like Trump being a big supporter of Project 2025 and repeating the “bloodbath” and “very fine people” hoaxes; but she also touted a report from Goldman S...
September 11, 2024
What ABC moderators didn’t ask….After watching the debate between President Trump and Kamala Harris, what was essentially a dynamic of three-against-one as the two moderators obviously teamed up with Harris, we’re reminded that the media is one of the biggest enemies of the A...
September 11, 2024
Biden-Harris policies have destroyed the poor and middle classesJoe Biden and Kamala Harris repeatedly say they want to help the poor and middle classes but their policies, which caused inflation to soar, have absolutely destroyed the dollar’s purchasing power. People can no longer afford to patronize th...
September 10, 2024
Media bias machine working at full capacity for Kamala and the DemocratsIt is astonishing what the media reports on, and what they don’t, as they campaign for Kamala and other Democrats. Kamala and other Democrats are outraged about guns in certain crimes, but when we see videos of Venezuelan gang members, who w...
September 10, 2024
It is a joke when journalists claim they care about journalistic integrityThis piece of pure garbage is brought to the public by Newsweek. What Does Journalistic Integrity Mean in the Age of Trump? Using the word 'integrity' and 'journalism' in the same sentence is an oxymoron. ...
September 9, 2024
Recapping some of the most erroneous ‘climate change’ predictions“Experts” have been making dire predictions on the climate for over one hundred years, and their solution is always for the government to control our lives. They always falsely claim that the predictions and solutions are based on science...
September 9, 2024
Inflation Reduction Act’s costs are skyrocketingThe falsely named Inflation Reduction Act’s costs are skyrocketing; let’s start with the most obvious. Progressive politicians “invested” $7.5 billion to build E.V. charging stations around the nation and in the first few y...
September 6, 2024
Five days out from the Trump-Harris debate, media begins to excuse Kamala’s expected terrible performanceThe purpose of this article in the Los Angeles Times is to make excuses for Kamala Harris in the upcoming debate: Column: How Trump uses the 'Gish Gallop' to flood debates with lies and nonsense Kamala Harris. Donald Trump. Gish Gallo...
September 5, 2024
MSM tells only part of the story, highlights ‘record number of deaths’ from ‘climate change’The Hill recently ran an article by Zack Budryk, which highlighted the “record number of Americans killed by heat” last year; here’s what he had to say: Extreme heat killed more Americans in 2023 than any other year over nearly...
September 5, 2024
Bidenomics remains an albatross around Kamala’s neck, media steps in to helpFor Joe Biden’s entire term, the media spread the lie about how great his policies and results have been, particularly when it came time to the economy—the “best” economy “ever” they said. Of course, the people try...
September 4, 2024
On the political circuit, Kamala (fake accents and all) pretends that progressive Democrats are the saviors of the working classKamala is out chanting, in multiple accents, how great Democrat policies are for unions and all workers—but are they? For years the Democrats have said the greatest existential threat to our survival is not China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, ...
September 3, 2024
Debunking the bleeding heart Democrats lieThe media has spent a lot of time over the years falsely claiming that Joe Biden and other Democrats are empathetic, and Trump is not. Thirteen military members were killed in the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, and Kamala and Biden have n...
September 2, 2024
The media and other Democrats couldn't care less about the little guy ...Democrats always say they support the little guy. They're lying. They rewrite Title IX rules to destroy womens' sports to benefit the miniscule percentage of men who pretend they are women. They don't think anyone has the righ...
September 2, 2024
WaPo: Kamala is joy, Trump is miseryEveryone should recognize that the WaPo is a propagandist rag; here is an unadulterated piece of garbage from the editorial board as they campaign for Kamala: Harris and Trump are different. They need to explain how different. With two months...
August 31, 2024
Kamala Harris could be debating herself, so let's schedule that debateDana Bash should be the moderator in a coming presidential debate because she can give the two debaters multiple choice questions and never ask follow-up questions. The mics could be open or closed. The debaters, though, would be Kamala Harr...
August 30, 2024
Carbon offsets have always been just another global warming scamIt has been obvious from the day carbon credits started that they are worthless pieces of paper that allow rich people and companies to pretend that they are reducing their carbon footprint. Anyone with a brain could recognize that buying a carbon...
August 29, 2024
Deconstructing the DNC talking-point about being the ‘party of freedom’At the DNC convention, one of their most heard talking points to mislead voters was that the Democrats are the party of freedom. Here is an example of how Democrats view freedom though: The Kennedys are free to vote for anyone they want, as lon...
August 27, 2024
Analyzing how Democrats will supposedly focus on reducing costsKamala Harris, Tim Walz, and other Democrats say they are focused on cutting costs on “Day One,” but we don’t see any details as to what that means. And, aren’t these people in office now? Didn’t “Day One...
August 22, 2024
CNN beclowns itself and says the markets yearn for KamalaIt is a pure love fest in Chicago this week. According to most of the media, the Democratic National Convention is so “electrifying,” and pure “joy” The journalists have clearly received their talking points from the DNC, o...
August 22, 2024
Hunter Biden’s criminal tax trial kicks off next month, but the WSJ says it’s time to move onHunter Biden is tangled up in a criminal tax lawsuit, set to go to trial next month, and there are accusations of attempted influence peddling against an alleged former associate of Hunter’s while the “Big Guy” was VP. And wha...
August 20, 2024
Nouriel Roubini joins Mark Zandi and Paul Krugman and dons a dunce cap, saying Trump’s policies are ‘highly dangerous’ for marketsAlong with Nouriel Roubini, this article quotes Mark Zandi and Paul Krugman, both of whom predicted in 2016 that President Trump’s policies would cause massive job losses and a great recession as they campaigned for Hillary Clinton. They are al...
August 19, 2024
Instead of targeting grocery stores, Comrade Kamala should go after the obvious price-gouging entitiesInstead of targeting grocery stores, which operate on a thin 2% net profit margin, Comrade Kamala should go after the obvious price-gouging entities, and the ones that clearly contribute to the high inflation. The first target should be colleges a...
August 19, 2024
Maybe we should examine how well Democrats controlled health care prices before we allow Kamala to destroy our countryObamacare is a great example of how successful Democrats are when they pass laws that they falsely told the public would reduce health insurance prices by $2,500 per family. The Affordable Care Act of 2010 was a 2,000-page monstrosity with t...
August 18, 2024
Kamala’s inflation rhetoric misses the real culpritKamala is outraged at grocery stores that have a net profit margin of around 2%. Somehow, she blames them for the high inflation that is causing them to live paycheck to paycheck, clean out their savings, and run up their credit card ...
August 18, 2024
No, illegal immigration does not help the U.S. economyThe media and other Democrats have been working very hard to say that Kamala has not been responsible for the open border policy that allows millions of illegals, including terrorists and gang members, to flood our country. Sanctuary cities and st...
August 17, 2024
It is a lie when Biden, Harris and others claim they inherited a disasterThe media fact-checks President Trump and calls him a liar if he overstates crowd sizes or correctly says that Kamala Harris was the border czar, but not once have they called out the Democrats for their continuous lies that they inherited a disastro...
August 17, 2024
So let's take a look at the profit margins of one grocery chain that Kamala claims is 'price gauging'Kamala, and these who surround her and support her claim that that gross profit margins are up among food producers and retailers and that is proof that they are gouging consumers. That is BS or pure stupidity. You can tell they never ra...
August 16, 2024
Kamala and Biden have clearly surrounded themselves with people who know nothing about business or economicsI have taken a few courses in economics and not once have I read that high inflation is caused by demand being too slow. Yet, here is Democrat Sen. Chris Coons, who claims that the inflation that Americans have been inflicted with has been c...
August 15, 2024
MSM says that we can’t blame Democrats for the economy and inflation but the ‘pandemic’ and ‘Russia’The biggest issues to the voters this year are the economy, inflation, and immigration. Therefore, the Democrat campaign workers posing as journalists are working as hard as they can to divert blame for the multiple disasters from Joe Biden, Kamala H...
August 15, 2024
Press claims inflation is licked because consumers are refusing to pay high pricesMost of the media regurgitates about how great Biden and Harris have been in foreign and domestic policy. They pretend that they are responsible for bringing down prices, without giving examples, despite prices still rising at twice the level that th...
August 14, 2024
When you have junk science, you end up with mad scientistsIt seems that every day we’re force-fed nightmarish stories about how the earth is constantly warming because there are too many humans and we consume too much oil, coal, natural gas, and even meat. The solution is always more government contro...
August 14, 2024
Here is an example of what 60 years of Great Society anti-poverty programs can yieldLast week, I was an alternate on a jury in a very sad trial. A two-year-old drowned while at the house of a babysitter who was very poor and who was not being paid by another very poor single mother of three young children. It was re...
August 14, 2024
The press doesn't care if Kamala Harris liesIt has always been the Democrat playbook. Their big-government policies are unpopular and destructive with voters, so at election time they hide the truth from the public. Then they use unelected bureaucrats to impose their agenda on the Americ...
August 12, 2024
Media lapdogs argue Trump’s tax proposals ‘could’ make things worse, suggesting that Kamala is the safer betIt seems that every day members of the media spew attacks on President Trump’s policies, and either deliver absolute silence on Kamala’s vision, or flaunt their pure ignorance on what Kamala’s America would look like. Look at this a...
August 10, 2024
Media think we are talking ourselves into a recession with bad thoughts. Never mind what the government is doingThe media is doing everything it can to hide Kamala Harris's record and policies because it has been so destructive and unpopular. They want to make sure that the public is fed a continuous loop of misinformation that if we go into a recession...
August 8, 2024
The media campaign for Tim Walz gets a particularly sycophantic startIt is astonishing what Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Merrick Garland focus on while the world and economy burn. While terrorists, gang members, child traffickers, and drugs pour across the border, and while the world is embroiled in war, the ...
August 7, 2024
Illinois legislative staffers want to unionize, Democrat bosses keep fighting backIllinois has been run by Democrats for years. Democrats are supposedly pro-union. Illinois is not a right-to-work state. Illinois Democrats pass all sorts of laws that force private companies to cave to unions, to the detriment of the employer and th...
August 4, 2024
Now Kamala is being allowed by the press to run from the basement just like Biden did in 2020Kamala Harris hasn't done any press conferences or sit-down interviews. She says she will debate Trump any time, yet when he offers a debate with the nearly same rules, on September 4, she runs and hides Here are some simple questions...
August 4, 2024
Why I think Trump’s tariffs were great for AmericaThe media, other Democrats and many supposedly smart businesspeople are railing against Trump’s proposed tariffs on China and making up how much they would theoretically cost the average American family. They usually say around $2,000 per year....
August 3, 2024
It is astonishing what aggravates Democrats and what doesn’tEvery once in a while, Bill Maher says some things that make sense. But people should remember that he is a Democrat and will vote for the Democrats no matter how much they lie, no matter how destructive their policies are, and no matter how good Rep...
August 1, 2024
Don’t draw attention to the same immutable characteristics Kamala campaigned on, or you might just be sexist and racistJoe Biden, Kamala Harris, and countless other Democrats have called President Trump and his supporters irredeemable, deplorable, terrorists, racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes, Hitler, fascists, dictators, and the greatest existent...
July 30, 2024
Who are the ‘weird’ ones?It used to be Russia, Russia, Russia. When George Bush was running, he had to pick Cheney to get gravitas. It has always been that Republicans are racists, sexists, transphobes, and xenophobes. Anyone who disagreed with the ...
July 29, 2024
Anybody paying attention to what just happened in Israel?I get news items in my email from the New York Times and the Washington Post every day, giving updates and headlines but I didn't see information about a mass killing yesterday in Israel. I also didn't see this information at the top of ...
July 29, 2024
Economic ‘experts’ strike again to warn about the financial meltdown if Republicans lower taxes and cut spendingAt the beginning of Joe Biden’s term, former Treasury secretary Lawrence Summers correctly predicted that inflation would worsen if Democrats got their way with massive spending. But now, Summers is no different than Paul Krugman or Mark Zandi ...
July 27, 2024
FBI's Strzok-Page lovebirds get $1.2 million because they’re so specialIf you are a Democrat bureaucrat who spends his time at the FBI, not doing his job of going after criminals, but instead violating the Hatch Act while campaigning for Hillary and seeking to destroy Trump, and you get caught, you won’t be p...
July 27, 2024
To save the planet, Bill Gates declares war on butterBill Gates claims he can change the climate by getting rid of cows. According to ZeroHedge: Domestic terrorists, we know, like to cling bitterly to conspiracy theories — like that butter comes from cows. Bill Gates has corrective ideas,...
July 25, 2024
Now climate change is ruining the Earth’s rotation!I don’t know how we can offset the devastation. Studies show that the Earth’s rotation may change from 1 millisecond per century to 2.6 milliseconds per century by the year 2100 if we don’t reduce our emissions....
July 25, 2024
Rep. Nanette Barragán says Democrats need ‘four more years’ to push through the policies needed to lower inflation and high cost of livingThe Democrat party is full of economic illiterates, and here’s the latest example, from a report out at Breitbart News: Dem Rep. Barragán: Biden Needs ‘Four More Years’ to ‘Finish the Implementation’ of Polic...
July 17, 2024
A joke of a lawsuit in New York, and a joke of an article on evaporationTwo stories need attention, and that’s a joke of a lawsuit out of New York, and a joke of an article on evaporation. New York Costco, with a market value of $376 billion, was slapped with a mosquito net for false advertising (fraud) and caus...
July 17, 2024
After our president nearly took a bullet to the head, the Democrats want cooler heads to prevailIn the wake of the assassination attempt against President Trump, leading Democrats across the nation—yes the same ones who have been inciting violence against Trump, comparing him to Adolf Hitler ad nauseam, and calling him the “greatest...
July 16, 2024
Media sounds the alarm on a handful of ‘possibly heat-related’ deathsAfter several weeks of heat, because it is obviously summer, we get a headline about seven people dying, and the cause of death might be heat-related; see below, from a report shared via Yahoo News: Record-breaking heat suspected in at least 7 d...
July 15, 2024
Time to ‘cool down’ the rhetoric and unite, Biden saysFrom Variety: President Joe Biden made an earnest plea for Americans to tone down the political rhetoric and pull together as a nation in the aftermath of Saturday’s shocking assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Biden...
July 11, 2024
Media tries to solicit sympathy for Joe Biden who’s been ‘breathlessly’ attacked since the debateHere’s a pathetic story from Margaret Sullivan at The Guardian: The media has been breathlessly attacking Biden. What about Trump? The bigger story is Donald Trump’s appalling unfitness for office. He tried to overturn a legitimat...
July 11, 2024
Children are intentionally dumbed-down every dayThis following report is correct: New Report Warns the Danger AI Poses to Children AI is dangerous to children. People should recognize that most of this "intelligence" is not artificial at all. It is programmed to regurgitate ...
July 8, 2024
‘They’ shrieked about ‘global warming’ — but now they admit we were ‘accidentally cooling’When it comes to climate science, basically, researchers, mainstream media outlets, the UN, and the Democrats simply make things up as they go along to fit the narrative. When the earth didn’t warm up as much as they predicted, they ch...
July 4, 2024
Leftwing pundits are very confused about the SCOTUS’s immunity ruling; I suggest they read the ConstitutionThe people who think the SCOTUS immunity ruling was erroneous clearly don’t know how to read, or can’t comprehend simple language, or they are simply liars willing to tell the public anything to destroy President Trump. Their sole goal is...
July 3, 2024
What exactly are Biden’s achievements in his first three-and-a-half years?In the wake of the catastrophic debate last week, Bill Clinton, most of the media, and other Democrats have been claiming that although Joe Biden had a rough night, he’s had an extremely successful presidency––basically the public i...
July 2, 2024
SCOTUS decision on Trump immunity case sparks a media meltdownThe Supreme Court makes an obviously correct ruling about presidential immunity, and most of the media and other Democrats have a collective cow, trying to scare the public into believing that this ruling would lead to a dictatorship. Here are the he...
July 1, 2024
Biden’s cognitive abilities are as good as everBiden’s cognitive abilities are as good as ever. He has never been very sharp. His foreign policy decisions have been 100% wrong. Jill and Joe have zero empathy for anyone but themselves. They don...
June 28, 2024
Joe Biden’s biggest lies from last nightSince the media won’t do a fact check on Joe Biden, I will do it for them. Here is a small sample… The border patrol endorsed him—in fact, the exact opposite was true, with the Border Patrol Union fact-checking him in the moment...
June 27, 2024
If I were the moderator at tonight's CNN debate, here's what I'd ask Biden ...The Washington Post had an article the other day that said that our use of coal, natural gas and oil causes the earth to cool. See here: We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stop It is widely acc...
June 26, 2024
16 ‘experts’ warn that President Trump’s economic policies will be disastrousSee also, “Whatever you do, don’t take stock advice from these people” by Monica Showalter. 16 “experts,” reportedly including Janet Yellen’s husband, have signed on to a letter warning about the economic ...
June 25, 2024
After all Joe Biden’s tough tariff talk against China, his economic guru says the policy only applies to ‘very little’When President Trump said he was going to put tariffs on China, Joe Biden took a hint and pretended he too was tough, and added a tariff on electric vehicles. But then…within a few days, one of Biden’s economic gurus came out and told China not to wo...
June 17, 2024
If Joe Biden is so concerned about massive storms caused by climate change, then why is he diverting funds from FEMA for open border policies?Joe Biden continues to say that climate change is the biggest existential threat to the world. It seems that every year we are told that warming waters will bring a disastrous Atlantic hurricane season and this year is no exception—which is why...
June 17, 2024
Trump does Milwaukee and talks election interference and integrity—media cries foul and says it’s all a big nothingburgerPresident Trump recently talked about election integrity in Milwaukee, and the media and other Democrats claimed his complaints and concerns were nothingburgers. Here’s this, from Vanity Fair: Trump and his team have used Wisconsin, whose ...
June 14, 2024
Battle of Wits: Birds versus the Bidenites and bureaucratsA couple of weeks ago, my wife and I noticed a tiny wren trying to build a nest on a gutter in the back of our house. The components of the nest kept falling down, so we thought she would pick another place, but she didn’t. In a short time she ...
June 13, 2024
When Republicans whine about Trump’s ‘character’Paul Ryan says he won’t vote for Trump because of his character. That means he and other NeverTrumps are glad to accept Biden for another four years because their vote could defeat Trump, which is their goal. I have never ...
June 12, 2024
WaPo warns that Trump wants a ‘government of amateurs’It’s humorous when the media pretends that Joe Biden’s administration is staffed by experienced professionals, and asserts that Trump is the one about whom we need to worry, because he only wants to surround himself with amateurs who agre...
June 12, 2024
No matter what the media and others regurgitate about ‘science,’ it’s always about money and controlNo matter what the media and others regurgitate, it’s always about money and control. Anthony Fauci said he was the ultimate arbiter of science, and anyone who disagreed with him did not believe in science. The truth is that he simply fabricated m...
June 11, 2024
The press and other Democrats are out to discredit the Supreme CourtPresident Trump challenges a partisan judge for a garbage trial where there was no crime, the media is outraged and says he is trying to destroy the judicial system. But if they seek to destroy and threaten the Supreme Court justices, that is perf...
June 10, 2024
Sound ‘judgment’ is on the ballot, which is why we must vote TrumpFor once, Jennifer Rubin is absolutely right: judgment is the most important thing a president can have. It is their policies and results that matter, not their age. Here’s this, from a piece she wrote that published in The Washington Post yest...
June 8, 2024
Trump tax cuts, and the sky is falling!Here are actual facts about federal revenues, not wild guesses or projections. Federal tax revenues from individual income taxes, FY 2017: $1.6 trillion Total Revenue: $3.3 trillion Federal individual tax revenues, FY 2023: $...
June 8, 2024
The media's latest talking point: That the Trump record was 'worse than inflation'The mainstream press has gotten a new talking point from its Democrat masters. It can be summed up with this headline in Salon: Worse than inflation: Let's remember Trump's real record in office Anyone who looks back on the Trump y...
June 7, 2024
Should Garland be charged with lying to Congress?Merrick Garland recently testified before the House Judiciary Committee, and among other things, was “battered” over his decision to keep the recorded interview tapes between Joe Biden and special counsel Robert Hur hidden from the public...
June 7, 2024
Déjà vu: Hunter Biden recycles Bill Clinton asinine ‘definition’ defenseWhen Bill Clinton got caught perjuring himself, his defense as to why he committed perjury and said that he “did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky,” was because it depended “on what the meaning of the word ...
May 29, 2024
Is the Biden administration more supportive of Iran or Israel?Joe Biden and his minions say they will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, so how can anyone explain why they are telling European countries not to be too tough on Iran, despite Iran being close to having the capability? Why are most of t...
May 29, 2024
Home insurance rates continue to surge, media and industry blame ‘climate change’ catastrophesHome insurance rates are continuing to skyrocket, to the point that many people no longer have good options on affordable coverage. And the cause? Well the media and the industry say it’s climate change. From NPR: ‘Everything is r...
May 28, 2024
Media zombie wonders how Americans could possibly vote for President TrumpThis writer at Salon just can’t figure out why people would ever vote for President Trump: The zombie Trump effect Decoding the polls gives us a clue into Joe Biden’s problems. My guess is a majority of Americans can’t ...
May 27, 2024
James Carville lashes out and blames bad poll numbers on poor ‘messaging’James Carville and other Democrat strategists have obviously seen the polls, because they’re sounding the alarm on the massive and historic political shifts—the Democrat party is losing their support, while President Trump’s popular...
May 27, 2024
NYT’s Maggie Haberman mocks President Trump as a man who ‘lives in the 1980s’The deflection and projection are surreal. We all know that Maggie Haberman of The New York Times is a Democrat party loyalist, and her recent piece of propaganda attacking President Trump as a man who still “lives in the 1980s” is an ...
May 25, 2024
To understand the craziest Democrat policies, always follow the moneyWhy do scientists just repeat that the science is "settled" on climate change? Follow the money. Scientists get their funds cut off if they tell the truth that the climate has changed cyclically and naturally. Why did the med...
May 24, 2024
Make America great, and competitive, againAmericans are continually told that current inflation is a little over 3% and inflation since Biden took office is only up around 20%. That is delusional. Crude oil is up roughly 100% since Biden took office—in January 2021 it was around $40...
May 23, 2024
MSBNC’s Ruhle says the poors need to quit cryin’ about the economy and focus on a new ‘American dream’Stephanie Ruhle, of MSNBC, is one of the dumbest out there. Somehow, she thinks it is just normal politics when a president illegally spends hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to buy votes. She has no problem when Joe Biden brags about defyi...
May 21, 2024
Judge Merchan gags President Trump and his defense lawyers, but not Michael Cohen and the prosecutionJudge Juan Merchan gagged President Trump and his lawyers, but doesn’t gag Micheal Cohen or the prosecution. Merchan doesn’t care that the prosecution hasn’t actually shown a crime that segues to a supposed bookkeeping violation. ...
May 19, 2024
Just look at what the leftist media aren’t coveringThe media, many Democrats, and some Republicans, like Romney and Murkowski, are having a cow that some Republicans are showing up at the political prosecution of Trump in New York, where there was no crime. It is too bad that the Republica...
May 17, 2024
With Trump’s tax cuts set to expire, media runs offense for Joe BidenThe WSJ ran a recent article titled, “Biden Tax Plan’s Twin Challenges: Keeping his $400,000 Pledge and Paying for It”, and instead of reporting facts, author Richard Rubin focused on projections; here is one line, talking about Pre...
May 16, 2024
Watchdog group launches investigation into President Trump for meeting with oil company bosses and soliciting campaign donationsPresident Trump’s policy for four years was to support oil companies and low energy prices. That is still his policy. And it will be Trump’s policy whether or not oil company executives donate to him. Biden’s policies are t...
May 14, 2024
I have a sneaking suspicion Michael Cohen is lying againMichael Cohen is a congenital (and convicted) liar, but when he took the stand as a witness for Alvin Bragg’s “hush money” trial, Cohen said the reason he took a home equity line out to pay Stormy Daniels instead of pulling money ou...
May 12, 2024
The public deserves to know the truth about tax rates before Democrats let the 2017 tax cuts expirePresident Biden wants to let the tax rate cuts that President Trump and Republicans passed without Democrat support, in 2017. Biden and others continue to intentionally lie that the tax cuts "cost" the government $2 trillion and increase...
May 10, 2024
Joe Biden uses arms as a bargaining chip to force Israel to go soft on HamasThis week, Joe Biden reaffirmed his ironclad support for Israel, then he stabbed them in the back by withholding weapons that Congress approved unless they went soft on Hamas—for an in-depth analysis on that, see Andrea Widburg’s essay on...
May 9, 2024
Paul Ryan isn’t voting for Donald Trump because ‘character’ mattersPaul Ryan must be very confused about what makes a person’s “character” good or bad; according to a new report, the former congressman will not be voting for Donald Trump, because “character is too important” and therefo...
May 8, 2024
CNN reporter has dinner with Trump supporters, implies a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde dynamicOn the surface, Trump supporters are “well-educated and successful” professionals, but underneath that veneer we’re monsters… who want to make America great again. At least, that’s what Michelle Kosinksi thinks, beca...
May 8, 2024
DEI, which stinks to the public, morphs into creative new acronymsSome states have made laws to have universities get rid of their DEI offices. Good luck with that, because now the infamous equity offices are morphing into other acronyms, same way ACORN used to change its names every time another scand...
May 7, 2024
Inconvenient truths: A few things exposing the lie that humans and our use of natural resources controls the climateThe idea that humans and our use of natural resources controls global temperatures is an absolute farce, and the list below includes just a few examples as evidence. Cicadas: Scientists can accurately predict that these little creatures emerge eve...
May 7, 2024
From Springfield, Illinois comes ‘news’ meant to scare people into capitulating to ‘green’ communismI live in Springfield, Illinois, and last week I woke up to the following article from a local outlet: New report finds air quality in Springfield, surrounding areas is getting worse Taking in a deep breath of fresh spring air may have long-t...
May 6, 2024
Why are groups and individuals who support the destruction of America called philanthropies and philanthropists?The definition of philanthropy, provided by Oxford Languages, is “the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.” So, why are groups and individuals who support the d...
May 6, 2024
Why would the public ever trust media outlets that are ‘surprised’ that leftists support both Joe Biden and the destruction of Israel?It is a sad state of affairs to read a Politico journalist say that it is “surprising” to learn that donors to Joe Biden also support the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews; see below: Pro-Palestinian protesters are backed...
May 5, 2024
Is it a crime for politicians to pay off people to hide the truth from the public because an election is coming up?What if Congress spends $17 million to hide sexual harassment and other claims from the public by members and their staff? That is 130 more times than the $130,000 President Trump paid of his own money for a nuisance lawsuit. Congress paid out ...
May 4, 2024
Fake media, fake claims of 'fraud' directed at President TrumpThis article actually has nothing to do with Trump, yet that is all the public will see. Trump Media’s accounting firm charged with ‘massive fraud’ BF Borgers, Trump Media & Technology Group’s independent acc...
May 3, 2024
Bidenite lies, statistics, and realityMost of the media, Joe Biden, his administration, and other Democrats seem to live in an alternate reality. We are constantly told that Biden inherited an economic disaster and his great economic policies have turned the economy around—the r...
May 2, 2024
Presidential immunity: Personal versus presidential dutiesThe Justice Department is, for the first time, taking a former president to court on criminal charges with the theory that his post-presidential actions were for personal benefit instead of relating to his presidential duties. The three liberal Su...
April 24, 2024
People should remember what Barack Obama and Robert Gates said about Joe BidenAt one time, Barack Obama actually uttered truthful words—he said “don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.” Robert Gates said Biden has been wrong on “every” foreign policy decision througho...
April 23, 2024
Why won’t Democrats say what limits on abortion they would support (if any) since the public is willing to answer the question?Why won’t the media and other Democrats answer the question as to what limits on abortion they support, since a significant majority of Americans support limits around 14 or 16 weeks, which is just like Europe? The truly extreme position would ...
April 22, 2024
On Earth Day, Joe Biden should make people healthy and wealthy by encouraging more drilling for oilToday is Earth Day. Here are some ways green pushers say you can remain healthy: From picking up trash on walks to avoiding receipts, 6 tips for keeping yourself — and the planet — healthy Avoid receipts Walk, don't drive B...
April 19, 2024
The Biden administration seems to be continuously ‘caught off guard’ as world events unfoldWith the Biden administration, it’s one “caught off guard” reaction after the other. The U.S. had no idea that Israel was going to attack Iranian facilities in Syria; from The New York Times via Yahoo News: Israel was mere m...
April 18, 2024
With Democrats in charge, who needs foreign enemies?Hamas, with the financial support of Iran, which has been funded by the Joe Biden administration, attacks and kills Israelis and takes hostages, including American citizens; but when Israel retaliates with military force, Biden’s policy is to d...
April 18, 2024
Big government, high taxes, and massive regulationsDemocrat, liberal, and progressive economic policies can be summed up in one sentence: Big government, high taxes, and massive regulations. Here is an excellent opinion piece by Nicole Russell at USA Today via Yahoo News that sums up the huge prob...
April 17, 2024
Joe Biden says things, and then there’s realityJoe Biden is out in Pennsylvania saying that Trump got rich the old-fashioned way: he inherited it. At least that is an honest way to get rich. Trump inherited money, and he took a massive amount of risk and created a huge ...
April 16, 2024
‘Hush money’ trial kicks off, and judge allows the infamous Billy Bush locker room talk to be admittedCan somebody please explain to me how what President Trump said to Billy Bush in 2005 has anything to do with the Stormy Daniels trial in New York? Here’s what Forbes reported yesterday: Former President Donald Trump’s first criminal...
April 15, 2024
David Ignatius notes we’re at the ‘precipice’ of war that ‘no one wants’ but ignores the culpritsDavid Ignatius, a Biden campaign worker posing as a WaPo journalist, says “no one wants” the war that’s about to kick off in the Middle East; so why do Ignatius and his media cohorts actively campaign for the people who have activel...
April 12, 2024
John Bolton went on MSNBC to accuse President Trump of being ‘simple-minded’John Bolton went on MSNBC to say that President Trump essentially didn’t understand how the world works, and that he didn’t really have a philosophy for his policies; Bolton continued, accusing Trump of only having one motivation: himself...
April 11, 2024
It is very hard to believe the government about anything, especially economic statisticsOn Wednesday, the government put out disappointing inflation statistics that show that inflation has accelerated to four-tenths of a percent last month. But that number seems unrealistically low to me. In the numbers, bureaucrats claimed that gasolin...
April 11, 2024
NYT ignores the adage about stones and glass house and runs a hit piece on Trump and The National EnquirerThe New York Times recently published a hit piece on President Trump and The National Enquirer about how the two parties allegedly conspired to “catch and kill” a story about Trump allegedly paying off Stormy Daniels, a money-grubbing nui...
April 10, 2024
Biden goes on Univision, cites concern with taking ‘unilateral’ action on the border because he would never want to do something dictatorialLast Wednesday Joe Biden went on Univision for an interview, which only aired last night—the studio needed a week to clean up the flubs and present a coherent exchange. During the segment, Biden said the reason that he hasn’t issued any e...
April 9, 2024
Deranged Jack Smith gets smacked down by a judge who is still willing to follow the ‘innocent until proven guilty’ paradigmPoor little Jack Smith—out of nowhere, a judge in Trump’s “classified documents” case fails to rubber stamp the prosecution’s unethical motions, and essentially declare Trump guilty before a trial even takes place. Judge...
April 8, 2024
The term ‘genocide’ was created to categorize the crime of the Holocaust — now it’s being invoked against the JewsOn Saturday, The American Spectator published an essay by Schmuel Klatzkin titled “A Political Movement Upends the Word ‘Genocide’” in which Klatzkin noted this: “In Biden’s America, those who practice genocide are...
April 8, 2024
With Biden and his Democrats, the damage is intentionalWhen you have companies in third world countries do the mining for electric vehicle (EV) minerals, is it a surprise that they don't care about the damage that is caused to the environment? Unintended Consequences: Mining for EV Battery Mat...
April 6, 2024
The Biden administration continually tells Israel to behave, but always looks out for Iran's hurt feelingsThe Biden administration is very worried that Israel made Iran, which funds terrorists and pledges death to Israel, mad, by taking out its terrorist leaders. In this article by CBS they say that those sweet leaders in Iran will be careful t...
April 3, 2024
A lying media equates to election interferenceBarack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Joe Biden were at a fundraiser for the rich, and everyone seemed very proud that they were able to raise $25 million from these well-heeled leftists. Media members routinely claim that there is too much money in pol...
March 28, 2024
Democrats and their psychological complexes make for terrible policyDemocrats love to micromanage everything and to take away freedom of choice. The Biden administration seems to love Iran as it protects Hamas and lectures Israel on its ongoing military response, calling on the nation to limit its attacks against ...
March 22, 2024
Despite ‘no increase’ in hurricane ferocity overall, a predicted ferocious season is set to be a ‘political football’ for green agendaKatie Spence at The Epoch Times wrote this in her new article: This year’s hurricane season, which officially starts June 1, is being predicted by WeatherBELL as the ‘hurricane season from hell,’ with weather patterns similar t...
March 18, 2024
Trump talks ‘bloodbath’ in auto industry if cheap Chinese EVs flood the market—Dems pretend he called for violenceThe media and other Democrats know that Joe Biden and his policies are unpopular, so for the last eight years, they’ve sought to destroy Donald Trump, no matter how much they have to intentionally lie and mislead the public, and this latest ite...
March 11, 2024
CNN beclowns itself by confirming the escalating cost-of-living crisis while trying to pin it on TrumpA recent article from Matt Egan at CNN admits that Americans have a problem paying for things… but neither he, nor any of the outlet’s other employees ever bring up Joe Biden or his policies as a significant cause of the problem; read he...
March 7, 2024
Be very afraid… again! The oceans are rising and coastal cities are disappearing… again!This report is from ABC News, and as always they just repeat what they are told without asking questions or doing research: Several coastal cities around the United States are ‘disappearing’ into the ground, according to new research...
March 6, 2024
Exposed: ‘spy chief of China’ paid Hunter Biden for legal services, but now he wants his money backDid Hunter Biden ever actually work for the millions of dollars that flowed through him to his law firm or his twenty shell companies? Hunter Biden seemed to have a lot of ways to collect money for himself and his family, but it appears that very few...
March 5, 2024
ChatGPT malfunctions and spits out unintelligible ‘gibberish’As it turns out, artificial intelligence chatbots and the Bidenites have a lot in common: they’re prone to malfunction and break out in unintelligible “gibberish.” Here’s the story, from the New York Post: ChatGPT glitche...
March 4, 2024
Is Joe Biden's catastrophic government spending masking a recession?The CBO is projecting a federal deficit of $1.6 trillion for fiscal year 2024. According to CNBC: The U.S. national debt is rising by $1 trillion about every 100 days The debt load of the U.S. is growing at a quicker clip in recent mo...
March 3, 2024
High-tax states are running out of things to tax, so they resort to lawsuitsPeople and businesses are moving out of Illinois, New York and California because of their far-left policies. These high-tax states are running out of things to tax to support their big spending policies. So they resort to lawsuits to get mor...
March 1, 2024
To distract from increasing ‘migrant crime’ the Bidenites tout ‘the largest one-year decline’ in homicidesIt is time that the media and other Democrats learned about correlation and causation. To detract from the obvious increasing “migrant crime,” the Democrats are now taking credit for a “historic” one year drop in homicides ...
March 1, 2024
Trump’s ‘presidential immunity’ case to be heard by SCOTUS, and the left roots for him to failAesop’s fables are revered for their ability to communicate profound moral concepts to young children, but clearly the short parables are too advanced for the average Democrat, and especially the weaponized anti-Trump operatives in the Biden re...
February 29, 2024
We are told that Trump won’t ever admit when he’s wrong—but what about Biden?In the August 2023 U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, we released prisoners (including terrorists), we surrendered our military base, we left weapons and military equipment for the Taliban, and thirteen Americans died by suicide bomb in the chaos. ...
February 29, 2024
Democrats use abortion for cynical political meansAbortion is back in the news thanks to the Alabama Supreme Court’s decision about the rights of fertilized eggs from In Vitro Fertilization procedures. With the topic again taking up headlines, it’s time to revisit leftist hypocrisy about...
February 25, 2024
If Republicans allow the political persecution of Trump to defeat him it will never stopThis string of blogs from the Daily Mail has an item that says that one-third of Republicans think that President Trump would be unfit for office if he is convicted of anything. The Edison Research poll showed 32 percent of South Carolina GOP p...
February 23, 2024
MSM recycling the threatened polar bears story despite it being viciously debunkedThe story that polar bears are starving because of a lack of sheet ice has been around for awhile—it was also on NBC on Sunday night. It is pure propaganda. Neither NBC nor the AP who published the following article did any research or asked an...
February 23, 2024
With a yearly deficit in the trillions, government looks to go after 401(k) accounts for new revenueA majority of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. A majority don’t have enough money to pay for a thousand-dollar emergency. Home ownership is a rapidly dissipating aspect of the American dream. Americans’ credit card debt is at a ...
February 22, 2024
Bidenites promote war as newest policy to bring back jobs and stimulate economyIf you have questions about the amount of money being given to Ukraine, and want accountability, you’re said to be pro-Putin. That is garbage. We should always question how taxpayer money is spent, and for what purpose. War can be necessary,...
February 21, 2024
Uh oh, Stanford ‘scientists’ think the two sexes are different after allSomehow, “scientists” just determined for the “first time” that men and women’s brains work differently. Now, I bet most people who aren’t “scientists” have known that men and women act and think differ...
February 21, 2024
The media is campaigning for Obamacare again, so let’s recap the left’s recycled liesBefore Obamacare became law in 2010, the media disseminated endless lies to ensure its passage, repeating Democrat talking points ad nauseam. Pundits said you could keep your health plan and doctor if you liked; that was a known lie, because Obama...
February 20, 2024
Joe Biden continues to undermine national security for America, and countries around the worldWe constantly hear the Biden administration lecturing Israel about how they should soften up their attacks in Gaza, and for the need for a ceasefire with Hamas. Hamas, along with other terrorist organizations supported by Iran, have pledged to wip...
February 20, 2024
Visionary presidents like Reagan and Trump made the world much saferRussia is apparently working on nuclear weapons to destroy satellites with a “massive energy wave,” which makes sense; think of how many economies around the world would be destroyed. And, if Russia is doing this, China probably is too. ...
February 18, 2024
Racism means Fani Willis can do no wrongThe reason Fani Willis is being questioned in the case against Trump and his associates has nothing to do with race or sex. It has to do with whether there is an appearance of a conflict of interest — period. Fani Willi...
February 17, 2024
Why wasn't the FBI informant linked to Biden's impeachment inquiry arrested years ago since they had the information years ago?Doesn't the timing of the arrest of the FBI informant giving witness about the Bidens and their corrupt activities seem suspect? According to the Associated Press: WASHINGTON (AP) — An FBI informant has been charged with fabri...
February 16, 2024
USA Today can't stop promoting the global warming fallaciesI read an article from USA Today on February 15 complaining about social media and climate change denial. See here: The sun is mighty, but modern climate change is caused by human activity | Fact check It looks very familiar because...
February 16, 2024
Recapping the two-tiered justice system in light of revelations that foreign intel spied on Trump associatesThe Obama and Biden administrations have continually used government bureaucrats to target political opponents. The media has known this for a long time, and hasn’t cared. They pretend that Obama and Biden were clean, and that Trump was/is the ...
February 15, 2024
Joe Biden does deserve credit for everything he has doneWe keep hearing from the media, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and other Democrats that the only reason Biden has poor ratings is because the public just doesn’t understand how great his policies really are. They think he and Harris deserve more cre...
February 14, 2024
Federal Reserve records massive losses, makes up fictitious value called ‘deferred assets’ to compensateMaybe the problem with all of the government can be summarized by what the Federal Reserve is doing. The Federal Reserve lost $114.3 billion in 2023 and doesn’t seem to care. Maybe that is why the federal government has run up $34 trillion i...
February 14, 2024
Leftwing ‘experts’ tout the illegal invasion as a ‘$7 trillion gift’ to the economyHere, the Congressional Budget Office says that the increase in “immigration” will increase the GDP by $7 trillion over ten years, and increase federal tax collections by $1 trillion, and Catherine Rampell of The Washington Post just parr...
February 13, 2024
Lake Shasta reservoirs ‘well above’ historical average after ‘experts’ predicted a global warming droughtWhy did the so-called climate change experts predict a continued drought in California, instead of predicting the record snow and rain the state actually received? Precipitation that has caused the reservoirs to be well above the historical average? ...
February 12, 2024
WaPo: President Trump’s Abraham Accords forced Hamas’s hands into slaughterFor years, Iran and the Palestine Liberation Organization have vocalized their aspirations—“Death to Israel” and “Death to America”— and for years, under Democrats, the U.S. has funded Iran, which in turn, uses the...
February 12, 2024
Bidenites denigrate Trump’s call for NATO countries to pay their fair share as ‘unhinged’ UPDATEDJoe Biden’s White House called President Trump’s call for NATO countries to pay their fair share for their own defense as “unhinged” and “appalling” because apparently, heaping the burden on the back of the America...
February 10, 2024
Analysis of an asset bubbleIn 2000, the Nasdaq stock market index, in a massive dot-com bubble, hit 5,133. Investors were buying up everything, despite little to no revenue or earnings. By 2002, the index had dropped 78%, which is a decline to 1,129. The Nasdaq index ...
February 10, 2024
The WSJ gets its appeasement claims bass ackwards on Obama, Biden, and TrumpWhat is with the Wall Street Journal? This writer at the WSJ is absolutely confused. He wrote this: Trump’s Russia Policy Is Appeasement Like Chamberlain in the 1930s, he sees Ukraine as a faraway quarrel to avoid. This won’t...
February 8, 2024
Joe Biden eyes emissions crackdowns, media warns he is ‘ignoring industry warnings’ of financial collapseToday, Joe Biden is cracking down on manufacturing, but I bet he doesn’t have the scientific data to give credibility to the new policies, but he doesn’t care. He is bending over for the green pushers. Here’s this, from Fox News: ...
February 7, 2024
Let’s get real about Trump’s tax cutsIn Trump's first year in office, he focused on helping everyone in the private sector with a tax rate cut bill. Sadly, he could get only Republican votes because Democrats inherently like higher rates and taxes. Sinc...
February 7, 2024
Climate hysteria tailspin reaches terminal velocity(?)In a new article from Reuters, author Daniel Trotta admits that the record rain in California is good for droughts, yet he worries that down the road vegetation may cause fires; see below: Explainer-California rains: good for drought, fuel for w...
February 6, 2024
Bureau of Labor Statistics makes ‘revisions’ to data analysis process and miraculously, ‘declines’ morph into ‘gains’Joe Biden continually lies by claiming that he inherited a disastrous economy from President Trump, when in reality, he inherited a rapidly growing economy, especially in red states that were reopening from the government lockdowns faster than blue s...
February 1, 2024
The View accuses black voters turning their backs on the Democrats of being ‘grifters’ in a ‘downward spiral’As Joe Biden angrily screeched: “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black!” Independent thinking is not allowed, just servitude. Black Americans are not permitted to leave the ...
January 31, 2024
Now it's syphilis: Whenever bureaucrats fail at something, the solution is always more moneyNo matter how much money is thrown at public schools and no matter how many kids fail to read or do math at grade level, the solution is always more money. When the IRS fails to administer the tax code, they always demand more money. It woul...
January 31, 2024
Peaceful protesters, who dare disagree with the Democrat position on abortion, face harsh prison sentencesPeaceful protesters, who dare disagree with the Democrat position on abortion, face harsh sentences; see below, via Breitbart: Six Pro-Life Activists Found Guilty, Face 11 Years in Prison for Peaceful Protest Six pro-life activists were found...
January 30, 2024
The Wall Street Journal misses the point about insurance profitsHere's a headline containing what can be described as an elephant in a small room. Insurers Rake In Profits as Customers Pay Soaring Premiums The article says that the profits soared because of rate increases and because...
January 30, 2024
Why hasn’t the CDC warned about all the diseases that could be brought in because of Joe Biden’s open borders?The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is supposed to be an independent agency looking out for the health of the American people. So why hasn’t it protested the endless stream of illegals pouring across the northern and souther...
January 29, 2024
Bidenites invoke Alinsky, sow orchestrated division between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’Every day we see a lot of fictional “information” put out by the media, Joe Biden, and all the other Democrats, which intentionally serves to mislead the public to infect the United States with their radical agenda to remake (destroy) Ame...
January 29, 2024
After months of acting as if Trump’s fraud trial were legitimate (instead of a political hit), AP finally commits act of journalismThere was no fraud! There were disclosures that essentially said “don’t rely on these numbers.” No one lost money. There was no evidence that Trump got better interest rates than others with the same cash flow. If every real esta...
January 29, 2024
Joe Biden, the demolition manPresident Trump worked hard with Central America to close the border; on day one, Joe Biden worked very hard to open that border back up. Trump worked very hard to cut off funds from Iran, to stop the sponsorship of terrorism, and Biden turned the...
January 28, 2024
The Navy is lowering its recruitment standardsThe military can't get enough recruits. What is the Navy's solution? Just lower the standards. Here's the latest news: No diploma? No problem! Navy again lowers requirements as it struggles to...
January 27, 2024
WSJ promotes ‘strong economy’ lie but accidentally debunks itselfThe Wall Street Journal recently published a front-page article (titled “Strong Economy Boosts Bank Results”) in which the authors said that consumers and businesses drove a rise in earnings at the largest U.S. banking firms, yet I found ...
January 27, 2024
Should all Supreme Court Justices recuse themselves from any case where their spouse may have an opinion?The media and other Democrats have been attacking Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for years because they do not like his conservative opinions. Now they are demanding that Thomas recuse himself on whether Trump can stay on the ballot i...
January 26, 2024
UPDATED: Leftwing media peddles haunting fiction of rape-related pregnancy and the inability to access ‘healthcare’(Update: A new report just out at The National Pulse found that the authors behind the study cited in this blog were under the direction of Samuel L. Dickman, a Planned Parenthood medical director and current abortionist.) From Time Maga...
January 25, 2024
Democrats spreading phony tales of Republicans wanting to ban things to scare peopleDemocrats seem to have gotten a new round of talking points and lately have been complaining about Republicans supposedly wanting to ban things. Here are a couple of examples: Biden Says Republicans ‘Doubling Down’ With Plan for N...
January 25, 2024
Poll: Over half of Democrats ‘strongly support’ aborting babies with Down SyndromeMargaret Sanger, a woman who helped to found the American Birth Control League, which became Planned Parenthood, wanted birth control to build a cleaner race. She wanted to essentially limit who could have babies, and believed she knew best regarding...
January 25, 2024
WaPo: Trump’s border security policies would ‘reignite’ inflationThe media and other Democrats have run a nonstop campaign against President Trump, and because Joe Biden’s policies are so disastrous, they’ve resorted to scare tactics, deluging the public with lies that President Trump is a fascist dict...
January 23, 2024
John Kerry slaps the ‘disinformation’ label on the real inconvenient truths of EVsJohn Kerry consistently shows how dangerous and uncaring he, and all the other people pushing the radical green agenda to move the world backwards, really are. If all these people who go to the United Nations gabfests and Davos, Switzerland rea...
January 23, 2024
USA Today bellyaches about the lack of censorship and the proliferation of truthThe first sentence in the article says it all: “Social media is still not doing enough to stop misinformation denying the existence and causes of climate change.” For one thing, I have never seen anyone say that the climate is not c...
January 23, 2024
Joe Biden sees the polls on his disastrous border policy, Newsmax enters the fray as an allyThe writers of a brand-new piece republished at Newsmax clearly want the public to believe Congress’s latest piece of legislation is reasonable, and should be passed. But, here’s the kicker: the senators haven’t even se...
January 22, 2024
Are Democrats really for a woman’s ‘right’ to choose?If you look far and wide, you won’t find many policies that lend credence to the notion that Democrats really believe that women should have the freedom of choice in how they live their lives. They don’t think women should have freedom...
January 22, 2024
Maybe the US and the EU should reflect on the damage they have caused before lecturing Israel on anythingIsrael gets called to the principal’s office and reprimanded for taking decisive action against the terrorists after the latter broke a ceasefire, invaded Israel, slaughtered families, and took hostages, many of whom the terrorists are still ho...
January 21, 2024
Clyburn: Biden’s numbers are up because media are reporting betterThis article shows Rep. Jim Clyburn saying that Biden’s poll numbers are going up because the media are now doing a much better job repeating Democrat talking points. The media are a cooperative bunch for Democrats. Somethin...
January 21, 2024
Some questions for the blowhards at the World Economic ForumAt the World Economic Forum, the usual swells and princelings were out in force. Their latest burning issue is here: WEF leaders pressed on how they will 'Trump-proof their economies' if he wins election 'I ...
January 20, 2024
An NYT writer says it is 'Morning in America' under Biden. I wonder why Americans don't seem to agreeEvery day, the press seeks to destroy President Trump, no matter how much they have to lie, and every day, they try to make America believe that Biden is a great president with tremendous policies. They can't stand that his poll numbers are l...
January 19, 2024
So filled with fraud: The green agenda and the rich who benefit from itThe federal government essentially has ordered electric car companies to commit fraud. Here's the headline: The Electric-Vehicle Cheating Scandal A government rule makes them look nearly seven times as efficient as they are. ...
January 19, 2024
Nikki Haley and the Never-Trumpers couldn’t be more wrong about the DonIt is a true shame that Nikki Haley and other Republicans say President Trump can’t win elections and that he causes chaos. The chaos has been caused by relentless lies about Trump and political prosecutions. What was Trump supposed to do? Just...
January 18, 2024
Oh, yes, the poor are in hog heaven now that inflation is only around double of what it was when Joe took officeThe Biden campaign workers, posing as journalists, are out in full force: They are telling the poor what great benefit they are getting now that inflation is now down to less than 4% Here they go: The poorest Americans are gett...
January 18, 2024
Fascist Joe is at it again, telling banks what they can charge for overdraft feesJoe Biden has never run a business—unless the family “business” of collecting kickbacks counts—but he wants to micromanage the “capitalist” economy. Now, he wants to dictate that banks can only charge $3 (maximu...
January 18, 2024
Media members panic with the record cold, worry it will derail ‘warming’ taleThe media agents can’t stand the thought of people seeing and experiencing the record cold in the United States, because they’re worried it will have an effect on the everyday person’s willingness to believe the scam that the earth ...
January 17, 2024
Facts don’t care about feelings, but Democrats don’t care about factsThe southern border in the United States is the place that causes half of all migrant deaths in the world, yet most of the media rarely even mention deaths at the border; remember this September report? A report from the International Organizati...
January 16, 2024
All Republicans have to know about the leftist mediaAll Republicans need to know is that the last time NYT endorsed a Republican for president, it was Eisenhower in the 1950s. The WaPo has never endorsed a Republican for President. Republicans, the New York Times’ Editorial...
January 16, 2024
From the open border to anti-poverty programs, the Democrats wage war on the lower classIt has been obvious for a long time that Joe Biden's open border is causing massive problems throughout America, but especially for the poor, which obviously includes blacks and other minorities. When you intentionally flood the country with m...
January 16, 2024
Media operatives peddle ‘strong economy’ narrative but include contradicting factsHere is a frontpage headline from The Wall Street Journal weekend edition just a few days ago: Strong Economy Boosts Banks Results In the article they said that consumers and businesses drive a rise in earnings at the largest U.S firms, yet I f...
January 15, 2024
FAA looking for people with ‘severe’ psychiatric problems to diversify the agency’s workforceThe Federal Aviation Administration now says that the way to make the skies safer is to make their workforce more diverse, including hiring people with “severe” intellectual disabilities and psychiatric disabilities. No, this is not satir...
January 14, 2024
As a Catholic, I have some questions for the pope ...Pope Francis says many things that, in my opinion, just regurgitate leftist talking points, so I have many questions for this supposedly religious man who is supposed to look out for the best interest of the people, especially the poor...
January 13, 2024
Trump gets ridiculed in the press no matter what the truth of what he saysPresident Trump was ridiculed recently for saying that he believed negotiations could have prevented the Civil War: During the interview with Salena Zito of the conservative Washington Examiner, Mr Trump questioned why the country coul...
January 13, 2024
Does the Earth have a fever? Is it boiling? Have we hit the tipping point? The answer is clearly noThe public is constantly being told that the Earth is the warmest it has ever been. And that warming is being caused by humans, our use of natural resources, and CO2. And the solution for the media and other Democrats is the same as the ...
January 12, 2024
‘Data-driven’ social distancing lie implodes—what next?Egotistical Anthony Fauci, who said anyone who didn’t believe what he said didn’t believe in science, now admits that the six-foot social distancing edicts were not based on science. They were just pulled out of thin air. How many people ...
January 11, 2024
Taking a look at my hometown data I discover the very opposite of the ‘global warming’ narrative is trueThe following are actual pieces of scientific data related to Springfield, Illinois, where I live: The warmest day recorded in January is 73 degrees Fahrenheit on January 23, 1909, so every day in January, for the last 115 years, has been colder; ...
January 10, 2024
Lipstick on a squealing, fickle, and dementia-addled pigThey essentially have to put lipstick on a pig. They have to mislead the public into thinking that a president whose policies are destroying America and making the world less safe is doing a wonderful job. In a piece out at USA Today, the Democrat...
January 10, 2024
Nancy Pelosi erupts: to heck with that inconvenient Constitution, we can’t have another Trump termThe media and other Democrats have been trying to destroy President Trump since before he even took office, even though that meant endless lies and concocted criminal hoaxes. They can’t afford an outsider to come in and take away the power they...
January 8, 2024
Which Democrat policies do Liz Cheney and other never-Trumpers think are good for America?Liz Cheney is very popular now on media outlets because she is trashing President Trump. She says she wants Democrats to be in charge of everything in 2025. I wonder how much she is getting paid. According to ...
January 8, 2024
After Gay, media trots out ‘experts’ to dismantle meritocracyPoor victim Claudine Gay allegedly plagiarized a significant portion of her papers and couldn’t intelligently answer a simple question on genocide, so she had to resign as president of Harvard and go back to her million-dollar-a-year job teachi...
January 8, 2024
Economic illiteracy strikes again at the WSJIt is a true shame that the WSJ contributes so much to the economic illiteracy plaguing the media and the American people. This article, by Sam Goldfarb at The Wall Street Journal, talks about stock market investors and their “hope” th...
January 6, 2024
President Trump secured peace and earned respect for America, then Joe Biden came in with a steamrollerAfter four years of relative world peace and prosperity under President Trump, the media breathed a sigh of relief with Joe Biden’s (s)election, and cheered his staff picks—the “adults” were back in charge, and they had ...
January 5, 2024
Pro-narrative media parrot chalks up Gay’s takedown as a ‘win’ for ‘right-wing chaos agents’An academic, who happened to be a black woman, finally resigned from the position of university president of a supposedly prestigious and elite institution just weeks after she was unable to condemn students and professors who think it is O.K. to pro...
January 4, 2024
California’s electric semi mandate takes effect, leaving an expensive mess for the truckers and taxpayersIf politicians wanted to intentionally raise prices, what would they do? They would make rules and regulations that increase costs and reduce efficiency or productivity—in California, they do these things as if they are on steroids. They ...
January 3, 2024
Separating fact from fiction on ‘climate change’Why is it easier to find lies in the media about “climate change” than truthful information? Why is honest reporting on the environment an outlier instead of a rule? Media parrots have said for decades that humans, and our use of natur...
January 2, 2024
Our national problem is economic illiteracyThere is so much economic illiteracy out there it's hard to believe. It starts with our government, but it doesn't stop there. But here is one way it starts: The public was told the lie that Obamacare, a 2,000 page bill with a huge...
January 2, 2024
The media and other green pushers clearly don't care about killing wildlife or the truthInstead of the media blaming wind turbines for killing whales and dolphins, they blame conservatives for pointing it out. According to the Daily Signal: Associated Press Gets It Wrong: Wind Farm Contractors Acknowledge Turbines Harm D...
January 2, 2024
Without loss, how can there be ‘fraud’?Maybe Letitia James should sue people for fraud who actually caused losses by fraud, instead of targeting politicians she doesn’t like; after all, that seems to be the legal definition of the crime. From the Code of Federal Regulations governme...
January 1, 2024
WaPo tries to drag President Trump down with Nikki Haley’s idiocyThis is another piece of idiotic trash in The Washington Post to destroy President Trump, in the minds of the public, as they have tried to do for seven years: Led by Trump, GOP candidates take polarizing stances on race and history Comments ...
December 31, 2023
What to know about America’s ‘life expectancy problem’When I saw this opinion piece in the WaPo, I thought it would be a good idea to analyze health care expenses versus life expectancy. I discovered a lot of interesting facts. I am sure the media will not do an analysis like this....
December 31, 2023
Biden’s people hate when you can make a choiceNot enough people are choosing to switch out their appliances to please the green pushers, so the Biden administration, without going through Congress, dictatorially takes away freedom of choice. Biden Admin Targets Fridges, Freezers The Bide...
December 29, 2023
Media Democrats ‘fear’ the AI misinformation could influence the electionThe only reason most of the people in the media and other Democrats are worried about Artificial Intelligence, misinformation, and the impact these things would have on elections, is that they are afraid they can’t control what misinformation t...
December 27, 2023
Federal bureaucrats fixing to receive a ‘historic’ raiseThe media’s operatives reliably remind us that the Biden administration is doing a great job on tackling inflation; so why are they giving federal bureaucrats such a big raise? From a report out at Townhall yesterday: Biden Giving Bureaucr...
December 26, 2023
Three simple fixes would radically improve the ‘border’ situation—but Democrats don’t careWe don’t have a border. The media constantly tell the public that the illegal immigration problem is a complex issue that’s extremely hard to solve, but that is not true. The border was significantly more controlled under President Tru...
December 20, 2023
Mexico’s president labels border enforcement an ‘inhumane’ act and prepares to sue TexasWho knew that Texas had to ask Mexico’s permission to pass new laws? Heaven forbid an American border state promotes law and order, and considers the interests of the American people living there! From a Reuters report via Yahoo News yesterday:...
December 20, 2023
Colorado’s court removes Trump from ballot over ‘insurrection’ charge, but FBI found ‘scant evidence’ of organized rebellionWhy do the Colorado courts claim that there was an insurrection and President Trump was the organizer, when the FBI says none of that is true? The answer is they really don’t care about facts, just the narrative; see a report below, from Reuter...
December 19, 2023
Homelessness hits a record high, but the media and other Democrats promise the economy is doing greatPresident Trump brought poverty to a record low in three years, while it only took Joe Biden two years to lift homelessness to a record high. From a USA Today news report published on Friday: The number of homeless people in America grew in 2023...
December 19, 2023
The Journal announces the ‘era of big taxes’ is upon ‘us’ (which really just means the little guy)Just yesterday, The Wall Street Journal published a very informative article by Tom Fairless on taxation in the U.S and around the world—but not once does the author suggest that governments confiscating a greater share of the economy is a prob...
December 18, 2023
President Trump is soaring in popularity, but of course, it’s the luck of the draw and not Biden’s utter failuresStanley Greenberg, the author of this piece in the Financial Times seems to believe that the only problem for Joe Biden is his messaging—not his wildly destructive and unpopular policies—and the first thing the politician needs to do is d...
December 18, 2023
Step away from the nonsensical ‘climate change’ fear pornThe actual existential threat to our survival as a great, prosperous, and free country are tyrants who seek to control all aspects of our lives by pretending they can control the climate, so let’s all just step away from the nonsensical “...
December 18, 2023
Mainstream pundits announce an incoming ‘doomsday’ if President Trump reelected with a band of ‘loyalists’The horror! If President Trump were to be reelected in November 2024, and install America first loyalists to reshape U.S. foreign policy, apparently it’s akin to a “doomsday” scenario. Well, I guess that’s probably true for th...
December 17, 2023
The mainstream media willingly hides Biden’s destruction of AmericaNow that the poll numbers are so bad and the open border is such an obvious disaster, even Ruth Marcus of the WaPo has noticed the problem. Or, more accurately, she’s noticed the problem in a way unique to leftist media outlets. Thus, accord...
December 16, 2023
Plagiarism, Jew-hate, racism, lying, and quotas: Aren't our august institutions dandy?The Democrat mayor of Boston accidentally sent invitations to whites for a party that was intended to be for "people of color." That led to an uproar. Now she's saying this: The Democrat mayor of Boston has defend...
December 15, 2023
After all the screeching that 'women will die' without abortion, where are the dead women?A lady in Texas, who was twenty weeks pregnant, has had trouble getting an abortion, telling the press she needed it because her health was in extreme jeopardy. The media has given this story a lot of coverage. She has gone through...
December 14, 2023
The Washington Post has been working hard to destroy Trump and cover up for the BidensThe mainstream media has been saying for years that President Trump is the easiest Republican for Democrats to beat for president, while at the same time, they are trying very hard to urge the biased Justice Department take him out. ...
December 14, 2023
More media drumbeating on the global warming nonsense from USA TodayWe are told that the science is settled, that the last 160 years of our using natural resources have led to record high temperatures on Earth and that the ocean is rising to unsustainable levels. This article from USA Today says the Earth use...
December 13, 2023
Whirring propaganda machines: USA Today article seeks to gin up class hateThere’s apparently no end to how far the mainstream operatives will go in their quest to destroy the virtues of the West, and a USA Today article published last week is a prime example. The man behind the piece, Daniel de Visé, essent...
December 13, 2023
Is the inflation problem mostly behind us?For months, the Biden administration, along with the mostly-compliant media, have been saying that inflation is now under control; they’ve been bragging that wages are now outpacing inflation, and they don’t understand why ordinary people...
December 13, 2023
Don’t believe your lying bank register, inflation is all but goneEverytime I read an article by Rick Newman at Yahoo Finance it feels like I kill more brain cells; here he says that there is only one component regarding inflation left that people have to worry about: “rent.” So, I thought I would lo...
December 12, 2023
Is Joe Biden really just a loving father, or something else?The public is supposed to get rid of common sense and disconnect all brain functions when they hear Joe Biden lie about his son Hunter and the family business. The media and other Democrats cover for him by regurgitating that there is no ev...
December 11, 2023
Trump (again) accused of radical policies, but he achieved exactly what the Democrats always promise to doIn the leftist rag The Atlantic, contributor Helen Lewis stated (as if it were fact) that President Trump was a bad person and a worse president. Of course she does not cite examples of why she made this declaration, she simply says he “radical...
December 11, 2023
Would Newsom make a good president?The media likes to pretend that the main reason Joe Biden is unpopular is because of his age instead of his corruption, incompetence, and extreme policies—and the Democrat politician often floated as a replacement if Biden somehow becomes indis...
December 10, 2023
A pathetic article to deflect blame for BidenflationAs Biden ran for office, and as soon as he took office, he set out to destroy the oil industry. That is what the green pushers are doing, including John Kerry at COP 28. This sent the message to OPEC, Russia, and oil traders that there ...
December 10, 2023
Here is what an egotist and narcissist looks like: His name is Dr. FauciFormer chief medical advisor to the Biden White House and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci continuously lied to the public, president, and Congress during the COVID pandemic and destroyed a ma...
December 9, 2023
Joe Biden and his supporters have a really hard time telling the truth about his economic resultsWe continually hear from Joe Biden, and everyone else in his entourage, that he inherited a disastrous economy and his great policies turned everything around. However, the truth is… the economy started roaring back after the government clo...
December 7, 2023
Trump embraces ‘dictator’ moniker by promising to enforce border laws and promote energy independence… and the left loses itApparently, establishment media operatives completely lack self-awareness. Over the past three years, their segments have almost entirely focused on how great Joe Biden and his policies are, while attacking President Trump every day, but they’r...
December 6, 2023
Delusions about the sun, from the global warming fanaticsAs the United Nations' COP28UAE global warming conference kicks off in Dubai, it's worth remembering that politicians, bureaucrats, CEOs, educators, entertainers, and journalists have had nothing to do with the invention or control ...
December 6, 2023
Dems are done singing the praises of ‘Bidenomics’Democrats brag about the Biden economy. Not once have I heard them say which policies they would change. The only thing they want to do is stop using the term “Bidenomics.” That doesn’t help the poor or the ...
December 5, 2023
Biden’s new rule against methane becomes ‘final’It’s not really an exaggeration (if at all) to say that every single day we hear from Hillary Clinton, Liz Cheney, Joe Scarborough, the media, and others about how dangerous President Trump is—ad nauseam they declare how “like Hitle...
December 5, 2023
Intelligent design is much more amazing and valuable than artificial intelligenceThe older I get, the more I am amazed and impressed with all the things in nature and in the atmosphere that occur naturally. Intelligent design gave dolphins the ability to navigate and protect themselves in dark waters, not artificial inte...
December 4, 2023
COP 28 kicks off in another country made rich by oilI know this is repetitive, but we currently have climate change gabfest number 28 going on in a country that is wealthy because of oil. The United Nations, rich elitists, politicians, bureaucrats, and others are gathering to see how quickly they can ...
December 4, 2023
Biden yells about corporate price-gouging. Speaking of price-gouging ...Joe Biden idiotically has said that if companies didn't lower the prices of their goods (now that the rate of inflation is slowing), they will be targeted by federal authorities for price-gouging. According to the Washingt...
December 3, 2023
Why did the media cover the congenital liar Cohen but not the expert witnesses for Trump's banking?It has been obvious from day one that the fraud prosecution of President Trump in New York is a political hit job. The state, the banks, and no one else lost money because Trump supposedly exaggerated his net worth. They can't find ano...
December 1, 2023
Former Obama adviser lambasts Biden regime for failing to condemn Israel’s military response to Hamas violenceGet a load of this, from Fox News: Top Obama aide hits Biden admin’s support of Israel’s war in Gaza as violation of international laws Ben Rhodes, a former deputy national security adviser to President Barack Obama, penned a gues...
November 30, 2023
Media panic: Trump wants to replace Obamacare!The mainstream media will claim that Trump wants people to go without health care when the fact is that he wants to give people freedom of choice on what type of insurance to buy to make insurance more affordable. He will get rid of mandat...
November 30, 2023
Also Not The Bee: ‘Joe Biden is a good man’ essay makes it to publicationRepeating something over and over again does not make it true, and Brad Bannon’s “Joe Biden is a good man” essay at The Messenger is just plain embarrassing. As Bannon suggests in the title, “Democrats Have Much To Be Thankful...
November 28, 2023
Putting oil spills into perspectiveNo one should take this blog as saying that oil spills don’t cause damage, but green pushers use every spill to justify shutting down products that have greatly improved our quality and length of life. Therefore, oil spills should be put in per...
November 28, 2023
Media highlights the plight of small farmers, but ignores the culpritsI am amazed at the genius of the media and other Democrats every day. By all appearances, it seems like they genuinely think if ordinary people are forced to give up our gas-powered vehicles, equipment, and appliances, that we can save small farmers ...
November 26, 2023
California's governor, Gavin Newsom, scoffs at inflation as 'a conservative lie'California is the land of fruits and nuts and now its governor has come to show us. Check out this headline and its story: Newsom Suggests Inflation Is a Conservative Lie Newsom also claimed that the 18 pe...
November 20, 2023
Masks never worked, and The Times declares school closures were ‘most damaging’ in historyThere was never any scientific evidence that said masks would stop the spread, now a major new study shows that masks don’t stop COVID transmission, but do you think the mandators will apologize? From a Washington Examiner report: A dozen ...
November 20, 2023
What happened to evidence-based science?Isn’t it time that journalists and students are taught to do research and ask questions about the climate instead of just regurgitating talking points pushing the green agenda? We are constantly told that storms, floods, droughts, and other ...
November 18, 2023
Trump was right all along about the dangers of TikTokIt has been obvious for a long time that TikTok is extremely dangerous because communist China clearly controls what is seen on it. It's not only dangerous for us, it is especially dangerous to suggestible children. Trump knew it in 202...
November 17, 2023
Finally! A reporter admits she fabricated things for a story and ratingsIt sure is nice that this Charissa Thompson, a reporter for the NFL, has come clean about things she made up, but at least the motive behind her fabricated reports weren’t to remake and destroy America, and sabotage elections and the will of th...
November 16, 2023
It is extremely dangerous when government bureaucrats decide who has to comply with regulations and laws and who doesn'tBillionaire Warren Buffet believes he is special. He doesn't think he should be forced to inform the SEC when he is amassing shares in a stock because if people knew they might push up the price of additional shares. Everyone should ...
November 15, 2023
Putting the ‘climate change’ propaganda into perspectiveIt seems as though every day, the media, the United Nations, government officials, and others seek to scare the public into capitulating to the radical, destructive, expensive green agenda; here is a small snippet of what Joe Biden said on Tuesday: ...
November 14, 2023
Wall Street Journal states the obvious about federal bureaucracies seeking immortalityNow that Republican presidential candidates are talking about abolishing federal agencies, it looks like the Wall Street Journal has decided to wake up and smell the coffee. They ran this recently: Killing Federal Agencies Is Easier...
November 13, 2023
Warnock and Psaki are confused about which candidates evangelicals should supportSenator Raphael Warnock, who is also a Baptist minister, is troubled that so many evangelicals support President Trump, as evidenced during a recent discussion with Jen Psaki: Psaki asked, ‘Does it bother you that the Evangelical community...
November 13, 2023
‘Experts’ predicted a ‘near-normal’ hurricane season before changing forecast mid-season... still got it wrongIn May, the “experts” at NOAA predicted the likeliest scenario for the upcoming hurricane season would be a “near-normal” one: NOAA’s outlook for the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season, which goes from June 1 to Novembe...
November 12, 2023
Maybe the FBI should be viewed properly as partisan swamp creaturesIt has been clear for a long time that the FBI has become a rogue agency that is willing to target political enemies while protecting many Democrats no matter how many crimes they commit. They also consistently cover up for the crimes of F...
November 10, 2023
How about some hearings on human disinformation and electoral interference instead of so-called AI disinformation?The Senate is worried about disinformation and interference in the 2024 election by artificial intelligence. It appears they think the computers have programmed themselves. Senate lawmakers agree they need to take action on the use ...
November 10, 2023
Indoctrination is an ugly thingThe goal of indoctrination is to control what people think. A power-mad would-be dictator seeks to dumb down society, especially children, so that they repeat what is said instead of asking questions or doing research. Tyr...
November 8, 2023
The IRS should do its job of collecting taxes before it gets more moneyBerkshire Hathaway, led by billionaire Warren Buffett, reported its earnings and has $157 billion in cash, yet doesn't pay a dividend. Buffett always claims he wants to pay more taxes yet no matter how much cash ...
November 7, 2023
‘Bidenomics’ is the death blow to the American dreamThe fact that the media, the White House, and the rest of the Democrat establishment continue to parrot the “Bidenomics is working” talking point is one of the many reasons why they’re not trusted. The public is continually told tha...
November 6, 2023
Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty for fraud, but what about the federal government?On Thursday, Sam Bankman-Fried was properly convicted for stealing $8 billion from customers. I wonder why brokers haven’t been punished for promoting FTX since they don’t appear to have properly researched the company? For decades, th...
November 5, 2023
The Congressional Budget Office pulls numbers out of a Democrat hatIt is truly sad that so many people posing as journalists consider opinions to be facts. Here, the Daily Beast is proud that someone at CNN essentially said that CBO’s numbers should be relied on because sometime in the past, Republican...
November 5, 2023
Having Obama advise Biden on AI is like having the fox guard the hen houseWhy does Joe Biden think that President Obama or Kamala Harris have any valuable input on artificial intelligence (AI)? See here: Former President Barack Obama quietly advised the White House over the past five months on its strategy to ...
November 3, 2023
Democrats and their blindersThe media, Illinois’s Dick Durbin, and other Democrats are targeting the Supreme Court constitutionalists for their ethics and gifts. They don’t like the way Justice Thomas and Justice Alito rule, so they are seeking to destroy them. As f...
November 2, 2023
They’re attacking Speaker Johnson because he scares themThe following are stories just from yesterday—we’re going to have to put up with this until the election, which is twelve months from now! They can’t campaign on Joe Biden’s policies or results as they’ve been exceedingl...
November 2, 2023
Government handouts beget financial ruinFor decades, the Democrats’ overriding goal has been to make more people dependent on government handouts, instead of supporting policies that would provide the people with opportunities to be financially secure and independent, encouraging asc...
November 1, 2023
Cut back on spending? A ‘disaster’ say the DemocratsJoe Biden and the Democrats seem to be wanting a government shutdown, as they say they can’t live with any of the cuts advocated for in a few appropriation bills in the House, and Biden “vows” to veto. From Newsmax: Compared to...
October 31, 2023
Another day, another climate ‘tipping point’Dozens of scientists say we have hit the tipping point… again. It is amazing how often we’ve hit this tipping point, yet things don’t seem to be as dire as “they” predicted. From CNN via Yahoo News: Human actions h...
October 31, 2023
Jennifer Rubin beclowns herself to campaign for Joe Biden, suggesting ‘Bidenomics’ is workingLast Wednesday, the United Auto Workers and Ford reached a tentative agreement, reported by Jennifer Rubin in a Washington Post article, and excerpted below: Given Biden’s emphasis on building the economy from the ‘bottom up and the ...
October 31, 2023
It’s a good thing Mike Johnson got in quietlyOtherwise, the media and other Democrats would have been able to have more time to collude to destroy him, just as they try to do with any political opponent who dares to disagree with their radical leftist ideology. It really doesn...
October 30, 2023
It is a miracle: Hawaiian court has determined that boys and girls are different...and it has absolutely nothing to do with idiotically forcing girls to compete with boys in sports and forcing them to be exposed to penises in the locker room. According to the New York Times: Hawaii education officials Friday...
October 29, 2023
Israel attack reveals the dangers of reliance on artificial intelligenceStudents and people of all ages have been dumbed down intentionally. They have been indoctrinated to believe certain things whether it is the belief about climate change or anything else. And instead of reading books, they now do Google sear...
October 28, 2023
Joe Biden touted as a ‘key’ figure and a ‘wartime’ leader?Yesterday, The Hill ran an article labeling Joe Biden as a “wartime leader” and it opened with this: President Biden is emerging as the key leader in Israel’s war against Hamas, with a grief-stricken Israeli society deeply dist...
October 28, 2023
It is very hard to associate the word ''intelligence' with Joe Biden or Kamala HarrisIsn't it humorous to think that Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris, would have anything of value to say about artificial intelligence when they seem to be so lacking in human intelligence? Biden to Sign Broad Order Regulating AI Use in Government...
October 27, 2023
October 7th was the manifestation of the left’s foreign policiesBarack Obama, Joe Biden, and all the rest of the Democrat Inc. worked very hard to secure financial stability for Iran with the Iran nuclear deal. Why would you ever give a country that spreads terrorism around the world, pledges death to Israel a...
October 26, 2023
Speaker Mike Johnson denigrated as an ‘election denier’ by the preeminent election deniersIt’s official, Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana is the new Speaker, and Democrats immediately launched their first assault: Johnson is an “election denier” who played a “pivotal role in congressional efforts to overtur...
October 25, 2023
AP white-knuckles its way through being a ‘green’ pusherAn article by Seth Borenstein predicts a disastrous six-foot rise in the oceans over the next several hundred years… and the AP just prints it without asking questions… or doing any research. From a Monday report: No matter how ...
October 24, 2023
It is no wonder that birth rates are declining in the U.S.Experts are warning about a declining birth rate in the U.S. As with many things, they spot the problem but fail to identify the main causes of the problem. According to Fox News: Population rate decline in the US triggers economic ...
October 24, 2023
EPA’s new rules would create a situation for automakers in which paying fines makes more sense than increasing productionThe first question to ask is: what is the government justification for forcing people and businesses to junk their efficient gas-powered vehicles and equipment, to then buy expensive, inefficient vehicles powered by the flammable pollutant lithium? ...
October 23, 2023
James Biden receives $200k from a failing hospital, then immediately writes a check to Joe for the same amountLooks like Representative James Comer found another smoking gun. From a Fox News article on Friday: House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said his panel has uncovered evidence that Joe Biden, in 2018, received a ‘$200,000 direc...
October 23, 2023
Mitt Romney confesses he didn’t know anything about Burisma when he voted to impeach President TrumpMitt Romney voted to impeach President Trump for a phone call in which the president encouraged Ukraine to investigate allegations of serious corruption—coincidentally involving the Biden crime family—but according to a new book, the fail...
October 20, 2023
Joe wants another $100 billionJoe Biden is asking for another $100 billion; from Associated Press: President Joe Biden declared it is ‘vital for America’s national security’ for Israel and Ukraine to succeed in their wars, making the case Thursday night for...
October 20, 2023
CNN praises the IRS for ‘cracking down’ on tax cheats… fails to realize they just described Hunter BidenCNN operatives can’t really be so naïve that they actually believe the IRS wouldn’t have been able to collect these taxes without passing the falsely named “Inflation Reduction Act” can they? From CNN, via Yahoo News: ...
October 19, 2023
Who better than an Israel-hating terrorist sympathizer to vet potential terrorists?When the federal government is looking for qualified persons to vet asylum seekers, where would you look? For the Biden administration, it seems they thought a good place was in the bowels of a terrorist organization that Trump kicked out. ...
October 19, 2023
Student loan payments resumed, and all the hullabaloo about a big hit to the economy was a nothingburgerWe have been hearing for months from the media, Joe Biden, and other Democrats what a disaster it would be for the entire economy if, heaven forbid, people who borrowed money to pay for the inflated cost of college would have to repay their loans aft...
October 18, 2023
The left is Public Enemy No. 1It is the left that gins up racial hate and division to quietly transfer political power from the people to itself, all while pretending they want to unite the country and the world. It is the left who funds Iran as it spreads terrorism in the Mid...
October 18, 2023
Adam Schiff, a serial liar, warns about a Jim Jordan speakershipSerial liar Adam Schiff, who ran scam investigations for years, is warning about Jim Jordan, and embarrassingly, the situation compelled Schiff to advertise his profound ignorance regarding basic civics. Read below, from RedState: ‘Today, ...
October 17, 2023
If you’re tempted to think the government cares about you...The first paragraph in this article has three words that explain why our country has so much debt and is in so much trouble. The words are "It doesn't care!" The U.S government is one of the World's biggest holders o...
October 17, 2023
Rupert Murdoch in the crosshairs of the ‘green’ pushers for failing to completely censor climate change debunkersWho do the so-called experts behind the radical green agenda blame for the fact that 100% of people don’t gobble up and repeat their talking points? Apparently… Rupert Murdoch? Last month, Murdoch announced he’d be stepping down...
October 16, 2023
Apparently being America first makes you an isolationistThe media and other Democrats are saying that President Trump’s foreign policy was isolationist, which is a lie. Being for America first is not isolationist. From a Yahoo News piece yesterday, which declared that...
October 16, 2023
Moderate Republican journalists ‘stunned’ that Democrats shamelessly lied for their anti-Trump agendaTim Graham for NewsBusters reported that Bret Baier was “stunned” to learn that Leon Panetta has “zero regrets” about exploiting his role as a “civil servant” and discrediting the Hunter Biden laptop stor...
October 16, 2023
Let the crisis talks ensueI don’t trust the polls that much, but I find these to be extremely interesting—the data in the table below came from Real Clear Politics, and these are the latest state polls for 23 states: Data table created by the author using i...
October 14, 2023
Leftist media call Trump-supporters 'far-right'...for what?As far as I can tell, anyone who supports Trump — say, Jim Jordan — is labeled hard right. So which policies made Trump far-right, according to the media and other Democrats? Enforcing border laws that Congress passed and buil...
October 13, 2023
NBC: ‘Trump’ and his ‘allies’ are guilty of stoking fears of terrorism without evidenceNBC doesn’t care about all the people, including terrorists who have come across the border; instead, the outlet is more focused on calling out Republicans for being concerned about terrorists. Yesterday, NBC accused “Trump” and ...
October 12, 2023
Putting things into perspectiveUnder Joe Biden, the FTC is proposing regulations on businesses that supposedly will save consumers $1 billion per year… which works out to around $3 per American, per year. From CNBC yesterday: The FTC’s rule proposal would...
October 11, 2023
Biden’s remarks on Hamas and Israel are tone-deaf and beyond insultingHow much can Joe Biden and his administration really support Israel when both he and Obama spent most of the past decade working to give Iran, which pledges death to Israel and America, access to hundreds of billions of dollars? Biden didn’t...
October 10, 2023
Climate ‘experts’ assure us they weren’t wrong, it was just a ‘miracle’ yearBefore the record wet winter which saw torrential downpour and floods, the “experts” were predicting a continuous dangerous drought—but the inaccuracy wasn’t because they were wrong, it was simply a miracle! From a Los Angeles...
October 7, 2023
Where does Biden get his '8 percent tax rate for billionaires' talking point?It is a true shame that fact-checkers don't directly call Biden's statement lies. Instead, they talk about putting things in context. The way Biden and the White House come up with 8% is to count appreciation of unsold stock as ...
October 6, 2023
Clinton's labor secretary is the bad penny that always turns upRobert Reich, who once held the secretary of labor position under Bill Clinton, somehow believes that all these disruptive strikes are great for the nation's economy. See below: America is in the midst of the biggest sur...
October 4, 2023
Bob Menendez scandal is no different from what politicians do all the timeNew Jersey’s Senator Bob Menendez is being charged, completely appropriate given the details, for allegedly lining his pockets in exchange for what appears to be political support for Egypt. But Menendez’s apparent behavior is no diffe...
September 29, 2023
Government shutdown ahead and according to the press, it is always the government's faultDemocrats are blaming Republicans for a looming government shutdown if a some kind of budget is not passed by the end of the fiscal year, which ends with September. Here is one take with that blame from CNN: Opinion: Look who’s weapon...
September 23, 2023
Joe Biden’s ‘unpopularity’ needs no explanationAmericans’ distaste for “Bidenomics” and Joe Biden’s unpopularity are realities easily understood and explained, but apparently mainstream media operative Rick Newman didn’t get the memo, and penned an essay trying to ge...
September 23, 2023
WaPo concludes that ‘prices are never going back down’A recent piece written by Catherine Rampell and published by The Washington Post noted that “prices are never going back down” but not to worry, because “economists generally consider an upward trend in prices a good thing” ju...
September 19, 2023
Putting 'heat-related deaths' in perspectiveApproximately 260,000 people die a month in the U.S. Around 40 of those people died a month from natural disasters. There were a total of 123 fatalities reported due to winter storms and cold waves in the United States in 2022. In tot...
September 19, 2023
Juan Williams reminds us that he’s a bogus journalistIt is pathetic that we’re still subjected to Juan Williams coming across the airwaves at Fox News or anywhere else. A man that supported impeaching President Trump for wanting Ukraine to investigate allegations of serious corruption now says an...
September 13, 2023
Remember when the media sowed terror over Trump's tarriffs?So where were the high prices caused by these supposedly harmful tariffs? You would think that if Trump's tariffs were so harmful, the media and others attacking them could point to high inflation, but it didn't occur. Here are th...
September 12, 2023
Health insurance premiums skyrocketing againThe price of energy and food, along with most other things, has risen rapidly since Biden took office, as Democrats have sought to destroy energy industries and have issued costly regulations as fast as they can. Now the WSJ has written an a...
September 12, 2023
California unveils new legislation to raise minimum wage (again) for fast food workersCalifornia is working as hard as it can to increase inflation, destroy jobs, and chase as many people and businesses out of its state as it can. From an article at RedState yesterday: California state lawmakers are attempting to pass new legisla...
September 10, 2023
Scientist tests his theory and cooks the books to support the left’s climate narrative… major magazine publishes his workIt has been clear for a long time that the science is not settled regarding humans and our use of natural resources in relation to temperatures and climatic changes. The only thing that is settled is job and financial security for “scientists...
September 8, 2023
Why is America so broke?The public is constantly told that when Congress passes new spending programs, they will be paid for… yet the U.S. is over $32 trillion in debt, not counting unfunded liabilities like Social Security, Medicare, and federal employee benefits. ...
September 8, 2023
‘Experts’ swear the world is on the brink of disaster… againNot like AOC with her ludicrous “the world is going to end in 12 years” shrieks, these lefties are becoming more self-aware. For more than 100 years, since the first time the WaPo blared out in 1922 a dire warning that the ice was melt...
September 6, 2023
Joe Biden’s reputation as a plagiarist back in the headlines thanks to efforts of a Harvard academicJoe Biden is quite a scandalous character with a very disreputable origin story. He’s known for his bigoted rhetoric against the black Americans while he was a Delaware senator beginning in the 1970s; he apparently took “probably not appr...
September 5, 2023
Why are Democrats working so hard to keep Trump off the ballot if he is so easy to beat?Here's a news story showing just how stupid it's gotten out there: Could the 14th Amendment keep Trump off ballot in 2024? A legal theory gaining traction argues that Donald Trump’s actions surrounding the insurrection disqual...
September 4, 2023
Rogue Montana court brings gavel down on injustice, and hands greenie child activists a victoryThe plaintiffs were mostly children, and their lawsuit said that the state’s energy industry was depriving them of their right to life. From an article out by Washington Monthly: In Big Sky Country, young plaintiffs win a groundbreaking...
September 4, 2023
Green pusher Michael Mann ramps up the rhetoric against the people on MSNBC segmentMSNBC continued its campaign against average Americans by bringing on Michael Mann, a well-known “green” pusher, who blamed Republicans for Hurricane Idalia, because we won’t sign our own death warrants and go along with the rapid d...
September 3, 2023
Reporter asks Joe Biden why he still hasn’t been to East Palestine, OhioYesterday, RNC Research, a social media account for the Republican National Committee, shared a Fox News clips in which a reporter confronted Joe Biden, and questioned why the president has yet to visit East Palestine, Ohio; after all, about six mont...
September 2, 2023
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez opens her mouth againAOC says that inflation is propaganda. It is just greedy shareholders and greedy corporations raising prices for no reason other than to goose profits. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., shared a video on social media t...
September 2, 2023
Mitch McConnell's obvious cognitive deficiencies cause a Democrat panicAs instances of Mitch McConnell's cognitive rot increase, a leftist admits without him, "things could get very scary." Freeze Senator Mitch McConnell#FJB вњ”рџ’Ї pic.twitter.com/RoT6VxIUrt — 5DME81 (@5dme81) September 2, 202...
August 31, 2023
Biden admin mulls more intervention in the market with new overtime pay 'rules'Now the Biden administration is mulling more intervention in the market and wants to hike the threshold for overtime pay. From Yahoo News: The Biden administration proposed a new rule Wednesday that would make 3.6 million more U....
August 31, 2023
Letitia James's lawsuit against President Trump is a specious grasping at strawsIt's clearly political persecution when a Democrat attorney general campaigns on destroying a Republican she doesn't like. As Politico reported last year, Letitia "Tish" James made anti-Trump rhetoric a central ...
August 31, 2023
LA Times journalist accuses Republicans of going ‘dark’Jackie Calmes, a Los Angeles Times opinion writer, says that Republicans have become the “dark” party. Reported via Yahoo News: How dark has Republicans’ talk of a dystopian America gotten? So dark that even other Republican...
August 30, 2023
WSJ says ‘the world’ is fearful of another Trump presidencyHow tragic that the Wall Street Journal went to the dark side. In many cases, the WSJ is just like the WaPo and NYT. They don’t want Trump to win again so they run a front-page story like this saying that the “world” is dreading ...
August 29, 2023
Joe Biden's long racist record is a spectacle to beholdAnyone who believes that Joe Biden and other Democrats have been great for blacks and other minorities clearly has been indoctrinated that Republicans and their policies are racist. Take a look at the Washington Post is claiming: A ...
August 28, 2023
The press just can't stop lying with its term 'climate deniers'Here is a fact: people who disagree with the green agenda do not say that the climate hasn't changed. We are not deniers. What we say is that the climate has changed cyclically and naturally through billions of years, and we...
August 28, 2023
The misinformers yell loudest about misinformationIt is an absolute joke when people from the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, ABC, CBS, and NBC, lecture others about spreading misinformation when they have been intentionally spreading misinformation for years. The examples are e...
August 27, 2023
Corporations see increased sales but plummeting profits thanks to wide scale retail theftRetailers, including Dick’s, Target, Macy’s, Nordstrum, and Ulta, are reporting that retail theft is significantly hurting their profits. Of course this contributes to the cost-of-living crisis, because everyone has to cover the costs, wh...
August 26, 2023
Vivek Ramaswamy is the only one who got it rightAt the Republican presidential primary debate, Vivek Ramaswamy was the only person who gave the correct answer on whether climate change is caused by humans. He said the climate change agenda is a hoax and that more people die each year from the clim...
August 25, 2023
Bidenomics is working … against the interests of everyday AmericansJoe Biden, along with most of the media and other Democrats believe in bigger government, higher taxes, and massive regulations. As soon as Biden took office, he set out to destroy industries that produce reasonably priced energy. He focused treme...
August 24, 2023
GOP Debate: Nobody held a candle to TrumpI watched the first GOP presidential debate Wednesday, moderated by Fox News. What was my first thought? That all Republicans should first stop giving in to the media and other Democrats by calling limits on abortion a "ban" on aborti...
August 23, 2023
Why are Democrats so intent on killing people?A nurse in London was evil and properly sentenced to life for intentionally killing vulnerable newborn babies. A former neonatal nurse convicted of murdering seven babies in her care and trying to kill six others at a hospital in...
August 23, 2023
It is apples and oranges to compare Bush's response during Katrina to Biden's response in HawaiiThe media and other Democrats colluded to destroy President Bush in the same way they have continually colluded for years to destroy President Trump. Now they are comparing their politically motivated criticism of Bush's response to Bide...
August 23, 2023
Artificial intelligence: what could go wrong?The first thing people need to recognize about artificial intelligence is that it is programmed software; these are not self-realized, autonomous machines. Driverless cars are a good example of artificial intelligence. The cars are designe...
August 22, 2023
14 US cities initiate new globalist climate plan in partnership with Soros and the ClintonsThe C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is a globalist enterprise with at least 14 partners right here in the U.S., and, they have set an "ambitious target" to convince the masses to give up meat, dairy, and private car ownership, as w...
August 21, 2023
Jack Smith's office leaks like a sieve with anonymous 'sources'...or they just don't existThis story is based on unidentified "sources familiar with the matter" just like all the stories we used to hear related to "Russian collusion," which turned out to be completely fictitious. All those unidentified ...
August 21, 2023
Janet Yellen admits to consuming ‘shrooms’ while in ChinaMy first thought when I saw the story that Janet Yellen was fed hallucinogenic mushrooms in China was, “How could you possibly tell?” It seems to me that Yellen always looks and sounds like she is in a daze, or completely confused; in ...
August 20, 2023
The media sure do hate democracy when it doesn't suit them!This piece by Washington Post writers is reasonable in a lot of respects. It decries super-majorities in most states that essentially run roughshod over the minority party. This is especially true in states like California, New ...
August 20, 2023
Sleepy Joe jets to billionaire donor’s home for vacation and the media didn’t see nuthin’(See also: “Biden takes in a 6-day vacay at Tom Steyer’s $18 million Lake Tahoe mansion ... with a side trip to Maui”) The media and other Democrats have been seeking to destroy Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito for alleged ...
August 19, 2023
WaPo fact-checker thinks Biden family scandals are an 'overhype'Joe Biden lies so much, even CNN was forced to admit it. From a Fox News piece yesterday: CNN fact-checked 'at least two lies' President Biden told during his speech in Milwaukee on the economy and sai...
August 17, 2023
Media pundit blames widespread rejection of Bidenomics on Americans' unwillingness to accept candidates who aren't 'warm and fuzzy'Most journalists seem to believe that their job is to promote Joe Biden's policies, instead of relaying the facts. In a recent segment on CNN, Jake Tapper and guest Ayesha Rascoe could not, for the life of them, understand why the publ...
August 6, 2023
Student loans sob stories, and government employees still working from homeThe media, Biden, and other Democrats keep bragging how great Bidenomics is and how good the job market is. That would especially make it good for kids who went to college because they make more than people who didn't. Yet we ...
August 6, 2023
NYT vilifies Justice Thomas for an RV, but misses the enormous elephant (more like jackass) in the roomIf you simply read the headline and lede of a The New York Times article published yesterday, and knew absolutely nothing about the mainstream media’s all-out war on government transparency and truth, you might actually think the outlet was ded...
August 5, 2023
Flip-Flop Fauci? More like Flip-Flop federal government and media!First they said don’t use the mask, because the structure would do absolutely nothing to stop virions, then they said the mask would save us, and muzzled us by force. They said, without scientific data, that COVID would easily spread via sur...
August 5, 2023
Biden condemns Russia's jailing of opposition leader Navalny: This. Is. Rich.The White House is mighty upset about this headline: Russian court sentences imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny to additional 19 years They sprang to action with this stern warming, something that must have Vlad Putin qua...
August 4, 2023
Constitutionally protected rights guaranteed to be violated if you're President Trump or one of his associatesMost lawyers are Democrats who work very hard to keep Democrats in office. They make a lot of money, because "lucrative government contracts flow to their profession" from Democrats. These litigators are certainly rewa...
August 4, 2023
This is one of the stupidest articles I have ever seen on climate changeI thought when I read this headline that it would say that it was too hot and too dry for crops to grow. My husband has farmed for 4 decades. Climate change might end his run. And I thought it was strange that after 160 years of using cru...
August 3, 2023
Who is Jack Smith? Using his name and the word 'integrity' in the same sentence is an oxymoronJack Smith was in charge of the public integrity section of the Justice Department during five of the Obama-Biden years, which was a massively corrupt administration. He must have had blinders on. He was there when Lois Lerner and the I...
August 3, 2023
What it really meant when US Treasury securities were just downgradedSee also: US credit rating sinks as national debt increases When Fitch, the securities ratings agency, downgraded US sovereign debt, it was a huge story in the financial world. The Wall Street Journal’s initial coverage noted that it was: ...
August 2, 2023
Questions for the UN and John KerryThe UN has gone from global warming to climate change and now the Earth is boiling. U.N. chief Antonio Guterres warns Earth in ‘era of global boiling’ U.N. and European Union monitors said that July is set to be the hottest ...
August 1, 2023
Democrats love to lie and cover up for lies because they only care about powerRepresentative Dan Goldman now says, despite all Biden's lies that he never talked with Hunter or anyone else about Hunter's business deals, that yes, Biden did talk to the businesspeople, but only to be nice, about things like the ...
August 1, 2023
Which species of animal is the most intelligent?Most people believe that humans are the most intelligent of all animals because we supposedly can do complex reasoning and use our brains to solve complex problems. Some people think that the main differences between humans other anima...
July 31, 2023
How did the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens get rich? And how did Trump?With all the focus on President Trump and his legal woes, the question arises: How did Trump get rich? And how did the Democrat elites persecuting him now get rich? Let's start with the Clintons: How did the Clintons get rich? The C...
July 30, 2023
How about an honest headline and article from MSNBC for a change?It would read. "The media will eventually be forced to cover the history of Biden family corruption,” instead of: Hunter Biden can't stop gifting the GOP with potential scandals Allegations about Hunter Biden’s art ...
July 29, 2023
Why would Biden need to pardon his son, the smartest person Joe knows?He has the corrupt Justice Department and IRS doing it for him with the support of the sycophant media. They have run a sham, pretending to investigate for years, just like they pretended to investigate Hillary before James Comey listed all ...
July 29, 2023
It must be a joke when anyone ranks Illinois as a good place to do businessAs an Illinois resident, it was embarrassing to read this on the front page of my local paper. It's as if no one proofreads articles anymore: Illinois is the 17th best state to do business in, according to rankings by CNBC. North...
July 28, 2023
Maureen Dowd can't seem to figure out who the liar-in-chief isWhenever I see a column in the New York Times by Maureen Dowd, writing about our liar-in-chief, I assume that she is talking about the current commander-in-chief, who has been a congenital liar his entire life. The Moment...
July 28, 2023
USAToday beats the global warming war drumsWe have been hearing for a hundred years that the ice would soon be gone in the Arctic, except in the 1970s, when they were warning that billions would die from the coming ice age. The following article from July 20 says temperatures are ris...
July 25, 2023
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democrats are very confused about what makes a hypocriteFar-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other House Democrats are saying Republicans are hypocrites for wanting to cut the IRS budget while supporting the two whistleblowers that are calling out the IRS for their special treatment of Hunter B...
July 23, 2023
Notice what is missing from this article seeking to scare us?This article from NBC News clearly is intended to scare us: Ready for another 'tripledemic'? CDC prepares for a winter of '3 bugs out there' Spread of all three respiratory viruses is currently low, but the CDC has begun to de...
July 23, 2023
The dire predictions were false as they always have been yet the green pushers don't careWant to see how absurd the press's coverage of global warming has gotten these days? Here's the Washington Post in action: How California’s weather catastrophe turned into a miracle Gushing waterfalls, swollen lakes...
July 21, 2023
Do we have an independent Justice Department that treats all people equally?We are constantly told by the media and other Democrats that we are now back to the rule of law, where everyone is treated equally and no one is above the law. So here are some examples of questions for the media, Merrick Garland, and other Democr...
July 18, 2023
So Trump's the one who is going to be a dictator?The New York Times has put out a hit piece on President Trump, based on unnamed sources, claiming that he is going to expand his power if he gets re-elected as president. Of course, they continually lied that he acted like a dict...
July 18, 2023
NBC just repeats climate predictions by the UN, no matter how many previous dire projections have been 100% wrongIt seems that every day the media will repeat a doomsday prediction about the climate from the UN or elsewhere to scare the public. They never ask questions even though previous dire predictions have been 100% wrong. The purpose is clearly to mislead...
July 18, 2023
This is what dictators do and what most Democrat campaign workers posing as journalists supportThis is what dictators do (and what most Democrat campaign workers posing as journalists support): Biden dictatorially cuts off funds because states dare to have limits on abortion. Biden dictatorially writes off student loans....
July 16, 2023
Hard-hitting news story: Trump made a bad golf shot. This makes me rethink my support for TrumpThis hard-hitting story on Trump embarrasses me as a Trump supporter. Donald Trump's nightmare golf shank caught on camera, and it's embarrassing Donald Trump hit a terrible shot during a round of golf, shanking th...
July 16, 2023
Press roosters crow about Joe Biden's fake economic sunriseWashington Post columnist Catherine Rampell would have you think what Joe Biden thinks -- that he is the hero of the American economy just because inflation has stopped ballooning: Who’s responsible for cooling inflation? Credit B...
July 14, 2023
Buffoon alert: WaPo staffer announces solutions for national debt crisisFor months, the economic geniuses and budget experts at The Washington Post have worked tirelessly to come up with ways to handle our $32 trillion debt; just look at this excerpt from an article out yesterday and written by assistant editor...
July 13, 2023
Media jackal Rex Huppke clashes with logic and fact to spin new narrative of Joe Biden the ExemplarIt appears that Rex Huppke, a writer for USA Today, subscribes to an odd interpretation of what constitutes proof. Somehow, if FBI director Christopher Wray says something is proof then it’s true; Wray, despite all the years he’s been mar...
July 13, 2023
Things the media and other Democrats care about and don't care aboutThe media and other Democrats have little interest in whether Joe Biden and his family lined their pockets with millions from China, a human rights abuser, and other countries. They didn't have much interest in Hillary lining the pockets ...
July 12, 2023
The press just can't stop propping up DemocratsI bet no one can recall when the media tried to help George Bush's and Donald Trump's poll numbers. Nope, they continued their efforts to push them down because they always campaign for Democrats. Here are a few examples of what th...
July 11, 2023
So Trump is to blame for the media's absence of interest in Biden and his scandals?It is bad enough that Joe Biden blames President Trump for his incompetence and destructive policies. It is much worse when the media, the politicized Justice Department, other government bureaucrats, and other Democrats collude to cover up ...
July 10, 2023
So Ukrainians can be trusted to use cluster bombs safely, but Americans cannot be trusted to use guns safely?We are sending very deadly cluster bombs to Ukraine this year because, as Biden disclosed, we are essentially running low on other ammunition. The Biden administration assures everyone that Ukraine can be trusted to use these deadly...
July 10, 2023
It is pure statistical garbage when we are told what the average global temperature is and that it is a heat recordWe are seeing daily scare stories that the Earth is setting record highs for average daily temperatures. These reports base their talking points on taking the average temperature from what appears to be around 11,000 weather stations,...
July 9, 2023
Heaven forbid that anyone challenge a meteorologist on his climate change talking pointsHere is one of the stupidest statements I have ever seen in an Associated Press article -- in this case, an article called Harassment of TV meteorologists reflects broader anti-science, anti-media trends: “I started just connecting ...
July 8, 2023
Somehow, Democrats can't seem to understand that the more they subsidize and throw money at something, the more unaffordable it becomesIn Illinois, we have some of the highest childcare costs in the country...and the Democrats brag about how much money they throw at it and pretend that solves the problem instead of contributing to the problem. The higher they raise the subsidy fo...
July 7, 2023
WSJ blames abysmal recruitment numbers on military veteransThe Wall Street Journal published a piece heaping the blame for the military recruitment crisis on those who have served. Yes, you read that right: military veterans are the problem. Not the drag queens, not the anti-w...
July 6, 2023
It must be nice to be a Democrat seeking to rewrite COVID history with such a compliant media establishment in towSuddenly, the CDC director throughout most of the last three years of COVID scares is worried that in the future, the public need to be worried that they may be fed junk science and misinformation. Departing CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Wa...
July 5, 2023
Why hasn't it been a big story that LA has had record cool temperatures in 2023?Shouldn't it be a huge national story that a big city like L.A. has had a record stretch where it didn't hit 80 degrees in 60 days in May and June? After all, the media always warn us that the Earth is getting danger...
July 4, 2023
What would 'a normal Supreme Court' look like?President Biden is saying the current Supreme Court is not "normal." Many journalists, along with Biden and other Democrats, are disparaging the six Supreme Court members that they describe as conservative are radical activists who have ...
July 3, 2023
The press is trying to scare us about heat deaths to promote its global warming agendaWe are supposed to be scared because 13 people, mostly older, died from heat in the current hot weather, and we are told that heat deaths are becoming more common. According to this item in the Associated Press: Heat waves like...
July 3, 2023
It is humorous to watch so-called 'experts' explain to us why each weather event has happenedWhenever there are fires, floods, droughts, and storms, the media trot out "experts" to almost always blame humans and our use of natural resources for the problem as they seek to destroy our great country with radical leftist policies...
June 30, 2023
‘Bidenomics’ in layman’s terms is foreign corruption and government controlThe media and other Democrats disparage trickle-down economics, but apparently they’re big believers in what they’re calling “Bidenomics.” (AP reported on a recent poll that found only 34% of Americans approve of Bid...
June 29, 2023
The statute of limitations when intentional tax fraud has occurredThe public has been told that there is a six-year statute of limitations on Hunter Biden's tax returns, but there is actually no limitation when intentional tax fraud occurs, and that is clearly the case with Hunter Biden. Whe...
June 28, 2023
'115 Degrees Fahrenheit,' screams the New York Times headlineThe New York Times wants us to be scared about climate: But in point of fact, instead of seeking to scare people with high temperatures, most of the reporting lately talks about the heat index. The purpose is to make people think it is warmer ...
June 26, 2023
Journalists somehow have lost all curiosity when questioning Democrats and fake RepublicansWhenever Republicans and Democrats are interviewed, they seem to be asked questions about Trump's legal issues. Yet, when they are interviewed, they are rarely asked what they think of Biden's legal issues. Here are some sample questi...
June 24, 2023
Hey, WaPo: DIctatorships aren't always run by men in fancy braided uniformsIt has been clear for a long time that if you can get the puppets at the WaPo and other media outlets to repeat talking points, lie about political opponents, and hide the truth of your corruption, you can greatly expand your wealth and power. ...
June 23, 2023
The Bizarro World of Merrick Garland's 'normalized' Justice DepartmentI was so lucky to read this piece by the AP in my local paper sending the message to the public about how great Merrick Garland is and how he is completely focused on law and order and applying it in an unbiased fashion. WASHINGTON (NE...
June 23, 2023
Now Obama wants even more power...The media, government bureaucrats and other Democrats have spread a massive number of lies to the public for years through many election cycles. All are meant to mislead the public and influence or interfere in elections, but now Obama wan...
June 22, 2023
What's missing from this article in USA Today about student loan debt?This article has several sympathy-generating stories about how people will struggle to pay student debt after three years during which they have been allowed to skate. 'A fighting force': How Americans with crushing debt plan to repay thei...
June 21, 2023
Which party is divisive and acts more like dictators?Donald Trump's general philosophy was to give more power and money back to the people. For that, the media and other Democrats repeatedly lied by calling him an authoritarian. He was also called divisive. In fact,...
June 21, 2023
There is a big difference between the way Democrats ban and boycott and what Republicans doThe first thing everyone needs to see is the definition of fascism, since Republicans are frequently referred to as fascists to intentionally mislead the public. One definition via Merriam-Webster: Fascism: a way of org...
June 19, 2023
The dire warnings have already started if Democrats don't get exactly what they wantFor months the media warned about a worldwide disaster if the Republicans didn't cave on the debt ceiling. Basically, they regurgitated Democrat talking points as they always do. It was always an exaggerated crisis. Now, they have started warn...
June 17, 2023
'Clean energy' is just another government money-funneling scamI will try to make this scam simple so that even most journalists can understand it. The government has a goal to destroy companies that use natural resources to produce reasonably priced energy. They falsely claim that the science is s...
June 16, 2023
Intelligent design trumps AI and any programmed intelligenceLet's start with the magic of creating a human: You start with a tiny sperm and egg which hook up to start the development of a child, not a blob. The sperm resides in a male's testicles. The eggs reside in a female'...
June 15, 2023
We should all give Biden great credit for what he has achieved in officePresident Biden seems very proud that inflation numbers have cooled from over 9% to 4%. We should be giving Biden credit for energy and spending policies that caused inflation to skyrocket from under 2%, despite COVID to over 9% or 4% in May. Oil is ...
June 14, 2023
This is some of the garbage we can expect with indoctrinated kids and greedy lawyersThese children say that their lives have been destroyed because of coal and oil so they are suing Montana. A group of Montana youth who say their lives are already being affected by climate change and that state government is fail...
June 13, 2023
The playbook is always the same for most of the media and other DemocratsThey target political opponents they want to destroy, whether it is Sarah Palin, Justice Kavanaugh, Justice Thomas, Ron DeSantis, or Donald Trump. They relentlessly set out to destroy them, whatever they have to do. They will ev...
June 10, 2023
Democrats, with the help of the mostly complicit media, are seeking to destroy the greatest country that ever existed as fast as they canThe media and other Democrats repeatedly call Republicans fascists and dictators to intentionally mislead the public. Fascists are essentially authoritarians. Trump and other Republicans basically want to transfer power and money to the people, which...
June 10, 2023
This is a joke that will be repeated over and over by the media and other Dems: 'No one is above the law'Here is a short list of people who have essentially been above the law, no matter how many lies they tell under oath or how many crimes they commit. Hillary Clinton Lois Lerner Eric Holder James Clapper Adam Schiff Fifty-o...
June 8, 2023
Regime idiots pounce on conveniently-timed 'wildfire' air pollution in New YorkLike clockwork, whenever there is a big storm, a flood, warming or cooling, a drought, or any other weather event, the green pushers come out and say the climatic activity is caused by humans and our use of natural resources. The solution is alway...
June 8, 2023
Isn't it amazing how upset the media and others seem to be about the merger of the PGA and LIV Golf?CBS says Biden needs to say something about it. On Tuesday’s edition of CBS's "America Decides," CBS News Senior White House and Political Correspondent Ed O'Keefe and CBS News Chief White House Correspondent Nancy ...
June 7, 2023
Why does Google remind me of Worldcom?Are all companies reporting profits these days really creating value for their shareholders? I have my doubts. Google, for one, has changed the way they keep the books in what looks like a bid to claim they hit ...
June 6, 2023
When fake dire climate predictions turn out to be wrong, they just come up with new scare tacticsHumans and our use of natural resources did not cause the drought in California, and government policies didn't end it. Record rain and snow, which were not predicted, ended the drought. Droughts, and other weather events, throughou...
June 5, 2023
Why are the predictions on climate change always so wrong?For decades, we have been getting predictions that humans and our use of natural resources are destroying the oceans and species at a rapid rate. Humans are destroying our oceans at an unprecedented rate. Eighty percent of fisheries are overfis...
June 2, 2023
Microsoft's president issues warning that foreign adversaries are using AI to 'defraud' AmericansThe Microsoft president is worried that China, Iran, and Russia will use A.I. to spread misinformation; from an article out at The Sun last week: Brad Smith gave a speech in Washington on May 25 which discussed how AI could be reg...
May 31, 2023
WaPo columnist lies through her teeth and says Joe Biden has 'underrated deal-making prowess'For months, Joe Biden said he absolutely would not negotiate. His spokespuppets repeatedly said there would be no negotiations. Biden denigrated Republicans, and according to CNBC, he even said this: MAGA Republicans in Congress are threatening ...
May 31, 2023
No, a 'Fair Tax' is not a good ideaLet's take a look at the "Fair Tax" and see how fair it really is. Yes, it would tax health care and health insurance. Why would people think United Health Care, Aetna, and other very profitable companies would not only no...
May 30, 2023
WaPo announces 'a debt ceiling' doesn't 'make sense'They love big government and Democrats. They think there essentially should be no limits to what the government should spend and borrow. What could go wrong? My guess is they can't conceptually spot the problem that somed...
May 28, 2023
President Trump’s campaign team gets it right and releases ‘Ron DeSalesTax’ adI agree with Florida’s governor on most things, but the 23% national sales tax is not one of them. President Trump recently released a truthful ad stating that we would all suffer if Ron DeSantis got his way to pass a 23% national sales tax. ...
May 26, 2023
WaPo writers peacock as deep-thinking investigative journalists...and fool no oneThey are amazing. They find all sorts of information on President Trump — with an abundance of sleazy details (validity is beside the point!) — with documents. Yet somehow, they never seem to locate the doc...
May 25, 2023
John Bolton the war hawk braggart ridicules President Trump for his America First foreign policyThere are few things more bothersome than listening to an embedded swamp creature castigate a president whose America first agenda brought an impressive amount of political stability to the global community. Remember when Bolton bragged about his rol...
May 25, 2023
The Biden admin, with the help of the complicit media, sure pretends a lotJanet Yellen has been screaming about the dire consequences for months if the Biden administration didn't get a clean debt ceiling increase. Now she admits that her department, which pays the bills, hasn't done a thing to prepare, ...
May 24, 2023
Too many Republicans cave to radical leftist policies because they crave temporary adulation from the media and other DemocratsInstead of calling out climate change purportedly caused by humans and the use of natural resources as the massive fraud it is, many Republicans just try to slow down the radical leftist policies to destroy companies that directly and indirectly empl...
May 23, 2023
On global warming, so many problems with the dataIt is hard to find any data to support what we have been told about temperatures and the climate, yet we repeatedly see the talking point that "the science is settled" and people saying the dire predictions have been true. Here is a...
May 21, 2023
Media trashes Supreme Court, then conducts poll to show itFor years, the media has spent massive amount of air and print space seeking to destroy the Supreme Court, solely because they don't like judges who believe in the Constitution. Now they've got a poll that shows their propaganda works....
May 20, 2023
Obama says that what worries him is when all the media don't repeat the same talking pointsObama says a divided media is what worries him most in America. I think a divided media is the only thing that might save us from intentional collapse caused by leftists. "The thing that I'm most worried about is th...
May 17, 2023
Here is some scientific data that the UN, US government, the media and others won’t show the publicFor the last 40 years, after they stopped seeking to scare us about global cooling, the UN, media, Democrats, educators, scientists, and other radical leftists have sought to scare us that we were going to die soon because we use our natural resource...
May 17, 2023
The swamp is deep and the IRS crocodiles are hungryMaybe the IRS should spend their time administering the tax code instead of targeting people they don't like and protecting criminals whose policies they like. These days, it is not at all different from when the IRS targeted Tea Pa...
May 17, 2023
Why would anyone believe these people can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity forever?The people who say they can control the climate forever if we are forced to buy electric cars and give up a lot of other stuff somehow can't figure out how to have AM radio stations without interference from electric vehicles. L...
May 13, 2023
Does the WSJ really believe that residential real estate in Illinois is a great opportunity to get a high return on the investment?As a seventy-year resident of Springfield, Ill., I was amazed and amused that there was an article in the Wall Street Journal, a supposedly reputable, savvy business newspaper, touting Springfield as a great place to buy a house. It is as if the ...
May 12, 2023
Who is lying about infanticide?Jessica Tarlov, on Fox News, called Trump a liar for saying that Democrats support Infanticide at the CNN Town Hall. She said that the moderator should have called him out. Jessica Tarlov The following is a definition of in...
May 10, 2023
Most of the media don't care about anything unless the story fits their radical leftist agendaMost of the media care as much about Tara Reade's credible accusations against Trump as they did about all women whom Bill and Hillary physically and mentally abused. The media also have never seemed to care about all the young girls w...
May 9, 2023
You mean to tell me oceans affect icebergs?!Watch out: scientists have discovered that oceans affect icebergs. Only deep thinkers could come up with that. I bet the sun, tides, jet streams, and other natural phenomena also affect icebergs, just as they affect everyth...
May 8, 2023
Wall Street economist Mark Zandi of Moody's is a Democrat's dreamMark Zandi of Moody's, whose biggest shareholder is leftist Warren Buffett, is frequently used to push the Democrat agenda. Here the White House uses Zandi to promote Biden's position that he should get a clean debt ceili...
May 8, 2023
Democrats' policies: Help the poor and minorities, or just make them more dependent on the government?After a purported 404 years of racism in the United States (The 1619 Project), the median net worth of whites is estimated to be around $188,000, while the median net worth of blacks is around $24,000. Leftists propose giving blacks m...
May 7, 2023
The staggering hypocrisy of Warren BuffettSomehow, Warren Buffett believes that the federal government should cover all depositors, no matter how rich they are, even though the FDIC specifically states that it covers only $250,000, and that is what it charges insurance premiums on....
May 6, 2023
Deputy secretary of energy can't answer Senator John Kennedy's climate questionsSenator John Kennedy asked David Turk, Biden's deputy secretary of energy, how much the temperature would go down if we got to carbon neutral, and the senior bureaucrat wouldn't or couldn't answer. He tap-danced around like a t...
May 6, 2023
There are never enough regulations for progressivesBernie Sanders now wants a minimum wage of $17 per hour and a 32-hour work week. "It's time to reduce the work week to 32 hours with no loss in pay. It's time to reduce the stress level in our country and allow Americans to enj...
May 5, 2023
These headlines could be from the Babylon BeeThese days, satire can't keep up with reality. It's gotten so bad the Babylon Bee has a run for its money on its hands -- from the regular news headlines. Start with this one: Harris to meet with CEOs about artificial intelli...
May 4, 2023
Democrats lack compassion for the powerlessThe case involves a 94-year-old woman who didn’t pay her property taxes and owed the county $15,000. The county seized the house, sold it for $40,000 and kept the excess equity for itself. Tyler's home was then sold for $40...
May 3, 2023
Washington Post covers up the role of bureaucrats in making the pandemic worseIn The Daily 202: The pandemic made the loneliness crisis worse, Washington Post writer Oliver Knox (“with research by Caroline Anders”) claims that the pandemic caused loneliness to worsen. But loneliness was not caused by the pande...
April 22, 2023
Biden's 'environmental justice' is a cheap façadeJoe Biden claims he cares so much about communities and the people, but he has never cared about the people in East Palestine, Ohio. Maybe the IRS should concentrate on collecting taxes instead of pretending they can control temperatures....
April 20, 2023
Most of the media, entertainers, educators, and other Democrats only pretend to care about children, the poor, and the middle classWe had huge protests when President Trump was enforcing immigration laws. AOC showed up and cried at a chain link fence protecting a parking lot. Kids were shown in cages, from the Obama-Biden years, and Trump was blam...
April 19, 2023
Shouldn't most media outlets be sueable?Most of the media has been disparaging and seeking to destroy Fox News, and their on-air personalities, for the sole reason that they aren’t 100% in the tank for Democrats and their radical, leftist policies. Now, most media outlets are having ...
April 18, 2023
It is Biden, Obama, and other leftists who continually seek to divide the country, not TrumpThe Washington Post a few days ago highlighted a just-published book by its former columnist Thomas Edsall, now at the New York Times. The book’s publisher, Princeton University Press, writes: Thomas Byrne Edsall fears that the country may...
April 16, 2023
Lake Tahoe is healing itself!For decades, environmentalists have been bemoaning the fact that Lake Tahoe’s waters have been losing their clarity and blaming humans. The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection: Between 1968 and 2000, approximately one-third o...
April 16, 2023
The media is clearly confused about the difference between made-up predictions and factual newsA significant percentage of news stories are made-up predictions, not factual reporting. The news media and other Democrats use these predictions to sell radical policies to Americans. No matter how false the predictions are, the policies stay in pla...
April 10, 2023
Why isn't it racism when the media and other Democrats seek to destroy conservatives who happen to be people of color?Every day, the media and other Democrats seek to brand Republicans as racists if they dare disagree with Democrats' radical leftist ideology and policies. Democrats who engage in lawless acts and who happen to be non-white peop...
April 7, 2023
This trial would have drawn major coverage if it would have been about Trump instead of the election of Obama and Biden in 2012The media say they have always been concerned about big money in elections. They also say they are very concerned about foreign money in elections, and honest elections, so here is a trial should draw great interest. It also i...
April 6, 2023
Media's salivation at the thought of a Trump arrest shows (again) how grotesque and off-base it really isThe left-wing media are salivating at the thought that President Trump will be convicted in the latest witch hunt. On Tuesday, Brian Schwartz for CNBC pretended as though Bragg's political persecution were legitimate. ...
April 2, 2023
The public has never seen any scientific data that shows that our use of natural resources increases temperatures or controls the climateThe United States and other supposedly advanced and intelligent countries are working as fast as they can to destroy companies that produce oil, coal, natural gas and all the products derived from them. They are doing it because of the predictions th...
March 30, 2023
It's time the media and other Democrats stopped misleading the public that they believe in equal treatment and that no one is above the lawAs the media and other Democrats salivate about Trump being charged with a crime in one of the many witch hunts, they should be asked some questions. They say he must be charged because we need election fairness and no one is above the law. S...
March 23, 2023
It is clearer every day which party is radical, extreme, dangerous, and flat out crazyIt is sad that only 74% of registered voters believe that parents have more rights to choose major, life-changing medical surgery than school officials. Here is the poll: Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Schools Should Inform Parents ...
March 22, 2023
National Review claims a second Trump term would be 'bonkers'I will summarize the following article from the anti-Trump National Review, titled "A Second Trump Administration Would Be Bonkers": Republicans shouldn’t vote for Trump again because Democrats will act more violently than they did...
March 21, 2023
Which presidents have made China and Russia much stronger and America intentionally weaker?President Trump recognized the risk of TikTok years ago, but Biden reversed his executive orders that banned the app. Now the Biden administration supposedly cares. Biden revokes and replaces Trump executive orders that banned TikTok ...
March 17, 2023
Wonder why most of the media aren't trusted?Because most of the media continue to show how much they are in the tank for Joe Biden. This week, Republicans have shown millions of dollars in transfers to the Biden family from China, and yet it doesn't make the nightly news. Alw...
March 16, 2023
A single multiple choice question for the ‘green’ energy pushersHere is one burning question for scientists, entertainers, journalists, politicians, bureaucrats, and others who claim they can control the climate: Which of the following has caused the reservoirs to fill up rapidly in California and elsewhere in...
March 15, 2023
Fake ‘fact-checker’ finally gets it right: Joe Biden’s word isn’t worth a wooden nickelDid anyone really need to fact check this story before knowing it was a lie? Glenn Kessler at The Washington Post just came to and realized he’s been had: ol’ Joe’s “word as a Biden” is in fact a counterfeit bank note...
March 13, 2023
Inflation was only ‘transitory’ they saidFirst off: These collapses did not occur in two days. The problems have compounded over time and should have been very easy to spot by regulators and “experts” on Wall Street. The collapses were not caused by too few regulations. For y...
March 12, 2023
Kamala Harris unearths a ‘climate mental health’ crisis but the ‘why’ still puzzles herKamala Harris is completely befuddled about what she calls, “climate mental health.” Last week Harris was in Miami, where she spoke at “Aspen Ideas: Climate Conference”. As Ian Miller at Outkick noted: “Things quickly...
March 12, 2023
It’s a miracle! Media reports attest murdered unborn child is a 'person'Most of the media along with the other Democrats have told us for years that the life of an unborn child, no matter how developed, is just a reproductive choice. Yet when a murderer killed this unborn baby, at seven months gestation, the media not...
March 11, 2023
Where were the regulators on SVB?The Federal Reserve and FDIC get call reports every quarter to show each bank's financial conditions. Those are public reports that the "experts" on Wall Street can also see. The report for SVB, or, Silicon Valle...
March 9, 2023
Indisputable video evidence exposes the truth, and Democrats erupt into a conniptionTucker Carlson shows real footage from January 6th, and the media and the other Democrats squeal like pigs, denouncing the expository tapes as “lies” and Carlson a cherry picker. This is rich coming from Democrats and the media, who de...
March 8, 2023
A lot of major Democrat donors have a couple things in commonBesides being major contributors to Democrats over the years, what else do the following people have in common? Alex Murdaugh Bernie Madoff George Soros Jeffrey Epstein Samuel Bankman Fried Mark Zuckerberg Marc Rich They were a...
March 7, 2023
Time for leftist media to terrify people with articles about snow!This article is in the tradition of articles that we have seen for decades saying we could look forward to snowless winters because of humans and our use of natural resources. What is missing from every one of these articles is a direct link...
March 5, 2023
When leftists want to scare you about global warming, remind them of this factIn this article, they talk about the extreme heat of 2022 and say how much heat-related deaths will continue to rise. What is somehow missing is the number of heat-related deaths. I would think that would be of utmost impor...
March 3, 2023
Without a hint of sarcasm, Biden puppet announces ‘natural immunity’ is unscientificNo matter how much evidence is shown to the Biden administration about the lies of Fauci and the CDC, the policies and talking points remain the same. How’s that for the “party of science”? Now, a Biden mouthpiece has announced ...
March 2, 2023
Widespread public distrust in media baffles mainstream punditsFor over two years, the mainstream media has regurgitated Biden administration talking points about how great leftist economic policies are, and find themselves “confused” as to why the public just doesn’t believe them. Last week...
March 1, 2023
Janet Yellen says federal treasury will soon take 'extraordinary measures'In January, Janet Yellen and a host of Democrats warned American citizens that the U.S. had hit its debt limit. The Treasury Department would have to jump through hoops to pay bills, and in June the nation would default on its $32 trillion alba...
February 28, 2023
‘Scientists’ announce record cold due to a warming earthLeftists are pushing an agenda to destroy industries that produce reasonably priced energy by claiming those industries cause an existential threat of warming, that is causing extreme changes to the climate, that is threatening our survival. ...
February 27, 2023
Legacy media baffled that President Trump beat Biden and troupe to East PalestineInstead of doing serious reporting about Biden’s and Mayor Pete’s incompetence and inaction on an environmental disaster, the media is running the same play they’ve been running for over seven years: go after Trump. On Thursday, ...
February 26, 2023
Delusional Democrat Kamala Harris strikes again, this time on the cost of living crisisThe Inflation Reduction Act did nothing to lower the rising inflation rate. What it did was dole out rebates if people spent money on the greenie “investments” so loved by Democrat politicians. For example if a person were to spend $20,00...
February 24, 2023
Habitual liars: Democrats and the media blame Trump for Ohio train carnageA disastrous chemical spill occurs in East Palestine, Ohio, and Biden and Mayor Pete don't say a word or visit for weeks. Shouldn't the media stop pretending Biden is empathetic? (Had the event involved a firearm, you know they ...
February 21, 2023
Kristina Karamo becomes Michigan's first Black GOP Chair, and media mockery ensuesElected by her peers, a Black conservative made history and just became the chair of the Michigan Republican Party; no doubt, mainstream media outlets all received the same list of talking points, because the negative headlines and articles are so si...
February 19, 2023
The lies government will tell to force green energyDemocrats want to bury and regulate CO2, a clear, innocuous, non-pollutant gas that allows plants to grow and the world to be fed. They want to eliminate clean-burning, efficient, affordable natural gas plants that keep people comfortable wi...
February 15, 2023
Maybe the media should ask Mayor Pete why he supports prevailing wage lawsPothole Pete is worried about too many whites working construction: Pete Buttigieg Frets That Too Many Construction Crews 'Don't Look Like' The Neighborhoods They Work In We have heard way too many stories from generations past of...
February 14, 2023
Now the WaPo ‘factchecker’ is rationalizing the letter from 51 lying intelligence officialsThe Republicans in the House are having an investigation into the collusion of the media, the Justice Department, and intelligence officials as they censored the true story of the Biden family corruption right before the 2020 election. This was pu...
February 13, 2023
Our corrupt bureaucracy and complicit media sure have their priorities screwed upThey target parents. They target Catholics. They target people who are pro-life, they target Tea Party members, and they target anyone surrounding Trump. The FBI pulled back the memo on Catholics, saying it did...
February 9, 2023
Government policy should be founded in fact rather than fictionFor decades, the public has been warned about the existential threat of global warming and climate change based on computer models. An outlet out last year even reported on an admission from scientists that models weren’t accurate because they ...
February 8, 2023
So when is the FEC going to fine the WaPo, the NYT and all the other media outlets that bury stories or post false ones to influence elections?The National Enquirer was fined $187,500 by the Federal Election commission for squelching a story about Donald Trump because they said it was a prohibited in-kind contribution to influence an election. Here's the story from the Ass...
February 2, 2023
Mainstream media uncovers groundbreaking reality: corruption and violence go hand in handIn a report published on Tuesday, establishment journalists highlighted a link between corruption and violence. 2023? Really? That’s how long it took for them to figure this out? From the article: ‘Corruption has made our world a ...
January 31, 2023
It is no wonder the media has lost the trust of the peopleMost journalists have been pushing an agenda for a long time instead of reporting objectively or based on facts. This includes news and opinion journalists. Now, we see a Washington Post article saying that the media can regain the trust of the pe...
January 29, 2023
Ronald Reagan words on taxes are very relevant todaySince California wants to tax people who don't live in California with a wealth tax, and since Biden and other Democrats don't think they should negotiate on the debt ceiling, the public should see quotes from Ronald Reagan on taxes: 1....
January 24, 2023
Where are the snow-less winters we have been warned about?For more than a decade, we have been warned that we would have snowless winters. Why haven’t those warnings come true? I bet people in California, Utah, and Buffalo are tired of shoveling that global warming. The answer is the warnings were alw...
January 23, 2023
California seems to find a new way to chase away residents every dayNow California wants a wealth tax. Florida, Tennessee, Texas, and many other states will gladly welcome "the rich" and everyone else who will be fleeing that state as a result. This paragraph from Zerohedge says it all about Dem...
January 22, 2023
Weren't women supposed to 'die' in the wake of the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe?Seven months ago, the Supreme Court correctly ruled that legislatures should make laws, not the courts, on the matter of abortion, and in the leftist outcry of it, we were told that would kill many women. There were huge demonstrations protes...
January 21, 2023
Many states will soon have a budget problem. The culprit is clearly too much spending, not tax cuts as WaPo columnist claimsCatherine Rampell of the WaPo is correctly recognizing that states are sabotaging their finances. While she recognizes the coming problem, she blames tax cuts instead of overspending and depending on the rich as the culprit. Democrats rarely thi...
January 20, 2023
Here's a novel idea: Maybe the media should be honest and their journalists investigativeThe Democrats and their media lapdogs are blaming Republicans for failing to raise the debt limit immediately and claiming what a disaster it is to negotiate with the holdouts. They act as though the Democrats have never voted against raising the ...
January 19, 2023
Lies, lies, and more lies: 'experts' claim 'net-zero' will usher in prosperityA new report out at Yahoo News last week detailed how “net-zero” could “generate” over $10 trillion by 2050. Any report that claims “experts” can calculate the economic environment of the world in 27 years is just ...
January 18, 2023
Most of the media don’t mind a president who rules like a dictator, so long as he is a leftistPoor Joe Biden. He now must deal with a divided Congress, so he should just rule by government edict, according to this article. Biden could again play ‘implementer-in-chief’ in the face of Republican obstructi...
January 18, 2023
No, the Antarctic's ice is not melting as fast as predictedGreenie leftists for years have been saying the Antarctic is melting. Well, based on this latest news from AFP, the Antarctic ice is not melting as fast as predicted. Runaway W. Antarctic ice sheet collapse not 'inevitable': ...
January 15, 2023
The green agenda has never been about science or the environment: It is about green money and powerThe people pushing the green agenda always say they are basing the agenda on "science," yet their actions continually show that is not true. The EU’s scientific arm said that the chemical element lithium, used in green-vehicle batt...
January 15, 2023
About those overcounted COVID-19 deaths...The media, especially the social media, say they are very strict about reporting misinformation but that is a lie. They willingly repeat talking points to push agenda, whether it is about Russian collusion, climate change, or COVID without a...
January 13, 2023
New rules in the House worry Democrat leader Hakeem JeffriesReal wages have declined for two years under the direction of Biden and the other Democrat leftists, but now the new minority leader in the House, Hakeem Jeffries, is supposedly concerned about the well-being of Americans because certain House member...
January 13, 2023
Boats powered by flammable pollutants are almost readyFishermen and recreational boaters in the U.S. are getting excited about these new boats (not). However, there are a few problems with them…. Their range is a whopping two hours at the high speed of 23 miles per hour. Maybe Biden and the De...
January 10, 2023
Another year, another round of global warming doomsday predictions that never came to passNo matter how far the predictions are off, the sycophants in the media will continue predicting the talking points that the science is settled and continue their support for the destruction of industries that produce reasonably priced and r...
January 9, 2023
Four days for the GOP to choose a new Speaker, two years of nothing from Joe Biden on stopping the border surgeIt took less than four days to sensibly change rules in Congress to get a new Speaker of the House. Most of the media called that dysfunctional and embarrassing. Let's talk about dysfunctional and embarrassing. According to J...
January 8, 2023
Strange how the media didn't notice a 'dysfunctional Congress' until just nowAs speaker, Nancy Pelosi ran the House of Representatives like a fiefdom, and the media cheered. They marveled at her power. They didn't operate under regular budget rules with individual appropriation bills. Instead, the...
January 8, 2023
FTC proposes new rule to prohibit non-compete agreementsThe regulations and greed of the powerful government never stop. Now, the Federal Trade Commission wants to outlaw non-compete covenants (a contractual agreement between two parties to limit competition for a certain period of time). The FTC claims t...
January 7, 2023
Maybe Merrick Garland and his DoJ should focus on doing their jobs instead of suppressing dissidentsThe politicized Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland ignore crime and deaths throughout the country while they continue to target a relatively small group of trespassers at the Capitol who were protesting an election. ...
January 6, 2023
Joe Biden finds Republicans representing everyday Americans 'embarrassing'Joe Biden was asked about Republicans having trouble electing a speaker, and he said that it is "embarrassing for our country." You know what's embarrassing? This: Las Vegas police release the mug shot of Sam Brinton, a to...
January 4, 2023
A tale of betrayal: Elon Musk exposes corruption, and the media goes scorched earthThe media used to love Elon Musk. They adored his “eco-conscious” business ventures because it fit their Green agenda. Musk, being a manufacturer of electric cars powered by the highly flammable pollutant lithium and a seller of worthless...
January 3, 2023
Democrat policies ‘working’ before they’re even implementedCalifornia politicians are geniuses. Given their belief that humans and our use of natural resources cause droughts, they passed regulations removing the freedom of choice regarding personal vehicles — all in the name of climate change — ...
January 2, 2023
Only an economic illiterate could say that Biden’s policies are working wellHere is a headline in Yahoo Finance on December 30th: “This week in Bidenomics: It was a pretty good year.” The author is Rick Newman, whose title is “Senior Columnist”. Newman admits that the S & P 500 was down 20% for...
December 31, 2022
About those Trump tax returns...The media have been seeking to destroy President Trump since he began running for office. They spread the known lie about Russian collusion for years. They lied about what he said in Charlottesville, and now they lie about ...
December 30, 2022
Most reporters are shills for Democrats, and the latest string of news proves itIt is impossible to fathom how anyone could possibly think that Kamala Harris had a fabulous year. It appears that a WaPo writer believes she did because she went to some international meetings and talked about how important abortion is. ...
December 23, 2022
MSNBC writer upset the media failed to prevent the election of new GOP CongressmanPublished today at MSNBC, Dean Obeidallah penned an article lamenting the sorry state of affairs that led to Republican George Santos’ election to Congress in a New York district: George Santos, a Republican from New York recently elected to...
December 20, 2022
The media's biggest grift: fake stories sold as truthFabrication seems to be a standard practice for the media, other Democrats, and members of the Deep state. It would be very helpful to the modern viewer — who looks to news outlets for unbiased information on current events — if the me...
December 20, 2022
Duplicitous media suggests a 'Republican Biden' for a GOP winThe headline read, “Trump and his MAGA political movement are done. Republicans need their version of Biden.” Rex Huppke, who writes at USA Today, is clearly a shill for Democrats and their radical leftist policies. He obviously hates ...
December 16, 2022
Leftists play themselves: aside from the volatility and destruction, things are going wellThis morning on the Today Show, White House doctor and Covid-19 “response coordinator” Ashish Jha was asked about the shortage of children’s medicine. He said there is plenty of supply, but demand is just too high. The hosts on the ...
December 15, 2022
Democrats quietly send $35.8 billion bailout to cover their policy mistakesDemocrats have essentially had complete control of Illinois, with super majorities in the House and Senate, for years. As an Illinois resident, I have the wonderful fortune of listening to Democrats brag about the financial “health” of...
December 13, 2022
Junk science lingers: one warm day cited as reason for an imminent climate catastropheThe revelations from Twitter might be shocking, but it’s not much different from what the media has been doing for decades — picking and choosing what information to share in an effort to create a desired (leftist) narrative. Just last...
December 13, 2022
Deep State interference was a conspiracy theory, until it wasn’tUnder the direction of Elon Musk, troves of files regarding Twitter’s dealings have been made public. We’re seeing just how much government bureaucrats colluded with the tech company to justify the suppression of stories which detailed th...
December 9, 2022
Insulated one-percenters warn struggling Americans of a recessionPrinceton elite Catherine Rampell of The Washington Post said yesterday that lower gas prices might not always be good news, because it may show we are heading into a recession with lower demand. She is absolutely correct about that, yet, it is still...
December 7, 2022
The media love to pretend the 2020 election was cleanThe media are making a big deal about President Trump's recent expression of frustration at the electoral rigging that went on in the 2020 election. We see a lot of articles like these: Trump tries to clarify call for 'terminati...
December 5, 2022
Hakeem Jeffries warns of 'extremism' — but gets it all backwardsIf questioning elections makes you an "election denier," then why does the media support Hakeem Jeffries to lead the Democrats in the House? Isn't he a "threat to our democracy" and unfit to hold office? ...
December 4, 2022
Arizona Democrat Katie Hobbs certifying her own election in her favor seems like an actual ‘threat to democracy’It is certainly not a “threat to democracy” when people challenge elections, especially when many state election officials intentionally violate their own state laws. Speaking of which…. Arizona law, A.R.S. § 38.503 dictate...
December 2, 2022
Washington Post journalist praises a bureaucrat, misses the ironyWhat is it about modern "journalists" and their perverse predilections to slobber over big government criminal bureaucrats? Yesterday I came upon a Washington Post opinion piece titled "In praise of public officials who ca...
December 1, 2022
It's been nearly six months since Dobbs, and women's bodies aren't stacking upWhen the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade this past June — the ruling returned abortion to the states — the media and the other Democrats mobilized and coordinated a massive disinformation campaign to bombard the public with t...
November 30, 2022
Chinless Mitch continues to galvanize reputation as an Establishment yellow-bellyYesterday morning, Resident RINO Mitch McConnell addressed a crowd of reporters, but instead of embracing the role he's hired to do — advance political conservatism — he took the opportunity to attack President Trump. I absolutel...
November 29, 2022
Charitable journalists giving Ron DeSantis sage advice on how to win in 2024Ron DeSantis just won the previously purple state of Florida by 20%, and now altruistic leftists are giving him advice on how to win a national election. These people, thinly disguised as journalists, have no desire for a Republican to win the pre...
November 28, 2022
Media backtracking from their puff pieces about Dem megadonor Sam Bankman-Fried, but with little acknowledgment of their shameful behaviorIt is a shame that in all likelihood, only the Crypto crook might go to jail, instead of the media outlets and others who misled the public about him. They were like puppets who didn't have a clue what he was doing, yet regurgitated garbage about...
November 27, 2022
Obituaries for the GOP and Trump are extremely prematureI had to wait almost three weeks to write this piece since some states can't complete their vote count in a timely manner. It appears Republicans will end up with 222 seats in the House, exactly the same as the Democrat majority the last two y...
November 23, 2022
Scientific facts rarely appear at climate change conferencesPoliticians, bureaucrats, the U.N., and a bunch of rich people had another climate change gabfest in Egypt that ended recently. These people flew in hundreds of private jets for a conference where they pretended they can control temperatur...
November 20, 2022
Here is a story that most people won't see because it doesn't push the radical left agenda. Wildfires are down 85% this yearMost years we hear a lot about wildfires in California. Instead of admitting they are cyclical and natural and that a significant number of them are caused because underbrush isn't cleared, we are told that they are getting worse and are caused b...
November 18, 2022
Isn't it nice that the 'adults' in the White House and among Democrats are running things, instead of President Trump?We are constantly told that the American consumers' balance sheet is in great shape. See here and here for that. The mainstream media and Joe Biden's minions claim this because jobs are coming back, the mas...
November 17, 2022
Sunny Hostin of The View brings back term used during Rwandan genocideWhat is it about the Democrats that makes them so willing to embrace the political ideology of 20th-century terroristic regimes? The media and Democrats are king when playing dirty politics, and instead of attacking policy, they attack the person....
November 13, 2022
Democrats want to help us, so long as we don’t nominate Trump to the 2024 ticketPeggy Noonan, an anti-Trumper writing for The Wall Street Journal, says Republicans must examine their policies or they will lose their fourth election in a row in 2024. That would mean they lost in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024. In 2020, when Biden ...
November 12, 2022
John Kerry defies logic and creates new extortion scheme to reduce ‘carbon footprint’There’s one thing we can know about the government — the goal is always to collect money. The purpose of carbon credits has always been to make it look like corporate and foreign entities are reducing their carbon footprint when all they ...
November 9, 2022
Be afraid! The climate is changing (as it always has)Another day, another doomsday report from the United Nations on the climate. Here we go: UN Weather Report: Climate Woes Bad and Getting Worse Faster The United Nations' weather agency says the state of Earth's climate is bad and g...
November 5, 2022
USA Today and shameThe headline in USA Today blares, "Herschel Walker's Senate run is a stain on American democracy." The author, a self-identified Nigerian immigrant, proclaims that he feels "enormous shame for this country....
November 3, 2022
CNN misses the mark on midterm predictions, and blames it all on bumbling BidenJust yesterday, CNN published a piece asserting the only way for Democrats to retain control of at least one chamber of the federal legislature hinges upon “Republicans blowing it.” The analysis took historical trends, and sought to apply...
October 28, 2022
The media and other Democrats can see the handwriting on the wall and are becoming desperateThe media are very worried that the Democrats are going to lose the Senate, so they need to destroy Republicans. They clearly don’t care about how radical John Fetterman’s policies are, how few accomplishments he has, or that he is cl...
October 26, 2022
Joe Biden recruits the best of the best to deal with inflationIt’s two weeks before the midterm elections, and suddenly the Biden administration is going to solve the disastrous inflation that is destroying the economy. Here is what these brilliant tacticians and experts came up with…. Go aft...
October 25, 2022
The left strikes again, trying to shut down a Ball State professor for teaching intelligent designThere are millions of known and unknown animal and plant species on Earth, yet there are few evolutionary trees to trace how they began. A Ball State professor was fired for daring to bring up intelligent design along with evolution....
October 22, 2022
Why should people trust the media or other Democrats when they are campaigning for radical leftist policies?President Biden and others continue to falsely claim that Trump's tax rate cuts only benefited the rich and have cost the government trillions. The truth is the government is getting a massive windfall under the current tax code. So why would ...
October 20, 2022
How much more evidence does the press need that global warming is otherwise known as 'the weather'?For 150 years, there has been exponential growth in the use of coal, oil, crude oil, gasoline, propane, and heating oil. There has been a massive increase in the use of cars, trucks, CO2, methane, the population, and numerous other th...
October 19, 2022
Democrats take ‘fake news’ to new lowsDemocrats are expanding their misinformation campaign, devising new avenues to promote a false narrative. In a stunning revelation, The Washington Examiner reported that over the course of the last year, Democrats have launched fake “local medi...
October 14, 2022
Electric vehicles touted as a panacea, despite evidence to the contraryWe were told by Mayor Pete, Biden, and others that the way for the poor and middle classes to address the high cost of gas is to just buy an electric car with an average price tag of around $60,000 (if you can find one). That makes sense for people l...
October 12, 2022
Establishment commentators ignore truth to favor Democrat talesIn a hilarious example of the pot calling the kettle black, political commentator Juan Williams recently penned an editorial claiming that Republicans are intentionally blind to terrible scandals, calling it an “epidemic” within the GOP. ...
October 8, 2022
It would be nice if progressives concentrated on fixing the man-made disasters they caused instead of theoretical ones they make upThe media and others continually said Ian was the deadliest hurricane in Florida in over 90 years, as if that is a meaningful statistic. They say that Ian was caused by manmade climate change. Of course, they gave zero scientific evidence to support ...
October 7, 2022
Things the media doesn't want the public to seeThe media would like people to believe that Trump and his supporters are the first to deny election results. YouTube (Google’s sister subsidiary of Alphabet) initially blocked a video of Democrats denying the results of the 2016 election b...
September 28, 2022
The media and other Democrats will seek to destroy any Republican candidateThe media has been seeking to destroy President Trump for six years, and now their target is Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis. One writer said DeSantis may have broken the law by sending people out of state. Florida's Ron DeSantis is...
September 27, 2022
There is a quick way to reduce inflation and help the poor, but the Democrats won't do itThe media and other Democrats come up with all sorts of ways to reduce inflation, but they ignore the elephant in the room. First, they have a slush fund where they raise taxes, hand out mass subsidies to their political contributors and the...
September 26, 2022
Democrats have some weird ideas about how to whip inflation nowRemember President Gerald R. Ford, and his hapless "Whip Inflation Now" campaign? Ford advocated buying cheaper stuff and consuming less in his ill-fated 1974 WIN campaign. According to Wikipedia: Suggested actions for ci...
September 25, 2022
Trump had to tweet to offset the misinformation that was spread about him every dayMost media outlets, other Democrats, and some Republicans complained continuously about President Trump's tweets. Was Trump supposed to shut up no matter how many lies the media and other Democrats told about him as ...
September 23, 2022
Letitia James parades her economic and entrepreneurial illiteracyFor years, most of the media, the federal Justice Department, and other Democrats have waged a vendetta against Donald Trump, perpetuating endless investigations in search of crimes. So far, their efforts have failed, but that's n...
September 22, 2022
New piece in the NYT is projection at its finestFor over six years, the establishment media have set out to destroy Trump. It's been nothing but lies about Russian collusion, accusations of racism, claims he is authoritarian, endless witch hunt investigations, and to top it off, the...
September 21, 2022
The war isn't against 'fossil fuels,' but rather the peopleEvery day, the political and media elites hammer the public with articles, rhetoric, and broadcasts about the existential threat of fossil fuels and climate change. Democrats in Congress just passed a slush fund — also known as the Inflation...
September 20, 2022
Another day, another outrageous lie from the Biden regimeThe Biden administration, along with many in the media, has been feeding the public the fiction that the economy is strong, and families are thriving despite the massive inflation they have caused. It has been obvious for a long time, with credit ...
September 17, 2022
DeSantis stunt to the Vineyard highlights the supreme doublethink of the leftIt is both sad and humorous to watch self-righteous people from sanctuary cities whine when they are confronted with a small sample of what border cities and citizens deal with every day, for decades — but even more so over the past 2...
September 15, 2022
Democrat operatives are the real threat, not RussiaSomehow, our intelligence agencies recently determined that over the last eight years, Russia has spent $300 million to influence global politics. That is a pretty small dollar amount. Even if they spent it all in the ...
September 13, 2022
Yahoo Finance columnist claims America is 'doing better than you think' under BidenRick Newman of Yahoo Finance is always a treat as he campaigns for Democrats and their policies. Even with inflation at 40-year highs because of Democrats' profligate spending (with the help of the Federal Reserve printing money and keeping ra...
September 9, 2022
With the unveiling of the portraits, Jennifer Rubin and the rest of the media expose themselves as Democrat bootlickersJennifer Rubin has been confused for a long time as to how politicians should behave, a fact she made clear with the recent unveiling of the Obama portraits. (She probably also believes that Hillary never had classified documents.) ...
September 3, 2022
Biden talked all about the regressive Republicans, but where were the facts?By now, everyone has seen Biden's dark speech, where he said MAGA Republicans want to move the country backwards — but of course, he failed to cite any statistics to justify that disparaging statement. Facts and results never see...
September 3, 2022
Is Gavin Newsom the best the Democrats have got?I found this article humorous but sad: Gavin Newsom Will Be President. The Only Question Is When. The first time I encountered Gavin Newsom was at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. I was in the lobby of the Ritz-Carlton...
September 2, 2022
Dishonest 'journalism' rules the airwavesThe media have a history of burying stories that are not convenient to their leftist agenda and reporting fake stories — like Russian collusion — that harm people they oppose. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was a disaster. ...
September 1, 2022
The Democrat playbook is always the sameAs the media and other Democrats say they want to unite the country, we see a rather unique way of achieving that "unity." Obama said we cling to our religion and guns. Biden and others compared Tea Party members who wanted smaller go...
September 1, 2022
The misinformation and lies that are peddled to the public on climate change dwarf the misinformation on COVIDThe misinformation and intentional lies on climate change/global warming dwarf the misinformation the government fed us on COVID and are an existential threat to our survival as a great country. Essentially, climate change pushers are infe...
September 1, 2022
Why would we trust the media, 'experts,' bureaucrats, and other Democrats when they so willingly spread misinformation?Here are some examples of misinformation used to infect the U.S. with a leftist agenda: In 2016, Hillary and the DNC couldn't figure out how to beat Trump based on her record and the Democrats' radical leftist policies. Th...
August 31, 2022
Trump and Obama — Democrats using Nazi techniques to alter historyOften attributed to Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's lead propagandist, is the phrase "accuse the other side of that of which you are guilty." Turns out, the Democrats are masters at employing Nazi Machiavellianism, and frequently p...
August 31, 2022
Misinformation is a problem, but it's not emanating from the political rightAccusations of misinformation are almost entirely directed toward Republicans and conservatives — yet that's far from the truth. Misinformation has in fact been used to disseminate political propaganda, but the bias isn't a c...
August 30, 2022
Rochelle Walensky and the CDC finally admit to 'mishandling' COVIDRochelle Walensky, head of the CDC, recently declared that the agency had "mishandled" the COVID response. What an understatement. What she didn't admit, though, was how many of the dictatorial edicts and actions...
August 26, 2022
Witch hunts at the Justice DepartmentIn 2019, after years of Mueller and his team of partisan hacks searching for a crime, the Justice Department decided not to charge Trump. However, that did not put to bed the false narrative that Trump skirted justice and committed crimina...
August 18, 2022
It should be called the 'Inflation Production Act'Most of the provisions in the "Inflation Reduction Act" will give businesses the incentive or cause them to raise prices, not reduce them. We are told that the energy credits will save people money. But the solar, electric veh...
August 17, 2022
Where did the NFL get the idea that they should race-norm cognitive tests?The NFL says it will quit race-norming cognitive tests to determine damages for minorities in cases related to football players' concussions. Here is the Associated Press news item: NFL agrees to end race-based brain testing in ...
August 16, 2022
When Republicans oppose Democrat policies or actions, they are routinely accused of inciting violence or being racistsFor seven years, the media, the Justice Department, the FBI, and other Democrats have colluded in targeting Trump and associates with lies to destroy him. Suddenly, there is an armed intrusion at Trump's house, with a warrant to look a...
August 14, 2022
Now it's 'mega-floods' that will destroy the whole worldThis time, it is mega-floods in California replacing mega-droughts, and again they are supposedly caused by us and fossil fuels. Not once do journalists give a damn that their previous dire predictions have been 100% false. To the...
August 13, 2022
NPR's climate hustleThe following article in government-funded NPR is meant to scare the public into supporting the radical leftist agenda to destroy the fossil fuel industry and ultimately our way of life. The Earth has been around for billions of years. The c...
August 12, 2022
Mar-a-Lago reminds us of all the previous ethical failures of the Department of JusticeIn the wake of the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago, we're being told that the actions taken were an anomaly, and that most FBI agents are honorable agents. I'd like to believe that, but if that were true, why haven't we seen mass resign...
August 11, 2022
The absurdity of the NY AG's investigation of Trump's valuations of his propertiesThe N.Y. A.G., federal Justice Department and other Democrats have been targeting Trump in search of a crime. The N.Y. A.G. is accusing Trump of inflating his net worth and value of properties. If everyone who thought he and his net wor...
August 10, 2022
Democrats continue to wage war on the oil industry in the name of 'climate emergency'As soon as Biden took office, he actively worked to destroy the fossil fuel industry by asking all the federal agencies to focus on climate change through the lens of Democrat policy, despite lacking empirical evidence that it was an "emergency....
August 9, 2022
Biden and company bringing in the demolition crew to handle the economyEvery day, Democrats set out to regulate, tax, and micromanage the private sector more than they did the day before. All of their policies seek a bigger, and more powerful government, in order to create crippling government dependence....
August 8, 2022
Somewhere between fact and fiction, leftists find a home for the climate crisisWe live in a world with the American entertainment industry, a 24-hour news cycle, high-profile politicians, and "scientists" and endless publications of propaganda all telling the same story — we're at a point of no return with t...
August 6, 2022
Kyrsten Sinema agrees to massive spending bill after Democrats guarantee loopholes for billionairesIt appears that political maven Kyrsten Sinema gave the green light to a new slush fund in the name of environmentalism and inflation reduction — oddly enough (or perhaps completely predictably), only after her Democrat peers agreed to insulate...
August 5, 2022
Whose policies are middle of the road, and whose policies are extreme?We continually hear that voters who support President Trump are extreme. What we don't hear about is which policies make them extreme. Here is one example: The mini-Trumps are as big a threat to democracy as Trump is Since this is fro...
August 5, 2022
Policies of inequality never lead to equalityThe never-ending saga of the Democrats continues... Unequal treatment in the name of fairness and equality. It's "fair" if the government seizes private capital and hands it over to those who didn't earn it — the...
August 4, 2022
Colbert had a pair of propagandists on to lobby for the green slush fundIt seems that every day in movies, on TV shows, in newspapers, and from politicians, we see warnings of doom if we don't destroy the fossil fuel industry. It is no wonder that so many kids and other young people commit suicide and abuse drugs ...
August 3, 2022
Can we all take out our tiny violin for government workers?The Washington Post, which supports leftists, big government, higher taxes, and more regulations, has come out with a piece that lobbies for bigger raises for government employees. What a surprise! They support the destruction of the fo...
August 2, 2022
Another day, another campaign ad promoting radical leftist policies disguised as a news articleCalling a new slush fund to push the green agenda to destroy the fossil fuel industry the "Inflation Reduction Act" is as dishonest as calling Obamacare the "Affordable Care Act." Any journalist who repeats or implies t...
July 31, 2022
Kamala Harris is a good successor to Margaret SangerMargaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, wanted birth control to build a cleaner race. She believed that she should pick who should live and who should die. Kamala Harris to the Disabled: Abortion Is Good for You Her grotesqu...
July 29, 2022
Jerome Powell, Janet Yellen, and Democrats remain perplexed when it comes time to economicsWhen inflation began to rapidly rise, they labeled it "transitory" and incorrectly predicted that the trend would plateau, before dropping. Now that we have a second period of economic descent, they say we are...
July 28, 2022
It is the children of Kinzinger, Cheney, and other Democrats who will be ashamed for the intentional destruction of AmericaAdam Kinzinger is as delusional as most of the media and other Democrats. Kinzinger: Children of Trump Supporters Will Be 'Ashamed' of Parents If Liz Cheney and Kinzinger were honest, instead of Trump-haters, they would be disgusted and...
July 20, 2022
January 6 Committee: Which politicians, again, are derelict in their duties?The goal of the January 6 committee in Congress has clearly changed. Media hound and J-6 token Republican Adam Kinzinger was on TV again this past weekend, and instead of claiming that Trump was guilty of a crime, which has been the default positi...
July 20, 2022
Who deserves credit for the recent drop in oil prices?For months, we have been told by the Biden administration that the reason for the high gas prices is Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine. The purpose of those talking points is to divert blame from Biden's policies to destroy the fossil fuel i...
July 19, 2022
It is summer, and it is hot. What a surprise!It's July, and, shockingly to the NYT and other media outlets, it is hot. It is another day, and another article is being used to scare the public into capitulating to the radical leftist agenda to destroy the fossil fuel industry and ...
July 17, 2022
For the last seven years, the Democrat-media juggernaut's only goal has been to destroy TrumpThe press and other Democrats have been out to get President Trump dating from his first presidential campaign in 2016. It began as they spread lies about Trump and Russian collusion. There were endless investigations, including b...
July 16, 2022
Old politicians are not the problem, bad policies areWe continually see that people think the problem with old politicians like Biden is their age instead of their policies. More than half of Americans support a maximum age limit for elected officials Biden's main problem is not his age....
July 15, 2022
Biden administration continues to spread the myth about gouging gas stationsOn Election Day, the spot crude oil price was around $40 per barrel, and today it is around $100 per barrel — this is a 150% increase. On the same day, the retail gasoline price was $2.10 per gallon, and today, it is around $4.60 per...
July 15, 2022
Who knew that the word 'wild' and the phrase 'march peacefully and patriotically' incited violence?The media and January 6 congressional committee are outraged that President Trump tweeted this, and they say this statement caused the violence: "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" That is amazing!...
July 13, 2022
It is no wonder Americans are so confused when the media intentionally lie so much while burying truthful storiesI agree with the AP that many people believe false stuff, but it is sad that the AP and other media outlets won't admit that they are the source of much of this misinformation as they push the leftist agenda. Choose Your Reality: Trust Wanes...
July 12, 2022
Eric Swalwell claims the Democrats are the party of freedomEric Swalwell, the congenital liar and sucker in a Chinese honey pot scheme, believes we should vote for Democrats because they believe in freedom while Republicans don't. In a tweet from July 8, Swalwell said: What's the...
July 12, 2022
The media can't stop fawning over Liz Cheney and her ilkThe mainstream media loves having Reps. Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney on television every week, as long as they are trashing Trump. They have been doing it for awhile. Notice that these Trump-hating so-called Republicans never cr...
July 11, 2022
Do Democrats have any comprehension of how intentionally destructive their energy policies are? Do they care?There are all kinds of nonsense going on now over the issue of global warming that Democrats fawn over. It's an unscientific theory that has gripped big-money Democrats and their media allies for decades, and what they are trying to do...
July 8, 2022
Biden continues his impressive, yet enraging streak of American bankruptcyPresident Trump left Joe Biden a rapidly growing economy, one where red states were quickly reopening — there was low inflation, and three vaccines developed in record time by mobilizing both the private sector and government. A...
July 8, 2022
Most journalists and other Democrats only seem to care about deaths that promote their agendaThe media and other Democrats say women will die if they aren't allowed to terminate their pregnancies throughout all nine months, just like those women-loving countries of China and North Korea, but that is not true. I have not seen any...
July 6, 2022
Democrats are the party of fear because that is all they haveThe media and other Democrats are saying that if the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can't destroy the fossil fuel industry, then the Earth doesn't have many years left, and we will all die soon. For decades, we have been told that c...
July 4, 2022
Biden and Mayor Pete have found the solution to flight delays and cancelationsFlight delays are happening all over, but fear not: Joe Biden and his transportation secretary, former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg, have found a solution: To destroy the fossil fuel industry as fast as they can. That will solve the problem ...
July 3, 2022
Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen should be firedJanet Yellen and Jerome Powell are supposed to be economic experts yet they continue to show their pure ignorance on what causes inflation or when it will occur. One is the Treasury Secretary, the other is the Chairman of the Board of the Federal ...
July 2, 2022
Thanks to the Supreme Court, the sky is falling again!Thursday, the media and other Democrats were having a collective cow. What caused this massive consternation? The Supreme Court followed the Constitution and said in deciding West Virginia v. Environmental Protection A...
July 1, 2022
Why are Democrats buying advertisements to promote Republicans?Across the country, Democrats are embracing the spirit of bipartisanship, and purchasing positive advertisements to support Republicans, even though they call them "far-right" and "extremists." Why? Because t...
June 30, 2022
Here are headlines and editorials in the dishonest WaPo a day after Secret Service agents effectively called Jan. 6 witness a liarYesterday, the January 6 witch hunt committee had an "explosive" witness who appears to have just made up stuff about President Trump. She must have gone to the Adam Schiff school of lying. The entire hearing is a ka...
June 30, 2022
The Biden White House caters to the rich just as Obama's didBlackRock has $10 trillion under management and holds great power with Biden's White House. It is a big pusher of the green agenda. The green agenda is destroying America with rampant inflation, especially the poo...
June 26, 2022
Why all the phony outrage about President Trump being asked for pardons?Why is the media reporting endlessly that Congressmen supposedly asked President Trump for pardons without telling the public that Trump didn't grant the pardons? We also heard many stories at the end of Trump's term that he was going to ...
June 24, 2022
How to handle inflation and recession: Bush vs. BidenThe economic crash in 2008 was the result of many things — but the first major factor was the housing and commercial real estate bubble. Banks and lending institutions were massively over-leveraged, as they lent without concern for proper under...
June 23, 2022
Who are the people detached from reality and mentally incompetent to govern?We repeatedly hear that Trump is detached from reality and mentally incompetent because he believes that the election wasn't fair, while people like Bill Barr and others surrounding him have said it was. I didn't know the media and...
June 8, 2022
DHS is warning of copycat terrorism by 'extremists'DHS is warning of copycat terrorist acts by extremists, especially with the midterm elections coming. Officials say they have seen misinformation inciting violence. Of course, they don't cite examples. It reminds me...
June 7, 2022
It takes someone in the tank, if not brain-dead, to call this a 'Goldilocks economy'Because of a decent jobs report and a lot of job openings, Catherine Rampell, a de facto Democrat campaign worker at the Washington Post posing as a journalist, believes we are close to a "Goldilocks economy" (not too ho...
June 4, 2022
The high inflation of today will cause permanent damage if it isn't reversedAlan Blinder, an economist, along with other leftists like Janet Yellen, are admitting that they were wrong when they misled the public that inflation was transitory. But Blinder says don't worry because oil prices will stop rising as fa...
June 2, 2022
Many economists have little common sense about America's vanishing savings rateInflation is decimating the economy and is especially harmful to the poor, the middle class, and small businesses. The savings rate has dropped to the lowest level since 2008. But don't worry, say economists: Americans have a h...
June 1, 2022
Biden thinks radical leftist policies are 'rational'After the carnage in Uvalde, Biden anticipates bipartisan actions to further infringe upon God-given rights protected by the Second Amendment. Declaring the Second Amendment was never "absolute," Biden said; "I think th...
May 31, 2022
A tale of two trialsFor the last few weeks, the nation's capital and the immediate area have been the site of two high-profile trials — although you've probably heard of only one. The first is a civil trial between two Hollywood celebrities inte...
May 30, 2022
Investigative reporting is extremely important, but apparently too much to ask of DemocratsFormer congressman from Indiana and Democrat Lee Hamilton is a career politician — one who made a fortune as a "civil servant." Hamilton still dabbles in the political arena, and he recently wrote an article about the impor...
May 29, 2022
Bloomberg thinks Biden's out of options to reverse high gas pricesBloomberg says Biden is out of options to lower the inflation caused by high gas prices. The people there are clearly as stupid and incompetent as Biden, all his Cabinet members, most of the media, and other Democrats. President Joe B...
May 29, 2022
Media miss: Pistol-packing woman neutralizes rifle-wielding 'active shooter' and saves countless livesHere is a story that didn't make the nightly news: A woman packing a pistol took out an 'active shooter' wielding an AR-15-style rifle. Police: Woman killed man who fired rifle into party crowd Authorities say a woman in...
May 27, 2022
The inverted priorities of several American institutionsThe infiltration of American institutions — the judicial system, journalistic integrity, and even the Democratic Party — by "progressive" depravity is nearly complete. The repercussions have been calamitous, and now w...
May 26, 2022
Expectedly, Biden politicizes the Uvalde tragedy for his agendaIn the aftermath of the Uvalde tragedy, Biden asked, “When in God's name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby and gun manufacturers?” So I have some questions for Biden. When in God's name are we going to stand up to pr...
May 20, 2022
How will raising corporate taxes and increasing government spending lower inflation?Presiden Biden and his spokespeople say the way to lower inflation is to raise corporate taxes and raise government spending. On Friday, Biden tweeted this: You want to bring down inflation? Let’s make sure the wealthiest corpor...
May 17, 2022
Here are questions for all those elites who support abortion on demandIf a woman who is three, six, or nine months pregnant is shot and survives, but the baby dies, did the shooter make a reproductive choice, or is it the murder of a human? Does the mother who was carrying the baby believe it was murder of her baby,...
May 14, 2022
Another day, another fearmonger article on climate changeThe bureaucrats at the United Nations desertification agency are blaming us for droughts, as the Associated Press reports: Climate change to make droughts longer, more common, says UN The frequency and duration of droughts will continue to in...
May 14, 2022
Speaking of abortion extremists...Joe Biden's crew and a lot of Democrats out there are calling anyone who supports abortion restrictions of one kind or another an "extremist." I would say the extremists are people who think the way to solve inflation and help t...
May 13, 2022
Where is the Disinformation Governance Board when you need it?Biden's lackeys love to brag about how quickly incomes are rising, but that is an intensely misleading claim. They advertise a 5.5% raise in income, but that is before it is subject to the never-ending litany of taxes. When ...
May 12, 2022
If the press were honest, it would report how extreme the Democrats' position is on abortionDemocrats have sought, and failed, 51-49, to pass a bill that would have made abortions legal nationwide up until the day of birth. That puts them in the same company as China, North Korea, and Canada. According to Fox News: ...
May 10, 2022
Why does anyone continue to treat people as experts when they are so consistently wrong?Last week, the Federal Reserve raised rates one-half percent, and the stock market went up over 900 points. The "experts" on CNBC said that was because the market had priced in the increase. The next day, the market we...
May 8, 2022
To fix the economy and inflation we must stop the extremists’ war on fossil fuelsAfter Joe Biden took office, he immediately told the world his main goal was to get rid of fossil fuels -- and inflation started to rise. We were first told that the inflation was rising because Biden's excellent policies have caused the econo...
May 5, 2022
Spreading Roe disinformation: Where are the disinformation police?For decades, scholars on both sides of the issue have said Roe v Wade was wrongly decided by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is supposed to determine if laws are constitutional, and Roe v. Wade created law instead of in...
May 5, 2022
Biden thinks 'ultra-MAGA people' are extremists? He should look in the mirror.President Biden is saying that "ultra-MAGA" people are the most extreme political party in recent memory. Of course, Biden and other Democrats always claim that anyone who disagrees with their radical leftist policies are dangerous extre...
May 3, 2022
Biden should be thankful for the media, but it has nothing to do with the truth or protecting democracyPresident Biden was thankful for the media during the White House Correspondents' Dinner. From an AP article: While the majority of the speech was filled with cutting jabs, Biden did make note of the important role journalism plays i...
May 2, 2022
The last people anyone should trust to tell or determine the truth are journalists and government officialsThe Biden administration, DHS, and most of the media pretend they are the ones who should determine what is and what isn't disinformation. They basically want to silence anyone who disagrees with what they say. Social media ...
April 30, 2022
Who knew that the Democratic Governors Association supports people who are tough on crime?The Democratic Governors Association is running continuous ads against a black Republican candidate in the Republican primary in Illinois with claims that he is soft on crime. Here's the story: Group's Ad Attacking Aurora Mayo...
April 29, 2022
Suggestions for Illinois gas station stickersGovernor Jay Pritzker and the Illinois Democrats want a state-mandated campaign sticker at all gas stations bragging that they aren't raising the price of gas by 2 cents a gallon on July 1 as planned. It is not a cut. Cons...
April 24, 2022
Media suddenly incurious about January 6 when the narrative stops going the Democrats' wayThe media and others are in full campaign mode for 2022, and it seems the only story they focus on is January 6, when there was a protest. The FBI said it wasn't an insurrection. Why do the media and other Democrats repeat t...
April 22, 2022
Can anyone spot the hypocrisy as progs fight for special tax status for Disney?Democrats are fighting to destroy all fossil fuel companies in the U.S., which harms all of us, especially the poor. They seek to destroy for-profit colleges. They rail against the rich and big corporations But they...
April 20, 2022
Journalists won't do research or ask questions about global warming claims, so I will do their job for themEverywhere you go, you hear about global warming. It's a fake idea not supported by science. And the press is the biggest perpetrator of the false claims, never bothering to ask questions when presented with looney claims. They are going...
April 19, 2022
Does the IRS really need more money?The Washington Post reports with the dutifulness of a stenographer that the IRS is "underfunded." Its unquestioned claims usually come around every time Joe Biden wants to hire more IRS agents and expand the tax agency...
April 18, 2022
I wonder why people thought they would be completely safe if they took the vaccinesWhat a pathetic article from USA Today! COVID vaccines are not meant to prevent all infections, experts say. Americans need to reset their expectations. Adrianna Rodriguez, USA TODAY Sun, April 17, 2022, 4:30 AM Denny Mitchell...
April 16, 2022
The New York Times peddles a new 'narrative' about Joe Biden supposedly being upset about his own border surgeFor the past sixteen months since Joe Biden took office, most of the media, other than Fox News, have essentially ignored if not encouraged the criminal and illegal activity at the border. There has been little reporting of children in ...
April 16, 2022
Can anyone spot the hypocrisy? Media outrage over Musk's bid to buy Twitter reeks of itThe media are having a collective cow as news sinks in that an independent-thinking billionaire like Elon Musk could ever get control of a media outlet. They never had a problem with billionaires such as Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Be...
April 15, 2022
Who are the gougers?We hear Biden and others continually say oil companies are gouging because gasoline prices at the pump don't react immediately to changes in crude oil prices. As with most Democrat talking points, facts don't matter. The fa...
April 15, 2022
Former president Obama has been on quite a mission the past week to rewrite history (and most of the media just applaud)In 2012, Obama told Medvedev in Russia to tell Putin he would be more flexible after the election. In a debate with Romney, he laughed at Romney for remarking how dangerous Putin and Russia were, saying the '80s called and wanted...
April 14, 2022
Debt-ridden Illinois buying election year votes with temporary 'tax cuts'Democrats in Illinois are bragging that they are showering $1.8 billion of temporary tax cuts on the populace because of their superior fiscal management, instead of crediting the largess of federal taxpayers (which contributed gr...
April 12, 2022
Earth day is coming up. It is a good time to remind the public what the predictions were 52 years agoOn the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, the world was warned that billions would die soon because of a disastrous ice age. The Earth had been cooling for thirty years, and it was about to get much worse. Crops would not survive ...
April 10, 2022
This piece should have been written by Babylon Bee instead of a media outlet owned by Jeff BezosThe Washington Post, owned by the second richest man in the world, is attacking the only richer person, Elon Musk, for buying a large stake in Twitter. They never cared that the billionaire Mark Zuckerberg controls Facebook. They didn't car...
April 9, 2022
Considering the media's behavior, it's no wonder so many politicians are corruptWhen an inconvenient, truthful, story about massive Biden family corruption came out before the 2020 election, the media and other Democrats went into panic mode to bury the story. The social media billionaires were complicit in burying th...
April 8, 2022
I agree with scientists and journalists that damaging cold weather is caused by climate changeScientific data show that the climate has consistently and naturally changed for billions of years, so yes, when we have late damaging frosts, they are caused by natural climate change. I hope a lot of money and time wasn't wasted...
April 6, 2022
The media lie about Obamacare...and everything elseNow that Joe Biden's touting Obamacare and bringing President Obama along for the ride at the White House, the media still act as though Obamacare were great even though Obama and others continuously lied to get it passed and then ...
April 5, 2022
Why don't the media ever ask why previous IPCC predictions have been so wrong?Once again, the U.N. intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is warning that we are doomed. The media, the Biden administration, and the IPCC like to scare people. This article by Yahoo News senior editor Ben Adler d...
April 1, 2022
I agree with Biden: Oil prices shouldn't hinge on dictators issuing executive orders to kill fossil fuel companiesJoe Biden and the Democrats have declared war on oil companies since the day Biden took office, and from that moment on, oil prices have spiraled. Yet not once has Biden taken blame for the ruination of the poor, the middle class, and sm...
March 31, 2022
The media are still intentionally misleading the public about the BidensThe New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, AP, and others have somehow all gotten the message that it is OK to cover the criminal activity revealed on Hunter Biden's laptop. It is about time. However, every article I s...
March 31, 2022
Many Democrats are clearly evil and openly acknowledge their ignorance; why should they be trusted on matters of innocent life?If Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson were honest, she would acknowledge the tenets of her political party: life begins when Democrat politicians decide it does. Democrats in California are working on a law to eliminate consequences for people who let ba...
March 29, 2022
President Biden proposes a punitive wealth tax, and the AP dutifully publishes a puff piece saying how great Biden's economic policies areThe proposal includes taxing unrealized capital gains, which are not income. The tax would destroy investment and cause stock prices to go down. The collapse in stock prices would harm everyone because public pensions will be ha...
March 27, 2022
I thought Democrats were the 'party of science'The media and other Democrats say they are the party of science, yet most of the time they refuse to answer questions. They frequently accuse the questioners of being racists or being associated with QAnon. Maybe they should blame Russi...
March 27, 2022
Why should people who endlessly lie get power?I'm talking about the mainstream media, of course. Why should these people continue to be powerful and paid attention to? Wouldn't enemies of the people be appropriate? The media has gone from informing the public to intentionally misi...
March 18, 2022
I thought we had only a few years left to solve the problemWe are constantly told we have only a few years to solve the problem of global warming climate change, yet this report projects allergy problems in the year 2100. The problem appears to be that we will have too many pla...
March 10, 2022
Why the bid to destroy the fossil fuel industry when past predictions of doom have been completely wrong?News break: The Arctic ice in February was 5.64 million square miles, or 266,000 square miles below the average of 1981–1990. That is 95.5% of the average. In February 2022, temperatures at the 925 hPa level (about 2,...
March 8, 2022
Why are gas prices so high?Last Friday, my local paper, the State Journal Register, had the following headline and byline: "Area gas prices hit $4 per gallon" by Royale Bonds, SJR, USA Today network The first sentence says: Uncertainty in the oil ...
March 4, 2022
Michael Madigan carried on his corruption in Illinois, and the press averted its eyesKing Madigan of Illinois is finally in trouble. What took so long? Here is the headline: "Former IL House speaker Michael Madigan indicted on racketeering, bribery, more." Here in Illinois, it is hard to imagine how many pe...
March 2, 2022
On global warming, journalists are consistent: They never ask questionsAnother week, and we get another dire report on the climate from the U.N., and again there are no scientific data showing a direct link between oil use and temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity. What they have are computer models. ...
March 1, 2022
It is imperative for the public to learn the truth of which presidents catered to Putin and greatly helped him fund his evil warTrump absolutely did not praise Putin for invading Ukraine, contrary to what so many journalists; other Democrats; and people like Romney, Cheney, and other Trump-hating Republicans say. What he said is that Putin is a genius. It relate...
February 28, 2022
Media want you to be very afraid: Ice melting has caused a one-inch rise in oceans over the last hundred yearsFor the past hundred years, the public has been warned of an existential threat that the Arctic ice would soon be gone and coastal cities would be devastated. This is from 1922 in the Washington Post by the Associated Press. The Arctic oce...
February 24, 2022
It's no surprise that Putin invaded during Obama's and Biden's presidencies instead of Trump'sRussian President Vladimir Putin remembers how cooperative Obama and Biden were during their eight years in office, no matter what he did. In 2009, Obama backed out of a promise to put up missile shields in Poland and the Czech Republic, which cer...
February 20, 2022
Who believes in and follows the science?After 150 years of an exponential rise in crude oil use from around zero barrels per day to 100 million barrels per day, we see many record lows and record snows. Thanks to a combination of dangerously low temperatures and bitter winds, bo...
February 17, 2022
Durham scandal: The sheer dishonesty of the media is astoundingFor more than six years, the media have set out to destroy President Trump with lies. Now I see a report that Trump is profiting like no other president by getting paid for appearances. Here's the New York Times: Selling Trump: A...
February 16, 2022
NPR has figured out that most companies are faking their efforts to reduce their carbon footprintFor decades, without scientific evidence, the public has been indoctrinated to believe that there is proof that humans, CO2, fossil fuels, cars, methane, and many other things are causing an existential threat of global warming, and that leads to cat...
February 12, 2022
The science has been around for a long time on the efficacy of masksAfter thousands of years of viruses, the brilliant medical expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said masks won't do much good. It was a long road for him — he changed his tune from saying how much good they would do to mitigate COVID,...
February 9, 2022
So the Washington Post wants America to have more babies all of a sudden...They support abortion on demand, which kills over 600,000 babies each year. They support policies that push the unproven conspiracy that there are too many people, that people are destroying the Earth, and that if we don't destroy our qu...
February 8, 2022
Leftists are very confused about the signs of intelligenceAuguste Mayrat, writing in The American Spectator, does a great job dismantling the arguments of an article in The Atlantic by David Graham. The basic premise of Graham’s article is that everyone who graduates from an Ivy L...
February 6, 2022
A regime built on liesThe public should be skeptical of everything they see from government or the media. Several people from the Biden administration are claiming that Putin is planning a false flag operation in Ukraine. I have no idea whether that is true or not, but...
February 4, 2022
It would be nice if a WaPo writer included the Johns Hopkins study when discussing the costs of the pandemicPhilip Bump writes in the Washington Post about Americans losing 135 million years of life due to the pandemic. Maybe he could link it to the Johns Hopkins study that shows that the dictatorial edicts of power-hungry politicians and bureaucrats, w...
February 1, 2022
Journalists and other Democrats are thoroughly confused about who spreads misinformation about COVIDThe state of Florida and its governor, Ron DeSantis, have been under attack by the media, bureaucrats, and Democrat pols since the start of COVID for two reasons: DeSantis has given the public much more freedom than what the power-hungry politicians ...
January 28, 2022
Biden inherited a rapidly growing economyBiden and most of the media continue to lie when they say Biden inherited a deep recession and then credit his policies, including the inflation-inducing $1.9-trillion bill that supposedly helped cause great economic growth. Rick Newman, of Yahoo ...
January 27, 2022
It is no wonder we have so much corruption when most of the media willingly support corrupt people for presidentMost of the media clearly knew about the payments to Hunter Biden by China, Russia, and Ukraine before the 2020 election as they campaigned for Joe. Yet when a well researched story by the New York Post came out about Hunter's laptop a...
January 26, 2022
Toxic Democrat beliefsWe throw massive amounts of money at public schools, and test results aren't good, so the solution is to stop testing to hide the truth. There are "too many" Asians in gifted programs, so the solution is to cancel the gifted programs...
January 25, 2022
It is disgusting when smear merchants call a true story a smearDana Milbank of the Washington Post calls it a smear when Fox News and Republicans tell the truth. How Fox News and Republicans devised one Biden smear For three months, Republican officeholders and Fox News personalities have been ...
January 23, 2022
Clinton, Epstein, the Bidens, and more: Why are the press ignoring these stories?Here is a well-researched article that the American media have essentially ignored. According to the Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Revealed: The remarkable lengths taken to whitewash Bill Clinton's cosy links to pervert Jeffre...
January 22, 2022
Why I don't trust 'award-winning' expertsPresident Biden repeatedly claims that Build Back Better will reduce inflation and says seventeen Nobel Prize-winning economists agree with him. Although Biden lies a lot, it is certainly possible that he could find leftist economists who ...
January 22, 2022
Many people pretend to care about their carbon footprint and falsely blame humans and fossil fuels for cyclical and natural changes in the climateMany wealthy people who have multiple mansions, yachts, private jets, and gas-guzzlers pretend to care about their carbon footprint as they lecture us that we should drive inefficient, impractical, expensive electric cars powered by batteries that ar...
January 21, 2022
It is no wonder most people don't trust the media since they frequently bury truthful stories while endlessly running false storiesThis is a well researched article in the U.K. Daily Mail that the American media have essentially ignored. They have always ignored the truth about the Clintons to protect them while campaigning for them. EXCLUSIVE: Revealed...
January 17, 2022
Funny how similar Paul Pelosi, Jr.'s and Hunter Biden's biographies areHunter Biden and Paul Pelosi are about the same age. Both of them have almost zero qualifications for any productive business endeavor, but they have endlessly used their parents' powerful position to greatly enrich themselve...
January 16, 2022
A Danish newspaper decided to finally ask questions. Sadly, most American journalists won'tA Danish newspaper has finally figured out that it should not be a propaganda arm of the government and should have always asked questions about COVID instead of just repeating what they were told like puppets. It is sad that most American journalist...
January 14, 2022
There is a commonsense solution to lowering inflation: Go back to Trump’s policiesPresident Trump’s policies basically consisted of smaller government, fewer regulations, lower taxes, and energy independence. The results of Trump’s policies were good economic growth, reasonable energy prices, wages rising, especi...
January 13, 2022
Biden and his supporters are doing everything they can to divert blame for inflationAs Biden's poll numbers drop, he claims that it is malarkey to say he doesn't address inflation. He says his policies will lower inflation. On January 12, the 2021 inflation numbers came in at a 7% increase over 2020....
January 11, 2022
The media spread disinformation, campaign for a powerful government run by leftistsTo see how misinformation from the media permeates society, look at the three leftist justices on the Supreme Court, who vote in lockstep. These people are supposedly intelligent and informed, yet their talking points in the vaccine mandat...
January 8, 2022
The actual coup began in 2016 and has continued ever sinceStarting in 2016, the Obama-Biden Executive Branch, the Judicial Branch, and the Democrats in the Legislative Branch set out to defeat Donald Trump before the election, and when that didn't work, they made endless attempts to get rid of the ...
January 7, 2022
Illinois is a great example of why people are running from blue statesPeople are moving from high-tax Democrat-run states to states that are more welcoming to businesses and individuals. The way Illinois is run shows many reasons why. In Illinois, the legislature schedules adjournment by May 31, and their...
January 5, 2022
Climate indoctrination inhibits people's ability to use logic and reasonClimate propaganda, relentlessly pushed by the media, is contradicted by facts, but that hasn't stopped it or led to corrections. The prophets of doom and their cultist followers pay no heed. We're all going to face cata...
January 4, 2022
Who knew Harry Reid was a saint?When Harry Reid passed away, we heard glowing reports from most of the media and politicians about how great he was. Obama said some very nice things. He forgot to say that he wouldn't have been president without Reid's des...
January 1, 2022
Health officials and media outlets are colluding to scare the public into submissionThe headlines scream throughout the media. New Omicron variant fills up children's hospitals A five-fold increase in pediatric admissions in New York City this month. Pediatric hospitalizations up 395% in NYC amid COVID-19 surg...
December 30, 2021
Where are the snowless winters that have been predicted?Over the years, we have seen many dire predictions of snowless winters. So far, the predictions have been 100% wrong. Top 5 failed 'snow free' and 'ice free' predictions 1.) Scientists predict...
December 18, 2021
COVID cases are rising rapidly, so it must be Trump and his supporters' faultCOVID cases are rising rapidly this fall, and Biden's and Fauci's poll numbers are dropping rapidly, so the N.Y. Times dutifully runs an article blaming Trump and his voters. No matter what Biden screws up, it is never his fault....
December 17, 2021
Faulty logic still percolating in the latest global warming reportsOn Wednesday, the Associated Press published an article about record warming, not this year, but for the three-month period of October through December 2020 in the Greenland region of the Arctic. The article does not show what the temperat...
December 16, 2021
Jen Psaki and other Democrats like to pretend a lotJen Psaki says the CBO score is fake because that is not the bill they are voting on. She is absolutely right. The BBB bill, as written, pretends programs will end in one to two years and then pretends to use revenues from ten y...
December 15, 2021
Democrats' greed for power is endlessAlmost all the Democrat policy proposals involve transferring more power and money from the rest of the country to the extremely powerful federal government. While the Dems seek to destroy the millions of jobs related to oil, natural gas, an...
December 14, 2021
The media are doing their best to deflect the blame for high inflation from Biden and his policiesWhen the AP and other media outlets talk about the causes of inflation, somehow, they miss the elephant in the room: energy policies. Since day 1 of his presidency, Biden has set out to destroy oil companies and reduce production. This ...
December 10, 2021
With the omicron variant, journalists just repeat talking pointsThere are very few cases of the COVID omicron variant in the U.S. or the world, so how can it be that Pfizer or any drug company can run a test that shows that its vaccines or boosters work on it? That's the claim out there, ...
December 9, 2021
Who is the autocratic president, again, overstepping his authority?Judges, throughout the country, are correctly ruling that President Biden and OSHA don't have the constitutional authority to require everyone to get vaccines. Therefore, shouldn't it have been unconstitutional for the Democrats to require...
December 8, 2021
If Yellen and Power really cared about corruption and saving democracy, they would go after their bossThe Washington Post has published an opinion piece from Janet Yellen and Samantha Power that says that to save democracy the U.S must fight global corruption. It had to be a satire because they work for a man who has been knowingly corrupt for a long...
December 7, 2021
Democrats don't care about inflation, the poor, the middle class, women, or science. They care about raw powerAs their poll numbers drop and inflation becomes more of an issue, Democrats are pretending they care and suddenly have a solution. They want more immigrants to fill jobs at lower wages in the "informal economy." Of course, De...
December 6, 2021
Spot the anti-Americans…Jake Tapper, who works for CNN, which buried the truth about the Cuomos for a long time, is out campaigning for Democrats and against Republicans, no matter what the facts are. Via Breitbart: CNN's Tapper: I Can't Think of ...
December 4, 2021
How media would frame gun violence in an honest worldI believe that it is correct in the Michigan killings for the parents to be charged. They were extremely negligent and culpable. Why aren't school administration officials charged for letting a dangerous kid back in class with...
November 23, 2021
Biden is very confused as to who is gougingJoe Biden started the rampant rise in energy prices the day he took office by blocking a pipeline and banning federal-lands drilling. As prices started rising, the first talking points said the price rise was transitional. As price...
November 20, 2021
People should be angry about Joe Biden's Rittenhouse verdict twaddleSo Joe Biden is "angry and concerned" that a 17-year-old who defended himself against armed adult criminals got acquitted by a Kenosha jury in a trial. While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and conce...
November 19, 2021
The media have decided it is time to start campaigning for Mayor PeteAs Biden's and Harris's poll ratings drop like a rock, the media decided the time for a puff piece on Mayor Pete is now. Nothing in this article mentions any accomplishments of Pete, but that doesn't matter. All th...
November 18, 2021
Won't life be so pristine and wonderful with net zero? Landfills will thriveBesides not giving any scientific evidence that coal and oil use control the climate and temperature, the presenters at the COP 26 climate change conference in Glasgow did not address the massive environmental and economic damage the goal of net zero...
November 16, 2021
Joe Biden's big cookbook for inflationJoe Biden says we must pass his huge slush-fund social-spending package now in the works in Congress in order to reduce inflation. Since when does throwing money at anything reduce inflation? Did Obamacare reduce health care costs?...
November 13, 2021
USC is neck-deep in the federal government's educational takeoverIn the past decade, the University of Southern California, USC, has been running a pure scam. They pay commissions to a for-profit corporation to recruit gullible children, including many low-income minorities, to get a two-year undergradu...
November 11, 2021
Scientists and journalists criticizing Aaron Rodgers for 'spreading misinformation' should look in the mirrorThe media, scientists, and others are outraged at Aaron Rodgers claiming that he was immunized when he hadn't been vaccinated. He was playing word games; the two are distinct concepts. But now they are accusing him of the si...
November 9, 2021
Some questions on climate change to stump those at gabfest number 26Since COP 26 is mostly devoid of facts, I will provide some basic information that can be used to answer the questions that follow. Facts from the last 150 years: CO2 atmospheric content has increased from around 280 PPM to over 410 PPM, up ove...
November 7, 2021
Remember when gender was determined by science?For thousands of years, our gender was determined by science and anatomy. Basically, everyone could look down to see what body parts we have. When I was born in 1953, the doctor looked me over and determined that I was a male. It was not rocket s...
November 6, 2021
Our mostly complicit, compliant, sycophant press has no concern about facts, only Democrat powerWhat happened to Donald Trump in 2016 and beyond dwarfed Watergate. Most of the media not only didn't care about the corruption of the Democrats, but were also major participants in seeking to destroy a candidate, and later president, ...
November 5, 2021
How did women and others ever hold jobs without the benefit of the proposed new entitlements?Biden, Pelosi, and other Democrats say we must pass their huge slush fund bills so we can get free pre-K and universal daycare so women and others can go to work and fill all the open jobs. That should make everyone wonder how the U.S has survived...
November 4, 2021
In recent memory, the USA was celebrated in pop culture as the land of greatest opportunityIn 1963, Jay and the Americans had a song called "Only in America" where they sang the praises of how great the USA was as a place to live for everyone, no matter who you were. Only in America Can a guy from anywhere...
November 4, 2021
Media peddling a new 'climate change' lieIt is amazing news that there has never been a famine caused by climate change until now. The lead story on ABC news on Monday, November 1 was a blatant, intentional lie spreading propaganda on climate change to mislead the public. It is ...
November 3, 2021
Why are Biden, Yellen, and other world leaders only worried about corporate tax rates when they discuss competitiveness?Somehow, it is supposedly a great achievement that 136 countries got together to agree to a 15% minimum corporate tax. Nearly 140 countries agree to a minimum global corporate tax rate of 15 percent US Treasury Secretary Janet Yell...
November 1, 2021
Foreign farmworkers legally here must be feeling stupidThe United States admits a million legal immigrants each year, which includes huge numbers of foreigners to do extremely hard, low-paying, work on farms, to allow Americans and people around the world to be fed. It is extremely valuable work. The...
October 31, 2021
Biden and his nitwit advisors urge foreign producers to pump more oilJoe Biden, his spokeswoman Jen Psaki. and others in their orbit want foreign producers to drill more fossil fuels because for some reason we don't have enough energy over here. Here's a humorous but sad statement from an "energy advis...
October 30, 2021
I have never met or seen a climate change denier, but I have seen a lot of climate change liars spreading scary propagandaIt is sad that it seems every day we read another dire forecast from the U.N., Kerry, Biden, the teenager Greta, or someone else on climate change, and right now is always the last chance to act. Every solution involves the gover...
October 29, 2021
Sen. Dick Durbin goes off on the parents AG Garland wants to persecuteWhile Illinois senator Dick Durbin and the Democrats were defending Merrick Garland for threatening parents, he compared the parents to the protesters on January 6. Durbin and the Democrats clearly don't care about a girl getting raped by a bo...
October 29, 2021
GDP and more: So much for the smug forecasts of expertsOn August 25, the "experts" forecast third-quarter GDP growth at 5.7%. On Sept. 28, the "experts" lowered the projected growth to 4%. On Oct. 28, the first reading of third-quarter GDP came out ...
October 28, 2021
Tesla's profits from government paperworkJaguar and Honda pay Tesla millions for credits to pretend to meet E.U. rules governing emissions. It doesn't reduce the emissions from the vehicles at all. In the U.S., GM, Ford, Chrysler, and other car companies sell gas-guzzling ...
October 27, 2021
Trump's lower tax rates greatly increased government revenuesThe federal government collected a record $4,045,979,000,000 in taxes in fiscal 2021. In FY2017, the federal government collected $3.3 trillion. This means that, after Trump and the Republicans passed the tax rate cuts that...
October 26, 2021
Isn't it astonishing how often conservatives are called domestic terrorists?Most journalists and other Democrats like to pretend they want to unite the country, but their rhetoric and actions are always meant to sow division. No matter which Republican the Democrats are running against, or what policies they are supportin...
October 23, 2021
Why would anyone believe the IRS should be trusted with vast new snooping powers?Most of the media, along with other Democrats, are campaigning to give the IRS huge amounts of additional money for their budget so that they can pretend to pay for the two huge slush funds they are peddling for the tax agency. They want banks to ...
October 22, 2021
Who are the real fascists?For four years, the media and other Democrats intentionally lied to the public about Russian collusion and that Trump was an illegitimate president who stole the election. They also intentionally fed the public the false claim that Trump was a dic...
October 20, 2021
Was Colin Powell's death caused by COVID or with COVID?As soon as it was learned that fully vaccinated Colin Powell died of COVID complications, the "experts" came out to tell the public that the vaccine did not fail. They said Powell died from other diseases rather than COVID itself...
October 15, 2021
The suddenly disappearing news about Florida Covid casesI am from Illinois and on my vacation, I went through Indiana, Ohio, PA, NY, RI, Maine, NH, and Vermont. I rarely had to wear a mask indoors, unlike in Illinois. Not once did I feel threatened as to whether people around me were vaccinated or not or ...
October 15, 2021
The public can't be allowed to see that the Southern Hemisphere is record cold this yearI didn't see the story on the nightly news, or in Democrat talking points, that the Southern Hemisphere just had a six-month record cold period. That would be as inconvenient as the over-thirty-year cooling period, where a disastrous i...
October 14, 2021
Questions Jen Psaki will never be asked by a mostly complicit press poolIn a shocking report, it was found that powerful people, including politicians, have gotten rich and hidden their wealth. In another shock, the sun rose this morning. When White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki was asked about this, she gave an amus...
September 30, 2021
Maybe Biden should pay his fair share of taxes before he lectures othersJoe Biden can't help himself. It seems that every day, he's tweeting about making "the rich" pay their "fair share" of taxes. He's trying to lecture us to feel jealous of others' success and s...
September 26, 2021
Updated: Speaking of big lies...Following the Arizona audit and recount in Maricopa County, the public is constantly told the big lie is that there wasn't any fraud, or reason to question anything about the 2020 election. It’s as if many state bureaucrats didn’...
September 24, 2021
Democrats are still lying about Trump's 'costly' tax cutsWhy do Democrats continually tell the public that Trump's tax cuts "cost" the government more than $1 trillion when it is demonstrably not true? Despite COVID, the federal government is going to collect around $600 billion more ...
September 23, 2021
Speaking of misinformation, Nikki Minaj is the problem?Popstar Nikki Minaj got into hot water for claiming unusual side effects to the COVID vaccine and got shut down on Twitter. Social media barons claim she's the problem. But let's look at who the problem is on the misinfo...
September 4, 2021
Biden's phone call telling the Afghan President to lie is as bad as China telling WHO to lie to the World that COVID wouldn't spread human to humanThe media and other Democrats have a hissy fit every time anyone tries to limit abortion at all. They always claim Republicans don't care about women's rights. This is rich considering the president they support just handed over Afghani...
August 15, 2021
Wouldn't warming occur naturally after a 'Little Ice Age' ends?It feels like I am beating a dead horse but since the public is inundated every day with misinformation about humans, CO2 and fossil fuels causing global warming/climate change, some of us must persist in giving facts before our great country is inte...
August 10, 2021
Speaking of 'science,' which data show that humans, CO2, and fossil fuels cause global warming?Another day, another dire warning about global warming. The press and its taskmasters could essentially Xerox a copy of what they printed for the public in the Washington Post in 1922, or a UN report in 1989, or a UN report in 201...
August 3, 2021
Some deaths clearly don't matterI bet most people don't know the name of a woman who was beheaded last week in Minnesota or that of the killer. She was a Cuban immigrant, and her name is America Thayer. He was out on bail for arson and is a serial domestic a...
August 3, 2021
Playing chicken(pox) with the CDCThe CDC is justifying their new guidance that vaccinated people need to wear a mask by saying COVID spreads as easily as chickenpox. Since most of the media will just repeat the CDC talking points on this and all subjects, I thought I would do som...
July 30, 2021
Isn't it time that the media and other Democrats stop pretending they care about facts?It should have been a big story on the nightly news that France warned the Obama administration in 2015 about the Wuhan lab, but it didn't seem to make the cut. It should also have been a big story last year when President Trump, Sen. Tom Cott...
July 29, 2021
Awkward COVID questions for Jennifer Psaki and other administration mouthpiecesWhy do the media and the White House always lie and blame low vaccination rates for the increase in cases when counties in California with low vaccination rates are doing better than counties with high vaccination rates? Why do they lie and b...
July 21, 2021
Democrats are full of baloney about 'drive-thru voting' and moreDemocrats say drive-thru voting, where you fill out your ballot and drive through to deposit it in a drop box, presumably with an attendant, but sometimes not, is necessary to prevent to voter suppression. They've gotten...
July 21, 2021
Joe Biden is lying about the economy, claiming Trump's successes as his ownPresident Biden continues to lie that he inherited the worst economy since the great depression. Even the fact-checkers in the mainstream press are calling him out on that one. Fact Checking Biden's Address to Congress Biden sa...
July 19, 2021
It's not just Trump-supporters who are resisting the COVID vaccineOn May 21, federal health officials testified before Congress that only 60% of their employees had received the COVID vaccine. Federal health officials testified at a Senate committee hearing that about 60% of their employees have been vacc...
July 13, 2021
Does Biden truly want more competition to help the little guy?President Biden recently signed an executive order, claiming he wants to reduce the power of the powerful and help the little guy. He claims that his actions will also increase competition. It would be nice if the media analyzed...
July 3, 2021
You've got to be kidding: WaPo lavishes credit on Biden for recovering economyThis post would be more appropriate in the Babylon Bee as satire, as journalists and the Biden administration collude to rewrite history to give Biden the credit for the economic recovery that was well underway because of Trump and red states before ...
July 1, 2021
Trump must be extremely clean if this is all the NY prosecutors came up withAfter years of prosecutors targeting Trump in search of a crime, Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg "surrendered early Thursday to New York authorities for arraignment in the first criminal indictment arising from a two-year investigation ...
June 15, 2021
Obama pioneered illegal surveillances, searches, and seizuresDemocrats are making a big deal about a case of phone surveillance in the case of locating leakers in Washington from the Trump administration. They forget, or just don't care, that it was they who pioneered the surveillance state. The Obam...
June 9, 2021
Political correctness and double standards are all over the place these daysOver the last few years, we are frequently learning new things that have become unacceptable. An actress goes to a ball that has been around for over one hundred years, and it is suddenly forbidden. 'The Office' Actress Ellie Kemper Apo...
June 9, 2021
Media shilling an old canard about billionaires not paying enough taxesI can't stand billionaires who lecture everyone to pay more in taxes while doing everything they can to reduce their personal and corporate taxes. That said, we now have a pure BS piece that the media are peddling today in a bid to lobby ...
May 15, 2021
Shouldn’t the media ask common sense questions on the masks and other dictatorial edicts?We are told that the reason we only had 2,000 cases of the flu this year was because of the masks and other mitigating dictatorial edicts. Dr. Fauci is using this explanation to say we might wear masks in the future seasonally. Shouldn’t the me...
May 11, 2021
Liz Cheney, Joe Manchin, and the mediaThe media never idolize Democrats who go against their party. There is a lot of pretending going on. Pelosi, Biden, the media, and other Democrats respect Liz Cheney so much and are extremely worried that Republicans chasing out a valua...
May 10, 2021
The lies about so-called 'trickle down' economics keep blowingThere is another garbage piece by Ralph Martire on Sunday in the State Journal-Register of Illinois, titled "Trickle-down harms people, communities and the government." Democrats' theory on what they call trickle-down ...
May 7, 2021
Why aren't the truth czars at Facebook canceling those who spread disinformation on oil and climate change?Why is most of the Arctic ice still there with all the doom-and-gloom predictions over the last 100 years? You know the ones: that global warming would cause the ice to melt rapidly and coastal cities to be destroyed? At the end of Apri...
May 1, 2021
Biden's forked tongueTo gin up class warfare, Biden said during his speech to the nation this past week that the average wage of CEOs is 300 times that of American workers. That is a blatant lie. There are an estimated 195,530 CEOs in the U....
April 16, 2021
So Bill Gates want to spray dust into the sky to control the Earth's temperature?The radical-leftist-billionaire-fear-monger Bill Gates is working with scientists to determine if they can control temperatures by spraying chemicals into the atmosphere to partially block the sun. Here's the news item: A Bill Gates Ventu...
April 15, 2021
The Biden administration's skeevy way of claiming 'bipartisanship'The Biden White House has decided to change the definition of lots of things. COVID relief is actually a slush fund for leftists. The American jobs program or infrastructure bill is actually a slush fund for leftists. Now we are...
April 12, 2021
Who are the racists?Who, again, is a racist? We hear about racists a lot these days. Racists are supposedly all over. Might they be people like Bill Gates who believe that requiring the right answer and showing your work in math are an example o...
April 10, 2021
Leftists care nothing about 'facts' on climate. They care only about powerI have been reading a book called Factfulness by Hans Rosling. It is a bestseller. The book is full of charts and graphs and global statistics from the United Nations through 2016. As a nerd who loves numbers and facts, I fin...
April 7, 2021
So Biden steers clear of culture wars? LaughableI woke up this morning to see a USA Today article in my local paper — a piece that says Biden rarely gets involved in culture wars. I thought how hard it is to spot the media bias because almost everything Biden does seeks to divide the...
April 4, 2021
COVID biases from the press play loose with the factsI can't get it out of my head that the media is still spreading lies. On COVID, the World Health Organization, Dr. Deborah Birx, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Washington Post's abundant left-wing columnists, and others, while denouncin...
April 2, 2021
How to Stick it to Leftist Billionaires without Crushing the Little GuyDemocrats are coming up with all sorts of schemes to transfer money from the private sector to the government. Their aim is to have more power and money. They truly do not care how many jobs and businesses they destroy in the process. ...
April 1, 2021
So how does Joe Biden pay for his $2-trillion boondoggle?Joe Biden said that he was going to pay, partially, for his $2 trillion ten-year slush fund, supposedly for infrastructure, with $1 trillion in new taxes on corporations which will be collected over fifteen years. According to ...
March 30, 2021
Dr. Fauci and his coevals try to burnish their tarnished namesThe COVID industrial complex and its disgraced leaders are somehow trying to burnish their reputations now that COVID is coming to an end, and they want it to go on and on, remodeling themselves into heroes. Medical bureaucrats like Dr. An...
March 28, 2021
Biden said a lot of stupid stuff at his press conference and the media fawnedWhy do I or anyone trust anything the biased Washington Post writes? Here is a small sample of their opinions after Biden’s worthless first news conference: At his first news conference, Biden showed his passion for democracy...
March 26, 2021
So Republicans are 'complicit in these shootings'?Democrat Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut is blaming Republicans for the two mass shootings in recent days, as if to suggest that only Democrats and their gun-grabbing agenda can save us from such attacks. Here's the Breitbart ...
March 16, 2021
Confessions of a COVID rebelIt is sickening to watch Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and others get such praise for Biden's recent address to the nation on COVID. In follow-up to that, Biden, Harris, and their minions brag that now they will give permission for some grand...
March 15, 2021
Isn't it time that Democrats stopped pretending that they care about all lives?Outside Black Lives Matters events, Democrats otherwise claim to care about all lives. They say they care about "people." But I can think of three examples where they didn't. President Obama, Biden, the m...
March 12, 2021
So where are the nightly network news pictures of all the 'kids in cages'?The media posted fake news stories with "kids in cages" pictures dating from the Obama/Biden years in their four-year collusion with Democrats to destroy President Trump. So where are the nightly televised pictures today of ...
March 10, 2021
Things that don't make sense, except to DemocratsThere's sense, there's nonsense, and then there's Democrats. They are pulling a host of things that make absolutely no sense to normal people. Let's start with the vaunted stimulus package, which includes a paltry $1,400 tax cre...
March 7, 2021
Since when does big government spending 'alleviate poverty'?Here's a truly ignorant tweet from the Washington Post: https://t.co/MrzjVkZBEd — The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) March 6, 2021 It says: "Biden stimulus showers money on Americans, sharply cutting poverty...
March 5, 2021
You might be a Neanderthal if...Joe Biden disparaged governors who are opening their economies by calling them "Neanderthals." It is so nice that he is seeking unity instead of dividing us. To paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy, you might be a Neanderthal if...
March 4, 2021
Will purported journalists ever ask for scientific data justifying the destruction of America's economy?The Biden administration has set its target on destroying the oil and coal industry, including pipelines, for over forty days since its members took office. Not once have these people provided any scientific data to justify the destruction...
March 2, 2021
So Biden is behind the stock market bounce?A few days ago, the stock markets set records on Feb. 24, so on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, on Feb. 25, comes the following headline: Stock Market Sets Records, Signaling Optimism for 2021 Surely the ...
February 26, 2021
Should Big Tech determine what the truth is about the COVID vaccine?The Biden administration is going to collude with social media billionaires to determine what the public is allowed to see about the vaccines. Should billionaires who campaigned for, colluded with, donated to, and buried truthful stories a...
February 24, 2021
Why did the Biden administration approve a pipeline for Russia to Germany but not from Canada to the US?President Biden blocked the Keystone pipeline from Canada to the U.S., ostensibly due to environmental concerns and claims about global warming, even though the long planned project had cleared all environmental hurdles. Yet the Biden St...
February 23, 2021
Press focuses on Ted Cruz, ignores the building crisis at the borderThe media are intent on reporting on Ted Cruz's one-day trip to Cancun, because they want to divert attention from Joe Biden's intentional destruction of America. It is the same reason they lied that Biden was a "moderate" during...
February 21, 2021
Why would Texas have prepared for record cold and snow if they listened to the media and other global warming fanatics the last forty years?Since 1980 Americans have heard that the Earth was warming rapidly, that the South would not have winters anymore and we would see “the end of snow.” We were told it is the “scientific consensus” and the science was ...
February 10, 2021
Canceling student loan debt is the worst approach to the crisis in higher educationIn the U.S., students have run up over $1.5 trillion in debt and the Democrats' solution is not to address the problem of the high costs of college and easy credit that caused the high debt. Instead, they just want future taxpayers to ...
February 9, 2021
Why doesn't the WSJ give credit to the Biden administration for the rapid increase in oil prices?On the front page of Monday's paper edition of the Wall Street Journal is an article titled: "Oil Rises as Supply Tightens and Demand picks up." I read the article (retitled in the online edition), and somehow, I didn't find...
January 30, 2021
Funny how the party that claims to be for the little guy always supports the billionairesWe can see how much the brokers and billionaires who support Joe Biden care about the little guy by the way they treat people at Reddit who trade through Robinhood. They claim they want to block the small, unsophisticated traders from invest...
January 30, 2021
Cuomo's nursing home callousness recalls Hillary Clinton's Benghazi crueltyAndrew Cuomo sends sick people to nursing homes to infect and kill vulnerable people, then continually blames others and lies about the number of deaths. Then, after he is caught in the lie, he says, "Who cares where they died? They d...
January 28, 2021
Biden's environment agenda: Regressive, oppressive, depressiveI am going to try to make this simple enough that all the campaign workers for Democrats, posing as journalists, politicians, entertainers, scientists, and professors, along with people like Bill Gates, AOC, Mark Zuckerberg, Al Gore, Pelos...
January 27, 2021
Trump made the best choices on COVID, but the press blamed him for everythingIn a true shocker, as soon as Joe Biden took office and resumed the hundreds of millions in annual taxpayer kickbacks to the World Health Organization, the latter organization decided, after a year of false reporting, that maybe it should r...
January 27, 2021
Global warming: Facts vs. media misrepresentationWith Joe Biden ramping up the greenie ideology, the history of global warming is worth another look. All you need to know to understand that the conspiracy is false is to see that the Earth had a substantial, lengthy cooling period from 1945 ...
January 23, 2021
The $15-an-hour national minimum wage canardDo politicians in D.C. understand the economy enough that they should set a high uniform national minimum wage? Here's what's going on now with Joe Biden, and he's not the only Democrat touting it. According to Marketplac...
January 23, 2021
One of Biden's first priorities was to re-establish corrupt slush funds for political supportersPresident Trump got rid of the Obama/Biden slush funds where the Justice Department, CFPB, and EPA shook down corporations and then used the negotiated settlements that they were forced to pay (taxpayer money) to funnel kickbacks to their political s...
January 23, 2021
Isn't it great that the oil from Canada will now be moved by trains and trucks?Now that the Keystone XL pipeline is canceled by President Joe Biden, the world is supposedly greener. Really? Fact is, it's the opposite. Instead of getting more environmentally friendly, the carbon footpr...
January 19, 2021
By Dems; logic, couldn;t Obama and Biden be impeached and convicted for their actions in 2016 so they can never hold office again?Isn't it pure abuse of power and obstruction of justice when an administration is so consumed with maintaining power that it uses the massive personnel and taxpayer resources to destroy its political opponent while protecting its chosen succ...
January 13, 2021
At least robber barons of old wanted American power and prosperityThe robber barons of the 19th and early 20th centuries were people like the Rockefellers and Vanderbilts. The robber barons of today are the people who control Google, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft. The...
January 9, 2021
The Wall Street Journal's editorial page joins Nancy Pelosi in calling on President Trump to resignIn the Wall Street Journal's top editorial on Friday, titled "Trump's Final Days," the paper's editors wrote: The best outcome would be for [President Trump] to resign to spare the U.S another impeachment fig...
January 6, 2021
The fake outrage against Trump is just fake newsMost of the media and other Democrats were not outraged when: Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid over $10 million to a foreign person to create a fictitious dossier to destroy Donald Trump and then lied to the FEC that the cost of it was for le...
January 1, 2021
Every one of Trump's Russia hoax pardons corrected an injusticeSo-called journalists, a judge, and other Democrats are having a collective cow that Trump has pardoned some associates. Like this guy here: A federal judge in Iowa who has warned against political corruption is ridiculing President Donald Trump...
December 23, 2020
With Biden, one set of laws for them, another set for usTwenty-one students at three universities were charged with participation in a massive drug ring. Total proceeds were $1.5 million over a few years. No, they shouldn't have done it. But the penalties for them are draconia...
December 22, 2020
Democrats' top priority is always bigger government and more power for themselvesOn Friday, I heard Sen. Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, say it would be a tragedy if Congress didn't pass a funding bill to keep the government open. This is a load of forked-tongue hypocrisy. I have never heard Durbin say i...
December 19, 2020
The man who said the election was the most secure ever didn't know about a massive government hack by foreign actors?Let me get this straight: The media and other Democrats absolutely believe the now fired Christopher Krebs, who had been the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, when he said the U.S. election was the most se...
December 17, 2020
Why Democrats always hide their true agendaThe media and Democrats' playbook is always the same. Their radical big-government policies are not popular, so they hide the truth about them from the public. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were essentially kept in the basement while the medi...
December 16, 2020
COVID stats demonstrate that very little COVID is transmitted through bars and restaurantsWhen will the media and government officials show the actual scientific data, instead of just repeating the talking points, that they base all their strict mitigation and lockdown decisions on science? It's clearly a lie. ...
December 10, 2020
Making up things about Russia, ignoring China, the press is always reporting it wrongWhy would anyone believe the media now, after they loudly reported the fictional story of President Trump colluding with Russia — for years — and now they're burying the massive Russia-Ukraine-China-Kazakhstan corruptio...
December 9, 2020
The left's war on science is the left's war on the Lord's giftsGod created the process where a miniscule spermatozoon and a miniscule egg got together and created a fully developed human being with massive body parts and massive natural processes that allow the human to live and thrive. One of the amazing pro...
December 8, 2020
COVID, global warming: Look out when the power-mad left takes a temperatureAmericans have many choices in electric powered vehicles these days, yet, even with subsidies, only around 2% of Americans choose to buy one. Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom, Barack Obama, General Motors, and others, corporate and human, do not ...
December 8, 2020
Only winning matters to a dishonest mediaCan anyone imagine the amount of media coverage if there was a tape of Republican poll workers who counted supposed votes after they kicked Democrats and the media out ? Yet, when Democrats do exactly that, as happened in Georgia, the media a...
December 3, 2020
Most of what we see as news today are rumor stories trashing Trump, while truthful news stories are buriedThere is a news story out that the Justice Department is investigating if someone offered a bribe to someone at the White House for a pardon for someone. There is no evidence that Trump was involved or knew, but the media certainly want th...
November 29, 2020
Media lies about congressional Democrats' refusal to approve COVID aidOn the front page of my local Illinois newspaper, the State Journal-Register, and in the Washington Post, on Sunday is an article by Associated Press titled "With No Action by DC, states race to offer virus aid" ...
November 26, 2020
Why do Democrats call their policies 'progressive' when they clearly harm the poor?The radical leftists who control the Democrats claim they care about all lives but their policies on climate are dooming people in underdeveloped countries to extreme poverty, environmental degradation, and increased risk of early deaths, according t...
November 21, 2020
Why is challenging suspicious election results 'a threat to our democracy'?On Thursday, President Trump's legal team presented many pieces of information about the election that deserve to be investigated. But the media have no interest in that. Instead, they essentially black out the news and ask Trump to co...
November 20, 2020
Media bias is out of control, pushing its agendasEveryone should remember that most supposed news stories, predictions, and pronouncements today are essentially propaganda, a push for Big Government with leftist Democrats running the show. Let's look at just one matter, the COVID c...
November 19, 2020
About that phony press claim that President Trump didn't care about COVID...One of the biggest press canards out there is that President Trump didn't care about COVID or the many U.S. deaths associated with COVID, the disease with its origins in Red China. Michael Gerson is one of them. He and other...
November 15, 2020
It's not about science, it's about powerOn Friday, I heard a local radio talk show host say something extremely stupid about the COVID restrictions. He said that even though there is no scientific data showing outbreaks from restaurants and bars, a common answer of people who tested pos...
November 12, 2020
No, it's not unity: Democrats are obsessed with powerDemocrats have talked about getting rid of the Electoral College and stacking the courts for years. It has nothing to do with helping the poor and minorities or else unifying the country. Democrats are obsessed with confiscating...
November 4, 2020
The CDC said it was OK for COVID patients to vote in person?We are told we can't gather together even if we haven't tested positive for Thanksgiving or Christmas. That's what the CDC and other state bureaucracies told us. The CDC carved out an exception for protestors and rioter...
November 2, 2020
Why is Illinois's governor closing bars and restaurants when no outbreaks have been traced to them?According to the State Journal Register of Illinois, after four months of restaurants and bars being open to indoor patrons, local health officials have not traced a single outbreak of COVID to bars and restaurants. Yet, because of ...
November 1, 2020
Buried news: The world has become safer under President TrumpIn 2016, the people of the U.S. listed terrorism near the top of the list of things they were worried about. Now it is down on the list because the world has become a safer place under President Trump. Here's a littl...
October 21, 2020
So where's Twitter's and Facebook's fact-check block on Democrat talking points?The media recently reported that September was the warmest September on record and the United States has had a record number of hurricanes and other named storms this year. So I am very confused. We have been told for decades that rising oil,...
October 16, 2020
Questions the press just won't ask Joe BidenDuring this election cycle, there are thousands of questions Joe Biden and Kamala Harris should be asked in order for the public to make an informed decision. Sadly, most journalists are so busy campaigning for Democrats and trashing Presi...
October 1, 2020
That 'expert' Biden cited for claiming his policies would create lots of jobsIn Tuesday's presidential debate, Joe Biden said an analysis of his proposed policies shows they would yield great job growth. I wondered, who in his right mind and with an ounce of common sense would believe that massive higher t...
September 16, 2020
Trump is right: Science doesn't know — and supposed journalists don't careHere are some facts that most of the media, scientists, entertainers, and other Democrats choose to ignore as they indoctrinate the public, especially the children, about "science": Environmentalists and politicians have mismanaged...
September 15, 2020
Back when the WaPo and other media outlets weren't campaigning for Joe, sometimes they reported the truth about Biden's liesJoe Biden, most of the media, and other Democrats continually attack President Trump for things that are clearly made up or based on anonymous sources. Meanwhile, they claim that Trump says things without evidence even when there is evi...
September 12, 2020
The moral decay of the US comes in part from the mediaWhen President Obama was elected, he pledged to remake America. It is a shame he did so much damage to the fabric of America in eight short years. Here is a sample of recent events that show how far morality has declined in the ...
September 11, 2020
On COVID, Democrats were the ones downplaying the crisisThe media and other Democrats, including all the ones writing Joe Biden's talking points, know that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC, the U.N.'s WHO, most of the media including Bob Woodward, Biden himself, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (a...
September 10, 2020
Why is Kamala Harris getting the kid-glove press treatment?The media endlessly attacked Sarah Palin when she was a much-talked about female vice presidential candidate in 2008, but they treat Kamala Harris with kid gloves. Most of the questions for her from the press amount to puppets asking Harris ...
September 9, 2020
Meet the real disparagers of military service, and guess which party!John Kerry disparaged the military by calling them stupid and warned kids that if they weren't wary, they could end up stuck in Iraq. You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an ...
September 5, 2020
Joe Biden and Trump's soulSome reporter asked Biden how he feels about Trump's soul as if the latest story about Trump supposedly deriding U.S. troops were actually true from the Atlantic. Actually, it was an Atlantic reporter who asked. Match t...
September 3, 2020
The 'experts' have subjected Americans to a doozy of an experimentDr. Anthony Fauci, a renowned expert and brilliant scientist who has never been wrong, and his counterparts at the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control, have been conducting a major experiment on all 330 million Amer...
September 2, 2020
As Biden falls in the polls, the media's lies get biggerThe more desperate the media becomes to elect the corrupt, incompetent Joe Biden, the bigger and more numerous the lies. We have been treated to Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists, and other Democrats throwing crap against the wall f...
August 30, 2020
The media will surely not tell the truth about the end of COVID during the electionThe media, the so-called experts and Democrats have intentionally tried to scare the public for months about COVID. For that, they've kept schools shut, put out excessive mask warnings, shut down fresh-air beaches, and refused to permit e...
August 28, 2020
The NYT claims that racism, not Democrat policies, is why poorer neighborhoods are hotterThe New York Times has gone off the deep end again. This article claims that racist urban planning is why some neighborhoods are hotter than others. How racist urban planning left some neighborhoods to swelter The story started w...
August 28, 2020
Now that the CDC has declared mass COVID testing unnecessary, Democrats say 'don't trust the experts'The experts, the media, and other Democrats are so consistent in their response to COVID-19. Now that the CDC sensibly says that people with no symptoms don't need COVID tests, we are told by the brilliant New York governor Andrew Cuomo and ot...
August 27, 2020
'Hatch Act' howlings ring hollowMost of the media and other Democrats are feigning outrage that the White House, or other federal buildings, are being used as a backdrop for events during the Republican convention and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has made a speech for the RNC fro...
August 26, 2020
Trump or Obama: Who's the dumb one?Peggy Noonan is showing that she doesn't care about facts any more than most of the media. She says Obama's statement that Trump is lazy, greedy, and intellectually incapable is true, yet she gives no examples. I saw nothing in Obama...
August 25, 2020
Why won't the press ask the 'party of science' this one little question about fossil fuels?Why won't journalists ask scientists, educators, entertainers, and other Democrats serious queries based on their policy proposals connected to climate change, since those people describe themselves as smart and want to get rid of oil a...
August 19, 2020
The election is about prosperity or collapse, not identity politicsMost of the media are intentionally misleading the public by pretending that two candidates who support radical leftist policies are moderates while pretending that the other candidate, who passed opportunity zones in needy cities; who passed crimina...
August 11, 2020
Shouldn't politicians who lock down economies have some skin in the game?President Trump, due to people like House speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer not wanting to waste a crisis, signed a commonsense executive order that requires states to pay $100 out of an extra $400 per week in an unemploym...
August 10, 2020
About Democrats and those so-called stimulus package 'compromises'On the current congressional stimulus imbroglio, Democrats start out asking for $3 trillion, and then they throw in more crap to make it $3.4 trillion or some similar number, and remember: there is a lot of money left for spending from rece...
August 9, 2020
Swirling corruption in Illinois, the state that brought us ObamaIn Illinois, the speaker of the house, Michael "King" Madigan is being investigated for a massive kickback scheme with Commonwealth Edison. It seems that in order for Commonwealth to get favorable legislation, that they had to pay the king ...
August 8, 2020
Here's a corrected headline for the New York Times on those jobs numbersHere is the headline in the NYT that is being repeated throughout the media because they have to mislead the public in order to get the radical leftist agenda to destroy America in place. The U.S. economy gained 1.8 million jobs in July, but the...
July 31, 2020
Who are the quacks spreading misinformation about COVID-19?Ever since COVID-19 started, social media and other media outlets along with politicians and politicized bureaucrats have been repeating whatever misinformation they have been presented by doctors, so-called experts and scientists as factua...
July 30, 2020
It appears that most journalists, Jerry Nadler and other Democrats need a lesson on the difference between the truth and mythsThere's a lot of talk being thrown around on the television and the print press, from Democratic pols, journalists, and other Democrats, about assorted "myths" regarding race relations, COVID, and whatnot. Here are the definitions: ...
July 27, 2020
Why is there such a focus on the COVID positivity rate versus testing and treating the most vulnerable?Every day, we hear about low and high positivity rates as if that were the most major point in addressing COVID-19. Illinois and New York currently have low positivity rates, and the media treat their governors as if they were geniuses. But ove...
July 26, 2020
A sports 'kneeling' story that won't make the news because it doesn't fit the agendaGood news! In professional sports, with the opening of the season, no Arizona Cardinals kneeled during the national anthem and only one Pittsburgh Pirate did, in what was their first baseball game. Did we get much note of this from the media?...
July 23, 2020
Presidential polls look as fake as the Russian collusion narrativeThe media are clearly using skewed polls, as they did in 2016, to suppress votes and discourage Trump supporters by making them think they are oddballs and racists. The ABC/Washington Post poll is a good example. President Trump faces a ...
July 22, 2020
Dem eulogies for a long-term member of Congress who was called its ‘conscience’ … then and nowIt's worthwhile remembering the plaudits that the Democrats come up with when one of their own veteran solons dies. Regardless of the racism and callousness of that Democrat, the words "conscience" and "moral compass...
July 18, 2020
Media bias and bullying go well beyond Baris WeissThe media, entertainers, educators and other Democrats claim they care deeply about bullying, diversity and women. But they've shown very little support when a woman editor was bullied out of the NYT because, heaven forbid, she thought mo...
July 17, 2020
George Will seems to have missed the corruption of the regime of Obama/BidenI do not recall, the supposedly conservative, serious, intellectual George Will giving a damn about much that Obama/Biden did during their two terms. He didn't call Obama frivolous, didn't talk about a downward spiral, nor care abo...
July 16, 2020
The media's bid to elect Biden is worse than anything Russia ever didIt becomes clearer every day that most of the media and other Democrats are so consumed and obsessed with having the power of the presidency that they are willing to destroy our economy and our way of life that has made the U.S. the greatest and most...
July 16, 2020
Joe Biden's energy policy leaves lots to be desiredOn July 14, Joe Biden gave a summary of one of his proposals to destroy the U.S. economy. This one would eliminate the use of oil. He said science says we have only nine years left to address the problem. "If I ha...
July 15, 2020
Maybe the media should do their job and fact-check people like Fauci instead of just repeating what they are toldIn Jan.: WHO and others said COVID-19 would not spread human to human. In Jan., Feb., and early March, Fauci, the CDC, most of the media, and other Democrats said the virus wasn't very dangerous in the U.S. Top disea...
July 12, 2020
Liberals howling over Roger Stone's commuted sentence should remember the Obama yearsThe media, other Democrat,s and some Republicans like Mitt Romney are feigning outrage that Trump commuted the sentence on Roger Stone. They aren't outraged at all that the whole Russian collusion scam that entrapped Stone, Flynn, and ot...
July 2, 2020
Beclownings: Cuomo, with the worst record on COVID, lectures on the coronavirus — as the press cheersI find it humorous and sad that New York's Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has the worst record on COVID-19 lectures everyone else and the media cheer. Cuomo, along with New York's Mayor Bill de Blasio, are doing their best to permanently dest...
June 30, 2020
There is no scientific data that show masks save lives, so why vote for Biden who would dictate that we all wear them?If Joe Biden is elected, the wearing of a mask in public will mandatory nationwide. "The one thing we do know is these masks make a gigantic difference. I would insist that everybody out in public be wearing that mask. Anyone to reope...
June 29, 2020
When you want to scare the public into submission, just assign deaths to a disease without proofThe scare campaign around COVID-19 keeps chugging along, making things look as bad as possible, and probably worse than they really are. The New York Post Reports: New Jersey's coronavirus death toll adds nearly 2,000 probable fatalities ...
June 28, 2020
Why are so many current Democrat policies rooted in racism?Almost all journalists, professors, so-called "woke" people, so-called "progressives, entertainers, almost all social media employees, other radical leftists, and other Democrats are acting as though they want to destroy anything...
June 27, 2020
AG Barr is under attack by most of the media and other Democrats because they believe Obama admin criminals are above the law.Most of the media and other Democrats are out to destroy AG Barr because they claim he has politicized the Justice Department, but that is clearly not true. The Justice Department had been politicized throughout the Obama administration and no on...
June 26, 2020
Phony outrage over the Roger Stone sentencing non-issue - and some real Obama scandalsYesterday, there was a big hearing in the House Judiciary committtee, because a former prosecutor named Aaron Zelinsky was so outraged he had to resign over someone associated with President Trump getting sentenced within recommended guidel...
June 24, 2020
What the public won't see from the journalists campaigning for BidenIn the Washington Post appeared an analysis of what is going right for Biden against Trump. To summarize: He is leading in polls, sometimes by double digits. Isn't it amazing how well Biden does in polls when...
June 20, 2020
The morons of the pandemicThursday, the brilliant, non-scientist governor of California started requiring face masks for everyone. The brilliant former governor, also a non-scientist, chimed in and said wearing masks should not be a political issue and anyone who m...
June 19, 2020
The media suddenly love the far-right, neo-con, war-mongering, dangerous John BoltonThe media and other Democrats have tried to take out President Trump with many tactics dating from before he was elected. John Bolton is the newest line of attack. A couple years back, Bolton was so hated and distrusted that he cou...
June 18, 2020
Spot the racist: Dick Durbin caught in a 'tell'Perhaps taking his cue from an NBC host, Senator Dick Durbin used a racist "dog whistle" expression so patently vile that he has been forced to apologize. Last week, NBC host Craig Melvin asked a black senator if he was being used as a t...
June 16, 2020
Another day, another bogus report from CDC seeking to entice the public to continue wearing masksThe CDC now says it has proof that wearing face masks reduced COVID-19 cases in NYC by 66,000 from April 17 to May 9. Face masks reduce New York coronavirus cases by over 66,000, study deems it most effective way to check spread Hea...
June 12, 2020
Stocks are reacting badly to a leftist takeover of a major city, not a few new COVID-19 casesInstead of blaming a significant domestic terrorist takeover of a major city for a stock market collapse Thursday, the pundits and analysts are continuing their three-month-long talking points about COVID-19 to scare the public. They say we are ...
June 5, 2020
The party that bore false witness against Trump to destroy him should not pretend they care what the Bible saysDemocrats such as Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Andrew Cuomo, and others who support abortion on demand should never invoke the Bible in their attacks on anyone. Do they not understand the commandment that says, "Thou shall not murder"? ...
May 31, 2020
Dem governors should start following the science for a change on COVID-19The Illinois governor and many others have said they follow the science, so why the masks? Where is the scientific data that show that children have spread the virus? I bet there are few, so why are they required to wear masks, ...
May 30, 2020
Twitter and other media outlets are always willing to spread lies to gin up racial hate and violence to get Democrats more votesTwitter is again intentionally misleading its hundreds of millions of users by telling them that President Trump is glorifying violence. The intent of their flagging Trump is to incite hate and division while further seeking to defeat Trump. It is pu...
May 29, 2020
Maybe next time, Twitter can use congenital liars named Schiff, Rice or the Clintons to fact check TrumpTwitter used the leftist Washington Post and CNN to call Trump a liar when he truthfully says that vote by mail schemes and ballot harvesting can lead to voter fraud. Did Twitter ever block the tweets where their fact checker called people in the ...
May 27, 2020
President Trump is trying to revive the economy while Illinois and other blue states are actively seeking to keep it in depressionIn Illinois, our Legislature just had a grueling four days in Springfield, where they passed whatever they wanted. When Democrats have huge majorities in the House and Senate and control the governor's mansion, it is not tough to pass ...
May 13, 2020
If the media told the truth about COVID-19, the public would feel safe going to work and playFacts that most of the media will never show because they wouldn't scare people. 1,603 counties (52%) of U.S total have zero deaths 447 Counties (14%) of U.S. Total have one death 443 Counties (14%) of U.S. total have two to five deaths...
May 6, 2020
It is leftists who are stoking COVID-19 panic and leaving everyone depressedThe Washington Post is blaming the Wuhan virus for every problem associated with this pandemic, But they should really be blaming the politicians for their draconian policies for creating problems, policies which they support. Here...
April 30, 2020
All of a sudden, the media are worried about partisanship in governmentThe Obama administration used the IRS to violate the constitutional rights of political opponents and most of the media and other Democrats didn't care. The Obama administration used government agencies to illegally spy on thousands of America...
April 25, 2020
The media’s agenda has done (and continues to do) enormous damage to AmericaPanic rarely results in effective decision-making. A Stanford Professor of Medicine and epidemiology says that the government is overreacting, the statistics are wrong and he believes that the economy should be open or else we are intentionally c...
April 25, 2020
The coronavirus modellers are saying even North Dakota needs to stay locked down until July?The University of Washington's all-important Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IMHE), which is those people who are bringing us all of these garbage-in-garbage-out coronavirus "models" that are killing our...
April 24, 2020
Remember the government shutdowns? Funny how we don't see those same sob stories about lost paychecks nowWhenever the threat of a government shutdown looms, Democrats and their media allies give us daily doses of how devastating such a thing will be on "non-essential" government workers. Then they go into overdrive when a shutdown...
April 23, 2020
Why should we be inviting immigrants into a country with a dangerous virus?Former secretary of state Madeleine Albright was out on Tuesday calling President Trump's order to temporarily stop immigration un-American. ABC and others are calling it xenophobic. This is nothing new. Trump has be...
April 23, 2020
Journalists are a gullible bunch on COVID-19We are told by the press that COVID-19 has been around for months and President Trump reacted slowly to address the virus, causing deaths. We are told that a large number of people have the virus of whom we don't know, including people wi...
April 22, 2020
A Science Project in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Earth DayNormally, in spring, middle school students do science experiments. These days, they often do them in honor to the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day in April 1970, which will be held on April 22 this year. Here's an idea for...
April 20, 2020
The press's bias against Trump over COVID-19 is skewing out of controlThe media are really going off the deep end as coronavirus news saturates the airwaves and press. They're now trying to attach this issue to their favorite hobbyhorses pre-COVID-19. The problem is that they are claiming things ...
April 17, 2020
Spot the real heartlessnessWe get it: the mainstream media and other Democrats want you to hate President Trump. They see him as mean, among many other faults. But they need to look in the mirror to find real heartlessness. For example, Joe Scarborough states that ...
April 10, 2020
Fake News: In the coronavirus crisis, the press covers itself in gloryWhere do we go to get real news these days? To judge by the current press coverage, it's not the press. Media outlets have dished up nothing but one-sided criticism of President Trump and have now ended up serving us just ...
April 8, 2020
Questions the media should ask Biden, but won'tJimmy Fallon said that his mind is blown by the eloquence of Biden. I imagine most of the public can come up with terms to describe Biden’s utterances other than eloquence. Absolute confusion comes to mind. It does not matter if Biden does a...
April 6, 2020
The press keeps getting away with a double standard when it comes to TrumpEvery day, no matter what the subject is, almost all supposed journalists are on a relentless campaign to take out President Trump. The bias is not so hard to spot. When the UN or any other supposed experts spews forth with predictions on the...
April 3, 2020
The greatest worry of most journalists and other Democrats is not the virus, it is that Trump might win re-electionThe media worry a lot about President Trump being successful in saving lives and rejuvenating the economy. One would think they would cheer for that result, but they are not. They have great consternation that Trump might win th...
April 1, 2020
Why aren't the FISA-abusing FBI leadership in jail?Since President Trump took office, most journalists along with other Democrats have chastised Trump for questioning the integrity of anyone at the Justice Department. Now we learn from the Justice Department inspector general that he found errors ...
March 31, 2020
Shouldn't Pelosi investigate how many deaths Obama/Biden policies caused?For the past few years, most of the media and other Democrats have tried to take out Trump with intentional lies about Russian collusion and endless investigations about Russia and other things. Now they are trying to take him out by saying ...
March 28, 2020
Why are doomsaying experts, who always get it wrong, still the media's favorites?A couple of weeks ago, we saw media outlets report that "experts" predicted that 500,000 would die in Great Britain and two million in the U.S. Now those wild made-up predictions have been lowered to 20,000 or below in Britain ...
March 26, 2020
About those supposedly overflowing morgues in New York City...I saw the headline that said morgues are running out of space in New York City, and I thought: "That makes no sense." Here's one from Weather.com: Coronavirus Updates: Report Says Morgues in NYC May Be Near Capacity; W...
March 18, 2020
Why don't journalists give Biden credit for the stock market crash on Monday after his 'strong' debate Sunday?On March 4, the stock market surged 1,200 points and the Joe Biden campaign workers, masquerading as journalists, said it surged because the "moderate" Biden did so well on Super Tuesday. The NYT, Reuters and many other media outlet...
March 14, 2020
Do we really want Democrats in charge of health care with complete government control?I saw Ezekiel Emanuel on CNBC on Friday the 13th, talking about the current virus, and it reminded me of what he said in 2009 while pushing for Obamacare. He says he doesn't intend deliberately to end his life at 75 but rather to c...
March 14, 2020
Trump's policies will ensure the US economy survives a recession. Democrats? Not so much...Catherine Rampell of the Washington Post says the U.S is unprepared for a recession because of President Trump's policies to reduce the numbers of people on food stamps, unemployment, and other welfare programs. She writes: Officials have sp...
March 11, 2020
Dire Warnings, Part III: The left just can't help itself 2000–2010Leftists have been warning us for decades of dire consequences for us to come if we don't vote for them and instead opt for free markets. I have written about the early years of this phenomenon and the very latest ones. ...
March 10, 2020
Dire Warnings, Part II: Democrats invent crises to buck for bigger government, 2014–2020Democrats have been at "crazy" for a long time, issuing dire warnings of doomsday in order to come up with a rationale for expanding government. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, that's been their rationale, since soc...
March 9, 2020
Dire Warnings, Part I: Democrats predict catastrophe 1970–1999For Democrats, the sky is always falling. Something disastrous is always around the corner. Democrats have been saying this for so long it's sort of a joke, and they ought to have little credibility. But somehow, ...
March 9, 2020
Why is NASA recruiting astronauts if it plans to phase out fossil fuels?NASA is one of the many federal agencies that push the talking points that climate change is an existential threat. Then it says climate change is substantially caused by humans, CO2, and fossil fuels, which are destroying the Earth. So...
March 7, 2020
Let's review the good ole days of Obama/BidenJoe Scarborough and most journalists are attempting to rewrite the history of the Obama/Biden years to intentionally mislead the public, especially the young. He calls the Obama/Biden years the good ole days. Maybe we should review...
February 29, 2020
For the press to say Trump 'destroys' America's political system is hypocriticalWashington Post columnist Michael Gerson had a recent opinion piece titled "Trump-Sanders Election Would Destroy Our Politics." In it, he shows that he either has a very short memory or, like most Washington Post stenographe...
February 29, 2020
When will the fact-checkers at the WaPo give four Pinocchios to Obama and others claiming credit for the current economy?I would like for any journalist or other Democrat to tell the public which of Obama's (or any other Democrat's) policies are meant to help the private sector as a whole, instead of a specific special interest group or the government. ...
February 26, 2020
It's idiotic to believe Castro was good for the Cuban people or that socialism would be good for the USWe're supposed to believe that it is a wonderful thing in communist countries, where the leaders care so much for their people. They teach them to read. They have free education and health care. Cubans have very s...
February 26, 2020
#MeToo would have started decades earlier if the media and entertainers weren't enablers for the ClintonsHow many women and young girls have been physically and mentally abused by Weinstein, Epstein, and Bill Clinton because most journalists, entertainers, and other Democrats were so interested in protecting and electing the Clintons? Why didn...
February 25, 2020
Never forget the media's blind eye to Obama's corruptionThe media are outraged that former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich had to serve only eight years out of a fourteen-year sentence for corruption. They say it sends a bad message that political corruption is OK. But what is outr...
February 20, 2020
Spare me the indignation over Trump's commutation of Blago's sentenceI agree that Rod Blagojevich, AKA Blago, was corrupt and incompetent. I am an Illinois resident, and I didn't vote for him either time he ran for governor, and I certainly didn't endorse him for his second term as some media outlet...
February 14, 2020
It was Obama, not Trump, who weaponized government against political opponentsMost of the media along with other Democrats are having a collective cow because the Trump administration has reassigned some people from the White House and fired an ambassador who clearly disagreed with Trump's policies who used hearsay evidenc...
February 12, 2020
That phony press trope about all those Democratic 'moderates'Most of the media are making a great effort to mislead the public that there are Democrat moderates running for president. They are wrong. Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang, and the rest are no...
February 10, 2020
Things I have learned from genuine, honest journalists and other DemocratsAs I have gotten older, I have been enlightened about so many things from honest, genuine, conscience-driven journalists and other Democrats. Of course, to accept what I have learned, I had to check my common sense at the door. I learne...
February 7, 2020
Global Warming's 50 Years of FraudThe theory for those pushing the green new deal or some other radical energy policy that will destroy tens of millions of jobs and greatly harm the poor and middle class is that humans, CO2, and fossil fuels cause warming and climate change. This war...
January 31, 2020
Journalists should be laughed at for thinking they are so smartMost journalists and other Democrats, who consider themselves smarter and better than anyone who disagrees with them, call us deplorable, irredeemable, sexists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, stupid, and anti-science. Then, as they denigrate...
January 22, 2020
What's so vaunted about the GAO?The GAO has been getting a lot of attention lately for claiming that President Trump "broke the law," and it doesn't deserve it. I don't recall the GAO saying that Congress broke the law by misusing taxpayer money to set up a slu...
January 19, 2020
Can the press just stop hyping Parnas?The latest press hack to climb onto the Lev Parnas bandwagon is, no surprise, Washington Post #NeverTrump columnist Kathleen Parker. Here she goes: Thanks to Trump, we are living in a world of sleaze It’s tough enough keeping count o...
January 16, 2020
Now we know how confused Democrats are about who is and who is not an imminent threat to AmericaIn 2016, the Obama administration determined that candidate Trump was an imminent threat to its chosen career criminal candidate Hillary Clinton. They were worried that the power they had amassed, while remaking America, was in jeopardy....
January 15, 2020
Why is the WSJ downplaying Trump's tax cuts?In the weekend edition of the WSJ, dated Jan. 4 and 5, there's a long article by Richard Rubin and Theo Francis titled "Taking Stock of the Tax Overhaul's Impact" with a sub-heading: "The cuts helped the economy ...
January 10, 2020
Democrats implicitly are advising tyrants to give terrorists an official title so they will be protected from harmAccording to most journalists, Hollywood, and other Democrats, the only thing a terrorist-sponsoring country like Iran must do to keep terrorists from being targeted is to give them a big title and put them on their payroll. They...
January 10, 2020
Killing terrorists is how you...kill off terrorismAccording to most journalists, Hollywood, and other Democrats, the only thing a terrorist-sponsoring country like Iran must do to keep terrorists from being targeted is to give them a big title and put them on their payroll. Somehow, that makes ...
January 7, 2020
The media will never admit that President Obama's policies were intentionally dangerousThere is a lot of hand-wringing over President Trump's decision to take out the murderous tyrant, General Soleimani, from Iran. They say it will make the world more dangerous. They say that both Presidents Bush and President...
January 4, 2020
Why was it OK for Obama to kill so many with drones?We are told constantly by the media that if one person dies from a gun, that is too many, and we must put new laws on the books. Some even advocate taking away guns from law-abiding citizens. Essentially, all-gun owners are blamed. Pre...
December 31, 2019
Can anyone honestly say journalists and other Democrats have been fair to Trump?For three years, the media and other Democrats have been searching for a high crime or misdemeanor with which to impeach Trump. They finally came up with two non-crimes. If an opposition party not liking a policy decision of a p...
December 28, 2019
According to USA Today, minorities were making substantial progress in the decade until TrumpIn an astonishing article, Nicquel Terry Ellis puts ideology above reality. The article essentially says minorities were seeing their lives improve until Trump. It was a decade of progress. Former President Bar...
December 18, 2019
Shouldn't the media report how bad previous climate change predictions have been instead of participating in the indoctrination?For the last 100 years, we have seen climate prediction labels go from global warming, global cooling, global warming, climate change, climate catastrophe, climate emergency, and climate collapse. The goal has been to scare the public and ...
December 10, 2019
FL Gov. DeSantis shows how Republicans can target all demographic groups and never cave to the mediaRon DeSantis ran for Florida's governorship as a staunch Trump-supporter. He is pro-business, pro-gun, for low taxes, and pro-life. The Miami Herald supported his Democrat opponent because the paper said that if Florida el...
December 7, 2019
Bloomberg is confused as to which president works for the people and which party wants a powerful governmentMichael Bloomberg used to be against impeachment, but now he says he is for it because Trump is working for himself instead of for the public. It appears that Bloomberg is confused because it is Trump who is working as fast as he can to tr...
December 4, 2019
Why didn't Senator Blumenthal look into all the bribes or kickbacks Obama paid for political purposes?Senator Blumenthal was given a forum in the Washington Post to write an opinion piece stating that Trump was guilty of bribery when he got nothing in return. When presidents trade public actions for political favors, the proper p...
December 4, 2019
Global warming, global cooling, climate change, climate emergency, climate catastrophe, climate collapse, or existential threat?What wets your whistle? It's another day and another dire warning from the U.N. Of course, almost 100% of the media repeat these dire warnings in order to indoctrinate the public, especially the young, with no questions aske...
November 24, 2019
About that 'big money in politics' foofarawThe Democrats are whining that incoming candidate Michael Bloomberg is spending $30 million on ads and they say that is unfair. Of course. they have been whining for three years that Russia bought the election for Donald Trump when full...
November 19, 2019
Since 2016, all that has mattered to most journalists, bureaucrats and other Democrats is getting their power backLast week the public was treated to a show where long term bureaucrats and diplomats disagreed with Trump’s foreign policy and told us how they felt. What we didn’t hear was evidence of a crime, extortion, corruption or bribery which we h...
November 15, 2019
When will the enviro-nuts acknowledge Tesla's poisonous, deadly batteries?When will all the radical extremists who want to save the Earth by getting rid of fossil fuels admit the environmental hazard of the flammable pollutant lithium and tell us how and where it will be disposed of? When will journalists stop polluting...
November 13, 2019
Many journalists would rather have the economy collapse than have a Republican in the White HouseIt is time for journalists to do their job and tell the public, especially the young, the devastation that electing Democrats and imposing their policies on the American people would cause. Everything the Democrats are proposing relating t...
November 9, 2019
Journalistic standards have had nothing to do with the truth for a long timeFor decades, ABC and other media outlets have hidden the truth about the serial abuse of women and young girls by the powerful Clintons, Weinstein, and Epstein. The cover-up was to protect the Clintons from scrutiny as they sought to elect...
November 8, 2019
The journalistic compulsion to diss President Trump hits the Wall Street Journal editorial boardAn otherwise excellent editorial titled "Iran's Nuclear Escalation," where the Wall Street Journal appropriately tell Europe to join Trump's maximum pressure campaign, ended with one of the most pathetic paragraphs I have seen in th...
November 7, 2019
Where were the whistleblowers on foreign policy during Obama’s terms?Somehow, during the Obama/Biden/Hillary/Kerry eight years we never heard of journalists, career diplomats, FBI, Justice, intelligence agencies and other Democrats being concerned much about any of Obama’s foreign policies. Where was the outr...
November 6, 2019
In a huge, shocking story, a career diplomat was firedMost of the media are giving huge coverage that a seemingly blameless career diplomat was fired by an evil president. Her thoughts on foreign policy should never be questioned. I think it would be fantastic if every time a caree...
November 5, 2019
Ukraine: The truth versus the Democrats' narrativeThings we know about Ukraine: President Clinton signed an agreement with Ukraine in 1999 to cooperate to root out corruption, but, according to most journalists, other Democrats, and several Republicans, the only corruption Trump could ever ask ab...
November 1, 2019
The worst piece of advice ever to TrumpJonah Goldberg, writing at National Review, says that President Trump is guilty and should apologize. In l’affaire Ukraine, the president is guilty as charged. And the best strategy for him to avoid impeachment by the House and perhaps eve...
October 30, 2019
After ISIS stunt and a lot of earlier bad reporting, why should we believe anything the Washington Post writes?After years of lying to the public, why does any newspaper or other media outlet trust and reprint anything that comes from people working for the Washington Post? The Washington Post, in collusion with other Democrats and media outlets, pushed th...
October 24, 2019
Facebook and monitoring political ads for the truthDemocrats were ripping into Mark Zuckerberg yesterday for not policing political ads for the truth. Politico headlined, "Democrats torch Zuckerberg for 5 hours." [T]he committee's Democrats repeatedly lambasted Face...
October 22, 2019
Every day we see more evidence that most media outlets are essentially propaganda tools for DemocratsAlmost all of the supposedly fact-based news media either trying to intentionally destroy Trump with their stories and or bury and downplay stories they don’t want the public to see. Here are just a few examples from the past several days: A...
October 19, 2019
So much for Trump being a threat to world peaceEvery day we hear that President Trump is dangerous and isolationist and that is making the world less safe. They also say Trump is causing more violence in the United States. Neither is true. There aren't many stories reported abo...
October 18, 2019
Have the media and other Democrats ever worried about Emoluments Clause relating to anyone other than Trump?When the media and other Democrats support Bloomberg for President, aren't they concerned that the Government and foreign countries certainly use Bloomberg services? Will they raise the Emoluments Clause issue? When Kerry was running, did the...
October 15, 2019
It used to take a high crime and misdemeanor to get impeached. Now it just takes someone being concernedFor weeks, the public has been told that the impeach–President Trump leaker, who is incorrectly called a whistleblower, would testify to Congress. Now Democratic House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff, a serial liar, has...
October 9, 2019
Seems James Clapper just admitted Obama ordered him to ignore 2016 Russian election interferenceSomehow, the complicit media have never been interested in connecting the very clear dots: Supposedly, the Obama administration, through the FBI and intelligence agencies, was worried about Russians interfering in the 2016 election — so worr...
October 9, 2019
Speaking of 'moral decay'...Anti-Trump columnists, such as the Washington Post's Michael Gerson, sure have a lot to say about "moral decay" in the era of President Trump, urging Americans to dump him, and who knows, maybe vote for a Democrat instead. He's n...
October 8, 2019
Waiting for the headline: 'Strong Trump economy yields record revenues'Why do supposed journalists, in collusion with other Democrats, continue to lie to the public that Trump's tax cuts cost the government trillions of dollars when that is demonstrably not true? Here's the Congressional Budget Offi...
October 6, 2019
So no one who worked for Obama should ever be investigated?Since January 2017, the media and other Democrats have talked about the Constitution, the rule of law, and piously intoned that no one is above the rule of law. Yet from January 2009 to January 2017, the Constitution and rule of la...
October 4, 2019
Is running for president now a corrupt Democrat's 'get out of jail free' card?Based on today's standards, promoted in Congress and the press, Democratic Party candidates, such as Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, can greatly enrich their families with massive amounts of money from foreign parties, and a Republi...
October 3, 2019
Wishin' and Hopin': The mainstream media are desperate for a recessionIt is truly a shame that the WSJ's news pages participate in trashing the Trump economy and policies. They seem to want to go along with almost all other supposed news outlets who report what they report solely because they want t...
October 2, 2019
Will the media ever tell the public the truth about executive pay instead of pushing the Democrat agenda?Bernie Sanders and other Democrats, with the support of most of the media, rail against corporations and their CEOs, and always demand more money for the government as they pretend to care about helping the poor and middle class reduce the pay and in...
October 2, 2019
If the world is fast coming to an end based on climate change, why do people still flock to the coasts?Since at least 1922, the Washington Post and others have been trying to scare everyone into thinking that the coastal cities would soon disappear along with the Arctic icecaps, yet the people living by the coast seem to be relaxed and happy. ...
September 29, 2019
So Moody's missed the housing bubble but can predict the effects of climate change on the economy?Moody's, the big Wall Street credit rating agency, believes it can tell the effect of a 2 degree temperature rise on the economy, eighty years from now. Anyone who believes such a garbage prediction and reprints i...
September 26, 2019
According to the AP, it is dumb white Democrat men who think Democrat policies are too far leftTo summarize the following article from AP, dumb, white Democrat males think Democrat policies have moved too far left and might vote for Trump. The highly educated, diverse group of people, especially women, are enlightened and will vote ...
September 26, 2019
Impeachment complaint of the dayFor three years, most of the media, in collusion with other Democrats, have been rooting for impeachment based on the fake news story of Russian collusion when there was never any evidence collusion occurred. For a few days, many Democrats running...
September 22, 2019
Corruption blinders of the media and other DemocratsMost journalists and Democrats didn’t express any concerns when: VP Biden threatened (promised) Ukraine that he would cut off a billion dollars in aid to them if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating a company his son was invo...
September 21, 2019
Media blame Trump, protect Obama — alwaysThere have been many articles concerning the opioid crisis, and this one is very interesting. Somehow, the article fails to blame or even mention President Obama at all for the fact that Congress didn't pass a bill until Trump was in o...
September 21, 2019
Scaring the children on climate is cruel, cynical, and dangerousIt is dangerous when teenagers who have been indoctrinated their entire lives are treated as if they have knowledge on climate change and fossil fuels. They are just repeating talking points when trotted out on media outlets and before Con...
September 19, 2019
When Democrats whip out their pious talk about 'law,' beware...Democrats always say they are for the rule of law, for equal treatment under the law, and for no one being above the law. This, in addition to having great empathy for women who are abused. But their media allies will never ask the...
September 18, 2019
Why won't the media tell the truth about guns and murders?Based on the reporting in the press, I bet the public has no idea that murders were down under President Trump, compared to President Obama, and murders rose throughout Obama’s term. After murders rising from 2014 to 2016 un...
September 17, 2019
Think of the economic disaster if Obama or any Democrats running were president when Saudi oil fields were attackedThank goodness Trump is President, considering the attack on Saudi oil. Think of what a disaster it would be if we had Obama as president or any of the Democrats running, all of whom want to get rid of fossil fuels and stop drilling and fr...
September 17, 2019
The scare strategyIt is clear that the strategy for the media is to scare the public instead of telling the truth as they collude with other Democrats in the 2020 election. It's the same as their strategy for the past several decades to elect Democrats ...
September 15, 2019
How to destroy our great country in a very short time? Start with ignorance of fossil fuelsIf the Democrats get their way on government run health care and get rid of fossil fuels, millions of good private sector jobs will be lost. And that's just a hint of the kind of problems that will come of this. Hundreds of billions or e...
September 14, 2019
Obvious questions that somehow the Democrat moderators haven't asked during the first five debatesHealth Care Why do you think life expectancy started to decline unexpectedly after Obamacare went into effect? In 2009, President Obama and other Democrats continually lied that with Obamacare, you could keep your doctor and keep your health pl...
September 12, 2019
For many journalists, predictions have been more important than factsWhenever journalists and other Democrats want to put out a negative article on the economy when the economy looks pretty good, they can always go to Moody's and Mark Zandi. Now Zandi is pulling numbers out of a hat to say Trump's t...
August 31, 2019
It becomes clearer every day that most journalists would rather have Democrats in power than a good economyThe public is treated to a continuous barrage of stories saying how we might be headed to a recession. The source of all the negative reporting on the economy is that almost all of the media wants a Democrat elected in 2020 and people who pretend...
August 31, 2019
Media outrage machine gears up for another RepublicanTed Kennedy killed a woman in the 1960's and most journalists and other Democrats supported and honored him throughout his life. Robert Byrd was a leader in the KKK and most journalists and other Democrats honored him and supported him. ...
August 30, 2019
Where's the evidence Trump's tariffs are hurting the economy?The public continues to hear or read that President Trump's trade policies are hurting the U.S. economy and destroying our relationship with the world and hurting the U.S. consumer. They say the tariffs are especially harmful and causi...
August 23, 2019
Democrats want increased government control (except on the border)It seems Democrats want control of everything except the borders and their greed for power continues to escalate. Every day they are supported by almost all purported journalists and media outlets in their quest for money and power. 1920...
August 22, 2019
More media recession-mongeringDesperately searching for scraps of bad economic news that could help push the economy into recession, Yahoo News finds one homebuilder in one state while ignoring the surging market everywhere for previously owned housing. I read the head...
August 22, 2019
Photo ID in IllinoisThe one-party, Democrat-run State of Illinois is now going to require a photo ID to go on a tour of the Governor's Mansion. New security measures are being put in place for public tours of the Illinois Governor's Mansion i...
August 21, 2019
Forget it when journalists and other Democrats stand on principleJournalists and other Democrats frequently use talking points about the importance of separation of powers, the Constitution, abuse of power, the rule of law and equal treatment under the law, but by their actions we know that they don’t really...
August 21, 2019
New York Times reminds us why we don't trust the pressWe sat through eight years of Hurricane Barry abusing his power and not giving a damn about the law or the separation of powers, while most of the media cheered him on. We were even treated to stories of how the Obama/Biden years were scandal-fr...
August 16, 2019
The major media seek to keep or put Democrats in power by misleading the publicThe playbook is always the same for major newspapers as they collude to elect Democrats for president. It does not matter how good or bad the economy is; the Washington Post and New York Times will always support the Democrat running....
August 14, 2019
So Trump is the divisive one when he brings up Democrat policies?I find it tremendously humorous that people pretending to be journalists, as they campaign to elect Democrats and implement their policies, find it divisive if President Trump campaigns by pointing out Democrat policies. They say he's ...
August 14, 2019
So which party is truly more racist?White supremacy has been in the news lately and a leftist Harvard professor, Lawrence Tribe, said the other day that white supremacists are opposed to abortion because they are afraid that too many white babies will be aborted and it would ...
August 10, 2019
Greenie doomsayers have been wrong every time. Now they should get even more power?Every day, the public is fed propaganda from people pretending to be journalists who claim that Trump is governing with fear. For the last several decades, it is actually the fake journalists, in collusion with other Democrats, who have ...
August 9, 2019
Who'd be happiest if Democrat policies were enacted? Russia, Iran, China...Almost every policy or program the Democrats are proposing consists of transferring money and power from the private sector to the federal government. It's pure greed and absolute destruction of the economy throughout the country. The Med...
August 8, 2019
Why are government cost projections always so utterly wrong?The Congressional Budget Office and other such experts of public finance routinely severely underestimate the cost of major government programs such as Medicare, Social Security, student loans, government pensions, lifetime health benefits ...
August 7, 2019
When will journalists and other Democrats tell the truth about the tax cuts and the economy as a whole?While the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and other experts routinely underestimate the costs of government spending programs by huge amounts, they severely underestimate receipts and economic results when there are across the board tax cuts. ...
August 6, 2019
It seems that journalists and other Democrats care about only deaths that fit their agendaIn June, an illegal alien from Kenya was arrested in Texas for being a serial killer. There was very little coverage, and I don't recall Beto (from Texas) or any Democrats commenting or even being asked about the illegal alien killing ...
August 3, 2019
Medicare for all? Show the mathCatherine Rampell is a Washington Post columnist I rarely agree with, but she's obviously a sane Democrat and asks some hard questions about the Democratic presidential candidates' pie-in-the-sky schemes, which they call 'Medica...
July 31, 2019
Can we trust Democrats after they lied so much about Obamacare?In the Tuesday debate we heard complaints that life expectancy was down. I wonder why the moderators didn’t point out that life expectancy went down for four years after Obamacare was passed, certainly not because of President Trump or the Repu...
July 22, 2019
Every time we have a little heat wave, the media act as if this is the worst one everFor the last several days, the U.S. has experienced a heat wave, and the media are acting as if it is the worst we have ever seen. This morning on Fox News, they talked of the deadly heat wave that looks as if it will mostly end tomorrow....
July 20, 2019
Thank goodness progressive Democrats are focused on the big problem of offensive wordsWith homelessness rising, feces all over the street, MS 13 gang members cutting up and killing people, college costs out of control and massive student debt, progressives in California are focused on getting rid of allegedly offensive words. ...
July 16, 2019
Self-regarding journalists now lecture us about 'truth'?When I see a headline by the Washington Post's op-ed writer Leonard Pitts, such as "Failure to stand up for the truth does not show an open mind, it shows an empty mind," I know I am about to read another piece of worthless dung. ...
July 13, 2019
Obama let Hezb'allah off the hook to funnel drugs into the USA, but MSM don't careIn 2016, President Obama dictatorially stopped an eight-year investigation into a billion-dollar-per-year drug-running operation by the terrorist Hezb'allah organization to appease Iran because Obama thought an Iran deal would enhance his legacy....
July 9, 2019
Dems playing the race card on Repubs for saying the same things Dems said a few years ago on illegal immigrationAre the following Democrats and their supporters, including most journalists and entertainers, racists and xenophobes who don't care about women and children? If not, why are Trump and his supporters said to be for having the same view...
July 9, 2019
The media are a major contributor to the huge crisis at the borderA few months ago, most of the media, in collusion with other Democrats, were perpetuating the blatant falsehood that President Trump was just lying about the problems at the border. The mantra that was continually spewed to the public was ...
July 7, 2019
In Illinois, Democrats focus like a laser on getting Planned Parenthood more moneyIn Illinois, Governor J.B. Pritzker bragged that he got his Democrats to deliver abortion on demand to anyone, with the taxpayers paying for the abortions. His fellow Dems also required insurance companies to cover aborti...
July 4, 2019
Hard to say what journalists are worse at: economics or telling the truth?Democrats spread many falsehoods while they seek to remake America and move it toward socialism, with the government amassing much more money and power for itself. They denigrate capitalism and corporations on a continuous basis. ...
July 4, 2019
The problem with Democrats' universal minimum wage scheme...The economy has been growing faster than any year since 2005. Unemployment has been hitting record lows for both sexes, all races, and all people at all education levels. Wages have been rising faster than any time since 2009 an...
July 2, 2019
Is the climate-change press ever going to make up its mind about what's going on?Obviously, and throughout billions of years of history, the climate never changed as much as it has today, according to journalists. Today, there is a story that wasp populations are expanding because of climate change. Now Wasps Are Form...
June 27, 2019
The clear goal each day for the Washington Post is to take out Trump, and evidence never mattersIt appears that every day, news people and editorial boards get together to see how they can take out President Trump and elect Democrats. A significant number of supposed news and editorial items are hit pieces on Trump, based on anonymous sources o...
June 25, 2019
Bernie Sanders’s student loan forgiveness a boon to the rich and advantagedSince 1958, the federal government has progressively involved itself deeper and deeper into the business of making loans for college education, eventually taking over the business entirely in 2010. Colleges saw this pot of gold and raised their costs...
June 24, 2019
Something journalists, activists and other Democrats never suggest to illegal aliens: abide by the laws Congress passed!Not once in the article below did the stenographer suggest that illegal aliens abide by the laws Congress writes. It never seems to enter journalists' minds. Journalists, activists, and other Democrats tell illegal alie...
June 23, 2019
Does this ‘settled science’ look familiar?Food for thought, especially for journalists and other Democrats: The following article by the Associated Press was published in the Washington Post and many other newspapers across the country on November 22, 1922, almost 100 years ago: ...
June 20, 2019
A shocking scientific discovery: Winds affect ocean temperatures!I am shocked to learn that winds affect ocean temperatures. I am also surprised to learn from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that ocean currents, temperatures around the Earth, and carbon dioxide levels are all ...
June 15, 2019
40 years, 50 million abortions, and suddenly the Hyde Amendment has to be repealed or poor women can't get health care?After more than forty years, during which around 50 million abortions have been performed, the public is being told by Democrats that the Hyde Amendment needs to be repealed because the poor are being denied "reproductive rights" and h...
May 24, 2019
The catchphrase politics of the media and other DemocratsNancy Pelosi accuses the President of a “cover-up” and, like lemmings most of the media repeats it. That’s the latest in a long series of catchphrases that characterize Democrat party politics. Frequently, President Nixo...
May 22, 2019
Who is Joe Biden? It depends on what day it is and what he has to say to get votesSince Joe Biden is the frontrunner, it would be nice if the media told us who he is and what he believes. Since most journalists will support him or any other Democrat and will not report honestly, it would be good for the public to see wh...
May 18, 2019
Which party is more extreme?Which party is more extreme? A party that supports allowing abortion all the way up to full term or a party that seeks to limit abortions? A party that would say it is OK to withhold health care from a fully developed child outside the womb if ...
May 17, 2019
Didn't the media say Trump is using his office to enrich himself?For the last two years, the media have been complaining that Donald Trump was violating the Constitution's emoluments clause and enriching himself. There has been a series of nuisance lawsuits because heaven forbid people from foreign ...
May 14, 2019
So journalists now care about the Constitution and abuses of power?The mainstream media are making a big deal about their supposed fealty to the Constitution and their dedication to exposing all "abuses of power." What a crock. Where were these people from 2009 to 2016? Start with the stro...
May 10, 2019
The UN is making up claims about extinctionsIn early May, the United Nations put out another dire report saying humans will cause one million species to go extinct. Here's what they were up to: According to the new Report, entitled Intergovernmental Science-P...
May 8, 2019
UN hysteria linking climate change and species extinction mindlessly parroted by mediaIt is truly sad that U.N. reports on the climate and extinctions are printed throughout the media to push the agenda and scare the public, especially the children, with no questions asked and no attempt to verify the information in the reports. P...
May 7, 2019
Journalists forgetting the difference between news and opinion piecesA significant number of journalists' articles today actually are opinion pieces posing as news or are Democrat talking points. A good example of this is an article from the Associated Press on Clarence Thomas. In it, the wri...
May 4, 2019
Why journalists and other Democrats keep pushing phony scandals about TrumpThere are many reasons most journalists and other Democrats have focused on additional witch hunts on President Trump, and why they seek to destroy A.G. Barr — while they lie to the public that they are trying to unite us. Here is a small sa...
May 3, 2019
It Appears Most of the Media Need a Lesson on What Is Context (and the Truth)The Attorney General is being castigated for purportedly providing inadequate “context” in his summary of the Mueller Report’s conclusions. Coming from our mainstream media who, in collusion with other Democrats, continuously lie to...
May 1, 2019
Backlash against Jeopardy! winner reveals Democrats hate winners (and number-crunchers)If anyone wants to see what is wrong with journalists' and other Democrats' thought processes, they should read Charles Lane's (another genius from the Washington Post) writing about the Jeopardy! champion. He thinks it is terr...
May 1, 2019
Why is it OK for the IRS to ask people their legal status but not the Commerce Department on the census?Most journalists and other Democrats say it is racist and unfair to ask on the census form whether people living in the United States are here legally. The ACLU, in its arguments to the court, says you can't ask the question because we are a n...
April 26, 2019
So much for those economic 'experts'Why are the so called “experts” so consistently wrong about their economic predictions before and after Trump is elected? Is it because they aren’t experts? Is it because they are stupid? Or is it because they choose to intenti...
April 17, 2019
More claptrap from the 'party of science'We are having a crisis at the border. Democrats refuse to fund a wall they previously supported. Democrat-run sanctuary cities and states refuse to enforce the laws Congress passed; Democrats say illegal aliens make the economy ...
April 16, 2019
What will it take for journalists and other Democrats to tell the truth to the public?For over two years, the public has been treated to diatribes from people acting as journalists and other Democrats, saying Trump was guilty of colluding with Russia to win the election, even though there was never evidence those talking points were t...
April 12, 2019
Why aren't Democrats supporting policies that lift those at the lower end of the economic scale?Democrats claim they want to reduce income inequality and lift those at the bottom of the scale. So why are they trying to kill policies that mean: "For the first time during the recovery, lower-end earners are getting more of th...
April 6, 2019
How would cutting taxes five to eighteen cents per day reduce income inequality?In Illinois, this week, we were treated to an advertisement posing as a news piece by the AP supporting a graduated income tax for the state. The article quotes a study that says the graduated income tax would raise $3.1 billion,...
April 3, 2019
The 'Medicare for all' nightmareMedicare for all sounds like a nightmare to me. I don't know if you have ever dealt with Medicare on a tough issue, but I have, and it was a disgusting and enlightening experience. My 91-year-old mom fell and broke her back in the s...
April 2, 2019
Where were the protests during Obama's years?George Clooney is calling for a boycott of Brunei-owned luxury hotels because that nation has an anti-gay death penalty. Did I miss all the protests against Iran for having similar laws? Nope, Hollywood, almost all the media and other Democrats activ...
March 29, 2019
Time for the media to start telling the truth about ObamacareAfter over two years of unrelenting attacks on President Trump based on the fictional Russian collusion story, I would think the media would be embarrassed and would try to make future content based on facts instead of Democrat talking points. ...
March 28, 2019
George Conway's follyThe media had to come up with someone to trash President Trump, to replace their former hero, attorney Michael Avenatti. They have their man with attorney George Conway, who Politico pretends is a conservative in order to give credibility ...
March 26, 2019
Think how clean Trump had to be that Democrats would create a fake dossier and use taxpayer money to spy on him...For the last two years, we have been treated to California Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff and others continually lying about having evidence of President Trump supposedly colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. Prete...
March 19, 2019
Democrats trying to drive up unemployment at the bottom of the wage scaleDemocrats are pushing the job-destroying national minimum wage increase to $15 an hour, and they are almost universally supported in their quest for office by the news media. The increase will take away job opportunities for the young, min...
March 2, 2019
I learned that Trump didn't tell Cohen to lie, there was no collusion, and the dossier was false. It is too bad journalists didn't care.When I see any article by a journalist talking about lessons learned from Michael Cohen, my first thought is, why would I care what he says? He's a convicted perjurer, tax cheat, and bank fraudster who shook down multiple corporations ...
February 27, 2019
John Kerry and other climate change alarmists refuse to risk actual debate on their theoryThe thing about global warming alarmists is that they can't stand debate. Anyone who disagrees with their theory that humans cause global warming or climate change is called a denier and told to shut up. Not one of us who qu...
February 23, 2019
A huge story about sex trafficking yesterday, but somehow the focus was on Robert KraftThere were big stories all over media outlets about sex trafficking yesterday. Somehow, every story I saw was about Robert Kraft, who police say visited one day spa twice and who is a friend of Donald Trump. Why was Kraft the focus of the stories? Wh...
February 22, 2019
Illinois is the test case for Democrat economic and tax policiesThe new Democrat governor in Illinois, billionaire heir to the Hyatt Hotels fortune J.B. Pritzker, gave a speech about how grave the budget situation is. He correctly said the problem has compounded itself for decades, but someho...
February 16, 2019
Why is Trump, and not Obama, the so-called 'dictator'?President Trump has been turned down by Democrats for a sensible border barrier, so he will declare a national emergency in accordance with a law Congress passed in 1976. Somehow, following a law Congress passed gets Trump labeled as a dictator. ...
February 15, 2019
Can Democrat politicians, who can't even complete a single state train project, be trusted to control the climate?The California high-speed train that was highly touted in 2008 has been canceled, with only a stub section in the flat and rural Central Valley already under construction to be completed, because the price tag has spiked to $77 billion and the c...
February 14, 2019
Spot the political party using slogans, not evidenceCatherine Rampell, a journalist for the Washington Post, has written an opinion piece claiming that Democrat policies have been based on experts and evidence and worries that because of people like Ocasio-Cortez, they risk becoming more lik...
February 13, 2019
Republicans should never pay attention to advice from journalists and other Democrats on how to campaignTwo Associated Press journalists, Catherine Lucey and Jonathan Lemire, wrote that President Trump has risks in his 2020 effort at re-election because some of his themes will be exactly what he ran on in 2016. Trump's Year 3 aims fo...
February 12, 2019
Isn't it amazing how the media see Pelosi as so smart and strong, no matter what she does?In December, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi decided they were willing to shut down the government instead of giving President Trump a dime for border barriers — for which they had voted for before. They had control of their subordina...
February 9, 2019
Isn't it interesting that Bezos and others think they are entitled to know the source of stories at other news outlets?One of the major stories in the media yesterday was how Jeff Bezos was complaining that the National Enquirer was trying to extort money unless Bezos stops trying to find out the source of the racy photos to the Enquirer. I saw a journalist at the...
February 8, 2019
No, Trump's tariffs did not spark a wave of farm bankruptciesThe Wall Street Journal has been against Trump's trade tariffs, and any chance its writers get, they will put blame on the tariffs for bad things, even when it is obvious they are not to blame. On Thursday, they had a front-page story...
February 5, 2019
It was a surprise that the WaPo spiked a story because they didn't have corroborationThere are many examples where the Washington Post and other supposedly reliable news outlets have run endless stories seeking to destroy people or policies they didn't like with no actual evidence, or ran stories pushing an agenda when there is n...
February 5, 2019
Washington Post sings the praises of Bernie Sanders's death tax schemeI have never seen such stupidity in my life as I did in the editorial in the Washington Post today. The paper actually wrote this: "Bernie Sanders's estate tax plan would reduce the federal debt and help even the playing field....
February 3, 2019
Democrats’ policies are not moral, ethical or humaneWe constantly see Democrats, including most journalists, claim that Trump and other Republicans are immoral, inhumane and show no empathy. But it is they who are guilty of those things. A party that cheers when states pass laws that allow c...
February 2, 2019
The greedy government never has enough revenueA significant number of journalists and other Democrats are jumping on the wealth tax bandwagon because they say the rich don't pay their fair share and that the tax code is not progressive enough. The top 20% of earners paid 87% of inco...
January 31, 2019
Speaking of 'poppycock': Anyone who thinks big-government socialism is an answer has lots of itWashington Post columnist E.J. Dionne and others like him effectively say that conservatives have no intellect and their ideas are nonsensical. His evidence for it is in his claim that conservatives sold "poppycock...
January 28, 2019
I don't believe the estimates of the partial shutdown tabStandard & Poor's is putting out a garbage estimate that the shutdown cost $6 billion. I believe that is 3/100 of 1% of our $20-trillion economy. Does anyone really think he can figure out the number...
January 26, 2019
The surest way for Dems to reduce the wealth gap would be to collapse the economyDemocrats are obsessed with wealth gaps. Someone making more money than someone else is always a problem for them and they are getting loud about it. Now, if that's something important to them, what they can do is focus on ways to allow...
January 22, 2019
Disaster is coming – just ask the journalistsWe are repeatedly told that sea levels are rising much faster than history. The increase is supposedly three to six inches over the last 100 years, and the supposed experts say the rise is mostly due to humans, petroleum products...
January 19, 2019
The media continue to indoctrinate and scare the public about climate changeI am getting weary watching the indoctrination of the public about humans, CO2, and fossil fuels causing catastrophic climate change/global warming. The following article continues the propaganda. What is rarely in the articles ...
January 18, 2019
There is one group of federal employees that doesn't get paid a dime and won't when the shutdown is overWe see lots of false headlines about federal workers being forced to work without pay. Every one of them is going to get paid for his work as soon as Democrats stop their hissy fit and vote for a border barrier (as they have done...
January 15, 2019
What the FBI was willing to do to take out Trump with no evidenceFor almost three years, bureaucrats from the Obama administration, including those at the FBI and Justice, have tried to take out candidate and then president Trump with no actual evidence. Robert Mueller knew that Michael Flynn didn't...
January 12, 2019
How many times have the media predicted doom because of Trump, and how many times have they been dead wrong?On Thursday, there was a screaming headline on Drudge saying, "Doomsday." The article was from NBC News, and the source of the doomsday report was the ever reliable Mark Zandi of Moody's. The purpose of the report was not ...
January 11, 2019
Isn't 5 cents per day worth it to reduce opioid deaths?The president is asking for $5.7 billion for the wall and other security measures. That is around $17.50 for the 325 million people who live in America, or around 5 cents per day. Think of all the government fees and taxes ...
January 10, 2019
Some questions pollsters and journalists should ask about the wall, immigration, and other Democrat policiesWe frequently see articles saying that polls reveal that the people don't support the border wall, but they're asking the wrong questions. I have some suggested questions the pollsters should ask. Should the U.S. make ...
January 9, 2019
When media are quiet about financial news, you know the economy's strongThroughout December, we heard continuing reports of the disaster of Trump's policies and where the media and Democrats are trying to talk the country into a recession. As the stock market goes up, we are told that all the benefits go t...
January 9, 2019
Chuck Schumer can end the shutdown whenever he wants toChuck Schumer and other Democrats are throwing a temper tantrum to keep the government shut down. The media and other Democrats know that all they have to do is give Trump much less than they have approved before for a border barrier, yet ...
January 8, 2019
The anti-Trump trade narrative continues in the WSJ, regardless of the dataYesterday, the Wall Street Journal published an opinion piece, "In America's Absence, the TPP Goes On," moaning how Trump's withdrawal from TPP has hurt exporters. But somehow it left out information about how total expor...
January 7, 2019
Pelosi and Warren obviously need a history lessonNancy Pelosi said it looks as if Trump just wants to abolish Congress and that a border wall is immoral. Elizabeth Warren says the Republican Party is corrupt and caters to the rich and powerful. It is obviou...
January 5, 2019
The Results of Obama's Presidency Still Don't Matter to JournalistsI read frequently what a good or even great a president Barack Obama was, and how his administration was virtually free of scandals. We also frequently hear how bad a President Trump is and how corrupt he is. Somehow when journalists and others sp...
January 3, 2019
The reporting on Trump's tariffs stays the same, no matter the resultsRecently, there was another hit piece against Trump's tariffs on the front page of my local paper. This one was by a reporter from Gatehouse Media in Illinois. It does not matter whether the WSJ, the WaPo, the AP, USA T...
December 31, 2018
Can the Washington Post's lefty journalists give these points of bias a whirl?The close of 2018 has left us with quite a year in terms of media bias. There are a lot of biased presses out there, not to mention television networks, but the Washington Post is one that stands out. So here are some random thoughts I've put toget...
December 30, 2018
Democrats say, with no evidence, that walls don't workFrequently when President Trump says something, the media follow his statements with three words: "with no evidence." For example: He says there are criminals and terrorists in the caravan and they say that he has no evidence, even though t...
December 30, 2018
A Washington Post writer is shocked that fraudulent reporting continuesWhen I read this article by Washington Post writer Charles Lane, acting as though he is surprised that fraudulent reporting continues with all the fact-checking, I thought it was a joke. He seems astonished that a German reporter would get away...
December 29, 2018
Who Are the Actual Adults, and Who Are the Adults Who Act and Govern as Children?In 2000 when George W. Bush picked Cheney as his running mate, the word of the day for the media puppets was “gravitas.” Now, the talking points that have gone out (obviously) suggest words like “chaos” or some version o...
December 22, 2018
Medicare kills people, and Democrats want to force everyone on itWhile Bernie Sanders and other Democrats go around the country scaring seniors and others about Republicans talking about controlling entitlement costs in the future, why aren't they confronted with the fact that President Obama and the Democrats...
December 22, 2018
Democrats keep being wrong and keep demanding we believe themFor decades, journalists and other Democrats have played the race card and sex card in elections because they can't win based on their policies. For the last few years, they have added the Russian card to their hand to play tricks on t...
December 21, 2018
Al Roker: It's a sin not to fight climate changeObviously, Al Roker believes greatly in God, since he is lecturing those of us who state truthfully that the climate has changed naturally and say man has no control over the climate that we are sinners. Roker has to know that man did not create t...
December 20, 2018
The Russians have to be punished until they learn that Democrats are entitled to the black voteThis week, we are hearing the hyped up story that the Russians used social platforms to influence black voters in the 2016 election. But reporters seemed to find no need to tell the public how much they spent. From what I can fi...
December 19, 2018
Trump looking for legal ways to fund the wall is a nice change of paceSince Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and almost all Democrats oppose giving $5 billion for the border wall, which would save the U.S taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars in the long run, I have some ideas based on things Obama did that journalists ...
December 18, 2018
Someone please tell Democrats Obamacare is not like car insuranceThank goodness that after eight years of Obamacare, a federal judge has ruled that Obamacare is unconstitutional. The impetus was Donald Trump and Republicans giving back freedom of choice to the people by getting rid of the individual man...
December 18, 2018
Remember when Congress and the media viciously, rabidly investigated the Trump Foundation?I'm obviously joking, because if there were a hearing on the Trump Foundation it would have wall-to-wall coverage for weeks. Since it was about the corrupt Clinton Foundation, the media and other Democrats showed no interest. Basica...
December 15, 2018
Jackpot: Democrats win the Justice Department lotteryIt is amazing how so many government officials under investigation conveniently lose or destroy things that would be helpful to determine guilt. Robert Mueller's office wiped information off Lisa Page's and Peter Strzok's phones when t...
December 14, 2018
Trump derangement media yawn as president increases opportunities for poor, minoritiesOn Wednesday, President Trump signed an executive order meant to give the poor and minorities opportunities to move up the economic ladder in depressed areas of the country. Governors from all fifty states picked the depressed areas where ...
December 13, 2018
No, Republicans are not the ones who are soft on crimeRepublicans, of all people, are being called soft on crime. Here is what Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell wrote recently: For a party that claims to be "tough on crime," Republicans seem pretty confused by wh...
December 12, 2018
Remember when hysterical Dems threatened a gov't shutdown over abortion funding?Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, are throwing a hissy fit and claiming President Trump is throwing a temper tantrum because he wants money to enforce laws that Congress passed. Democrats overwhelmingly voted for border security in 2006,...
December 12, 2018
People who supported putting the Clintons back in the White House have no credibility talking about law and orderI agree with the Washington Post's Catherine Rampell that it is a shame that the government doesn't prosecute white-collar criminals enough. For a party that claims to be "tough on crime," Republicans seem pretty conf...
December 11, 2018
House-flipping is down, Wall Street Journal fretsThe Wall Street Journal reports that speculation on housing by house-flippers is down, and the writers seem to treat that as a bad sign for housing. Small-time investors who flooded into real estate in the past decade to take advantage...
December 11, 2018
Many people are misleading the public on the economyI usually respect what ZeroHedge does, but the following article is, charitably put, misleading. There are a lot of pretty graphs, but the problem with the headline and article is that they just aren't true. It seems that a lot...
December 8, 2018
Schumer's dystopiaSenator Schumer says he won’t work with President Trump on infrastructure until Trump addresses climate change. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer on Friday demanded that a deal for an infrastructure program include measur...
December 7, 2018
The CO2 folliesWe certainly are seeing some mixed messages on CO2 out there, so what are we to think? Today I see that trees and greener neighborhoods lead to healthier and longer lives, and more CO2, a clear, innocuous, non-pollutant gas, certainly helps these ...
December 6, 2018
The Canard about 'Voodoo Economics' is Back as the Left Remembers BushWashington Post columnist Catherine Rampell, and many other supposed journalists, repeatedly write about economics as if they know what they are talking about. Problem is, they repeatedly show how ignorant they are. Of all the things she could pos...
December 5, 2018
My Forecast: More Predictions From More ExpertsWhen I read the following headline in the Wall Street Journal, “The Economic Forecast for 2019: Less Growth and More Uncertainty,” I considered it absolutely hilarious because it could just be recycled year after year, esp...
December 3, 2018
Shouldn't we investigate Obama allowing a terrorist drug-running operation instead of fictional Russian collusion?Recently, we have seen that life expectancy has gone down significantly in the U.S. due to drug overdoses. Isn't it time that journalists did significant reporting on how Obama stopped a years-old Justice Department investiga...
December 1, 2018
Bush 41’s death reveals the truth of the cliché: the only kind of Republicans the media like is dead onesToday we will hear most of the media talk about George H.W. Bush in a flattering manner, as they should. They also acted as if they loved Reagan and McCain when they died – even as they sought to destroy them when they ran for office...
November 29, 2018
Trump vs. Obama on GM and the private sectorPresident Trump is getting some negative feedback for interfering with the private sector for his comments on General Motors. President Trump is essentially pressuring GM to keep plants open in the U.S. by pointing out to them that they ha...
November 28, 2018
A carbon tax is a 'no-brainer'?Catherine Rampell of the Washington Post is suggesting that a carbon tax is a "no-brainer" to combat climate change and will generate innovation. Here's the thing. Taxing carbon is exactly how you ge...
November 27, 2018
Nope, the Problem with the Media Isn't that They Cover Trump Too MuchI read a very liberal local newspaper that comes out weekly. I was hopeful that when I saw this headline… TV news is as much to blame as Trump …that I might at last agree with something in it. And then I read the beginning o...
November 25, 2018
A quick refresher course to remind us of previous global warming/cooling scaresIn light of the new, much-hyped “official” report on global warming that is being pushed by almost all the media and the record cold that is occurring now in many parts of the U.S., it would be helpful if some enterprising journalist actu...
November 21, 2018
Self-driving cars work about as well as central planning bureaucrats doFor all the hype about self-driving cars out there, this Wall Street Journal report, titled The Bumps Ahead for Autonomous Vehicles, suggests there are some problems: Everyday scenarios that human drivers navigate with ease, such as bumpy roads ...
November 20, 2018
No, Democrats should not reverse every good thing Trump has doneThe Washington Post has come up with what it says are the major things the Democrats should do now that they have re-taken the House. Presumably, it's to show the voters how good they are. From the article, they have come up with se...
November 11, 2018
On Russia collusion, maybe journalists should be asked some questions instead of Trump?Since the media is back on the Russian collusion story, maybe we should assemble a panel consisting of White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders, President Trump, and others in their camp, where they ask CNN's Jim Acosta, American Urban Radio Network...
November 9, 2018
Media continue to play the race card even after the electionThe media and other Democrats seem to think that they are entitled to win every race where they have a minority candidate. Otherwise, the voters are racists. The following AP story and Washington Post opinion piece are clear examples of how the media...
November 3, 2018
The media has a thing against truthful reporting, starting with immigrationYesterday, the walking, talking, puppets in the media campaigning for Democrats had a collective cow because President Trump put out a truthful ad out on Twitter talking about how lenient Democrats are to illegal immigrants who commit crimes. ...
October 31, 2018
Democrats have intentionally divided the country and stoked fear among the public for a very long timeThe media and other Democrats are saying that Trump and Republicans have divided the country and encourage hate. They also say Trump and Republicans are using fear to encourage their base to vote. It is clear the media is mixed up because the country...
October 31, 2018
If all women must be believed about sexual abuse, how can accusations against Mueller be false?I thought all accusations of sexual abuse should be automatically believed in the wake of the Brett Kavanaugh debacle, so how do we get a headline like this? Take a look: Looks Like Someone May Be Planning False Sexual Assault Accusation...
October 30, 2018
Why does the media let Obama get away with such bald faced lying on the stump?When I see former President Obama and others lecturing Trump about lying, bragging that no one got charged in the Obama administration, blaming Trump for political and racial division and claiming credit for the booming economy, I long for journalist...
October 24, 2018
Yes, lefties, tax cuts workThe Washington Post's Catherine Rampell is at it again, publishing columns full of junk economics. Here's what she wrote yesterday: The Republican tax cut is a big, fat failure. It has achieved none of the things that ...
October 22, 2018
Are actual numbers or government-generated numbers more important to voters?I like to research numbers to write my articles. Yet it is hard to find actual numbers as far as government receipts, government spending, economic growth, and wages. Almost all the numbers we see are inflation-adjusted (what they call ...
October 20, 2018
Now even the WSJ is trying to sell us the idea that tax cuts are badOn October 16, the WSJ ran a front-page article titled "Deficit swells as tax cuts takes bite." Last fiscal year, income taxes withheld for individuals rose 1% but corporate tax receipts fell 31% – both reflecting the broad tax o...
October 20, 2018
StarKist, Pelosi, political favors, and political corruptionWhen I heard that StarKist was being fined as much as $100 million for price-fixing, I thought of Nancy Pelosi. Here's a story from NPR: StarKist Co. has reportedly agreed to plead guilty to charges of price fixing as part of a ...
October 20, 2018
Which president actually abdicated moral leadership?At the Washington Post, lefty columnist Eugene Robinson is up to his old tricks, calling President Trump a failure on moral leadership. Here's the title of his sanctimonious column: "Eugene Robinson: Trump has abdicated moral lead...
October 19, 2018
Hypocrisywatch: Who are the media to get upset about Trump's ridicule of a blackmailing porn star?The media sure spend a lot of time building up the blackmailing porn star Stormy Daniels. They obviously don't want to spend much time telling the people all the things President Trump has done to help them, so they have to figure out ...
October 18, 2018
The good economic news is hard to hide, but the press does its bestThe U.S. economy is soaring at all levels. Employment is at record lows, taxes are down, the stock market is up, investment is up, and the U.S. has captured the world's top spot for economic competitiveness. But the mainstre...
October 17, 2018
Why are the media so interested in the Khashoggi death over so many other deaths?The media and other Democrats are extremely concerned about missing Jamal Khashoggi, as they should be, and they believe that the Saudis murdered him. I am just curious why they had so little concern about other people who have been killed and why...
October 16, 2018
The new media line: That Democrats are 'authentic'The Associated Press, in its midterm analysis, thinks it's come up with the final say about what's really going on as it crosses its fingers for a blue wave: authenticity. It's saying that Democrats are looking for authentic ca...
October 14, 2018
Kanye West and the weird press fascination with his visit to President TrumpIn her disjointed and flippant Washington Post column, Kathleen Parker compares President Trump's meeting with rap superstar Kanye West to a cocktail hour, and suggests we all could use a drink after reading about it. Here's what Parker wrote...
October 13, 2018
Why are health premiums stabilizing or falling in 2019?Dean Olsen of Springfield, Illinois's State Journal-Register has written an informative article that discusses why health premiums on the Illinois health insurance exchanges are stabilizing and even decreasing. Here it is. ...
October 10, 2018
The Earth again is in jeopardy, and powerful politicians have only a few years to save usThe mainstream media's Russian collusion story, based on no actual evidence, has almost run its course. So have the sexual assault stories about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. They never should have been printed because ther...
October 8, 2018
Spot the party that has 'lost its way'I believe that Leonard Pitts has it 100% backwards in his column, "The Republican Party has clearly lost its way," about which party has lost its way. The Democrats' major issue on the Supreme Court is clearly abortio...
October 6, 2018
How exactly did Trump 'dodge' the tax code?A lot of MSM people are hyperventilating that Donald Trump has been exposed by the New York Times as a tax cheat, a criminal. For example, Catherine Rampell of the Washington Post lit into President Trump over his alleg...
October 4, 2018
Kavanaugh, Trump, taxes...so what actually is appalling and soulless?This morning, there are two main stories on the news being repeated over and over again. They are using both to trash Trump. The first is that Trump called out Christine Ford for several of the holes in her story about Supreme Court nom...
October 3, 2018
Dems fail to grasp the irony of their attacks on Kavanaugh's credibilityThe Democrats have attacked Kavanaugh from day one, and now, of course, they go after his credibility, as if they had any themselves. Hence this AP article, titled "Democrats' new tack: Go hard after Kavanaugh's credibility....
September 28, 2018
Kavanaugh, corroborating evidence, and four easy questions for journalistsIt seems that journalists are extremely confused as to what corroborating evidence is. In the Senate confirmation debacles of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, we have been treated to journalists saying that there were signed sta...
September 25, 2018
Trumponomics TriumphantTrumponomics is working extremely well and it can for a long time if we don't screw it up. I saw a headline in the Washington Post telling us that Trumponomics is not working, and I wondered what the heck these people must be smoking because o...
September 24, 2018
Media indoctrination is integral to the Dems' political strategyIt is becoming clearer every day how the dominant left-wing media are conspiring with the Democrats to indoctrinate the public. They are following an integrated strategy and are willing to destroy anyone or anything that gets in their way....
September 22, 2018
The one sure thing about the Ford accusation against Kavanaugh: Zero proofThere is something we know that is absolutely true about the endless reports on networks and in newspapers about Christine Blasey Ford, and the man she is accusing of bad conduct, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. That would be that there is abs...
September 21, 2018
Trump's tax cuts already paying for themselvesThe left is making hay for itself in claiming that President Trump's tax cuts are bad. Leftists call it a scam, say that only the rich get the benefits of the cuts, and other canards, but one of their dumbest arguments is that tax cuts...
September 21, 2018
With the left going crazy, it always helps to recall the ConstitutionIt is always good to get a refresher course on the Constitution and other founding documents because it is very easy to see our rights slipping away. I know I need the refresher. The Founding Fathers said our rights came from Go...
September 20, 2018
The press keeps pounding an ignorant leftist drum about taxes and growthI have to wonder why so much of the press is so desperate to get its economics wrong. They all do it, but take my local paper, the State Journal-Register, which didn't fact-check the opinion piece by Ralph Martire (which is essentially a Democ...
September 19, 2018
Why aren't there ever any dire predictions for Democrats ahead of elections?We get continuous warnings that Republicans are going to get trounced in the midterms this fall, not because of Republican policies, but because people just don't like President Trump. We were told that Republicans would get trounced in 2016 beca...
September 18, 2018
Speaking of thousands of deaths, let's look at the Obama record...Since the media seem to think computer-generated deaths are more important than actual deaths in the case of Puerto Rico's death toll, and they're doing the same thing now in the case of Hurricane Florence, and they call President Trump a lia...
September 15, 2018
Why should President Trump listen to Jimmy Carter?I find it humorous and sad that some reporter at Huffington Post would think that President Trump, or anyone, should care what Jimmy Carter thinks of Trump’s economic and other policies but somehow, that news organ thought otherwise as they sou...
September 14, 2018
Average worker's pay has actually risen much faster than average CEO payOn a continuing basis, Democrats, including the media, are playing the race, sex, and class cards while they pretend they want to unite the country. One of the talking points is the bald-faced lie that CEOs make over 300 times the average ...
September 14, 2018
Trump is right about the exaggerated Puerto Rico hurricane death countWashington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin says President Trump is crazy because he says the vast number of deaths in Puerto Rico during Hurricane Maria last year was supposedly made up. Here's how she starts: "On Thursday morning, Pre...
September 14, 2018
With the new Kavanaugh 'letter,' the left gets back to its old dirty tricksDoes the left have a Department of Dirty Tricks? Sure seems that way. As Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh comes up for confirmation in the Senate, all of a sudden, Sen. Dianne Feinstein says she holds a mysterious letter ab...
September 13, 2018
Whose party's agenda is actually radical and un-American?Eugene Robinson had a piece in the Washington Post arguing that President Trump's agenda and policies are radical and un-American. The best way to respond to this drivel (which amounts to Democrat talking points) is to point out the ac...
September 11, 2018
The travesty of Obama's award for 'ethics in government'The University of Illinois inexplicably gave the extremely corrupt, unethical, and immoral Obama the Paul H. Douglas Award for Ethics in Government. I assume that their next award will go to Bill, Hillary, and Harvey Weinstein for the...
September 9, 2018
Getting rid of the health mandate obviously forced insurers to be more competitiveWhen President Trump and Republicans were moving to get rid of the individual mandate, they were continuously ripped because "experts" said costs would increase substantially. Democrats and the media said millions would lose their insurance...
September 7, 2018
The Trump-haters' credibility problemThe media are again having a collective orgasm because an anonymous writer has penned an opinion piece scathing to Trump. This writer is said to be credible because other anonymous sources have told the media the same things in the past. ...
September 6, 2018
The press is obsessed with 'people of color'I was excited to read the front-page headline on the Tuesday USA Today paper titled "Candidates of Color" because I knew it would be all-inclusive. Here is what USA Today wrote about the Florida gubernatorial race: With Democra...
September 5, 2018
Gushy press coverage of Bob Woodward's new book is a disgraceWashington Post biggie Bob Woodward's swamp bestseller, called Fear, claiming that the Trump administration is having a "nervous breakdown," is now out, and the press is having a field day. Journalists are busy repeating the claims o...
September 5, 2018
The media continue to report the fake news that Trump's tax cuts blew a big hole in the budgetPresident Trump has proposed freezing civilian federal workers pay in 2019. Instead of journalists actually reporting on the cost of the raise that has been canceled and corresponding benefits to the taxpayer, they chose to repeat Democrat...
September 3, 2018
McCain, Trump and eulogiesIf John McCain was so great, why did most of the media along with other Democrats call him a racist in 2008 when he was running against Obama, when he was 72 years old? They treated McCain just as they treat Trump and as they treated Bush and R...
August 31, 2018
Media eager to believe Russia hacked Hillary's home-brew server but dismiss report that China didPresident Trump saw a story from the Daily Caller on Fox News that said China hacked Hillary's non-secure computer and, instead of actually investigating the media, went into attack mode on Trump by saying he had no evidence of the actual hack to...
August 31, 2018
Webster's needs to remove the word 'monkey' from its dictionaryWhen my children were young and they were jumping on the bed, we would sing, "Two little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and hit his head..." It is not a racist song. My older boy slept with a stuffed monkey for years...
August 30, 2018
Settled science nonsenseI thought the science was settled that red meat, cheese, and butter were bad for you, but now I learn that they are good for you and can reduce your chance of early death by 25%. (I am sure this study won't be challenged...
August 29, 2018
Reality keeps repudiating the mainstream media's assertions on TrumpEven before Donald Trump won the election, the media were attacking his economic policies and saying he isn't qualified to be president. As the good news on the economy pours in and he is winning on trade deals and other things, the at...
August 29, 2018
A little humility and wonder at the world can break the drive toward big governmentThere are a lot of arrogant politicians, bureaucrats, and others who say man causes climate change, and the way to control it is by letting the government enact more regulations even if it costs trillions of dollars. These people know or should kn...
August 28, 2018
McCain, then and nowThe playbook is always the same. The Democrats, in collusion with the media, target Republicans, no matter who they are. They trashed Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump. ...
August 25, 2018
Thoughts from a road trip about life, nature, government, and technologyMy wife and I, being born into white privilege, decided to take an approximately 2,400-mile trip in our gasoline-powered Ford Fusion traveling from Springfield, Illinois to Boston to Niagara Falls and back to Springfield. I thought as I was dri...
August 25, 2018
Democrats certainly support odd concepts relating to life, death, immigration, and the economyMichael Brown robs a store in Ferguson, Missouri; goes after a police officer's gun; and gets killed. The media goes along with a fictional story of "hands up, don't shoot," making Michael Brown a hero and ginning up raci...
August 23, 2018
Willful Federal Reserve nonsensePresident Trump, in an interview with Reuters, complained about the Federal Reserve's constant interest rate hikes, and the media are complaining as they do about everything Trump does. But I heard Richard Fisher, who was the pres...
August 18, 2018
Security clearances: The ultimate swamp perkThe following are two headlines in Saturday's Washington Post. I wonder if any journalist or other Democrat can spot the problem. GOP fundraiser Broidy under investigation for alleged effort to sell government influence White Hou...
August 11, 2018
Yes, an autocrat is easy to spotWriting in the Washington Post the other day, lefty columnist E.J. Dionne is pumping the old leftist narrative that President Trump is a tyrant, producing pious drivel like this: How do democratic countries get to the point where they ...
August 10, 2018
Wall Street Journal peddling 'blue wave' doomThe Wall Street Journal continues to head off the cliff, with its top editorial on Thursday titled "The 'Red Wave' Illusion." We have been told since at least 2008, when Obama won, that there is a blue wave. ...
August 10, 2018
The left's love affair with weak, manipulated statisticsStatistics are very interesting. They're actually important when they aren't manipulated, as from computer models, but firmly rooted in facts. Inaccurate computer models are out there, and they're as worthless as Dem...
August 9, 2018
Dems and media celebrating loss in Ohio 12I find it absolutely amusing that the Democrats are celebrating their close loss on Tuesday in Ohio. The main drivel coming from almost 100% of the media posits that the reason why Democrats are getting close is that people don't like ...
August 8, 2018
Manafort trial may excite the left, but it still doesn't touch TrumpThe left is watching the Paul Manafort trial with excitement, because leftists hope there's something in it they can pin on President Trump. That's not happening, so left-leaning pundits, such as the Washington Post's Cath...
August 7, 2018
Retail and wage blather aboundsSince the economy is so good and a significant majority of supposed journalists want to destroy President Trump and elect Democrats, they search far and wide for what they perceive are negative stories with which they can propagandize the public....
August 4, 2018
Where's the press after a century of bad climate predictions?For more than 120 years of modern weather chronicles, the "experts" have given dire predictions about climate, going back and forth from cooling to warming and then back again. The warnings today are not at all different from the...
August 3, 2018
Obstruction? Ask Democrats about 'obstruction'Every day, the media attack President Trump, in their collusion with the Democrats. This week, they are claiming that Trump is obstructing justice because he tweeted that he wishes Attorney General Jeff Sessions would end the Robert Mueller s...
August 1, 2018
The way to lose the House is to cave to Democrats and the WSJ on immigrationThe WSJ, including even its editorial page, is getting more worthless every day. This week, one of its top editorials said President Trump's threat to shut down the government over Congress's failure to finance a border wall is the way to ...
August 1, 2018
Democrats wheel out the 'kids' as a campaign theme, againOne of the Washington Post's left-wing columnists, Catherine Rampell. is giving advice to Democrats that they should run on the "kids" issue. She brings up the border issue with its illegal immigration issue as related to "kids,...
July 31, 2018
Gun control shakes a lot of leftist hypocrisy out of the woodworkLeonard Pitts, Jr. is a Miami Herald columnist who writes a lot of left-wing nonsense. In his latest column, he's managed to outdo himself. His latest opinion piece, here, says one death is too many when it involves guns, so I ...
July 28, 2018
About that economic good news...The economic news across the board is great. On Friday, the government said the economy grew 4.1% in the second quarter, and the experts predict at least 3% for the full year, which would be the fastest annual growth since 2005. That must be...
July 28, 2018
Press credits Juncker for trade deal but should credit TrumpYesterday's Wall Street Journal headline, blared loudly, was "How Juncker Sold Trump on Trade Deal." The paper has since changed it, but here we are. Juncker is Jean-Claude Juncker, the arrogant, sniveling Luxembourgish pr...
July 27, 2018
Mark Zandi, the Moody's prognosticator who's always getting it wrongHere is a supposed disaster: the economy is growing, unemployment is plunging, manufacturing jobs are up, full-time jobs are up, wages are rising, corporate profits are soaring, corporate sales are up more than 8%, exports are up over 8%, and consume...
July 26, 2018
Wall Street Journal's blinkered view of Trump's trade policiesAlmost every day, the Wall Street Journal and other news outlets have articles about how disastrous Trump's trade policies will be. This past weekend was not at all different with the paper's editorial "Trade Casualties Mount,...
July 22, 2018
A Playboy model payoff? Is that all Mueller has?The latest news in the Democratic Party's nonstop effort to bring Russia, Russia, Russia to us, is in this story, reported by the Washington Post: In secret recording seized by FBI, Trump and Cohen discuss making payments for story of former...
July 21, 2018
MAGA vs. FTP: Let me help the Democrats say what they meanThe Democrats deride President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan (the one that won him the presidency) a lot by implying that it is somehow racist. So they have come up with a brilliant new slogan for themselves inste...
July 19, 2018
Where were all the howls of 'treason!' when Kennedy met Khrushchev?The media and Democrats are acting as if President Trump were the first president ever to meet with a tyrant and try to get along better. They are truly disgusting, because they show how ignorant they are of history. How can they possib...
July 19, 2018
Obama gets too, too cute when he warns of dictators and liarsPresident Obama is in South Africa for a speech, and somehow, in the speech he gave, he showed himself to be so clueless about the "strongman" he warned about that he never realized that he described how he ran the U.S. for eight years. ...
July 18, 2018
Trump, Obama, and Russia: A litany of hypocrisiesIsn't it time the media reported the truth about who has been tougher on Russia among Obama, Europe, Hillary, Kerry, and Trump instead of continually regurgitating talking points that Trump is soft on Russia? In the first year of Obama's p...
July 17, 2018
Much ado about MAGA hatsThis article, from ABC News, is a textbook exhibit showing how stupid most reporters are on economics. Here it is: The latest round of tariffs on products from China proposed by President Donald Trump could double the price of "Make Am...
July 17, 2018
An MSNBC analyst was 'nauseous' about the Trump-Putin meeting. Speaking of nausea...Here's what's going on in the press in the wake of the Trump-Putin summit. NewsBusters has the score: Heads were exploding over at MSNBC following Monday's summit between President Trump and Russia...
July 17, 2018
On Kavanaugh, since when has the press cared about educational diversity?The media are supplementing the Democratic Party's all-out attack on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Last week I saw a syndicated article from the Washington Post with a new line of attack: a sudden concern about the lack of div...
July 14, 2018
MSM go gloom and doom on economy, despite its outstanding performance under TrumpUSA Today, along with other media outlets attacking Trump's trade and tariff policies on a continuing basis, wants to convince us how bad they are for the economy. On Thursday, the paper ran a headline talking about how Trump may make ...
July 11, 2018
Maybe the left should answer some questions instead of KavanaughGreg Sargent of the Washington Post, Senator Chuck Schumer, and others on the left are trying to trash President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, in as many ways possible. One of their many lines of attack is that Trump ...
July 7, 2018
Pruitt's downfall was all about policyJournalists got rid of the man at the EPA whom Democrats and the green lobby didn't like. It certainly appears that he should be gone because of several questionable actions, but the reasons he was targeted were his and Trump's pol...
July 6, 2018
Abortion-supporters are advocating that women go on a sex strike to save Roe v. WadeAll I could think of was that I grew up before Roe v. Wade, and most girls were already on a sex strike when I went out with them. So I thought, "What's new?" Most somehow believed that abstinence was good and gett...
July 4, 2018
Happy 4th of July! Thank God, we are independent!I believe that it is a wonderful time to be American and celebrate the 4th of July in America. But not everyone seems to think so. According to a USA Today poll, only 42% of Americans are proud to be Americans. This...
July 3, 2018
Under Trump, the media suddenly care about government emailsSince President Trump has taken office, the media, especially the Washington Post, have gone after administration officials one by one. The most obvious target the last several months has been Scott Pruitt, and there has been an absolute v...
July 3, 2018
When will anyone in Illinois get embarrassed about Dick Durbin?Senator Dick Durbin is an absolute embarrassment. His latest stunt was a fact-free rant about the Immigration and Customs Service being incompetent, a topic he knows all about based on his own example, but virtually nothing as pertain...
July 1, 2018
On illegals' kids issue, where were the protests and wall-to-wall coverage when Obama did the same thing?So the left is busy protesting President Trump's zero-tolerance stance on illegal immigration, which up until recently has included the separation of kids from parents, as illegally entering parents (or human traffickers posing as parents) are pr...
June 30, 2018
Remember how hot it used to get before 'global warming'?I am nostalgic for the days before the great global warming and climate change panic. Yesterday in Springfield, Illinois it was forecasted to be 97 degrees, but it only hit 92. The record high for this day was 104 in 1934. It...
June 30, 2018
The old drumbeat of concern about 'torture' (and terrorist comfort) is getting a little louderThis article from U.K. Metro, about supposed U.S. torture of war-on-terror prisoners is in several places including the WSJ. Here is how its headline goes: "UK 'knew US mistreated prisoners in wake of 9/11.'" And here...
June 29, 2018
Far left versus far right: spot the fascistsThe Democrats, including the media, continue to call Trump far right, a fascist, and authoritarian and a dictator. What I don’t see or hear is a list of what Trump has done in his first eighteen months that causes these people to reiterate thes...
June 27, 2018
The good economic news keeps comingThere is a tremendous amount of good news on the economy, and it is getting little attention, so I thought it would be good to highlight some of it. The lowering of corporate tax rates was intended to bring lots of money back to the U.S. to help o...
June 27, 2018
Harley-Davidson flap more about press's Trump-hate than economic realityWashington Post columnist Catherine Rampell is up to her old President Trump-blaming, this time on the matter of Harley-Davidson moving some of its manufacturing facilities overseas. She wrote: Factory workers and farme...
June 25, 2018
Democrats are just nuts trying to keep Trump off the 2020 ballot, but Trump could have fun with thisDemocrats from 23 states are trying to keep Trump off the ballot unless he makes his tax return public. Here is the headline: "25 States Move to Keep Trump Off 2020 Ballot if he doesn't make his tax return public." It is r...
June 23, 2018
What's with Fox News, and why is it moving left?I used to enjoy watching Fox News with news host Bret Baier, which was a great remedy to ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. But not all that much anymore, because it seems to be going left. (Correction: Fox News ratings are not declining, as e...
June 23, 2018
The mainstream media's immigration hypocrisyWhen will journalists start having enough respect for themselves and the public to report the truth about the laws that politicians from both parties passed that Trump is trying to enforce along with facts about how Obama, Bush, and Clinton talked ab...
June 22, 2018
The Obama-Russia cyber-attack stand-downSince the media have had almost endless coverage of supposed Russian collusion and Russian meddling in the 2016 election, shouldn't we get wall-to-wall coverage that the Obama chief cyber-official was ordered to stop investigating Russi...
June 21, 2018
A conservative guide to how to win in 2018 and 2020Lefty publication Salon posted a blog item from President Clinton's former labor secretary, Robert Reich, on how to run against President Trump. Maybe someone should point out to Reich that the person he supported, Hillary Clinton, broke many law...
June 20, 2018
The tariff blather from the press is getting out of controlWe see a lot of stories about how disastrous Trump's tariffs are. The criticisms involve the U.S. being in a global economy, the competition, and how hard such tariffs are on consumers and businesses. The main talking points...
June 16, 2018
Media bid to blame Trump for US policy on illegals and children is dishonestPundits, such as Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell, along with most of the media, are ripping Trump for unaccompanied minors being separated from their parents as part of U.S. immigration policy for illegal border-crossers. ...
June 15, 2018
They must be joking when they claim political bias was not what guided Obama's DoJ and FBIThe Department of Justice's inspector general's report is out on the conduct of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in its investigations of President Trump, and incredibly, despite a mountain of misdeeds, from vowing to "stop Trump...
June 12, 2018
On North Korea, Trump is solving problems he inherited, yet Democrats who caused the problems can't stop complainingWith the Singapore summit underway between President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, the left just can't stop complaining. But let's look at what's really going on. Trump threatened North Korea, and now ...
June 10, 2018
Speaking of witness-tampering, Mr. Mueller...President Trump's former campaign chief, Paul Manafort, is being charged with additional crimes involving tampering with witnesses. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation supposedly was about Russian collusion, but even the Associated...
June 9, 2018
Is it really tariffs that are killing newspapers?Members of Congress and newspapers themselves are complaining that the tariff on paper from Canada is killing the newspaper press. In this Washington Examiner article, they give an example of a newspaper with 20,000 copies per day hav...
June 9, 2018
Media clutch their pearls over President Trump's refusal to defend ObamacareIf anyone wants to see pure hypocrisy by the media, just look at how they are reporting the Trump administration not defending the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Obamacare in court. The Obama administration absolutely refused to defend the Defense of M...
June 8, 2018
Should we continue to preserve the fictions around 'anchor babies'?My son and his wife went to a Boston hospital last weekend to induce labor. They were joined in a room by five other couples going through the same process. My son said one couple was Asian, where the man spoke English and the w...
June 6, 2018
Bipartisanship and the social justice warriorThere is a recurring theme in every election: we need to see bipartisanship and reach across the aisle to bring the country together. But Democrats, including the media, are just kidding. Their definition of reaching across the ...
June 5, 2018
Press hypocrisy on President Trump's 'right to try'Nearly two decades ago, President George W. Bush was pilloried by the media, other Democrats, and Hollywood for being "anti-science" when he vetoed a bill on very experimental embryonic stem cell research, allowing it to go forward only for...
June 4, 2018
Mainstream media's nasty words filterDonald Trump was talking privately with Billy Bush in 2005 and talked big about women and said "p‑‑‑‑." Children and the public would have never heard these private comments except for the media colluding with their corrupt, ethi...
June 2, 2018
On 'Spygate,' whatever happened to 'trust but verify'?Ronald Reagan used to have a saying: "Trust but verify." Now we are just supposed to just trust. For example: Trey Gowdy and others went to an FBI meeting where the G-Men showed him no documents but advised Gowdy th...
June 1, 2018
Netflix CEO bundles money for Obama, Netflix gets net neutrality, Obamas get huge contractI was surprised yesterday when I read that the CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings, was a bundler for the 2012 Obama campaign, because with the media's deep interest in political corruption, equality, and especially income equality, I would think such ...
May 31, 2018
Is a president getting angry with someone he hired a crime worthy of investigation?Yesterday morning, I woke up to a big leaked story that originated with the New York Times, suggesting that President Trump had an angry meeting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions in March of 2017, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investig...
May 31, 2018
Democrats see booming economy as their golden chance to expand big governmentPresident Trump's tax cuts and tax reform bill, passed 100% by Republicans in Congress, has been a resounding success. Along with fewer regulations, its other byproduct is expanding economic growth, along with more plentiful job opport...
May 30, 2018
Democrat denials about campaign spying on Trump are pure hypocrisyThe Democrats, including the media, are on offense, attacking and seeking to destroy President Trump and his agenda every day. Sometimes Democrats have to play defense to defend and lie about the Obama administration's truly scandalous...
May 30, 2018
Chuck Schumer suddenly upset about gas pricesChuck Schumer and other Democrats collude with most of the media every day to target President Trump with talking points. They are searching for some mud to stick. Democrats don't have a set of policies that are popular, so ...
May 25, 2018
Self-satire from the Washington PostIt is a joke when people from the press write stories continually complaining about Trump going after MS-13 members and pretending he lumps all immigrants into his description. It becomes self-satire when immediately below a headline ...
May 24, 2018
About that CEO pay...People who call themselves progressives like to control everything, so they put out misleading numbers about what CEOs make. And just knowing what CEOs make compared to their workers isn't enough for the left, they also want to regulate it. ...
May 23, 2018
In the press, more lies about Trump's 'animals'E.J. Dionne and the rest of the increasingly dishonest print and network media have lied for days by stating or implying that President Trump called all immigrants "animals" even though they knew specifically that he was talking about ...
May 22, 2018
What the Millennials can learn from history and tyrantsBrian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger have authored a couple of good books that could teach the citizens, especially the young, a great deal of important history of the United States. They are George Washington's Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved the A...
May 15, 2018
Trump tax cuts must be bad no matter whatLeave it to the New York Times to come up with a headline that makes it look as though states are taking in so much money because of the federal tax cuts that it's a problem: Federal Tax Cuts Leave State...
May 15, 2018
Michael Bloomberg still laying the hypocrisy on thickThe Associated Press decided to use a speech by anti-Trump businessman and former mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg to talk about the epidemic of dishonesty in government. Bloomberg talked about politicians who lie in their pursuit of...
May 15, 2018
Anyone notice that all that TV Trump-bashing is actually a media side-hustle?If anyone wants to see why there are so many anti-Trump people on cable and other networks, maybe it is because they get paid, big, for their views. As long as they are anti-Trump, they can get these TV gigs and goose their pay quite a bit...
May 12, 2018
Big news that the MSM downplay and ignoreThere are several recent important stories getting very little air time on network and cable news. Here are some: Iraq, the U.S., and Turkey worked together to capture five ISIS leaders. They did not kill them with drone...
May 11, 2018
Does the press really know what corruption is?The media seem to be very confused about what constitutes corruption. A large number of reports the past few days have either implied or stated that President Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, getting money for saying he could give insigh...
May 10, 2018
Press reeled in hook, line and sinker by Stormy Daniels lawyer's claimsA headline splashed all over the place - about how President Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, supposedly took a payoff from a Russian oligarch, shows how willing the media is to destroy the life of anyone surrounding Trump no matter how little proo...
May 8, 2018
What's all this baloney about Sarah Sanders supposedly being 'untruthful'?Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post wrote a piece skewering Sarah Sanders for not being truthful. Here's a choice morsel, to give you a sense of the tone: It's not as though Sarah Huckabee Sanders has not misled th...
May 5, 2018
Media indifference to Hillary's money-launderingThe media have never shown much interest in Hillary and the DNC laundering over $10 million in campaign funds through a law firm to hide the purpose of creating a fake dossier. Instead, the media are having a collective orgasm about a porn...
May 4, 2018
The war on the Trump Tax Cuts continuesThe people who have always been against Trump's large tax cuts are doing everything they can to imply that they aren't working to invigorate the overall economy. Apple just fueled everyone's biggest fear about how comp...
May 2, 2018
Press trying to put the kibosh on President Trump's winning economyThe Washington Post's Catherine Rampell argues, along with the left, that President Trump's economic achievements are not all that impressive. In her last column, she concludes: Presidents get too much blame when the...
May 1, 2018
Global warming? The latest news tells a different storyHere are some articles and stories that are minimally reported, if at all, because they do not fit the agenda that humans, fossil fuels, and CO2 are causing disastrous global warming and climate change. From the Detroit News: April on track t...
April 30, 2018
Some thoughts on Trump, work, and restDonald Trump believes physically and mentally able people should do some work to receive government benefits. That certainly makes sense when there are five to six million open jobs, when the economy is generating jobs faster than population growth, ...
April 28, 2018
The grotesque record of Democrats and the press of smearing the blamelessThe following article is a perfect example of what is wrong with almost all reporting today: the nomination of a distinguished admiral, Ronnie Jackson, to lead the Veterans Administration, and his subsequent withdrawal after a barrage of negative pre...
April 27, 2018
The attack on Admiral Ronny Jackson stank, and Trump wasn't to blameOn Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal's editorial page blamed President Trump for not serving his nominee for the Veterans Administration, Rear Admiral Ronnie Jackson, well. Jackson had to withdraw after a seri...
April 26, 2018
In the press, how many 'experts' and anonymous sources are imaginary?This story would be humorous if it wasn't so indicative of so much reporting today. An expert on student loans who has been used by multiple news outlets doesn't even exist. How many anonymous sources and experts are figments of journalists...
April 25, 2018
Why has the Washington Post continually reported as if Trump is guilty of something?I have seen a lot of pathetic stories from Washington Post, since it has been targeting Trump every day, but this piece by Philip Rucker is one of the most wretched: "Most people will flip if the Government lets them out of troubl...
April 24, 2018
A slew of absurd press stories about voters walking away from President TrumpLately, we have been seeing lots of stories about how voters who supported President Trump are moving away from supporting Republicans because of Trump's policies and that they are going to vote for Democrats in the midterm elections. ...
April 20, 2018
The problem with CBO projectionsIn January 2016, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected economic growth for 2018 to be 2.3% and for 2019 to be 1.9% Now the office projects that GDP will expand by 3.3% in 2018 and 2.4% in 2019, and then it will slow down....
April 17, 2018
Media's selective concern on spendingUh-oh! It looks as if Scott Pruitt overspent by $38,000, and we can't have such abuse of taxpayer money. The Washington Post: The nearly $43,000 soundproof phone booth Environmental Protection Agency Administrato...
April 17, 2018
Yes, Trump's Syrian air strike really was 'mission accomplished'The writers of this Associated Press article are equating President Trump's "mission accomplished" statement with President Bush's. President Donald Trump on Saturday declared "Mission Accomplished...
April 14, 2018
James Comey says Trump is untethered from the truth. I believe he has confused himself for Trump.USA Today headlines: "James Comey book: Trump likened to mob boss, called 'unethical and untethered to truth.'" Comey was under oath in testimony to Congress and said he never leaked information and also said he did not clea...
April 12, 2018
Surprise: Trump's tax cuts will more than pay for themselvesThe Congressional Budget Office is now admitting that President Trump's tax cuts will pay for themselves and more, although we will never read that in most of the press. Here is one instance, though, from the Wall Street Journal, w...
April 12, 2018
The amazing pretzel logic of those who refuse to be fair to President TrumpThere certainly are lots of unexplained coincidences going on: The Chinese president has agreed to lower tariffs on vehicle imports but suggests that these tariffs were going to be reduced anyway and were cut not because of President Tru...
April 11, 2018
Madeleine Albright needs a tutorial on how to spot the real fascistFormer secretary of state Madeleine Albright is like so many politicians and journalists. She accuses others of doing things they don't do while supporting people who do things she claims she doesn't support. Here is a r...
April 9, 2018
Michelle Obama seems to have a bad case of memory lossFormer first lady Michelle Obama is saying her husband followed the rules and was strict, while his successor, President Trump, is undisciplined and wild. I believe she and Hillary Clinton should get together as they attempt to rewrite his...
April 9, 2018
On North Korea, the AP just can't stomach giving credit to TrumpThe Associated Press has a new article out essentially giving China the credit for bringing North Korea in line instead of Trump for bringing China in line. Here is its headline, subhed, and story lede: CHINA APPLIES ITS OWN MAXI...
April 7, 2018
The media don't really care about Scott Pruitt's ethics – just his reversal of Obama policiesThe media are going after Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt for traveling first class and only paying $1,500 per month for a condo, pretending it's all a matter of ethics. It's nonsense. They actually are going ...
April 7, 2018
Have a fifth of Americans really taken to the streets to protest Trump?Has the Washington Post been dipping into the fake news squeezings again? Take a look at this likely whopper from the capital's top paper: One in five Americans have protested in the streets or participated in ...
April 6, 2018
Dick Durbin has funny ideas about what's 'dangerous for democracy'Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois is going after Sinclair Broadcast Group, because, Heaven forbid, the company is having local broadcasters recite a message saying they want their news to be truthful and not based on opinion. ...
April 5, 2018
Why is the Washington Post gunning for Sinclair?Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker, otherwise known as a lightweight writer, has denounced Sinclair Broadcast Group, an owner of television stations in middle-sized cities, calling it a threat to democracy for asking its stations to read ...
April 4, 2018
Will anything stop the media's relentless daily attacks on Trump?The theme every day is the same: Trump is stupid, Trump is immature, no one is around Trump to keep him in line, and Trump is the worst president ever. The theme never changes no matter how well the economy does. The following is just a...
March 31, 2018
The problem with all the criticism of Trump over AmazonThe Wall Street Journal ran an editorial on Friday titled "Trump Targets Amazon." The piece had a pull quote that said: "The President's tweets make any regulatory action seem political." While they cited a few co...
March 31, 2018
Gun control? Nope, teenagers need cell phone controlBased on the data out there, it certainly appears that cell phones and driving are much more dangerous to teenagers than guns, so where are the people who say one death is too many for teens possessing cell phones? Where are the teen activ...
March 29, 2018
Contrary to the blather, Trump's economic team has the adults in chargeThe pundit class's nostalgia for the good old days of the Obama years and how Team Obama ran the economy is pretty pathetic. Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell's recent opinion piece, titled "Trump's economic team needs t...
March 28, 2018
Someone who fits the perfect definition of narcissistIf anyone wants to see the definition of a narcissist, one need only look at the following quote from President Obama: “If I could do that effectively, then — you know — I would create a hundred or a thousand or a million young...
March 27, 2018
After interviewing Stormy Daniels, maybe 60 Minutes can cover some real scandalsReading and watching the news would be a lot more interesting if they covered actual corruption scandals. Here are some suggestions for 60 Minutes instead of what they just put before us this past Sunday: a porn star interview. If CBS a...
March 26, 2018
The press howls about trade wars but fails to look at Chinese tariffs on usBoy, I hope President Trump doesn't charge tariffs on Chinese products to the U.S. That may cause China to retaliate. The Chinese may start charging tariffs on U.S. goods. That seems to be the storyline we are get...
March 26, 2018
Should people with significant distress in their lives serve in the military?President Trump is saying transsexuals can serve in the military only under limited circumstances, and journalists, politicians, and others are having a collective cow, whining about how prejudiced he is. Trump's new memorandum says...
March 24, 2018
Opinion slips into AP's coverage on tariffs and moreA front-page article in Springfield, Illinois's State Journal-Register by the Associated Press says President Trump proposes "huge" tariffs on China. There's one problem: nowhere in the article does it say what the actual do...
March 23, 2018
Another year of the woman, courtesy of President Trump. OK, I'm in...Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post is saying it is finally the year of the woman and that Trump is lifting the voices of women. I agree. Here is the headline of her column this week: "Trump has been an inspiration to wo...
March 21, 2018
Democrats should stop pretending they want abortions to be rarePay attention to their actions, not what they say. A judge has blocked Mississippi's new law banning abortions after 15 weeks, and supporters of abortion say it is obviously unconstitutional. But of course, cities and states can b...
March 21, 2018
Why is the death penalty for drug-traffickers controversial?President Trump is proposing that the death penalty be used for drug-traffickers. Most of the reporting I have seen presents that as a controversial, radical, dictatorial proposal. Here is one example from CNN: The spe...
March 20, 2018
McCabe gets fired for lying, and the press thinks the problem is Trump?Andy McCabe lied and got fired before he got his generous pension. Now Democrats, Republicans, and a huge majority of the media complained that he unfairly lost his pension. And of course, one of the biggest problems with the me...
March 20, 2018
Self-driving cars: What could go wrong?I saw this headline in my morning paper, and I was so excited that drinking and driving would no longer be a problem. It is another wonderful piece by Washington Post writers, headlined "Liquor industry is pushing to get self-dri...
March 18, 2018
McCabe's firing demonstrates that the swamp is deepA person appointed by President Obama recommends the firing of an FBI agent because of serious misconduct and lying. Attorney General Jeff Sessions fires him per that recommendation, and the U.S. president supports that decision. Of course, the media...
March 18, 2018
State bureaucrats of Illinois find new way to stiff residents on health careI am 65 years old and my wife is 62. Five years ago I bought long-term care insurance policies for both of us from Northwestern Mutual (NML), a great, financially stable private company, in order to provide health-care stability for ourselves and our...
March 17, 2018
As students protest, they are missing out on the history lessons they needIt is certainly fine that children are protesting guns and mourning the loss of students. But it is time for parents, teachers, the media, politicians, and other adults to teach some facts about history and why we have a Second Amendment s...
March 16, 2018
Trump and the Canadian canards about tradeThis morning on the Today Show, the press minions said Trump lied when he said that the U.S. had a trade deficit with Canada. The story can be found at the Washington Post and at The Hill and I am sure it will be repeated far and wide. Here is the...
March 16, 2018
The press's obsession with the Stormy Daniels cash reeks of hypocrisyThe print and television media are working very hard analyzing a $130,000 payment from private funds (not campaign funds) from Donald Trump's lawyer to a porn star for a possible short affair in 2006. The following front page story in the Wall...
March 14, 2018
Media abuse of the 'controversial' labelHow is it "controversial" to have a report showing no collusion when there was never any evidence of collusion? One of the lead stories by Savannah Guthrie on the Today show yesterday was the "controversial decision" by...
March 13, 2018
Obama's 'Experts' and Trump's InstinctsWhy are people with foreign policy experience on North Korea and elsewhere referred to as "experts" when they so often fail to achieve their goals? The media, Democrats, and supposed experts on North Korea are wringing their hand...
March 11, 2018
I don't recall AP stories about Obama's disastrous policies imperiling global economic growthOn the front page of my morning paper is this headline on an Associated Press article: Trump tariffs may imperil a delicate global economic rebound" In the article, Moody's economist Mark Zandi said: “Tariffs threaten to strang...
March 9, 2018
About those Hollywood canards about women being underpaid...We repeatedly hear on the Oscars and through high-paid actresses and other entertainment bigs such as Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Lawrence about how mistreated and underpaid women are, and how they aren’t going to take it anymore. So I was s...
March 8, 2018
Democrats like to blame anything but their high taxes and regulations for slow economic growth. Today, the culprit is robots.Democrats never blame their policies and taxes for economic problems, therefore we get articles like this from Catherine Rampell of the Washington Post, blaming robots for the loss of manufacturing jobs and essentially saying a president or Cong...
March 7, 2018
Questions for Chelsea since she advocated putting a corrupt serial abuser of women back in the White HouseIf anyone wants to see pure bias, it is when reporters think it is appropriate to ask Ivanka questions about her father but will not ask Chelsea about her father or mother. What is worse is when Chelsea is asked if Ivanka should answer the...
March 7, 2018
I'll take the 'incompetent' Trump over the supposedly brilliant Obama or the corrupt Hillary every day of the weekWe are getting a large number of opinion pieces throughout the media saying Trump is incompetent and doesn't have what it takes to be president. Yesterday we get a piece from Michael Gerson, who the Washington Post pretends is conservativ...
March 4, 2018
Remember when Obama picked the 'winners' and 'losers'?I have seen several critical news articles and a lot of television commentary about President Trump picking "winners" and "losers" with his proposed tariffs on steel and aluminum. The following is one example, from a Ya...
March 3, 2018
Will the Trump tariffs substantially increase the cost of vehicles and stoke inflation?It's amazing. Even a topic as dry as tariffs gets the press's bias wheels turning. Here's one example, from Reuters: Toyota Motor Corp said on Friday U.S. tariffs on imported steel and aluminum would substa...
March 2, 2018
Headlines most of the media don't want the public to seeI understand why most of the media are focusing on the fictional Russian collusion, Hope Hicks resigning, and rumors about Jared Kushner. Since they hate Trump, they certainly wouldn't focus on how well the economy is doing, which show...
February 28, 2018
Democrats still whining about terrible, horrible tax cutsThe media and other Democrats campaigned hard against the tax cuts and tax reform plan. It is clear that the law will be successful, so it is being attacked as benefiting wealthy shareholders too much. Today we get two opinion pieces from...
February 28, 2018
Nothing could embarrass Obama or his supportersFormer president Obama actually said the following at his secret MIT speech, according to the transcript obtained by Reason magazine: "We didn't have a scandal that embarrassed us. I know that seems like a low bar." I...
February 27, 2018
Liberal reporter demands Ivanka's opinion on father's sexual behaviorRuth Marcus of the Washington Post is complaining that Ivanka Trump won't answer questions about her father's supposed sexual abuse of women: Ivanka Trump tells us – tells NBC's Peter Alexander, to be precise – that...
February 22, 2018
Another press shill attacks Trump as unfit, forgetting how bad Obama wasOn Wednesday there was an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal by William Galston titled: "The Clear and Present Danger of Trump.” A bold insert said: His weekend Twitter outburst calls into question his ability to discharge hi...
February 20, 2018
Why aren't the media and other Democrats angry at FBI for not doing their jobs instead of at Trump for tweeting about it?Here is the AP headline I read yesterday: "Trump Fumes about Russian Investigation as Nation Mourns." As the nation mourned, President Donald Trump kept largely silent about the Florida school shooting victims and the escalat...
February 19, 2018
Why does the government fail so often on existing gun control laws?It was obvious for a long time that the Fort Hood shooter was trouble, but the government did not protect his fellow workers from him. The problem was not the gun laws; it was that government did not do its job. Of course, one ca...
February 12, 2018
I choose the incompetent, stupid (according to the media) presidentKathleen Parker of the Washington Post says the only reason President Trump kept Rob Porter is because everyone else is incompetent. I see what she means: it is extremely incompetent and stupid that these businessmen whom Trump surr...
February 10, 2018
Democrats' filthy record, and it's Trump who has no principles?Paul Waldman writes an opinion piece entitled "Rob Porter scandal reveals a White House with no principles." I don't recall Waldman or other WaPo writers noticing that the Obama and Clinton presidencies are the ones with...
February 9, 2018
Democrats are in full attack mode against the success of the tax cutsThe media and other Democrats campaigned hard against the Trump tax cuts and tax reform plan. It is already clear from the first month that the law will be successful at allowing benefits and money to trickle down throughout the economy....
February 7, 2018
So much for artificial intelligence and the stock market's programmed tradesWe see a lot of people touting artificial intelligence (AI) as the wave of the future. On Monday there was a great example of the wonders of AI. Machines are programmed to sell stocks at certain levels, and they do what they are told. Then the cas...
February 6, 2018
Clueless punditry on inflation and the stock marketAs the stock market has sold off for a whole week, we are being told that there is a great deal of concern over stoking inflation because wages are rising faster than they have since 2008. Is that really bad news after being stagnant for ye...
February 5, 2018
So good economic news is bad because we may not spend the money properly?Is George Will the nation's new Mrs. Grundy? His column, titled: "The good economic news is actually bad. Here's why." shows that supposed intellectuals of his kind wield a lot of ignorance. Seriously, he really does sa...
February 5, 2018
The Bezos Washington Post Pushes Amazon PrimeMy local newspaper reprinted a Washington Post article in it on Sunday, and I have a question: Shouldn't Jeff Bezos and Amazon have to pay for what is essentially a positive advertisement for Amazon posing as a news article from the Washington...
February 4, 2018
Other stuff the Nunes memo exposes, besides FISA abuseNow that the Nunes memo is out, the people that said it would be full of inaccuracies have not yet said what was inaccurate. Instead, they are saying that it doesn't report everything, takes things out of context and greatly harms the FBI a...
February 3, 2018
The left now screams that tax cuts will bring us doomsdayAfter failing to convince voters that tax cuts were bad, leftwingers, such as the Washington Post's Catherine Rampell, have gone to Plan B. Now such pundits are insisting that the great tax cut of 2017, passed in Congress and signed by President ...
February 3, 2018
Journalists and other Democrats love a leaking FBI as long as they target RepublicansThe media loves it when the FBI selectively leaks and prosecutes as long as it is selectively leaking, investigating and prosecuting people and a party the media and Democrats target themselves. They certainly don’t want leaks or reports relati...
February 2, 2018
The true threat to our freedom and democracy is a compliant mediaJames Comey illegally leaks government documents to a professor who releases it to the media. Much later, Comey says the professor was his attorney. Dianne Feinstein leaks testimony about the Russian investigation to the media. She later blames a...
February 2, 2018
It's very clear why the Democrats have lost over 1,000 seats nationwide the last eight yearsThe American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) (officially nonpartisan, but a de facto adjunct of the progressive movement that dominates the Democrats) complained that President Trump used the word “America” 80 times in his speech Tuesday nig...
January 31, 2018
File under 'man bites dog': Pelosi made a true statement!Nancy Pelosi said there is a dark cloud over DC because of the tax cut. Maybe she should get out to the rest of the country, where over 90% of taxpayers will get a cut, and see that the clouds are lifting and the sun is shining through. The dark c...
January 30, 2018
Does the Washington Post understand the 'rule of law'?What a joke! The Washington Post editorialized that Republicans are trying to undermine the rule of law because they dare question the FBI and Justice Department on their motives and methodology used to justify spying on a political opponent. ...
January 28, 2018
High-tax state governors are clueless about just how beneficial the GOP tax cuts areIt is no wonder high-tax states are having so much trouble. Just take a look at the abject economic ignorance of their their governors, and other leaders. After opposing the Republican tax-cut reform passed late last year, they say their states will ...
January 26, 2018
Shouldn't the government stop anti-competitive practices?A few days ago President Trump put temporary tariffs on washing machines and solar panels as a response to years of complaints from American manufacturers about unfair competition and dumping by foreign companies. The Wall Street Journal and others d...
January 25, 2018
Trump Haters Become Reality DeniersCatherine Rampell of the Washington Post says it is McConnell’s and Ryan’s fault that the federal government shut down because they haven’t passed a budget. Of course she says that it is their fault, because according to almost all ...
January 24, 2018
Is it greedy for the government to take 70 percent of what others earn?There are a lot of politicians, journalists, and others saying corporations and shareholders are getting too much of the tax cuts, but I do not recall the AP or any of the Washington Post journalists – who basically repeat Democrat talking poin...
January 23, 2018
The feds repeatedly manage to lose or intentionally destroy evidence against powerful people the Deep State supportsA computer glitch supposedly destroyed five months of text messages of anti-Trumpers at the FBI. Sure, it did. The Department wants to bring to your attention that the FBI's technical system for retaining text mess...
January 19, 2018
Fancy that: Trump is 'Stalin,' yet Obama actually threatened journalists' rightsJeff Flake, John McCain, and journalists from all over the spectrum are ripping into Trump for his threat to the media. Flake even compared Trump to Stalin. I have to wonder where they all were when... Obama continually targeted Fox ...
January 19, 2018
Bloomberg feels really bad for millionaires taking a loss on their home salesI felt as though we needed to take up a fundraiser for the rich in Greenwich, Conn. when I read the headline "Greenwich Mansions Get Biggest Discounts since Lehman Fell." This headline in Bloomberg certainly makes it look as if the ...
January 18, 2018
Apocalypse: More companies hiring, more Americans keeping their own moneyThe first thought I had when I heard that Apple is going to spend only $350 billion over five years was that this is the Armageddon that Pelosi warned us about. Apple is talking about hiring only 20,000 more people. How could ti...
January 17, 2018
Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin reveals whom he really works forAs a resident of Illinois, I always thought Dick Durbin was supposed to work for us, along with the citizens of the United States, but I was obviously wrong. I also thought he was supposed to follow his oath of office and the laws of the l...
January 17, 2018
Dems sure do have a lot of concern for poor and minorities...kind ofWe should all demand that Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, Al Sharpton, and others who claim that Trump is a racist prove they are not themselves racists, because everything I see with Democrat policies is an attempt to keep minorities dependent on govern...
January 17, 2018
Media pulling out the big guns against Trump on government shutdownIn 2013, Obama and the Democrats shut down the government because they didn't get their way on the budget. The media blamed Ted Cruz and the Republicans. In 2015, Obama and the Democrats threatened to shut down all of the government beca...
January 16, 2018
Still Looking for Tax Disaster, Democrats Are in for a SurpriseThe Democrats and their media allies did everything they could to defeat Trump's tax cuts and reforms. They continually lied to the public in a bid to make them believe that less than half of the taxpayers would actually get cuts and t...
January 15, 2018
There's Trump's frankness on immigration, and then there's Lindsey Graham's hypocrisy...The outrage over President Trump's supposed "s-hole" comment, which was about questioning whether the U.S. should be importing large numbers of nationals from dysfunctional countries, has drawn the hypocrites out of the woodwork. ...
January 14, 2018
Durbin cares more about illegal immigrants than the Constitution, our military, or taxpayersIn 2010, Senator Durbin sent a letter to IRS telling them to investigate conservative groups. Is it any wonder Lois Lerner acted as she did? Somehow a Georgetown-educated lawyer seemed not to care that the Constitution protects free speech, esp...
January 14, 2018
No, really, Dems: Tax cuts help the middle classIt is truly a shame that someone at Yahoo Finance is so incompetent that he doesn't understand how the tax cuts work. He says in his headline that the Trump tax cuts aren't helping Century Link workers, but he is 100% wrong. The t...
January 13, 2018
Is Dick Durbin trustworthy or a political hack the media love?Senator Durbin is saying Trump called third-world countries s-holes. (The media and Democrats are saying he is racist, but how is it racist to call backward, corrupt countries what they literally are?) Senator Cotton a...
January 13, 2018
Why does the press always report that Trump wants $18 billion for a wall instead of $1.8 billion per year?Everyone in the press says Trump wants $18 billion in the national budget for the border wall, for nothing more than to make the number sound huge. I think it would be good to put the number in perspective, since it is actually a ten-year number....
January 9, 2018
Oprah for president! She gives great speeches!Oprah gave a great speech Sunday night at the Golden Globes on holding powerful men to account. She said it is good that these women who stayed quiet for so long are coming forward. The question by the unbiased press that she so...
January 9, 2018
Liberal reporter knocked down glass, now puzzled at broken glass all overThe headline from Robert J. Samuelson in the WaPo is "Will the economy save Trump?" I believe that Samuelson is confused. The headline should be "Thank God for the Trump Economy." Samuelson obviously recognizes that th...
January 8, 2018
All of a sudden Democrats don't like double-taxation?I am amazed. All of a sudden, Democrats are talking about the Constitution and double-taxation. In what possible way would Congress taking away a deduction be declared unconstitutional? If it was constitutional to put...
January 8, 2018
Why does the WSJ write its headline on the DACA confrontation this way?The headline is "Trump priorities complicate talks on Dreamers." This is exactly the way the WaPo, the NYT, USA Today, and the L.A. Times would write it. Why isn't the headline "Democrat priorities complicate ...
January 7, 2018
Speaking of delusions, anybody want to get a load of what journalists 'think'?To get an idea of how deluded the media are, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson uses the untrustworthy writer Michael Wolff and his new book. Fire and Fury, to claim that the Trump administration is delusional and Trump is mentally unsound. He...
January 7, 2018
The liberal media have all the facts! Except when they don't.I saw an article by the AP the other day where they were ripping Trump as a know-nothing because he tweeted that the Northeast could use a little of that global warming. The article said 2017 was the warmest year on record except for El Niñ...
January 6, 2018
Dr. Media examining Trump? Why not examine Obama instead?Many in the media along with other Democrats say Trump is mentally incompetent and needs his head examined. I believe that the people who actually need their heads examined are Obama and all the journalists and Democrats who supported him, no matt...
January 6, 2018
AP: Illinois's biggest problem is potIllinois is broke. More people are moving out of the state than coming in, the state has approved the public paying for abortions for Medicaid recipients and state workers, and Illinois has decided that it shouldn't follow immigration ...
January 5, 2018
It Would Be Cheaper and More Efficient if the MSM Just Reprinted Old Material about ReaganIf you want to see how things haven't changed in the last three and a half decades, just read what the New York Times wrote about President Ronald Reagan. They are essentially pulling the same story out to write about President Donald ...
January 4, 2018
But Obama said manufacturing jobs wouldn't come back...U.S. manufacturing expanded in December at the fastest pace in three months, as gains in orders and production capped the strongest year for factories since 2004, the Institute for Supply Management said Wednesday. But the smartest president we...
January 4, 2018
It takes some nerve for liberals to lecture Trump about foreign policy!We are being treated to endless warnings on how dangerous Trump's treats are on Iran and North Korea. It reminds me of the way liberals reacted to Reagan. They said he would start the Third World War. Instead, he brought peace and ...
January 2, 2018
Can so-called fact-checkers get facts straight?There is an army of supposed fact-checkers who come from essentially the same school of thought as other journalists. Those are the same people whose reporting on President Trump has been more than 90% negative since he took office. You...
December 30, 2017
Record cold weather caused by...you guessed it...global warming!Something that never interferes with the climate change indoctrinators is facts. Since we are getting record cold, that is also caused by climate change and global warming, and that is caused by humans, according to these so-called "expert...
December 29, 2017
Democrats learning that 'fervor' doesn't equal donationsI found the following headline on the front page of the WSJ extremely humorous, because it is so easy to figure out what the Democrats' problem is. The headline on the front page for December 28 is "Democrats Struggle to Conver...
December 28, 2017
It is too bad journalists idolized Obama instead of being embarrassed by what he didRuth Marcus of the Washington Post implies that all of us are embarrassed by President Trump. We essentially get different versions of the same things trashing Trump every day. I am absolutely not ashamed of Trump, but I am asha...
December 27, 2017
No-brainer: Trump's tax cuts will help, help, help the economyIt appears that remedial economics needs to be taught to all congressional Democrats, most journalists, the CBO, many economists, and liberal think-tanks so they can learn what corporations will do with their 14% rate cut and how the economy will be ...
December 24, 2017
Do taxpayers need a subsidy to be charitable?Ever the doomsayers on President Trump's tax-cut achievement, the Washington Post would have you think all charitable giving will dry up with the elimination of their deductibility on taxes. The Post writes: Many U.S. charities are worried...
December 23, 2017
Trump's First Year vs. Obama's Eight YearsHere are President Obama’s main accomplishments over eight years: --Obamacare: This 2,000-plus page law with more than 10,000 pages of regulations and over 20 new taxes has not increased life expectancy but has taken away freedom of choice o...
December 21, 2017
Democrats confounded: Immediate benefits flow from tax reformYesterday was a glorious day in America because of the tax cuts and tax reform bill. It is going to work much faster and better than almost anyone thought because the corporate cuts were so big and so bold. It is truly going to hel...
December 21, 2017
It must have been time for a front-page white nationalists articleWhen planning the pre-holiday week's stories, USA Today's editors (who recently proclaimed President Trump "not fit to clean the toilets" at the Obama Library) must not have been able to find a new story on the fake R...
December 19, 2017
Democrat media sycophants try to make tax reform look hard and harmfulThis article from AP is just pure propaganda, and it's being reprinted throughout the United States. Pundits from the Washington Post, the New York Times, and other outlets have different versions of the same garbage that is being...
December 17, 2017
Why is it bad if large corporations get tax cuts?Democrats keep complaining that large corporations will get tax cuts, and I am left wondering: why is that bad? The corporations will spend it, save it, or invest it. They can spend it on new buildings, equipment, supplies, salaries, benefit...
December 15, 2017
Questions every member of Congress should be asked before investigating TrumpOver 100 congressional women are demanding that President Trump be investigated for sexual abuse for the purpose of either getting him to resign or to moving toward impeachment. Why aren't they asking for all male members to be...
December 15, 2017
Good riddance to net neutralityNow that net neutrality has been repealed, the companies that build and maintain the infrastructure will be able to charge more to companies that demand more. What a horrible concept – basing prices on supply and demand! It was in...
December 12, 2017
Dear Democrats: Does Trump do anything that's not racist?A good journalist should ask John Lewis and himself what policies of Trump make him a racist. A bad journalist would just repeat over and over again the claim that Trump is a racist, no questions asked. People claim that Trump is...
December 11, 2017
The Washington Post is looking for suggestions to end sexual abuse, so here is an easy oneThe Washington Post is looking for suggestions to end sexual abuse, and though I would think journalists could have come up with such suggestions over the years, they seem to have lost their ability to independently think. So I have f...
December 11, 2017
Will Alabama voters believe accusations against Roy Moore when they go to the polls tomorrow?Journalists and other Democrats are implying or stating that people, including President Trump, are unethical and immoral and don't care about abused women if they support or vote for Roy Moore. Let's look at the origins of, and the lac...
December 9, 2017
So which party has no limiting principles?Michael Gerson of the Washington Post writes that Republicans have no limiting principles. They value certain political ends – tax cuts, a conservative judiciary – more than ethical considerations. When it comes to confirmi...
December 8, 2017
So why did Democrats have to create a false document to destroy Trump?Opposition research must have started as soon as, if not before, Donald Trump announced he was running for president. I am sure many of Trump's Republican opponents, as well as Hillary Clinton, the DNC, liberal interest groups, the media, and oth...
December 7, 2017
Who should really be on the Time magazine 'Silence Breakers' cover?The Time magazine Person of the Year can still be "The Silence Breakers," but the picture should be of five of the multitude of journalists who maintained silence for decades and participated in the cover-up and protection of powerful men w...
December 7, 2017
Media double standards: Jerusalem embassy editionWhy is there consternation today from the pope, most of the media, and a lot of world leaders just because Trump wants to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel when there was little or no outrage when Obama changed the status quo on the way out the...
December 6, 2017
The WSJ has double standards of its own on Roy MooreThe #NeverTrumps over at the Wall Street Journal's editorial page are warning Republicans that a win by Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore would be bad. But as Alabamans decide, they should consider that there are strong mora...
December 6, 2017
Some easy questions to determine if people are hypocritesHere is a series of easy questions that expose hypocrisy. My guess is that most of the public will figure out the easy answers to these questions, while journalists and other Democrats will refuse to answer. When the term "they...
December 4, 2017
Journalists are patting themselves on the back a lot these daysI have seen several journalists compliment news networks on their immediate dismissal of network stars these days on sexual abuse, comparing their reactions to the slow reaction in Congress. The blinders, ignorance, and self-adulation are worse...
December 4, 2017
Sick and Tired of Schumer and Others Continually Lying about Tax Cuts and DebtI feel like I am beating a dead horse on tax cuts, economic results and debt but since reporters won’t report the truth here goes: I get sick and tired of listening to Chuck Schumer lying about tax cuts. He complains endlessly about how it w...
December 2, 2017
How did unsubstantiated rumors make it to the front pages of newspapers?I get more disgusted every day with what I see on the front page of my morning paper. Today I get the rumor story that Trump is considering replacing Rex Tillerson as secretary of state. This is essentially a rumor based on unnamed sources, ...
November 30, 2017
Sometimes the pope seems to have his priorities screwed upAs a practicing Catholic, I have frequently been disappointed in Pope Francis. On his trip to Burma, he somehow failed to directly mention that 600,000 Muslim Rohingya have been chased out of the country into Bangladesh since late August. Th...
November 30, 2017
Elizabeth Warren is a pathetic totem for the DemocratsThe collective groupthink media are having a cow because one of their chosen ones has been called a nickname by President Trump. And so they must go into protective mode. They pulled out the card they always pull out: the race card. If...
November 29, 2017
Why are there triggers for tax cuts but never for spending increases?I hear that Republicans are considering adding a trigger to the upcoming tax cut bill so that if economic growth and revenues don't hit projections, deficits don't increase. Does anyone recall any trigger suggestion ...
November 28, 2017
The CFPB is an unaccountable dictatorship, and that is what Democrats likeWhen Elizabeth Warren, Dick Durbin, and others complain about President Trump appointing someone to replace Richard Cordray at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, they should be asked what the budget is for the CFPB. The answer is that th...
November 27, 2017
We've finally found something politicians and reporters have considered important enough to keep secret for decadesSherlock Holmes noticed the dog that didn't bark. Americans should pay close attention to the scandal that didn't leak. Information from the Mueller investigation leaks like a sieve. Information from intelligence committees and in...
November 26, 2017
Let's stop pretending leftists care about abused womenI find it tremendously sad that so many supposedly intelligent people who tell us how to run our lives are all of a sudden faking that in 2017 that powerful people have been mistreating people for years while they have intentionally looked the other ...
November 23, 2017
Remember when Hollywood celebrities celebrated America's history?If you want a lift for Thanksgiving, look at the video below from back in 1970, when most in Hollywood celebrated America. It was a special television variety show hosted by John Wayne, celebrating America's history. It is a shame that things ...
November 20, 2017
That darn strong economyThe headline in the Los Angeles Times is great: "The Strong Economy Boosts Trump among otherwise skeptical voters." I believe that the story should be that despite our efforts here at the Los Angeles Times and in ...
November 20, 2017
Change the name of the Affordable Care Act to Democrats' Disposable Income Reduction ActSo Democrats are against tax reform. And they continue to support Obamacare. This explains their continuous obstructiveness to getting any bills passed in Congress. But what it really shows is how contradictory the Democrats are. ...
November 19, 2017
AP goes fact-free to deride tax reformThe following is an opinion piece run as a news story by AP and reprinted throughout the U.S as news including in my local paper. It is titled "Much derided, trickle-down economics gets another try.” The liberal economist John Ke...
November 18, 2017
Democrats' 'big tent' has a narrow doorThe Hispanic Caucus turned down a Republican Hispanic, Carlos Curbelo. I heard it was because of his position on immigration laws and Obamacare. Maybe the Hispanic Caucus should publish a list of positions that are allowed so no o...
November 18, 2017
The 'party of science' becomes the 'party of fantasy'In Delaware, a proposed regulation would allow students of any age to self-identify their race or gender without their parents' knowledge or consent. What we seem to have is mentally deficient adults willing to pass their major ps...
November 17, 2017
How much more misleading can you get?Reporters and other Democrats do not want the public and corporations to get tax cuts at all and do not want true tax reform, so they trot out this garbage that the middle class will see tax increases by 2027 – as if any ten-year projections ar...
November 16, 2017
What makes someone a qualified and respected politician and what doesn't?I believe I have figured out the qualifications reporters, Democrats and Republicans think make (or have made) people honored, qualified presidents, members of Congress, and senators, and what absolutely disqualifies someone: You are qualified and...
November 14, 2017
Who planted the Roy Moore story on Washington Post reporters?I have no idea whether the stories about Roy Moore are true or not, but neither do the Washington Post reporters and all the other reporters who just repeat the unverified story with no investigation. Forty-year-old allegations are es...
November 13, 2017
Trump was played by Putin? Not compared to ObamaSo the Washington Post and other media outlets go to James Clapper and John Brennan – who both lied to Congress and who essentially allowed Putin to do whatever he wanted in Ukraine – to say Trump is being played?...
November 13, 2017
The Democrats' sudden concern for government debtThe Democrat talking points are out as tax cuts takes center stage, and the complaints are rolling, with a sudden new concern about government debt. Does anyone recall reporters and Democrats having concern about running up $10 trillion ...
November 10, 2017
Do pundits and 'experts' really know what they are talking about?In 2016, experts predicted that the U.K. referendum on exiting the European Union would never pass, and even if it did, the British economy would collapse if the British voted for Brexit. They were wrong on both counts. But why would anyo...
November 8, 2017
Trump's tax plan benefits 'the lazy rich'?Catherine Rampell at the Washington Post says the big winners in the tax reform bill are the lazy rich because it gets rid of the estate tax. Let's say a family over a few generations builds up a business worth $200 million and has 1,000 emplo...
November 6, 2017
The Democrats' sudden concern for the middle classThe Democrats are up in arms about the Republicans tax proposal, supposedly because the subsidy for high state and local taxes may be reduced, especially for the upper-middle class and the rich. For decades, we have seen states, cities, and the fe...
November 5, 2017
Liberals suddenly feeling sorry for the rich?This here is an almost useless article on tax reform. Its main example: James Ledoux, a computer programmer who lives in South Orange with his veterinarian wife and their toddler and is expecting a second child, said he now has $46,000 in ...
November 3, 2017
The Democrats and taxesThe playbook is always the same: when a Republican president proposes allowing people and businesses to keep more of the money they earn, the talking points come out that it is tax cuts for the rich, that it will harm the middle class and poor, that ...
October 31, 2017
Why would anyone trust Democrats with taxpayers' money?I wonder why anyone should ever trust Democrats with taxpayer money, since none of them seems able to figure out where millions of dollars went to pay for the Steele dossier. No one seems to be responsible for over $10 million. I wonder w...
October 31, 2017
Halloween guidance from 'experts' with their 'study'I saw a very important story about Halloween candy in the Wall Street Journal. It starts out: A dark thought flickered through the minds of experts at the American Chemical Society (ACS): How much Halloween candy would it take t...
October 24, 2017
Peggy Noonan strikes outPeggy Noonan wrote an intellectually challenged column comparing President Trump to Sarah Palin. She said about Palin that: Support for her cooled due to antic statements, intellectual thinness and general strangeness. She said a...
October 22, 2017
A few questions for Loretta LynchHere are a few questions for Loretta Lynch that reporters, Democrats and many Republicans are afraid to ask because they won't like the answers: Why did you threaten the FBI informant on the uranium deal with jail if he told Congress and the p...
October 21, 2017
Bend-over bipartisanship for DC RepublicansRepublicans in D.C. regularly are lectured on how important it is to work with members of both parties to get important things done. We hear this mostly when Republicans are in charge. Do you remember Obama working with Republicans on Obamac...
October 21, 2017
I'm sick of the media puppetsI saw Nicole Wallace on The Today Show yesterday morning say it is Trump's fault that the news has been focused on the unverified phone call for five days. I have heard Trump demand that reporters cover the massive corruption involved wi...
October 20, 2017
GW Bush falls to the McCain syndromePresident George W. Bush gave a speech, and instead of just analyzing the speech, Newsmax, which has been anti-Trump and moving left, called it a stinging rebuke of Trump. Newsmax's people are right there with the NYT, MSNBC, and CNN i...
October 20, 2017
Do reporters really care about empathy?Instead of spending a minute or two on something truly dangerous to the American people, actual Russian collusion, corruption, kickbacks, and cover-up of the sale of uranium reserves to the Russians, reporters spend hours on an unverified phone call ...
October 19, 2017
Justice for all...don't reporters care?There have been massive cover-ups, stonewalling, and malfeasance at the Justice Department for years, and most of the complicit media haven't cared. We have known for years that: On Fast and Furious, the Justice Department and Obama admi...
October 18, 2017
McCain's amnesia on Obama's foreign policy failuresSomeone should tell Senator McCain he is about eight years late in giving his message on American leadership in a speech accepting the National Constitution Center's Liberty Medal. To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarte...
October 17, 2017
About that Tom Marino exit from the drug czar job...Today there is the story about Trump’s (now former drug czar nominee) Representative Tom Marino withdrawing his name from consideration for the job, following a CBS 60 Minutes and Washington Post expose. The news program accused Marino of pushi...
October 17, 2017
Today Show pushes Euro-socialism as the key to happinessKyle Drennen of Newsbusters spotted the Today Show on Monday pushing socialism as the secret to happiness, more or less. On Monday, NBC's Today finally discovered the elusive secret to happiness – European-style soc...
October 15, 2017
AP trots out Anita Hill in the wake of Weinstein. Where's Bill Clinton?Because of the Harvey Weinstein sex harassment on a gargantuan scale story, which reporters buried for decades, the Associated Press has decided to trot out Anita Hill, a case that was never proven, and the story is repeated throughout the country, i...
October 14, 2017
What happened? Trump happened!Democrats and most reporters cheered as Obamacare passed into law in 2010, sabotaging the existing health care system and taking away freedom of choice for 100% of Americans even though more than 80% were reasonably happy with their coverage. Demo...
October 8, 2017
Try putting 'global warming' in perspectiveMaybe people should put global warming in perspective. In Chicago in July 1995, there were over 700 heat-related deaths. In the twenty years after 1995, there were only 585 total heat-related deaths (less than 30 per year) and over 1,000 col...
October 7, 2017
The late-night talk show hosts are very concerned about race and equality...The late-night talk show hosts, some of whom used to be funny, now spend all their time on going after President Trump on race, sexism, equality, and immigration. They are anti-Trump all the time. I consider that especially funny s...
October 7, 2017
What gave the government the right to mandate 'free birth control' in the first place?From an article at The Hill: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the National Women's Law Center (NWLC) and other groups vowed to sue the Trump administration over regulations released Friday that would roll back ObamaCare...
October 5, 2017
Democrats only pretend they care about scienceRepublicans passed a House bill this week to stop abortions after twenty weeks. Somehow the media decided to give it little coverage. I wonder why! There appear to be only seven countries in the world that allow abortions aft...
October 4, 2017
Trump gets the media's middle finger on Puerto RicoWe see the media intentionally take Trump out of context all the time, and his comments in Puerto Rico make for one of the most blatant instances. On CBS radio, they said he complained about Puerto Rico putting a hole in the budget and left out...
October 4, 2017
On average, there is mass killing bigger than Vegas in Chicago each monthThere were 762 murders in Chicago in 2016, the most in 19 years. On average, there was mass killing – by different perps – that adds up bigger than the Las Vegas massacre each month. Where is the wall-to-wall coverag...
October 3, 2017
Is there really only a 'tenuous' link between tax cuts and economic growth?The Wall Street Journal's news pages might as well just regurgitate left-wing think-tanks' propaganda. This article says the link between economic growth and tax cuts is tenuous. President Reagan inherited a disastrous economy....
September 27, 2017
Which party is careless?Obamacare is what happens when an entire party gets careless. They pass an over 2,000-page bill that no one has read. They go around knowingly lying that you can keep your plan, keep your doctor, that it will lower premiums substantially....
September 23, 2017
Democrats will use any excuse not to give power back to the states or the peopleYesterday, I saw Senator Coons, Democrat from Delaware, say he couldn't vote for the Graham-Cassidy health care replacement bill because it didn't have a clear definition of "adequate" and "affordable" for those with preex...
September 20, 2017
Shock: CNN reporters don't understand Trump UN speechCNN reporters couldn't understand Trump's message to the U.N. I knew that their reporters were stupid, but how would any reporter not understand his message? I believe I know why it was incoherent to them: because somehow, they belie...
September 19, 2017
At the Emmys, Hollywood's eminentos make fools of themselvesIf anyone wants to see how important Hollywood believes it is compared to the rest of us, including the president and politicians, all you have to hear is Alec Baldwin's acceptance speech at Sunday night's Emmy awards. Here...
September 19, 2017
Students idiots on free speech? Look to their professors and politiciansThe Washington Post reports that a "chilling new study' shows that large numbers of college students are hostile to free speech. They believe that shouting down speakers they don't like and committing violence against them is a...
September 16, 2017
Why can’t the lessons of NASA’s Cassini be applied by Warmists?A major scientific enterperise was just completed, with temendous success. The Cassini mission from NASA to Saturn just ended after 20 years, and is reckoned to “have changed our understanding of Saturn and the cosmos at large....
September 15, 2017
Shifting to single-payer health care would be a messColumnists, such as Eugene Robinson, have lately been picking up the Bernie Sanders program of "Medicare for All," which is a sanitized way of saying "single-payer" health insurance for all, without any choices. While many crit...
September 13, 2017
Touting the Earned Income Tax Credit is leftist idiocyColumnists such as the Washington Post's Catherine Rampell are continuously touting the fraud-riddled Earned Income Tax Credit as a panacea and denouncing any effort to correct its problems as cruel and heartless to the poor. In h...
September 9, 2017
So how'd Hurricane Irma's evacuations have gone if Florida ran on green energy?There are many people throughout the world who advocate stopping the use of all fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are said to be dirty, wasteful, polluting, and the source of profits for, horrors, Big Oil. That's all fine and dandy, but there's ...
September 7, 2017
Democrats are extremely flexible on the rule of law and separation of powers, depending on who is presidentIn Bill Clinton's 1995 State of the Union address, he said: [I]llegal aliens are creating big problems for us, and we're going to put a lot more border patrol people to support us, and we're not going to have people able to work...
September 5, 2017
How will Democrats treat taxes during a Trump presidency?Democrats are trying to block almost all of Trump's agenda, but we haven't seen anything until we see how hard they go after tax reform and tax cuts. Democrats cannot allow the public to see how the economy will expand rapidly if people...
September 4, 2017
The government's Ponzi schemesDoes anyone believe with thirty-year government bond rates under 3% and growth projections under 3% for the entire economy that you can earn over 7% forever? If you actually believe that, you probably are gullible enough to believe that if yo...
September 3, 2017
Humans versus robots in a natural disasterWhen I look at Hurricane Harvey, I am amazed at how all the people who are involved should be congratulated. The first responders, military, hospital workers, power company workers, people who keep stores and gas stations open, maintenance work...
September 3, 2017
Remind me again why fossil fuel companies are evilPoliticians and reporters are on the lookout for gouging by oil companies and gas stations. The current price of gas is around $2.50 throughout the United States, which is far below the over $4 price in 2008. The average price in September 2008...
September 2, 2017
Immigration? Let's at least be consistent about not enforcing lawsPeople had better not bring in any goods from foreign countries without declaring them and paying the designated fees. People and businesses need to declare their out-of-state purchases where they didn't pay sales taxes so that their sta...
August 31, 2017
In the Obama years, a president who truly lacked empathyAs much as liberals advertise that they are full of compassion, they often show the cold, hard "compassion" of Bolshevik commissars. I remember Obama not going to Hawaii as his mother died of cancer in 1995. Nor even...
August 31, 2017
Sheriff Joe was up against the lawlessness of the Obama yearsPresident Obama gave city and state politicians, sheriffs, and police a complete pass as long as they chose not to enforce immigration laws. They had to agree with his agenda. While sanctuary cities and states were allowed to exert their sov...
August 31, 2017
Media and the Politics of MisdirectionJournalists in the Mainstream Media practice the magician’s art of misdirection, leaving important stories in the dark, focusing attention on subjects that serve their political agenda of discouraging his followers and whipping up the energies ...
August 26, 2017
Trump pardons Sheriff JoeI saw on the Today Show that politicians from both parties are saying this is a bad signal for those who believe in the rule of law. President Trump on Friday pardoned Joe Arpaio, the former Arizona sheriff whose aggressive effort...
August 26, 2017
You know you are an extremist when...In Overland, Ohio, Columbus Day will now be known as Indigenous Peoples Day so as not to offend the Native Americans. Anyone who thinks differently must be an extremist. Maybe some are: I believe that PETA will be offended bec...
August 25, 2017
Hillary Clinton, FBI investigations, and FBI 'matters'The Federal Bureau of Investigation is always there to conduct investigations and catch criminals. But it doesn't take much for these investigations by the powerful law enforcement agency to end up as witch hunts – or, worse still, as...
August 23, 2017
So should all laws be optional?Chicago's Mayor Rahm Emanuel and others like him have decided they don't have to obey immigration laws or cooperate with immigration authorities. Some are suing the federal government for threatening to cut off federal funding. By th...
August 22, 2017
The 'Bannon presidency' blatherI opened up the dead tree Wall Street Journal dated August 19 and 20 to the editorial page, and I saw one of the most condescending headlines ever: "After the Bannon Presidency." There is no doubt that it has been the Trump presiden...
August 22, 2017
Out of ideas, the left makes hay on fake outrageSomehow, we have been able to survive for over 150 years after the Civil War without massive protests relating to statues. Rep. Nancy Pelosi. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Clintons, Sen. Dick Durbin, and others have been able to walk the halls in the C...
August 19, 2017
The media attack Trump no matter what he says or doesPresident Trump came out last Saturday and decried racism, violence, and bigotry on all sides in the wake of the violence of Charlottesville. Somehow, that was bad. Reporters, including those at my hometown paper, the Springfiel...
August 16, 2017
Washington Post on Joe Arpaio: 'Authoritarianism' to enforce immigration lawAccording to the Washington Post, Sheriff Joe was an authoritarian who somehow was very strict on actual law. The Post never had a problem with Obama and Eric Holder picking and choosing which laws to enforce. Apparently, it's a sin t...
August 14, 2017
The Democrats always play the same gamePresident Trump clearly condemned all hate groups, including the white supremacist groups in Virginia, as he should have, but that wasn't good enough for the media, Democrats, and many Republicans. The race card has again been pulled out, a...
August 13, 2017
Where were the NYT stories about a secretive EPA under Obama?On Saturday, the NYT had a front-page story about the EPA being run in secret. Last week, the NYT ran a false story saying the Trump administration was refusing to publish a climate change report when it was actually public months ago. ...
August 11, 2017
When did America lose its mind?The Atlantic magazine has a cover that purports to explain inside "How America went haywire." The very, very, very long cover story, titled "How America went crazy," highlights a variety of false beliefs that bedevi...
August 10, 2017
Mitch McConnell, swamp creatureI saw a tape of Mitch McConnell essentially blaming Trump for the Senate not passing bills. He said Trump doesn't understand the Democratic process and that he had unrealistic ideas on how long it would take to get things done. Of cou...
August 10, 2017
Can someone show us a climate prediction that has ever come true?It's another day, and we get a new story about how dire the climate threat is and that it is unambiguous that humans are a significant cause. What is rarely noted in these articles is actual facts that support the theory. I wou...
August 5, 2017
The Hillary protection racketIt should be a big story if additional information comes out that shows just how willing Hillary Clinton and her aides were to violate national security laws and essentially used her paid position in government to enrich herself and hand out favors. ...
August 5, 2017
So addicts must show photo IDs to get off drugs, but not to vote?The homeless, downtrodden, and poor who show up at drug detox centers all must show photo identification to get treatment. It's done to prevent them from going to more than one center for whatever maintenance fix they may be receiving at th...
August 4, 2017
Jobs Americans won't doSenator Dick Durbin and others, when deriding immigration proposals, say essentially that there are just some jobs Americans won't do. While I was growing up as an American, I did several jobs Americans supposedly won't do. I wa...
August 3, 2017
AP can't bear to give Trump credit for stock market boomEvidently, the Associated Press feels that it must damage President Trump whenever it can, so yesterday we got the following headline: Stocks are at record levels but it is no longer the Trump Trade. They have to make sure that the pr...
July 31, 2017
Who sabotaged health care?On Sunday, I was eating my lunch in a hospital cafeteria and watching CNN, as that is the station that is always on. I got to see Bernie Sanders spewing forth that the health system is collapsing because it is being sabotaged by Trump. My...
July 30, 2017
Washington Post aims at Trump, but hits BezosAiming to discredit President Trump by implying his soul is in jeopardy, a team of editors and writers at what the President of the United States calls “the Amazon Washington Post" inadvertently impugn their owner, Jeff Bezos. Trump Derang...
July 30, 2017
Who criminalized politics?Charles Krauthammer has been going after President Trump consistently of late, almost as if it were back in the days of the primary contests of 2016 when “Trump can’t win.” The following excerpt is from his “Sessions Lesson...
July 29, 2017
Obama criminalized politics as Trump never didWashington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer has been going after President Trump consistently, perhaps to ingratiate himself with almost all other reporters at the Post. The following quote from his "Sessions Lesson...
July 29, 2017
Spot the crazy presidentMany people are saying that President Trump is crazy. Here are just some of the things I believe show that the previous president was the crazy one. President Obama threatened to cut off education funds if schools didn't allow boys to go...
July 28, 2017
After Obamacare repeal collapses, Susan Collins caught trashing TrumpSusan Collins was schmoozing with Democrat Jack Reed, and someone picked up their conversation: "I think he's crazy. I mean, I don't say that lightly and as a kind of a goofy guy," Reed said at one point, apparently referrin...
July 27, 2017
Senator McCain loves to be lovedThe media love it when John McCain talks about not listening to the bombastic loudmouths on the radio, television, or the internet – especially because he left out the loudmouths at the NYT, the WaPo, and other newspapers. The people at C...
July 27, 2017
Asset forfeiture? Let's start with Bernie SandersThe left-wing press is braying about seizing the assets of Jared Kushner, who's committed no crime, all because he forgot to disclose an asset on one of his many bureaucratic forms. How about seizing the assets of socialist mi...
July 26, 2017
The left has some nerve calling the Boy Scouts 'Nazis'What is it with the chutzpah of the left? The left has given us socialism, National Socialism (Nazis), Bolsheviks, communism, and Obama. These are all things that are left-wing. Those were their ideas. Now they're hollerin...
July 24, 2017
What single-payer looks like, up close and personalMy wife and I took my 91-year-old mom to the emergency room yesterday because she had a bad pain in her back and said she now needed 24-hour care. After ten hours waiting, she was finally admitted. As I heard her continuous, continuous screa...
July 23, 2017
Is that global warming the St. Louis Post-Dispatch is trying to sell us?For 115 years temperatures have been colder than in 1901 in St. Louis, Missouri on July 22nd, and now the temperature is a whopping one degree higher. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is running headlines like these: It's a...
July 23, 2017
A strangely selective Russian collusion investigationI have had a couple of simple questions on the Russian collusion that many in the media, Mueller, and the investigating committees in the House and Senate do not seem interested in asking despite over a year of investigations. If the Obama Ad...
July 23, 2017
Those of us who had decent health care in 2009 have been ripped offIn 2009, the healthcare system was working reasonably well for around 85% of us. Instead of trying to address the problems of those that weren't covered, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, the American Medical Association, hospitals, and insurance com...
July 21, 2017
Burying Manhattan? Another fear-mongering headline from APThe Associated Press has a truly stupid headline today that is reprinted throughout the U.S.: "World's plastic waste could bury Manhattan 2 miles deep." The purpose of the article and headline is to predict disaster and scare the peo...
July 21, 2017
The Democrats have a new agenda, and guess what...Democrat leaders have been working on a new agenda for many months because they lost in 2016 and because of their continuous losses the last six years and after all their hard work. Dana Milbank of the Washington Post – and, I am sure, mo...
July 20, 2017
Breaking: CBO just pulls numbers out of a hatHow else can you explain them thinking that premiums would go down with Obamacare if the government mandates and taxes were excessive and everyone was required to buy insurance but will double if people can buy at a lower cost and if they are not for...
July 20, 2017
The media are declaring Trump a loserTrump has been in office for six months, and the media and others who have been trashing him continuously are declaring him a loser. They focus on the fictional Russian collusion and ignore his many reductions of regulations, including getting rid...
July 19, 2017
Of course Obamacare repeal is scary when you use terrifying fake numbersLike almost every article written and every news report, not once does this article show actual spending for this year and actual proposed spending for next year. The amount is almost always higher for entitlement programs. Instead, journali...
July 18, 2017
The tweeting Trump and the media hypocritesIn my local paper this morning, they ran an opinion piece from the Los Angeles Times that they titled "The tweeting Trump should let the world talk back." It argued against the president's practice of blocking trolls o...
July 17, 2017
Phony Democrats, phony pollsThis morning, I was treated to an article by the AP entitled "Dems strive to tell voters what their party stands for." Democrats can't afford to publicly state what they are for because the majority of the public ...
July 16, 2017
Obamacare is the real junk insurancePoliticians and most of the media are saying that allowing people to buy catastrophic or bare bones insurance is essentially supporting junk insurance. Just look at what the New York Times is peddling. Junk insurance is actually Obamacare. which r...
July 16, 2017
Why should anyone believe the big health insurance companies now?Health insurance companies have come out against the Senate health plan that allows people the freedom of choice to buy cheaper policies if they want. From this article: Health insurance companies have largely bit their tongues about the Sena...
July 14, 2017
Media hissy fits over Medicaid are really too muchReporters and Democrats just can't stomach the idea that the people would have freedom of choice as to what kind of health insurance policy to buy or even the idea that people would have the choice not to buy. They also can't stand the ide...
July 12, 2017
What counts as treason differs depending on the letter after your nameIn 2012, Obama met with Russia and said he would be more flexible if he was re-elected. The media and Democrats had no problem. There were no investigations and no spying on Obama looking for collusion. The Clintons, the Clinton Founda...
July 12, 2017
Yet another climate failhe AP says that warming in the Arctic causes cooling elsewhere: New research suggests that warm spells at the top of the world can, surprisingly, cause unusually cold weather in parts of North America[.] The new study, just out Monday in...
July 11, 2017
McCain and Graham have started in again on Trump and TillersonSenators John McCain and Lindsey Graham are at it again – continually trashing President Trump and his secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, for talking to Russia, or else implying they want to work with Russia. There they go again... ...
July 7, 2017
The left's hide and seek with voter informationAfter making such a fuss about the integrity of elections, what with their Russians-hacked-the-election scenario, why are Democratic blue states now fighting federal access to voter rolls to investigate that same legitimacy they claim to care about? ...
July 7, 2017
About that global warming settled science 'consensus'...If there were ever a story that was just made up, try the often repeated canard that 97% of scientists believe in man-caused global warming. Hear that? The science is settled. Do you know where that 97% figure came from? It was a...
July 7, 2017
Why fake news spreadsIf the public would like to see how the fakest of fake news gets to the mainstream, look no farther than the Russian collusion story, which shows a pattern often repeated in other news stories. Last fall, we started hearing from many sources that ...
June 30, 2017
So who is 'presidential'?For the last several years, if you disagreed with President Obama or the Democrat agenda on immigration, gay marriage, gender bathroom rights, climate change, higher taxes, more regulations, you could be called xenophobic, sexist, racist, h...
June 28, 2017
Warren Buffett, socialistWarren Buffett thinks a single-payer health care system is the way to go. That would certainly destroy millions of private-sector jobs in the same way that raising the minimum wage too high has done. It is so nice that billionaire Buffett...
June 28, 2017
The damage when minimum wage is too highNone other than the Washington Post has published an article showing the damage an excessive minimum wage has done to low-wage earners in Seattle – people the higher wage was supposed to help. It is obvious that this would ...
June 27, 2017
Questions Democrats are never asked on health careHere are a few questions on Obamacare and the upcoming replacement that reporters don't seem willing to ask – and therefore Democrats don't have to answer: If increased Medicaid spending is the solution to the opioid addiction c...
June 24, 2017
Here we go again: Another Trump-hating Washington Post 'revelation'We know factually that Clapper, Brennan, Johnson, McCabe, and Comey have never said they actually heard or saw Putin directly saying he wanted Trump to win. Yet now, almost one year after the investigation got started, another anonymous source ...
June 23, 2017
Blinder leading the blindIt is truly sad that the WSJ gives so much ink to a big-government leftist like Alan Blinder. The piece on June 22, titled "Congressional Maneuvers in the Dark," is especially worthless. Blinder, Democrats, and most of the media co...
June 23, 2017
Guess who pays for too much government lendingThere's a such thing as too much government lending. Robert Samuelson has a piece worth reading on this in the Washington Post, showing the obvious: that the more the government subsidizes anything, the higher the cost goes. ...
June 22, 2017
Spot the difference: CNN vs. Breitbart editionTwo articles, one in CNN and one in Breitbart. Can anyone spot the difference? From CNN: A police officer was stabbed in the back and neck Wednesday at an airport in Flint, Michigan, and the suspect is in custody and being question...
June 22, 2017
Is higher government spending always the solution?Every morning, the public wakes up to articles from the Associated Press, the Washington Post, and the New York Times that can best be described as Democratic Party talking points. Today, in my local paper, one article was h...
June 17, 2017
David Bonderman vs. womanhoodThe WSJ on June 16 featured the story "Billionaire in Hot Water over Uber Gaffe: TPG's Bonderman relinquished board seat, apologizes after errant remark rankles." The article begins: For billionaire investor David Bonderman, the...
June 16, 2017
As both fight bureaucrats, why is Macron praised and Trump trashed?Catherine Rampell had a good opinion piece titled "Macron attempts a feat Trump wouldn't dare" in the Washington Post. However, I am having difficulty understanding why Trump's name is in the headline or even referre...
June 15, 2017
The brilliant Terry McAuliffeThe brilliant Terry McAuliffe stated publicly that we lose 93 million Americans per day – which means our population is wiped out in less than four days. Why would we worry about a one-degree temperature rise in 100 years since ...
June 13, 2017
Liberal media: Here's a way to double your chance of death!I personally find articles and studies like this one from Yahoo News quite humorous. From the article itself: Researchers found that people who had fried potatoes (such as French fries, tater tots, or hash browns) more than twice a wee...
June 13, 2017
Some lives obviously don't matterThere was an extremely important hearing in Congress a day before the James Comey hearing last week that almost no one heard about, because the majority of newspapers and networks didn't cover it. It was not about fictional Russian collusio...
June 11, 2017
Trash-mouth Kirsten Gillibrand needs help coming up with Trump's accomplishmentsWhen Kirsten Gillibrand says Trump hasn't kept any of his promises, she shows that she isn't paying any attention. She actually said, "F---, no!" She must be listening to the news instead of actually doing her job in D.C...
June 10, 2017
Some simple questions for James ComeyIn the wake of the James Comey spectacle in Congress Friday, it's pretty reasonable to see the double standards, the unasked questions, the bias toward one side of the political spectrum. So what would an intelligent citizen have to ask the...
June 10, 2017
Pollsters are going to take polls to see what is wrong with pollsThis almost sounds like a fake story in the Onion, but, humorously, it is not. I believe that pollsters should take a playbook from the global warmists. When the temperatures don't properly coincide with their computer model project...
June 8, 2017
What is the Democratic platform?Catherine Rampell of the Washington Post has an opinion piece titled "The Problem with the Republican Platform is that there is no Republican Platform." I wonder why she didn't ask what the Democrat platform is toda...
June 7, 2017
Why kids can't thinkEven though manipulated computer models and predictions of global warming or climate change have been demonstrated to be completely inaccurate, children are taught almost from the womb that the science is settled and that anyone who questions the age...
June 5, 2017
Please, Democrats, take this advice!Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post thinks Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement is a great call to action for Democrats. I wish Democrats would go around the country to all fifty states and campaign on re...
June 2, 2017
Trump vs. the 'sleep experts'The June 1 front page of USA Today has a headline: "Trump Garble has Sleep Experts Atwitter." It is amazing how much research the media will do when they are out to trash a politician and how little they will do when they support...
June 1, 2017
The honest Comey?In July 2016, then-FBI director James Comey wrote a report exonerating Hillary a few days after Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton. The FBI had a pretend interview with Hillary, but Comey wrote the report before the interview. He must ha...
June 1, 2017
Would the Russia investigation stop if Trump fired Kushner?Washington Post writer Eugene Robinson says President Trump had better get rid of Jared Kushner, or the Russia nightmare will be permanent. It is actually getting rid of Kushner that will make the nightmare permanent. Kushner ...
May 30, 2017
How did Obama's programs help minorities?Yesterday, there was an article by the Associated Press splashed all over, including the one in my local paper titled "Minority Advocates say Trump Budget will hurt their causes." From the article: His $4.1 trillion spendi...
May 29, 2017
Can the media read a CBO balance sheet? Not by their headlinesThe headline should have been "Medicaid budget increased by $25 billion for 2018." In the attached budget document on page 17, it shows Medicaid at $403 billion for 2018 vs. $378 billion in 2017. For anyone who can read a balance sheet,...
May 28, 2017
Reality check: Backdoor presidential communications used to be O.K.The Washington Post ran a breathless headline that Jared Kuschner tried to set up backdoor communications with Russia and implied that it was somehow different and improper. One former CIA director - a Bush-era "Nevertrumper" even called it...
May 27, 2017
Some future commencement topics for Hillary ClintonHillary gave the commencement speech at Wellesley College, where she said how important the truth is and that people shouldn't make up their own facts. The liberal media are wildly cheering that she is back. She will follow that up with ...
May 27, 2017
Misleading headlines on ObamacareThe headline should have been "Medicaid budget increased by $25 billion for 2018." On page 17 of the attached budget document, it shows Medicaid at $403 billion for 2018 versus $378 billion in 2017. The $880-billion cut that was...
May 26, 2017
Do Democratic policies cause more deaths?Democrats are out ripping Trump's budget and the replacement for Obamacare, asserting that these policies will cause people to die. For years, Democrats have supported policies that force car makers to make smaller and lighter cars. ...
May 26, 2017
Why did Trump say that Obama spied on him? Because he did.What is the likelihood that the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Associated Press, USA Today, and other major news outlets will cover the fact that the Obama administration repeatedly violated the law by spying on Ame...
May 25, 2017
It can't be Obama's faultLeave it to Washington Post writer Catherine Rampell to blame anyone other than Obama for the collapse of Obamacare. She uses Iowa as an example, stating that the individual insurance market is collapsing not because of Obam...
May 24, 2017
TheBlaze and the case against TrumpTheBlaze had an article titled "Amid obstruction allegations, political science professor shares 'more powerful' case against Trump." In the article, Professor Andrew Stark of the University of Toronto says: [T]he ...
May 22, 2017
What is missing on Trump's first foreign trip?There has been a lot of focus on terrorists, extremism, Assad, and Iran on Trump's first foreign trip. What is missing, though unreported by the media, is any indication of Trump or anyone traveling with Trump saying climate change is more dan...
May 18, 2017
What would happen to Hillary?USA Today published an editorial imagining what would happen to Hillary if she had had the discussion with Russia as Trump did. The answer is obviously nothing, because he essentially broke no laws and according to those in the r...
May 16, 2017
Should people believe James Clapper?On May 15, the Toronto Star ran an article on the front page by AP quoting James Clapper: "U.S. democracy 'under assault' from Trump and Russia, former intelligence director says." "I think, in many ways, ou...
May 15, 2017
Durbin says Trump is dangerous and has lost his credibilitySenator Dick Durbin, who never seemed to see anything wrong with what Obama or Hillary did, is now running off his mouth about Trump: "Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin says President Trump has become a danger to the country and destroy...
May 13, 2017
Clintons: The pay to play familyThe following story, which ran on Circa, should be extremely important, but I am sure that most of the media will ignore it. It shows that Hillary was willing to ignore ethics laws if people donated to the Clinton Foundation. From the a...
May 8, 2017
Reliable sources for the Washington PostThe Washington Post ran an opinion piece by one of Obamacare's architects, Jonathan Gruber, saying the reason Obamacare is broken and that so many insurance companies are dropping out is Trump. Professor Gruber surely know...
May 6, 2017
Scratch ObamacareWe are constantly told how intelligent Obama is and how dumb Trump is. This article noted that Obama said in 2010 that employers would see a 3,000% decrease in their health premiums because of Obamacare. Is there anything as stupid as s...
May 4, 2017
Hillary would have won if...I find myself excited that Hillary is out there saying she would have won if the election had been over 11 days early. She bases this on the always accurate polls. (Of course, she was ahead in the polls on the night of the election and sh...
May 4, 2017
Imaginary Conflicts of Interest for Trump versus Actual Conflicts of Interest for DemsAfter the Trump Administration released its outline for tax reform I saw a lot of consternation that the tax plan may help Trump himself, and that could be a conflict of interest. But if it is a conflict for Trump to reduce taxes and regulation...
May 2, 2017
Increase the gas tax: A conservative proposal?I was listening to Fox News on my way home from work tonight, and I heard a truly ignorant proposal from Charles Krauthammer for a $1 gas tax increase. Since he admits that it is a highly regressive tax, he advocates a $14-per-week refund fr...
May 1, 2017
Isn't it time the media told the truth about Bush Tax cuts?I feel like I am beating a dead horse on tax cuts, but facts are extremely important if we want to get the economy growing. I get extremely aggravated when I read material like the following paragraph by Paul Waldmen in the Washington P...
April 28, 2017
A Tax Expert's Take on Trump's Proposal: 'A Truly Great Tax Plan'It certainly appears that Trump has more common sense and intelligence on taxes and the economy than many of those advising him, the career politicians from both parties, the bureaucrats, the media and most economists. I am a 64 year old CPA who has ...
April 28, 2017
Matt Lauer, Democratic frontmanOn The Today Show Thursday, Matt Lauer asked Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin if he would raise his right hand and swear that Trump's tax cut proposal would not increase the deficit. Neither Lauer nor any other newsperson asked Obama, any of h...
April 27, 2017
Government shutdowns, the border wall, and rank hypocrisyIn 2006, when Democrats were trying to take over the House and Senate, a majority of them voted for a wall on the Mexican border. President Obama, Senate leader Harry Reid, House leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. Dick Durbin, then-senator Hillary Clin...
April 26, 2017
Real scienceHumans haven't figured out a way to degrade plastic polyethylene bags, but a tiny caterpillar has been discovered that can. I wonder what it evolved from. That article made me think of the many wonders of nature. After the BP ...
April 25, 2017
That great Iran deal...I saw a tape of Ben Rhodes on Fox News this past weekend saying Iran is complying with the deal and that the U.S. should also. Rhodes, last May, also gave an interview in which he admitted that the administration pushed a narrative (lied) to the m...
April 22, 2017
Trump is warned that he can't just do what he wantsThe Washington Post's E.J. Dionne wrote an opinion article that lectures Donald Trump that he can't just do what he wants. A few of the examples Dionne gives are that Trump hasn't released his tax returns, that White ...
April 20, 2017
The single-payer health care insurance trapMany Democrat politicians along with a significant number of reporters support a single-payer system or Medicare for all as the goal for health care in the United States. Yet I read an opinion piece by Catherine Rampell entitled ...
April 17, 2017
The Kansas special election and the media's canardsLast Tuesday, there was a special election in Kansas with no incumbents, and the Republican won only by 8%. As a result, the media gave the standard warning that Republicans had better worry about 2018. These warnings have occurred c...
April 14, 2017
Does EJ Dionne really know what he's talking about?I find it amusing that the media don't understand what Trump's foreign policy is. Just take a look at E.J. Dionne, Jr., who is flopping all over the place trying to interpret through his left-wing lens what Trump is tryi...
April 13, 2017
What is white privilege?The term "white privilege" is thrown around a lot these days. I never thought much about it until a man wrote to our local paper. He was a black man from a family of ten who was the first to graduate from college in his family. ...
April 5, 2017
Funny how no 'unmasking' was done for the Hillary campaignWhy hasn't anyone asked James Clapper, James Comey, or Susan Rice why no calls were inadvertently picked up on Hillary Clinton or any of her campaign team? If the government had been worried about collusion, wouldn't they have listened ...
April 3, 2017
The positive accomplishments of TrumpConsumer confidence is at a 16-year high. Small business confidence is at a twelve-year high. Business confidence on the whole is surging since the election. Trump has surrounded himself with a large number of...
March 31, 2017
A rant about recent media bias, including a flattering article about Maxine WatersI woke up this morning to a long article in my morning paper by the AP called "No Holds Barred, Representative Maxine Waters' Remarks Draw Fans." The brilliant Maxine Waters who recently called out Russia for attacking K...
March 29, 2017
So how did the California drought end?We were told the multi-year California drought was caused by humans, fossil fuels, and CO2. So how did it end? After all, in 2015, this was the standard reportage. Here's an example from a no doubt solemnly intoned NBC News...
March 25, 2017
The logic of the media/Dem obsession with Trump and RussiaI believe I now understand the story of the dangerous Trump-Russia connection that has received 24-7 coverage by the media and Democrats. Because of this story, the main media outlets don't even have enough time to cover the rape of a 14-ye...
March 23, 2017
Does the CBO know what it's talking about on the GOP replacement for Obamacare?Nearly every media outlet is reporting that 24 million people will lose health insurance under the replacement for Obamacare, known as the American Health Care Act (AHCA), as if that were a factual number instead of a wild guess. Maybe someday ...
March 18, 2017
Why the Federal Government Is BrokeThe federal budget in FY 2007 was around $2.7 Trillion. By FY 2017 it had soared to $4.1 Trillion -- but it has never been enough. Politicians of both parties have continuously added programs that benefit some people and which the politician...
March 8, 2017
Will Someone Ask Pelosi About the Original Cost Projections of Obamacare?Remember when Nancy Pelosi said we must pass Obama Care to see what was in it? We also remember that she and hers said Obamacare would lower the deficit and everyone would be able to keep their doctors and policies if they liked them and the whole th...
March 8, 2017
A bone for the left: How about halting visas to nations that kill gays?A recent Mallard Fillmore cartoon suggested that Trump should put the travel ban on countries that kill members of the LGBT community instead of putting the temporary ban on people from the seven countries the Obama administration said are the source...
March 4, 2017
A humorous poll by RasmussenWhat a surprise. Democrats like John McCain better than Donald Trump – 68% to 24%. Isn't it amazing, the respect McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Susan Collins get when they are out trashing Trump? They weren't much in de...
March 3, 2017
Obama and his media alliesThe Democrats and their allies in the media certainly couldn't allow the momentum from the speech to continue; do not want to focus on Trump's initiatives; don't want the public to see much about the meetings with different groups, especi...
March 2, 2017
The Obamacare financing flimflamThe fact that the Obama administration illegally used funds not appropriated by Congress to prop up Obamacare should be a big story, but somehow the diligent media have somehow been able to make sure the public doesn't see it. Essentially, ...
February 26, 2017
After eight years of neglect Durbin suddenly cares about Poland and UkraineIt's amazing, Durbin went to Europe and according to Durbin the things he heard from Poland and Ukraine were that they were scared of Trump. Somehow Durbin must have handed them Democrat talking points. . During Obama's eight y...
February 25, 2017
Media complaining about 1st Amendment rights? Really?The media... ...didn't give a darn when IRS targeted Obama's political opponents, clearly violating their free speech and political speech rights. ...have never cared when Congress, especially Democrats, have sought to limit political s...
February 24, 2017
Immigration and the disingenuous elitesIn Bill Clinton's 1995 State of the Union address, he said all Americans were disturbed by the number of illegal immigrants in the country. He noted the burdens they put on the taxpayers before vowing to crack down aggressively. A par...
February 20, 2017
Enemies of the peopleChris Wallace of Fox News and other media reporters are having fits because Trump tweeted that the media are an enemy of the American people. When the media willingly support a candidate who clearly violated the law by peddling classified do...
February 18, 2017
What Trump has done his first 30 days vs. what Hillary probably would have doneWe know what Trump has done in his first month. We can only guess what Hillary would have done. Here is a short list: Trump has: Started enforcing immigration laws that Congress passed, including building the wall. Started tel...
February 4, 2017
Media suddenly worried about collateral civilian deaths after 8 years of Obama drone attacksThe media weren't very interested in civilian deaths from all of the drone attacks during President Obama's eight years. But with President Trump in office, they are interested again. Reuters: The U.S. military said...
January 31, 2017
Think of all the things Chuck Schumer didn't cry aboutWhen illegal immigrants are released by sanctuary cities and by a president who ignores existing laws, there is little if any empathy by Hollywood, the media, and Democrats when they kill or commit other heinous crimes. There are no protests to...
January 26, 2017
Should taxpayers bail out blue states that have overspent and over-promised?Catherine Rampell has an opinion piece in the Washington Post titled "Blue States are in for a World of Pain." She is worried that rich, high-tax states like California and New York are going to suffer if Medicaid is changed to bloc...
January 26, 2017
Rampant idiocy on the airwavesI heard that Nancy Pelosi said she prays for America and Trump because of what he said about voter fraud. I believe that a lot of us prayed when we had a speaker of the House who had such a reading comprehension problem that she had to pass a b...
January 24, 2017
Alternative facts were the specialty of the Obama administration and its media handmaidensWe were told that fossil fuels, human activity, and melting ice in Alaska caused the drought in California, so how did the drought end? We were told we would have snowless winters, so why were there record snows in the Northeast a couple years ago...
January 9, 2017
The selective empathy of Meryl StreepMeryl Streep lectured us all on the centrality of empathy to her art yet practices it on a highly selective basis, to say the least. At last night’s Golden Globes, she defined her job as a matter of empathizing, and then communi...
January 5, 2017
The true political risk to Republicans is leaving Obamacare on the booksBad laws and regulations should be repealed, not tweaked – and Obamacare should go first. The Democrats are saying how great Obamacare is and that Republicans will make the health care system worse if they repeal it. Chuck Schumer is s...
December 27, 2016
Obama's 'great' economyIt is amazing how supporters of President Obama just rewrite history. In the Washington Post today, Catherine Rampell spouts the Obama party line that the economy is “great.” Trump will soon take office with among the most favo...
December 20, 2016
Did Russia hack? The death of investigative journalism and the rise of fake newsThe purported Russian Hacking is a good example of what could be fake news and of the disappearance of investigative journalism. Here are a few easy questions. For the CIA, President Obama and Josh Earnest: Since you all say specifically tha...
December 15, 2016
Why the Media Can’t Tell the Truth about TrumpAs far I can tell the world is in a much worse place after eight years of President Obama. China, Russia, Iran and Cuba are stronger. The Middle East is in shambles. Terrorism deaths are higher and the world has a massive refugee crisis. I can think ...
December 7, 2016
Obama praises Obama's policies for 'breaking the back' of terrorismPresident Obama is saying this week how his policies are beating the terrorists. This certainly isn't the first time he has said this. In 2012, before the election, Obama repeatedly said the terrorist groups were decimated and on t...
December 3, 2016
Once again media predict disasterThe media and Democrats are up in arms today because Trump had the gall to actually talk to the President of Taiwan in defiance of the Communist Mainland regime’s wishes. Something bad is supposed to happen because…well it’s ...
December 3, 2016
A ‘cold anomaly’ is comingThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has published a map of predicted temperatures the next few days that has one meteorologist saying he “cannot remember last time they have seen such a cold anomaly forecast across almost...
December 2, 2016
Trump actually has had a bigger triumph than Carrier prior to taking officeDuring the campaign, Democrats and the media read Trump the riot act for saying we may reduce our defense of NATO countries if they don’t start paying more for their own defense. Andrea Shalal reports for Reuters: Top NATO and ...
November 20, 2016
Remember the KKK member whose name Democrats don't mind having on monuments?Robert Byrd served as a Democratic senator for over 50 years. He recruited for the Ku Klux Klan, filibustered the Civil Rights Act, and voted against the Voter Rights Act. He held great positions of power in the Democratic Party. ...
November 5, 2016
Dumbest article of the weekOne of the dumbest articles ever is out there this week by the Associated Press and others saying that the Arctic icecaps are melting because humans drive their cars. I wonder if the reporters ever have questions why the icecaps sometimes thicken,...
October 30, 2016
Hillary’s bogus ‘unprecedented’ complaint about ComeyHillary Clinton is saying it is unprecedented that the FBI would inject itself this close to Election Day and many of her media supporters just go along as they do with everything else she says or does. Hillary knows full well that special prosec...
October 13, 2016
Moody's and Buffett and Hillary’s Tax PlanEconomists from Moody’s Analytics write articles saying that Hillary’s economic policies are better for the economy than Trump’s policies. These articles come can come from Mark Zandi, Don White or in this case, Jeff Benjamin. Whene...
October 12, 2016
Hillary and Wall StreetI was watching CNBC Monday when they were reporting that the stock market is up because the market is comfortable with the status quo and the market wants Hillary to win. I have always found explanations of why the market is going up on a daily basis...
October 8, 2016
Trump’s dirty talk versus Hillary’s corruptionIn the past week: - Justice drops the case against a gunrunner from Hillary’s Libya fiasco whose testimony would certainly have harmed Obama and Hillary. - Evidence surfaced that the White House participated in the cover-up of Hillary...
October 5, 2016
What Hillary, Kaine, and the New York Times do not understand about taxesIt is clear from the attacks on Trump about his deduction of legitimate losses that the media, Hillary, and Tim Kaine, need a lesson on the difference between proper, sensible, necessary loss deductions and tax loopholes. Wealthy individuals like ...
October 4, 2016
Let's play 'who lost more money': Trump or Hillary?Hillary says she can't understand how anyone in business could ever lose $1 billion in a single year, yet somehow, according to an inspector general's report, the State Department misplaced $6 billion of taxpayer money because of inadequate i...
October 2, 2016
Trump, Taxes and the TimesSee also: New York Times violates law to publish partial Trump tax return from 90s and speculate about his taxes The New York Times put out a hit piece on Donald Trump saying that he took a $900 billion-plus business loss in 1995 that allowed him ...
October 1, 2016
Dorothy Rabinowitz turns her coatOne of the most deplorable opinion pieces on the election to date appeared in the September 30 Wall Street Journal under the byline of Dorothy Rabinowitz. In it, Rabinowitz calls Hillary “experienced, forward looking, indomitably ...
September 15, 2016
Obamacare and the manipulation of statisticsThe Obama administration is bragging that we are now down to 29 million uninsured because of Obamacare. On September 9, 2009, President Obama was citing the need for Obamacare by saying there were 30 million who couldn’t get coverage. ...
September 9, 2016
Voter IDs: Bank on themThe number of adults without bank accounts has declined rapidly to 7%. Via pymnts.com: … the ranks of the unbanked seem to be on the decline, according to new data released by the FDIC. The percentage of Americans going without b...
September 1, 2016
Treasury battles the EU for tax moneyBoth the NY Times and the WSJ are telling us how upset the Treasury Department and Congress are that the EU has the gall to go after Apple’s money before the U.S. can get it. They say Ireland didn’t collect enough. The most hu...
August 30, 2016
Liberals flout the law while media remains silentThis past weekend, a mother of four was shot to death while walking her children home from school on the south side of Chicago. Sadly, we would not have known about this if she had not been a cousin of NBA star Dwayne Wade. After all, we ...
August 27, 2016
Media hypes Trump's alt-right support, silent about Hillary-SorosHillary Clinton talks about how Trump is influenced by the far right, and the media is glad to go along. Somehow the media don’t seem to care how Hillary relies on the extreme far left for funding and advice, including billionaire George ...
August 25, 2016
Elon Musk's subsidized luxury toys for the richElon Musk has announced an updated Tesla Model S with a 315-mile battery that starts at only $134,500. I almost got on the phone to order one at that low price, where I could go almost 200 miles before I start looking to recharge. The averag...
August 24, 2016
Are the polls for real?There are pundits out in the media world who act as if the race is over and that this August lead by Hillary is almost impossible to overcome. That seems to be greatly exaggerated. The current Real Clear Politics average has Hillar...
August 18, 2016
Hillary is bewildered. Again.I found it hilarious when I read in an AP article that Hillary is “bewildered” about Trump’s foreign policy and suggestions to improve national security. Here is an article that shows her bewilderment. Hillary Clinton has...
August 17, 2016
The Democrats and corruption: Perfect togetherIn June, Democratic representative Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania was found guilty of money laundering, bank fraud, mail and wire fraud. In July, Corrine Brown, a Democratic representative from Florida, was charged with running a fake charity, ...
August 16, 2016
WSJ and TrumpInstead of trashing Trump and complaining that he has alienated some Republicans, why doesn’t the WSJ question why Hillary gets almost universal support among Democrats, the media and Hollywood no matter what she says or does? Isn’t suppo...
August 5, 2016
Obama's news conference: Everything wrong with Democrats, encapsulatedIn President Obama's news conference, he was correct that so many young people going to prison has devastated communities, but he fails to recognize that many of the policies that he and the Democrats advocate contribute greatly to the problem. ...
August 4, 2016
Hey Dems, You really wanna’ talk about ‘fitness for office’?fitness as President and his sanity based on some things he says. Wouldn’t it be wise to analyze Hillary’s and Obama’s fitness to be President based on what they have actually said and done? On September 11, 2012 our consula...
July 28, 2016
Why should I believe what Bill said about Hillary at the DNC?Why should I believe a serial sexual predator, congenital liar, serial adulterer, seller of the Lincoln bedroom, seller of pardons, and releaser of Puerto Rican Terrorists and good buddy of convicted pedophile billionaire Jeff Epstein? Why would I be...
June 29, 2016
Dems and BenghaziThe Democrats on the Benghazi committee show how little they cared about the facts and the death of four Americans and how partisan they are when they mentioned Trump 23 times in their report. Who actually politicized the deaths? Maybe they paid s...
June 25, 2016
Brexit, Obama, and HillaryThe Brexit voters stood up for Britain’s independence. They did not want to be under the thumb of the bureaucrats in Brussels. They did not want to bail out other disastrous economies in Europe. They saw that Britain is strugg...
June 15, 2016
Naming terroristsPresident Obama finally, and angrily, use the words “radical Islam” in referring to terrorism yesterday, invoking straw men in the process of mocking those – alluding especially to Donald Trump – who criticized his avoidance o...
May 29, 2016
Hillary and the IGHillary Clinton and several people who worked at the State Department refused to cooperate with the Inspector General (IG) even though the law requires them to cooperate. Hillary says she didn’t answer questions from the IG because she answered...
May 26, 2016
Obama attacks Trump in JapanThe president is currently in Japan and in effect campaigning against Trump when he said that world leaders are rattled about what Trump will do as president. I thought that is very rich coming from Obama, who had little foreign policy experien...
May 20, 2016
Andrea Mitchell shills for the ClintonsAndrea Mitchell of NBC is being a pure shill for Bill and Hillary, showing no concern for the facts when she says a rape allegation against Bill Clinton is "discredited." Juanita Broaddrick seems very credible as she claims tha...
May 14, 2016
Do government economic numbers make sense?This week we are told by the government that monthly retail sales were up 1.3% in April overall and .6% excluding autos, gas, and food. I have trouble making sense of this number considering that stores of all economic levels have reported decre...
May 7, 2016
Justice Department extremistsI'm confused! Just a few days ago, a 19-year-old boy was arrested for showing his private parts in a class picture. Yet if this same boy or another boy said he has always felt like a girl in a boy’s body and parad...
May 4, 2016
President Obama’s gun obsessionRecently it has become known that over 20,000 illegal immigrant criminals – some of them murderers – have been let back onto our streets. The Obama administration continues to show that it does not care about obeying the laws, abidi...
April 29, 2016
Obama Deserves CreditPresident Obama gives himself credit for bringing the economy out of the ditch and ending what he says was the worst economy since the Great depression which he inherited. The recession actually ended in June 2009, which was around 130 days after ...
April 25, 2016
Blatant pro-Hillary propaganda masquerading as Associated Press news storyIf anyone wants to see what Republicans are up against this fall, we only need to look at a news article by Associated Press writer Catherine Lucey entitled “For Clinton, Church Offers a Trusted Comfort Zone.” This puff piece on Hil...
April 14, 2016
Democrats’ photo ID hypocrisyI heard on the radio the other day that our local housing authority was taking applications for subsidized housing, and I was completely shocked that they were requiring a photo ID. I thought it was oppressing or disenfranchising to require the...
April 9, 2016
Obama expands the regulatory stateOn the front page of the April 8 Wall Street Journal is an article stating that President Obama is ready to issue a flurry of new regulations. A May 2015 study showed that President Obama had issued 468,500 pages of new regulations in th...
April 7, 2016
Obama vs. American corporationsThe Obama administration has slapped new penalties on companies (once again without going through Congress) to prevent them from lawfully merging with other companies, where they would have the freedom to move their corporate headquarters to lower-ta...
April 5, 2016
The minimum wage trapOne of the most dangerous policies to our economic health is the push to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, what they call a living wage. $15 per hour is certainly not a living wage in San Francisco and many other big cities but i...
April 1, 2016
Prosecuting free speechThe U.S. attorney general and the Democrat attorneys general in several states are indicating that they are considering legal action against people who believe that current climate change is natural and cyclical, as it has been throughout billions of...
April 1, 2016
Democrats utterly hypocritical criticizing GOP rhetoricOver the past weeks, the media, President Obama, and Hillary Clinton have lectured Republican presidential candidates that they should change their tone and talk about substance. Republicans are also accused of pitting groups against each other...
March 25, 2016
Media hysteria matches Obama’s on climate and Islamic terrorThe president said on March 23 that terrorism is not an existential threat to the U.S. But he did say that climate change is an existential threat. In this poll, 69% of independents, 80% of Republicans, and 67% of Democrats believe that terr...
March 23, 2016
Government exempts itself from the rules everyone else must followPoliticians and Bureaucrats routinely either exempt themselves from laws they require others to follow or just ignore laws that exist. A couple recent examples are that there was a major EPA spill in Colorado where no one was held to account and...
March 15, 2016
A few simple questions for climate fanaticsPresident Obama, Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton state that climate change is more dangerous to future generations than terrorism. They advocate destroying industries that have greatly improved our quality and length of life. I believ...
February 13, 2016
More 'legacy lies' from outgoing Obama on economyHere is what President Obama said on the Ellen show on Abe Lincoln's birthday: Since I came into office, we reduced the deficit by two-thirds, but if you ask the average person, they're sure that spending has shot up. And the reason is b...
February 5, 2016
Hillary’s server: what we already knowThere are many things we know about Hillary’s private server: It was obvious from day one that a Secretary of State would send or receive thousands of classified and sensitive documents during their term of office. Therefore Hillary was lyin...
January 12, 2016
Will Obama show any tears at the State of the Union?I did not see Obama cry concerning the nine-year-old who died in Chicago by a career criminal gang member who should have been in prison. I did not see him cry or mention anyone who was killed by criminal illegal immigrants whom sanctuary citie...
November 16, 2015
Why can't the terrorists see that climate change is the most important security issue?We shouldn't allow this isolated event in Paris to take our eye off the ball. After all we have our President, Secretary of State and top Democratic candidate focused like a laser beam on the most dangerous threat to our freedom; climate cha...
October 17, 2015
Obama's miserable economyIn the Democratic debate all the candidates said the economy wasn't doing well but gave Obama and Democratic policies a pass. Instead they blamed Bush's policy of letting people keep more of their own money. Hillary absurdly said that t...
September 25, 2015
Questions for the popeI am a Catholic, and I have some questions for the pope and the well-known Christians Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. When God created the Heavens and the Earth, were all natural resources in the Earth meant to stay there, or was there another purp...
July 8, 2015
Why aren't Democrats asked if they agree with sanctuary cities who refuse to enforce immigration laws?Why does the administration sue states like Arizona who want to enforce federal immigration laws and essentially reward sanctuary cities like San Francisco who refuse to enforce the laws of the land? Since sanctuary cities are acceptable to the ad...
June 20, 2015
The media and the popeThe media now obviously considers the pope an expert on science, so why have most of the media reported only on what he said about climate change and completely ignored that he also wrote that abortion is immoral and that life begins at conception?...
March 13, 2015
Rep. Aaron Schock and the misuse of your money in contextA number of media outlets are doing excellent investigative reporting on Rep. Aaron Schock, Republican congressman of Illinois, and his misuse of taxpayer funds and campaign funds. Somehow he forgot very soon that taxpayer funds are not his per...
January 23, 2015
Obama and protocolAccording to Press Secretary Josh Earnest, the president and his staff are offended because Speaker Boehner went around them to invite Netanyahu. They say that violated protocol. That is rich. The president was supposed to keep Congres...
May 31, 2014
Minimum Wage: Denying OpportunityDoes it make any economic sense to raise the minimum wage when youth, minority, and inner city unemployment are so high? More regulations and costs reduce opportunities. Where there is high demand for workers, companies already pay higher wages than ...
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- Charles Martin
- Charles Michael Byrd
- Charles N.W. Keckler
- Charles N.W. Keckler and Ryan L. Cole
- Charles Ortel
- Charles Pierson
- Charles R. Farlow
- Charles Read
- Charles S. Roberts
- Charles Schneider
- Charles Stewart
- Charles Sullivan
- Charles T. Kenny and Paul Swope
- Charles T. Stewart, Jr
- Charles Tate
- Charles Tourot
- Charles Turot
- Charlie Hewitt
- Charlie Johnston
- Charlie Martin
- Charlie Nathan
- Charlie P. Brannan
- Charlie Rose
- Charlie Wolf
- Charlotte Cushman
- Charlotte Hays
- Charlotte Laws
- Charlton Allen
- Chelsea Andrews
- Cherie Zaslawsky
- Cheryl A. Pass
- Cheryl Adamson
- Cheryl Gatesworth
- Cheryl Halpern
- Cheryl Jacobs Lewin
- Cheryl Magness
- Cheryl Smith
- Chet Arthur
- Chet Hanson
- Chet Richards
- Chidike Okeem
- Chip Page and L.E. Ikenga
- Chries King
- Chris Arledge
- Chris Bailey
- Chris Banescu
- Chris Boland
- Chris Corrado
- Chris Covucci
- Chris Cumeo
- Chris DeSanctis
- Chris Duco
- Chris Fenton
- Chris Gallardo
- Chris Harrell
- Chris J. Krisinger
- Chris Joel
- Chris Kemble
- Chris Lewin
- Chris Link, MD
- Chris Medrano
- Chris Mondie
- Chris Powell
- Chris Ricketts
- Chris Salcedo
- Chris Stakhovsky
- Chris Stigall
- Chris Talgo
- Chris Talgo and Emma Kaden
- Chris Talgo and Lennie Jarratt
- Chris Varones
- Chris Volkay
- Chris W. Bell
- Chris Williams
- Chrisopher G. Adamo
- Chriss Street
- Christa Stamper
- Christian Chensvold
- Christian D. Malesic
- Christian Larnet
- Christina Guest
- Christina Herrin
- Christina Jeffrey
- Christina Mascarenas
- Christine A. Goss
- Christine Biediger
- Christopher Alleva
- Christopher Alleva and Michael Geer
- Christopher Armstrong
- Christopher Bedford
- Christopher Brownwell
- Christopher Carson
- Christopher Chantrill
- Christopher Chantrill and Thomas Lifson
- Christopher D. Geisel
- Christopher DeGroot
- Christopher England
- Christopher Essex
- Christopher G. Adamo
- Christopher Garbacz
- Christopher Helbling
- Christopher Holton
- Christopher J. Alleva
- Christopher J. Bakes
- Christopher J. Green
- Christopher J. Hajec
- Christopher J. Schweickert
- Christopher John
- Christopher K. Macaig
- Christopher Knight
- Christopher Lindsay
- Christopher M. Reilly
- Christopher Manion
- Christopher Mendoza
- Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
- Christopher Natale
- Christopher Orlet
- Christopher Paslay
- Christopher R. Moore
- Christopher Reynolds
- Christopher Ricketts
- Christopher Ryan
- Christopher S. Brownwell
- Christopher Schorr
- Christopher Schweickert
- Christopher Skeet
- Christopher Slager
- Christopher West
- Christopher Wozniak
- Chuck Bentley
- Chuck Boyer
- Chuck Donovan
- Chuck Hustmyre
- Chuck Kliche
- Chuck Lowe
- Chuck Mason
- Chuck Mawhinney
- Chuck Meyer
- Chuck Muth
- Chuck Parker
- Chuck Roger
- Chuck Vipperman
- Chuck Wright
- Ciaran Brady
- Cicero
- Cicero2020
- Cincinnatus
- Cindy Chan
- Cindy Simpson
- Cindy Simpson and Alan P. Halbert
- Cinnamon Stillwell
- Cinnamon Stillwell and Eric Golub
- Cinnamon Stillwell and Michael Lumish
- Cinnamon Stillwell and Rima Greene
- Civis Americanus
- Claire Hawks
- Clara
- Clare M. Lopez
- Clarence Vindex
- Clarice Feldman
- Clarice Feldman and Rosslyn Smith
- Clarice Feldman and Thomas Lifson
- Clark Baker
- Clark Barrow
- Clark Wren
- Clarke D. Forsythe
- Claude M. McQuarrie III
- Claude Sandroff
- Clay Adam Ratcliff
- Clay Hegar
- Clayton E. Cramer
- Clayton Spann
- Clayton Warnke
- Cleta Mitchell
- Cliff Nichols
- Cliff Spectre
- Cliff Thier
- Clifford A. Rieders
- Clifford C. Nichols
- Clifford Humphrey
- Clifford Stober
- Clifton Chadwick
- Clint Fiore
- Clinton B. Ashford, M.D.
- Clinton J. Woods and William F. Collins
- Clive Branson
- Clyde Ward
- CM Phillips
- Cody Holt
- Cody Wendt
- Col. Andrew Nichols Pratt
- Col. David Giammona
- Col. David Sutherland
- Col. Lawrence Franklin (Ret.)
- Col. Mike Pefley
- Col. Sam Thiessen
- Col. Tom Snodgrass
- Colin C. Cortbus
- Colin Flaherty
- Colin Gallagher
- Colin McWay
- Colleen Ann Ruggieri
- Colleen Davis
- Colonel Chris J. Krisinger
- Colonel David Hunt
- Colonel Deborah Hanagan
- Colonel William Ivey
- Colton L. Grace
- Congressman Jim Jordan
- Congressman Steve Stockman
- Connie Davies
- Connie Hudgins
- Connor Headrick
- Connor Vasile
- Conrad Biegalski
- Constance Jacobs
- Constantinos E. Scaros
- Cornelia Scott Cree
- Cory Genelin
- Cos E. Callis
- Coty Perry
- Courtney Kramer, Esq.
- Craig B. Goldberg
- Craig Brown
- Craig Bustard
- Craig D. Idso
- Craig Dunkley
- Craig Edwards
- Craig Moberg
- Craig Oknin
- Craig Rucker
- Craig S. Lerner
- Craig Schwartz
- Craig Schwartz and Charlotte Cushman
- Craig Seibert
- Creighton Hill
- Croydon P. Willoughby III
- Crystal Foreman Brown
- Crystal Hoadley
- Curt Newport
- Curtis Frantz
- Curtis Hier
- Curtis Phillips
- Curtis Schube
- Cynical Alaskan
- Cynthia A. Fisher
- Cynthia E. Ayers
- Cynthia Farahat
- Cynthia Lewis
- Cynthia V. Ward
- Cynthia Walker
- Cynthia Yacowar-Sweeney
- Cyrus Yaqubi
- D B Louis
- D st
- D. Berger
- D. Boone Grove
- D. Bruce Merrifield
- D. Diego Torres
- D. Kyle Ward
- D. Lewis
- D. Parker
- D. Sidney Potter
- D. Wayne
- D.A. Francis
- D.B. Grady
- D.F. Mulder
- D.H. Miles
- D.H. Stefanson
- D.J. Garth
- D.K. McGann
- D.K. Venable
- D.L. Adams
- D.L. Hammack
- D.L. Perry
- D.M. Giangreco
- Dakota J. Rabbitt
- Dale A. Fitzgibbons
- Dale Anema
- Dale Bandy
- Dale Herrington
- Dale Hill
- Dale L. Wilcox
- Dale Leuck
- Dale Lowdermilk
- Dale Schlundt
- Dale T. Armstrong
- Dale Wilcox
- Damian Housman
- Damian Max
- Damien Schiff
- Damon Goodall
- Damon H. Petty
- Damon Isherwood
- Damon Miles
- Dan Austin
- Dan Backer
- Dan Berard
- Dan Bethancourt
- Dan Brophy
- Dan Calic
- Dan Celia
- Dan Curry
- Dan Dagget
- Dan Dehner
- Dan E. Phillips
- Dan Filipponi
- Dan Friedman
- Dan Geer
- Dan Gelernter
- Dan Gittings
- Dan Gordon
- Dan Gorski
- Dan Haggerty
- Dan Hill
- Dan Jones
- Dan Joppich
- Dan Kowalski
- Dan Kruger
- Dan Mikhaylov
- Dan Miller
- Dan Nagasaki
- Dan Nagasaki and Glenn Doi
- Dan Perkins
- Dan Perrin
- Dan Rabil
- Dan Redington
- Dan Riehl
- Dan Ross
- Dan Scott
- Dan Shea
- Dan Shehan
- Dan Smyth
- Dan Subotnik
- Dan Sutter
- Dan Tindall
- Dan Truitt
- Dan Uffner
- Dan Vara
- Dan Weber
- Dan Wells
- Dan Whitfield
- Dan Wos
- Dana C. Stewart
- Dana E. Abizaid
- Dana Ferrell
- Dana Pico
- Dangerous Company
- Daniel A. Brubaker
- Daniel Akbari
- Daniel Aronstein and Thomas Lifson
- Daniel Ashman
- Daniel Babcock
- Daniel Baker
- Daniel Bianco
- Daniel Ciofani
- Daniel Cross
- Daniel Davies
- Daniel Downes
- Daniel Duffy
- Daniel Elmore
- Daniel First
- Daniel Fitzgerald
- Daniel Fletcher
- Daniel G. Jones
- Daniel Greenfield
- Daniel Grynglas
- Daniel H. Fernald
- Daniel H. Williams
- Daniel Haggerty
- Daniel J. Flynn
- Daniel Jia
- Daniel John Sobieski
- Daniel Joppich
- Daniel Kowalski
- Daniel L. Mallock
- Daniel Lee
- Daniel Lyons
- Daniel MacLane
- Daniel Mallock
- Daniel Mandel
- Daniel Montrose
- Daniel P. Crandall
- Daniel Pascal
- Daniel Payne
- Daniel Pipes
- Daniel R. DePetris
- Daniel R. Street
- Daniel Reilly
- Daniel Salvaterra
- Daniel Smyth
- Daniel Tauber
- Daniel W. Nebert
- Danielle Greene
- Danielle Johnson
- Dann E. Kroeger
- Danny Huddleston
- Danny Lemieux
- Danny Loe
- Danny M. Simmons
- Danny Murphy
- Danny Ray Berg
- Danusha Goska
- Darcy Meyers
- Daren Bakst
- Daren Jonescu
- Daren M. Williams
- Daren Williams
- Darian Carrow
- Darlene Casella
- Darrell Pack
- Daryl Austin
- Daryl Deino
- Daryl James
- Daryl James and Erica Smith
- Daryl Mahan
- Daryl Montgomery and Jack Kemp
- Dave Agusta
- Dave Ball
- Dave Brat
- Dave Butler
- Dave Carpenter
- Dave DePriest
- Dave Evans
- Dave Gaubatz
- Dave Kado
- Dave Lannen
- Dave Lowrey
- Dave Lowry
- Dave Matthews
- Dave Rosenthal
- Dave Runyan
- Dave Rybarczyk
- Dave Saggio
- Dave Smithee
- Dave St. John
- Dave Thomas
- Dave Zukerman
- David Bueche
- David 'Bull' Gurfein
- David A. Beerman
- David A. Cain
- David A. Eisenberg
- David A. Fennell
- David A. Nace
- David A. Patten
- David Abrams
- David Adams
- David Allen Martin
- David Allender
- David Allison
- David Archibald
- David Avella
- David B. McGarry
- David Baker
- David Barulich
- David Bedein
- David Bedford
- David Beerman
- David Berriman
- David Boehmer
- David Boleneus
- David Bores
- David Brickman
- David Brog
- David Bueche
- David Bukay
- David Butler
- David Byrne
- David C. Christian II
- David C. Innes
- David C.Parks
- David Carlin
- David Catron
- David Cavall
- David Coughlin
- David Culver Brenner
- David D. Begley
- David D. Schein
- David Daley
- David Davidian
- David Deming
- David DePriest
- David Duncan
- David E. Attwood
- David Ennocenti
- David Fennell
- David Finke
- David Flynn
- David Fontaine Mitchell
- David Fredley
- David Fritsche
- David Fuhs
- David G. Littman
- David G. Muller, Jr.
- David Garth
- David Gayvert
- David Gerstman
- David Gibberman
- David Goldman
- David Gortler
- David Gurfein
- David H. Douglass and John R. Christy
- David H. Lee
- David Hale
- David Hancock
- David Harris
- David Hass
- David Heath
- David Hegedus
- David Herr
- David Hiestand
- David Hogberg
- David Hoit
- David Horowitz
- David Hoyt
- David Huntwork
- David I. Stephens
- David Isaac
- David J. Donovan
- David J. Kudish
- David J. Rusin
- David J. Smith
- David Jeffers
- David K. Rehr
- David K. Rehr and Dorin Munteanu
- David Kahn
- David Kamioner
- David Keltz
- David Kolker
- David L. Auchterlonie
- David L. Debertin
- David L. Hunter
- David L. Rosenthal
- David L. Smith
- David Lanza
- David Lawrence
- David Lazar
- David Lee
- David Levine
- David Long
- David M. Bresnahan
- David M. Lenard
- David M.W. Evans
- David Manney
- David McIntosh and Ralph Benko
- David Meyr
- David Mohel
- David Morgan
- David N. Friedman
- David Nace
- David Nesenoff
- David Neufeld
- David Newland
- David Norwood
- David P. McGinley
- David Parmelee
- David Paulin
- David Pfau
- David Philips
- David Pietrusza
- David Plaza
- David Pope
- David Premo
- David Prentice
- David R. Carlin
- David R. Legates
- David R. Levine
- David R. Nathaniel
- David R. Stokes
- David R. Zukerman
- David Rand
- David Randall
- David Rehr
- David Rehr and Joshua Habursky
- David Reynolds
- David Robb
- David Rosenthal
- David Rubin
- David Runyan
- David Rybarczyk
- David S. D'Amato
- David S. D’Amato
- David S. Shimm, M.D.
- David S. Van Dyke
- David S. Whitley
- David Safavian
- David Safavian and Zoe Taylor
- David Sage
- David Scott Strain
- David Singer
- David Singh
- David Smith
- David Solway
- David Solway and Janice Fiamengo
- David Stein
- David Storobin
- David Stuckenberg
- David Swindle
- David Sypher Jr.
- David T. Hardy
- David Thalheimer
- David Thomas Murphy
- David Thomason
- David Twellman
- David Waciski
- David Wallace
- David Walls-Kaufman
- David Weber
- David Weinberger
- David White
- David Williams
- David Workman
- David Wright
- David Yerushalmi
- David Yerushalmi and Col. Tom Snodgrass
- David Ziegelheim
- David Zukerman
- David “Renk” Renkiewicz
- Dawn Merrill
- Dawn Vickye
- DB Ganz
- DC Larson
- DC Observer
- Dean Abbott
- Dean Chambers
- Dean Chang
- Dean Davis
- Dean F. Clancy
- Dean Kalahar
- Dean Kalahar and Robert Shackelford
- Dean Kedenburg
- Dean Malik
- Dean Stephens
- Deana Chadwell
- Deane Fish
- Deane Waldman
- Deane Waldman and Elise Cooper
- Deane Waldman, M.D.
- DeAnn Caylor
- Deanna Chadwell
- Deanna Rogers
- Deanne Heffernan
- Debbie Georgatos
- Debbie Hallberg
- Debbie Wuthnow
- Deborah B. Sloan
- Deborah Bucknam
- Deborah C. Tyler
- Deborah C. Tyler & Theresa S.
- Deborah C. Tyler and Jedd Tyler
- Deborah C. Tyler and Roland Toy
- Deborah Duchon
- Deborah Ephron
- Deborah Franklin
- Deborah Hallberg
- Deborah J. Daniels
- Deborah J. La Fetra
- Deborah Phillips
- Deborah Weiss
- Debra Baker
- Debra Mullins
- Dee Chadwell
- Dee Mansfield
- Demetrick Pennie
- Demetrios Karoutsos
- Demosthenes
- Den Kalmyk
- Denis de Bernardy
- Denis Keohane
- Denise Bossert
- Denise M. Burke
- Denise McAllister
- Denise McNamara
- Denise Shick
- Denison Smith
- Dennis Ambler
- Dennis B.Cooke MD and Carolyn Cooke
- Dennis Chamberland
- Dennis Dose
- Dennis Dowling
- Dennis Evers
- Dennis Hale
- Dennis Halpin
- Dennis King
- Dennis L. Weisman
- Dennis Lund
- Dennis M. O’Connor
- Dennis McCarthy
- Dennis McGowan
- Dennis O'Connor
- Dennis O’Connor
- Dennis P. Halpin
- Dennis Saffran
- Dennis Sevakis
- Dennis T. Avery
- Dennis Turner
- Dennis Weisman
- Denton Scratch
- Dera Enochson
- Derek Czajkowski
- Derek DeLuca
- Derek G. Hanna
- Derek Israel
- Derek Levine
- Derrick Wilburn
- Derry O'Sullivan
- Derryck Green
- Desmond Fambrini
- Devin Sper
- Devorah Goldman
- Dex Bahr
- Dexter Van Zile
- Dexter Wright
- DH Butler
- Diana Allocco
- Diana Appelbaum
- Diana L. Banister
- Diana Mary Sitek
- Diana Muir
- Diana Price
- Diana West
- Diane Amble
- Diane Richardson
- Dianna C. Cotter with L. Donofrio Esq.
- Dianna Muldrow
- Dick Algire
- Diederik van Dijk and Elise van Hoek-Burgerhart
- Digby Jones
- Diliman Abdulkader
- Dimitri Hasandras
- Dimitri Vassilaros
- Dimitris Eleas
- Dina Gusovsky
- Dinesh D'Souza
- Diogenes Jones, M.D.
- Dirk Salvo
- Divyam Mishra
- Dmitri Rutkowski
- Doc Solammen
- Dominic A. Diorio, M.D.
- Dominic A. Diorio, MD
- Dominic A. Rascona, MD
- Dominick T. Armentano
- Don A. Wright
- Don Abel
- Don Allen
- Don Bendell
- Don Blankenship
- Don Boys
- Don Brown
- Don Cicchetti
- Don Clyde
- Don Cox
- Don Crawford
- Don Easterbrook
- Don Feder
- Don Fisher, Jr.
- Don Fotheringham
- Don Griffin
- Don Herston
- Don Nagasaki
- Don Parker
- Don R. Melquist
- Don Rosenberg
- Don Ross
- Don Ruthig
- Don Schaefer
- Don Soifer
- Don Stenberg
- Don Sucher
- Don Thieme
- Don Watson
- Don Wilkie
- Don Wilkie and Jack Cashill
- Don Williams
- Donal D. Kavanagh
- Donald Baker
- Donald Finley
- Donald Hertzmark
- Donald L. Buresh
- Donald L. Gilmore and David Reif
- Donald N. Finley
- Donald P. Nielsen
- Donald Russo
- Donald Salt
- Donald Smith
- Donald W. Bohlken
- Donald Wilkie
- Donn Reeves
- Donna M. Hughes
- Donna Maskell
- Donna S. Cohen
- Donna Underwood
- Donnie Dobro
- Donnie Lopez
- Doris Carender
- Doris O'Brien
- Doris Wise Montrose
- Dorothy Gable
- Doug Altner
- Doug Dodge
- Doug Gamble
- Doug Goodman and Scott Sturman
- Doug Lucas
- Doug MacGregor
- Doug Mainwaring
- Doug McClure
- Doug Petrikat
- Doug Powers
- Doug Simpson
- Doug Thorburn
- Doug Truax
- Douglas A. Perednia, M.D.
- Douglas A. Thompson
- Douglas Altabef
- Douglas Buckland
- Douglas Carswell
- Douglas Flint
- Douglas Hackleman
- Douglas Hanson
- Douglas Hanson and Dr. Mohamed Ibn Guadi
- Douglas Hanson and Joseph Crowley
- Douglas Herz
- Douglas J. Cotton
- Douglas J. Strock
- Douglas Lang
- Douglas McBroom
- Douglas O'Brien
- Douglas Schwartz
- Douglas Stone
- Douglas VanderMeulen and E. Jeffrey Ludwig
- Douglas Williams
- Dov Fischer
- Dov Perel
- Dov Tov
- Dr. A
- Dr. Ben Carson
- Dr. Ben Tapper
- Dr. Benjamin Alli
- Dr. Carole Lieberman
- Dr. Charles T. Kenny
- Dr. Christina Villegas
- Dr. Deeba Abedi
- Dr. Earl Tilford
- Dr. Gregory Young
- Dr. Hammouda Salhi
- Dr. John Meinhold
- Dr. Lyn Olsen
- Dr. Mark Plaster
- Dr. Marvin Folkertsma
- Dr. Michael Galazin
- Dr. Peter Vincent Pry
- Dr. Richard L. Benkin
- Dr. Richard L. Benkin and Roohul Amin
- Dr. Robert Berry
- Dr. Sam Holliday
- Dr. Tar
- Dr. Tom Barron
- Dr. William Strimel
- DrDan
- Drennan Lindsay
- Drew Allen
- Drew Armstrong
- Drew Belsky
- Drew Belsky & Dustin Siggins
- Drew Brown
- Drew J. Reiner
- Drew Mason
- Drix Dressler
- Duggan Flanakin
- Dumbass Photoshop
- Duncan Maxwell Anderson
- Durham Ellis
- Dustan Ashe
- Dustin Siggins
- Dutch Brewer
- Dutch Masters
- Dylan Dean
- Dylan Gwinn
- E. Calvin Beisner
- E. Jeffrey Ludwig
- E. Jeffrey Ludwig and John Hoblin
- E. Michael Young
- E. Sarah Rhodes
- E. Telcontar
- E.D. Waller
- E.L. Burton
- E.M. Cadwaladr
- E.M. Williams
- E.T. Gwynn
- E.T. Wilson
- E.W. Jackson
- E.W. Jackson and Jerome Corsi
- E.W. Jackson Sr.
- Earick Ward
- Earick Ward and Jeffrey Barke
- Earick Ward and Jeffrey I. Barke, MD
- Earl A. Thompson
- Earl J. Catagnus, Jr.
- Earl Wright
- Ebben Raves
- Ed Braddy
- Ed Brodow
- Ed Houser
- Ed Kaitz
- Ed Lasky
- Ed Lasky and Lauri B. Regan
- Ed Lasky and Richard Baehr
- Ed Lasky and Thomas Lifson
- Ed Lasso
- Ed Mazlish
- Ed McEff
- Ed Rosolie
- Ed Sherdlu
- Ed Straker
- Ed Swiderski
- Ed Thomas
- Ed Thompson
- Ed Timperlake
- Ed Timperlake and Robbin Laird
- Ed Waage
- Ed Woods
- Eddie Willers
- Edgar Wilson
- Edie Everette
- editor
- editor's note
- Edmond D. Smith
- Edmund Contoski
- Eduardo Rivero Puente
- Edvard Jorgensen
- Edward Acosta
- Edward Amatetti
- Edward Anderson
- Edward Bernard Glick
- Edward Davis
- Edward E. Bartlett
- Edward H. Stewart, Jr.
- Edward Hudgins
- Edward Kennelly
- Edward L. Daley
- Edward Lozansky
- Edward Lulie
- Edward Mike
- Edward Olshaker
- Edward Paltzik
- Edward R. Long
- Edward R. Zuckerbrod
- Edward Rosolie
- Edward Stewart
- Edward Thal
- Edward Woodson
- Edwin W. Moore
- Efraim A. Cohen
- Efraim Karsh
- Eileen F. Toplansky
- Eileen Griffin-Ray
- Eileen Kilgore
- Eileen McDevitt and Larrey Anderson
- Eireahmon Feidhlim Ruaidhri
- Elad Hakim
- Elad Uzan
- Elaine Donnelly
- Elaine Sandler
- Elder George
- Eleanor Dashwood
- Eli Friedman
- Eli Meerman
- Eli Verschleiser
- Elihu Perkins
- Elijah G. Pardo
- Elinor Lynn Warner
- Eliot Bakker
- Eliot Pattison
- Eliott Engel
- Elisabeth Allen
- Elise Cooper
- Elise Cooper and Phil Cooper
- Elise Ehrhard
- Elizabeth Ames Jones
- Elizabeth Appell
- Elizabeth Bennett
- Elizabeth Chryst
- Elizabeth Cowan
- Elizabeth Herring
- Elizabeth Hicks
- Elizabeth Hicks Martinez
- Elizabeth Lauren
- Elizabeth M. Economou
- Elizabeth Naham
- Elizabeth Smiley
- Elizabeth Weber Levy
- Ellen Anthony
- Ellen M. Young
- Ellen Meade
- Ellen Sauerbrey
- Ellen Staniszewski
- Ellen Walter
- Elliot B. Gertel
- Elliot Eisenberg
- Elliot Resnick
- Elliot Sands
- Elliot Schimel
- Elliott Hirsch
- Elliott Lang
- Elliott Wainwright
- Elvira F. Hasty
- Elwin Tobing
- Ember Alexander
- Emery Jones
- EMET Staff
- Emilia Stark
- Emily Greenwood
- Emily Harvey
- Emily Riley
- Emily Younger
- Emma Kaden and Chris Talgo
- Emmaline Merrill
- Enoch Johnson
- Enza Ferreri
- Enzo Reale
- Epa Minondas
- Eric Burton
- Eric Clary
- Eric Dawe
- Eric Florack
- Eric Georgatos
- Eric Giunta
- Eric Golub
- Eric Gomez
- Eric Hollifield
- Eric Holmes
- Eric Holmes and Dean Chang
- Eric Homes
- Eric Kaufman
- Eric Laurine
- Eric Mitchell
- Eric Novack, MD
- Eric Peters
- Eric Peterson
- Eric Richter
- Eric Rozenman
- Eric Rozenman and Myron Kaplan
- Eric Schwappach
- Eric Scott
- Eric Singer
- Eric Sutter
- Eric Tully
- Eric Utter
- Erich J. Prince
- Erik Arnold
- Erik Durneika
- Erik Gregory
- Erik Gregory and Todd Gregory
- Erik Khzmalyan
- Erik Svane
- Erin Mersino
- Erin Morrison
- Erin Philen
- Ernest Everett Blevins
- Ernest Fry
- Ernest in Houston
- Ernest in Texas
- Ernest Reynolds III
- Ernest Sipes
- Ernesto J. Antunez
- Errol Phillips
- Erroll Ivery
- Erwin Haas
- Erwin Haas, M.D.
- Esther Cameron
- Esther Green
- Esther Haas
- Esther Queen
- Ethan Epstein
- Ethan Watson
- Ethel C. Fenig
- Eugene G. Windchy
- Eugene Hovekamp
- Eugene Ostrovsky
- Eugene Slaven
- Eugene Veklerov
- Eva Kneifel
- Evan Berryhill
- Evan Boudreau
- Evan Kates
- Evan Kleeberg
- Evan Kleeburg
- Evan Mackey
- Evan Maguire
- Evan Moore
- Evelyne Joslain
- Everett Brunson
- Everett Gratrix
- Ewa Thompson
- Ezequiel Doiny
- Ezra Greenberg
- Ezra Wyrick
- F. Andrew Wolf, Jr.
- F. Charles Parker IV
- F. F. Fiore
- F. Mahmoudi & P. Shafiee
- F. Owen Smith
- F. Paul Valone
- F. Stephen Felt
- F. Swemson
- F. W. Burleigh
- F.J. Rocca
- Faith Kuzma
- Faith Kuzma and Meredith Kuzma
- Faith Quintero
- Fara Mahmoudi
- Farrell Bloch
- Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh and Andreas Benl
- Fay Voshell
- Fay Voshell and Jacqueline Hamilton
- Fay Voshell and Kevin Wade
- Felton Williamson, Jr.
- Ferdinand Bardamu
- Fernando R. Tesón
- Fernando Villamar
- Fionna Sciame Elliot
- Firas Samuri
- Fishel Jacobs
- Fisher Adams
- Fjordman
- Fletch Daniels
- Florian Barbedienne
- Flyoverpen
- Forrest Byas
- Forrest Stump
- Fran Fawcett Peterson
- Fran Solomita
- Frances Twitty
- Francis G. Rushford
- Francis Isabel
- Francis P. Sempa
- Francis X. Ryan
- Frank A. Greco
- Frank Amato
- Frank Bigelow
- Frank Burke
- Frank Cannon and Chuck Donovan
- Frank Cashin
- Frank Crimi
- Frank Dudley Berry, Jr
- Frank E. Howard
- Frank Friday
- Frank Gutting
- Frank Hawkins
- Frank J. Gaffney
- Frank J. Tipler
- Frank Johnson
- Frank Liberato
- Frank Lovell
- Frank Miniter
- Frank Pinski
- Frank R. Gunter
- Frank Ryan
- Frank Ryan and Dawn Keefer
- Frank S. Rosenbloom, M.D.
- Frank Salvato
- Frank Santarpia
- Frank Scaturro
- Frank Solomon
- Frank Underwood
- Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr.,
- Frank Watt
- Frank. V. Johnson
- Franklin D. Raddish
- Franklin Raff
- Franklin Seneca
- Frayda Levin and Carrie Lukas
- Fred Baggins
- Fred Bauer
- Fred Baumann
- Fred Bindewald
- Fred C. Kopp
- Fred Douglass
- Fred Farrokh
- Fred Gentry
- Fred Goldenson
- Fred Gottheil
- Fred Grandy
- Fred J. Eckert
- Fred L. Smith Jr.
- Fred Lucas
- Fred N. Sauer
- Fred Pasek
- Fred Pry
- Fred Snelson
- Frederick Hink
- Frederick J. Chiaventone
- Frederick Melchiorre
- Frederick Pierson
- Frederick W. Stakelbeck, Jr.
- Frederik H. Coppes
- Friedrich Seiltgen
- Frits Byron Soepyan
- Fritz Pettyjohn
- G. Andrew Duthie
- G. Dominguez
- G. Donald Allen
- G. Feygin
- G. Murphy Donovan
- G. Wesley Clark
- G. Wesley Clark, MD
- G. Younica
- G.G. Lee
- G.S. Don Morris, Ph.D
- G.W. Gorge
- Gabriel Glickman
- Gabriel Latner
- Gabriel Welch
- Gabriel Williams
- Gabriela Eyal, Psy.D., and Chad Savage, M.D.
- Gaby Kouric
- Gamaliel Isaac
- Ganon Evans
- Gar Schulin
- Garland Tucker
- Garry Owen
- Gary A. Page
- Gary Aminoff
- Gary Bachlund
- Gary Bauer
- Gary Branfman
- Gary Burk
- Gary de Sesa
- Gary DeYoung
- Gary Gindler
- Gary Goldman
- Gary H. Johnson, Jr.
- Gary Hancock
- Gary Henderson
- Gary Horne
- Gary Hull
- Gary Jason
- Gary L. Brown
- Gary L. McDowell
- Gary L. Rathbun
- Gary Larson
- Gary Loss
- Gary M. Collier
- Gary M. Galles
- Gary M. Wilmott
- Gary Marshall
- Gary McCaleb
- Gary Mottola
- Gary Owen
- Gary Radtke
- Gary S. Goldman
- Gary Schiff
- Gary Thompson
- Gary W. Boettner
- Gary Watts
- Gary Wolf
- Gary Wolfram
- Gavin Wax
- Gayle Kesselman
- Gene Comiskey
- Gene E. Blanton
- Gene J. Koprowski
- Gene Lalor, Ph.D
- Gene M. Van Son
- Gene Poteat
- Gene Schwimmer
- Gene Tarne
- Gene Tarne and David Prentice
- Gennady Shkliarevsky
- Geoff Brown
- Geoffrey Burr
- Geoffrey Clarfield
- Geoffrey Clarfield and Salim Mansur
- Geoffrey P. Hunt
- George
- George A. Santino
- George Ajjan
- George Bacon
- George Boykin
- George D. Montgomery
- George De Vries III
- George De Vries lll
- George Duran
- George Haber
- George Handlery
- George Harbison
- George Humphries
- George Joyce
- George Joyce and Larrey Anderson
- George Leef
- George Lemmond
- George Louvis
- George M. Hollenback
- George M. Perry
- George Marcina
- George Montgomery
- George Neumayr
- George P. Harbison
- George Picard
- George Right
- George Rojas
- George Scaggs
- George Scaggs and Sibyl West
- George Shen
- George Shuster
- George W. Ford
- George W. Shuster
- George Walsh
- George Witkowski
- George Zanmiller
- George Zimmerman
- Georgine Scott-Codiga
- Georgy Gounev
- Gerald Dudley Ph.D
- Gerald K. McOscar
- Gerald McGlothlin
- Gerald McOscar
- Gerald Santovsky
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- Gerald T. Rigdon
- Gerard T. Riess and Laura LaLone
- Gerard V. Bradley
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- Gezgin
- Ghenghis Gary
- Gideon Isaac
- Gideon Israel
- Gidon BenZvi
- Gil Dominguez
- Gilbert C. Frye
- Gina Friedlander
- Gini Wolters
- Girma J. Orssengo
- Gisele Bierzon
- Giuliano Maciocci
- Giuseppe Gori
- Glen Meakem
- Glen Tschirgi
- Glenn Doi and Don Nagasaki
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- Glenn K. Beaton
- Glenn R. Schleede
- Glenn Spitzer
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- Gloria Cavazos
- Gordon Evans
- Gordon Tomb
- Gordon Wysong
- Grace Harley
- Graham Cunningham
- Granola Conservative
- Grant
- Grant Anderson
- Grant Baker
- Grant Dossetto
- Grant Ellis
- Grant Giske
- Grant Kielczewski
- Graves Collins
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- Greg Daniels
- Greg Finch
- Greg Franks
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- Greg Holloway
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- Greg Maresca
- Greg Moo
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- Greg Penglis
- Greg Pisarevsky
- Greg Reese
- Greg Reeson
- Greg Richards
- Greg Ripke
- Greg Roller
- Greg S.
- Greg Salsbury
- Greg Young
- Gregg Cudworth
- Gregg J. Rickman
- Gregory A. Andree
- Gregory A. Collins
- Gregory A. Czapanskiy
- Gregory Buls
- Gregory D. Rohrbough
- Gregory Gordon
- Gregory L. Farrell
- Gregory McCants
- Gregory Oatis
- Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes
- Gregory Topliff
- Gregory V. Helvering
- Gregory Winkeleer
- Gregory Wrightstone
- Gregory Young
- Griff Hogan
- Grizzly Joe
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- Gustavo Coronel
- Guy Bartleson
- Guy Chet
- Guy DeWhitney
- Guy Hummel
- Guy K. Mitchell, Jr.
- Guy Millière
- Guy Redmer
- Guy Somerset
- Guy Wells
- H. Denny Wisely
- H. Freeman
- H. Gordon Smith III
- H. Sachs
- H. Sachs, M.D.
- H. Sterling Burnett
- H. Sterling Burnett and Justin Haskins
- H.K. Rivera
- H.P. Smith
- Haim Radin
- Hal R. Crane
- Hal Scherz
- Hal Scherz, M.D.
- Hal Stevens
- Haley Kennington
- Hallie Smith
- Hamid Bahrami
- Hamid Bahrani
- Hamid Enayat
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- Hammouda Salhi
- Hank Campbell
- Hank Rearden
- Hank Vanderbeek
- Hank Wallace
- Hannah Spier, M.D.
- Hannah Wegman
- Hans Comprix
- Hany Ghoraba
- Hardy Grover
- Hari Tsoukas
- Harlan Platt
- Harlyn De Luna
- Harold A. Elkins
- Harold Goldmeier
- Harold Harrison
- Harold Kildow
- Harold Leaman
- Harold Lowery
- Harold Wilbur
- Harold Witkov
- Harrington
- Harry A. White II
- Harry Beadle
- Harry Ben-Zvi and Gidon Ben-Zvi
- Harry Binswanger
- Harry Clor
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- Harry Graver
- Harry Hunter
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- Harry Kanigel
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- Harry Pike
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- Harry White
- Harvey M. Sheldon
- Hassan Dai
- Hassan Daioleslam
- Hassan Mahmoudi
- Hassan Nurullah
- Hayden Ludwig
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- Heather Agins
- Heather Carlton
- Heather Crossin
- Heather Kays
- Heather McCauley
- Hector Memes
- Heidi Klessig, M.D.
- Heidi Klessig, M.D. and Christopher W. Bogosh
- Helen Cadogan
- Helen Freedman
- Helen Louise Herndon
- Helen Raleigh
- Henley Hornbrook
- Henrick Hermansson
- Henry Clark
- Henry Edwards
- Henry F. Smith, Jr.
- Henry F. Smith, Jr., M.D.
- Henry F. Smith, M.D.
- Henry Kopel
- Henry Kriegel
- Henry Lamb
- Henry Lucas
- Henry McCain
- Henry Oliner
- Henry P. Wickham, Jr.
- Henry P. Wickham, Jr. and George P. Harbison
- Henry P. Wickham, Jr. and Michael Keane
- Henry Pelifian
- Henry Percy
- Henry Pierson
- Henry Scanlon
- Henry Wickham
- Herb Glatter
- Herb London
- Herbert E. Meyer
- Herbert J. Walberg and Joseph L. Bast
- Herbert London
- Herbert London and Larry Parks
- Herbert London and Steve King
- Herbert W. Titus and Robert J. Olson
- Herbert W. Titus and William J. Olson
- Herman Steinbeck
- Hershel M. Chicowitz
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- Hesham Shehab and Anne-Christine Hoff
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- Holly Whitman
- Horizons Maximized
- Hoss Varad
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- Howard J. Warner
- Howard Lurie
- Howard McCrum
- Howard R. Simkin
- Howard Richman
- Howard Richman and Jesse Richman
- Howard Richman and Raymond Richman
- Howard Richman, Jesse Richman and Raymond Richman
- Howard Richman, Jesse Richman, and Raymond Richman
- Howard Richman, Raymond Richman and Jesse Richman
- Howard Richman, Raymond Richman, and Jesse Richman
- Howard Sachs
- Howard Slugh
- Howard Underwood
- Hubert Collins
- Huck Davenport
- Hugh de Payns
- Hugh Galyen
- Hugh Iwanicki
- Hugh MacKenzie
- Hugh McInnish
- Hugh Myers
- Hugh O'Connor
- Hugh Reynolds
- Humberto Fontova
- Hunter Kallay
- Hyatt Seligman
- I.Q. al-Rassouli
- Ian Bugbee
- Ian Fletcher
- Ian Lawrence
- Ian MacConnell
- Ian Oxnevad
- Ian Rock
- Ian Smith
- Ian Thompson
- Ignatz Stiglitz
- Igor C. Magalhaes
- Igor Mandel
- Igor Mandel and Stan Lipovetsky
- Igor Mel’čuk
- Ilana Mercer
- Ilya Feoktistov
- Ilya Feoktistov and Charles Jacobs
- Inez Feltscher
- Inge Kummant
- Iohanan A. Carvalho
- Ion Mihai Pacepa
- iOwnTheWorld editorial staff
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- Israel Ortega
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- Itu Laze
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- Ivan Sascha Sheehan
- Ivar Scheers
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- J. Allen Cartwright
- J. Bradley Jansen
- J. F. Gaski
- J. Garvin Walsh
- J. Hawker
- J. James Estrada
- J. K. McGowan
- J. Kennerly Davis
- J. Kennerly Davis, Jr.
- J. Kowalski
- J. Lewis Hedges
- J. Majburd
- J. Marsolo
- J. Matt Barber
- J. Michael
- J. Michael Jaffe
- J. Millard Burr
- J. Motos Gordon
- J. N. Kish
- J. Paul Masko
- J. Paul Oso
- J. Peter Mulhern
- J. Richard Pearcey
- J. Robert Smith
- J. Thomas Rompel
- J.A. Frascino
- J.A. Frascino, MD
- J.A. Jackson
- J.B. Cohle
- J.B. Pensyltucky
- J.B. Seabolt and William Seabolt
- J.B. Shurk
- J.B. Williams
- J.C. Arenas
- J.C. Hawkins
- J.C. Peters
- J.C. Smith
- J.D. Palmer
- J.D. Pendry
- J.D. Thorpe
- J.G. Carter
- J.G. Collins
- J.G. Maggio
- J.G. Smith
- J.G. Walsh
- J.H. Capron
- J.J. Speelman
- J.K. Gregg
- J.L. Johnson
- J.L. North
- J.L. Schaefer
- J.L. Woodruff
- J.M. Gould
- J.M. Mullin
- J.M. Mullin, Ph.D.
- J.M. Phelps
- J.N. Jones
- J.P. Donnelly
- J.P. Golbert
- J.R. Dunn
- J.R. Morgan
- J.R. Nash
- J.R. Vidueira
- J.S. Anderson
- J.T. Hatter
- J.W. Buckley
- Jack Birnbaum, M.D.
- Jack Bovee
- Jack Buckby
- Jack Byrd
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- Jack Carlson and Eric Wind
- Jack Carson and N.M. Guar
- Jack Cashill
- Jack Chapman
- Jack Curtis
- Jack Dini
- Jack Eldon Jackson
- Jack Engelhard
- Jack Forrest
- Jack Gleason
- Jack Golbert
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- Jack Hellner
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- Jack Kerwick
- Jack L. Schwartzwald
- Jack Leach
- Jack Lott
- Jack Lundberg
- Jack MacKenzie
- Jack McPherrin
- Jack Midori
- Jack Nostromo
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- Jack Rudd
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- Jacques Porter
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- Jake Welch
- Jakob Kunst
- Jamaica Plain
- James M. Waurishuk
- James A. Betti
- James A. Betti, M.D.
- James A. Cooke
- James A. George
- James A. Leggette
- James A. Leggette and Michael W. Funk
- James A. Lyons
- James A. Nollet
- James Aaron Brown
- James Anderson
- James Anthony
- James Arlandson
- James Arlandson and Soliman albuthe
- James Baker
- James Balch
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- James Erwin
- James Fencil
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- James G. Wiles
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- James Harden
- James Holmes
- James J. Johann
- James Jeffery
- James Kahn
- James Kourlas
- James L. Beam
- James L. Swofford
- James Lampe
- James Leggette and Michael Funk
- James Lewis
- James Lewis and Justine Aristea
- James Long
- James Longstreet
- James Lopez
- James Lowe
- James M. Andrews
- James M. Bron
- James M. McDonough
- James M. McKain
- James M. Mullin
- James M. Sandell
- James M. Waurishuk
- James Marino
- James Martin
- James McAlister
- James Meagher
- James Miller
- James Milliken, Jr.
- James Moore
- James Moseley
- James Mullin
- James Nollet
- James P. Whetzel
- James P. York
- James Poplar
- James R. Beam
- James R. Dunworth
- James R. Fencil
- James R. Harden
- James R. Holmes
- James R. Kaminski
- James R. Russell
- James R. Stewart
- James Ray Deaton
- James Reynolds
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- James S. Spiegel
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- James Scott Hamilton
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- James Tygart
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- James V. Capua and William T. Alpert
- James V. DeLong
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- James Waite
- James Watkins
- James Yardley
- James Young
- James Zumwalt
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- Jamie Glazov
- Jamie Hope
- Jamie Monckton
- Jamie Radtke
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- Janet Levy and Nidra Poller
- Janet Levy and Paul E Vallely
- Janet Lynn
- Janet Tassel
- Janet Walters Levite
- Janice Fiamengo
- Janice Shaw Crouse
- Janice Shaw Crouse and Brenda Zurita
- Janice Shaw Crouse and George Tryfiates
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- Janusz Bugajski
- Jared Arluck
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- Jared Feldschreiber and Anguelina Piskova
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- Jason Deiterung
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- Jason Katz Cooper
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- Jason Mattera
- Jason McNew
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- Jason Peirce
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- Jay Schalin and Duke Cheston
- Jay Schalin and Jenna Ashley Robinson
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- Jeffrey C. Barefoot
- Jeffrey Clancy
- Jeffrey D. Brunner
- Jeffrey D. Korzenik
- Jeffrey Eckert
- Jeffrey Finegan
- Jeffrey Folks
- Jeffrey Hogan
- Jeffrey I. Barke
- Jeffrey I. Barke and Earick Ward
- Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D.
- Jeffrey J. Clayton
- Jeffrey James Higgins
- Jeffrey L. Scribner
- Jeffrey M. Spiers
- Jeffrey Markus
- Jeffrey Mazzella
- Jeffrey Osonitsch
- Jeffrey R. Carter
- Jeffrey Rhodesa
- Jeffrey Ricker
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- Jeffrey Stueber
- Jeffrey T. Brown
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- Jeffrey Thomas
- Jeffrey W. Barrett
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- Jeffrey Wright
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- Jerome Arnett, Jr., M.D. and John Dale Dunn, M.D.
- Jerome Darnell
- Jerome Huyler
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- Jerome Michaels
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- Jerome Schmitt
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- Jess Jones, MD
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- Jesse Richman and Howard Richman
- Jesse Richman, Howard Richman and Raymond Richman
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- Jim Dillon, M.D.
- Jim Ellis
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- Jim Franklin
- Jim Gammon
- Jim Gammon and Admiral Ben Moreell
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- Jim Harden
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- Jim Penman
- Jim Pettit
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- Jim Rhoads
- Jim Ross Lightfoot
- Jim Sauer
- Jim Smith
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- Jim Wambach
- Jim Watkins
- Jim Waurishuk
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- Jim Wiggins
- Jim Yardley
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- Joe Alton, M.D.
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- Joel Gilbert and Jack Cashill
- Joel J. Sprayregen
- Joel K. Douglas
- Joel Krogen
- Joel Levine, MD
- Joel Levine, MD and Wendell Wallach
- Joel Martin
- Joel Mowbray
- Joel Pack
- Joel Pollak and Alex Jakubowski
- Joel Shults
- Joesph Grant Swank, Jr.
- Joesph Smith
- Joetta Forsyth
- Joey Porter
- Joey Saia
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- Johanna Markind
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- John A. Huettner
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- John B. Dwyer
- John B. McCall
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- John Blu
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- John Bosma
- John Bugadi
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- John C. Chalberg
- John C. Drew
- John C. Greene
- John C. Wohlstetter
- John C. Zimmerman
- John Caleb Chapman
- John Calvin
- John Carne
- John Cauthen
- John Chapman
- John Clarke
- John Cleer
- John Cody Mosbey
- John Conlin
- John Cuoco
- John D. Dingell III
- John D. Donaldson
- John D. McLean
- John D. O'Connor
- John D. O’Connor
- John D. Steinrucken
- John Dale Dunn
- John Dale Dunn and Joseph Bast
- John Dale Dunn and Steve Milloy
- John Dale Dunn, M.D.
- John David Powell
- John Dempsey
- John Deyermond, Maj. Gen (ret.)
- John Dietrich
- John Donaldson
- John Donaldson, MD
- John Drew
- John Droz, Jr.
- John Dunn
- John Dunn and Gerard J. Gianoli
- John Dunn and Steve Milloy
- John E. Jaggers
- John E. Rafferty
- John E. Tutten
- John Eidson
- John Ellis
- John Engle
- John F. Copper
- John F. Di Leo
- John F. Gaski
- John F. Risko
- John Ferry
- John Foley
- John Fraim
- John Fricke
- John G. Maguire
- John Gaski
- John Glynn
- John Green
- John Green and Quentin Smith
- John Griffing
- John H. Capron
- John Hagee and Joseph Potasnik
- John Hajjar
- John Harvey
- John Horvat II
- John Huettner
- John Huffman
- John Hughes
- John Hughes, M.D.
- John Hunt
- John J. Duncan, Jr.
- John J. Mastronardi
- John James
- John K. Press
- John Kaempf
- John Kane, Erin Mersino, and William Wagner
- John Keller
- John Kelly
- John Kenneth Press
- John Kinsellagh
- John Klar
- John Kline
- John Krawczyk
- John Kudla
- John L. Chapman
- John L. Hancock
- John L. Podczerwinski
- John L. Work
- John Leonard
- John Leonard and Beverly Edds
- John Ligato
- John Lillpop
- John Lilly
- John Lockwood
- John Long
- John Longstreet
- John M. Clark
- John M. Contino
- John M. Ellis
- John M. Grondelski
- John M. O'Hara
- John M. WIlliams, Sr.
- John M. Williams, Sr., M.D.
- John Mac Ghlionn
- John Mariotti
- John Masko
- John Mason
- John Massoud
- John Mastronardi
- John Mattingly
- John McClaughry
- John McCullough
- John McLaughlin
- John McMahon
- John Meinhold
- John Mendez
- John Merrifield and Barry Poulson
- John Morgan
- John O'Connor
- John O'Neill
- John Ourednik
- John Ozanich
- John P. Christie
- John P. Kuchta, Jr.
- John Parker
- John Parrott
- John Pechette
- John Peeples
- John Piper
- John Pisciotta
- John Press
- John Pudner
- John R. Anderson
- John R. Graham
- John R. Guardiano
- John R. Page
- John R. Smith
- John Radell
- John Redding
- John Roberts
- John Robin Rice
- John Robinson
- John Rodeback
- John Rogers
- John Ross
- John Rossomando
- John Ruehl
- John Rutledge
- John S. Allen
- John S. Rogers
- John Schultheis
- John Scotto
- John Simpson
- John Singleton
- John Smith
- John Sohne
- John Stapleton
- John Steinreich
- John Stephen Frey
- John Swails
- John Swallow
- John T. Bennett
- John Train
- John Tsarpalas
- John Turner
- John Velleco
- John Vernon
- John Vincent
- John W. Howard
- John W. Swails
- John W. Truslow, III
- John W. White
- John Walker
- John Washington
- John Watson
- John Wharton
- John White
- John Woods
- John Work
- John Zeller
- John Ziegler
- John Zimmerlee and Mark Sauter
- John-Henry Westen
- John-Pierre Maeli
- Johnathan Jett
- Johnathan T. Jett
- Johnny Alamo
- Johnny Ray
- Johnston Harewood
- Jon Anthony
- Jon Barry
- Jon Bishop
- Jon Brown
- Jon Bruning
- Jon Caruthers
- Jon Daly
- Jon Decker
- Jon Gallant
- Jon George, MD
- Jon Guertin
- Jon Henchen
- Jon Henschen
- Jon Levin
- Jon McCloskey
- Jon N. Hall
- Jon Pavlish
- Jon R. Loose
- Jon Reisman
- Jon Sanders
- Jon Stewart
- Jon Threlkeld
- Jon Watts
- Jon Weber
- Jon Wickwire
- Jonathan A. Gallant
- Jonathan Abbamonte
- Jonathan Barnes
- Jonathan Barth
- Jonathan Bishop
- Jonathan Braun
- Jonathan Bydlak
- Jonathan Cohen
- Jonathan Colvin
- Jonathan D'Oleo
- Jonathan D. Strong
- Jonathan David Carson
- Jonathan Decker
- Jonathan Denson
- Jonathan Dever
- Jonathan Edelman
- Jonathan Ehret
- Jonathan F. Keiler
- Jonathan Gault
- Jonathan Gelbart
- Jonathan Hofer
- Jonathan J. D’Oleo
- Jonathan Kinlay
- Jonathan Lange
- Jonathan Lee
- Jonathan Levin
- Jonathan McClendon
- Jonathan Murray
- Jonathan Neumann
- Jonathan P. Kahn
- Jonathan Putney
- Jonathan R. Verlin
- Jonathan Schanzer and Asaf Romirowsky
- Jonathan Schanzer and Madeleine Morgenstern
- Jonathan Schiff
- Jonathan Schlackman
- Jonathan Schlein
- Jonathan T. Gilliam
- Jonathan Verlin
- Jonathan Verlin and E. Jeffrey Ludwig
- Jonathan Wakefield
- Jonathan Weaver
- Jonathan Weber
- Jonathan Wood
- Jonathon Moseley
- Jonivan Jones
- Jordan Black
- Jordan Blashek
- Jordan Bybee
- Jordan Campbell
- Jordan Cope
- Jordan Prescott
- Jordan Schachtel
- Jordan Schachtel and Jarrett Stepman
- Jorge E. Ponce
- Jorge Velasco
- Jose Benavides
- Jose Reyes
- Joseph A. Frascino, MD
- Joseph A. Frascino,MD
- Joseph A. Kohm, Jr.
- Joseph A. Morris
- Joseph Agnes
- Joseph Archer
- Joseph Ashby
- Joseph Ashby and Drew Foy
- Joseph Bast
- Joseph C. Newtz
- Joseph Charles McKenzie
- Joseph D'Hippolito
- Joseph Davis
- Joseph Di Sante
- Joseph E. Ciotti
- Joseph E. McIsaac
- Joseph F. Laredo
- Joseph Felton
- Joseph Finlay
- Joseph Fish
- Joseph Ford Cotto
- Joseph Frascino
- Joseph Ghougassian
- Joseph Gish
- Joseph Haas
- Joseph Hatch
- Joseph Hong
- Joseph J. Aliotta
- Joseph Kulve
- Joseph L. Bast
- Joseph L. Masi
- Joseph L. Murray
- Joseph L. Shaefer
- Joseph LaRue
- Joseph Levin
- Joseph M. Koenig
- Joseph MacKinnon
- Joseph Myers
- Joseph Nicolello
- Joseph Puder
- Joseph Rosenberger
- Joseph S. Spoerl
- Joseph Semprevivo
- Joseph Shattan
- Joseph Shepherd
- Joseph Smith
- Joseph Solters
- Joseph Somsel
- Joseph Sorrentino
- Joseph Svetlic
- Joseph Toomey
- Joseph W. Dooley
- Joseph Wilson
- Joseph Y. Calhoun, III
- Josh Colon
- Josh Culper
- Josh First
- Josh Holler
- Josh Kantrow
- Josh Klenoff
- Joshua Allen
- Joshua Anumolu
- Joshua Broom
- Joshua Claybourn
- Joshua Foxworth
- Joshua Gregg
- Joshua Holdenried
- Joshua Jamison
- Joshua Lipana
- Joshua Lyons
- Joshua Sharf
- Joshua Sotomayor-Einstein
- Joshua Washington
- Joshua Woods and Jim Nolan
- Josiah Leinbach
- Josie Avery
- Joy Overbeck
- Joy Pullmann
- Joyanna Adams
- Joyce Capron
- Joyce T. Wuensch
- Joyce Walling
- JSB Morse
- Jube Dankworth
- Judah Rose
- Judd Dunning
- Jude Federspiel
- Judith Acosta
- Judith Anderson
- Judith Bron
- Judith Klinghoffer
- Judith Loseff Lavin
- Judith Reisman
- Judith Schulz
- Judith Sherwin
- Judith Weizner
- Judith Ziegler
- Judson Phillips
- Judy Gruen
- Judy Holloway
- Judy Sherwin
- Judy Wallen
- Julia Campbell
- Julia Gorin
- Julia Slingsby
- Julian R. Sinclair
- Juliana Genova
- JuliansRum
- Julie Custer
- Julie Ferguson
- Julie Ferguson Jaunese
- Julie Grubbs
- Julie Schmidt
- Julio Rivera
- Julius Burke
- Julius Sanks
- Justin Amler
- Justin Blackman
- Justin Callais
- Justin Cody
- Justin Geoffrey
- Justin Green
- Justin Hart
- Justin Haskins
- Justin Haskins and H. Sterling Burnett
- Justin Hohn
- Justin O. Smith
- Justin Smith
- Justin Wu
- Justinian
- K. Barrett Bilali
- K. Lloyd Billingsley
- K. Lynn Lewis
- K. Turkalo
- K.E. Campbell
- K.H. Cutts
- K.L. Marsala
- K.M. Breakey
- K.M. Mehrdad, PhD
- K.S. Guardiola
- Kal Kaplan
- Kalen Taylor
- Kalman J. Kaplan
- Kara Goldman, Brooke Goldstein & Benjamin Ryberg
- Karen D. Hurvitz and Ilya I. Feoktistov
- Karen Karacsony
- Karen Kataline
- Karen Larson
- Karen Lugo
- Karen McKay
- Karen Norling
- Karen Siegemund
- Karin Agness
- Karina Schmitt
- Kariyushi Casper
- Karl Dierenbach
- Karl Kastel
- Karl Spence
- Karl Uppiano
- Karl Ushanka
- Karoline Miller
- Karyn Gaidos
- Karys Rhea
- Kate Domenick
- Kate Venis
- Kate Wright
- Katharine A. Russell
- Katherine Nelson
- Katherine Novikov
- Kathleen Brush
- Kathleen Bustamante
- Kathleen Gotto
- Kathryn Homoki
- Kathryn Lemense
- Kathryn Scharplaz
- Kathy Brown
- Kathy Feiger
- Kathy Garriott
- Kathy VanWey
- Katie El-Diwany
- Katy Abram
- Katy Talento
- Kavon W. Nikrad
- Kay Daly
- Kaya Forest and Sierra Rayne
- Kazem Kazerounian
- Keith Curtis
- Keith Dicker
- Keith Edwards
- Keith Ikard
- Keith R. Jackson
- Keith R. Jackson, M.D.
- Keith Riler
- Keith Risman
- Keith Vlasak
- Kelcy Allen
- Keli Carender
- Kellie Fiedorek
- Kellie J. Miller
- Kelly Anderson Wright
- Kelly Haughton
- Kelly O'Connell
- Kelly Scott Franklin
- Ken Andrews
- Ken Blackwell
- Ken Blackwell and Bernard Kerik
- Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison
- Ken Blackwell and David L. Phillips
- Ken Blackwell and Herman Cain
- Ken Blackwell and Jerry Boykin
- Ken Boyette
- Ken Colvin
- Ken Eliasberg
- Ken Haygood
- Ken Ireland
- Ken Jensen
- Ken Jorgensen
- Ken Klukowski
- Ken LaCorte
- Ken Lovejoy
- Ken Reid
- Ken Russell
- Ken Scoggin
- Ken Swope
- Ken Yarmosh
- Kendall Conger
- Kender MacGowan
- Kenneth Bennight
- Kenneth Eliasberg
- Kenneth Frank Gerston
- Kenneth H. Ryesky
- Kenneth Haapala
- Kenneth Haygood
- Kenneth L. Hanson
- Kenneth L. Hutcherson
- Kenneth Lasson
- Kenneth Levin
- Kenneth Mak
- Kenneth P. Green
- Kenneth R. Timmerman
- Kenneth Spitz
- Kenneth Wooddell
- Kent D. Johnson
- Kent D. Worley
- Kent Heckenlively
- Kent Johnson
- Kent Moss
- Kent Ramsay
- Kerem Oner
- Keri D. Ingraham
- Kerr Mudgeon
- Kerry George
- Kerry Jacoby
- Kerry Marsala
- Kerry Patton
- Keven Dill
- Kevin A
- Kevin A.
- Kevin Agorastos
- Kevin Bentch
- Kevin Boss
- Kevin Brady
- Kevin Cee
- Kevin Cochrane
- Kevin Currie
- Kevin Dietrich
- Kevin DuJan
- Kevin Finn
- Kevin Frazier
- Kevin Grieve
- Kevin Jackson
- Kevin Jackson and Thomas Lifson
- Kevin James
- Kevin Lewis
- Kevin Mason
- Kevin McGary
- Kevin Mitchell
- Kevin Mooney
- Kevin Raposo
- Kevin Shrum
- Kevin Slack
- Kevin Tharp
- Kevin Wade and Fay Voshell
- Kevin Walker
- Kevin White
- Kevin William
- Keyvan Salami
- Khaled Nasir
- Kia Rahnama
- Kidist Paulos Asrat
- Kieran Lalor
- Kieran Michael Lalor
- Kim Clendenen
- Kim Zigfeld
- Kimberlee Josephson
- Kimberley DeSimone
- Kimberly Bloom Jackson
- Kimberly Fletcher
- Kip Allen
- Kirk W. Kelsen
- Kirstin Simonson
- Kirstin Stein
- Kris Larsen
- Kristan Hawkins
- Kristen Eastlick
- Kristine Nelson
- Kristofer Harrison
- Kristoff Ott
- Kung Fu Zu and Brad Nelson
- Kurt LaFrance
- Kurt Paquette
- Kurt R. LaFrance
- Kurt Silverfiddle
- Kurt Voss
- Kurt Wayne
- Kyle Becker
- Kyle Heckman
- Kyle Nathaniel Alfred Becker
- Kyle Redding
- Kyle Reynolds
- Kyle Shideler
- Kyle Stone
- Kyle-Anne Shiver
- Kyle-Anne Shiver and Lee Cary
- Kyle-Anne Shiver With Dr. Joseph Spooner
- L. Charm Tenenbaum
- L. Jenkins
- L.A. ONeil
- L.B. Johnson
- L.E. Ikenga
- L.K. Samuels
- L.L. Lewis
- La Shawn Barber
- Lana Melman
- Lance Cary
- Lance Corporal Jessica Kane, USMC
- Lance Fairchok
- Lance O'Neil
- Lance Silver
- Lance Voorhees
- Landon Freeman
- Lara Call
- Laramie Seven
- Larissa Atbashian
- Larissa Scott
- Larrey Anderson
- Larrey Anderson and Otis Glazebrook
- Larry A. Cesare
- Larry Alexander
- Larry Alton
- Larry Bailey
- Larry Bates
- Larry Bell
- Larry Brandes
- Larry Cesare
- Larry Cirignano
- Larry Cohen
- Larry Creech
- Larry Domnitch
- Larry Elgin
- Larry Gill
- Larry Greenfield
- Larry Hackney, Sr.
- Larry Kaifesh
- Larry Kaufmann
- Larry Levine
- Larry Lotter
- Larry N. Smith and C. Gary Moody
- Larry S. Su
- Larry Schweikart
- Lars Møller
- Lathan Watts
- Laura Dykstra
- Laura Henning
- Laura J. Wellington
- Laura Kathryn McCall
- Laura Lam
- Laura McCall
- Laura McLaughlin
- Laura Peterson-Lytle
- Laura Ralston
- Laura Steele Walsh
- Laureen Lipsky
- Laurel Henson Mason
- Lauren Enriquez
- Laurence A. Elgin
- Laurence F. Sanford
- Lauri B. Regan
- Laurie Higgins
- Laurie Mylroie
- Lawrence A. Clayton
- Lawrence Alan
- Lawrence Auster
- Lawrence D. Pratt
- Lawrence D. Pratt and William J. Olson
- Lawrence E. Harkenrider
- Lawrence J. Siskind
- Lawrence Jones
- Lawrence M. Ludlow
- Lawrence Murray
- Lawrence R. Stack
- Lawrence Sellin
- Lawrence Solomon
- Lawrence W. Schonbrun
- Lawrence W. White MD
- Lawrence Wasden
- Lawrence Wolfe
- Layne D. Hansen
- Lazar Ersh
- Leah E. Stevens
- Leah Farish
- Leann Horrocks
- Lee A. Heilig
- Lee Alexander
- Lee Bright
- Lee Cary
- Lee Cohen
- Lee Culpepper
- Lee DeCovnick
- Lee Edwards
- Lee Hoffman
- Lee Kaplan
- Lee Kaplan and the Stop the ISM Team
- Lee Kayser
- Lee Owen
- Lee S. Bender
- Lee Whitworth
- Lee Wishing
- Leesa K. Donner
- Leeshai Lemish
- Leif Larson
- Leigh Bortins
- Leila Beckwith
- Leila Beckwith and Tammi Rossman-Benjamin
- Lela Gilbert and Arielle Del Turco
- Len Getz
- Lena Muhtadi Borrelli
- Lena Renconvich
- Lennie Jarratt and Chris Talgo
- Lennox Kalifungwa
- Lenore Broughton
- Leo Algminas
- Leo Donofrio
- Leo Goldstein
- Leo L. Algminas
- Leo Levinson
- Leo Pusateri
- Leo Rennert
- Leo W. Banks
- Leon Clark
- Leonard Bakker
- Leonard Getz
- Leonid Chuzhoy
- Les Still
- Les Strickland
- Leslie Corbl
- Leslie Corbly
- Leslie E. Lorentzen
- Leslie Lorentzen
- Leslie S. Lebl
- Leslie S. Lebl and Libby Sternberg
- Leslie Sacks
- Leslie Taha
- Lester Jackson
- letter to the editor
- Lev Stesin
- Lev Tsitrin
- Levi Perry
- Lew J. Olowski
- Lewis Andrews
- Lewis Dovland
- Lewis M. Andrews
- Li Ur
- Liam Bamford
- Liam Brooks
- Liam Calnan
- Liam Ryan
- Liam Salavatore
- Libby Sternberg
- Liberato Jones
- Liberty Anderson
- Lieutenant Colonel Craig A. Osborne
- Lieutenant Colonel John M. Kanaley
- Lily David
- Lily Hayes
- Limis Ward
- Lin-Dai Kendall
- Linda B.
- Linda Barnett
- Linda Gates Merrell
- Linda Gommel
- Linda Gosselin
- Linda Halderman, MD
- Linda Harvey
- Linda Kimball
- Linda R. Killian
- Linda R. Parsons
- Lindsay Davis and John T. Bennett
- Lindsay Schneider
- Lindsey Keiser
- Linnea Lueken
- Lipton Matthews
- Liran Kapoano
- Lisa Fabrizio
- Lisa Fritsch
- Lisa Michelson
- Lisa Schiffren
- Lisa Shin
- Lisa Strohman
- Little Smith
- Living Overseas
- Liz Jewell
- Lizas Welt
- Lloyd Billingsley
- Lloyd Brown
- Lloyd Marcus
- Locuta
- Lona Manning
- Lonnie E. Schubert
- Lonny Leitner
- Loran Blood
- Loren Smith
- Lorene Leiter
- Lori Flaherty
- Lori Lowenthal Marcus
- Lori Lowenthal Marcus and Asaf Romirowsky
- Lori Miles
- Lorraine Miles
- Louis Case
- Louis Perron
- Louis René Beres
- Louise Redington
- Louise Riofrio
- Lowell Ponte
- Loyd Pettegrew and Jim McCoy
- Loyd S. Pettegrew
- Loyd S. Pettegrew and Jim McCoy
- Lt. Col. Darin Gaub
- Lt. Col. Dave Grossman (ret.)
- Lt. Col. J.C. Brader
- Lt. Col. Kent S Ralston USMC (Ret.)
- Lt. Col. Robert L. Maginnis, US Army Ret.
- LTC John M. Kanaley
- LTC Joseph C. Myers
- Luba Sindler
- Lucine Kasbarian
- Lucja Cannon
- Lucja Swiatkowski Cannon
- Lucy Gill
- Lukas J. Lowry
- Luke Andrews
- Luke Lattanzi
- Luke Perlot
- Luke Wachob
- Luminus Maximus
- Luqman Ahmad
- Lyall Swim
- Lynn Corum
- Lynn Leming
- Lynn Wolfe
- Lynne Lechter
- Lynne Lechter and Robert Sklaroff
- M. Allen Fritsch
- M. B. Mathews
- M. Brett Callaway
- M. Catharine Evans
- M. Catharine Evans and Ann Kane
- M. E. Boyd
- M. Hasim Tekines
- M. Jay Wells
- M. Joseph Sheppard
- M. Roberts
- M. Ryan
- M. Simon
- M. Walter
- M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D.
- M.B. Mathews
- M.C. Howard
- M.F. Nollet
- M.J. Braun
- M.J. McManus
- M.J. Neibel
- M.J.Motley
- M.L. Aitken
- M.L. Pershern
- M.T.
- M.W. Gail
- Mac Fuller
- Mac Johnson
- Mac MacDowell
- Mac Madden
- Mac McDowell
- Mac McGuire
- Mack Ransom
- Madeline Brooks
- Magdi Khalil
- Maggie Petito
- Maggie Villines
- Mahmoud Abbas (rewritten to reflect reality)
- Maj. Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.)
- Maj. Gen. Edison E. Scholes (ret.)
- Maj. Gen. Joe Arbuckle (USA, Ret.)
- Maj. Gerd Schroeder
- Majid Mohammadi
- Majid Rafizadeh
- Major Steve Ramos, USMCR
- Maker S. Mark
- Malcolm Beifong
- Malcolm Unwell
- Malcolm Wade
- Malcom Wade
- Malka
- Mallory Factor
- Mallory Millett
- Manda Zand Ervin
- Mansour Kashfi
- Mansur Rastani
- Mara Zebest
- Marc A. Jones
- Marc A. Scaringi
- Marc Alan Tracy
- Marc Decatur
- Marc E. Fitch
- Marc E. Zimmerman
- Marc Garrett
- Marc Greendorfer
- Marc H. Rudov
- Marc Hecht
- Marc Hitson
- Marc Hopin
- Marc Mannella
- Marc Rudov
- Marc S. Strecker
- Marc Scaringi
- Marc Sheppard
- Marc Sheppard and Thomas Lifson
- Marc Stefaniak
- Marc Weisman
- Marcia Bost
- Marcia Drezon-Tepler
- Marcia Sielaff
- Marco Milaneci
- Marcus Ahn
- Marcus Bridgewater
- Marcus Cato
- Marcus Ebenhack
- Marcus Motley
- Marcy Zwelling-Aamot
- Marek Jan Chodakiewicz
- Margaret Brownley
- Margaret Calhoun Hemenway
- Margaret Pearson
- Marguerite Creel
- Maria Juczewska
- Maria Martinez
- Maria Szonert Binienda
- Marianna Trzeciak
- Marianne Peracchio
- Marie Hembree
- Marie M. Kane
- Marie Richter
- Marie Stroughter and DK
- Marilla Duffles
- Marilyn Assenheim
- Marilyn M. Barnewall
- Marilyn Wright
- Marin Smillov, et al
- Marina Baldwin
- Mario Alexis Portella
- Mario Diaz
- Mario Diaz and Sheila Willamowski
- Mario Diaz, Esq.
- Mario Moussa and Derek Newberry
- Marion DS Dreyfus
- Marion Gabl
- Marjorie Haun
- Mark A. Hewitt
- Mark A. Skoda
- Mark Adamczyk
- Mark Adams
- Mark Ahlseen
- Mark Alesse
- Mark Allinson
- Mark Almonte
- Mark Anderson
- Mark Andrew Dwyer
- Mark Anthony
- Mark Bard
- Mark Belitsky
- Mark Berry
- Mark Boyd
- Mark Browning
- Mark Butterworth
- Mark C. Ross
- Mark Callaghan
- Mark Christensen
- Mark Christian
- Mark Christian and Joe Herring
- Mark D. Griffith
- Mark D. Stahlman and Jeffery A. Martineau
- Mark Deutschle
- Mark DeVine
- Mark Edward Taylor
- Mark Eichelaub
- Mark Eichenlaub
- Mark Elsasser
- Mark Engelbrecht
- Mark Gelhaus
- Mark Goldfeder
- Mark Griswold
- Mark Hanna
- Mark Hendrickson
- Mark Hewitt
- Mark Hyman
- Mark Ivanyo
- Mark J. Fitzgibbons
- Mark J. Fowler
- Mark Jarrett
- Mark Klempner
- Mark Lajoie
- Mark Landsbaum
- Mark Levin
- Mark Loftin
- Mark Macina
- Mark McClure
- Mark McDonald, M.D.
- Mark Moran
- Mark Morris
- Mark Musser
- Mark Oshinskie
- Mark P. Mostert
- Mark Petrina
- Mark Pixler
- Mark Plum
- Mark Point
- Mark Pulliam
- Mark R. Schneider
- Mark R. Zuccolo
- Mark Roth
- Mark S. Hanna
- Mark S. Malaszczyk
- Mark Sauter
- Mark Silverberg
- Mark Skoda
- Mark Smyth
- Mark St.J. Couhig
- Mark Tapson
- Mark W. Hendrickson
- Mark W. Petro
- Mark Walker
- Mark Wauck
- Mark Yellowhorse Beasley
- Mark. J. Fitzgibbons
- Marlene Van Beuren
- Marlin B. Newburn
- Marlo Horne
- Marly Hornik
- Marly Hornik and Harry Robert Haury
- Marly Hornik and Ken Zitko
- Marsha Burke
- Marsha Familiaro Enright
- Marsha Megehee
- Martha and William Dodd
- Martha McCarty
- Martha O'Connor
- Martin Cloutier
- Martin Fuentes
- Martin Horicka
- Martin Ingall
- Martin Kelly
- Martin Magnumanis
- Martin Marcus
- Martin Olsen
- Martin Ostergaard
- Martine Fuentes
- Marty Ellison
- Marty Nemko
- Marty Waveland
- Martyna Smółka
- Marvin Folkertsma
- Mary A. Nicholas
- Mary Anne Lewis
- Mary Anne Lonze
- Mary Anne Marcella
- Mary Anne Marcella and Cort Wrotnowski
- Mary Baker
- Mary Beth White
- Mary C. Michel
- Mary Claire Kendall
- Mary Durbin
- Mary Evans
- Mary Garmon
- Mary Grabar
- Mary Hasson and Theresa Farnan
- Mary Knoche
- Mary L. Davenport, MD
- Mary Lou Serafine
- Mary Marcus
- Mary Michel
- Mary Myers
- Mary Nicholas
- Mary Sholl
- Mary Yonts
- MaryAnn Hanson
- Maryann Michaels
- Marylou Barry
- Mason Boyer
- Mathew Hurwitz
- Matt Bettag
- Matt Bettag, MD
- Matt Bonelli
- Matt C. Abbott
- Matt Danko
- Matt Dean
- Matt Fitzgibbons
- Matt Gilbert
- Matt Hagee
- Matt Holzmann
- Matt Kane
- Matt Keener
- Matt Mossburg
- Matt O'Brien
- Matt O’Brien
- Matt Palumbo
- Matt Patterson
- Matt Patterson and Crissy Brown
- Matt Patterson and Lindsey DePasse
- Matt Patterson and Thomas Lifson
- Matt Polling
- Matt Rowe
- Matt Simmons
- Matt Spivey
- Matt Wolfson
- Matthew B. Pandel
- Matthew Brooks and Matthew R.J. Brodsky
- Matthew C. Arnold
- Matthew Cookson
- Matthew Council
- Matthew Dragonette
- Matthew Eckel
- Matthew Ehret and Edward Lozansky
- Matthew Ernst
- Matthew Fagerstrom
- Matthew Franks
- Matthew Fritch
- Matthew G. Andersson
- Matthew Giuffrida
- Matthew Hamilton
- Matthew Holzmann
- Matthew J. Bonelli
- Matthew J. Chellis
- Matthew M. Hausman
- Matthew May
- Matthew Pinna
- Matthew R.J. Brodsky
- Matthew Razzano
- Matthew RJ Brodsky and Samara Greenberg
- Matthew Ruley
- Matthew S. Harrison
- Matthew Vadum
- Matthew Voegtli
- Matthew Williams
- Matthias Reynolds
- Maureen Steele
- Maurice Eisenstein
- Maurice M. Eisenstein
- Maurice Ostroff
- Maury Siskel
- Max Alvero
- Max Benjamin Cartoons
- Max D. Dublin
- Max Wendy
- Maxime Gauin
- MC da Silva
- Meg Hansen
- Meg Menon
- Megan Barth
- Megan Smith
- Mehmet Ersoy
- Mehran Riazaty
- Mehtab Tola
- Meir Jolovitz
- Melanie Kowalski
- Melanie Morgan
- Melissa Cross
- Melissa Ortiz
- Melody Himel Scalley
- Melody Jennings
- Melvin Anderson
- Melvin D. Whitlock
- Melvyn Mildiner
- Mendy Finkel
- Mercer Tyson
- Meredyth Richards
- Meriam Matthews
- Merrick Rosenberg and Richard Ellis
- Micah D. Halpern
- Michael A. Letts
- Michael A. Thiac
- Michael A. Zimmerman
- Michael Aaron Jones
- Michael Abel
- Michael Aguirre
- Michael Ange
- Michael Applebaum
- Michael Applebaum, M.D.
- Michael Arsers
- Michael Averko
- Michael B. Zukerman
- Michael Bargo, Jr.
- Michael Barry
- Michael Barton
- Michael Bates
- Michael Bayewitch
- Michael Bedar
- Michael Benge
- Michael Berenhaus
- Michael Bergin
- Michael Bertolone
- Michael Bezoian
- Michael Boldin
- Michael Boos and Mark Fitzgibbons
- Michael Booth
- Michael Burke
- Michael Busler
- Michael C. Hurley
- Michael Charles Keehn
- Michael Cronin
- Michael Curran
- Michael Curtis
- Michael D. Giammarino
- Michael D. Harbison
- Michael D. Weltsch
- Michael Dahlen
- Michael Daugherty
- Michael Davidson
- Michael Devon
- Michael Djordjevich
- Michael Dolen
- Michael Dundee
- Michael E. Hammond
- Michael E. Newton
- Michael E. Young
- Michael Economides and Peter Glover
- Michael Egnor M.D.
- Michael Egnor, M.D.
- Michael Epstein
- Michael F. Angel, M.D.
- Michael Farris
- Michael Ferguson
- Michael Filozof
- Michael Finch
- Michael Fraley
- Michael Friedman
- Michael G. Zey
- Michael Gabor
- Michael Galazin
- Michael Geer
- Michael Geer, with Oleg Atbashian
- Michael Grable
- Michael Gray
- Michael Harbison
- Michael Hardstark
- Michael Harlin
- Michael Hausam
- Michael Hauschild
- Michael Hoag
- Michael I. Krauss
- Michael I. Krauss and J. Peter Pham
- Michael Iachetta
- Michael J. Czuchnicki
- Michael J. Daugherty
- Michael J. Economides
- Michael J. Economides and Xina Xie
- Michael J. Fahy
- Michael J. Kubat
- Michael J. Mancone
- Michael J. Martini
- Michael J. Maxwell
- Michael J. McNamara, Sr.
- Michael J. Mueller
- Michael J. Norton
- Michael J. O'Shea
- Michael James
- Michael Keehn
- Michael Kelbaugh
- Michael Kimmitt
- Michael Kravshik
- Michael L. Grable
- Michael L. Wagers
- Michael Lavin
- Michael Letts
- Michael Lisle
- Michael Lopez-Calderon
- Michael Lumish
- Michael Lynch
- Michael M. Kazanjian
- Michael M. Rosen
- Michael Margolies
- Michael McGrady
- Michael McGrady and Dr. Michael Koriwchak
- Michael McLaughlin
- Michael Miller
- Michael Moeller
- Michael Morris
- Michael Morris and Thomas Lifson
- Michael Mort
- Michael Muldowney
- Michael N. Mattia
- Michael Nadler
- Michael Neibel
- Michael Nollet
- Michael Nollett
- Michael Nyilis
- Michael P. Bates
- Michael Patrick Leahy
- Michael Phelps
- Michael Plesset
- Michael Prell
- Michael R. Worthington
- Michael Ragain, M.D.
- Michael Reagan
- Michael Rich
- Michael Robillard
- Michael Rowse
- Michael Ryan
- Michael S. Goldstein
- Michael S. Iachetta
- Michael S. Levinson
- Michael Savage
- Michael Schmitz
- Michael Scroccaro
- Michael Seifert
- Michael Sharnoff
- Michael Shindler
- Michael Smith
- Michael Stopa
- Michael Strong
- Michael Thau
- Michael Thiac
- Michael V. Wilson
- Michael Van Winkle
- Michael von der Schulenburg
- Michael Vowell
- Michael W. Burns
- Michael Weinberg
- Michael Wiant
- Michael Widlanski
- Michael Wilkerson
- Michael Zak
- Michael Zebulon
- Michal Wisniewski
- Micheal Thiac
- Michele Antaki
- Michelle Fitzpatrick Thomas
- Michelle Moshelian
- Mick C. Pitlick
- Mick O'Rourke
- Mick Rich
- Midcontinent Maven
- Midnight Rider
- midwestrepub
- Miguel A. Guanipa
- Mike Austin
- Mike Bates
- Mike Burleson
- Mike Cakora
- Mike Cargile
- Mike Church and Larrey Anderson
- Mike Czuchnicki
- Mike Daugherty
- Mike Evan
- Mike Feuz
- Mike Flannery
- Mike Ford
- Mike Fraley
- Mike Gonyea
- Mike Gonzalez
- Mike Grady
- Mike Harris
- Mike J. Kirkwood
- Mike Jensen
- Mike Johnson
- Mike Keller
- Mike Kimmitt
- Mike Konrad
- Mike Landry
- Mike LaSalle
- Mike McDaniel
- Mike McGill
- Mike McLeod
- Mike Moseley
- Mike Nowak
- Mike Phelps
- Mike Preston
- Mike Proto
- Mike Razar
- Mike Robertson
- Mike Robinson
- Mike Rogers
- Mike Shepard
- Mike Shotwell
- Mike Spaniola
- Mike Stopa
- Mike Sylwester
- Mike Thau
- Mike VanOuse
- Mike Weltsch
- Mike Williams
- Mike Wire
- Mike Zimmerman
- Mikiel de Bary
- Miles Cattermole
- Miles Himmel
- Milli Sands
- Milton Ezrati
- Milton R. Wolf, MD
- Mimi Evans Winship
- Mindy Patterson
- Mindy Schiller
- Miriam A. Cope
- Miriam Adelson
- Miriam E. Mendelson
- Miriam Ruth
- Miryam Lindberg
- Mischa Popoff
- Mitch Proenza
- Mitch Smith
- Mitchell Bard
- Mitchell Gunter
- Mladen Andrijasevic
- Mogey
- Mohamed Bechr
- Mohammad Amin
- Mohammad I. Aslam
- Mohammad Parvin
- Mohammed Ahmed Gain
- Mohamud Ahmed
- Molly Maffei Baldwin
- Molly Slag
- Mona Salama
- Mondo Frazier
- Monica Morrill
- Monica Showalter
- Monroe Wesson
- Monsignor Edward J. Filardi and Daniel J. Smyth
- Monte Kuligowski
- Monty Clouse
- Monty L. Donohew
- Monty Pelerin
- Mordechai Nisan
- Morgan Chenise
- Morgan Lerette
- Morgan Philpot
- Morgan Taylor
- Mortimer Gentry
- Morton Klein
- Morton Klein and Daniel Mandel
- Moses Williamson
- Moshe Dann
- Moshe Parnes
- Moshe Phillips
- Mr. Ed
- Mr. J. Michael
- Mudar Zahran
- Muhammad AlZanati and Muhammad AlBuhaisi
- Muhammad Hussain
- Muhammed Bahadir Gulle
- Mushtaq M. Rahim with Richard L. Benkin
- Myrna Lieberman
- N. A. Halkides
- N. Richard Greenfield
- N.A. Halkides
- N.R.
- N.S. Rajaram
- Nadine Gentry
- Nadra Enzi
- name withheld by request
- Nancy Andersen
- Nancy Andersen, M.D.
- Nancy Brown
- Nancy Coppock
- Nancy Eskijian
- Nancy J. Thorner
- Nancy Kelly
- Nancy McAnally
- Nancy Morgan
- Nancy Pearcey
- Nancy R. Pearcey
- Nancy Thorner
- Nancy Thorner and Jane Keill
- Nancy Van Deest
- Naphtali Rivkin
- Nara Crowley
- Natalia Holovanova and Gary Gindler
- Natalie Axton
- Natalie Bostick
- Nate Kellum
- Nate Kellum and Andrea Justus
- Nathalie Voit
- Nathan Earle
- Nathan Embry
- Nathan Grayson
- Nathan Hale
- Nathan Klarer
- Nathan Longfellow
- Nathan Stone
- Nathan Turner
- Nathan Warden
- Nathan Williamson
- Nathanael Greene
- Nathaniel Sugarman
- Navy One
- Naya Lekht
- Ned Barnett
- Ned Barnett and Dianne Bilderback
- Ned Cosby
- Neil B. Minkoff
- Neil Barnes
- Neil Braithwaite
- Neil Bright
- Neil Fox
- Neil L. Frank
- Neil M. Tokar
- Neil Siefring
- Neil Snyder
- Neil Steyskal
- Neil W. McCabe
- Nelson A. Siebert
- Nemo Almen
- Neo-neocon
- News That Matters
- Newsmachete
- Newt Erdman
- Nicholas Arnold
- Nicholas Creel and Gavin Incrocci
- Nicholas J. Kaster
- Nicholas Kalis
- Nicholas Kaster
- Nicholas L. Waddy
- Nichole Hungerford
- Nick Arnold
- Nick Baldock
- Nick Chagouris
- Nick Chase
- Nick Dranias
- Nick Ibarra
- Nick Lopez
- Nicole McCaw
- Nicole Russell
- Nicole Sadighi
- Nicolouw M. Kruger
- Nidra Poller
- Nigel Assam
- Niklas Kleinworth
- Nikola Kedhi
- Nikola Mikovic
- Nikolaas de Jong
- Nikoo Amini
- Nile McAdams
- Nima Kazemi
- Nina May
- Nira Lee
- Noah Beck
- Noah Phillips
- Noah Rue
- Noah Steele Kline
- Noah Woods
- Noam Neusner
- Nobarack08
- Nodrog
- Nodrog Snave
- Noel Anenberg
- Noel S. Williams
- Noel Sheppard
- Noel Sheppard and Marc Sheppard
- Nona Faber
- Nonie Darwish
- Norah Petersen
- Nordog
- Norm Hapke
- Norm L. Guy
- Norm Leve
- Norm Singleton
- Norma Brown
- Norma Sadler
- Norman Berdichevsky
- Norman E. Hooben
- Norman F. Anderson
- Norman F. Hapke Jr.
- Norman Hapke
- Norman Krieg
- Norman Rogers
- Nurit Greenger
- O.V. Boone
- Octavio Nuiry
- Odysseas Papadimitriou
- Odysseus
- Ojel L. Rodriguez
- Ojel L. Rodriguez Burgos
- Oldrealist
- Oleg Atbashian
- Oleg Atbashian and Larissa Scott
- Oleg Atbashian and Yulia Latynina
- Olivia Ingrassia
- Olivia Murray
- Olivier B. Simon
- Olivier Guitta
- Omid Biniaz
- Oonagh McDonald CBE
- Ophir Chador
- Oren Litwin
- Orie Katz
- Orit Sklar
- Oscar Caicedo
- Oscar Torres
- Osita Ebiem
- Otis A. Glazebrook IV
- Otoons Cartoons
- Otto Sorenson
- Ovide Lamontagne
- Owen B. McCormack
- Owen J.P. Murphy
- Owen JP Murphy
- P Michael Reidy
- P. David Hornik
- P. Michael Reidy
- P.F. Kelly, Jr.
- P.F. Whalen
- P.H. Watts
- P.J. Costello
- P.M. Lark
- Paige Donner
- Paige Halper
- Paige Lewis
- Pam Meister
- Pamela Garber
- Pamela Geller
- Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer
- Pamela Meister
- Pamela Sheffield
- Pandra Selivanov
- Parag Tope
- Parker Beauregard
- Parker McCumber
- Pastor Stephen Broden
- Pastor Stephen E. Broden
- Pat Austin
- Pat Carfagno
- Pat Hall
- Pat McKim
- Pat Patterson
- Pat Smith
- Patrice Johnson
- Patricia Adams and Lawrence Solomon
- Patricia Dickson
- Patricia Hall Miller
- Patricia Henry
- Patricia Jay
- Patricia L. Dickson
- Patricia M. McClane
- Patricia Martz, MD FACS
- Patricia McCarthy
- Patricia McCarthy and Marion DS Dreyfus
- Patricia Padurean
- Patricia Swicicki
- Patrick Albanese
- Patrick Bobko
- Patrick Casey
- Patrick Chisholm
- Patrick Devenny
- Patrick Friesen
- Patrick Garabedian
- Patrick Gibbs
- Patrick Goble
- Patrick Godfrey
- Patrick J Howie
- Patrick J. Casey
- Patrick J. Gibbs
- Patrick J. Shanahan
- Patrick J. Walsh
- Patrick Jakeway
- Patrick Luscri
- Patrick M. Wood
- Patrick Mattimore
- Patrick Nelson
- Patrick O'Hannigan
- Patrick Osio
- Patrick Owen Jones
- Patrick Poole
- Patrick Shanahan
- Patrick T. Tortorici
- Patrick Wood
- Patti Stockman
- Patti Villacorta
- Patti York
- Patty Ellis
- Patty Knap
- Paul Austin Murphy
- Paul B. Matthews
- Paul Berkowitz
- Paul Bosakowski
- Paul Budine
- Paul C. Binotto
- Paul C. Langley
- Paul Cameron, Kirk Cameron, and Kay Proctor
- Paul Cantz
- Paul Carlsen
- Paul Carlson
- Paul Chambers
- Paul Ciarcia
- Paul Clayton
- Paul Cliteur
- Paul Cooper
- Paul D. Hoffman
- Paul Davis
- Paul Dowling
- Paul Dueweke
- Paul Dunlop
- Paul Dvorak
- Paul E. Cantonwine
- Paul E. Scates
- Paul E. Vallely
- Paul Eidelberg
- Paul F Nehlen III
- Paul Fallavollita
- Paul Gessing and Deane Waldman
- Paul Gottfried
- Paul Green
- Paul H. Yarbrough
- Paul Heinz
- Paul Hsieh, MD
- Paul in Portland
- Paul Ingrassia
- Paul J. Shlichta
- Paul Jackson
- Paul Jacobson
- Paul Jefferson
- Paul Kengor
- Paul Keys
- Paul Krause
- Paul Levy
- Paul Lewis
- Paul Maglione
- Paul Marrone
- Paul Miller
- Paul Miller and Abraham H. Miller
- Paul Murphy
- Paul Nehlen
- Paul Osnes
- Paul O’Brien
- Paul Parks
- Paul Pauker
- Paul Phoenix
- Paul Porter
- Paul Revere
- Paul S. Gardiner
- Paul Schnee
- Paul Schwartzmeyer
- Paul Shlichta
- Paul Stephen Dempsey
- Paul Streitz
- Paul Sutliff
- Paul Thompson
- Paul V. Gerst
- Paul Weston
- Paul White
- Paul Williams
- Paul Wolf
- Paula Dierkins
- Paula Keys
- Paula Rinehart
- Paulette Metoyer
- Paulette Varghese Altmaier
- Paulo Casaca
- Pawel Dobrowolski and Matthew Tyrmand
- Pawel Styrna
- Pedro Aguilar
- Pedro Gonzales
- Pedro Gonzalez
- Pedro Primavera
- Peggy Ryan
- Peggy Shapiro
- Pejman Amiri
- Pem Schaeffer
- Pem Schaeffer and Stanley Ralph
- Pennel Bird
- Penny Nance
- Pepper Bryars
- Percy Sinclair
- Peri Bertram
- Peropus Consiliario
- Perry Drake
- Perry Fisher
- Perry Gershon
- Perry V. Kalajian
- Perviz Khazaei
- Perviz Khazai
- Pete Cohon
- Pete Colan
- Pete Machera
- Pete McArdle
- Pete Miller
- Pete Morin
- Pete Riehm
- Pete Vanderzwet
- Peter A. Olsson
- Peter A. Olsson MD
- Peter A. Olsson, M.D.
- Peter B. Gemma
- Peter B. Martin
- Peter Barry Chowka
- Peter Bleyer, M.D.
- Peter Bradley
- Peter C Glover
- Peter C. Earle
- Peter Clark
- Peter Darrow
- Peter Debbins
- Peter Dempsey
- Peter E. Taussig
- Peter Emisku
- Peter Ferrara
- Peter Friedman
- Peter Gadiel
- Peter Gamvroulas
- Peter Gemma
- Peter Glover and Michael J. Economides
- Peter Heck
- Peter Hyatt
- Peter J. Colosi
- Peter J. Ferrara
- Peter J. Hughes
- Peter J. Kennedy
- Peter J. Sandys
- Peter J. West
- Peter Katt
- Peter Kauffner
- Peter Kirsanow
- Peter Knickerbocker
- Peter Kranitz
- Peter Kujala
- Peter Laffin
- Peter Landesman
- Peter Lemiska
- Peter M Bleyer MD
- Peter M. Friedman
- Peter Merkl
- Peter Michael Bleyer
- Peter Michael Bleyer, M.D.
- Peter Michael Bleyer, MD
- Peter Morin
- Peter Morrison
- Peter Nichols
- Peter Olsson
- Peter Olsson, M.D.
- Peter Quigley
- Peter Raymond
- Peter Rosenberger
- Peter Russo
- Peter S. Brightman
- Peter Skurkiss
- Peter Smith
- Peter Taussig
- Peter Van Voorhis
- Peter von Buol
- Peter W. Dunn
- Peter W. Rosenberger
- Peter West
- Peter Weyrich
- Peter Wilson
- Peter Wood
- Peter Zenger
- Petra North
- Petrina Burman
- Petro Alexandrovich
- Peymaneh Mirshafiei
- Peymaneh Shafi
- Phaedra Loftis
- Phil Boehmke
- Phil Brizzolara
- Phil Cowan
- Phil D'Agostino
- Phil Fortney
- Phil Gallagher
- Phil Handley
- Phil Harvey and Lisa Conyers
- Phil Hoppman
- Phil Kiver
- Phil Manger
- Phil Marshall
- Phil Orenstein
- Phil Shannon
- Phil. Tribuzio
- Philip A. Fitzpatrick
- Philip Ahlrich
- Philip Averbuck
- Philip C. Bom
- Philip Crossing
- Philip Damon
- Philip Geiger
- Philip Johnson
- Philip K. Chapman
- Philip Lillingston
- Philip Mella
- Phill Kline
- Phillip A. Gallagher
- Phillip Cowan
- Phillip G. Pattee
- Phillip Johnson
- Phyllis Chesler
- Phyllis Zemble
- Pieder Beeli
- Pierce Roberts and Loyd Pettegrew
- Pieter Nosworthy
- Pinchas Baram
- Pinrae Jonsson
- Piper Palin (channeled by Betsy M. Galliher)
- Pooya Nasseri and Kaveh Taheri
- Pop Knows
- Potkin Azarmehr
- Pressley Stutts
- Priscilla Petty
- Professor X
- Publius Tullius Senex
- Publius Valerius Publicola
- Puella Dei
- Quentin Quill
- Quentin Quill
- Quentin R. Skrabec Jr.
- Quin Hillyer
- Quinn K. Nii
- R. B. Parrish
- R. Claire Friend
- R. Claire Friend, MD
- R. Clayton Strang
- R. E. Bowse
- R. Henry
- R. J. Gruber Jr
- R. John Matthies
- R. L. Bernard
- R. Quinn Kennedy
- R. Stephen Bowden
- R. Thomas Meloy
- R. Thomas Risk
- R.B. Parrish
- R.B.A. Di Muccio
- R.C. Marsh
- R.C. Maxwell
- R.D. Wedge
- R.E. Bowse
- R.E. Houser
- R.E. Smith Jr.
- R.H. Higgs
- R.H.J. King
- R.L.A. Schaefer
- R.M. Doak
- R.W. Trewyn
- Rabbi Aron Hier
- Rabbi Aryeh Spero
- Rabbi Daniel M. Zucker
- Rabbi Dov Fischer
- Rabbi Elliot B. Gertel
- Rabbi Fishel Jacobs
- Rabbi Michael Barclay
- Rabbi Neil Cooper
- Rabbi Yaakov Menken
- Rabbi Yaakov Menken and Lathan Watts
- Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
- Rachael Doukas
- Rachael Williams
- Rachel Ehrenfeld
- Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa A. Lappen
- Rachel Ehrenfeld and John Wood
- Rachel Ehrenfeld and Millard Burr
- Rachel Ehrenfeld and Stephen Bryen
- Rachel Kennedy
- Rachel Lipsky
- Rachel Neuwirth
- Rael Jean Isaac
- Rafael Acevedo
- Raheel Raza
- Rainer Zitelmann
- Rajan Laad
- Ralf Mangual
- Ralph Alter
- Ralph Benko
- Ralph Ellis
- Ralph Kinney Bennett
- Ralph M. Lieberman
- Ralph R. Reiland
- Randall Childs
- Randall Hoven
- Randall S. Bock
- Randall Smith
- Randall T. Perks
- Randall Tompkins
- Randi Pinkerton
- Randolph Parrish
- randomperson Fire Alarms
- Randy Boudreaux
- Randy Fardal
- Randy White
- Raoul Lowery Contreras
- Raushan Gross
- Ray Anthony
- Ray Gootz
- Ray Gross
- Ray Heller
- Ray Matthews
- Ray McCoy
- Ray McFall
- Ray Robison
- Ray Smith
- Ray Van Dune
- Raymond Ibrahim
- Raymond L. Richman
- Raymond Richman
- Raymond Richman and Howard Richman
- Raymond Richman, Howard Richman, and Jesse Richman
- Raymond Richman, Jesse Richman, and Howard Richman
- Raymond Usell
- Rayn Random
- RC Maxwell
- reader mail
- reader response
- Reality Bites by Broc Smith
- Reb Peacher
- Rebecca Behrends
- Rebecca Dalmas
- Rebecca Downs
- Rebecca Jessup
- Rebecca Meriman
- Rebecca Witonsky
- Rebekah Gantner
- Redge Cook
- Reese Daniels
- Reggie Littlejohn
- Regina Griggs
- Remi Alli
- Ren Jander
- Renato Cristin
- Renee C. Behinfar
- Renee Parsons
- Rep. John Linder
- Rep. Paul A. Gosar
- Reuel E. Topas
- Reuven Miller and Gary Gindler
- Rev. Desmond Allen
- Rev. Dr. Hugh MacKenzie
- Rev. Dr. Keith Roderick
- Rev. James R. Harden
- Rev. Jim Harden
- Rev. Michael Bresciani
- Rev. Peter M. J. Stravinskas
- Rex Crigger
- Rex McBride
- Reza Behrouz
- Reza Behrouz and Daniel Jafari
- Reza Behrouz and Shervan Fashandi
- Reza Kahlili
- Reza Parchizadeh
- Reza Shafiee
- RH Lee
- Ricardo Galván Estrada
- Ricardo Pedraza
- Ricardo R. Galvan
- Rich Danker
- Rich Evanns
- Rich Fuentes
- Rich Hoffman
- Rich Hrebic
- Rich Kozlovich
- Rich Lindbloom
- Rich Smith
- Rich Strophe
- Rich Tucker
- Rich Yurkowitz
- Richard A. Chiero
- Richard A. Rail
- Richard A. Viguerie
- Richard A. Viguerie and Mark Fitzgibbons
- Richard A. Viguerie and Mark J. Fitzgibbons
- Richard Arduino
- Richard Arrington
- Richard B. Collier
- Richard B. Jones
- Richard B. Speed
- Richard Baehr
- Richard Baehr and Daniel London
- Richard Baehr and Ed Lasky
- Richard Baehr and Thomas Lifson
- Richard Baumgarten
- Richard Benkin
- Richard Berkowitz
- Richard Berry
- Richard Blakley
- Richard Bledsoe
- Richard Butrick
- Richard C. Crandall
- Richard C. LaMagna
- Richard C. Lyons
- Richard Chang
- Richard Davis
- Richard Dean Young
- Richard E Goldfien
- Richard E. Goldfien
- Richard E. Vatz
- Richard E. Vatz and Jeffrey A. Schaler
- Richard Easton
- Richard Evanns
- Richard F. McCleery
- Richard F. Miniter
- Richard Ferguson
- Richard H. Moss
- Richard Haddad
- Richard Hailey
- Richard Henry Lee
- Richard Illyes
- Richard J. Douglas
- Richard J. Little
- Richard Jack Rail
- Richard K. Davis
- Richard Kantro
- Richard Kirk
- Richard Kline
- Richard Koenig
- Richard L. Benkin
- Richard L. Cravatts
- Richard L. Kent
- Richard L. Spencer
- Richard Landes
- Richard Lawless
- Richard M. Gamble
- Richard M. Langworth
- Richard M. Schum
- Richard Manning
- Richard Marr
- Richard McDonough
- Richard Menger, M.D.
- Richard Morse
- Richard Moss
- Richard Moss, MD
- Richard N. Weltz
- Richard Pecore
- Richard Rail
- Richard Ravalli
- Richard Ridgeway
- Richard Speed
- Richard Strimple
- Richard Telofski
- Richard Terrell
- Richard Thornton
- Richard Viguerie
- Richard Viguerie and Mark Fitzgibbons
- Richard Viguerie and Steve Allen
- Richard Weikart
- Richard Willardson
- Richard Winchester
- Richard Wozniak
- Richard Zuber
- Richie Angel
- Rick Amato
- Rick Averill
- Rick Ballard
- Rick Ballard with M. Lopez
- Rick Fuentes
- Rick George
- Rick Hayes
- Rick Marschall
- Rick McDowell
- Rick Moran
- Rick Richman
- Rick Rinehart
- Rick Scarborough and Robert Knight
- Rick Shonk
- Rick Small
- Rick Swenson
- Rick Trojacek
- Ricki Hollander
- Ricochet Café
- Riley Driver
- Ringo Lanzetti
- Rita Kramer
- Rita L. Marker
- Rivka Edelman
- Rob Caskey
- Rob Cunningham
- Rob Edens
- Rob Frankel
- Rob Hains
- Rob Jenkins
- Rob Kreimeyer, Jr
- Rob Madsen
- Rob Miller
- Rob Morris
- Rob Natelson
- Rob Schapiro
- Rob Schwarzwalder
- Rob Smith
- Rob Williamson
- Robbin Laird
- Robert K. Wilcox
- Robert A. Bishop
- Robert A. Bonelli
- Robert A. Hall
- Robert A. J. Gagnon
- Robert A. Taft
- Robert Amos
- Robert Arvay
- Robert B. Charles
- Robert B. Sklaroff
- Robert B. Sklaroff and Lee S. Bender
- Robert B. Sklaroff and Richard Baehr
- Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D.
- Robert Babcock
- Robert Barbosa
- Robert Barlow, Jr.
- Robert Barnes
- Robert Berry
- Robert Bortins
- Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr.
- Robert Bunn
- Robert Burke
- Robert C. Cheeks
- Robert Carmona-Borjas
- Robert Caskey
- Robert Charles
- Robert Cheeks
- Robert Collins
- Robert Curry
- Robert Cutler
- Robert D. Clark
- Robert Delahunty
- Robert Dimuro
- Robert Doak
- Robert E. Dell and David G. Tuerck
- Robert E. Ford
- Robert E. Kaplan
- Robert E. Ryan III
- Robert E. Simmons
- Robert E. Wright
- Robert Ellison
- Robert Eugene Simmons Jr.
- Robert F. Turner
- Robert Feneron
- Robert Ferguson
- Robert Flynn
- Robert Ford
- Robert Franklin
- Robert Gelinas
- Robert Genetski
- Robert Goldberg
- Robert Hamilton, MD
- Robert Harkins
- Robert Hoffman
- Robert Holland
- Robert Holland and Don Soifer
- Robert Huff
- Robert Hunter
- Robert Hutchinson
- Robert J. Bramell
- Robert J. Hain
- Robert J. Hutchinson
- Robert J. Mack
- Robert J. Melone
- Robert J. Olson and Herbert W. Titus
- Robert J. Olson and William J. Olson
- Robert J. Olson, Herbert W. Titus & William J. Olson
- Robert James Maddox
- Robert Jones
- Robert K. Wilcox
- Robert Kaplan
- Robert Kirk
- Robert Klein Engler
- Robert Knight
- Robert Kozloski
- Robert L. Gant
- Robert L. Kinney III
- Robert L. Kinney, Pharm.D., M.A.
- Robert L. Maginnis
- Robert L. McClain
- Robert LaBella
- Robert Latona
- Robert Lawson
- Robert M. Schwartz
- Robert Madsen
- Robert Maginnis
- Robert Mariani
- Robert McCordell
- Robert McCurtain
- Robert McKenna
- Robert Medinger
- Robert Merz
- Robert Miller
- Robert Morrison
- Robert Natelson
- Robert Nelson
- Robert of Prague
- Robert Orlando
- Robert Oscar Lopez
- Robert P. Murphy
- Robert Parker
- Robert Peterson
- Robert Potts
- Robert R. Barker
- Robert Rabil
- Robert Rabil and Walid Phares
- Robert Rector
- Robert Reichle
- Robert Reilly
- Robert Santoski
- Robert Schapiro
- Robert Simmons, Jr.
- Robert Sklaroff & Sherkoh Abbas
- Robert Sklaroff and Stephen Gambescia
- Robert Small
- Robert Spencer
- Robert Stacy McCain
- Robert Stephenson
- Robert Stephenson III
- Robert Steven Ingebo
- Robert Stewart
- Robert T. McLean
- Robert T. Smith
- Robert Turner
- Robert Vega
- Robert Vincent
- Robert Vivalet
- Robert W. Ball
- Robert Wedge
- Robert Weissberg
- Robert West
- Robert Workman
- Robert Zafft
- Robert Zaft
- Robert Zubrin
- Robin Dolgin
- Robin Itzler
- Robin M. Itzler
- Robin Osborne
- Robin Ridless
- Robin Siskel
- Robin Wolf
- Robinson W. Mitchell
- Robyn Dolgin
- Rocco DiPippo
- Rod Jaros
- Rodney Crawford
- Rodney O. Willis
- Roger Ansted
- Roger Aronoff
- Roger Banks
- Roger D. Luchs
- Roger Helmer, MEP
- Roger Henry
- Roger James Hamilton
- Roger Jellum
- Roger Kiska
- Roger Landrum
- Roger Smith
- Roger Taylor
- Roland Martin
- Roland Toy
- Roman Brackman
- Roman Marshanski
- Roman Skaskiw
- Ron A.Y. Rich
- Ron Aledo
- Ron Capshaw
- Ron Crews
- Ron DeSantis
- Ron F. Hale
- Ron Freeman
- Ron Hunnicutt
- Ron Jager
- Ron Joseph
- Ron Kean
- Ron Kilmartin
- Ron Kolb
- Ron Lipsman
- Ron Machol
- Ron Maxwell
- Ron Miller
- Ron Modica
- Ron Newsom
- Ron Pillman
- Ron Pittenger
- Ron Resnick
- Ron Ross
- Ron Stern
- Ron Wright
- Ronald Beaty
- Ronald C. Tinnell
- Ronald Cherry
- Ronald E. Yates
- Ronald G. Pittenger
- Ronald J. Kozar
- Ronald Jay Polland
- Ronald Kimmons
- Ronald Kolb
- Ronald Kolb and Steve Cunningham
- Ronald L. Trowbridge
- Ronald R. Cherry
- Ronald R. Cherry, MD
- Ronald Radosh
- Ronald Stein
- Ronald T. Jones
- Ronald Tinnell
- Ronald Trowbridge
- Ronald Wieck
- Ronn Torossian
- Ronny Gordon
- Rory C. Flemmer
- Rosamina Lowi
- Roscoe Shaw
- Rose C. Friend
- Rose Elliott
- Rose Tennent
- Rosemary Dewar
- Ross C. Reeves
- Ross Finnegan
- Ross Forsyth
- Rossana Parsons
- Rosslyn Smith
- Rovvy Lepor
- Roxanna Moser
- Roy Cheaney
- Roy Clark
- Roy Digliani
- Roy Lofquist
- Roy W. Spencer
- Roya Johnson
- Rud Istvan
- Rue Williams
- Rufus Dickerson
- Russ Allen
- Russ Jones
- Russ McSwain
- Russ Paladino
- Russ Read
- Russ Vaughn
- Russ White
- Russel Hanson
- Russell Cook
- Russell Eisenman
- Russell Goldstein
- Russell Nagelkirk
- Russell Paul La Valle
- Rusty Sturgis
- Rusty Walker
- Rusty Weiss
- Ruth Baird Shaw
- Ruth King
- Ruth Lewis
- Ruth Papazian and Alice Lemos
- Ruth S. King
- Ryan Arranz
- Ryan Bomberger
- Ryan Craig
- Ryan DeLarme
- Ryan Dreher
- Ryan Duffie
- Ryan Hansen
- Ryan Hata, MD
- Ryan James Girdusky
- Ryan Jones
- Ryan M. Sasscer
- Ryan M. Yonk
- Ryan Neuhaus
- Ryan Rommann
- Ryan Ruckman
- Ryan Sasscer
- Ryan Scott Welch
- Ryan Silverstein
- Ryan Smith
- Ryan Walters
- Ryan Yonk and Devin Stein
- Ryan Yonk and Michael Jensen
- Rylee Free
- S. Christopher Michaels
- S. David Sultzer
- S. Ernie Walton
- S. Fowler
- S. Fred Singer
- S. Hodge
- S. Hodges
- S. John Massoud
- S. Raphael
- S. Stanley Young
- S. Stanley Young and Warren Kindzierski
- S.A. Collins
- S.H. (Mac) McGuire
- S.H. McGuire
- S.H. Williams
- S.J. Giorgianni
- S.K. Caranicas
- S.R. Lenzkes
- S.R. Piccoli
- S.T. Karnick
- Saeed Abed
- Sal Haider
- Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
- Salim Mansur
- Sally Humhorth
- Sally Julian
- Sally Lund
- Sally Morris
- Sally Zelikovsky
- Salmaan Khan
- Salman Al-Ansari
- Salomon Benzimra
- Salvatore DeGennaro
- Sam Aanestad
- Sam Abady
- Sam Ben-Meir
- Sam Besserman
- Sam Bocetta
- Sam C. Holliday
- Sam Cramer and Sam Kahan
- Sam Faddis
- Sam Fielding
- Sam Foster
- Sam Greenfeld
- Sam Hale
- Sam Holliday
- Sam Lehman-Wilzig
- Sam Mikolaski
- Sam Neves
- Sam Ravina
- Sam Sewell
- Sam Sorbo
- Sam Tadros
- Sam Underhill
- Sam Vaknin
- Sam Younnokis
- Samantha F. Gordon
- Samantha Fillmore
- Samantha Frazier Gordon
- Samantha Rife
- Samara Greenberg
- Sami Chatti
- Sammy Benoit
- Samuel Anthony
- Samuel Chan
- Samuel E. Tolley III
- Samuel Edelman and Asaf Romirowsky
- Samuel Fistel, MD
- Samuel Gregg
- Samuel H. Solomon
- Samuel J. Mikolaski
- Samuel Wecker
- Samuel Westrop
- Sandra Friedemann
- Sandra Kwok
- Sandy Szwarc
- Sanford Aranoff
- Sanford D. Horn
- Sanjit Romani
- Sara Goodman
- Sara Goss
- Sara Stringer
- Sarah Birmingham
- Sarah Lee
- Sarah Lee and Charlie Katebi
- Sarah Michalak
- Sarah N. Stern
- Sarah Smith
- Saritha Prabhu
- Sasha Gong
- Saul Anuzis
- Saul Goldman
- Saurabh Jha
- Scot Wolf
- Scott A. Mahrle
- Scott A. McConnell
- Scott Boerman
- Scott Erickson
- Scott Feltman
- Scott Free
- Scott Gentry
- Scott Hamilton
- Scott Hogenson
- Scott Irwin
- Scott J. McGowan
- Scott Kirwin
- Scott Krane
- Scott Lazarowitz
- Scott Leven
- Scott Malensek
- Scott Mayer
- Scott McNay
- Scott Ruppert
- Scott Rutledge
- Scott S. Powell
- Scott Schilling
- Scott Strzelczyk
- Scott Strzelczyk and Richard Rothschild
- Scott Sturman
- Scott Sturman, M.D.
- Scott Swett
- Scott Swett and Roger Canfield
- Scott Tibbetts
- Scott Varland
- Scott W. Houghton
- Scott W. Palmer
- Sean Hiland
- Sean J. O’Reilly
- Sean M. Brooks
- Sean Mathews
- Sean Nolan
- Sean Parr
- Sean R. Strockyj
- Sean Roman Strockyj
- Sean Ross Callaghan
- Sean Themea
- Sean-Michael Pigeon
- Sedighe Maleki Fard
- Seldon B. Graham, Jr.
- Selina Fall
- Selwyn Duke
- Sergeant Thomas O’Neal
- Sergey Maidukov
- Seth A. Foreman
- Seth Abrahams
- Seth Cooper
- Seth Corey, MD
- Seth Forman
- Seth Grossman
- Seth Ian
- Seth J. Baum, MD
- Seth Keshel
- Seth Mandel
- Seth Segal
- Seth Swirsky
- Seton Motley
- Severn Call
- Sgt. Jerry Schrecker (Ret)
- Sha'i ben-Tekoa
- Shahab Moghadam
- Shahriar Kia
- Shai Afsai
- Shak Hill
- Shakira Jackson
- Shama Tobin
- Shane Briscoe
- Shane Burke
- Shane Clark
- Shane Corsey
- Shannon Bell
- Shannon Kawane
- Shannon Moore
- Shari Dunn-Norman
- Shari Forst
- Shari Goodman
- Shari Goodman and John Steinreich
- Sharon Arpana Edwards
- Sharon Caldwell
- Sharon Chandler
- Sharon Schultz
- Sharon Sebastian
- Sharon Tosi Moore
- Sharyl Attkisson
- Shaun McCutcheon
- Shawn A. Means
- Shawn Antoine
- Shawn Black
- Shawn Glasco
- Shawn Hodges
- Shawn Mitchell
- Sheila Gallo
- Sheila Griffin
- Sheila Holt
- Sheila Weinberg and Ralf Seiffe
- Shelagh Gray
- Shelby H. Williams
- Shelby Williams
- Sheldon Bart
- Sheldon Jacobson
- Sheldon Karasik
- Sheldon Roth
- Sheldon Roth, MD
- Sheri Few
- Sherkoh Abbas and Robert Sklaroff
- Sheryl Collmer
- Shields Fair
- Shireen Qudosi
- Shokooh Mirzadegi
- Shonda Lackey
- Shoshana Bryen
- Shoshana Bryen and Stephen Bryen
- Shoula Romano Horing
- Si Contino
- Sibyl West
- Sid Shahid
- Sid Williams
- Sidney Powell
- Sidney Raphael
- Sidney Retsky
- Sidney Sherman
- Sie An Bradley
- Sierra Rayne
- Silicon Valley Conservative
- Silvio Canto, Jr.
- Simon de Hundehutte
- Sirius Valentine
- Skander Chand
- Skip Reynolds
- Slater Bakhtavar
- Sloan Oliver
- Smithy the Aussie
- SMJ Alt
- So Very Israeli
- Soeren Kern
- Sofia Hamilton
- Sol Schindler
- Solon Solomon
- Sondra M. Rubenstein
- Sonia Bailley
- Sonny Palermo
- Sophia Worringer
- Souheïr Atassi
- Souptik Mukherjee
- Sparrow of Idaho
- Spencer D. Miles
- Spencer Essex
- Spencer P. Morrison
- Spike Hampson
- Spruce Fontaine
- Stacey Myers
- Stacy Washington
- Staff
- Stanislaw Zaryn
- Stasia Decker-Ahmed
- Stefania Lapenna
- Stella Morabito
- Stella Morabito and Susan Falknor
- Stella Paul
- Stephan Helgesen
- Stephanie Blanchard
- Stephanie Farmer
- Stephanie Hitt
- Stephanie Lundquist-Arora
- Stephen B. Young
- Stephen Baskerville
- Stephen Bennett
- Stephen Brown
- Stephen Bryen
- Stephen Bryen & Shoshana Bryen
- Stephen Bryen and Rear Admiral Norman Saunders
- Stephen Bryen and Shoshana Bryen
- Stephen Charles
- Stephen Cutchins
- Stephen D. Bryen
- Stephen D. Bryen and Shoshana Bryen
- Stephen E. Strang
- Stephen F. Gambescia
- Stephen F. Gambescia and Stew Bolno
- Stephen Graff
- Stephen H. Dawson
- Stephen Helgesen
- Stephen I. Siller
- Stephen J. Bacon
- Stephen Kershnar
- Stephen Kokx
- Stephen Kruger
- Stephen L. Meszaros and Robert Ratonyi
- Stephen Lamkin
- Stephen Leonard, MD
- Stephen M. Ackerman
- Stephen M. Astrachan
- Stephen M. Gelé
- Stephen M. King
- Stephen M. Kirby
- Stephen Mauzy
- Stephen McGhee
- Stephen McRoberts
- Stephen Michael MacLean
- Stephen P. Halbrook
- Stephen Rhone
- Stephen Rittenberg
- Stephen Rittenberg, M.D.
- Stephen Rittenberg, MD
- Stephen Ryan
- Stephen Schecter
- Stephen Schutz
- Stephen Schwartz
- Stephen Schwartz and Dr. Irfan al-Alawi
- Stephen Sherman
- Stephen Shields
- Stephen Strosko
- Stephen Waters
- Sterling T. Terrell
- Steve Ackerman
- Steve Alderman
- Steve Amoia and Andrew T. Durham
- Steve Apfel
- Steve Baker
- Steve Baldwin
- Steve Baldwin and Scott S. Powell
- Steve Bartin
- Steve Bigler
- Steve Bise
- Steve Boggs
- Steve Boler
- Steve Bowden
- Steve C. Craig
- Steve Campbell
- Steve Cates
- Steve Chambers
- Steve Collins
- Steve Cotton
- Steve Craig
- Steve Cunningham
- Steve Cunningham and Ronald Kolb
- Steve Daly
- Steve Deace
- Steve Delaney
- Steve Feazel
- Steve Feinstein
- Steve Feldman
- Steve Feldman and Christopher J. Katulka
- Steve Feldman and Robert Sklaroff
- Steve Flesher
- Steve Frank
- Steve Giblin
- Steve Gilbert
- Steve Golac
- Steve Goreham
- Steve Grammatico
- Steve Gruber
- Steve Hines
- Steve Holland
- Steve Holleman
- Steve Karp
- Steve Karp, M.D.
- Steve Kieffer
- Steve Kogan
- Steve Krywucki
- Steve Marks
- Steve Mateucci
- Steve Matteucci
- Steve McCann
- Steve McGregor
- Steve Milloy
- Steve Mosteiro
- Steve Neill
- Steve Pomper
- Steve Postal
- Steve Rose
- Steve Schiller
- Steve Selinger
- Steve Sherman
- Steve Stanek
- Steve Stockman
- Steve Whitlock
- Steven Baird
- Steven Battle
- Steven Bernstein
- Steven C. Barber
- Steven Carr
- Steven Culhane
- Steven D. Bigler
- Steven D. Vivian
- Steven Ein
- Steven Emerson
- Steven Emerson and Pete Hoekstra
- Steven Feinstein
- Steven Frank
- Steven G. Burns
- Steven Geoffrey Gieseler
- Steven Goldfien MD
- Steven Goldsmith
- Steven Goldsmith, M.D.
- Steven Gruber
- Steven H. Aden
- Steven Holland
- Steven J. Maricic
- Steven J. Rosen
- Steven Kessler
- Steven Kopits
- Steven L. Mosteiro
- Steven M. Galbraith
- Steven M. Goldberg
- Steven M. Lord
- Steven Marmer
- Steven Myers
- Steven Neill
- Steven Plaut
- Steven Podnos, MD
- Steven Sanders
- Steven Shanok
- Steven Simpson
- Steven Stotsky
- Steven W. Dugger
- Steven W. Mosher
- Steven Whitson
- Steven Zak
- Stevie Clark
- Stewart Potter
- Straley M. Thorpe
- Struan Stevenson
- Stu Tarlowe
- Stuart Creque
- Stuart J. Moskovitz
- Stuart Kaufman
- Stuart N. Brotman
- Stuart Schwartz
- Stuart Williamson
- Suburban Lawyer
- Sudhanshu Tripathi
- Sue Ghosh Stricklett
- Sukrit Sabhlok
- Sumantra Maitra
- Sun Tzu, Jr
- Sunny Foelker
- Sunny Lohman
- Supna Zaidi Peery
- Surak
- Susan A. Carleson
- Susan Allen
- Susan Ciancio
- Susan D. Harris
- Susan Daniels
- Susan E. Bentley
- Susan E. Wills
- Susan Hanson
- Susan Lane
- Susan Lawson
- Susan Lewis
- Susan North
- Susan Prince
- Susan Pucci
- Susan Quinn
- Susan Stanton
- SusanAnne Hiller
- Sutton Porter
- Suzanne Cruz
- Svetlana Kunin
- Swift Tarbell III
- Sydnee Pearl Michaels
- Sydney Leach
- Syed Ata Hasnain
- Sylvia Bokor
- Sylvia M. Olberding
- Sylvia Thompson
- symposium
- T. Goode Charley
- T.J. Woodard
- T.L. Davis
- T.L. Hesse
- T.L. Nelson
- T.R. Clancy
- T.S. Weidler
- Tabitha Korol
- Tad Wintermeyer
- Tadas Klimas
- Tal Tyagi
- Taleeb Starkes
- Tammi Rossman-Benjamin
- Tammi Rossman-Benjamin and Leila Beckwith
- Tammie S. Haynes
- Tammy Winter
- Tanya Berlaga
- Tara Servatius
- Tarric Brooker
- Taru Taylor
- Taylor Day
- Taylor Lewis
- Ted Belman
- Ted Belman and Alex Maistrovoy
- Ted Belman and Mudar Adnan Zahran
- Ted Gover
- Ted Harvey
- Ted Jorgensen
- Ted Keller
- Ted Neville
- Ted Noel
- Ted Noel, M.D.
- Ted Vaughan
- Terence E. Winters
- Teresa Famham
- Teresa Ford
- Teresa Mull
- Teri O'Brien
- Terrance Huiskens
- Terrence Lakin, MD
- Terry Bishop
- Terry Branstad
- Terry Dexter
- Terry Donlon
- Terry Garlock
- Terry Gibbs
- Terry Heinrichs
- Terry Johnson
- Terry L. Mirll
- Terry Mudge
- Terry Paulding
- Terry Scambray
- Terry Thompson
- Terry Titcomb
- Terry Wilcox
- Test
- Thane Messinger
- Thanos
- Thayrone X
- The American Civil Rights Union
- The Drive-By Pundit
- The Empirical Observer
- The Father of a Soldier
- The Ghost
- The Good Citizen
- The Major
- The People's Cube
- The Postliberal
- The Shrug
- The Skipper
- The Unpolled Conservative
- Theo Caldwell
- Theo Vermaelen
- Theo Willem
- Theodore A. Gebhard
- Theodore Dawes
- Theodore Even
- Theodore Koehl
- Theodore Muta
- Theodore S. Williams
- Theodore Thomas
- Theresa Brown
- Thom Moriarty
- Thomas A. Garrett and William F. Shughart II
- Thomas A. Hemphill
- Thomas A. Oakes
- Thomas Ascik
- Thomas B. Modly
- Thomas B. Talbot, MD
- Thomas Baffy
- Thomas Buckley
- Thomas Burke
- Thomas C. Reed
- Thomas C. Stewart
- Thomas Connors
- Thomas Davidson
- Thomas F. Bertonneau
- Thomas F. Cargill
- Thomas Feeney
- Thomas H. Lipscomb
- Thomas Hall
- Thomas Hawthorne
- Thomas Hild
- Thomas Hofler
- Thomas J. Bruno
- Thomas J. Hall
- Thomas J. Piccone
- Thomas J. Walsh
- Thomas Kasperek
- Thomas Klocek
- Thomas Lifson
- Thomas Lifson and A.M. Mora y Leon
- Thomas Lifson and Carol Brown
- Thomas Lifson and Douglas Hanson
- Thomas Lifson and Ed Lasky
- Thomas Lifson and Ethel Fenig
- Thomas Lifson and Jack Risko
- Thomas Lifson and John Berlau
- Thomas Lifson and Phillip A. Gallagher
- Thomas Lifson and Richard Baehr
- Thomas Lifson and Rick Moran
- Thomas Lifson and Stephen P. Young
- Thomas Lipscomb
- Thomas M. Kelly
- Thomas Maino
- Thomas Maynard
- Thomas McGinley
- Thomas McNamara
- Thomas Nelson
- Thomas Nichta
- Thomas O'Malley
- Thomas P. Sheahen
- Thomas P. Smith
- Thomas Panis
- Thomas R. Ascik
- Thomas R. Cuba
- Thomas Riley
- Thomas Robinson
- Thomas Rose
- Thomas S. Garlinghouse
- Thomas Schweickert
- Thomas Sheahen, MD
- Thomas Snodgrass
- Thomas T. Siler, Jr., MD
- Thomas Wheatley
- Tiara Lusk
- Tibor Krausz
- Tibor R. Machan
- Tibor Skardanelli
- Tiffany Jones
- Tiffany Meier
- Tilak K. Doshi
- Tim Amyx
- Tim Ball and Tom Harris
- Tim Benson
- Tim Chen
- Tim Collins, MD
- Tim Colvin
- Tim Daniel
- Tim Daughtry
- Tim Froehlke
- Tim Gordon
- Tim Gorman
- Tim Haering
- Tim Hartnett
- Tim Hsiao
- Tim Jones
- Tim Lyng
- Tim McNabb
- Tim Mostert
- Tim Nash
- Tim Nielsen
- Tim O'Brien
- Tim O’Brien
- Tim Peterson, Robert J. Simandl, and John J. Maddente
- Tim Philen
- Tim Rivers
- Tim Schieferecke
- Tim Sumner
- Tim Thorstenson
- Tim Turner
- Tim Weldon
- Tim Ziegler
- Timon Cline
- Timothy Benson
- Timothy Birdnow
- Timothy Bishop
- Timothy C. Daughtry
- Timothy Dalrymple
- Timothy Gordon
- Timothy Jankowski
- Timothy Lennon Buckley
- Timothy M. Rosen
- Timothy Nichols
- Timothy P. Collins, MD
- Timothy P. Farrell
- Timothy Philen
- Timothy R. Furnish
- Timothy Rooney
- Timothy Rosen
- Timothy Terrell
- Timothy Weldon
- Tina Molly Lang
- Tina Simmons
- Tina Trent
- TJ Martinell
- Toby Ranley
- Tod Henderson
- Todd and Erik Gregory
- Todd Baumann
- Todd Butterfield
- Todd Dittmann
- Todd Douglas
- Todd Feinburg
- Todd G. Buccholz
- Todd Gregory
- Todd Gregory and Erik Gregory
- Todd Gregory and Erik Gregory DUPLICATE 1
- Todd Keister
- Todd Konrad
- Todd Royal
- Todd Schowalter
- Todd Schowalter Productions
- Todd White
- Todd Witengier
- Tom Anderson
- Tom Barron
- Tom Briggs
- Tom Bruner
- Tom Budds
- Tom Burke
- Tom Carsley
- Tom Copper
- Tom Elliott
- Tom Endicott
- Tom G. K. Swift
- Tom G.K. Swift
- Tom Gallagher
- Tom H. Sleeter
- Tom Harvey
- Tom Hoffman
- Tom Homan
- Tom Insko
- Tom Jahn
- Tom Joseph
- Tom Keltner
- Tom Knepper
- Tom Kubishta
- Tom Marzullo
- Tom Mayer
- Tom McAllister
- Tom McCaffrey
- Tom McClusky
- Tom McCorkill
- Tom Milstein
- Tom Mountain
- Tom Olson
- Tom Panion
- Tom Plum
- Tom Riley
- Tom Roberson
- Tom Roller
- Tom Rowan
- Tom Schatz
- Tom Scheffelin
- Tom Sheahen
- Tom Singer
- Tom Sleeter
- Tom Snyder
- Tom Tancredo
- Tom Taormina
- Tom Thurlow
- Tom Tilque
- Tom Trinko
- Tom Walton
- Tom White
- Tom Wyler
- Tom Zawistowski
- Tomas Rome
- Tommaso Virgili
- Tommy Behnke
- Tommy Harrison
- Tommy L. Attaway
- Tommy Sears
- Toni DelVecchio
- Toni McFadden
- Tony Collins
- Tony D. Burns Jr.
- Tony Gallardo
- Tony George
- Tony Kondaks
- Tony L. Vets II
- Tony Lee
- Tony Lentini
- Tony Moreno
- Tony Pivetta
- Tony Ruggiero
- Tony Sadar
- Tony Sayegh
- Tony Senatore
- TonyfromOz
- Topher Field
- Torben Halbe
- Torin Archbold
- Tory McConnell
- Tova Domitch
- TR Clancy
- Tracey Miller
- Tracy Miller
- Travis Allen
- Travis Olander
- Travis Wright
- Travis Yates
- Trent Hickman
- Trenton Newell
- Trevor Bothwell
- Trevor Louis
- Trevor Thomas
- Trey Dellinger
- Tricia Henry
- Tricia Owen
- Trish Randall
- Tristram Waye
- Tron Simpson
- Troy Cumings
- Troy Nelson
- Troy Silva
- Troy Smith
- Tully Borland
- Twila Brase
- Twilight Patriot
- Tyler C. Chrestman
- Tyler Curtis
- Tyler Jordan
- Tyler LaChapell
- Tyler Roberson
- Tzvi Kahn
- Uilliam Mac Ruaidhri
- Uldis Sprogis
- Ulysses S. Grant
- Uncle Paul's Parodies
- Unknown
- Unsigned
- Uwe Kiefer
- Valdis Gailitis
- Valerie Greenfeld
- Valerie Sobel
- Valerie Walsh
- Valerie Ward
- Valery Dunaevsky
- Van Owen
- Vance Ginn
- Varda Meyers Epstein
- Vasko Kohlmayer
- Vaughan Cordle
- Vaughan Starr
- Vaughn Cordle
- Vaughn Cordle and Paul Stephen Dempsey
- Vel Nirtist
- Velma Montoya
- Vernon Roken
- Vernon Schubel and Henry Wickham
- Veronika Kyrylenko
- Veronika Kyrylenko and Igor Kyrylenko
- Veronika Kyrylenko and Ryan Schinault
- Véronique Chemla
- Vic Hughes
- Vicki
- Victor Del Prete
- Victor Fernandez
- Victor J. Massad
- Victor Jen
- Victor Keith
- Victor Sharpe
- Victor Sharpe and Robert Vincent
- Victor Volsky
- Victoria Toensing
- Victoria White Berger
- Vijay Ingam
- Vijay Jayaraj
- Vijay Jayaraj and E. Calvin Beisner
- Vince Black
- Vince Coyner
- Vince Everett Ellison
- Vincent Agnelli
- Vincent Emilio
- Vincent Gioia
- Vincent J. Emilio
- Vincent John
- Vinod Kumar
- Virginia Prodan
- Viscount Monckton of Brenchley
- Viv Forbes
- Vladimir Frumkin and Jacob Fraden
- Vladimir Khanin
- Vladimir Steblina
- Vostra Guida
- W. A. Bussey
- W. Bruce DelValle
- W. D. Bert Newman
- W. Grant Ellis
- W. Michael Caswell
- W. Mitchell Yeager
- W. R. Wansley
- W.A. Beatty
- W.A. Eliot
- W.D. Bert Newman
- W.H. Lippincott
- W.R. Wansley
- W.R. Wordsworth
- W.T. Sherman
- Walid Phares
- Walker Larson
- Walker Wildmon
- Wallace Edward Brand
- Wallace Manheimer
- Walt Bussey
- Walt Elgin
- Walt Johanson
- Walt Ughes
- Walter E. Blessey, Jr
- Walter E. Block
- Walter E. Block and Alan G. Futerman
- Walter Ghent
- Walter Grudzinski
- Walter Johanson
- Walter Myers III
- Walter Orwell
- Walton Cook
- Walton K. Martin
- Walton K. Martin and Reza Parchizadeh
- Wamba the Fool
- Warren Adler
- Warren Beatty
- Warren Cole Smith
- Warren K. Christolon
- Warren Kindzierski
- Warren Kindzierski, Stan Young, and John Dunn
- Wayne Allyn Root
- Wayne Avrashow
- Wayne Lusvardi
- Wayne McLaughlin
- Wayne Rowan
- Wayne Simmons and Kerry Patton
- Wayne W. Westerbrook
- Wen Fa
- Wen Wryte
- Wendell Jackson
- Wendi Lynn G
- Wendi Strauch Mahoney
- Wendy Farschman
- Wendy Kinney
- Wendy Lack
- Wendy Scherr
- Wendy V. Gallagher
- Wendy Wright
- Wenyuan Wu
- Wes Schellenbaum
- Wesley Clark
- Wesley Clark, MD
- Wesley Martin
- West Coast EDIGUY
- Whitley Yates
- Whitson G. Waldo, III
- Wiley Fox
- Will Brewster
- Will Henry
- Will O'Toole
- Will Stoutamire
- William A. Jacobson
- William A. Levinson
- William A. Routt
- William A. Shields
- William Alpert
- William and Martha Dodd
- William Anderson
- William Barger
- William Beaver
- William C. Jones, V
- William Campenni
- William Chosen
- William Choslovsky
- William Ciosek
- William Conte
- William Craig Reed
- William D. Balgord
- William D. Howard
- William D. Zeranski
- William Davis
- William DiPuccio
- William Dodd
- William Doino Jr
- William Duncan
- William E. Busse
- William F. Dement
- William F. Marshall
- William F. Shughart II
- William F. Shughart II and Arthur Wardle
- William Fielder
- William George
- William H. Lindsey
- William H. McClure
- William Hamilton
- William Harvey, M.D.
- William Hawkins
- William J Pitterle
- William J. Becker Jr.
- William J. Davis
- William J. Dodwell
- William J. Kelly
- William J. Meisler
- William J. Murphy
- William J. Olson
- William J. Olson and Herbert W. Titus
- William J. Olson, Herbert W. Titus, and Robert J. Olson
- William J. Tate
- William J. Upton
- William J. Watkins, Jr.
- William J. Yavelak
- William J. Yavelak, MD
- William Kay
- William Kilpatrick
- William L. Anderson
- William L. Gensert
- William Lalor
- William Levin
- William Lippincott
- William Lolli
- William M. Ferrell
- William M. Gardner
- William Manning
- William Marbury
- William Noel
- William O'Toole
- William P. Stoutamire
- William Perry Pendley
- William R. Casey
- William R. Forstchen
- William R. Hartman
- William R. Hawkins
- William Richards
- William Seabolt
- William Shepherd
- William Siegel
- William Staneski
- William Sullivan
- William T. Alpert
- William T. Fidurski
- William Tate
- William Terrell
- William V. Williams
- William Wagner
- William Wagner and David A. Kallman
- William Ward
- William Zeliff
- William Zeranski
- Williamson M. Evers and Vicki E. Alger
- Willie Shields
- Willis Keith
- Willliam D. Howard
- Winfield Myers
- Winfield Myers and Asaf Romirowsky
- Wokely Correct Comics
- Wolf Howling
- Wolf Terner
- Wood McGinnis
- Woody McGinnis MD
- WordWayze
- Wyatt Junker
- Xavier Schafer
- Yaacov ben Moshe
- Yale Kramer, MD
- Yale M. Zussman
- Yassin Fawaz
- Yehoshua Socol and Moshe Yanovskiy
- Yehuda Israel
- Yervand Kochar
- Yitzchok Saftlas
- Yleem D.S. Poblete
- Yoav J. Tenembaum
- Yoel Meltzer
- Yomin Postelnik
- Yonatan Silverman
- Yonina Pritzker
- Yosef Cohen
- Yossi Gestetner
- Yumiko Blaschko
- Yuri Bilinsky
- Yuri Gankin
- Yuri Justo
- Yvette Reyna
- Z.T. Arnold
- Zach Goldberg
- Zach Krajacic
- Zachary D. Rogers
- Zachary D. Warner
- Zachary Goldberg
- Zachary Leshin
- Zachary Yost
- Zachery Henry
- Zack Taylor
- Zakaria Fellah
- Zana Nesheiwat
- Zane F Pollard, MD
- Zane F. Pollard
- Zbigniew Mazurak
- Zebulen Riley
- Zebya Nur
- Zee Towner
- Zeyba Nur
- Zhang Xiaomao
- Ziad Abdelnour
- Ziggy Bellino
- Ziva Dahl
- Zoran Pazameta
- Lena Muhtadi Borrelli