Jack Eldon Jackson

Jack Eldon Jackson

  • October 6, 2013

    The High and Low Road of Gun Rights

    Let's face it -- in most everything we do in life, we have a choice. We can take the high road or we can take the low road. Knowing which road, when to take it, and why, can sometimes alter the course of history. Such was the case with our Founders d...

  • November 29, 2012

    Why Ingraham Is Right and Perry Is Wrong on Illegal Immigration and the Vote

    You probably remember the massive booing during the Republican primary debates when Texas Governor Rick Perry dribbled out his dippy response to the question of illegal immigration.  With respect to taxpayer-funded incentives that reward such ac...

  • November 5, 2012

    A Question of Honor

    On September 11, 2012, I lost four members of my family, two of them brothers -- though I would not know of it at the time. So, I did what most people do. I went about my life. It was not until the next day I learned that four Americans had fallen in...