J.A. Frascino, MD

J.A. Frascino, MD

  • February 21, 2023

    The future of ‘progressivism’

    The progressive movement is based on certain assumptions. It holds that human nature can be improved by mandating moral behavior through the application of regulations, incentives, and punishments. In addition, the philosophy believes that the power ...

  • November 27, 2017

    Liberals: Lemmings of the left

    The hard left in America is a industry whose business model is to gain social control by generating chaos.  It comprises three tiers: The Board of Directors: Recently referred to as the Deep State, it is a covert, unstructured but ideologi...

  • November 18, 2017

    The left's guilt trip

    The left's inability to deal with its white guilt has undermined our national solidarity. How did we come to be such a divided nation?  Mark Zuckerberg recently apologized for his social media's role.  Many blame the news media, ...

  • October 4, 2017

    Mass shootings and the left's culture of dissidence

    Left-wing cultural influences, not guns, are responsible for mass shootings. In the immediate wake of the horrific Las Vegas massacre, the left has predictably politicized the event to advance its gun control agenda.  Such violence has no pla...

  • August 7, 2017

    It's all about 'feelin' good'

    Society has gone too far in accommodating the left's pathological need to feel good about itself. The left's knee-jerk reaction to most social issues is to display compassion for those it perceives to be marginalized, oppressed, or victimi...

  • July 7, 2017

    Children of the Revolution

    Are America's "narcissistic" youth a by-product of the counterculture revolution and the New Left movement? Social scientists describe our younger generations as narcissistic. Infused with self-esteem since birth and awarded with par...

  • June 29, 2017

    Some unsolicited advice for left-wing elitists

    Can classical liberalism in America be salvaged?  Some "helpful hints" are offered. Classical liberalism is no longer recognizable on the American political landscape.  Its modus operandi has migrated to the far left of the bel...

  • June 23, 2017

    The message of the left

    The left does indeed have a message.  It is based in intimidation and guilt. In the wake of the Georgia election, the left cannot understand or explain its rejection by the electorate.  Some Democrats blame their fall out...

  • June 19, 2017

    The crisis of the left

    Islam, the religion of peace, has been shanghaied by its radical fringe.  The American left is going down the same path. Liberalism struggles to deal with innately malevolent, self-serving human behavior.  It was okay for Neanderthals, b...

  • June 6, 2017

    Paranoia: The Fuel of the Left?

    Is liberal behavior reflective of an underlying paranoid personality trait? Liberal candidate Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election because of lack of message, poor campaigning, and reliance on identity politics. She now agonizi...