J. Robert Smith

J. Robert Smith

  • Crush Them

    January 31, 2025

    Crush Them

    Shortly after being sworn in, Pete Hegseth, the nation’s new secretary of Defense, put it in a very military way. Declared Hegseth in an X post, January 26: The President’s guidance (lawful orders) is clear: No more DEI @DeptofDefens...

  • Will Trump be a Titan Worthy of McKinley?

    January 21, 2025

    Will Trump be a Titan Worthy of McKinley?

    If you ask people who William McKinley was, most of them will just shrug. McKinley was president at the turn of the 20th century. Though little remembered, he was one of the most consequential presidents ever. He was also the third president to be...

  • Trump’s Incredibly High Stakes

    January 9, 2025

    Trump’s Incredibly High Stakes

    Last week, Mike Johnson was re-elected as a speaker. Just a couple of votes against Johnson could have denied him a first ballot win -- or aced him out entirely. Another drawn-out, multi-ballot fight for the speakership would have been a needless dis...

  • Will Big Food be the Next Big Tobacco?

    December 3, 2024

    Will Big Food be the Next Big Tobacco?

    The processed food industry is sharpening swords and battleaxes. Industry lobbyists and consultants are gearing up for a food fight. The dustup promises handsome paydays for D.C. hired guns. In an exposé for RealClearInvestigations, Lee Fan...

  • The Confirmation Wars

    November 20, 2024

    The Confirmation Wars

    If you know anything about Washington, D.C., you know that lying and backstabbing are routine. Your enemies lie, and, often, your friends lie -- or those you assume are friends. In Washington, hidden motives are a given. Sleight of hand is a card sha...

  • Don’t let Gladys and the Loons Win

    November 1, 2024

    Don’t let Gladys and the Loons Win

    A couple of weeks ago, on a balmy autumn day, I proudly planted a Trump yard sign in my lawn. My wife was on the porch. Across the way came a shout. “Your husband didn’t make you do that, did he?’ I looked across the way to see our ...

  • Will your Handheld be Weaponized?

    September 27, 2024

    Will your Handheld be Weaponized?

    Let’s make this clear from the get-go. The Israelis were entirely justified in getting boobytrapped pagers and walkie-talkies into the hands of Hezb’allah terrorists and blowing them up. Let’s add that the Israelis were damned cleve...

  • They Mean to Incite Violence

    September 19, 2024

    They Mean to Incite Violence

    Democrats and corporate media keep getting away with it. What they’re getting away with is inciting violence -- against Donald Trump, first and foremost. Two assassination attempts didn’t happen in a void. Trump didn’t provoke Thoma...

  • Not Voting for Trump Won’t Stop Abortion

    September 5, 2024

    Not Voting for Trump Won’t Stop Abortion

    Let’s trot out this cliché one more time: “The 2024 presidential election is the most consequential in our nation’s history.” Well, maybe, but it’s certainly the most consequential since 1860. That election blew a...

  • It Don’t Come Easy, Kamala

    August 20, 2024

    It Don’t Come Easy, Kamala

    Forget about all the smog that corporate media is belching. Kamala Harris is still a ditz. Her sidekick, Tim Walz, is a progressive Minnesota Fats. He’s all about the hustle. He’s a guy who stole valor thinking he could trade it for a bee...

  • Harris and Walz: Atop the Democrats’ Wedding Cake

    August 7, 2024

    Harris and Walz: Atop the Democrats’ Wedding Cake

    On Wednesday, Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris named her running mate. Minnesota governor Tim Walz got the nod over Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania’s governor. Rumors of Michelle Obama wanting second banana were fanciful. The Obamas aren...

  • A World of Illusions

    July 26, 2024

    A World of Illusions

    Nothing is as it appears. Kim Cheatle resigned as director of the Secret Service under intense pressure. In a rare display of bipartisanship, Republicans and Democrats grilled Cheatle as she stonewalled in front of James Comer’s House Oversight...

  • Can They Cheat a Dementia Sufferer Back into the White House?

    July 12, 2024

    Can They Cheat a Dementia Sufferer Back into the White House?

    We’re learning something valuable. Censorship works better than gaslighting, but even that fails. Joe Biden’s “cognitive decline” has been ongoing since at least 2019. If you didn’t understand why Biden ran his 2020 camp...

  • Why the End of the American Empire is Good for the Republic

    June 28, 2024

    Why the End of the American Empire is Good for the Republic

    This past weekend, the Ukrainians fired missiles at Russia. It’s not the first time. U.S. fingerprints are all over this attack, too. It was yet another provocation to war with Russia. A war with Russia wouldn’t be a limited affair, despi...

  • Wondering About an October Surprise

    June 16, 2024

    Wondering About an October Surprise

    An October surprise is coming, and earlier than October. Joe Biden -- presuming he’s still the Democrats’ nominee -- needs a big game changer. His approval rating is sliding south. Early voting -- that’s legal early voting, for you ...

  • If Biden is Reelected, It’s about War

    May 29, 2024

    If Biden is Reelected, It’s about War

    The troubles we’re confronting at home are so many it’s hard to know where to begin. It’s understandable that most voter attention is focused here. We talk mainly about the consequences -- none good -- to the economy, the border, an...

  • Defending Trump’s Abortion Stance

    April 17, 2024

    Defending Trump’s Abortion Stance

    If Lincoln was going to be elected in 1860, he wasn’t going to succeed calling for the abolition of slavery. Trump has decided that pushing federal abortion elimination is a losing proposition in 2024. Like it or not, Trump is right about the p...

  • Why We Should Keep Lovin’ on RFK Jr.

    April 5, 2024

    Why We Should Keep Lovin’ on RFK Jr.

    Back in the 1950s, there was the Red Scare. Up until a couple of months ago, there was the “Kennedy Scare.” Corporate media was spinning that Robert Kennedy Jr. might swipe more votes from Donald Trump than creaky Joe Biden this autumn. T...

  • Another Reason Why Stakes are Sky-high this Autumn

    March 26, 2024

    Another Reason Why Stakes are Sky-high this Autumn

    Last Friday, Tyler Durden offered these intriguing insights at Zero Hedge: If anyone is wondering what is the one, sole driving force behind Joe Biden's foreign policy, here is the answer: It's always been about the oil, s...

  • Does a Bellicose Biden want War?

    March 12, 2024

    Does a Bellicose Biden want War?

    There’s a general consensus on the Right. Biden’s State of the Union address was a nasty campaign speech. Among establishment shills, though, comes predictable silliness. Bill Scher at the Washington Monthly claimed that Joe’s rant ...

  • Damn the Polls

    February 7, 2024

    Damn the Polls

    Last week, The National Pulse reports that Trump is leading in all seven battleground states. Pop the cork! Trump wins... Not yet, anyway. This isn’t to suggest that Trump boosters shouldn’t be heartened by polling data and trends favo...

  • January 25, 2024

    Trump’s VP Pick

    Donald Trump knew what he had to do nearly eight years ago. As a political outsider, he played the smart card. Trump, the GOP’s presidential nominee, picked a stiff as his running mate, someone that, first, reassured the Republican establishmen...

  • January 16, 2024

    DEI, Airplane Crashes, and Bad Medicine

    How safe are you nowadays on commercial airliners? How safe will you be tomorrow? Are airlines sacrificing safety at the altar of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)?” Who do you want piloting the jetliner you’re on, the best, m...

  • January 5, 2024

    The Year of Living Dangerously has Begun

    With the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary looming, more than the traditional silly season in politics has begun. A dangerous year is about to unfold, with dangers to follow. Not since 1860 has the nation faced a presidential election so conseq...

  • December 22, 2023

    Finally, Destruction for Destruction’s Sake

    Last week, at his website -- “The Blade of Perseus” -- Victor Davis Hanson wrote about the nihilism that’s destroying our society. Hanson surveys the American scene better than any observer. The recent acceleration of that destructi...

  • November 22, 2023

    A Plausible Explanation for JFK’s Assassination?

    Conspiracies as history doesn’t crank my tractor. You know, secretive Free Masons running the country since its founding. Most JFK conspiracy stuff I’ve dismissed. Occam’s razor often suffices. But a JFK assassination conspiracy the...

  • November 15, 2023

    It’s Not November 2024

    Last week, over at “Just the News,” the headline blared: “Trump leads Biden in 5 battleground states in New York Times poll.” Other than a feelgood rush, so what? The official date for the ‘24 elections is November 5,...

  • November 7, 2023

    The Unforgettable, Dreadful 2020s

    Last Thursday, over at X (formerly Twitter), the Real James Woods responded pithily to a longer comment posted by an account named “Denlesks.” Stated Woods: Biden’s border catastrophe could well be the ruination of America. ...

  • October 3, 2023

    What Kennedy’s Independent Candidacy Means to Biden and Trump

    Democrats are in a snit. RFK Jr. is returning the copious fairness -- even generosity -- that they’ve shown him with big slaps on their kissers.  On October 9, Kennedy is expected to announce he’s running for president sans Demo...

  • September 13, 2023

    Will Democrats False Flag Us into a War with Russia?

    Mention the Ukraine War to most Americans and their eyes glaze over.  A lot of folks can’t locate Ukraine on a map.  Yes, that’s partly the fault of our educational system.    Historically, though, if it ain...

  • August 29, 2023

    Democrats Should Quake: Trump is Glowering

    Donald Trump’s mugshot has traveled around the globe about 8,000 times since it was released last Thursday evening.  It might just be the shot heard around the world -- unless arrogant globalists -- homegrown and afar -- are as deaf as the...

  • August 11, 2023

    Impeach Biden, Make Democrats Sweat

    We see that congressional Republicans’ constipation has flared up again. It’s a chronic, though voluntary, distress. Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Alejandro Mayorkas are begging to be impeached, yet Speaker Kevin McCarthy and other bung...

  • July 26, 2023

    Welcome to the Persecution, RFK Jr.

    Last Thursday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made his opening statement before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.  He pleaded for “respect” and “compassion” in public discourse. ...

  • July 14, 2023

    DeSantis Down

    In case you didn’t notice, Ron DeSantis is trailing Donald Trump in Florida by a whopping 20 points. For DeSantis to have won a landslide gubernatorial reelection last November, that spread is stunning DeSantis supporters. His big money backers...

  • June 14, 2023

    The Lilliputians are All in Conspiracy Against Trump

    As Jonathan Swift put it in  “Thoughts on Various Subjects, Moral and Diverting”: "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." ...

  • June 8, 2023

    Vivek Ramaswamy for Vice President

    Does it really matter that a bunch of second and third-tier candidates have announced for the GOP presidential nomination?  Other than DeSantis -- who’s first tier -- are any of them really running for president or are they running to pump...

  • April 27, 2023

    Tucker Carlson is Right: It’s about Evil

    If you never watched the brilliant German movie, Downfall, do so.  It stars the late Bruno Ganz, whose portrayal of Adolf Hitler during his last days in his Berlin bunker was powerfully chilling.  Hitler was a psychopath, whose unshakable c...

  • April 25, 2023

    The Bad Guys Won’t Trumpize DeSantis?

    Anti-Trump conservatives -- and some conservatives who aren’t against Trump -- have the impression that if the Republican Party nominates Ron DeSantis for president that Democrats, the establishment, the Left, and corporate media (the “Al...

  • April 12, 2023

    Trump at the Gates

    A few days ago, we heard from William Barr, D.C. lifer, former attorney general of the United States, and elections savant.  Barr made a prediction about Trump’s fate, via Fox News and the Murdochs, who hate the former president with ...

  • April 5, 2023

    Ready Yourself for the 2024 Storms

    The end of the Marxist-infiltrated Progressive Era isn’t happening with a whimper, but with bangs.  In 2024, it’ll happen with convulsions, likely violent.  What follows is up for grabs.     The foreshadowing o...

  • March 28, 2023

    Fat, Stupid, and Diverse

    To lift a line from the immortal Dean Wormer: “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life…” here amended to fat and stupid.  Case in point, Alvin Bragg, now the Manhattan district attorney, and a guy who never met a c...

  • January 28, 2023

    Keeping America Out of War with Russia

    When has a Republican been in D.C. too long?  When he prioritizes the Ukraine war over the disintegration of the U.S.-Mexican border.  And not just any Republican, but a Texas Republican with a pivotal House leadership role. Michael McCa...

  • January 10, 2023

    With McCarthy’s Election, the Struggle Continues

    Typical of corporate and big conservative media, we had the pleasure of hearing ad nauseum how the process whereby a speaker of the U.S. House is elected was somehow disruptive and bad optics and whatever other parroted drivel. These dimwits might as...

  • December 27, 2022

    What are Senate Conservatives Going to Do about McConnell?

    The script is sickeningly familiar by now, isn’t it?  Establishment Republicans -- led throughout the ’22 elections and in their aftermath by the notorious Kentucky senator-for-life Mitch McConnell -- betrayed their party’s bas...

  • December 20, 2022

    Why Just Mayorkas?

    Leave it to Republicans to fall short, either from nearsightedness, timidity, or both.  Case in point, Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas.  Twenty House conservatives, led by the quixotic speaker-aspirant Andy Biggs (R-AZ), are call...

  • December 7, 2022

    Should We Expect Much from McCarthy and House Republicans?

    The speaker’s election isn’t until January, so isn’t it premature to anoint Kevin McCarthy as speaker?  No, it isn’t -- unless Matt Gaetz and his four amigos hold tight in their suicide mission.  That ain’t hap...

  • November 19, 2022

    A House Majority, if Republicans can Keep It

    Republicans have secured a U.S. House majority, barely.  Barely is better than not at all.  But a slim margin will pose daunting challenges to Republicans, who will be led by Kevin McCarthy.  The Californian will win the speaker’...

  • November 13, 2022

    2022 Midterms: No Stink on the Republican Establishment?

    Attacks on Donald Trump have begun in the aftermath of the midterm elections.  We should have set our watches.  Washington’s Republican establishment is pushing the line that the GOP’s underperformance in the midterms is “...

  • November 7, 2022

    Democrats are in Full Panic Mode -- For a Very Good Reason

    Per NBC News, which is tracking mail-in and early voting counts in all fifty states, the Democrats are in deep trouble.  In most competitive states the lopsided advantages that Democrats enjoyed in mail-in balloting and early voting in the 2020 ...

  • November 2, 2022

    Why Do Progressives Hate Kids?

    It’s a tough question to ask: Why do progressives hate kids?  The question answers itself when you start stacking up the evidence.  Kids across the country -- in various ways and to varying degrees -- are suffering as a result.  ...

  • October 19, 2022

    What Happens When Democrats Lose Bigly?

    Cast your mind back to 2020.  Before the November presidential elections, the nation’s cities were convulsed by riots -- riots spread by leftist provocateurs, facilitated by Democrat mayors, and condoned by congressional Democrats.  G...

  • October 11, 2022

    The Madness of America’s Ruling Class

    The ruling class has failed immensely.  The last two years are proof, but with each passing day, one wonders: Are America’s elites plunging into madness?  That’s a dead serious question.  With their madness may go our lives...

  • September 27, 2022

    If Republicans Want to Win, Commit

    This past Friday, Kevin McCarthy and other GOP U.S. House leaders unveiled the long-awaited “Republican Commitment to America.”  It didn’t disappoint.  The plan was fittingly announced in Washington, Pennsylvania, not Wash...

  • September 20, 2022

    Democrats Are Scared

     It’s less than two months to Election Day -- whatever that means anymore.  Early voting is gearing up.  Reliable polls – Trafalgar Group and Rasmussen Reports – show Republicans gaining.  Even the Real Clear Pol...

  • September 8, 2022

    Want to Win the Midterms? Listen to Ron DeSantis

    If you’re a GOP congressional candidate, who should you take advice from on how to win your election?  Mitch McConnell -- who, by all appearances, is a Disney animatron created to trip up Republican contenders -- or Ron DeSantis, ultra-suc...

  • September 1, 2022

    Biden Takes On the Soul of the Nation

    Thursday night, Joe Biden takes to the airwaves to “continue his battle for the soul of the nation.”  Sounds kinda biblical -- this must be God at work. As to the outcome of this battle, Joe and his godless legions might be...

  • August 26, 2022

    The Senate is Very Much in Play for the GOP

    Corporate media is at it again, shilling for Democrats. The spin heading toward Labor Day is that Republican chances of winning a Senate majority are fading.  A GOP takeover of the U.S. House hangs by a thread.  Nonsense.  In fact, Rep...

  • August 24, 2022

    The Republic is Threatened, not Destroyed

    It’s time to take issue with some conservatives.  They need to change their language.  That’s not nitpicking.  Language shapes actions, and actions create outcomes.  Language -- as much as information -- is a primary w...

  • August 15, 2022

    Buckle Up: Tough Times Are Coming

    The Stasi's — AKA the FBI's — raid on Mar-a-Lago isn't the Democrats' last attempt to foreclose Donald Trump's presidential run.  The Mar-a-Lago raid was merely a salient in an ongoing war. Even if the establ...

  • August 10, 2022

    Will a New Republican Era Emerge from the Democrats’ Wreckage?

    Last weekend, Democrats passed yet another piece of Orwellian tripe.  The nation’s ruin is ongoing, by incompetence and design.  Get this: it’s called the “Inflation Reduction Act,” which is about spending three-quar...

  • July 20, 2022

    The Party of Affluent, Progressive Whites

    Back in 2002, Ruy Teixeira and John Judis published a book boldly proclaiming The Emerging Democratic Majority. Demographics were destiny, said the authors.  The coloring of America would transform politics in the Democrats’ favor for...

  • July 14, 2022

    Nearly in the Grip of a Cult

    Decades of unprecedented prosperity have made westerners indolent, bored, and self-absorbed.  Detachment from Judeo-Christian faith has made elites vulnerable to fanatics and charlatans peddling gimcrackery.  These peddlers no longer hawk t...

  • June 29, 2022

    The Antilife Party

    The longstanding idea that the two major American political parties are just means to ends needs revision.  The Democrat Party, dating back to Andrew Jackson, with roots in the older Jeffersonian antifederalist coalition, really hasn’t cha...

  • June 21, 2022

    The Democrats vs. Morality

    The outstanding feature of the Democrat Party is how well it mirrors the descent of the culture.  Check that -- Democrats don’t just mirror our rotting culture, they’re leading the race off the cliff.  That’s what pro...

  • June 8, 2022

    Progressive America is the Twilight Zone

    The dilapidating state of our culture, institutions, and politics (the order is deliberate) has been decades in the making.  Blame Boomers -- the culture definers among them -- for getting the ball rolling downhill in the highly romanticized lie...

  • May 26, 2022

    Starbucks Exits Russia. Why Not China?

    In solidary with the Ukrainian people, and to put a punctuation mark on its opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Starbucks is closing its 130 stores in Russia. The global coffee retailer joins a list of nearly 330 companies that have lik...

  • May 24, 2022

    Salena Zito’s Big Miss about Pennsylvania’s Midterms

    Salena’s Zito’s latest analysis for the Washington Examiner (“The conservative populist coalition has grown in Pennsylvania.  What that means going forward is important”) correctly describes the trend that has been ongoin...

  • May 19, 2022

    If the American Empire Falls, Will the Republic Rise?

    Victor Davis Hanson, eminent classicist, provides this warning to Americans in the lead of his most recent article at Epoch Times, updated May 16: Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory.  They may witness things ...

  • May 5, 2022

    Overturning Roe v. Wade: Will Democrats Instigate Another George Floyd Summer?

    If the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, desperate Democrats hope they've found their next George Floyd. In 2020, a presidential election year, Floyd's death while in the hands of Minneapolis police "sparked" protests (AK...

  • April 26, 2022

    The War America Should be Fighting

    From Breitbart News, April 19: RIVERSIDE COUNTY, California — Four times as much fentanyl is flowing across the United States-Mexico border under President Joe Biden compared to two years prior when former President Trump was in office. ...

  • April 19, 2022

    Why Mitch McConnell?

    If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a million times:  80-year-old Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell is the indispensable man.  McConnell’s indispensability, we’re told, stems from his skill in shepherding Republic...

  • April 5, 2022

    Why Sexualize Kids if Sexuality is Inborn?

    Are we to presume that woke corporations, like Disney, teachers' unions, “progressive” academics, corporate media, and chic Hollywood have once and for all settled the long and contentious nature-nurture debate?  Seems so...

  • March 30, 2022

    Who Thinks Biden is a War Leader?

    You have to wonder what great disconnect happened in the minds of conservatives who are agitating for war with Russia.  Given their rhetoric, war is what they’re flirting with.  Putin, per the invective, is a butcher, war criminal, Hi...

  • March 24, 2022

    Meanwhile, America’s Troubles Continue

    Watching cable news and listening to talkers and a parade of congressional Republicans, you’d think someone waved a magic wand, making all of America’s troubles vanish.  The Ukraine war is very visible, however.  The war for the...

  • March 15, 2022

    Warmongering Risks GOP Gains this November

    This past Sunday, we were given indications of two possible November midterm election outcomes for Republicans.  They came on Maria Bartiromo’s “Sunday Morning Futures” program.  It featured Stephen Miller, who served as a...

  • March 10, 2022

    The Fallacies and Foolishness of War Fever

    Concerning the Russo-Ukraine war, passions are running high and hot words are flying like lead.  That’s not just in Ukraine, but also here at home.  Cable news and talk radio have some of the worst offenders.  “Putin is mad...

  • March 8, 2022

    The Ukraine War Can't Save Biden

    Since Russia invaded the Ukraine, the U.S. news media has focused nearly exclusively on the war underway.  Wars are attention-grabbers, so news coverage makes sense.  Certainly, a war of aggression by nuclear-armed Russia in Europe merits s...

  • March 2, 2022

    War with Russia Could be Catastrophic

    Last week, Dick Morris took to the airwaves at Newsmax to swipe at Tucker Carlson.  In going after Carlson, he made points that should disturb sensible Americans.  Those points are revealing.  They’re worth addressing because Mor...

  • February 22, 2022

    Putin is Playing Biden like a Fiddle

    Vlad Putin, the evil though very calculating chief oligarch of the shriveled nation of Russia (when stacked against its predecessor, the Soviet Union), is playing chess over the fate of Ukraine, while our figurehead president and his gaggle of admini...

  • January 8, 2022

    Conceit, Lies, Greed, and the Covid Debacle

    If you haven’t seen the CDC map of Covid “Community Transmission in the US by County,” it’s practically all red, meaning transmission is at its highest level.  The U.S. is awash in Covid infections.  After nearly two...

  • December 22, 2021

    Is Hillary Clinton Suggesting Civil War?

    The other day, in an interview with NBC News, Hillary Clinton went public with a warning -- or was it a dog whistle to Democrats and the left?  It might be an instance of Hillary’s mouth running ahead of her brain, but don’t count on...

  • December 9, 2021

    The Concentration Camp Olympics

    This February will see U.S. participation in the winter Olympics in Beijing.  The games will occur amid the knowledge that Xi Jinping is committing some of the most appalling human rights abuses on the planet.  A million Uighurs are being p...

  • December 3, 2021

    Smashing and Grabbing Blue America into Ruin

    The recent spate of brazen organized store lootings in Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and surroundings aren’t the beginning of societal unraveling in those places, but the latest manifestations.  They represent a new sta...

  • November 23, 2021

    What Biden’s Nomination of Omarova Tells Us

    Not long ago, who would have believed that an American president would nominate a communist for an important U.S. Treasury job?  Not a “I’ve seen the light” repentant communist, like Whittaker Chambers, but a person who must be...

  • November 4, 2021

    In 2022, the Democrats' Biggest Enemy is Voter Revulsion

    Democrats haven’t grasped this yet, but it’s too late for them.  The die is cast.  An electoral bloodbath awaits next year, akin to or surpassing what happened to their party in 2010.   Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...

  • October 29, 2021

    Biden and the Democrats are Undermining the Rule of Law

    An intriguing and distressing feature of the Biden administration and congressional Democrats is that both have a propensity for law-breaking and lawmaking.  They’re different sides of the same coin.  While the former is obviousl...

  • October 13, 2021

    The Prospect of a National Divorce

    Are red and blue America headed for a split?  Lately, Dan Bongino has discussed the possibility on his daily podcast and radio show.  Glenn Beck has mentioned it, too.  It’s a focused topic of David Reaboi, whom Bongino cites....

  • October 6, 2021

    Biden is Brewing a National Crisis

    Have we ever had a president who in mere months made so many dumb, intemperate decisions, thereby precipitating major crises?  You’d think that the Afghanistan and border fiascos would suffice for one four-year term.  But the smart mo...

  • September 22, 2021

    Can Xi Jinping Defeat Biden-led America?

    Look at it from Xi Jinping’s perspective.  The PRC’s leader-for-life learned nothing from Joe Biden’s abject surrender in Afghanistan but confirmed everything that he knows about our 46th president.  Xi’s knowledge o...

  • September 9, 2021

    On 9/11, Vote No Confidence in Joe Biden

    On Thursday, August 26, Joe Biden made a contribution to the terror war… against us.  On that infamous day, a suicide bomber attacked the Kabul airport, killing 13 U.S. soldiers and at least 170 Afghanis.  How many of the dead Afghan...

  • September 1, 2021

    Biden’s Unspoken Aim: Demoralize Americans

    If you take the time to piece together the puzzle, you begin to see a very disturbing picture.  In seven short months, the Biden administration hasn’t only, via policy and executive decisions, precipitated a dire crisis on the U.S. souther...

  • August 21, 2021

    Three and a Half more Years of Biden-Harris

    Joe Biden -- daily shuffling closer to a bottomless bowl of ice cream -- took to the airwaves the other night to double-down on failure.  Claimed our latter-day -- albeit, wooden -- Harry Truman: the buck stopped on his desk for the fiasco decor...

  • August 11, 2021

    Impeach Joe Biden

    The outcry has begun to impeach Joe Biden. He should be. Dan Bongino is noteworthy in making the call, following the lead of Mark Levin. And not for “light and transient causes,” to borrow from the Declaration of Independence. Not to stag...

  • August 5, 2021

    Who Believes Anthony Fauci?

    Reuters reported on Monday that Anthony Fauci has made a declaration: Enough Americans have now been vaccinated to avoid lockdowns.  Fauci made his pronouncement on ABC’s “This Week.” But who with even a modest faculty for c...

  • July 21, 2021

    Progressivism’s Collapse and Why it Matters

    A couple of weeks ago, in a lengthy piece at the Weekly Dish, Andrew Sullivan lamented about the “radicalization of the American elite against liberalism.”  While this appears so to Sullivan’s eyes, this radicalization doesn...

  • July 1, 2021

    Can Radical Federalism Save America?

    Eminent conservative thinker Angelo Codevilla had an article titled "To Rescue a Nation" last week at the American Mind that’s very much worth reading. To save the republic means ending the escalating tensions and conflicts precipitat...

  • June 24, 2021

    ‘Pride’ Night at the Old Ballpark

    Major League Baseball teams have been celebrating “Pride Month” via Pride Nights at ballparks across the Majors.  June is Pride Month, in case you’ve missed the hype.  Outdoing itself, the MLB is partying “all season...

  • June 11, 2021

    The Unbearable Lightweightness of Kamala Harris

    It’s faint praise at best to describe someone as not smart or dumb.  In fact, I don’t know that Kamala Harris is dumb.  She may have brains, but she doesn’t much show them.  She comes across as a woman who’s wel...

  • May 13, 2021

    Liz Cheney's pratfall

    On Wednesday morning by a voice vote, U.S. House Republicans ousted the odious Liz Cheney from her leadership position.  Republicans really had no choice.  Cheney’s unconcealed loathing for Donald Trump and her notorious vote to impea...

  • May 5, 2021

    Subjugation, Dissolution, or Renewed Federalism?

    Where does this all end?  You know what I mean, the turmoil and conflicts -- the great roiling that is now America.  This can’t go on indefinitely.  Nothing under the sun does.  How might the conflict long underway -- whi...

  • April 28, 2021

    The Democratic Party is Now America’s Extremist Party

    Millions of Americans know.  Daily, others are coming to grips with the reality.  But fear pervades the nation, so many people stay quiet.  They stay quiet hoping destruction isn’t visited upon them.  Time to end the fear...

  • April 20, 2021

    Xi’s Biden Window for Conquest

    At Beijing, Xi Jinping is doubtlessly assessing the moment.  Surely, he must ask himself, “Is the window most open now to conquer Taiwan?”  Seizing Taiwan is a critical step in achieving the PRC’s midrange strategic aim of...

  • April 9, 2021

    Fire Manfred and return the All-Star Game to Atlanta

    If Major League Baseball team-owners don't act fast, the MLB will experience a hemorrhaging of fans that might damage the pro game for years.  The way to repair the damage is to fire Commissioner Rob Manfred and return the All-Star Game...

  • April 6, 2021

    Strike Out Major League Baseball

    Woke pro baseball, strike one.  A cowardly MLB commissioner, strike two.  Corporate sanctimony, strike three.  Major League Baseball pulling the 2021 All-Star game and this year’s amateur draft from Atlanta is batter out, game ov...

  • April 1, 2021

    Breaking Down and Breaking Up?

    The other day, Liz Peek, writing at Fox News online, said this about the 46th president: Joe Biden woke up on third base and thinks he hit a triple.  Someone has told the president that he was elected by the American peopl...

  • March 25, 2021

    The Unfit President

    There was another time in U.S. history when a president was incapable of serving.  His name was Woodrow Wilson, and he had had a stroke, a debilitating one.  He never recovered.  For about 18 months, the nation was without a president....

  • March 19, 2021

    A New Cold War with China?

    In the last week, we watched Joe Biden box check the loony feminist faction of his party.  Why, the military is stepping up, droned Biden in a televised appearance.  Flight suits will better accommodate pregnant female air personnel.  ...

  • March 13, 2021

    When a Handful of Crises Isn't Enough

    The Biden administration has enjoyed no honeymoon.  The cabal that addled Joe Biden fronts really didn’t want one.  Bridge-building, comity, and compromise are passé.  What Ron Klain, Susan Rice, and a knot of plutocrats a...

  • February 24, 2021

    For Trump, Trustbusting isn’t Just an Option

    Note to former president Donald J. Trump: Time to channel a fellow New Yorker, a Roosevelt, no less.  That’s the Oyster Bay Roosevelt, Teddy.  Trustbusting needs to be a cornerstone of your America First agenda -- the agenda that...

  • February 17, 2021

    Are Democrats Creating Two Americas?

    In Year One of the Biden Revolutionary Calendar, Democrats, the left, and the globalist clique are in high spirits.  They’ve resumed the four years stalled wonderous “transformation” of America, and they’re doing so with ...

  • February 4, 2021

    For the GOP, Election Reform is Imperative

    Universal mail-in balloting and looser ballot integrity laws are poison to fair, honest elections.  Go ask Donald Trump.  Trump lost by whiskers in five battleground states last November.  A switch of approximately 139, 350 votes (out ...

  • January 16, 2021

    In defense of AT’s decision to suspend comments

    As a longtime contributor to American Thinker, I want to step in to defend Thomas Lifson’s decision to suspend the comments section here.  I don’t believe for one minute that this was a decision that Thomas made gladly or without com...

  • January 8, 2021

    Doing Better

    On January 6, did we really expect more from other than a handful of rank-and-file congressional Republicans?  Did we really expect the votes on certification of Biden’s state electors’ slates to be something other than pro forma?...

  • December 31, 2020

    Why the Defeatism?

    Millions of patriots have fight in them as the country confronts the greatest threat to the Republic since the Civil War.  Historic elections fraud, centered on the presidential contests, involving gross criminality make it so.  Whereas ...

  • December 23, 2020

    The New Phony War

    As of the November elections, the nation is at war.  It’s a 21st-century war, so it’s very different.  Because it’s new, the scope and magnitude aren’t easily understood.  It hasn’t been declared.  It...

  • December 18, 2020

    What Can We Do?

    With cowardice and treachery swirling in the December air like snowflakes, we wonder what fate will befall the Republic.  The epic elections scam is within inches of triumph.  We’re near calling for a Hail Mary pass.  We pray for...

  • December 12, 2020

    Stability or Justice: A False Choice

    Perhaps like me, your blood boiled when you read the response filed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the “Emergency Application for Injunctive Relief filed by Congressman Mike Kelly and other Plaintiffs.”  Read for yourself ...

  • December 8, 2020

    Bring on 2021

    It was in the musical Camelot (the movie) when King Pellinore (Lionel Jefferies) advises Arthur (Richard Harris) that the “uglier the truth, the truer the friend who tells you.” Now, with mere weeks to go before the year changes, we ha...

  • December 3, 2020

    If the Elections are Stolen, the Biden Nightmare Begins

    Immersed as we are in President Trump’s efforts to wrest victory from a sinister collection of fraudsters, we’re understandably sparing little time to consider what happens if addled Joe Biden’s handlers get away with stealing the e...

  • November 24, 2020

    This is War

    We are at war with enemies of liberty, domestic and foreign.  Domestic enemies are now pressing relentlessly.  Why shrink from the word “enemy,” the simple definition of which is “one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confo...

  • November 17, 2020

    The California Elections Pandemic

    The virus that came out of California this year is deadlier to election integrity than COVID could ever be to Americans.  The once Golden State, renowned for creating and exporting much of what constitutes American popular culture, now exports a...

  • November 10, 2020

    The Greatest Threat Ever to Our Liberty

    Saturday at Newsmax, General Michael Flynn said this about the Democrats perpetrating elections fraud on an unprecedented scale: "Right now, we are at risk," Flynn added. "This is going to place this country at risk, if we get thi...

  • November 6, 2020

    Why We Stand with President Trump

    As of this writing, President Donald Trump has begun litigating in key battleground states.  Voting irregularities and widespread Democrat ballot fraud are the concerns. The presidency hangs in the balance, but all the more, so does the nat...

  • October 30, 2020

    The Democratic Party is the Dark Winter

    We are, indeed, at a crossroads in America.  Next Tuesday, we’ll learn the choice of direction.  Will voters stick with President Trump, who, in saner times, would be a slam-dunk for reelection -- or do they embrace Joe Biden and his ...

  • October 25, 2020

    The Biden Crisis

    If you want to know why early voting stinks, the burgeoning Biden crisis should inform you.  Estimates are that about 50 million Americans have voted, as of this writing.  That’s before or as the gravest scandal in the history of pres...

  • October 20, 2020

    Do the Chinese Own Joe Biden?

    Americans will need to come to grips with a mounting, deadly serious crisis.  The Democrat nominee for the presidency appears saturated with corruption, and worse -- yes, there’s a worse here -- he’s compromised himself to foreign po...

  • October 8, 2020

    When Fear Rules

    When our 74-year-old president was released from Walter Reed Medical Center on Monday night, he made this commonsense declaration about COVID-19: “Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some re...

  • October 1, 2020

    Democrats: Riots, Racism, Rot, and Rebellion

    Democrats love to claim that their party underwent a metamorphosis in the 1960s, when they finally washed away the taint of slavery past.  The Rebellion, in which Democrats played principal roles in causing, was a century in the rearview mirror....

  • September 24, 2020

    Nothing is Off the Table

    "Nothing is off the table," declared Senator Dick Blumenthal (D-CT) in a now notorious Tweet: “If Republicans recklessly & reprehensively force a SCOTUS vote before the election -- nothing is off the table.” Sometime prio...

  • September 19, 2020

    The Biden Hoax

    Joe Biden’s nomination is the Democrats’ crowning insult.  They’re making another go at playing voters for chumps.  Democrats, the D.C. establishment, and the left started hoaxing Americans back in 2016.  The Russia H...

  • September 10, 2020

    A Bridge Too Far?

    Fox News had an interview posted on Labor Day with conservative filmmaker and commentator Dinesh D’Souza.  D’Souza has a new film, Trump Card, which will be digitally released on October 9.  The article’s headline ...

  • September 4, 2020

    Save Washington, D.C.

    D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser must think she’s clever.  Maybe she’s just desperate.  After weeks of lawlessness in D.C., she’s “pleading” with Acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin to lower the boom on not-so-peacefu...

  • August 28, 2020

    Now Republicans are Enemies of the State

    Democrats know that Joe Biden is a sure loser if November's elections play out fairly.  But they have no intention of losing again to Donald Trump — nor of letting the U.S. House slip away, nor permitting Mitch McConnell to keep t...

  • August 20, 2020

    When are Local and State Governments Illegitimate?

    Watching “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Monday night, my stomach turned and heart sank.  Carlson ran video footage of a couple in Portland being dragged from their pickup truck and beaten.  Their sin: their whiteness.  The cul...

  • August 13, 2020

    Must We Fight Cancel Culture with Cancel Culture?

    As of August 2020, we Americans are embroiled in an intensifying cold civil war.  Democrats and the left are the aggressors.  Cancel culture is a chief weapon.  It's not being employed wholesale — yet ...

  • February 14, 2018

    A Democrat Year? Don't Count on It.

    Listening to the mainstream media and Democrats, the 2018 midterm congressional elections are in the bag -- for them. Yes, the MSM are mostly a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, so they’re spinning. But capturing the House isn’t in ...

  • November 3, 2017

    Jihad Rears Its Head Again, with Democrats Enabling

    Tuesday in New York City, Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old Uzbek immigrant and jihadist, plowed a rented truck into bicyclists and pedestrians, killing eight and seriously injuring "numerous" others.  The response from leading New York D...

  • October 26, 2017

    Uranium One: Will Justice be Done?

    Not much distance was needed to gain confirmation. The Trump-Russian collusion charges were all deception and diversion. It reeks of conspiracy. It was Plan B in the Clintons’ and Democrats’ playbook. Plan A was the election of Hillary as...

  • October 17, 2017

    A Tale of Two Leaders: Trudeau versus Trump

    The contrast couldn’t be more telling. Last November, voters elected a Hemingway man as president. Hemingway, as in Ernest. You know, the great 20th Century writer who glorified masculinity: big game hunting, deep-sea fishing, bullfighting, war...

  • September 26, 2017

    His Name Was Scout

    Saturday night before last, a 21-year-old known as “Scout” Schultz was shot dead at Georgia Tech. The shooter was a campus cop. Scout, a Tech undergrad, advanced on cops with a knife. He was taunting them to shoot as he advanced. He ignor...

  • September 19, 2017

    London Update: West to Blame for Islamic Terrorism

    Generic terrorism struck again in London last Friday. That’s what it always is initially -- an act of terrorism without specific cause. It’s the etiquette. As if London’s tube bombing could possibly have been done by a rogue Anglica...

  • August 26, 2017

    Primary GOP Obstructionists to Oblivion

    The old Bobby Kennedy saying, “Don’t get mad, get even,” needs to guide the grassroots. Congressional Republicans getting on board President Trump’s legislative agenda is imperative. Passing the President’s big ticket le...

  • August 20, 2017

    The Great Robert E. Lee

    Robert E. Lee was a great American.  He was in rebellion against his country for four tortuous, bloody years.  At the head of the Army of Northern Virginia, he came darn close to winning Southern independence.  Lee was a brilliant fiel...

  • August 4, 2017

    Jeff Flake's in Denial about Jeff Flake

    There’s two competing visions of the Republican Party. One is Trumpian and the other is Flakeian. As in the Arizona senator, Jeff Flake. One or the other will prevail in the fight for the GOP. The nation’s future hinges, in large part, on...

  • July 25, 2017

    Fire Mueller

    Two words describe the Russian collusion accusations and investigation of President Trump: Sham and injustice. Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor, knows it. Rod Rosenstein, the Obama holdover Deputy Attorney General who appointed Mueller, knows i...

  • June 20, 2017

    Bleeding America?

    “If they want civil war in this country, they will probably end up getting it,” Tweeted actor and conservative James Woods, last week. The “they” are an array of Democrats and leftists. Woods posted his Tweet just hours a...

  • May 27, 2017

    The Manchester Massacre: More Fuel for Nationalism

    In the immediate aftermath of the massacre of kids at Manchester Arena, when did British PM Theresa May utter the words, “Islamic terrorism?” If those two words came from May’s lips together, they came incidentally. We heard the wor...

  • May 13, 2017

    Trump’s Outdated WH Media Operation Has to Go

    Radio radio talk show titan Michael Savage frets that perceptions are damaging the president. The left is capitalizing. Trump should step back. He should “let all the president’s men stand up there and take the heat,” said Savage. ...

  • May 9, 2017

    Macron’s Election: France Doubles Down on Failure

    In a strained bit of humorous idiocy, a flak at the Washington Post spins Emmanuel Macron’s win and Marine Le Pen’s thumping as an “embarrassment” for President Trump. Aaron Blake, writing for “The Fix,” betrays...

  • May 6, 2017

    War with North Korea: the Toll

    Rising tensions and possible war with North Korea have been in the news for weeks. Less reported on would be a war’s toll. War on the Korean peninsula would feature technology-juiced conventional and asymmetric fighting. Destruction and casualt...

  • April 27, 2017

    For Anti-Free Speech Prof, We’re Just Bricks in the Wall

    NYU prof Ulrich Baer recently penned a soft-sell piece for the New York Times advocating censorship. Baer would never claim his take is anti-free speech. The guy -- or is he a transgender[i]; we shouldn’t assume, huh? – is good ...

  • April 12, 2017

    War! (What is it Good For?)

    Last Friday, President Trump unleashed 59 Tomahawks on a Bashar al-Assad military air base. But has he unleashed the dogs of war, too? The president justified the attack on Assad gassing innocents. Yet the president’s action served more than...

  • March 31, 2017

    The Fall of Donald Trump (and Why It Ain’t Happening)

    The buzzards are out. These are a subspecies, Bueto Nevertrump vulpinus. The carcass of healthcare reform has them circling. No, actually, they believe it’s the carcass of Donald Trump’s presidency. Repeal and replace dies, so the automat...

  • March 28, 2017

    The Freedom Caucus Made Ryan – Now Unmake Him

    Recall Paul Ryan’s election as speaker. It was October 2015. Make or break for Ryan was winning Freedom Caucus support. The Caucus is comprised of three dozen or so stalwart conservatives. Caucus members -- including its chairman, Jim Jordan --...

  • March 14, 2017

    Take Down the Democrat 10

    Spring training is underway. Hardball is back. But it’s not just about the game played on diamonds. It’s about politics. It’s about always finding the winning edge. It’s about playing hardball to get the edge. Democrats need t...

  • March 2, 2017

    Trump’s Address: Us versus the Establishment

    Establishment Washington breathed a sigh of relief on Tuesday night. Donald Trump sounded presidential in his address to Congress. Leave it to the Establishment and the mainstream media to emphasize sound over substance. Or, if you like, over theme. ...

  • February 19, 2017

    The Trump Way: Storming to Success

    Here’s what a lot of people don’t grasp about Donald Trump. That includes professional observers, in and out of DC. Trump brings a storm with him wherever he goes. It’s noisy, flashy, and fierce. It looks chaotic. But at the eye of ...

  • February 11, 2017

    They're Back: States' Rights and Secession Democrats

    Democrats are rediscovering their roots.  States' rights assertions and secession talk, long the domain of disaffected conservatives, are being embraced by today's Democrats.  Donald J. Trump's ascendancy to the presidency is es...

  • February 1, 2017

    It’s Escalating: Defiance and Calls for Violence among Democrats

    From New York to California, to a Screen Actors Guild ceremony, Democrats are stepping up their calls to defy President Trump’s executive actions to close the nation’s porous borders and make America safer from terrorists. Making America ...

  • January 14, 2017

    War with Russia, Senator Rubio?

    Marco Rubio's back in the Senate.  He evidently likes swaggering talk.  On Wednesday, he grabbed headlines.  As of this writing, Rubio's not sure if he'll vote for Rex Tillerson to be Secretary of State.  Or maybe he...

  • January 3, 2017

    Enough with Defending Europe

    Donald Trump gets what John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and a bevy of hidebound American elites -- Republicans and Democrats -- refuse to get. America's relationship to, and military involvement in, Europe is long overdue for a big overhaul. World...

  • December 18, 2016

    To Russia with Love

    Ah, the Christmas season. Democrats and their propaganda organs (formerly known as the mainstream media) are full of Russia love. The sly, elfish Vlad Putin being the principal recipient. It’s an outpouring of love based on speculation and ...

  • December 8, 2016

    A Goal for Trump: End Disproportionate DC Affluence

    A friend is fond of saying, “But for the federal government, Washington would be Richmond.”  He’s not dissing Richmond.  He’s making the common sense observation that behemoth government is the reason DC metro thrive...

  • November 23, 2016

    GOP: Get with the Permanent Campaign

    Donald Trump won the presidency on November 8 – or did he? The Democrats, left, and MSM don’t think so. For them the elections two weeks ago settled nothing. It marked a hiccup in their endless campaign to transform America. They’re...

  • November 12, 2016

    Be Wary of Democrats Bearing Gifts

    Donald Trump wins a smashing victory on Tuesday, and the aftermath is all lovey-dovey. The Wicked Witch of the West Hillary makes a gracious concession speech. President Barack Obama extends an olive branch to Trump. Meanwhile, Soros-backed leftist a...

  • November 4, 2016

    The Real Hillary Disaster

    Symptomatic of Republican feebleness, two men: Rep. Jim Jordan (Conservative, OH) and former Bush Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson (GOPe).  Both came out in recent days to scold James Comey.  The FBI director, declared the two, is jus...

  • November 1, 2016

    Hold Democrats Strictly Accountable for the Clintons

    Like me, you must be heartened. Democrats in force are condemning Hillary’s bald-faced corruption. It proves that truth, morality, and justice triumph. Hallelujah. Harry Reid, the outgoing Senate minority leader, has broken dramatically with Hi...

  • October 30, 2016

    Will a Corrupt Candidate Become a Corrupt President?

    If on January 20 at high noon Hillary Rodham Clinton puts her hand on a bible an historic hypocrisy will occur. It may start the nation to shatter. Read the oath of office: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Offic...

  • October 20, 2016

    Is Washington Government Worse than King George?

    With the presidential election just three weeks away, I’m reading and rereading the Declaration of Independence, for reassurance and inspiration. Fear drives me to do so. It’s cliché every four years to say that a presidential cont...

  • October 12, 2016

    Will Old Political Formulas Finally Apply to Trump?

    “Trump’s a goner,” said friends of mine in Washington DC, in the aftermath of the surfacing of the old tape of him talking salty like a sailor, and before Sunday night’s debate. Friends who are pretty good at politics and...

  • October 7, 2016

    Hillary, Kaine, and Creepy Clowns

    At Tuesday night’s debate we were treated to Tim Kaine’s fidgets, twitches, squirms, and water sipping. He did all of that more often than interrupt Mike Pence with slanders. He looked off-kilter. There was, well, something faintly creepy...

  • September 26, 2016

    Call Them Propagandists

    Question: If a reporter isn’t committed to ferreting out the truth, wherever that truth leads; if “adversarial” applies to only to one side and not the other (in fact, the other side, in varying degrees, is being aided and abetted),...

  • September 14, 2016

    From Hillary’s Cold, Dead Hands

    We recall with great fondness the late Chuck Heston’s famous words at the 2000 NRA convention. Speaking beyond the audience to the perpetually scowling Al Gore, then the Democratic nominee for president, Heston cried: “From my cold, dead ...

  • September 12, 2016

    Hillary’s ‘Deplorables’ Comment: Alienating Critical Independents

    The plodding pol that Hillary is, her comment branding half of Donald Trump’s supporters as “deplorable” may have been a misspeak. But maybe not. It could have been typical liberal condescension, along the lines of Barack Obama...

  • August 24, 2016

    The #NeverTrump Rump’s Premature Glee

    The Dog Days, and until last week, they haven’t been kind to Donald Trump. Polls then said he’s trailing Hillary. Even the honest ones. That’s in key battleground states. The MSM have toiled like good little propagandists since the ...

  • August 16, 2016

    It Won’t End Well for Global Elites

    Elections aren’t about finalities, they’re about processes. They may be about departures. Case in point, the 2016 presidential contests, which feature Hillary and The Donald. If Trump wins, the process of the November election might start...

  • August 6, 2016

    Trump Should Have Endorsed Paul Ryan

    Our wet-finger-in-the-wind Angela Merkel-in-waiting, Speaker Paul Ryan, played into the hands of President Obama.  Obama announced at a joint press conference with Singapore prime minister Lee Hsien Loong on Tuesday that Republicans who are alwa...

  • July 31, 2016

    Stronger Together (or the Useful Lie)

    It’s as predictable as Bill’s Orgy Island romp. Hillary’s acceptance speech is being praised by the MSM and Democratic establishment. But with anything leftish and Democratic, consumers are advised to read the fine print. Hillary...

  • July 23, 2016

    The Teeth in Newt’s Call to Test and Deport Sharia Muslims

    The other day in Wurzburg, Germany a 17-year-old Afghan refugee boarded a train carrying a knife and ax. Then he went to work. Four passengers -- Chinese tourists -- are in serious condition. Others were less seriously injured. Many aboard the train ...

  • July 19, 2016

    Newt’s Right. Cull and Deport Sharia Muslims.

    Lies have ways of being ground to dust by cruel realities. The liars, when it comes to the jihad against us, principally, are Democrats, though they have some enablers among the Republican establishment. Paul Ryan needs to zip his lip about compassio...

  • July 14, 2016

    Democrats’ Lives Matter...Most

    Note that in the wake of the Dallas police slaughter, Democrats have been a smidgen less vocal in exploiting the tragedy. Yes, a boob like John Conyers called for gun control. Hillary condescended to whites by proclaiming that white folk need to hear...

  • June 24, 2016

    Trump on the Ropes? Nope.

    The last week or so we’ve heard a lot about Donald Trump’s flagging campaign. Seems the unconventional candidate isn’t meeting conventional standards for what and where his campaign should be. As of this writing – June 23, 201...

  • June 11, 2016

    GOPe Conservative Pundits Should Relocate to Realville

    Realville, as Rush often says, is where he lives.  That’s a place without blinkers or rose-colored glasses.  That’s actually where we all live, though some of us prefer to deny it.  That is, until reality bites.  Then ...

  • May 26, 2016

    The 2016 Non-campaign Issue: Conflict with China

    Amid the hot button issues this election season -- The Donald’s coiffure, Hillary’s sexual orientation, Bill’s sexual whatever, and the nebbish Bern’s sudden discovery of manhood -- are lesser though undoubtedly important issu...

  • May 5, 2016

    It’s Hillary For the Dems (For Now)

    Sure, the big takeaway on Tuesday night was Donald Trump’s Indiana win and Ted Cruz bowing out.  But the big understated story was Hillary losing Indiana to Larry David.  Make that Bern Sanders, the trollish Brooklyn socialist who sen...

  • April 24, 2016

    Can Trump and Cruz Make a Match?

    The big surprise in New York on Tuesday wasn’t Trump’s victory. It was the magnitude. The Donald beat expectations. He won 90 delegates (at this writing), giving him a shot at a first ballot nomination. Shot, that is, because Trump s...

  • March 29, 2016

    The Prophet Beck

    Maybe you’re an evangelical and voted for Donald Trump.  A lot of evangelicals did throughout the Deep South, real estate that was supposedly Cruz Country.  Or maybe you’re a mainline protestant or a Catholic who cast ballots fo...

  • March 16, 2016

    In the Name of Lenin, What’s a ‘Democratic Socialist?’

    It’s a curious quirk of leftists like Bern Sanders: qualifying “socialist” with “democratic.” Of course, it’s designed to make socialism less menacing and more appealing to Americans, who, at least, have some vague...

  • March 12, 2016

    #NeverTrump = #AlwaysHillary

    As reported by Rush Limbaugh, and per the Huffington Post, Karl Rove was at a hush-hush enclave of mostly tech moguls conferring (all right, plotting) about ways to lay-low Donald Trump. The focus was blocking Trump from gaining enough delegates to w...

  • March 4, 2016

    A Great Political Realignment is Underway

    The Super Tuesday results confirm it.  A revolution is underway in the Republican Party.  It promises to shakeup politics in the nation come November.  It may realign the parties longer term and chart a new course for the nation for a ...

  • February 26, 2016

    Trump's Nomination Inevitable? Not Yet.

    The establishment is scrambling.  Conservative backers of Ted Cruz are stunned.  Donald Trump's impressive victory in Nevada has knocked both back on their heels.  It should.  Against two major candidates – Cruz and Rubi...

  • February 21, 2016

    Give Us Your Money, Susan Sarandon

    Proclaimed Susan Sarandon, the wrinkling and erstwhile Hollywood star: “I don’t vote with my vagina,” the 69-year-old Thelma and Louise star tweeted. “It’s so insulting to women to think that you would follow a cand...

  • February 17, 2016

    Ally with Russia Against Islamists? Not so Fast

    Remember realpolitik? In modern America, it’s most associated with Henry Kissinger. The dictionaries say it’s an approach to foreign affairs and national security that’s “based on a country's situation and its needs rather...

  • February 4, 2016

    Cleveland Cliffhanger? Prospects of a Deadlocked GOP Convention

    The big winner in Iowa’s Republican caucuses on Monday night might not have been Ted Cruz.  It may have been a nominating process that fails to yield a clear winner.  A clear winner being a candidate who goes to Cleveland this summer ...

  • January 25, 2016

    Biden, Warren to the Rescue?

    Perhaps the shrewdest move Joe Biden made was taking a pass last autumn at a presidential run. Then, he might have been considered a spoiler. Not so Elizabeth Warren, whom the left wanted badly to run early last year. Warren, up against Hillary...

  • January 12, 2016

    Whither the GOP?

    In 2016, the GOP -- the insular DC-centered party for about two decades -- is on the ropes.  It’s the victim (if “victim” is the word) of what happens to a major party when events, societal and generational changes, elitism, an...

  • January 7, 2016

    Shattered Consensus: Goodbye to the Liberal Era?

    In his book, Shattered Consensus, James Piereson says the postwar political order is unraveling.  We’re arriving at a rare historic moment.  The century-old liberal era is about to breathe its last breaths. If the liberal era is ab...

  • December 22, 2015

    House Republicans Declare Independence

    On the cusp of a critical -- perhaps historic -- election year, House Republicans (the faction that rules) have declared independence -- on behalf of the GOP establishment. The omnibus budget deal that Republicans cut with President Obama was surrend...

  • December 15, 2015

    Who Wants to Die for an Abstraction?

    Next time someone says to you that a “Muslim pause” in immigration is bigoted, ask, “If the U.S. doesn’t do so, and among those Muslim immigrants or Syrian refugees are killers, and if -- God forbid -- a Topeka mall food court...

  • December 4, 2015

    Will the GOP Establishment Take a Walk in 2016?

    It’s no deep, dark secret. The GOP establishment loathes Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. But if either wins the Republican nomination, will the establishment set aside its enmity to support either man? Will it do what it expected the ...

  • November 17, 2015

    A Mocking Attack by Muslim Fighters in Paris

    Western Europeans should worry greatly. Last Friday’s attacks in Paris represent a new and bolder phase in Muslim extremists’ war on the West. The carnage in Paris wasn’t merely the result of  terrorism. It was a military opera...

  • November 10, 2015

    <em>Die Partei der deutschen Selbstmord</em>

    Note how the media characterizes the protests in Germany. Protests, that is, mushrooming against Angela Merkel’s misbegotten intention to permit millions of Muslims to flood not only Deutschland but Western Europe. The Daily Mail carried a...

  • November 5, 2015

    The Full Flowering of Western Decadence

    Angela Merkel is double-downing on making Europe the stopping point for what eventually could be millions of Muslim refugees.  Throughout Europe, that is, not just Germany.  Reported Bloomberg Business: Repeating her insistence that Ge...

  • October 29, 2015

    Prospects of a 2016 GOP Crackup

    As they say down south, it’s time to throw the dead cat on the table.  The 2016 presidential election is about a year off.  As of now, all sides on the right side of the nation’s political divide can agree on one thing: the GOP ...

  • October 22, 2015

    Europe Stumbling Toward Apocalyptic Strife

    Western Europe’s long, slow suicide is too long and slow for Western European elites, apparently.  You know, the self-loathing, Western-loathing progressive-minded sorts.  Projections of Muslim supremacy in Europe by the latter part o...

  • October 11, 2015

    Paul Ryan: The Right or Wrong Man?

    Paul Ryan's taking the weekend to mull running for U.S. House speaker.  He could take the job if he wants it.  But is he the guy for the job? Ryan, once a rising star among conservatives, has settled in comfortably with D.C.'s Re...

  • October 9, 2015

    What next for the Speakership?

    What a difference a couple of days make. Kevin McCarthy was about as sure a thing as Speaker as Nancy Pelosi is for wax museum assignment. Conservatives, led by the Freedom Caucus, coalesced to all but ensure that McCarthy would not receive...

  • October 6, 2015

    Among House Conservatives, Indians but no Chief

    Trey Gowdy’s not running for House majority leader.  Never mind Speaker.  Seems that even John Boehner urged Gowdy to run for the two-slot.  Boehner likely wants to mollify conservatives, who won’t be electing a Speaker....

  • September 24, 2015

    The Bare Naked Truth about the GOP and 2016

    Here’s the dilemma -- and it’s a big one. Electing a Democrat president in 2016 would be bad for the nation, very bad. Conservatives agree. Establishment Republicans do too, in important regards, at least. To avert further troubles d...

  • September 5, 2015

    Words Don't Kill?

    Proving that the left circulates messages points, Charles Blow, paid opinionator for the hoary New York Times, didn’t bother to write about language that incites cop killings in his most recent column.  Instead, Blow focused on “hars...

  • August 28, 2015

    The New Jacksonian Rebellion (and Trump, too)

    Schadenfreude, I must confess. Yes, I’m deriving pleasure from the GOP establishment’s pain. Trump’s the thorn in the RINO side; the wound festers, and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.  Perverse ...

  • August 17, 2015

    Battle of the Red Geezers

    So, what happened to all those swell kids who were “down” with the revolution back in the 1960s? They grew up, and now they’ve grown old. Out went the love beads, bellbottoms, and acid trips (cheaper than cruises to Bimini). Mo...

  • August 10, 2015

    Foreswear a Third Party Bid? Nah.

    At Thursday night’s GOP cattle call, Bret Baier asked for a show of hands. Gentlemen, we know how much you love hand-raising questions. So we promise, this is the only one tonight: the only one. Is there anyone on stage, and can I see hands,...

  • July 28, 2015

    Challenge, disrupt, cost

    We’ve had two stellar examples of conservatism in action recently.  Trump talking straight and hard about illegals and our borders.  And the good folk at the Center for Medical Progress catching that ghoul of a doctor on hidden camera...

  • July 9, 2015

    Are the Scales Falling from Our Eyes?

    Rush has it right, as usual. Lately, El Rushbo has been commenting about how conservatives are beginning to wake up.  I believe he’s used the phrase, “scales are falling from eyes.”  What’s dawning on conserv...

  • July 2, 2015

    Peak Leftism? Don't Bet on It.

    As the 20th Century amply demonstrated, Peak Leftism is reached with robust pogroms and the wholesale crushing of liberty. When enough people have been ground up in reeducation camps, gulags, and dumped in mass graves, exhausting the economy and soci...

  • June 27, 2015

    Conceit vs. Reality

    Conceit is busting out all over. It’s a global epidemic in dire need of an encyclical and U.N. action. Failure to take action is all but certain to do-in the human race. Hence, this humble letter. Perhaps it will awaken the world...

  • June 18, 2015

    Jeb! (Or Here We Go Again)

    The other day, Jeb! (no last name required) announced that he’s running for president as an outsider. Imagine Prince Charles claiming he’s not part of the royal family?  Or a Kennedy -- well, you get the picture. There was, of c...

  • June 10, 2015

    Trans isn't Just for You

    Take the case of Dennis Avner. Avner was known popularly as “Stalking Cat.” Per the website perezhilton.com, he had undergone “extensive cosmetic surgery to adopt the likeness of his totem animal, the tiger, in accordance with Huron...

  • June 6, 2015

    When is Enough, Enough?

    So, if the left and its fellow travelers are successful in redefining marriage, opening up a Pandora’s Box, whither America? More to the point, what can be done to prevent marriage and family from being debased and destroying the society whereu...

  • May 28, 2015

    Young Conservatives Want Gays to Marry?

    What’s wrong with shacking up?  America became a de facto shack up society years ago.  Marriage, we were told, was passé.  Why bother about rings?  Shacking up has advantages that marriage doesn’t.  What if...

  • May 21, 2015

    Make Big Government Fail

    It’s too big, too intrusive. It’s getting worse. It’s a liberty-stealing machine that FDR built and flipped the switch on in the 1930s. It was expanded further -- dramatically -- by LBJ. Then came Obama, he of executive or...

  • May 11, 2015

    Bill O'Reilly, Jesus, and Mohammed

    Bill O’Reilly might be interested in this question.  What constitutes pinheadedness – when it comes to invoking Jesus Christ’s name?  It might be when O’Reilly took to the airwaves the other night to share his theolo...

  • May 6, 2015

    Baltimore and Never Enough Money

    A feature article in the Sunday Washington Post, headlined: “Why couldn’t $130 million transform one of Baltimore’s poorest places?” Well, why can’t $260 million or $520 million transform Baltimore’s poor plac...

  • April 28, 2015

    Night of the Hunter. Hillary's the Prey.

    At Chappaqua, Hillary is idling an evening.  Then she picks up a copy of Politico.  She gets to the end of Dylan Byers’ column and starts to boil.  Byers quotes New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait, who said, “I'm s...

  • April 26, 2015

    Where the Left and Islam Intersect

    Curious how the godless left and Islam share a critical aim.  They both wish to subjugate infidels, though how infidel is defined differs.  But who the infidels are isn’t.  We are, of course, the infidels.  We of western vir...

  • April 14, 2015

    Stop Dancing with the MSM

    Rich, isn’t it?  The U.S. lives under the tyranny of feminism yet the MSM was in a snit about Rand Paul.  Paul’s tart responses to NBC reporter Savannah Guthrie last week on the Today Show earned him MSM brickbats.  Odd, th...

  • April 8, 2015

    The Brutality of Obama and the Left

    Let’s not hear this insipid and misleading talk from Washington Republicans anymore: “Barack Obama is incompetent and naïve.” That better describes them.  Barack Obama is a committed leftist working through his agenda t...

  • April 5, 2015

    Is God Done with America?

    “I believe God isn’t done with America yet,” Ted Cruz pronounced in his stem-winder at Liberty University last week. Cruz was upbeat, brimming with confidence, and defiant. The Texas senator’s speech was the feature of hi...

  • March 20, 2015

    One More for Starbucks: 'Democrats Oppress Blacks'

    Hey, Howard, my Kumbaya compadre.  Suggestion: have the baristas scribble this on cups: “Democrats oppress blacks.” Now, before you race away in your natural-gas powered limo, race together with me a bit. Let’s explore why...

  • March 19, 2015

    Dem Drums Beating Louder for Warren

    Reported the Washington Times: More than two dozen Democratic power brokers in a key early primary state are pleading with Sen. Elizabeth Warren to run for the Democratic presidential nomination against scandal-scarred Hillary Clinton. Dear...

  • March 10, 2015

    Do Republicans Win Without Hillary?

    Well, well, well…the political winds sure did shift awfully fast.  It’s coming to pass that Hillary Clinton’s coronation as Democratic presidential nominee boils down to her being “Queen for a Day” -- again.  ...

  • March 4, 2015

    Why trust Obama about Iran?

    President Obama’s testy defense of his negotiations with Iran in the aftermath of Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress belies a critical question: “Why trust the president about Iran?”  In light of the president’...

  • February 25, 2015

    No Trust for Hillary on the Left

    Hillary?  Inevitable?  We’ve heard it before, haven’t we?  In 2007.  Now we’re hearing it again in 2015.  “It’s Hillary’s turn,” say pundits.  Others, scanning the horizon, say, ...

  • March 19, 2014

    Just Go Ahead and Criminalize Freedom, Why Don't You?

    In the world of Larry Torcello, an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Rochester Institute of Technology, jail awaits me… and you – that is, if like me you’re a “denier,” as in denying a coming “manmade” cl...

  • March 10, 2014

    Boehner Wants to Wear Us Down on Amnesty

    Tony Lee at Breitbart’s Big Government reported a few days ago that John Boehner still craves immigration reform this year.  Boehner also wants to be speaker again in 2015, goes a Washington Times report.  No, he doesn’t.  ...

  • March 5, 2014

    Obama's Glorious Ahead and Behind Leadership

    Leadership from President Barack Obama?  Oh, you betcha -- in two flavors.  At home, we’ve got the prez’s vigorous lead from ahead approach, designed to “transform” America into declining socialist Europe.  T...

  • February 25, 2014

    Putin and Godfather II

    At the Olympics opener, there was Vladimir Putin, looking every inch the stolid Michael Corleone in the baptism scene from Godfather II. Putin was waiting impassively for those big snowflakes to turn into Olympic rings while plans were hatching in th...

  • February 20, 2014

    GOP Leaders Won't Escape Conservative Voters' Wrath

    Oh, lookie, Speaker John Boehner and his dimwits have decided that riling up the party's base over immigration reform isn't so smart after all, not in an election year. Instead, the speaker and his dwarves will seek to "calm" a divided party, or so r...

  • February 16, 2014

    Homosexual Marriage and the Conceit of Arenda L. Wright Allen

    The people's will has been trampled yet again by a federal judge.  The Commonwealth of Virginia, you see, has no right to a law banning homosexual marriage.  So decided Obama-appointed judge, the Honorable Arenda L. Wright Allen....

  • February 11, 2014

    No Replacement, No Vote

    Last week, U.S. House speaker John Boehner backed down on immigration surrender. It took a firestorm of grassroots opposition to make the speaker drop Paul Ryan's cave-in to big business interests (led by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) and the left, a...

  • February 8, 2014

    From the Mouths of Despots...

    So now Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, chides the West for "moral bankruptcy." Putin was joined in his appraisal by none other than the Russian Orthodox Church's Patriarch Kirill I. Not that despotism lacks moral challenges. Not that Putin, for in...

  • January 31, 2014

    Boehner Courts a GOP Civil War

    See also: The GOP Mulls Seppuku If you can't win, flee. Heck, if you won't even try to win, retreat. You can't make this stuff up. A day after President Obama's rousing State of the Union address to an enthralled nation, House Republicans skedaddled ...

  • January 28, 2014

    Scarlett Johansson's Trouble is more than Oxfam

    As Michael Curtis wrote yesterday for American Thinker, Scarlett Johansson finds herself crosswise Oxfam International, a global nonprofit outfit with a decidedly left-wing perspective. Johansson serves as an "ambassador" for Oxfam. Johansson's endor...

  • January 25, 2014

    The Christie Persecution

    Who woulda thunk? Only on the rare blue moon do blue Democrats exhibit the same political imbecility that chronically bedevils Republicans. But the Democrats' stupidity in a recent instance may unintentionally serve conservatives quite well, thanks. ...

  • January 21, 2014

    Hey, Barack, Pass that Doobie to Andrew, Will Ya?

    Dope's no worse than booze, claims President Obama, a former doper. Dope, as in mary jane, tea, herb, grass or, more commonly, pot. The Magnificent O made his pronouncement in a lengthy interview with The New Yorker, as conveyed through the auspices ...

  • January 18, 2014

    1.1 Trillion Reasons to Dump Boehner and McConnell

    Late Thursday afternoon, the Senate passed a $1.1 trillion spending measure that's best described as a fix -- fix, as in an act of Republican perfidy and chicanery. The process was rigged by Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority Leader McConnell (doub...

  • January 11, 2014

    In Time for '14: IRS to Ramp Up Conservative Groups' Harassment

    Ernest Istook's lead at the Washington Times says it best: The Internal Revenue Service is getting a special new power: a "license to kill" groups that oppose the Obama agenda. James Bond's license to kill isn't nearly as broad. Then this from...

  • January 9, 2014

    Putting the Chill on Discipline

    The Associated Press, via Breitbart, reports that Attorney General Eric Holder wants public schools to back off zero tolerance policies that he alleges discriminates against minority students. Putting a chill on discipline and stymieing schools from ...

  • January 6, 2014

    Seize 'Compassion' from the Left in 2014

    Lest I get a letter from a Curia official on behalf of Pope Francis rebuking me for my effort to call out compassion this year, let me offer a quick explanation.  The call is for liberty-lovers to campaign against the left's cynical use of compa...

  • December 31, 2013

    Red versus Blue States: A Divide Worth Having

    It's hit the radar at the Washington Post, a liberal establishment mainstay, meaning liberaldom is or will be engaged. The "it' is the increasingly stark divide between the nation's red and blue states. Conservative states continue to track right, wh...

  • December 28, 2013

    China's Low-key Mao Birthday Celebration

    The mainland Chinese government marked Mao Zedong's 120th birthday in subdued fashion, according to press reports. Subdued or not, toasting Mao would be like the Germans lifting glasses of bubbly to Hitler or the Japanese marking Tojo's birth. Grant...

  • December 28, 2013

    Don't Let Death Stop your Social Security

    Uncle Sam, always generous to a fault with taxpayers' money, doled out about $108 billion in Social Security benefits to the dead in 2012.  Give or take a few billion, over a decade that's about $1 trillion going to folks who crossed the River S...

  • December 20, 2013

    Crush Phil Robertson, Crush Free Speech

    Poor Phil Robertson, "Duck Dynasty" star. He had the temerity to express opinions to GQ about homosexuality that landed him crosswise the nation's gay jackboots. Out came the truncheons, whacking not just Phil over the head, but anyone, anywhere, who...

  • December 17, 2013

    Boehner's Self-Defeating Outburst

    Only in Washington, DC, could the cognoscenti call it wrong about Speaker John Boehner.  Boehner publicly snarking at conservative groups because of their opposition to the Ryan-Murray budget deal is a sign of his strength in the House GOP caucu...

  • December 11, 2013

    Which Came First: Chickens, Eggs, or Trendy Environmentalists?

    Okay, I'll 'fess up. I'm not cool enough to know that chickens and eggs are planet-wide scourges, they having made Bill Gates' enemies list and the enemies lists of other filthy rich mostly left-coast lefties. But if Gates is against bourgeois exploi...

  • December 6, 2013

    Barack Still Wants More Buggy Whips

    Cast your mind back a couple of years, sayeth the Ghost of Christmas Past, when the Magnificent O had only begun to tarnish his brand. Then our fab prez had this to say about the evils of... ATMs, per Russell Roberts at the Wall Street Journal: "Th...

  • November 21, 2013

    Knockout Game for Fun 'n Sport

    Black teens, evidently bored with flash mob violence, have turned to a new game. It's called "Knockout." Nothing very complicated. It's what used to be known as cold-cocking; that is, smashing an unsuspecting enemy -- or in these instances, victims -...

  • November 19, 2013

    A Carbon Tax on Everything -- Really, Robert?

    Is there such a thing as "global warming pragmatism?" Robert J. Samuelson, who writes on economics for the Washington Post, thinks so -- and he's just flat wrong. Samuelson seeks to bridge differences over a polarized and contentious issue: "man-made...

  • November 16, 2013

    Silicon Valley Geeks Super Coding to Thwart NSA

    New York congressman Peter King is probably having conniptions, but so what? Bloomberg reports that Silicon Valley prop-heads have begun to super code networks and online data for their employers, like Google, Facebook, and Yahoo!. The aim is to mak...

  • November 14, 2013

    Remaking the Military in the Image of Obama

    Comrade Obama and the Politburo, both conveniently located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, are in the midst of overhauling the nation's military. Radically so, as befits the nation's most radical president. Downsizing the armed forces is the cover, in p...

  • November 8, 2013

    The Christie Hype Begins

    Establishment Republicans and the mainstream media are busy bruiting New Jersey governor Chris Christie as the "Man for All Factions," to borrow from the Time headline story penned by the once-dependably conservative Joe Scarborough (until "dependabl...

  • October 29, 2013

    Day Traders vs. Long-Term Investors

    Day traders versus long-term investors.  That's what came to mind when reading Ramesh Ponnuru's and Rich Lowry's lengthy essay at National Review Online ("Against Despair").  Shall the GOP be led by day traders or long-term invest...

  • October 24, 2013

    Why the Republican Party?

    After the latest dismal performance by congressional Republicans in their battle (a generous description) with the president and his minions over the budget and ObamaCare, it's time to ask, "Why the Republican Party?" From Jed Babbin, writing for Am...

  • October 23, 2013

    WH Functionary Fired for Candid Tweets

    USA Today reports that White House official, Jofi Joseph, has been axed for sending hither Tweets revealing secret information, insulting Obama advisors, and questioning the Administration's Benghazi yarn.  Jofi had been doing so ...

  • October 21, 2013

    Marvey Centrists

    The silly, but amusing, Kathleen Parker offers up silly, but amusing, commentary at the Washington Post. The pith of Parker's thinking: If only the inchoate mass known as "centrists" could coalesce and exert their power, the nation would balance out....

  • October 17, 2013

    ObamaCare's Failure Will End It?

    Reading Marc A. Thiessen's column at the Washington Post yesterday, this passage rang a big bell: It is going to take months to rebuild it. That raises a question: If the federal government can't manage a simple Web site, how on earth is it going t...

  • October 17, 2013

    Hail Caesar?

    From National Review Online via Drudge: "I think he [Speaker John Boehner] has strengthened his position in leadership," Representative John Fleming says about Boehner. "He hung in there with us. He's been reluctant to go to these fights and now t...

  • October 12, 2013

    ObamaCare: But it's the Law!

    From the AP. If you've wondered about reincarnation, wonder no more. Einstein's in South Carolina in the person of the state's former Republican Party chairman. "At the end of the day, you're fighting legislation that's already passed," said former...

  • October 8, 2013

    Answer this Question, Grover

    The mainstream media loves it when conservatives step out to criticize... conservatives. Hence, the gleeful coverage of Grover Norquist's criticism of Ted Cruz. Norquist used the Washington Post's WONKBLOG feature to unload on Cruz. He did so to the ...

  • October 1, 2013

    A Figurehead Speaker

    Speaker John Boehner's goose is cooked. House conservatives' rebellion against Boehner's lame leadership has begun in earnest. How do we know this? Two names: "Cruz and Lee." Remarkably, Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are leading from the House side...

  • September 27, 2013

    Docs Flee Jersey (Wouldn't You?)

    Via the Drudge Report, we learn that medical docs are fleeing Blue State Jersey faster than "Old Blue Eyes" skedaddled out of Hoboken. This from MY9NJ.com: According to Deborah Briggs, the President and CEO of the Council of Teaching Hospitals,...

  • September 21, 2013

    The Libs Have Their Story

    Controversial radio talk show host Michael Savage wrote about it in his book: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder. A warped worldview prevents libs from accepting the reality of the problems and challenges that face America. (Read Savage's book for his a...

  • September 8, 2013

    Save Obama on Syria - for Tax and Spend Sake

    You wonder way America is perceived as in decline (heck, is in decline)?  Get a load of this report in yesterday's The Hill.  Democrats are tussling with this knotty question: "Do they oppose the nation's Flayer-in-Chief on a Syria strik...

  • September 5, 2013

    For Cruz, Lee, Paul, and Palin the Password is 'Lindbergh'

    Ted Cruz, Bill Lee, and Rand Paul are isolationists, per Jennifer Rubin, the in-house neocon at the Washington Post. Throw in Sarah Palin, too. The senators and former governor want nothing more than two briny oceans to defend the nation from the wor...

  • September 4, 2013

    The GOP and Syria: Feckless, and Fecklesser

    Speaker John Boehner and his boy, Sherman (aka, Eric Cantor), came out yesterday in support of President Obama's efforts to embroil the U.S. in the Syrian civil war (or proxy war, to some). Clearly, Boehner and Cantor aren't bucking for Red Badges o...

  • August 29, 2013

    Minnie Mouse Weeps for Miley Cyrus

    See also: The Marketing of Porn to Children via Sweet Young Things Lookie at Miley Cyrus, all growed up. Well, physically, yeah. Mentally, emotionally -- forever seventeen. That's seventeen by today's dilapidated standards. Seventeen is the age of ar...

  • August 27, 2013

    MLK III Disgraces his Father

    Here's a case of the fruit falling and rolling a long way from the tree. Last Saturday, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, Martin Luther King III spoke. He echoed his father's words from fifty years ago about people not ...

  • August 23, 2013

    The Hood Comes to Duncan, Oklahoma

    Was it a thrill kill or part of a gang initiation? That would be the bushwhacking of Chris Lane, an Aussie college kid and baseball star. Lane was gunned down running along a country road near Duncan, Oklahoma, the other day. You know the story by no...

  • August 19, 2013

    No Country for Fat Men

    The Anton Chigurh of Jersey politics has a declared nemesis, and that wouldn't be a Jersey version of Llewelyn Moss. That would be Sarah Palin -- the Mama Grizzly -- who's come to the defense of Kentucky senator Rand Paul. Paul was recently the victi...

  • August 9, 2013

    In His Majesty's CIA

    So, why did you join the CIA?  To be mobster Henry Hill, shoved into an Agency witness protection program?  Except, unlike Hill, it isn't you who's being protected.  It's the president, higher-ups, and the Agency itself.  You -- y...

  • August 6, 2013

    Just Spread Detroit's Failure, Why Don't Ya?

    Robert B. Reich, the little man with big liberal ideas, has a big idea for bailing out Detroit. It's a simple big idea, which just goes to show Reich's genius. Great thinkers get to the nub of things. In a nutshell, Reich wants to make things right ...

  • July 26, 2013

    Poor Lil' Huma

    Poor lil' Huma, croaks the liberal media. A wifey ensnared in her infamous husband's sordid sexual adventures. Huma Abedin is a victim -- victimhood being a checkbox for libs and a handy excuse for anyone who runs afoul the law, stupid choices, indec...

  • July 24, 2013

    Weiner and the Gray Lady's Hypocrisy

    "At some point, the full story of Bill Clinton and his sexual relationships... will finally be told.  In the meantime, the serially evasive Mr. Clinton should take his marital troubles and personal compulsions out of the public eye, away from ca...

  • July 4, 2013

    150 Years Ago: Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Slavery's Undoing

    This week marks the 150th anniversaries of the Union triumphs at Gettysburg and Vicksburg. Both victories were pivotal, signaling the beginning of the end of the Civil War. Thereafter, the Confederacy would fight a defensive war closing with Lee's su...

  • July 4, 2013

    This Independence Day, Brownstein Bemoans a Divided America

    Don't you love libs?  Full of sanctimony and faux cluelessness.  Let's hope its faux, otherwise National Journal's Ron Brownstein is dopey beyond redemption.  In Brownstein's column dated July 3 for National Journal, he writes that ...

  • July 3, 2013

    The Rainy Arab Spring

    Remember the Arab Spring?  It was supposed to be like a Time-Life infomercial on 1967's Summer of Love music.  You know, "If you're going to Cairo or Damascus or Tripoli, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair (and a flak jacket and Kevl...

  • June 30, 2013

    A Baby in the Womb at Five Months, and Then There's Wendy Davis

    Go ahead.  Follow this link to an illustration of a baby in his mother's womb at five months.  At the same website, see this video of a real baby moving inside his mother at 29 weeks.  But neither the five-month-old baby nor the 29-w...

  • June 21, 2013

    The Border Security Deal Nothing but Promises, Promises

    Here's the one thing that politicians are really good at: assurances and promises (cue Dionne Warwick) Immigration reform - specifically, border security - is all about promises with measurable results as an afterthought - if at all.  ...

  • June 18, 2013

    Congress Watch: A Summer of Bipartisan Love?

    The Hill reported that Speaker John Boehner and his lieutenants are facing major legislative hurdles this summer.  "Tests," The Hill calls them.  Or superb chances for capitulations under the ever-handy guise of bipartisanship?  ...

  • June 17, 2013

    Congress Watch: A Summer of Bipartisan Love?

    The Hill reported yesterday that Speaker John Boehner and his lieutenants are facing major legislative hurdles this summer. "Tests," The Hill calls them. Or superb chances for capitulations under the ever-handy guise of bipartisanship? The tests that...

  • June 13, 2013

    Our Enemy, the Bureaucrat

    America, home of the free... or not. Americans today, less free under surveillance by federal agencies, bullied by bureaucrats, and harassed for their beliefs by tax collectors (talk about contravening the Declaration of Independence). America today...

  • June 8, 2013

    The Patriot Act: 'Any Law can be Abused'

    The Honorable James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) said Friday on Fox News that "Any law can be abused."  He was referring to the Patriot Act.  The congressman was being a tad glib in characterizing the Patriot Act - his creation - as "any law."...

  • June 4, 2013

    Hasan to Use 'Defense of Others' Strategy

    Branded a workplace violence offender in newspeak, Army major Nidal Hasan will employ a "defense of others" strategy in his upcoming military trial.  Of course, it begs the question: Whom was Hasan defending when he massacred his fellow soldie...

  • May 30, 2013

    Immigration Reform: Compassion for Mexican Elites

    Ah, those poor 11 million "undocumented" aliens -- err, souls -- rootless and furtively going about their meager existences in the U.S.A. Doesn't compassion dictate that Congress pass immigration reform, bringing these unfortunates out of the shadows...

  • May 24, 2013

    For Mainstream Media, Snoozing is Losing

    For many mainstream journalists, legacy matters. Leaving a mark is the only ticket out of oblivion -- at least for a time. What legacies do reporters and editors have in, say, fifty years if they continue to flak for Barack Obama and the Democratic P...

  • May 23, 2013

    WaPo Poll: Trouble for Obama

    President Barack Obama's poll ratings remain steady despite swirling controversies, according to a new Washington Post poll. The economy is faring better, which is serving as a counterweight to the IRS and Benghazi scandals, thereby helping the presi...

  • May 16, 2013

    The Rule for Radicals that Alinsky Skipped

    That genius, Saul Alinsky, never figured on failings of character making a botch of his notorious Rules for Radicals. Or did he? The characters of Alinsky's two most accomplished acolytes, President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary...

  • May 15, 2013

    Why is Boehner Resisting a Special Committee on Benghazi?

    Some things don't stack up. On Monday, Politico headlined that Speaker John Boehner was fixated with the bubbling Benghazi scandal. In fact, Politico termed the speaker's fixation as "big." So why is Boehner dragging his feet on empanelling a specia...

  • May 13, 2013

    This Time it's not about Bill and Sex

    Most of the political crises and scandals in Hillary Clinton's career have centered on her randy husband, the former president Bill Clinton. There was Whitewater and Ken Starr's investigation, and Hillary's cattle futures deal, but those were outlier...

  • May 10, 2013

    Arias Wants Death Penalty? Let's Second the Motion

    Sociopath, narcissist, and rage murderer Jodi Arias says in an interview that she prefers death to life in the Big House. But does she? Arias is also a practiced liar (her defense was a string of Arias-inspired lies). For all anyone knows, Arias is ...

  • May 4, 2013

    UK Independence Party Bops Cameron on the Nose

    The priggish, haughty, establishment rear-kissing, quisling Conservative (term used loosely) Prime Minister David Cameron took it right proper on the old schnozzola in British council elections this past week. As London's The Telegraph reporte...

  • May 3, 2013

    Cutting Interest Rates Again Won't Dig Europe Out of Recession

    The European Central Bank shaved its benchmark interest rate from 0.75 to 0.5 in a move that signifies a lot of nothing. As the euro zone's economic recession deepens, the central bank's rate cut will do little if anything to improve Europe...

  • April 29, 2013

    Pentagon Deep-Sixes Lt. Col. Dooley for Violating Muslim PC

    Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley isn't the one who has to hang his head low.  That honor goes to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey.  Dooley is in the doghouse with the political, knocked-kneed Dempsey over his ap...

  • April 26, 2013

    How Will Obama Work the Crisis?

    For President Barack Obama and Democrats, all things are political. For them, the Boston Marathon bombings are more than a national security issue. On the left, the calculus for any crisis involves figuring out and extracting political gain from awfu...

  • April 23, 2013

    NYT: Tamerlan Tsarnaev as 'The Graduate'

    There's a slightly new twist on Tamerlan Tsarnaev, compliments of the venal (mean "venerable") New York Times. The dead Tsarnaev (Allah be praised) is kinda-sorta a Muslim version of Benjamin Braddock, known more commonly to movie fans as "The Gradua...

  • April 20, 2013

    The Brothers Tsarnaev as Damaged Goods

    Honestly, even on Fox & Friends Weekend on Saturday morning, Alisyn Camerota and Brian Kilmeade referred to the Brothers Tsarnaev as "boys."  Boys?  The dead Tsarnaev was 26-years-old.  The captured Tsarnaev is 19-years-old.  ...

  • April 19, 2013

    The Left's Spin on Boston Marathon's Chechen Terrorists

    The latest go-to publication of leftist sensibility, Salon, offers a hint of what the left's spin will be on the two Chechen brothers who bombed the Boston Marathon, killing three and maiming scores. Under the headline, "Chechen Terrorism: What you ...

  • April 18, 2013

    The U.S. Tortured, Claims Advocacy Group

    In the wake of 9/11, the United States tortured "detainees," reports the New York Times. Allegations of torture lead to -- who else? -- President George W. Bush. The Constitution Project, which the Times describes as a "legal research and advocacy g...

  • April 12, 2013

    Will the Left Radicalize the Military?

    Listen up, Evangelical Christians, Mormons, Catholics, and Orthodox Jews. You read the news. An unnamed instructor with a U.S. Army Reserve unit put together a slide show in which he lumped you together with the KKK, Al Qaeda, and Hamas. Keep your he...

  • April 5, 2013

    Geller-defamer Chris Stedman

    If you haven't read Pamela Geller's lead article at American Thinker today, you should.  Geller's exposition lays bare the hypocrisy, delusion, and cowardice of those - homosexual or not - who routinely (one might say, programmatically) cover up...

  • April 4, 2013

    Visit Chicago for a Rollickin' Clockwork Orange Time, O My Brothers

    O my brothers, we see these five hundred or more teenies, so described by those lovelies on the toddlin' town's nighttimey news tube, makin' merry along the Unmagnificent Magnificent Mile of glitterin' stores full of glossy bobbles and toys, and fin...

  • March 31, 2013

    The Left's End-of-the-World Obsession

    T'wasn't that long ago that it was bible thumpers who ran through the streets proclaiming that the end of the world was at hand. Perhaps the thumpers are still running amok, but these days their proclamations and shouts are drowned out by the apocaly...

  • March 30, 2013

    Ted Olson's Faulty Polygamy Argument

    Okay, so I'm not a lawyer, much less a constitutional lawyer. Ted Olson is a lawyer -- an accomplished attorney with a fine mind and a capacity for facile argument. But he's dead wrong when he says the law can exclude polygamy or any other marriage a...

  • March 27, 2013

    The Gay Craze Hits Pro Sports

    Reuters reported yesterday that not one player in major pro team sports has boldly, proudly proclaimed himself as gay.  The story's particular focus is on the NFL, which, of course, oozes masculinity (like the military) and, hence, needs to be g...

  • March 23, 2013

    Women Different from Men, NYT Declares

    Those gender, race, and ethnicity conscious progressives at the New York Times feature a front-page story at their website touting the increased number of women in the U.S. Senate. The Times pushes the line that a senator's sex matters in the outcome...

  • March 18, 2013

    Boehner to Keep Funding ObamaCare

    This is why the Republican Party is flopping and floundering like a beached whale. You've heard the news, no doubt. Speaker John Boehner said that he'll allow the CR (Continuing Resolution) that House Republicans are crafting to fund ObamaCare. The s...

  • March 16, 2013

    Broadway's Matilda: Pro-life and Pro-family?

    The family and I were in Manhattan last weekend visiting friends and decided to take in a Broadway musical (and refreshing super-sized sodas). We settled on one of Broadway's hottest tickets, Matilda, now in previews at the Shubert. The show is fast-...

  • March 16, 2013

    Jeb Bush Beats the Drum for Inclusion and Acceptance at CPAC

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • March 7, 2013

    Winning on Principle

    "Set aside the merits and think about the politics" is the pith of Ramesh Ponnuru's advice to conservatives at Bloomberg.com a few days ago. In a short article titled: "Do Conservatives Actually Want to Win Elections," Ponnuru examines a few recent i...

  • March 4, 2013

    Break Out the Hankies: DC Metro to Feel Sequester Pain

    NBC News reported over the weekend that the Washington DC metro area would feel the sting of sequester worse than other areas of the nation.  This might just give Washingtonians and their suburban brethren a small taste of what most Americans ha...

  • February 28, 2013

    There's Jell-O, and then there's McDonnell and Christie

    Virginia Attorney General and the commonwealth's all-but-certain Republican gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli needs to send a big box of Shari's Berries to Bob McDonnell, the commonwealth's GOP governor. McDonnell gave Cuccinelli a gift of a tax h...

  • February 23, 2013

    Chicago Tribune: Gerrymandering Made Jesse Jr. Do It

    In case you missed it, the Chicago Tribune editorialized on Thursday about Jesse Jackson Jr.'s plea bargain deal with the feds.  The Tribune's editors, with a magnificent sense of the moral, argued that former Congressman Jackson was tempted int...

  • February 21, 2013

    Grow Up, S. E. Cupp

    What can be said about S.E. Cupp? Plenty, as Jeffrey Lord does at the American Spectator. S.E. Cupp has gone on record again in attacking Rush Limbaugh in the New York Times Magazine (where better?). Lord is at his methodical best dissecting Cupp's -...

  • February 20, 2013

    Andrew Cuomo: Abortion Practices Override Moral and Religious Objections

    New York Governor and Roman Catholic Andrew Cuomo's apostasy on abortion now includes a greater measure of anti-liberty.  Cuomo is tearing a page from President Obama's failed attempt (thus far) to legally force religiously-affiliated hospitals ...

  • February 18, 2013

    Doing the Chicago Shakedown, Starring the Jacksons

    No, I'm not talking about Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Michael (God rest Michael's tortured soul).  I'm talking about the Chicago Jacksons, Jesse Sr. and Jesse Jr.  The Jackson 5 in their heyday gave plenty: music, entertainment, and...

  • February 15, 2013

    Guns, Suicide, and the New York Times

    You want to reduce the number of suicides annually in the United States, ban guns. Or so intimates the New York Times. In an article titled: "To Reduce Suicide Rates, New Focus Turns to Guns," the Times provides human interest stories and stats to bo...

  • February 13, 2013

    Taking Back the Tax Issue

    Congressional Republicans' tax deal with President Obama managed to achieve a couple of things: one is damage their standing among the party's conservative base (Karl Rove, take notes). The other is to tarnish the party's brand as tax fighters with m...

  • February 8, 2013

    Murder of Daughter Earns Saudi Preacher Wrist-slap

    Justice, Saudi-style?  Five-year-old Lama al-Ghamdi is dead, the victim of her father, Fayhan al-Ghamdi, a preacher who's a popular talking head on Muslim TV programs.  Fayhan al-Ghamdi admitted to brutalizing and killing his young daught...

  • February 6, 2013

    Fox News Dumps Morris, Renews Rove

    Dick Morris is gone from Fox News.  Meanwhile, Karl Rove has been given a new multiyear contract.  But why? A Fox News spokesman said only that the network chose not to renew Morris' contract.  It's not hard to figure out why.  Mo...

  • February 5, 2013

    Filibuster Hagel's Nomination

    Chuck Hagel is a buffoon. Putting a buffoon in charge of the Department of Defense at any time is a bad idea. But in a world full of gathering dangers, it borders on malfeasance for the U. S. Senate to confirm Hagel as the next secretary of defense. ...

  • February 2, 2013

    Fights Worth Having

    Speaker John Boehner feels regret -- or so we learned last week from The Hill. The speaker now believes he should have taken a different approach to the fiscal cliff dealings. The speaker has cause for regret. A legislative strategy that is reactive ...

  • January 28, 2013

    Obama and the Restoration

    The pith of Charles Krauthammer's commentary the other day on Mr. Obama's second inaugural address is thus: the president is the Anti-Reagan. Mr. Obama is the very embodiment of a long, focused, and diligent campaign by the left to delegitimize the "...

  • January 10, 2013

    Congressional Republicans Fall off the Fiscal Cliff

    In case you missed it, the recent Gallup and Pew polls show big trouble for congressional Republicans. According to the Pew poll, only 14% of independents approved congressional Republican leaders' negotiations with President Obama. 69% of independen...

  • January 5, 2013

    What You Could Buy with the Average Tax Increase

    What's $1,635 per year more in taxes for tens of millions of households?  That's just $136.25 taken from a family budget per month.  Like prudent mobsters, President Obama and Speaker Boehner are just skimming a little from your earnings to...

  • January 3, 2013

    The Fiscal Cliff Deal and GOP Pretzels

    Talk about putting lipstick on a pig. Republicans and their conservative enablers are, of course, trying to put the best spin on an abominable deal to avoid tumbling over the nation's fiscal cliff. Speaker Boehner, along with eighty-five stalwart Rep...

  • December 27, 2012

    America's Daddyless Black Kids

    The modern welfare state and the 60s Cultural Revolution are gifts that keep on giving -- if the gifts that are given are fatherlessness, particularly for low income or poverty-level black kids. Hispanic and white kids aren't immune to the longstandi...

  • December 25, 2012

    Belgium's Compassionate Nihilism

    Dear Muslim brothers, why the struggle to Islamize Europe?  Patience, brothers, patience.  You see, Europeans are accomplishing for you what it would take decades of sweat, toil, assaults, firebombs, ghetto riots, and tears to accomplish yo...

  • December 21, 2012

    Boehner and Cantor Must Go

    Speaker John Boehner's "Plan B" (B as in "Big Bomb") is as dead as a Cowsills' 45 record.  Vinyl doesn't wear well in the digital age, and Speaker Boehner's plan to raise taxes didn't woo GOP House caucus members or tea parties and grassroots co...

  • December 20, 2012

    Bobby Jindal Weighs In on...Birth Control

    Republicans can breathe a sigh of relief.  Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal took valuable column inches at the Wall Street Journal the other day to tackle a critical issue -- one on whose resolution rests the nation's fortunes.  Jindal refut...

  • December 15, 2012

    Boehner and Cantor versus Augustus Barack I

    Now the great Augustus, Barack Hussein Obama, announced to ABC News' Barbara Walters that he's "pretty confident" that Republicans will cave on taxes. Okay, so our jaunty Augustus didn't use the word "cave," but he might as well have skipped the nic...

  • December 7, 2012

    Boehner Orchestrating the GOP's Demise

    It's a contest of wills and guess who is winning? President Obama, of course. And that's because the president is up against the GOP's equivalent of Churchill's "Boneless Wonder," Speaker John Boehner. Matched against the president, Boehner is making...

  • November 27, 2012

    Look out! Here comes Jeb Bush for President

    "Bush III?" Haven't we had enough with Bush I and II? Not if those very same establishment Republicans who gave us Mitt "Flat Tire" Romney have their ways. The Drudge Report headlines it today as "Bush III." As in Jeb Bush, former Florida governor an...

  • November 25, 2012

    GOP Doomed if Establishment Prevails

    The battle lines are being drawn. The fight for the GOP is on. The seemingly eternal struggle between the right and the Republican establishment has entered its newest phase. In the wake of Mitt Romney being end-run by Barack Obama, GOP get-alongs wa...

  • November 17, 2012

    Toward Hamas, Appeasement is the New York Times Way

    The Israelis need to get with it, writes Ethan Bronner, a New York Times reporter.  Hamas needs to be accommodated, not attacked.  Unnamed analysts and diplomats "outside Israel" say so.  And we should always trust unnamed sources....

  • November 16, 2012

    Three Fictions about Obama's Second Term (and Why They aren't Encouraging)

    A week after the presidential election, we're wading deep in election analyses and prognoses for what a second Obama term means to the nation. Republicans and conservatives, of course, are keenly interested in what the president's reelection means to...

  • November 12, 2012

    Speaking of Excellent Election Analysis...

    Given the woeful state of the economy, an incomprehensively huge public debt, and ObamaCare, among other factors, how is it that Barack Obama pulled a rabbit out of his hat and won re-election, albeit narrowly (in the popular vote)?   Danie...

  • November 9, 2012

    Why Accept Tyranny and Ruin?

    On Election Day, Rush Limbaugh advanced an intriguing notion given him by a friend.  Rush fancied the idea "a fascinating little think piece."  Here's the idea, per Rush: "If the Republicans win, they get to select the half of the country ...

  • November 7, 2012

    A Hard Reality of Romney's Loss: Demographic Change

    In preliminary analyses, the 2012 electorate was closer to the 2008 than the 2004 electorate.  Blacks, Hispanics, younger Americans, and single women in large part fueled President Obama's reelection victory.  More than Romney's shortcoming...

  • November 5, 2012

    Obama's Character isn't King

    Over the weekend, on the campaign trail, President Barack Obama let his mask slip again.  The president's offhanded remark that voting is the best revenge betrays the anger in the man - and not just anger about a reelection in jeopardy. Under th...

  • October 25, 2012

    No Victory Lap for Romney Yet

    Put the cork back in the champagne.  Mitt Romney hasn't won the presidency yet.  In fact, in battleground states, though the momentum has clearly been with Romney, the contests are still too close to call.  And close contests are about...

  • October 17, 2012

    Romney Wins Debate on Economy

    On the issue that is uppermost on voters' minds, Mitt Romney walked away with a clear victory in his debate with President Obama at Hofstra University. That issue is the economy, and it is the state of the economy that will be the decider for voters....

  • October 16, 2012

    Hillary's Price

    Rest assured that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham-Clinton isn't taking a fall over the Benghazi debacle for President Obama without exacting a price -- a steep price.  It's not Bill's or Hill's way to give from the heart.  Like the devil,...

  • October 12, 2012

    Biden's Liberal Arrogance and Condescension

    Title corrected What was most on display last night at the vice presidential debate in Danville, Kentucky?  More than Joe Biden's pearly whites.  What viewers saw was nearly ninety minutes of arrogance, condescension, and disdain displayed ...

  • October 3, 2012

    Brzezinski: Free Speech about Muslims has Limits

    With free speech comes responsibility said Zbigniew Brzezinski, and when it comes to speech about Muslims, some speech is like crying "fire" in a crowded theater.  Brzezinski made his remarks Wednesday morning on msnbc's Morning Joe (which Brzez...

  • October 2, 2012

    Romney's Big Problem?

    That a New York Times reporter would assert that mainstream media bias is overblown really isn't news.  In this case, we're talking about egregiously skewed media coverage favoring President Obama and disfavoring Mitt Romney.  But New York ...

  • September 28, 2012

    Advice for Romney from National Review's Editors

    On Thursday morning, National Review's editors offered a surefire way of putting Mitt Romney over the top with "swing" voters.  Call it a circular firing squad.  Or just mush. The NR editors' advice: ladle out a share of blame to George W. ...

  • September 20, 2012

    Fear of the Five Percent

    National Review's Jim Geraghty writes today at the journal's online edition about undecided voters in the presidential contest.  Geraghty's analysis should hearten Mitt Romney and GOP establishmentarians who've made a near fetish of the small un...

  • September 16, 2012

    Ignatius Puzzled by Netanyahu's Iranian Red Line Push

    The Washington Post's David Ignatius is stumped, he claims.  Stumped by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's insistence that the U.S. draw a firm "red line" to stop Iran's relentless push for nuclear weapons capability.  Heck, not ju...

  • September 13, 2012

    Springtime for Arab Mobs

    So where are the voices in the West and the U.S. that rhapsodized about the Arab Spring?  You remember the Arab Spring?  The rule of law, human rights, and democracy were a-coming to the Middle East.  Why, it was 1967 all over again --...

  • September 10, 2012

    The GOP's Independent Voter Fixation

    Among establishment Republicans there are two modes of thinking about campaigns: attack or don't attack.  The gospel among GOP insiders these days is that no way, no how, Mitt Romney should attack Barack Obama.  Doing so, a sliver of indepe...

  • September 6, 2012

    Will Slick Willie's Mojo Help Obama?

    Bill Clinton's popularity transferrable to Barack Obama?  So Geraldo Rivera wondered on Fox & Friends on Thursday morning.  As must most Democrats, who have growing concerns about President Obama's reelection chances.    ...

  • September 4, 2012

    Romney Needs to Bury Obama's Liberalism

    The general estimate is that Mitt Romney's acceptance speech did what it had to do.  Romney gave viewers and listeners his human side, gave a stout defense of his business career, and chided -- ever-so-gently -- President Obama for his failures....

  • August 28, 2012

    The Party of Factions, Republican or Democrat?

    The New York Times ran a dopey headline on Sunday: "A Party of Factions Gathers, Seeking Consensus."  This in reference to Republicans going to Tampa for their convention.  Let's set aside that political parties necessarily comprise faction...

  • August 24, 2012

    Romney to Call for Energy Independence by 2020

    Mitt Romney traveled to Hobbs, New Mexico yesterday to push energy independence for North America in eight years.  As president, Romney would embark on energy independence by first empowering the states. Reported Yahoo! News:  In what his ...

  • August 15, 2012

    The Copycat Girls think Ryan is just, well, cruel

    Maureen Dowd and Katrina vanden Heuvel must have had coffee yesterday and brainstormed.  Because I'll be darned if their articles today don't strike the very same themes (not similar themes, the same). Checkout their articles' headlines in today...

  • August 13, 2012

    Romney's Run Starts at Tampa

    Fretting over polls?  Don't buy them.  Frustrated by the snarky jabs at Mitt Romney by President Obama, Harry Reid, and a gaggle of left-wing attack groups?  Sideshows.  Distressed by what you see as Romney's lifeless campaign?...

  • July 18, 2012

    Goofy Prescription to Forestall the New Great Depression

    Richard Duncan, author of "The New Depression," appeared on CNBC's Squawk Box Europe on Monday to discuss what he calls "creditism" and the prospects of a new Great Depression.  What Duncan advices be done to prevent or at least forestall a new ...

  • July 14, 2012

    Condi Rice for Veep. Really?

    If Drudge is right, Mitt Romney may just pick Condi Rice as his running mate.  Talk about an insider's pick.     Former Secretary of State Rice is a smart woman and accomplished in her field, but does she energize conservative v...

  • July 6, 2012

    What Romney Needs to Say About RomneyCare

    Mona Charen, writing at the National Review Online, counsels Mitt Romney about what to say in defense of RomneyCare.  Charen devotes more than a few words in detailing a defense for Romney.  Charen's counsel is wrong, in that candidates who...

  • July 4, 2012

    Make up your Mind, Mitt

    The Washington Times, among other media outlets, reports that putative GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney is having a tough time deciding about a word.  The word is "tax" and it pertains to the Obamacare mandate that everyone buys health insur...

  • June 29, 2012

    The ObamaCare Ruling and the Danger of Taxing Inaction

    Richard A. Epstein, writing at the New York Times, nails the danger of Chief Justice Roberts' and his majorities' ruling on ObamaCare.  The danger as Epstein sees it is that Roberts and his allies on the bench attempt to separate regulation from...

  • June 22, 2012

    Eurozone Moochers Pressuring Germany for Bailouts

    We learn from London's The Guardian that Christine Lagarde, who runs the International Monetary Fund, is turning the screws on German Chancellor Angela Merkel to bailout Europe's failing banks. How else to describe Western Europe's elite other than a...

  • June 13, 2012

    Democrats Fret about Obama's Prospects

    The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that there's more than a little hand-wringing among Democrats about Barack Obama's re-election prospects.   The Big Brains and seasoned pros in the Democratic Party are groping for ways to right the p...

  • June 12, 2012

    New Data on Same-sex Parenting Challenges Gay Orthodoxy

    The Washington Times reported on Sunday that two new studies indicate that children raised by gay parents might not benefit from the experience like kids raised by married mother-father parents. "The empirical claim that no notable differences exist ...

  • June 8, 2012

    Unions Dividing Democrats?

    This might prove an interesting twist on divide and conquer.  Michael Gerson wrote at the Washington Post on Wednesday that the Wisconsin election results may indicate a split among liberals.  Public sector unions may be driving a wedge bet...

  • June 5, 2012

    Wisconsin and the Frustrations of Polarization

    At the Washington Post, E.J. Dionne frets that a close election in Wisconsin is indicative at the national level of an evenly split electorate where nothing much happens to move the ball, legislatively.  Dionne wants to move the ball to the left...

  • May 30, 2012

    Scott Walker, Romney's Running Mate?

    Balance the GOP presidential ticket?  Nah!  That's Democrat stuff.  Mitt Romney has the chance to a make a powerful statement with his V.P. choice.  Governor Scott Walker -- a boring white guy's white guy -- is about to make a ver...

  • May 24, 2012

    Romney's Veep Pick

    Don't expect Mitt Romney to pull a John McCain.  A safe bet is that there will be no Sarah Palin-like surprise when Romney announces his running mate.  The reason is that Mitt Romney doesn't need a stunner to grab voters' attention or swing...

  • May 15, 2012

    For Obama, Gay Is Green

    Joseph Curl's analysis in Sunday's Washington Times on Barack Obama's gay marriage flip-flop nicely sums up the president's motive.  Actually, the headline sums it up: "Team Obama panics, and it's only May." That's right.  President Barack ...

  • May 8, 2012

    Will Obama Suffer Sarkozy's Fate?

    The Washington Post is onto something.  Is it possible that the election of Francois Hollande as French president might doom Barack Obama's re-election? Post reporter, Scott Wilson, wrote on Monday: The shrill anti-incumbent message that has em...

  • May 3, 2012

    Will Changes in the Electorate Sink Romney?

    There's a notion floating on the right and left.  It goes like this: the electorate has changed so dramatically that it favors President Obama's re-election.  Will Mitt Romney be a November victim of generational and demographic tyranny?...

  • April 29, 2012

    Blame Republicans for Everything, Say Two DC Scholars

    Republicans are the "core" problem of partisan gridlock and Washington's dysfunction, so write two longtime Washington scholars and pundits -- who also happen to be liberals.  It's hard to say if Norman Ornstein and Thomas E. Mann are writing ab...

  • April 25, 2012

    Obama Wins Close or Loses Big

    President Barack Obama: narrow winner or big loser in November.  Presidential election history gives us indications that Mr. Obama either squeaks back into the White House or gets an undignified boot in the back of his designer trousers.  I...

  • April 21, 2012

    Starbucks Backs Down to Vegans' Demand to End Bug-Coloring of Drinks

    Get this from USA Today.  Starbucks, fully in step with the "all-natural" craze, was using a dye produced from insects to color some of its drinks and food products.  Starbucks chose the bug coloring in a move away from artificial coloring ...

  • April 18, 2012

    Dems Use Ted Nugent's Remarks to Distract from Ann Romney Flap

    Ted Nugent is up to what Ted Nugent is up to usually: taking rhetorical shots at Democrats and liberals he can't stomach.  Is this news?  Well, it is to Democrats and their mainstream media enablers, who have seized on Nugent's remarks in a...

  • April 14, 2012

    Dirty Little Secret: More Women Want to Stay Home to Raise Kids

    Many women would like to stay home to raise their kids.  So writes "Zerlina" the other day at the feminist blog Feministing.  One assumes that Zerlina is using a pen name for a reason.  Admitting that many working mothers would prefer ...

  • March 28, 2012

    James Carville Argues that an ObamaCare Defeat Helps Democrats

    James Carville might be onto something, but for the wrong reason.  Carville is arguing that if the U.S. Supreme Court kills ObamaCare, Democrats can hang that failure around the necks of Republicans.  Carville believes that future escalatin...

  • March 27, 2012

    Uncle Sam's Female Crash Test Dummies

    Uncle Sam and President Obama are full of curious contradictions, aren't they?  Particularly when it comes to motor vehicle safety.  And particularly when it comes to compact and subcompact cars.      The Washington Post...

  • March 23, 2012

    DeMint's Common Sense on Romney

     For Senator Jim DeMint, the prospect of Mitt Romney securing the GOP nomination sooner rather than later is a good thing.  In remarks made on Thursday that were reported by CNN, the reliably conservative South Carolinian and Tea Party favo...

  • March 16, 2012

    Netanyahu Warns Again of Israel Taking Unilateral Action Against Iran

    A wire service is reporting that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is renewing his pledge to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, even in the teeth of Obama administration objections. The wire service report appears at the online edition of the...

  • March 13, 2012

    The Pundit and the Bishops

    With friends and defenders like the Washington Post's E.J. Dionne, the Catholic Church (and all churches and synagogues) need no enemies.  Dionne, under the guise of offering helpful advice to Roman Catholic bishops in the contraception flap wit...

  • March 10, 2012

    The Left Finally Goes for the First Amendment

    Nancy Pelosi, good Roman Catholic she, orchestrates Sandra Fluke's testimony against the Catholic Church's 1st Amendment rights.  Did Pelosi miscalculate?  President Obama began the contraception kerfuffle with the Catholic Church, and then...

  • March 9, 2012

    The U.S. Housing Market Crisis and the Faltering EU: The Bad Moon Keeps Rising

    Here at home, the Washington Post reports that President Obama intends to double-down on government-centered remedies (read "failures") to deal with the ongoing housing market depression.  Our illustrious president, never shy to use Uncle Sam's ...

  • February 28, 2012

    U.S. Behind in Fighting Islamic Radicalization Via the Internet?

    Islamic terrorist groups have the edge on the internet, reports the Washington Post.  Islamic bad guys are using the internet to radicalize youth here in the U.S., contends a study done for the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Com...

  • February 25, 2012

    GOP Presidential Contest: Most Volatile in Generations

    The Republican presidential sweepstakes -- volatile?  No American Thinker readers need be told that.  But Alex Roarty adds historical perspective at today's National Journal.  Roarty had been writing that the 2012 GOP presidential cont...

  • February 21, 2012

    Santorum on Target about Netherlands' Euthanasia Laws

    The Dutch are calling Rick Santorum a "crazy extreme Catholic" for his views on the Netherland's euthanasia laws.  The Dutch are outraged over claims Santorum made to the Reverend James Dobson (Focus on the Family) about the practice of euthanas...

  • February 16, 2012

    Contraception, Churches, and the Left's Phony Argument

    You've got to hand it to liberals.  They stick to a script.  On the contraception-Catholic Church flap, the script is that most Catholic women favor contraception (and, one guesses, abortion-inducers).  Ergo, the Catholic Church should...

  • February 5, 2012

    Obama or the Israelis: Whom Do You Believe?

    Bloomberg, among other news outlets, reports that the U.S. and Israel are split over when to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.  Perhaps for the U.S., in the person of Barack Obama, it's still more if the U.S. should attack Iran.  Middle Eas...

  • February 4, 2012

    Obama or the Israelis: Who Do You Believe?

    Bloomberg, among other news outlets, reports that the U.S. and Israel are split over when to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.  Perhaps for the U.S., in the person of Barack Obama, it's still more if the U.S. should attack Iran.  Middle Eas...

  • January 29, 2012

    Slow Motion Collapse in Europe Continues

    Yesterday was quite a news day for the festering debt crisis in Europe.  Taxpayers everywhere learned that the IMF's new chief, Christine Lagarde, wants an extra $500 billion to help fight Europe's slow-motion collapse.  Trouble is, where d...

  • January 26, 2012

    Gingrich and Reagan: The Story Behind the Clashing Opinions

    The Drudge Report's headline screamed: "Insider: Gingrich Repeatedly Insulted Reagan."  On the other hand, on Monday, The American Spectator's Jeffrey Lord wrote a complimentary article on Gingrich under the header: "Reagan's Young Lieutenant." ...

  • January 25, 2012

    Obama Wants to Force Morning After Pill on religious institutions

    President Obama has stepped up his war on churches.  London's Daily Mail reports that the president has green-lighted new rules that force "church-affiliated institutions to cover all methods of contraception, including sterilisation."  On...

  • January 24, 2012

    Rush is Right about Newt

    On Monday's broadcast, Rush Limbaugh pegged the reason why Newt Gingrich is gaining so much traction in the GOP presidential sweepstakes:  Newt's articulating conservatism.  Newt is a "vessel" for grassroots conservatives who want a GOP nom...

  • January 23, 2012

    Keystone XL and Obama's Subjugation Economics

    Are there some days you want to say to liberals: "I want a divorce.  You take both coasts, the college towns, and we'll divvy up the Blue States (or carve out regions within those states, lest conservatives are forsaken)."  President Barack...

  • January 12, 2012

    Refocus: It's Obama

    The best description yet of Mitt Romney was just penned by Jonah Goldberg at National Review Online.  Goldberg fancies Romney as "a super-helpful manager at a rental car company."  That's on the order of Alice Roosevelt Longworth ...

  • January 7, 2012

    End Romney's Inevitability Myth

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ ta...

  • January 6, 2012

    Goal of Obama's Defense Cuts: Hurt Republicans

    President Barack Obama's proposal to dramatically reduce the size of the U.S. military has to do with more than high blown strategic considerations.  More than budget-cutting.  More than the old liberal bias against the military.  Slas...

  • December 30, 2011

    2012: The Mess Gets Messier

    2012 won't exactly be Morning in America.  Or morning anywhere else, except in a place like Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood is ushering in the sunrise of full-blown Sharia Law.  Or in Iran, where the mullahs and the blood-lusting Ahmadi...

  • December 20, 2011

    Mark Steyn Whacks-a-Newt

    National Review editors have rolled out their big gun, Mark Steyn, to take whacks at the much-whacked Newt Gingrich.  Steyn's article was featured at Monday's National Review Online under the banner: "Big-Government Newt." Steyn spends four page...

  • December 18, 2011

    Christopher Hitchens and the Meaning of Life

    Christopher Hitchens, who was a well-known political iconoclast, provocateur, writer, commentator, and atheist, died on December 15.  Death has a sting for us all, but that sting must be greatest for an atheist -- at least for a thinking atheist...

  • December 18, 2011

    McCarthy Counters NR Editors' Gingrich Attack

    Newt Gingrich, unfit to be president.  So wrote National Review editors last Wednesday.  Gingrich may not be the editors' beau ideal for president, but unfit?  C'mon.  That stinks of inside-the-Beltway hatchet jobbing.  Blow...

  • December 13, 2011

    Toward Britain: Empty Threats

    Olli Rehn. Ever hear of him? In case you haven't, Rehn's a Finn and an E.U. commissioner. The London Express reported that Rehn's job a couple of days ago was to threaten the British. Prime Minister David Cameron, in a very impolitic spasm of nat...

  • December 9, 2011

    Romney's ham-handed assault on Gingrich

    Dumb and desperate.  That's Mitt Romney.  And tin-eared, too.     Romney is siccing the hounds on Newt Gingrich - toothless as they may be - in an attempt to blunt Gingrich's momentum, so reports the Washington Post....

  • December 8, 2011

    Newt's Teflon Suit?

    Here's the conventional wisdom.  Starting in January, the competition that produces heavy friction in the GOP caucuses and primaries will lay bare Newt Gingrich's virtues and vices.  Should Gingrich survive that process and win the GOP nomi...

  • December 3, 2011

    Europe's 'Illiberal Democracy'

    National Review editor Rich Lowry puts it nicely: The same clever people who created the single European currency want to move further toward a single European government.  So Lowry wrote in an article appearing at National Review Online ...

  • December 1, 2011

    Gingrich Surges in Florida, Montana

    Is this Newt Gingrich's soufflé moment - rising high quickly, and then falling almost as fast, just like other A.B.M. (Anybody But Mitt) candidates have done?  Or do new poll numbers out of Florida and Montana indicate a deeper move by GOP voter...

  • November 30, 2011

    Germany's Dream of Domination to Come True?

    (See also: How to Make Sense of the European Union Disaster) There's a saying: "Dreams deferred aren't necessarily dreams denied."  Or something like that.  Neither the Kaiser nor the Führer could have imagined, though, that the path to dom...

  • November 28, 2011

    The Fed Can Rescue Europe. Really?

    Not madness -- no.  Folly, plain and simple. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard speculates in the Sunday edition of London's The Telegraph about the U.S. Federal Reserve riding to Europe's rescue. Europe is facing a breathtaking debt disaster, and Evans-Pr...

  • November 19, 2011

    Kathleen Parker's Trash Talk

    Such rabble, all those grassroots conservatives that have infested the Republican Party. It's all that Sarah Palin's fault. She's so... common... so dumb. Well, we can't say "dumb," so let's say not very smart, not like Bill Buckley. All those flyove...

  • November 16, 2011

    Expect Newt to be Pilloried

    Newt Gingrich, piñata.  Expect it -- now that Gingrich is enjoying rough parity with Mitt Romney and Herman Cain in the polls.  Expect Gingrich to start taking whacks from his GOP competitors and their allies.  What's curious is if the...

  • November 13, 2011

    Newt's Physics

    What goes up must come down.  But Newt Gingrich may just add his own twist to the law of physics.  Gingrich may prove that if a politician toughs out the inevitable career downs, he might rebound -- and spectacularly.  Could Gingrich s...

  • November 10, 2011

    Europeans Gushing over Obama's Economic Policies

    USA Today's Richard Wolf reported the other day that Europeans gushed over Barack Obama; they think the president's economic policies are just swell.  Should Americans gush, too?  Mr. Obama's illusionary economic successes win the praise of...

  • November 6, 2011

    Obama's Shameful Rejection of FDR's D-Day Prayer

    President Barack Obama had bureaucrat Robert Abbey deliver an opinion to a U. S. House committee last week that adding Franklin Roosevelt's D-Day prayer to the nation's World War II Memorial would tarnish the elegance of the memorial and hamper visit...

  • November 4, 2011

    The Issue Come November 2012

    Let's peer into a crystal ball.  What's the top issue a year from now, at the time of next November's national election?  Here's what it won't be: allegations of sexual harassment against Herman Cain.  It won't be Rick Perry's tongue-t...

  • November 1, 2011

    The Curious Timing of the Herman Cain Accusation

    For Herman Cain, forget the treats; just bring on the tricks.  Republican presidential contender Herman Cain is the subject of a bombshell accusation on Halloween day that he sexually harassed two women during his tenure at the National Restaur...

  • October 29, 2011

    A Cain Presidency: Creative Destruction Loosed

    What was it that the prophet Jeremiah said about his mission, or was said about it in the bible?  Jeremiah was sent among his people to confront falsehoods; he came to challenge the corrupt powers-that-be.  Jeremiah came first to "root up, ...

  • October 25, 2011

    Obama and GOP Challengers Dead Heat in PA Fundraising

    Don't look now, but President Barack Obama and his Republican challengers are about even in 2011 fundraising in Pennsylvania.  The near split in fundraising shouldn't be encouraging to the President.  The Keystone State has been reliably bl...

  • October 23, 2011

    Red States Rising

      Anyone who read Richard F. Miniter's excellent article ("Who Will Save New York? Herman Cain?") in Friday's edition of American Thinker can appreciate why blue state citizens are so down-in-the-mouth blue - and why many of the bluest citizens ...

  • October 20, 2011

    DC: What Recession?

    Bloomberg reported yesterday that Washington, D.C., has the highest average incomes in the nation.  That's big government Washington, D.C., where Uncle Sam's extravagant borrowing -- pump-priming, as the Keynesians once termed it -- redounds to ...

  • October 17, 2011

    Ron Paul's Serious Proposal

    GOP presidential aspirant Ron Paul will unveil his budget and government reform proposal today, the Wall Street Journal reports.  Paul's plan is a serious alternative to the generally cautious Romney proposal.  Paul's plan will either be me...

  • October 14, 2011

    Obama: The Exquisite Blessing of Impossible Expectations

    It's the bane of demagogues.  Or near-demagogues.  Or those who raise up imperfect men to be demagogues.  It's called "expectations," impossible expectations.  And impossible expectations are what are dooming Barack Obama.  T...

  • October 14, 2011

    Cain gets the 'simple' label from the Washington Post

    Oh, no.  Looks like the Washington Post has put the Reagan curse on Herman Cain.  In the lead story in the Post's Friday electronic edition, Post reporter Sandhya Somashekhar characterizes Cain's positions as "simple."  For the smart s...

  • October 11, 2011

    The Economy's the Wedge. Freedom's the Cause.

    Could 2012 be a reprise of 1932?  You know, 1932, when Republicans were hosed by FDR and the Democrats?  Though this time it's Barack Obama and his Democrats who'll face voter wrath and be sent packing -- packing for that cold, far land cal...

  • October 3, 2011


    GM is learning the same lesson that Joe Hardy learned in the classic Broadway musical, Damn Yankees.  When you sell your soul to the devil, what you get back isn't worth a warm bucket of spit.  That's GM's bitter lesson with the Volt. ...

  • September 24, 2011

    How Perry Can Beat GOP Heel-Nippers

    Texas Governor Rick Perry's been getting pummeled lately.  By the entire GOP presidential field, as a matter of fact, and by Washington's Republican establishmentarians, whose high-income jobs hinge on brilliant insights -- such as that voters d...

  • September 17, 2011

    Europeans Dis Geithner. Who Wouldn't?

    Is U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner ditzy or cheeky or some of both? The Washington Post reports that Mr. Geithner brought the true gospel of John M. Keynes to fellow -- if slacking - believers in Europe on Friday.  Speaking to European ...

  • September 16, 2011

    GOP pushback on Dem vote fraud

    Those dastardly, anti-fair elections, civil rights-trampling Republicans are up to no good in states around the nation.  Leastwise, in states that the GOP controls, thanks to electoral gains in 2010.  Republicans are reforming -- err, re-wr...

  • September 14, 2011

    NY-09: The real take-away

    Democrats aren't trying really hard to spin yesterday's loss in Anthony Weiner's old U.S. House seat.  Yes, Weiner's bizarre sextexting scandal certainly didn't help Democrats, but in a congressional district so overwhelmingly Democratic -- sinc...

  • September 10, 2011

    The Businessman Versus the Career Politician

    Mitt Romney zinged Rick Perry with an effective, if facile, line the other night at the GOP debate.  Whom do Republican voters want as president, asked Romney: a businessman like him or a career politician like Perry?  A slam-dunk choice fo...

  • September 1, 2011

    Feds: Consider us 'family'

    Should any of us be flattered?  We learn from a report in the Palm Beach Post (via Drudge) that President Obama wants us to think of the federal government not as government, but as family.  Yes, one big, happy, sprawling family.  Sure...

  • August 31, 2011

    Romney Plans to Scare Seniors

    Rick Perry's surge in the polls is spooking Mitt Romney.  His strategists are sharpening knives, getting ready to fillet Perry on the key issues of Social Security and Medicare.  Before Sarah Palin backers get tingles up their legs, underst...

  • August 15, 2011

    Will Obama Run for Re-election?

    Could it be déjà vu all over again?  1968, that is... something similar.  That was the year a sitting president -- Lyndon Johnson -- withdrew from the Democratic race for re-nomination and reelection.  Might 2012 see Barack Obama pull ...

  • August 14, 2011

    Obama Beats Perry?

    Longtime Republican campaign consultant, Mike Murphy, thinks that Governor Rick Perry may have a tough go beating Barack Obama in a 2012 General Election matchup.  Writing for Time, Murphy opines: Anyone who watched Rick Perry destroy Sen. Kay ...

  • August 10, 2011

    Daily Kos: Wisconsin a Victory for the Left

    Is Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas just whistling past the graveyard?  Or was Moulitsas just trying to rally the left's flagging troops when he wrote last night for his blog that Wisconsin was a victory for the left?  Or, p...

  • August 9, 2011

    London Bridges Falling Down - Why?

    Another night of fiery riots in London.  Scores of homes and businesses looted and destroyed.  Innocents beaten, robbed, and humiliated.  Most of the rioters and looters are young, teenagers.  Of course, one wonders why London and...

  • August 6, 2011

    No Grand Bargains with Democrats

    Charles Krauthammer is wrong and Mitch McConnell's right.  At least Senator McConnell was right back in July when he said the GOP's priority is to defeat Barack Obama in 2012.  And convincingly win GOP congressional majorities, too.  O...

  • August 1, 2011

    Humans to Blame for Mass Extinction

    Amid all the debt limit and budget news last week, you may have missed this nugget.  The human race is causing the sixth mass extinction in earth history.  It seems that those discredited, zany, and extremely well-funded climatologists have...

  • July 29, 2011

    Boehner's credibility gap

    The shattered credibility of establishment Republicans is the problem that dare not speak its name, at least among establishment conservative pundits.  Charles Krauthammer, writing for the Washington Post, makes a persuasive case for House Repub...

  • July 26, 2011

    Democrats: The Party of Pain and Suffering

    Gene Sperling, who works for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, appeared on Fox News' Fox and Friends this morning to spin for the flailing Barack Obama, who, as everyone knows, hawked tax increases in his nationally televised speech last night....

  • July 8, 2011

    Dumping Biden for Cuomo?

    There's some chatter among some Democrats these days about Joe Biden's future.  Biden, the Obama's administration's comic relief, may not bring enough to the Democrat ticket in 2012 to help Mr. Obama avoid defeat.  The idea that vice presid...

  • July 6, 2011

    NY Times pushes the Bush-Perry feud

    Are the New York Times' editors just discovering that there's no love lost between George W. Bush and Texas Governor -- and potential GOP presidential contender -- Rick Perry?  Or are the Times' editors kicking up dust to make trouble for an ant...

  • July 5, 2011

    Rand Paul to Filibuster a Debt Limit Deal?

    Senator Rand Paul is saying no debt limit increase without sending a constitutional amendment to balance the federal budget to the states.  Paul is threatening to filibuster a debt deal that lacks a balanced budget proposal.  The Kentucky s...

  • June 17, 2011

    A Liberal defends Weiner

    The New Republic's John Judis is one vexed liberal.  Judis, writing in the New Republic castigates Democrats as "weenies" for pushing Anthony Weiner to resign his congressional seat.  For Judis, Weiner's tweeting exhibitionism wasn't illega...

  • June 14, 2011

    NATO's Libyan Misadventure is No Joke

    Anyone old enough remembers the 60s sitcoms Gomer Pyle -USMC, F Troop, and McHale's Navy.  A review of DVDs of those fine, funny shows of yore should be high on anyone's list who's been following NATO's misadventure in Libya.  Incoming Sec...

  • June 12, 2011

    GOP Governors a Boost to Obama?

    Veteran political analyst Norm Ornstein has a theory, of sorts.   Ornstein wrote Friday in the Washington Post that Republican governors with low approval ratings in key electoral states could help President Barack Obama's reelection chance...

  • June 11, 2011

    Robert Gates Shrugs

    Outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates has told Europeans that in joint military and defense matters, the United States increasingly wants to take a pass on leadership.  Gates' remarks were front page news in Friday's Washington Post. Gates aim...

  • June 9, 2011

    Debt Ceiling Negotiations: the GOP's Advantage

    Speaker John Boehner should be heartened.  Results of a new Washington Post-ABC News poll show that Republicans have the advantage in negotiations with Democrats over a debt ceiling increase. An article in today's Washington Post reveals that th...

  • June 2, 2011

    RomneyCare vs. ObamaCare: Does Page Count Matter?

      Marathon presidential contests mean that silly seasons in politics start early.  Look no further then Mitt Romney's flailing efforts to find some contrast -- any contrast -- with President Obama over government-controlled health care as p...

  • May 16, 2011

    Against a Balanced Budget Amendment - Come Again?

    So, let's see a show of hands.  Who really trusts politicians to do the right thing rather than the self-serving thing?  Precisely.  An argument being made by a scattering of conservatives against a constitutional amendment mandating a...

  • May 14, 2011

    Beware Grand Budget Deals

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • May 7, 2011

    Timid Republicans Backing Off Ryan's Medicare Proposal

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • May 4, 2011

    End the War on Terror Now!

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • May 3, 2011

    Conservatives Win Big in Canada

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • May 2, 2011

    Osama's Dead; Obama Re-elected?

    Does the killing of Osama bin Laden by an American Special Forces unit translate into a re-election boost to President Obama?  In the coming days, expect President Obama's poll numbers to bump up.  Also expect a spate of articles and opinio...

  • April 26, 2011

    More Huffing and Puffing from Boehner?

    Speaker John Boehner is huffing and puffing on a vote to raise the debt ceiling, claiming that a vote to do so isn't guaranteed by early July.  Or so reports Politico.  And a wire service reports that Mr. Boehner is also making noises about...

  • April 22, 2011

    Exit John Ensign. Enter Heller and Angle?

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • April 21, 2011

    Has the GOP Surrendered?

    An upcoming debt ceiling vote isn't fighting ground for GOP congressional leaders.  It's a wonder why.  But Senator Jim DeMint says he may fight a delaying action, filibustering the debt ceiling vote in an attempt to force a proposed balanc...

  • April 20, 2011

    Obama to Sell GM Stock at Huge Loss to Taxpayers

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • April 19, 2011

    Do Americans Really Want Humanitarian Wars?

    Humanitarian war-making (an oxymoron, indeed) is on full display in Libya.  Reports persist that the Libya intervention, as it's commonly referred to, is bogged down.  Is anyone really surprised?There's been talk of the U.S. sending in grou...

  • April 13, 2011

    Are Boehner and the GOP Skirting Disaster?

    Snookered.  That's what grassroots conservatives are feeling about the Boehner budget deal.  A backlash is building among the grassroots that hasn't crested yet.  Boehner's less-than-honest budget deal advertising may pass as clever in...

  • April 9, 2011

    Gingrich's Ten Steps to an Ongoing GOP Majority

    Newt Gingrich is always at his best in the world of strategy and tactics.  A couple of days ago, via Human Events, the former House Speaker issued his "10 Steps to a Stable Governing Majority."  His target audience: GOP House fres...

  • April 7, 2011

    Ryan's Plan: A Beginning, not an End

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • April 5, 2011

    $8.5 billion in Losses but Pay Raises for Postal Workers?

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • April 3, 2011

    Radically Reform Congress

    In March, Sean Duffy, a freshman Congressman from Wisconsin, was confronted by constituents over his salary.  Duffy's constituents didn't appreciate that a U.S. House backbencher was pulling down $174,000 annually plus benefits.  Moreover, ...

  • March 26, 2011

    Libya: Through the Glass Darkly

    An odd, loose coalition of some liberals and conservatives has formed in favor of U.S. military intervention in Libya.  The New Republic's John Judis and the Weekly Standard's William Kristol are in agreement: keep launching the Tomahawks and, m...

  • March 22, 2011

    A Liberal and Libya as the Worm Turns

    John Judis, writing for the New Republic, chides his fellow liberals for not backing Barack Obama's move into Libya.  Judis, in his defense of President Obama's Libya action, sounds suspiciously like an evil Bushie (as in a George W. Bush stalwa...

  • March 21, 2011

    Libya: The "No Mercy" Standard

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • March 17, 2011

    Much, Much More than Budget Cutting

    There's a lurking danger in Republican efforts to cut budgets and kill programs.  First, Washington Republicans may not go far enough fast enough.  But the greater danger is this: Republicans may be so intent to deal with the particulars of...

  • March 15, 2011

    Liberals and Nuclear Power: Any Risk a Bad Risk?

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • March 10, 2011

    NPR Better Off Without Taxpayer Support?

    National Public Radio's outgoing fundraiser, Ron Schiller, was caught on hidden camera commenting that public broadcasting and NPR would be better off without taxpayer dollars.  But would they really?  Shiller's candid comment about unhitch...

  • March 8, 2011

    Cut Wages and Benefits for Public Employees

    Here's a radical thought.  It's not just wrong that a public employee earns more than his counterpart in the private sector; it's wrong for a public employee to be paid on par with his private sector cousin.  In fact, as policy, public empl...

  • March 6, 2011

    Was Huckabee wrong in criticizing Portman?

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • March 3, 2011

    Calderon and the Mexico Mess

    Mexico's President Felipe Calderon visits the White House today to blame America for Mexico's problems.  According to the Washington Times, Mr. Calderon says that his nation's ruinous drug wars can be laid at America's doorstep.  American d...

  • February 28, 2011

    The Incredibly Shrinking Oscars

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • February 24, 2011

    Obama's Gay Marriage Angst

    When it comes to the Defense of Marriage Act, it seems that Barack Obama is trying to do his best Mario Cuomo impersonation.The White House announced yesterday that President Obama was wrestling with the whole gay marriage thing.  And while the ...

  • February 22, 2011

    For Detroit schools, belt tightening is not the answer

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • February 21, 2011

    The Real Revolution Has Begun

    How delicious is irony, how fickle fate?  Just a little more than two years ago, liberals were ecstatic about Barack Obama's election and Democrats' control of Congress.  Liberal pundits were all atwitter about the brand new Democratic Era ...

  • February 16, 2011

    Pew Center carbon tax drivel

    Congressional Republicans should stop trying to block the Environmental Protection Agency from imposing carbon taxes on American industry because a similar proposal was floated by George W. Bush's EPA administrator.   So argues Eileen Claus...

  • February 12, 2011

    Hatch Apologizes to CPACers for TARP Vote - Or Did He?

    Seems that Senator Orrin Hatch is having a tough time making up his mind. The Washington Post reports that the long-serving Utah Republican kinda-sorta apologized to CPAC attendees for his vote for the TARP bailout. CPAC stands for the Conservativ...

  • February 9, 2011

    Michelle Obama: A Legacy Built on Salad

    The Washington Post devotes plenty of column inches to Michelle Obama's "unfolding legacy" in this morning's edition.  From what can be gathered from the lengthy story, the First Lady's legacy thus far involves burning through senior s...

  • February 7, 2011

    Super Bowl ad touts dead city, bailed out car company

    Seems that rapper Eminem's commercial touting the resurgence of Chrysler and Detroit during last night's Super Bowl was a hit with viewers, or so say data-crunchers at NM Incite, a Nielsen/McKinsey Co.For those who didn't catch Eminem's computer-gene...

  • January 24, 2011

    Are Americans United in Foundational Principles?

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • January 22, 2011

    China: Danger Before the Doom?

    With Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to Washington, there's a lot of talk about the rise of China as an economic and military power.  But the Chinese may have only a small window in time to assert global dominance -- and Chinese leaders have...

  • January 19, 2011

    Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn's Tax Hike Blarney

    Illinois Governor Pat Quinn (D) should save his tax hike blarney for St. Paddy's Day.  The barely reelected Quinn, along with a compliant and eager Democratic legislature, raised taxes dramatically on Illinoisans at the close of the recent lame ...

  • January 12, 2011

    Lost in Modern America

    Old America -- pre-World War II -- had its Jared Loughners, George Hennards, James Oliver Hubertys, and Charles Whitmans.  But no one ever heard of them.  They never went to parking lots or restaurants or schools to kill.  Old America ...

  • January 10, 2011

    Tucson shootings: Why haven't they blamed George W. Bush?

    Liberals and the fossil media have yet to pin blame on George W. Bush for this past weekend's Tucson tragedy.  Sarah Palin is low hanging fruit, and lazy libs don't want to reach higher on the tree, if possible. But in the coming days, when left...

  • January 5, 2011

    Big Stimulus Money for Detroit Public Schools

    Who said that federal stimulus money was tax dollars thrown to the wind?  We learn that $49 million of taxpayer money has been procured by Detroit public schools for laptops for students and teachers.  The money comes from the American Reco...

  • January 4, 2011

    More Confirmation of Obama's Socialism

    Jeffrey Lord at The American Spectator has a must-read analysis of Stanley Kurtz' book, Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of the American Left.  President Obama's inner socialist comes as no surprise to AT readers.  AT con...

  • January 2, 2011

    David Paterson's 'walking out the door' courage

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • December 9, 2010

    West Wing's Aaron Sorkin Condemns Palin, Hunters

    From West Wing creator Aaron Sorkin, we now have a definition of sports hunting.  Seems Sorkin is none too happy with Sarah Palin offing a caribou in a recent episode of her reality show on The Learning Channel.  Sorkin, a frothing liberal,...

  • December 8, 2010

    Larry Summers - Oh, You Don't Say?

    White House economic advisor Larry Summers is full of love for the tax rate deal that his boss, Barack Obama, cut with congressional Republicans.  To read quotes from Summers in an article in today's Washington Post, one wonders why Savior-in-Ch...

  • December 7, 2010

    Fiscal Emergency in the Not-So-Golden State

    Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared a fiscal emergency in the Not-So-Golden State.  California's outgoing governor is calling for $9.9 billion in budget cuts, mostly from programs for needy families and health care for kids from low...

  • December 2, 2010

    Liberals and the Coming Redistribution of Fault

    It's coming. Expect it. Liberals blaming everyone and everything but themselves for the nation's continuing economic crisis. And the mounting crisis of government. It's already begun, in fact, over at U.S. News and World Report, where Mortimer B. Zuc...

  • November 24, 2010

    Eugene Robinson: Why Granny Gets Groped

    Well, we can all rest easy now. Crack security expert Eugene Robinson, who moonlights as a liberal columnist at the Washington Post, tells us that the TSA is groping your granny because, sooner or later, those Very Clever Terrorists will figure out...

  • November 22, 2010

    Airport Security: A Trusted Flyers Program?

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • November 18, 2010

    Vanden Heuvel: Send Hither a Swarm of Bureaucrats

    Katrina vanden Heuvel, who edits the leftwing The Nation, has a very democratic solution to President Obama's loss of the Democrats' House majority a couple of weeks ago.  Vanden Heuvel, a bit vexed that voters don't want to keep the left's regr...

  • November 17, 2010

    Heath Shuler Faces Pelosi in the Futility Bowl

    You've seen the news if you're following the cringes, spasms, and writhing of the much diminished U.S. House Democratic Caucus.  Heath Shuler, one of the Last of the Blue Dogs, declared that he'll challenge Nancy Pelosi for his and her party's M...

  • November 16, 2010

    The Smart Politics of Refusing State Bailouts

    The old saying goes that good policy makes for good politics. In the case of Washington bailing out spendthrift states, the best policy is for the incoming Republican U.S. House to refuse to give the likes of California or New York a penny. A steadfa...

  • November 11, 2010

    Democrats Need to Listen to E.J. Dionne

    There's no shortage of wisdom on the left.  Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne proves it.  In Dionne's column today, he counsels congressional Democrats not to draw the wrong lessons from last Tuesday's elections.  Rather than Democ...

  • November 1, 2010

    The Reagan Revolution Never Died

    As we've been finding with the rise of the tea parties, and will find out more definitively in Tuesday's elections, the Reagan Revolution never died.  Janet Daley, writing in the U.K.'s Daily Telegraph, doesn't address this thinking directly, bu...

  • October 29, 2010

    Jesus Costumes for Halloween?

    Since when is Jesus Christ scary?  Or funny?  Well, the good folks at "Spirit" think so. Spirit is one of the big national distributors of Halloween costumes and paraphernalia.  Perhaps you've visited one of Spirit's supersto...

  • October 17, 2010

    Big Brother's in Your Dishwasher Too

    Anyone wondering why your glasses are coming out the dishwasher cloudy-looking? And why your dishes are dingy? Well, before you spend money on a service call, understand that your dishwasher isn't likely the culprit. The culprit is changes in di...

  • October 14, 2010

    Another Democrat Flees Nancy Pelosi

    Dr. Johnson once opined that the imminence of one's hanging has a way of concentrating one's mind wonderfully.  So do imminent election losses.  Such is the case in Georgia's 8th Congressional District, where incumbent Democrat Jim Marshall...

  • October 13, 2010

    Future Shock: Weekly GOP Spending Cuts

    Come January 2011, Democrats may be saying to Barack Obama the same thing Oliver Hardy used to say to Stan Laurel: "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten [us] into."  Why?  Well, Republican Minority Leader John Boehner prom...

  • October 7, 2010

    Conservatives Will Need to Grow after the Election

    Just wait. It's coming. Should Republicans win either or both Houses of Congress this November, the libs -- particularly those masquerading as journalists -- will begin to hammer a theme about conservatives. The theme will be that all those unruly ne...

  • October 4, 2010

    NY Times Tries to Breathe Life into a Corpse

    The New York Times - the propaganda arm of the Democratic National Committee - threw it's loyal, if inbred, readership a crumb of hope on Saturday. In an article titled "House Majority Still Uncertain, Republicans Say," readers learn...

  • September 26, 2010

    Confirmed: Rats Flee Sinking White House Ship

    Britain's Independent confirms what any seafarer could tell us: rats flee sinking ships.  In this case, the rats are of a political ilk and they're fleeing the listing, sputtering Obama's White House. The exodus - as the Independent describes it...

  • September 17, 2010

    The 'Buckley Rule' - Now?

    Concerning Christine O’Donnell’s stunner in Delaware, the eminent Charles Krauthammer writes that the late William F. Buckley had a rule: “Always support the most conservative candidate who is electable.”The Buckley Rule may b...

  • September 11, 2010

    Newest GM Chief Highest Paid Federal Bureaucrat

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • September 8, 2010

    A Bare-knuckled Locker-room Nudist for Chicago Mayor?

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • September 6, 2010

    Lindsey Graham's Middle Piece

    Here's some common sense advice for Republicans from more-than-occasional apostates John McCain and Lindsey Graham: Don't assume the Republican Party can coast to the November elections.  Get a plan and present it to voters.  But note to Se...

  • August 24, 2010

    Who but Hoover? Maybe Obama

    Let's climb into a Wayback Machine to see how great expectations for a politician can be dashed against bad decisions that lead to cold, hard realities. Case in point: Republican Herbert Hoover, the nation's 31st president and, some argue, one of the...

  • August 10, 2010

    Washington, Arizonans, and the Primal Right to Self-Defense

    Based on the people's primal right to self-defense, the Obama administration's lawsuit against Arizona is a declaration of moral abandonment. U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton's ruling that stays portions of the Arizona illegals law abets the administ...

  • August 5, 2010

    Jefferson was Right to Fear the Courts

    In a little more than a week, federal judges -- liberal activists both -- have ruled to stay or strike down state laws in defiance of the will of the people.  Arizona's immigration law was first.  Next was a ruling by a federal judge to str...

  • July 30, 2010

    Congressional Democrats Playing Hide and Seek

    This election season, voters may see more of Bigfoot on campaign trails than they do congressional Democrats.  Word out of more than a few U.S. House districts around the country is that incumbent Democrats are making themselves scarce - or, at ...

  • July 28, 2010

    Whoa! Republicans Haven't Won Yet

    Let's not uncork the bubbly just yet. John Boehner better not be eyeing curtains for the Speaker's office. While all the signs point to substantial GOP gains in U.S. House and Senate contests this November, the fat lady hasn't sung. Two critical fact...

  • July 22, 2010

    Delegitimizing Liberalism

    Five decades after liberalism began to fail, it's still with us and finding potent ways to diminish liberty. Liberalism has -- or seems to have -- more lives than a cat. It's sustained principally by two things, both powerful: myth and interest. If l...

  • July 8, 2010

    Pot Democrats versus Soda Pop Americans

    You've seen the news, no doubt.  San Francisco's Democratic Mayor Gavin Newsom has issued an executive order banning sugared soft drinks from city-property vending machines.  At the same time, though, San Francisco's Enlightened Ones are gi...

  • July 3, 2010

    Repeal the 20th Century?

    Repeal the 20th Century? Or at least repeal the welfare state?  In a long exposition on the direction of the tea parties, Weekly Standard contributor Matthew Continetti writes that more than a few tea partiers want to do something most Americans...

  • June 17, 2010

    BP and the Cosmic Lesson of Politics

    BP is learning a very hard lesson about politics. It's a lesson the rest of the corporate world should learn as well. You see, throwing scads of money at Barack Obama and congressional Democrats has bought BP nada. Climbing on the cap-and-trade bandw...

  • June 15, 2010

    A little sympathy for Rep. Etheridge, please

    So, what are we to gather from Congressman Bobby Etheridge's mea culpa about having a "bad day" when he cuffed a college kid for asking if he supported the Obama agenda?How about a little sympathy - that's right, sympathy.  Not widely ...

  • June 8, 2010

    Barack Obama's Day Off

    So is it “Bueller, Bueller” or “Obama, Obama?”  It's turning out that Barack Obama isn't just the nation's 44th president. Mr. Obama is also the nation's first Ferris Bueller president, whose day off started on Janua...

  • May 27, 2010

    Folly Central: Obama Considers Another Stimulus

    Another stimulus.  That's right.  You read correctly.  The U.K.'s Telegraph reports that dour President Obama and his cadre of thick-headed left-wing ideologues are weighing additional borrowing.  This time to the tune of $200 bil...

  • May 25, 2010

    Rand Paul's Got to Play Tougher, Smarter and Shrewder

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • May 22, 2010

    Newt 2012?

    He was a brilliant but flawed man. He spent most of his political career as a bomb-thrower in the lower House. He was despised by his party's establishment. After a debacle, he fell into disfavor with the public. He was discounted as a politician and...

  • May 20, 2010

    Cheeky Felipe

    Seems that Barack Obama doesn't have a monopoly on audacity.  Mexico's president, Felipe Calderon, is full of it too.  Calderon mounted a podium on the White House lawn to take a swipe or two at Arizona's new illegals law.  And that's ...

  • May 8, 2010

    Britain's Conservatives, Nick Clegg and Climate Change

    Could a Perfect Storm be brewing on climate change policy in Great Britain?  Consider the deal that Britain's Tory Leader David Cameron is trying to cook up with Nick Clegg, who heads the left-of-center Liberal Democrats.  Thursday's Britis...

  • April 30, 2010

    Retaking the Offensive in the Illegals Fight

    Arizona's new law clamping down on illegals has given Barack Obama and the left an opening to unlimber their big guns. The incoming fire has been brutal. The rounds landing have been charges of racism. But conservatives, Republicans, and all pro-law ...

  • April 29, 2010

    Greece, Portugal and Spain: It's Welfare Statism, Stupid

    Sheer, breathtaking folly, thy name is Europe.  America must beware.The magnitude nine folly underway in Europe is about much more than the fiscal recklessness that has brought Greece, Portugal and Spain to their knees.  It's more than Euro...

  • April 23, 2010

    Desalinizing America

    Public health groups want Uncle Sam to start separating us from salt for our own good -- along with saturated fat and sugar. Uncle Sam is listening -- and doing. Call it the blanding of America. Or call it another blow by the nanny state for freedom ...

  • April 16, 2010

    Obama's Quiet War on Red States

    President Obama is quietly but gleefully sticking it to red states, which by virtue of less government, lower taxes, fewer regulations, and open shops are typically better off than blue states of the Northeastern, Midwestern, and Californian phyla. ...

  • April 10, 2010

    The Democratic Party and the Sin of Slavery

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • April 10, 2010

    The Great Political War Obama Never Expected

    Man proposes and God disposes. A big part of the trouble for Barack Obama and all those crackerjack leftwing strategists and the brigades of Alinsky thugketeers is that they've never gotten the hang of the second part of that old axiom. For the left,...

  • April 1, 2010

    Debunking Jesus Christ

    Did Jesus of Nazareth engineer his own crucifixion?  Just in time for Easter, the National Geographic Channel's program, Mysteries of the Bible, has done some sleuthing and suggests it's possible.  What the episode, titled "Who Really ...

  • March 24, 2010

    Enough of the Doom and Gloom, Already

    As a conservative, there's one thing I've never understood about conservatives: their propensity to see the glass as half empty.  The health care battle that President Obama and the Democrats won on Sunday night is a case in point.  It's no...

  • March 23, 2010

    Obama's Audacity of Tenacity

    Freedom-lovers will simply need more audacity and tenacity than Mr. Obama possesses to defeat him and roll back his schemes. What Americans witnessed on Sunday night in Washington with health care was the start of a legislative coup d'état, on...

  • March 20, 2010

    Dear Peggy, Obamacare isn't Kids' Stuff

    Give Peggy Noonan some credit, she's learning - slowly.  Maybe.  Possibly.  Noonan's recently graduated from being a Barack Obama fawner to an Obama scold (a cynic would suggest that Noonan reads the polls, too).  In her regular F...

  • March 6, 2010

    Government Motors won't drop 600 dealerships

    General Motors, a partially owned subsidiary of the federal government, has decided to reinstate 600 less than profitable dealerships to its dealers' roster. In a Washington Times article, a GM spokesman cited litigation costs chiefly as the rea...

  • March 5, 2010

    A Curious Dalliance with Nullification

    Some conservatives, and more libertarians, voice support for nullification, or the idea that states have the right to strike down within their jurisdictions national laws considered unconstitutional. The curious thing is that the Constitution neither...

  • February 26, 2010

    Obama's health care madness

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • February 23, 2010

    Obama's Clean Energy Ploy a Sucker's Game for GOP

    Barack Obama has baited a trap for the GOP. The president announced that as a part of his clean energy initiative, he favored building two nuclear reactors at an existing nuclear power facility in Georgia and would commit $8 billion in loan guarantee...

  • February 8, 2010

    Who'll Call the Blue Dogs Out?

    When it comes to Blue Dog Democrats, the line spoken by Animal Mother to Private Joker in Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket pops to mind: "You talk the talk. Do you walk the walk?" So far, the answer from the Blue Dogs is a resounding no....

  • February 2, 2010

    Obama's retro budget

    Our transformative president, Barack Obama, has loaded his 2011 budget proposal with a lot of trailblazing ideas - well, trailblazing for the 1930s. He's raising all sorts of taxes and cutting a few - a very few - no doubt to provide a fig leaf of c...

  • January 29, 2010

    Three Important Reasons Why Obama's Demagoguery Will Fail

    "It's the economy, stupid." Or is it?  We know this shopworn cliché is true because none other than Mr. Health Care Reform himself, Barack Obama, made the economy the featured item in his State of the Union address. But then, sa...

  • January 25, 2010

    Will Obama try for a transformative or effective presidency?

    We read in the Financial Times that President Obama has hit a crossroads in his presidency. His choice is either to surrender the notion of being a transformational president, on the order of FDR, and embrace the idea of being an effective presiden...

  • January 21, 2010

    The Democrats Start to Fracture

    In the coming weeks and months, the best political spectator sport around might not be Democrats versus Republicans or conservatives versus liberals, but Democrats of all stripes turning on one another.  Other than demagoguery, what Democrats ar...

  • January 19, 2010

    Turnout critical to a Brown victory

    Conservatives across the nation have every right to be heartened by polling numbers showing Scott Brown ahead of Martha Coakley in the race to fill Teddy Kennedy's old seat - correction: the people's seat. But the key to a special or off-year electio...

  • January 9, 2010

    Will a GOP Congress help Obama tack to the right?

    The inimitable Peggy Noonan is the latest to peddle the conventional wisdom that a Republican Congress in 2011 will serve as ballast to keep the left-sailing Barack Obama from dropping off the edge of the earth. Here's Ms. Noonan's take appearing in...

  • December 31, 2009

    The Left's End Times

    Lefties have long mocked Christians on the fringe for proclaiming the imminent end of the world and the coming of God. Yokels, bumpkins, knuckle-draggers, Bible-thumpers, crazies, and zealots are but a few of the epithets that have been hurled at End...

  • December 27, 2009

    Insist that GOP Make Repeal of Government-Run Health Care a 2010 Issue

    Among conservatives, the GOP is often referred to as the "Stupid Party" for its tonedeaf, ham-handed, wrong-footed management of key issues like taxes and government spending. With the Senate's passage of government-run health care legislat...

  • December 26, 2009

    Pivot to the center, Mr. President - Bill Daley

    Perhaps you missed this on Christmas Eve day. William M. Daley, the brother of Chicago's Mayor-for-Life, Richard M. Daley, penned an op-ed for the Washington Post.   In it, he advised his Highness, President Barack Obama, to move to the politic...

  • December 12, 2009

    Leftists want to push China's 'one child' policy on the rest of the world

    Big thinkers and custodians of the planet that they are, lefties north of the border are endorsing China's compulsory one-child policy... for the entire world. At least, lefties at Canada's Financial Post are making the endorsement, but surely they ...

  • December 3, 2009

    Making the Taliban/al-Qaeda Counter-Strategy Easy

    Two little words must have come immediately to the lips of Taliban and al-Qaeda commanders after watching or hearing President Obama's Afghanistan speech on Tuesday night: "disperse" and "retreat." And not for the reason that some...

  • November 23, 2009

    Mary Landrieu Takes Louisianans for a Ride

    All it took for Senator Mary Landrieu to vote to open debate on the Democrats' leviathan health care reform measure was a hundred million. Or was it $300 million, as Landrieu claims? That's $100 million in aid to Louisiana for disaster relief plus an...

  • November 16, 2009

    Sarah Palin's Walmart Strategy

    What's notable about Sarah Palin's book tour, which starts midweek, is where she's not going. She's not going to L.A. or New York, Boston or San Francisco. She's going smack-dab to the middle of the country. Fly-over country, liberals call it. And it...

  • November 10, 2009

    Democrats' Pearl Harbor Attack on Health Care

    So confident was Speaker Nancy Pelosi in her party's leviathan health care reform measure that she had the House debate and vote on it in the dark of night on Saturday. Doing so may end up dooming her party in next November's midterm elections...and ...

  • October 16, 2009

    War without a War President?

    Is Barack Obama up to being a war president? The smartest strategies and the ablest generals can't succeed unless the commander-in-chief is resolved for victory.  That resolve is really a passion.  Grit and willpower are critical and flow f...

  • September 29, 2009

    Are We Witnessing the Collapse of Liberalism?

    Less than a year into his presidency, Barack Obama's world grows bleaker.  Liberalism's world is bleaker.  At home and abroad, liberalism, as advanced by the President, is failing.  Are we witnessing the beginnings of another historic ...

  • September 18, 2009

    Obama the Great Divider

    In one of life's delicious ironies, the President, who campaigned as the Great Uniter, is worsening the split between the right and left and losing support in the process.  Ordinary Americans, typically apolitical, are choosing sides -- and more...

  • September 13, 2009

    The war Obama is bound to lose

    America doesn't lose wars on battlefields.  In fact, the only war the nation has lost -- Vietnam -- was lost in the political arena.  That's precisely where Barack Obama will lose Afghanistan.  The loss, principally, will be thanks to ...

  • September 2, 2009

    Teddy Kennedy's Very Quiet Catholicism

    Like a big lump of clay, Teddy Kennedy is being worked and reworked into an immortal.  The mainstream media and other liberal apologists are seeing to the handiwork.  They even want us to believe that Kennedy was squared with his Catholicis...

  • August 20, 2009

    Is Vancouver in your Healthcare Future?

    The droning sound you hear is President Obama reassuring you that healthcare reform has nothing to do with rationing.  Budget limits won't bust your medical care.  Keep your family doctor, he says.  The doctor-patient relationship is i...

  • August 17, 2009

    ObamaCare and Bush League Democrats

    There's more than justice to the nationwide backlash against President Obama's healthcare putsch.  There's a delicious irony.The President, a down-to-his-toes rabble-rouser, has admirably roused the American rabble.  Except not quite as int...

  • August 7, 2009

    Doing the Obama Hustle

    It's becoming clearer day by day.  The President and Democrat leaders have been doing the Hustle. Not only hustling voters from the get-go, but hustling all year to push their statist legislative agenda through Congress.  And, most oft...

  • August 2, 2009

    Palin and the Battle for the GOP's Soul

    Lost mostly amid Sarah Palin's resignation hoopla was a declaration she made.  The now ex-governor made the not newsworthy announcement that she'd campaign for likeminded Republicans and independents.  But then she added something very...

  • July 14, 2009

    Jackson Idolatry and the Conservative Response

    Michael Jackson is just the latest in a line of dead celebrities whose freakish or tragic lives are the stuff of hero worship.  What that hero worship is indicative of is culture rot.  What conservatives need to do is stand against rot and ...

  • June 18, 2009

    Brother, Can You Spare a Bulldozer

    Progress to a Progressive, like President Obama, has come to mean something entirely different these days.  It's now about bulldozing blighted areas of cities rather than revitalizing them.  It's actually a big white flag raised over the bl...

  • June 12, 2009

    Still Open Season on Sarah Palin

    Aging funnyman David Letterman proved it the other night.  Moose might be out of season, but among liberals, which Letterman is, it's always open season on Sarah Palin and her family.  And, by extension, the millions of Heartland Americans ...

  • May 20, 2009

    Napolitano's Politically Correct Border Security

    Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano is determined to beef up security along the rough and tumble Canadian border.  That's right, Canada. In a dramatic break with the Bush administration, Napolitano is offering a novel rationale for stepped ...

  • May 16, 2009

    How to Stop a Healthcare Hijack

    Stop an arcane parliamentary maneuver - "reconciliation" - and the odds improve at stopping the Democrats march toward socialized medicine.  But Republicans can't do it; not alone, anyway.  It's up to the legions of Tea Partiers a...

  • May 2, 2009

    Amtraking Automakers

    The odds that the federal government will ever get its hooks out of Chrysler or General Motors are slim to none, regardless what President Obama says. Why?  In one word, Amtrak.   There are reasons why Chrysler and General Mo...

  • March 23, 2009

    A Chilling Harbinger: Confiscation as Taxation

    Congress' lopsided vote on Thursday to tax AIG executives' bonuses at no less than 90%, and to apply the same to other bailout recipients, undermines Constitutional and contract law and is a clear abuse of power.  Americans who applaud this act ...

  • March 11, 2009

    Obama's Tactic: Shock and Awe

    The United States military used Shock and Awe to overwhelm and defeat the Iraqis in 2003.  Barack Obama and the Democrats are now using the political equivalent of Shock and Awe to radically move the nation to the left.  Shock and Awe is de...

  • October 24, 2008

    Betting Against the Elites on Sarah Palin

    When it comes to politics, it's often smart to bet against the elites -- on the left and right.  Bet against them about Sarah Palin.   Palin is the latest in a long line politicians who have been discounted by those comfortably ensconc...

  • September 29, 2008

    For Palin, Fewer Rallies, More Retail

    After Senator McCain lifts his campaign suspension, it's time for him to unshackle Sarah Palin.  In a close presidential election, giving Palin the green light to meet people where they live and work every day may prove to be the edge that bumps...

  • September 1, 2008

    The Coming Trials of Sarah Palin

    Democrats and the left generally can no more accept a Sarah Palin vice presidency than they could Clarence Thomas as a Supreme Court justice.  They can no more accept a conservative woman a heartbeat away from the presidency than they can a cons...

  • August 6, 2008

    Recycling Jimmy Carter

    Barack Obama doesn't just talk about conservation, he practices it. In his thinking and proposals on energy, the Illinois senator has expertly recycled Jimmy Carter.  Though there may be a difference here or there, the Obama policies are essenti...