J. Marsolo

J. Marsolo

  • December 14, 2020

    Andrew Cuomo receives the Ted Kennedy award

    Governor Andrew Cuomo, the would-be dictator of New York state, who shut down schools, restaurants, churches, and many businesses,  was awarded and accepted the 2020 Edward M. Kennedy award thusly: I am honored to receive the...

  • December 13, 2020

    How the Supreme Court committed an egregious dodge on the 2020 election

    On December 11, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed the Texas suit by ruling that Texas did not have standing, or the right to sue.  SCOTUS dodged the substantial constitutional issues just as the Pennsylvania Supreme Court dodged the su...

  • December 10, 2020

    Parsing Out Pennsylvania

    If you want to see how a U.S. Supreme Court, packed to 13 or 15 with Joe Biden appointees, would act, then look at the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which is dominated by five elected Democrats. In February 2018, the PA Court threw out the existing ...

  • October 28, 2020

    China is America's enemy but Joe Biden's friend

    The China Virus is reported to have killed over 230,000  Americans. China fentanyl, a synthetic opioid,  is a major cause of the drug overdose deaths of over 70,000 Americans each year. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 80...

  • October 13, 2020

    Hollywood loves Joe Biden because it's kind of like Joe Biden

    I use the term "Hollywood" to refer to the numerous actors, actresses, singers, and other entertainers such as the NFL and NBA — and alsothe media, which are a major wing of the Democratic Party.  All of these loudly, openly...

  • October 11, 2020

    Trump to Iran: Don't 'F around with us'

    During his appearance on October 8, 2020 on the Rush Limbaugh radio show, President Trump put Iran, and any other enemy state, on notice: Iran knows that, and they've been put on notice: if you f--- around with us, if you do something bad to...

  • October 9, 2020

    Decorated war hero moves to oust freshman rep in western Pennsylvania

    Sean Parnell has an excellent chance to help the Republicans win the House and remove Nancy Pelosi as speaker.  A strong turnout for President Trump will help Parnell win. Parnell is the Republican candidate for the 17th Congressional Di...

  • September 28, 2020

    The fight to confirm Amy Coney Barrett is a fight over the role of the Supreme Court

    Democrats, especially the media wing of the Democrat Party (CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, N.Y. Times, WaPo, etc.), will attack Judge Amy Coney Barrett because they believe she will be a vote to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey....

  • September 23, 2020

    Pittsburgh boilermakers union endorses President Trump

    Shawn Steffee, the business agent of Boilermakers Local Union 154, located in Pittsburgh, Pa., announced that Local 154 endorsed President Trump for re-election.  Local 154 has about 1,500 members who work in the power plants and other simi...

  • July 30, 2020

    Government should force Google, Twitter, Facebook to allow free speech

    Our Constitution protects our right of free speech from interference by the federal, state, and local governments.  But we have no such protection against interference by private multinational companies such as the social media giants Googl...

  • July 25, 2020

    Democrats sink to rock bottom with Biden

    It would be difficult to nominate a worse candidate than Hillary Clinton, but the Democrats will with the nomination of Joe Biden. Biden called President Trump the first "racist" president.  This is plain historical ignorance, stupi...

  • July 15, 2020

    Systemic racism is an excuse to fundamentally change our country

    The favorite phrase used by our self-appointed "elites" to state the cause of all the problems blacks face is "systemic racism."  There is no analysis to describe what this means and how it now causes the problems. ...

  • May 19, 2020

    COVID-mad governors and mayors are totalitarians

    The China-Wuhan virus has highlighted the totalitarian nature of the leftist Democratic governors and mayors who have imposed unreasonable restrictions that shut down the economy.  It shows why state and local elections are important. Th...

  • May 16, 2020

    Obama must testify about Flynn persecution and prosecution

    During the 2008 campaign, Obama promised to fundamentally transform our country. This may be the one campaign promise he kept.  Since the end of President George Washington's second term, our country has prided itself in the peaceful t...

  • May 14, 2020

    Judge Sullivan should be recused from the General Flynn case

    Judge Emmet Sullivan, the federal judge on the General Flynn case, should recuse himself because he is not an impartial judge. During a hearing in December 2018, Sullivan asked the prosecutor if General Flynn could be charged with treason. This...

  • May 7, 2020

    Pennsylvania Supreme Court sides with governor's dictatorial shutdown order in party-line decision

    On April 13, 2020, in a 4-3 decision on party lines, the four elected Democratic justices of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld Democrat Governor Wolf's order dated March 19, 2020 that shut down all "non-essential" businesses in Penn...

  • May 5, 2020

    James Comey must be prosecuted

    Andrew McCarthy, writing in the National Review, outlined the case that the FBI, under the direction of James Comey, working through Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, and others, set up General Michael Flynn for a perjury trap. Comey sent Strzo...

  • February 21, 2020

    Bloomberg shows how the Democrats have abandoned factory workers

    Much of the commentary criticizing Michael Bloomberg's statement about farmers and factory workers has focused on his disparagement of the intellect of farmers.  But his disparagement of factory workers shows how the modern Democratic P...

  • February 13, 2020

    Buttigieg: No moderate on baby-killing

    The so-called political experts bloviating on the TV shows describe Pete Buttigieg, AKA Saint Pete, as the "moderate" challenger to socialist Bernie Sanders.  But Mayor Pete's record, especially on abortion, is far from modera...

  • January 26, 2020

    National Review agrees with Shifty Schiff?

    In an article titled "Removal Would Be Insane, Kicking Trump Out of Office Isn't Necessary to Hold Him Accountable," Rich Lowry of National Review states: Congress can hold hearings on a president's conduct, subpoena witnesses ...

  • January 23, 2020

    Shifty Schiff to Senate: Please give us evidence to make our case

    The Democrats and their lapdog media, led by Adam Schiff, AKA Shifty Schiff, lectured us for the past three years that President Trump must be impeached and removed because they had clear, compelling evidence that President Trump committed impeachabl...

  • December 31, 2019

    Nasty Nancy, Shifty Schiff, and Schumer subvert the Constitution to damage Trump

    Nancy Pelosi, AKA Nasty Nancy, allowed Adam Schiff, AKA Shifty Schiff, to run the impeachment "inquiry" through Shifty's Intelligence Committee, where Shifty had total control.聽聽He set the rules to allow only the witnesses he wanted.聽聽He lied in his ...

  • December 24, 2019

    Christianity Today's anti-Trump attack is outrageous

    Mark Galli of Christianity Today supports the removal by impeachment of President Trump as "not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments." The reason for removal is that "Mr. Trump's immo...

  • December 13, 2019

    Eric Holder, Obama's wingman, attacks William Barr

    The massive "irregularities" by the Obama DOJ and FBI detailed in the report by Inspector General Horowitz, together with the conduct of  James Comey, James Clapper, and John Brennan and others, detailed in Gregg Jarrett's two...

  • November 21, 2019

    As long as Joe Biden is running for president, he can commit any crime he wants?

    The Democrats, led by Adam Schiff, AKA Shifty Schiff, and Nancy Pelosi, will vote to impeach President Trump. They are lying when they say they are doing this for the best interest of our country and pontificate that this is a serious decision for...

  • November 14, 2019

    The Schiff coup: Day one

    These facts cannot be disputed: 1. Former Vice President Joe Biden admitted and bragged on TV that he threatened to withhold one billion dollars in American foreign aid to Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma. ...

  • October 23, 2019

    Senator Pierre Delecto ends the career of Senator Mitt Romney

    By now everyone knows that Mitt Romney used a Twitter account named "Pierre Delecto" to attack President Trump, Newt Gingrich, and others.  Further, Pierre defended and praised Mitt. Too bad Pierre was not around to defend Mitt...

  • October 23, 2019

    The real 'constitutional crisis' is all on Democrats

    The Democrats and media have repeatedly used the phrase "constitutional crisis" to attack President Trump for refusing to "cooperate" with the "impeachment inquiry" by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, ...

  • October 17, 2019

    Democratic Party presidential candidates are unqualified...and weird

    William Buckley once said he would rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the Boston phone book than the entire Harvard faculty. After watching the October 15 Democratic Party presidential candidate debate, I would rather have as presiden...

  • October 3, 2019

    Buttigieg: Abortion is OK, but executing terrorist prisoners is not

    South Bend mayor and presidential candidate Peter Buttigeg, AKA Saint Peter, the moralist of the Democratic/Media Party, has instructed us that the Bible states that human life begins when the baby breathes outside the womb. It follows for Buttigi...

  • October 1, 2019

    Why the hatred of President Trump?

    There is no need to recount in detail the vicious, daily attacks by the Democratic Party and Democratic media against President Trump.  The best example is Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff, AKA Shifty Schiff.  He just plain lies...

  • September 6, 2019

    A review of the novel Bill Clinton co-wrote with James Patterson

    The Clintons did and will do anything to blame Russia for Hillary Clinton's loss and President Trump's win in the 2016 presidential election. Everyone knows that Hillary paid for the dirty Steele Dossier, and that she started the nonsense ...

  • August 14, 2019

    Christopher Cuomo is an embarrassment to Italians

    CNN's Christopher Cuomo, brother of N.Y. governor Andrew Cuomo and son of former N.Y. governor Mario Cuomo, objected to a man who called him Fredo.  He threatened to punch out and throw the man down the steps. He then repeatedly used th...

  • August 1, 2019

    Mayor Pete's Bible class leaves a lot to be desired

    During the July 31 CNN Democratic debate, Mayor Pete  Buttigieg attacked "conservative Christian senators" as hypocrites who oppose the Democrats' bill to raise the minimum wage for not following Mayor Pete's interpretatio...

  • July 30, 2019

    Mueller should have refused the special counsel appointment

    Robert Mueller's appearance before the Nadler and Schiff committees, otherwise known as the 2020 DNC campaign committees, has generated discussion of whether he was incompetent or mentally unfit to conduct the investigation, or some combination t...

  • July 19, 2019

    The Squad is laying bare the Democratic Party

    The Squad has brought to the public debate the drastic change in the modern Democratic Party.  We have had a Socialist Party since Norman Thomas, who ran for the presidency six times, but the Democratic and Republican Parties always agreed ...

  • July 18, 2019

    A word to the Squad on America: Love it or leave it

    In 1970, in response to the Vietnam War protests, Merle Haggard wrote and recorded "Fighting Side of Me."  The lyrics are as relevant today as 1970: The Dems and the media are having their daily Trump Derangement Syndrome m...

  • May 15, 2019

    SpyGate coup to remove Trump is worse than Watergate

    The SpyGate coup to elect Hillary, prevent the election of President Trump, and sabotage Trump's presidency is far worse than Watergate.  It will be proven so with the investigation by U.S. attorney Durham, appointed by Attorney General...

  • March 25, 2019

    No collusion, no obstruction

    Attorney General Barr has summarized Robert Mueller's report: no collusion, collaboration, conspiracy, or whatever term the Hate Trump media chooses to use, between Russia and the Trump campaign.  We knew this before Mueller wasted 40 m...

  • February 28, 2019

    Democrats don't care about the security of our country

    The Democrats continue to act irresponsibly regarding our national security. House Democrats spent Wednesday parading desperate disbarred attorney Michael Cohen to attack President Trump while President Trump was in Hanoi, trying to de-nuclearize ...

  • February 27, 2019

    Is she running? Hillary and Bernie now attacking each other

    What is more entertaining and revealing than a fight between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton over money and the use of private jets?  Even better, both will likely run for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president for the chance to be...

  • February 26, 2019

    Harry Reid on Trump: 'I just have trouble accepting him as a person'

    Harry Reid, former Democrat majority leader and senator from Nevada, in full Trump Derangement Syndrome, said: I just have trouble accepting him as a person, and so frankly I don't see anything he's doing right. He also said he wish...

  • February 22, 2019

    President Trump will win the lawsuit challenging his declaration of emergency

    Speaker Pelosi urged the House Democrats to sign a resolution to challenge President Trump's declaration of a national emergency to build the border wall. This is the proper procedure to test a president's declaration of national emergency...

  • January 27, 2019

    Christopher Columbus gets the shaft at Notre Dame

    Notre Dame will cover up a series of murals depicting Christopher Columbus's life and exploration displayed at the university's Main Building.  The murals were painted by artist Luigi Gregori in the 1880s.  He was commissi...

  • January 24, 2019

    NBC: The Covington boys should apologize because they wore MAGA hats

    Savannah Guthrie, of NBC, interviewed Nick Sandmann, the Covington student who was confronted by Nathan Phillips.  Her questions clearly show the bias against the students. Guthrie asked Sandmann: "Do you think if you weren't we...

  • January 11, 2019

    President Trump should declare an emergency to build the wall

    The National Emergencies Act of 1976 provides the statutory basis for a president to declare a national emergency.  The law requires that the president identify the provisions that allow him to exercise the power: SEC. 301. When the Pr...

  • January 3, 2019

    Let's call Mitt Romney 'Mitt McCain Flake'

    Mitt Romney, AKA Mitt McCain Flake, cannot wait 'til he takes his Senate office to attack President Trump. Romney showed no fight against Obama in 2012.  He selected Paul Ryan as his V.P. running mate, who had absolutely no fight as ...

  • December 27, 2018

    NeverTrumps: Soulless, disgraces, frauds

    President Trump ran on an agenda of lowering tax rates, reducing federal regulations, ending unfair trade practices, appointing judges who apply the Constitution as written, and most importantly building a wall on the Mexican border to protect Americ...

  • December 14, 2018

    Democrats can't stand the thought of protecting Americans

    Democrats and their cheerleaders in the mainstream media tout themselves as concerned for those addicted to drugs and regularly support increased spending money for therapy.  But they refuse to fund building the wall and for border security...

  • December 4, 2018

    Return to civility means surrender to the Democrats and media

    Following the death of President George H.W. Bush, the Dems and the media have bombarded us with the phrase that we need to "return to civility."  They now praise President Bush as "civil" in contrast to President Trump,...

  • October 31, 2018

    Why are Dems getting so worked up about birthright citizenship?

    The Dems and the media are having another Trump-induced stroke over the issue of "birthright citizenship."  The Dems; the media; and Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, would have you believe that the 14th Amendment to the U.S. C...

  • October 9, 2018

    The new and devolved Democratic Party considers you the enemy

    The Kavanaugh confirmation battle exemplifies the current social and political civil war caused by the leftists who have taken over the Democratic Party.  The leftists are outraged that the rest of the country does not share and follow thei...

  • October 4, 2018

    John Kerry: Chappaquiddick is okay because Ted Kennedy 'owned up' to it

    In 1969, John Kerry accused the U.S. military of terrorism and war crimes in Vietnam.  In 2003, Kerry described the U.S. military in Iraq as terrorists. This week, Kerry appeared on CNN's The Lead with Jake Tapper to peddle his new b...

  • September 28, 2018

    Conclusion from yesterday's hearing: Kavanaugh will be confirmed

    Dems and others praised Christine Blasey Ford for reporting and testifying about her claimed Kavanaugh assault incident, but the truth is that her story is not credible, and she lied that Kavanaugh attacked her.  She was used by the Dems to...

  • September 22, 2018

    Democrats: Due process, presumption of innocence do not apply to Kavanaugh

    If you do an internet search for "men released from prison for false convictions of rape," you will get many results.  There are many duplicates, but there is no question that we have wrongful convictions of men for rape and other...

  • September 20, 2018

    Crooked Hillary just won't slither away

    On the September 18, 2018 Rachel Maddow show, Hillary warned us that Trump will "wholesale fire people" after the November 2018 elections. Hillary, who "forgets" anything that contradicts truth and reality, must have forgotten ...

  • September 19, 2018

    Ford's Accusation against Kavanaugh Is Not Credible

    The Dems and the media said Bill Clinton's sexual misconduct, including the rape of Juanita Broaddrick, was irrelevant to Clinton serving as president.  They also said Teddy Kennedy's driving his car into the pond drunk at Chappaqui...

  • September 17, 2018

    Starr and Eisen praise Mueller

    On the September 16, 2018 Sunday morning ABC This Week with Stephanopoulos, Ken Starr and Norm Eisen were speculating on how Manafort's plea of September 14, 2018 would affect President Trump. Norman Eisen served as Obama's "ethi...

  • September 12, 2018

    Crazy Joe Scarborough compares Trump to 9/11 terrorists

    It is difficult to believe that even the Washington Post published an opinion-editorial by Joe Scarborough that says President Trump is more dangerous to our country than the September 11 terrorists and other foreign "adversaries." ...

  • September 8, 2018

    Obama cracks up with Trump Derangement Syndrome

    On September 7, Barack Obama gave a speech in Illinois bitterly attacking President Trump and talking about his favorite subjects: himself and slavery. Obama is angry.  He called on his followers to get out and vote in November to defeat...

  • September 6, 2018

    Time to overturn Roe v. Wade with Brett Kavanaugh

    The present circus orchestrated by the Dems surrounding the Kavanaugh hearing is further evidence that the Supreme Court should repeal Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the two abortion decisions. Aside from the obvious argument that th...

  • September 5, 2018

    Biden is definitely running in 2020

    Joe Biden is running in 2020. He got a jump in his campaign from his pal, John McCain, who selected Biden for a eulogy.  Biden got lots of media exposure, and the media are ecstatic in their praise. Much of the admiration of Biden is ...

  • September 1, 2018

    McCain's record in Congress: Not great

    During his thirty years in Congress as a representative and senator, John McCain sponsored about 773 bills.  Seventeen were passed into law.  The most notable bills he sponsored are the Climate Stewardship Act, with Joe Lieberman, which fai...

  • August 30, 2018

    Do you think the Chinese have Hillary's missing emails?

    The Daily Caller reported on August 27, 2018 that a Chinese company based in Washington, D.C. hacked "in real time" the email server of Hillary Clinton, which means that China should have all the emails, including the 30,000 emails that Hil...

  • August 23, 2018

    Reminder post-Cohen: Clintons were experts at silencing women, sometimes with money

    The Trump-haters, consisting of the Fake News Media-Democratic Party and NeverTrumps, are unhinged and hysterical in their delusion that President Trump committed a crime by paying two women before the election to silence them about his alleged affai...

  • August 22, 2018

    America has been great to the Cuomos

    New York governor Andrew Cuomo said, "America was never that great."  But while Andy doesn't believe that America was that great, America has been great to the Cuomos. Mario Cuomo's parents emigrated from southern Italy...

  • August 11, 2018

    Why I am having second thoughts about the death penalty

    Let’s examine the issue about whether, as limited government, conservatives, and libertarians, we trust the government to execute a person.  Pope Francis stated that the death penalty is unacceptable. This has caused discussion and argu...

  • July 28, 2018

    George Will calls Trump 'low-life from Queens'

    President Trump in his first eighteen months in office eliminated many governmental regulations, opened federal offshore lands for drilling of oil and gas, greenlit the pipeline, negotiated a fairer trade deal with the E...

  • July 21, 2018

    End the Mueller investigation

    Robert Mueller's indictment of twelve Russians for hacking the DNC's computers and releasing emails and documents is the latest and best reason to end the Mueller investigation.  The indictment does not charge that any member of the T...

  • July 14, 2018

    Mueller indicts 12 Russians...yawn

    Gee, what a coincidence.  The day after disgraced Peter Strzok testi-lies, not testifies, before Congress, revealing that the Obama DOJ gave the Steele dossier to the FBI, and showing for all to see the corrupt investigation to whitewash Hi...

  • July 13, 2018

    Schumer: World will end if Kavanaugh is confirmed

    Every day, the Schumer Democrats reach a new low in dividing Americans and adding to the toxic political culture.  Immediately after President Trump announced the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Senator Schumer, al...

  • July 5, 2018

    Feinstein Democrats will Bork Amy Coney Barrett as 'too Catholic'

    The Democratic Party, controlled primarily by the leftist media, is out to destroy Amy Coney Barrett, one of the finalists to be appointed by President Trump to the U.S. Supreme Court.  Her sin is that she has nine children, two adopted, an...

  • June 25, 2018

    Obama's ethics chief criticizes Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Walter Shaub, ethics chief during the Obama administration, wrote that Sarah Sanders violated ethics rules because she used her government account to "condemn" the restaurant that refused to serve her. When I first read this st...

  • June 20, 2018

    Christopher Cuomo surpasses Juan Williams in stupidity

    Years ago, when Saturday Night Live was funny, Bill Murray did a skit in Spanish titled, "¿Quién es más macho, Fernando Lamas o Ricardo Montalbán?" A current skit should be "¿Quién es m...

  • June 1, 2018

    Obama DOJ failed to inform FISA Court of the informant, spy, whatever

    Bill Clinton instructed us on the meaning of "is" and "alone" when he was credibly accused of sexual harassment.  Now the Obama boys, Brennan, Clapper, and Comey (sounds like a bad law firm) and their spokesmen in the De...

  • May 21, 2018

    Dirt on Hillary

    For the past two years, the media and Dems have relentlessly attacked President Trump, claiming he "colluded" with the Russians to beat Hillary.  They cannot accept that President Trump beat Hillary and is dismantling the Obama ...

  • May 12, 2018

    Time to ask the left: 'Which Side Are You On?'

    The old labor union song "Which Side Are You On?," written for the coal mines in Harlan County, should be updated to ask the Democrat senators attacking CIA nominee Gina Haspel. Democratic senators, led by Senator Kamala Harris, who is r...

  • April 21, 2018

    McCabe got the order to shut down Hillary investigation from...Obama?

    Rush Limbaugh on his April 19 show said the important news in the report of Inspector General Horowitz's report is the August 12, 2016 call to McCabe from the Obama DOJ regarding the Clinton Foundation investigation.  Limbaugh believes that ...

  • April 18, 2018

    At last! Comey admits he is an idiot

    Hillary Clinton and her sycophants are still upset that James Comey does not get on his knees and beg forgiveness for re-opening on October 28, 2016 the investigation of Hillary because of emails found on Anthony Weiner's computer. In Clinton ...

  • April 13, 2018

    Should we bomb Syria?

    The media and Mueller are obsessed with trivial issues such as $130,000 for a porn star.  In the real world, President Trump has to decide whether to bomb Syria to punish it because Bashar Assad used chemical weapons to kill Syrians. ...

  • April 12, 2018

    The real endgame at Facebook

    Many members of Congress want Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to ban "hate speech"  on Facebook.  Zuckerberg agreed: BY THE END OF THIS YEAR by the way WE'LL HAVE MORE THAN 20,000 PEOPLE WORKING ON SECURIT...

  • April 6, 2018

    Juan Williams's comparison to Chappaquiddick could not have been dumber

    On the April 5 Fox show The Five, the crew was discussing the movie Chappaquiddick and how some "powerful people on the left" tried to block the movie. It is telling that some still want to block a movie about how Kennedy left Mary Jo Ko...

  • April 3, 2018

    Cloture rule must be abolished to build the wall

    In 2013, Harry Reid changed the Senate rules on cloture to require a majority vote instead of 60 votes to confirm federal judges, except Supreme Court nominees. Reid did this to confirm Obama appointees.  He did it because Obama wanted h...

  • March 24, 2018

    Donald J. Bush puts pen to rotten paper

    I am a strong supporter of President Trump, always ready to defend him, as I have done here in previous columns. It pains me to write this, but President Trump made a yuge mistake to sign the omnibus bill.  It is comparable to George H.W...

  • March 15, 2018

    Saccone lost because he didn't make the election a referendum on Trump

    Conor Lamb, Democrat, leads Rick Saccone, Republican, by about 500 votes out of over 200,000 votes cast in the 18th Congressional District special election in southwestern Pennsylvania.  While it is still possible for Saccone to win after a...

  • February 23, 2018

    Lawsuits filed to get rid of the winner-take-all Electoral College system

    William Weld, former governor of Massachusetts and 2016 Libertarian Party V.P. candidate, has filed suit in federal court in Boston, claiming that the state's method of allocating all the electoral votes to the winner of the state's popular v...

  • February 21, 2018

    How one hypocrite running for Congress can get Trump impeached

    On February 19, Republican Rick Saccone debated Democrat Conor Lamb in the special election on March 13 in the 18th Congressional District of Pennsylvania, located southeast of Pittsburgh.  President Trump carried this district by 20 points...

  • February 17, 2018

    Indict Hillary and Steele for Russian interference

    On Friday, February 16, Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicted thirteen Russian nationals and several Russian companies for "interfering" with the 2016 election. Paragraph one of the indictment reads: The United States of America, thr...

  • February 13, 2018

    Another Turncoat Catholic

    On March 13, 2018, we have a special election in Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district, located southeast of Pittsburgh, to fill the seat of retired Republican Tim Murphy.  Murphy, who ran as pro-life, resigned after it was reporte...

  • February 9, 2018

    Hillary's boys helped Steele write the dossier

    Every day, we learn about more corruption on the part of Hillary.  Lying about Benghazi, selling 20% of our uranium to Russia, and using an unsecure email server and lying about it are only the most recent.  We can look back on Wh...

  • February 3, 2018

    Comey Unhinged -- for Good Reason

    The Nunes Memo confirms that the basis for the FISA warrants to spy on Trump associates was the Steele “dossier,” paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.  The Memo reveals that the FBI also paid for it. The persons who signed the FI...

  • February 2, 2018

    The Center of the Web

    Each day we learn about more corruption that occurred during the Obama administration. We know about the lies of Benghazi, the use of the IRS to target conservative groups, and the lies about Fast and Furious. It has been forgotten as old news, and w...

  • January 29, 2018

    Obama vs. Steve Jobs

    The MSM cheerleaders for Obama told us that he was a genius and the smartest guy in the room. Naturally, John McCain agreed. And, of course, Obama agrees. Since Obama is so smart, how did he handle economic advice from the really smart, tale...

  • January 28, 2018

    Pelosi's 'White' America

    We make fun of Nancy Pelosi for good reason because of her nonsensical rants. But she was an effective speaker and minority leader when defending Obama as president. She attempted this largely by attacking Republicans. Ryan and McConnell have no...

  • January 21, 2018

    California back on the state nullification wagon to protect illegal aliens

    California is resurrecting the discredited Nullification Doctrine that states can nullify and not obey federal law they do not agree with. In 1832, South Carolina passed the Nullification Ordinance  that stated that the Federal Tariffs o...

  • January 20, 2018

    Good news: Obama plans to mess up Democrats' 2018 chances by campaigning for them

    Obama is upset that President Trump is revoking his executive orders, reducing tax rates, opening ANWR, appointing conservative judges, and eliminated the Obamacare individual mandate.  Trump has spurred the economy and the stock market....

  • January 18, 2018

    Flake out-McCains McCain by comparing President Trump to Stalin

    I thought California was bad by electing Moonbeam, Feinstein, Pelosi, and Boxer, and by giving Hillary a five-million-plus-vote margin so she could babble that she won the popular vote.  But whereas California gave us quantity, Arizona has ...

  • January 12, 2018

    Did the Obama DOJ use the Steele dossier to get the FISA warrant?

    Sara Carter reports that the Obama Justice Department obtained a FISA warrant to search or monitor the activities of persons involved in the Trump campaign based on the opposition research, known as the dossier, paid by Hillary and the DNC. ...

  • January 10, 2018

    President Trump: Build the wall

    President Trump met with congressional leaders on January 9 in an extraordinary meeting, open to the public, to negotiate immigration reform, funding of the government, and DACA. President Trump made statements that worry his base, because it appe...

  • January 9, 2018

    President Oprah: Another hypocrite

    Oprah got a standing ovation from the Hollywood crowd at the January 6, 2018 Golden Globe awards when she said: For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dared to speak their truth to the power of those men, but their time is u...

  • January 4, 2018

    Paul Manafort, victim of no-knock Mueller raid, files suit against Mueller

    Paul Manafort, who worked on Donald Trump's presidential campaign, filed suit to challenge the authority of Robert Mueller under the special counsel law, alleging that the order appointing Mueller is vague and overly broad and that the indictment...

  • January 1, 2018

    Lindsey Graham calls for special counsel on the Steele dossier

    On Tucker Carlson's show on December 29, Brian Kilmeade interviewed Lindsey Graham, who made some interesting statements about the Christopher Steele "dossier." [E]very prosecutor has a duty to the court to disclose things tha...

  • December 24, 2017

    A closer look at the searing evil of Ted Kennedy

    Teddy's description of the Chappaquiddick "accident" was enough to convict him of involuntary and voluntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment. Today you can add homicide by vehicle while intoxicated, a mandatory three-year priso...

  • December 22, 2017

    Dems: Don't accept the Trump tax cuts? Pay the Obama tax!

    The Democrats and their cheerleaders in the media have spent the past few days attacking the Trump tax cuts as immoral and a transfer of wealth form the "middle class" to the "rich."  One can rationally disagree on the tax ra...

  • December 9, 2017

    The gospel according to the swamp

    The swamp has told us that the following events are nothing for us to worry or concern ourselves about.  We deplorables, clinging to our guns and religion, should simply accept these and not question them. Obama gave 150 billion dollars to Ir...

  • December 3, 2017

    Justice? Flynn pleads guilty while Zarate walks

    It is a sad day when Michael Flynn, who served our country honorably in the U.S. Army from 1981, with combat tours in Grenada, Haiti, Afghanistan, and Iraq, with multiple decorations, is hounded by Special Prosecutor Javert Mueller to plead guilty to...

  • November 18, 2017

    The Clinton era is over

    Among his many lies, Bill Clinton said in the State of the Union speech on January 23, 1996 that "the era of big government is over." To paraphrase Bill Clinton, the era of Clinton is over.  Now it is time for the Clintons to pay up...

  • November 3, 2017

    Swamp operative Brazile jumps the crooked Hillary ship

    Donna Brazile has admitted what everyone suspected and most of us knew.  Hillary rigged the primaries with her control of the DNC to beat Bernie Sanders. The DNC was in debt, needed money, so Hillary took control by raising funds under an agr...

  • October 25, 2017

    The swamp at work: Hillary paid for the Steele Report

    The Washington Post, in rare move of investigative journalism against Hillary and the Democrats, has reported what we all suspected: the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for the so-called "dossier" by Christopher Steele that is the...

  • October 21, 2017

    A fresh round of insults for Trump-supporters from George W. Bush

    The Democrats viciously attacked George W. Bush during his presidency as an illegitimate president because of the Florida recount.  The Democrats and their cheerleaders in the media and Hollywood called him stupid and a moron and compared him to...

  • October 9, 2017

    Repeal the First Amendment?

    The New York Times' latest housebroken "conservative," Bret Stephens, has called for repeal of the Second Amendment as the answer to reduce killings involving guns.  Stephens views our constitutionally protected...

  • September 26, 2017

    NFL players and owners can't take criticism

    Football season is here, so that means players taking a knee during our national anthem, or worse, hide in the locker room or tunnel like the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Seahawks, and the Titans, except for Steeler Alejandro Villanueva, to protest whate...

  • September 22, 2017

    Do we have a Justice Department or not?

    During the past few weeks, we have confirmed what we suspected.  The Comey investigation of the Hillary email "matter" was a sham.  We knew that Comey did not call for a grand jury, did not issue subpoenas, and granted immunity to...

  • September 15, 2017

    On DACA, trust and support Trump

    President Trump said that if the wall is not funded, then there is no deal on DACA. This issue has arisen because Trump met with Schumer and Pelosi to discuss DACA and border security, which necessarily includes the border wall.  Schumer prom...

  • September 6, 2017

    Abolish the income tax, replace with a sales tax

    American Thinker has published two articles in the past week on having a flat income tax, and a similar proposal to use FICA, which is a flat rate, to replace the current rates.  The articles generated interesting debates.  I believe that a...

  • September 2, 2017

    The Comey 'matter' must be investigated

    According the documents released by Senators Grassley and Graham, former FBI director James Comey wrote the letter to not recommend criminal charges against Hilary in late April or May, months before he announced it on July 6, 2016. This explains ...

  • August 29, 2017

    Trump should withdraw from Afghanistan

    President Trump stated that his gut reaction, which he usually follows and is right, was to withdraw from Afghanistan.  He should have followed his gut reaction to withdraw, which is supported by facts and logic. We have been at war in Afghan...

  • August 27, 2017

    DeBlasio Wants to Remove Christopher Columbus Statue

    It appears that New York City may remove statues of Christopher Columbus. On August 16, 2017, Mayor DeBlasio tweeted: “After the violent events in Charlottesville, New York City will conduct a 90-day review of all symbols of hate on cit...

  • August 24, 2017

    Hillary Clinton shows her sensitive side

    Hillary Clinton never disappoints and is always good for a story.  It is impossible to make up the stuff she says. Hillary is out promoting her new book, What Happened, to educate us on why the United States made such an error in electing Tru...

  • August 18, 2017

    Why remove statues of Confederate soldiers?

    A rational person looking at the status of blacks in the United States would note the great strides made since the Civil Rights Movement, starting with the integration of the Armed Forces by President Truman.  We have laws banning discrimination...

  • August 11, 2017

    Susan Rice gives useless advice on North Korea

    Susan Rice, the national security adviser for Obama from 2013 to 2017,  in an article for the New York Times on August 10, 2017, said in the first sentence: North Korea's substantial nuclear arsenal and improving intercontinental ballis...

  • August 10, 2017

    Time to unite against North Korea? Not McCain, Schumer, Feinstein

    North Korea has threatened to attack Guam, which is an attack on the United States.  Most agree that North Korea has the nuclear capability to carry out the attack and that its leader is unpredictable and crazy. After years of doing nothing t...

  • August 7, 2017

    What are the FBI and DoJ hiding?

    Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton met on an airport tarmac days before the FBI interviewed Hillary, not under oath, about her use of a private unsecured email server and her destruction of over 30,000 emails.  After the interview, Comey announced t...

  • August 4, 2017

    Russian election interference: Where, oh, where is the evidence?

    We are bombarded daily by the Democrats and the Destroy Trump Media screeching about Russian "meddling" and "interference" regarding our 2016 election.  "Meddling" and "interference" are vague charges unle...

  • August 1, 2017

    Pelosi: Not important for Dems to win 2018 elections

    We make fun of Nancy Pelosi, but she was a far more effective speaker of the House to push the Obama agenda than Paul Ryan has been to push the Trump agenda.  But in all fairness to the Republican leadership, the Democrats are loyal to their pre...

  • July 22, 2017

    What is Mueller investigating?

    The purpose of a special counsel is to investigate if a federal crime was committed.  There has been no charge or allegation that Trump or his campaign workers violated any federal law.  The authorization by Assistant Attorney General Rosen...

  • July 21, 2017

    Democrats blame Trump for Obamacare's failure

    Obama and the Democrats passed Obamacare on a straight party vote without any Republican input or votes using a parliamentary trick by Harry Reid.  Among other lies, Obama promised that premiums would be reduced and everyone would keep his docto...

  • July 15, 2017

    Why did we elect a Republican Congress?

    Obama and the Democrats passed Obamacare without any Republican votes on a slick parliamentary move by Harry Reid.  Republicans vowed to repeal Obamacare.  Next, Obamacare was saved by the vote of Justice Roberts when he decided that it is ...

  • July 7, 2017

    New excuse: Republicans didn't expect to have to repeal Obamacare

    In a novel way to blame Trump, Pennsylvania senator Patrick Toomey, a Republican, explained why the Senate Republicans are having difficulty repealing Obamacare.  Toomey said: Look, I didn't expect Donald Trump to win. I think most of m...

  • July 1, 2017

    President Trump: Keep using Twitter, you are winning

    The daily news as reported by the mainstream media, as part of the Opposition Party consisting of the Democratic Party, MSM, Never-Trumps, and the Obama bureaucrats imbedded in the federal government, is an obsession with President Trump's use of...

  • June 5, 2017

    Kathy Griffin should be prosecuted

    There have been numerous articles about Kathy Griffin's photo of a facsimile bloody severed head of President Trump.  The general view of the Opposition Party, consisting of the MSM, Democrats, and NeverTrumps, is that the photo, while in po...

  • May 22, 2017

    President Trump gives masterful speech

    It was refreshing to see President Trump speak to the leaders of the Muslim countries in Riyadh honestly and directly about the problems of Islamist terrorism.  He told them in plain words that they have to drive out the terrorists from their mo...

  • May 19, 2017

    What will Mueller investigate?

    Everyone is praising the selection of Robert Mueller as special counsel, but the question is what exactly needs to be investigated.  The most common term is "collusion."  But what does collusion mean? The order by Assistant Att...

  • May 13, 2017

    James the Great and James the Less: Clapper defends Comey

    James Clapper, Obama's DNI chief, tried to aid James Comey, Obama's FBI director.  Clapper, in an interview with NBC's Andrea Mitchell, said Comey felt uneasy about having dinner with President Trump on January 27, 2017 because he fe...

  • May 11, 2017

    Time for Trump to appoint a special prosecutor

    The Justice Department should appoint a special prosecutor.  The prosecutor should investigate fully the following:  1. Hillary approving the sale of twenty percent of our uranium to a Russian company by a Canadian company, followed by c...

  • May 4, 2017

    Comey describes more proof Hillary should have been indicted

    FBI director James Comey testified on May 3, 2017 before a Senate  committee that the investigation after October 28, 2016 of Anthony Weiner's computer showed that confidential emails to Hillary Clinton were forwarded by Huma Abedin to Antho...

  • May 2, 2017

    Trump wonders about Civil War, Democrats outraged

    It seems that the Washington, D.C. crowd is having a Twitter attack to respond to President Trump's remark questioning why the political leaders did not avert the Civil War. Trump said: People don't realize, you know, the Civil War ...

  • May 2, 2017

    Hell freezes over: Lefties attack Obama

    It seems that the news of Obama getting $400,000 for a speech to a Wall Street firm, Cantor Fitzgerald, and that Random House will pay Obama up to sixty million dollars for two books has upset the usual Kool-Aid drinkers who support Obama.  Or m...

  • April 25, 2017

    Obama admits he failed to unite Americans

    In a speech in Chicago on August 24, 2017, Obama said he failed in his "aspirational" goal to unite Americans. Obama neglected to say the reason he failed is because he did not try to unite, but acted to divide our country.  For exa...

  • April 11, 2017

    Time for John McCain to retire

    John McCain served our country in Vietnam and was subject to horrific torture as a POW. Since then, his career as a Republican senator has been undistinguished, to be charitable.  He calls himself a "maverick," primarily because he ...

  • April 6, 2017

    Obama and Rice focused on the enemy: Trump

    Susan Rice finally remembered that she unmasked intercepted messages to show that Trump and his campaign and transition team had their conversations intercepted by our intelligence agencies.  Rice has not yet explained why she did this.  He...

  • March 29, 2017

    McCain, Graham join the Opposition Party to attack Nunes

    Devin Nunes reported that he has seen intelligence documents that show that President Trump and members of his transition were "incidentally" caught up in some investigation, probably pursuant to a FISA warrant. This "incidental inv...

  • March 25, 2017

    Time to replace Paul Ryan as House speaker

    Paul Ryan failed miserably in his first important task for the Trump agenda. Since 2009, the Republicans have campaigned in the elections of 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 that they would repeal and replace Obamacare.  One would think that given ...

  • March 17, 2017

    Obamacare: Repeal immediately or let it crash

    Obamacare is a disaster.  Premiums have increased, deductibles have increased, and workers have had their hours cut to part-time status so the employers do not have to pay for health insurance.  The federal government dictates the coverage ...

  • March 14, 2017

    School Vouchers and the GOP's Health Care Plan

    The Republican House bill to replace ObamaCare has been criticized because it gives tax credits to those who cannot afford health insurance to purchase health insurance. ObamaCare used subsidies to pay for those who cannot afford health insurance. ...

  • March 5, 2017

    Did Obama authorize wiretapping of Trump?

    President Trump accused Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower before the election. The Washington Post dismissed the charge: Trump offered no citations nor did he point to any credible news report to back up his accusation, but he may ...

  • March 3, 2017

    Jeff Sessions should not have recused himself

    The Opposition Party, the Democrats and mainstream media, has suddenly discovered that Russia is our enemy, therefore nobody in the Trump administration should have spoken to the Russians before the elections. The Opposition Party is upset because...

  • February 28, 2017

    Just in time for Trump, George W. Bush lifts embargo on criticizing successors

    George W. Bush broke his policy of not attacking a sitting president.  Bush did not criticize or attack Obama but has joined the Opposition Party (Democrats and mainstream media, aka Fake News Media)'s war against Trump. Bush acted like a...

  • February 25, 2017

    Trinity Washington University president attacks alumna Kellyanne Conway

    Don't waste your money sending your children to Trinity Washington University in Washington, D.C.  The president of the college, Patricia McGuire, does not know the difference between illegal aliens and legal immigrants.  Or, like the O...

  • February 19, 2017

    Chelsea Clinton asks for another word for 'horrifying'; Juanita Broaddrick obliges

    Chelsea Clinton wanted to know another word for horrifying to comment about how bad she felt that an illegal alien was arrested while in court seeking a protective order against her abusive boyfriend. Chelsea had to comment on the arrest of an ill...

  • February 18, 2017

    Shepard Smith attacks Trump, auditions for CNN

    Shepard Smith, a Fox News anchor, whose job is to report the news, instead went off, unhinged, attacking President Trump because Trump criticized CNN reporter Jim Acosta.  Evidently, the news media boys believe they can attack Trump, but when Tr...

  • February 15, 2017

    Surprise: Obama joins the attack on Trump's presidency

    On February 11, 2017, Paul Sperry, of the New York Post, reported on Barack Obama's plans to continue his efforts to fundamentally transform our country. Obama supports the demonstrations against President Trump and supports the efforts of ...

  • February 11, 2017

    Democrats try their hand at nullification

    Prior to the Civil War, some states advocated a theory of constitutional law that each state has a right to nullify, or not follow, a federal law.  The basis of this argument is that each state retains enough sovereignty to decide the constituti...

  • February 10, 2017

    On immigration EO, Trump should appeal to the Supreme Court

    The three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit affirmed the decision of Judge Robart to grant a TRO to stop Donald Trump's temporary ban on immigration from seven countries deemed a risk.  The question now is whether Trump requests a hearing bef...

  • February 10, 2017

    Democrats pillory Kellyanne Conway for boosting Ivanka Trump's clothing line

    The Washington Post, speaking for the Opposition Party consisting of the Democrats and mainstream media,  on February 9, 2017, blared the headline: "White House says Conway has been 'counseled' after touting Ivanka Trump...

  • February 3, 2017

    We cannot properly vet Syrian refugees

    FBI Director James Comey testified before the House Committee on Homeland Security, on October 21, 2015, that we cannot properly vet Syrian refugees.  Comey said: We can only query against that which we have collected. And so if someone ...

  • January 31, 2017

    Trump focuses on US economy, not theory of free trade

    President Trump should impose tariffs on imported goods to level the playing field between domestic companies and foreign-based companies.  It will make domestic companies more competitive with foreign-based companies.  This is part of...

  • January 27, 2017

    Democrats investigate Russian release of emails, bury voting by illegal aliens

    The Democrats and their cheerleaders, the MSM, are attacking Donald Trump's proposal to investigate voter fraud, specifically voting by illegal aliens.  They contend that voting by illegal aliens is minimal, if it exists at all. The New Y...

  • January 24, 2017

    Democrats and MSM are out to destroy Trump's presidency

    The mainstream media (MSM) and Democrats are determined to weaken Donald Trump's presidency.  There is no "honeymoon" for Trump.  It is open political warfare. The Democrats and MSM started with the charge that the Russians...

  • January 21, 2017

    Trump is president: Happy days are here again

    President Trump gave a powerful and honest inauguration speech.  He spoke plainly and directly.  He did not say any phony, useless John McCain “let’s reach across the aisle” blather.  Nor the usual drivel that we will...

  • January 19, 2017

    Obama's priorities: Embarrassing Obama a graver sin than leaking classified documents in wartime

    Obama commuted the remaining 28-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, the Army intelligence soldier convicted of violating the Espionage Act in 2010 by leaking State Department cables and military information to WikiLeaks.  This means Manning...

  • January 17, 2017

    Obama: Limbaugh and Fox News ruined my presidency

    Obama has added Rush Limbaugh and "some commentators on Fox News" to the list of those responsible for his failure as a president.  On the January 13, 2017 NBC Dateline, Obama told Lester Holt, also known as Candy Crowley Holt for h...

  • January 14, 2017

    Senators Warren, Harris, Booker planning their presidential runs

    Senator Elizabeth Warren hopes to be the first 1/32 Native American president.  There is no documentary evidence that she is a 1/32 Native American, and she has not taken a DNA test to confirm. But she is worried that Cory Booker got the jump...

  • January 13, 2017

    2020 Election: Trump v. Booker (Trump wins)

    Cory Booker started his 2020 presidential campaign by stabbing his Senate colleague Jeff Sessions in the back on nationwide TV.  In 2015, Sens. Sessions and Booker introduced and passed legislation to award the highest civilian honor to the part...

  • January 12, 2017

    Jeff Sessions hearing: Cory Booker begins his pathetic run for president

    Cory Booker started his 2020 presidential campaign by stabbing Jeff Sessions in the back and front on nationwide TV. In 2015, Sen. Jeff Sessions and Sen. Cory Booker introduced and passed legislation to award the highest civilian honor to the part...

  • January 10, 2017

    Obama's legacy: Lies, with a side of weakening our national security

    In 2008, Obama promised to fundamentally transform our country.  He has accomplished much of his promise.  He has abandoned and betrayed our most reliable ally, Israel, the only democratic country in the Middle East.  According to B...

  • January 7, 2017

    The new narrative: Exposing lies equals sabotage

    On December 29, 2016, the Department of Homeland Security released a report that is the basis for the claim that the Russians "interfered' with the presidential election.  The report states in relevant part: This Joint Analysis Rep...

  • January 5, 2017

    Repeal Obamacare. Do not replace.

    There is no question that we have to repeal Obamacare, because it is a disaster.  Premiums have increased, deductibles have increased, and workers have had their hours cut to part-time status so the employers do not have to pay for health insura...

  • January 3, 2017

    Congress: Reduce executive orders and agency regulations

    Obama has used agency regulations and executive orders to bypass Congress because he knew that Congress would not pass the measures he imposed unilaterally by executive orders and agency regulations.  Obama bragged about doing this by saying, ...

  • January 1, 2017

    Obama attacks Putin to help his legacy

    Obama has accused the Russians of interfering with our election.  He imposed sanctions against Russian and expelled about thirty Russians.  It is the big news on the mainstream media, talk shows, and columns and blogs on the Internet. Th...

  • December 29, 2016

    Obama decides what's best for Israel

    Obama has decided what is best for Israel.  Israel must stop settlements on the land that the U.N. and Obama view as "occupied land" to save the two-state solution.  Obama abstained on the U.N. resolution to put pressure on Israel...

  • December 27, 2016

    Israel: Obama orchestrated the UN resolution to condemn Israel

    Israel has accused Obama of deliberately orchestrating the drafting and push for the U.N. resolution that condemned Israel for its settlement policy.  David Keyes, spokesman for Netanyahu, said Arab sources, among others, informed Israel of...

  • December 24, 2016

    Obama makes it more difficult to fight terrorism

    First, on Friday, December 23, 2016, he had the U.S. abstain on the U.N. vote condemning Israel for its settlement policy.  The U.S. should have vetoed the resolution. This will embolden the Islamists against our ally, Israel.  It is a c...

  • December 23, 2016

    NY Times: Scrap the Electoral College because of slavery

    The New York Times endorsed the election of presidents by popular vote in the 50 states plus the District of Columbia.  The Times resorts to playing the race card by arguing that the original reason for the Electoral College was to favor the Sou...

  • December 21, 2016

    FBI search warrant: Hillary Clinton put US at 'exceptionally grave' risk

    The release of the FBI's warrant, dated October 20, 2016, to seize and search a laptop computer related to Hillary's emails again confirms and reminds us that Hillary put our national security at "exceptionally grave danger" by...

  • December 18, 2016

    Hillary: Attack on Her Campaign is An Attack On Our Country

    On December 15, 2016, Hillary Clinton, meeting with her donors in New York City, blamed her loss on the “Russians” and James Comey’s letter eleven (11) days before the election to re-open the email investigation.  She parrot...

  • December 16, 2016

    Harry Reid: Release of Podesta emails same as 9-11 attack

    The Democrats, specifically Harry Reid, have lost all sense of decency and proportion regarding the release of John Podesta's and the DNC's emails by WikiLeaks.  They are trying to transform the hacking and release of these emails, which...

  • December 13, 2016

    Recounts over, Trump wins...and Democrats now claim interference

    On December 12, the useless Wisconsin recount  confirmed what we all knew already: Trump won Wisconsin. On December 9, the Michigan federal court dismissed Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein's suit for a recount in Michigan. ...

  • December 12, 2016

    Obama's email problem

    Obama, the Dems, and the mainstream media are suddenly concerned about the hacking of emails as a threat to our national security.  Of course, their newfound concern is only because whoever hacked the DNC and Podesta emails leaked those emails t...

  • December 11, 2016

    Obama's CIA: Russians favored Trump in election

    The Obama CIA must have little to do, because instead of focusing on Islamist terrorism, Obama's CIA is now trying to blame the Russians for Hillary's loss.  The reasoning is that the Russians were behind the WikiLeaks emails of John Pod...

  • December 9, 2016

    Michigan recount stopped

    The Michigan federal court dismissed the Stein suit that requested a hand recount of the entire state, agreeing with the State Court of Appeals that Stein is not an aggrieved person.  In plain English, this means that Stein has no chance of winn...

  • December 9, 2016

    Obama: ISIL not on my radar

    Obama is trying to clean up his legacy.  But he admitted to CNN on December 7, 2016 that he did not pay attention to the ISIS threat. Obama said: The ability of ISIL to not just mass inside of Syria, but then to initiate major land offen...

  • December 7, 2016

    Democrats afraid of 'military figures' in Trump administration

    Today, December 7, we remember the attack on Pearl Harbor, which killed 2,403 and wounded 1,178 Americans.  There were questions raised about our preparation and security, the lack of which allowed the attack. Today we are at war with radical...

  • December 7, 2016

    Pentagon wastes $125 billion; Obama missing in action

    The Washington Post reported that the Pentagon buried a report about $125 billion in waste without once mentioning that Obama is president and that Obama did nothing about it. The Post headline dated  December 6, 2016 blared, "Pentagon b...

  • December 4, 2016

    Stein drops request for statewide recount in Pennsylvania

    Jill Stein announced Saturday night, December 3, 2016 that she would drop her Court petition requesting a state recount in Pennsylvania, stating she could not afford the million-dollar bond she had to file by Monday, the date of the Court hearing on ...

  • December 4, 2016

    RIP: Jim Delligatti, inventor of the Big Mac

    We read and write every day about Hillary Clinton's never-ending corruption, with the latest being the recount to stall the electoral votes and delegitimize the Trump presidency.  Or the dishonest MSM that are constantly attacking and critic...

  • December 2, 2016

    Mitt Romney should run the VA

    I believe that Mitt Romney will not be appointed as secretary of state but will be appointed to clean up and straighten up the Veterans Administration. Romney is smart, with experience as an expert with distressed companies and startup companies....

  • December 1, 2016

    Desecrating our flag should not be protected speech

    Donald Trump has raised the issue of whether burning the flag should be protected as free speech under the First Amendment.  He raises a good question, because it should not be.  It has been protected speech only since 1989.  If we ...

  • November 28, 2016

    Trump will not appoint Romney

    On November 27, 2016, Kellyanne Conway questioned Romney’s loyalty to Trump and questioned Romney’s judgment because of his attacks on Trump.  She said Romney lost states in 2012 that Trump won and questioned what Romney ha...

  • November 27, 2016

    Watch your back, Donald: Hillary contests election results

    Hillary has dropped the pretense of being a gracious loser and joined Jill Stein to challenge the election results in Wisconsin.  Maybe she talked to Al Gore, another sore loser, about how to "unite the country" and accept the results ...

  • November 25, 2016

    Colin Kaepernick for DNC chair?

    Forget Nancy Pelosi and Keith Ellison.  The man who best speaks for the lefties is Colin Kaepernick.  The "Progressive Democratic Party" should appoint Kaepernick to head the DNC as its principal spokesman. Following is a brief...

  • November 23, 2016

    Hillary's fate depends on Democrats

    There is much discussion about whether Trump's Justice Department should investigate and prosecute Hillary on the email scandal.  But there is no such discussion about whether Obama should pardon Hillary.  At this point, Trump said he d...

  • November 20, 2016

    Sanctimonious gibberish from the Hamilton cast

    Mike Pence thought he would relax and enjoy himself by attending the hit Broadway show Hamilton.  Instead, he got a lecture from a self-appointed sanctimonious spokesman of "diverse America," an actor from the non-diverse cast of Hamil...

  • November 19, 2016

    Memo to Trump: Don't appoint Romney

    There is much talk on all the TV news and opinion shows and the political journals that Donald Trump will appoint Mitt Romney to secretary of state, or some other important office. This would be a mistake. Mitt Romney did not want Trump as the ...

  • November 18, 2016

    More useless advice from Obama to Trump

    On Thursday, Obama at a press conference in Germany with German chancellor Angela Merkel again offered useless unsolicited advice to Trump. Obama spent the last few months ignoring his job as president while campaigning every day for Hillary to wi...

  • November 17, 2016

    Are racism and torture intrinsic evils like abortion and euthanasia?

    On October 28, 2016, Bishop Zubik of the Diocese of Pittsburgh published an article in the Pittsburgh Catholic titled "I'm Telling You How to Vote."  The substance of the article is that there are "intrinsic evils" such a...

  • November 16, 2016

    Obama takes one more overseas vacation on the taxpayers' dime

    Obama never misses a chance to disparage the United States while praising himself.   Obama is visiting Greece, Italy, and Peru, for God knows what reason, except to take a last vacation on the taxpayers' dime. Yesterday in Greece he ...

  • November 15, 2016

    Democrats now fighting each other to see who's most liberal

    Democrats are fighting each other after the Hillary loss because the lefties, or progressives, believe the party is not lefty enough.  The lefties believe they lost because Hillary was not "progressive" enough.  They want to take ...

  • November 15, 2016

    Obama: No significant scandals in my administration

    During his press conference on Monday, November 14, 2016, Obama said he did not have any "significant" scandals in his administration.  I thought I was watching a conservative version of Saturday Night Live satirizing him. The Guard...

  • November 12, 2016

    Hillary and Obama should tell rioters to accept the election results

    There is no valid reason for the "protests" each night since Trump's election in cities such as New York and Miami and the riots in Portland.  What exactly are they protesting?  We had an election, Trump won, and Hillary conce...

  • November 11, 2016

    Rudy to Obama: Don't pardon Hillary

    On November 10, 2016, Rudy Giuliani said Obama should not pardon Hillary because the justice system should be allowed to investigate the William J. Clinton foundation: "And also, it's hard to investigate other people," Giuliani sai...

  • November 10, 2016

    Trump's first 100 days

    Trump should move quickly with the Republican Congress to implement the major points of his agenda. One: The House must pass a bill to repeal Obamacare, send it to the Senate, and then send it to Trump for his signature.  After repeal, Trump ...

  • November 9, 2016

    Trump's victory not surprising to some of us

    Yesterday my blog post at American Thinker, “Trump will win,” predicted that Trump would win.  Last week, my blog post at American Thinker, “Hillary worried about Pennsylvania,” discussed that Pennsylvania would vote for ...

  • November 8, 2016

    Trump will win

    I realize that most of the polls have Hillary ahead by a few points, the polls in the battleground states are very close, and it is difficult for any Republican to win the Electoral College because the Democrats have a solid advantage with California...

  • November 7, 2016

    Comey backs down

    James Comey again gave Hillary a pass on the email investigation by announcing on Sunday afternoon, November 6, two days before the election, that he stands by his July 5, 2016 decision to not recommend indictment of Hillary.  This may help Hill...

  • November 6, 2016

    Hillary must have seen the musical 'Never Steal Anything Small'

    Hillary and Bill Clinton must have thought the way to win elections and make money from government service is to follow the advice of James Cagney in the 1959 movie Never Steal Anything Small, a musical comedy.  Cagney plays a corrupt but charmi...

  • November 5, 2016

    Hillary worried about Pennsylvania

    Hillary must be concerned and worried about the vote in Pennsylvania because she and her surrogates have been campaigning there, and in Pittsburgh specifically, every day. Yesterday, Hillary was in Pittsburgh.  Last week Bon Jovi was at the U...

  • November 5, 2016

    Obama reaches another low to help Hillary

    Barack Obama, along with his wife Michelle and Joe Biden, have been campaigning daily to help Hillary win.  Obama is desperate to win a third term because he knows that Trump will undo most of his so called "accomplishments" to fundame...

  • November 3, 2016

    Desperation: Biden goes on the attack for Hillary

    Joe Biden entered the 1988 Democratic presidential race in June 2007.  In September 2007, he withdrew because of reports that he plagiarized the biography of British Labor leader Neal Kinnock in his stump speech and that he plagiarized law revie...

  • November 3, 2016

    Is there a new Deep Throat at the FBI?

    On November 2, 2016  Fox News reported: FBI agents have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple people on the foundation case, which is looking into possible pay for play interaction between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the C...

  • November 2, 2016

    FBI release of Marc Rich pardon documents highlights Clinton Corruption

    On Ocober 31, 2016, The FBI released information on its investigation of Bill Clinton's pardon of March Rich on January 20, 2001, his last day as president, that focuses attention on Clinton corruption and pay for play.  While the documents ...

  • November 1, 2016

    Did Comey know Obama could be Hillary's star witness?

    The WikiLeaks emails prove that Obama knew that Hillary was using a private email system. As an experienced prosecutor, FBI director Comey knew that Hillary would argue in her defense that Obama knew about her using the private unsecured email sys...

  • October 31, 2016

    Hillary cannot be elected

    Hillary cannot be elected because she is under a criminal investigation by the FBI and cannot govern if elected.  This reason is in addition to her corruption and incompetence.  Hillary knows the evidence that the FBI has, and if she has ...

  • October 30, 2016

    Obama Justice Department, Lynch opposed Comey informing Congress of investigation

    The Obama Justice Department, led by Loretta Lynch, opposed FBI director James Comey's decision to inform Congress of his reopening the investigation of Hillary's email scandal on the basis that the Justice Department doesn't take steps t...

  • October 29, 2016

    Can James Comey redeem the FBI?

    On Friday, October 28, FBI director James Comey announced by letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee that the FBI will conduct another investigation of a new batch of Hillary's emails.  It is not re-opening the prior investigation, where Co...

  • October 28, 2016

    Whom do you believe: Putin or Hillary?

    In responding to the WikiLeaks emails that document corruption and lies, such as Hillary advocating open borders and open trade, pay for play at the William J. Corleone Foundation, Bill Clinton Inc. making over $30 million plus $67 million deferred f...

  • October 27, 2016

    Romney may lose the election for Trump

    Trump is campaigning furiously in the battleground states of Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida, which he must win, yet the election may be decided by Utah, which has six votes. Evan McMullin, a Mormon from Utah running as an independent , is close...

  • October 26, 2016

    Another lie: Obama learned about Hillary's emails from the news

    Obama lied during his March 2015 TV interview when he said he learned about Hillary's private email system "the same time everybody else learned it, through news reports. The New York Times reported on October 25, 2016: [T]hat assert...

  • October 25, 2016

    Obama attacks Republicans who did not reject Trump early enough to satisfy Obama

    Obama is attacking those Republicans who do not support Donald Trump just as viciously, if not more so, as he attacks Trump himself and those who support Trump. The N.Y. Times reported on October 24, 2016: President Obama on Sunday savaged Re...

  • October 24, 2016

    Al Gore can teach Trump how to 'not accept' election results

    If Trump decides to not accept the election results and challenge the vote, then he should consult with Al Gore, who conducted a scorched-earth, take-no-prisoner campaign in Florida to contest the 2000 election.  Gore’s attack was the lega...

  • October 22, 2016

    A dissenting view on Chris Wallace

    I dissent from the general view that Chris Wallace of Fox News did a great or terrific job as moderator.  He failed to ask relevant questions of the Clinton Foundation, the Second Amendment, the Clinton campaign connection to the thugs who cause...

  • October 21, 2016

    Al Smith Dinner: Cardinal Dolan fails to speak against abortion

    While the tradition of the Alfred E. Smith dinner to invite the Republican and Democrat nominee to raise money for charity is admirable, it was disturbing to see Timothy Cardinal Dolan laughing and joking with Hillary Clinton less than twenty-four ho...

  • October 21, 2016

    Hillary lost $6 billion but wants to run the economy

    Hillary cannot account for six billion dollars lost when she ran the State Department.  But she now wants to run the U.S. economy. Hillary's economic plan is: 1) raise corporate taxes, 2) raise the marginal rate on those making over...

  • October 20, 2016

    Such a nasty woman

    At the end of the debate, while Hillary was droning on with snippets rehearsed, Trump gave the best description of Hillary.  He said, "Such a nasty woman."  Who could disagree with that?  She is nasty and a woman. On subst...

  • October 19, 2016

    Bribery and obstruction of justice: FBI alteration of Clinton emails

    Obama and his State Department, with the assistance of the MSM, are trying to spin the State Department asking for reclassification of Hillary's emails in return for overseas slots as just a discussion with no wrongdoing involved.  Obama str...

  • October 18, 2016

    Hillary Clinton: Devil's advocate

    Al Pacino's movie The Devil's Advocate is a good analogy for Hillary Clinton on the moral question of using free will to choose making a deal with the devil to advance her career. The plot: Pacino is the devil and the head of a rich and po...

  • October 17, 2016

    The FBI/State Department scandal

    The Watergate “smoking gun” was that Nixon suggested that the CIA tell the FBI to back off the investigation because of national security reasons.  The CIA was never instructed to do so, and the FBI did its investigation.  Here,...

  • October 11, 2016

    Speaker Ryan: Every man for himself, forget Trump

    It appears that Speaker Paul Ryan has concluded that Trump will not win and that Hillary will be the next president.  This is the only logical explanation for Ryan telling House members that he will not support or defend Trump and will not campa...

  • October 10, 2016

    Trump Big Winner Over Three Opponents

    Trump was smart to trust his instinct to fight and not follow the advice of all the pundits who said he had to grovel and not bring up the Bubba card. Trump brought four of Bill’s victims who were attacked and smeared by Hillary as part of...

  • October 9, 2016

    Trump should not withdraw

    Donald Trump should not withdraw from the race because that will ensure a victory for Hillary and the destruction of the national Republican Party.  If Trump is forced out by the MSM and the Republicans, such as McCain, Bush, Romney, Kasich, Fio...

  • October 8, 2016

    Leaked emails show Hillary is all for open borders

    The released emails of John Podesta show that Hillary favors open borders and open markets in our hemisphere.  My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, somtime in the future with energy that is as green and...

  • October 7, 2016

    The myth of the nonviolent drug offender

    Obama has commuted the prison sentences of 774 criminals, more than the past 11 presidents combined, as part of his program to review the sentences of "non-violent drug offenders" in federal prisons who had received lengthy prison sentences...

  • October 5, 2016

    Pence wins despite another 'Candy' debate moderator

    Elaine Quijano continued the Candy Crowley debate tradition of favoring the Democrat.  She constantly interrupted Mike Pence while he was attempting to answer questions but never interrupted Kaine to have him focus on what had been asked of him....

  • October 5, 2016

    Clintons' 2015 tax returns: How the DC elites make money

    The 2015 Clinton tax return is a case study on how the D.C. political elites make money by trading on their political offices, past and present, such as writing books, consulting, and giving speeches.  They serve on boards of corporations, such ...

  • October 3, 2016

    The Clintons take tax deduction for Bill’s used underwear

    The Clintons deducted from the federal income tax returns the “value” of Bill’s used underwear that the Clintons supposedly donated to charities. As reported by Lloyd Grove, Washington Post, on 12/28/1993: “S...

  • October 3, 2016

    The Clintons took improper Whitewater tax deductions

    The Clintons took improper tax deductions for losses and expenses in the Whitewater land deals.  Then, at the instruction of their attorney, in 1996, the Clintons had to amend their tax returns to pay the IRS for the improper and excessive ...

  • October 2, 2016

    Obama wants to create a new racial category

    Obama proposed to create a new racial classification of "MENA" for Middle East and North Africans. On Friday, the White House Office of Management and Budget advanced the proposal with a notice in the Federal Register, seeking com...

  • September 30, 2016

    Reform the Electoral College

    We must reform the Electoral College system to distribute the electoral votes by the congressional districts.  The reform is that the party that wins the congressional district gets the electoral vote for that district.  This would mirror t...

  • September 29, 2016

    'Women and girls' defender Hillary Clinton has a history of defending rapists

    There is a tape of Hillary laughing while discussing how she defended in 1975 a 41-year-old man who raped a 12-year-old girl by getting a rape charge reduced to fondling a minor.  The rapist wanted a female attorney.  Hillary was running a ...

  • September 28, 2016

    Trump should have played the Bubba card

    In Monday night's debate, Donald Trump should have responded to Hillary's vicious and untrue cheap shots that he is a sexist and a misogynist and uses abusive language toward women.  He should have reminded the Red Queen that she denied ...

  • September 27, 2016

    Debate: Trump did well, despite a big obstacle

    Trump did well overall despite the clear bias in the questions asked and not asked by Lester Holt, and a missed opportunity to attack Hillary on the email scandal and Benghazi.  The tone of debates is set by questions asked and questions not ask...

  • September 26, 2016

    Advice for Trump

    Donald Trump should use every question to outline his proposals to Make America Great Again, such as reducing the tax rates on businesses and individuals to energize the economy, renegotiating trade deals that have caused American manufacturing compa...

  • September 24, 2016

    Cruz and Kasich: One endorses Trump, the other stays silent

    Senator Ted Cruz announced he will vote for Donald Trump...but where is John Kasich?  We need Cruz and Kasich to unify the party to defeat the Bubbas.  Cruz has honored his pledge; it is time for Kasich to step up and honor his pledge by en...

  • September 23, 2016

    Note to Obama: We don't need the Saudis

    Obama has threatened to veto a bill passed by Congress that would allow victims of September 11 to sue Saudi Arabia for damages.  Currently, victims can sue countries designated as state sponsors of terrorism, such as Iran, Syria, and Sudan....

  • September 23, 2016

    Shock: An Obama relative who supports Trump!

    Malik Obama, Obama's half-brother who resides in Kenya, announced that he supports Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton: "I will support Donald Trump because he is a humble and honest guy," the president's half brother, Malik Obam...

  • September 22, 2016

    Trump maternity leave proposal is pro-family and conservative

    Donald Trump proposes six weeks of maternity leave paid through the unemployment fund.  Unemployment programs have much waste, with people riding out the full one year or more and then finding a job only when unemployment payments end. ...

  • September 18, 2016

    Police union stands for American flag

    On September 17, 2016, Larry Brown of Larry Brown Sports reported: Four Miami Dolphins football players kneeled during the national anthem last weekend as a sign of protest, and their actions are not sitting well with the local police. The Br...

  • September 17, 2016

    Obama blocks release of DHS Report: DHS captures 50, not 80 percent of illegals

    On September 15, 2016, Malia Zimmerman and William Lajeunesse of Fox News reported that the Obama Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is refusing to release a report on the number of illegal aliens who cross the southern border.  DHS claims th...

  • September 16, 2016

    Trump will cut tax rates and reduce regulations

    On September 15, 2016, Donald Trump announced his economic plan to revitalize the economy, which, under Obama, has averaged less than 2% growth.  Trump is projecting a rate of growth of 4%, which would create a boom.  His plan is to reduce ...

  • September 15, 2016

    Trump child care proposal: A yuge winner

    Donald Trump has proposed an expansion of the child care credit, with paid maternity leave and care for the elderly.  This has the "pure conservatives" upset because it is an expansion of the federal government's power in our lives...

  • September 12, 2016

    Should Comey resign? Will he?

    During his July 6 news conference, FBI director James Comey outlined in detail the facts of Hillary's potential violations of federal law, and common sense, in using a private email system to conduct State Department business that involved nation...

  • September 11, 2016

    Hillary not fit to run FBI according to standard set by Bill Clinton

    On July 20,1993, the LA Times, via Ronald J. Ostrow and Robert L. Jackson, reported that Bill Clinton by his attorney general, Janet Reno, fired FBI director Sessions because: The Justice Department report found, among other things, that Session...

  • September 8, 2016

    NBC's Matt Lauer gives his all for Hillary

    At the Commander in Chief Forum Wednesday night, Hillary Clinton again insisted that she did not receive any emails marked top secret, or confidential, or classified.  This is in direct conflict with FBI director Comey's report that she rece...

  • September 8, 2016

    Political correctness infecting 9-11 memorial

    On September 11, 2016, we have the 15th anniversary of the Islamist terrorist attack on our country.  We are planning a visit to the National Park at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where Flight 93 was crashed by the brave Americans who rushed t...

  • September 7, 2016

    Hillary is Wall Street's girl

    Bill and Hillary have become wealthy because of Wall Street, starting with Hillary's $100,000 score on cattle futures on her first time playing.  And she did it just by reading the Wall Street Journal! A few examples: 1. On May 8, 2016...

  • September 5, 2016

    Obama bypassing Congress on UN Paris climate treaty

    On September 3, 2016, Obama announced that the United States, along with China, will join the Paris Agreement to deal with pollution.  Obama said: In 2014, President Xi and I stood together in Beijing to announce landmark climate targets fo...

  • September 3, 2016

    Hillary blames State Dept. for sending her classified emails

    On September 2, 2016, Adam Goldman and Eric Litchblau of The New York Times reported on the FBI release of the Hilary interview in July 2016 that occurred between the weekend of Bubba bumping into Attorney General Lynch and being interviewed by the F...

  • September 3, 2016

    Hillary's concussion defense: I can't remember briefings

    On September 2, 2016, Julia Edwards of Reuters reported that "Hillary Clinton told federal investigators she did not recall all the briefings she received on handling government records while U.S. secretary of state because of a concussion suffe...

  • September 2, 2016

    Trump said the obvious: Build the wall

    Donald Trump looked like and acted as president of the USA during his speech on August 31, 2016 with Mexican president Nieto.  Trump took the gamble to accept Nieto's invitation to meet in Mexico before his speech to set forth his ten-point ...

  • August 31, 2016

    Obama and Hillary: Take Jesse Jackson's 1993 advice on Chicago crime

    The black-on-black killings in Chicago were the subject of a famous column by Mike Royko, of the Chicago Tribune, on November 30, 1993, titled "Politically Incorrect, But Right on Target."  The column is included in The Best Of Mike Ro...

  • August 29, 2016

    The Catholic vote on abortion and Trump

    On August 28, the Washington Post, via Aaron Blake, reported that “Trump has a problem with the Catholic Vote.”   This raises the question: what is the Catholic vote?  Romney got two percent more than Obama did of the Catholi...

  • August 28, 2016

    There is no moral basis to oppose Trump

    On August 19, 2016, Douglas Ernst, of The Washington Times, reported that William Bennett, former secretary of education and author of the Virtues books, declared that holier-than-thou so-called Republicans and conservatives should put the interests ...

  • August 25, 2016

    Need more proof that Iran doesn't respect the US?

    Iran keeps showing its gratitude toward the United States for Obama allowing it to develop nuclear weapons, giving it $150 billion, and last week another $400 million in ransom for four Americans. Reuters, via Idries Ali, reports the following har...

  • August 24, 2016

    Hillary's newly discovered emails raise questions about Comey's report

    The news shows reported yesterday that the FBI discovered 14,900 emails that Hillary had not turned over to the State Department.  This news again focuses attention on the July 5, 2016 report by FBI Director Comey that no criminal charges be pur...

  • August 21, 2016

    Bubba Says Contributions to the Clinton Foundations Will Stop if Hillary Wins

    It seems even the New York Times, the de facto house organ of the Democratic Party, is troubled by operation of the Clinton Foundation.   Amy Chozick and Steve Eder report there today, on the Clinton Foundation via, that: With Mrs. Cli...

  • August 20, 2016

    DC justice: Hillary skates while war hero pays

    The New York Times, via Christopher Drew, reported on August 19, 2016: Matt Bissonnette, a former member of Navy SEAL Team 6 who wrote an account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, agreed on Friday to forfeit $6.8 million in book royalties...

  • August 19, 2016

    Obama's release of Gitmo terrorists endangers Americans

    On June 8, 2016, the Washington Post, via Adam Goldman and Missy Ryan, reported the following: The Obama administration believes that at least 12 detainees released from the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have launched attacks against U.S. or a...

  • August 18, 2016

    Conway and Bannon: Trump made the right moves

    Donald Trump has appointed Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway to run his campaign. Conway, as manager of the campaign, should help Trump appeal to women and also conservatives.  She worked for Ted Cruz. Bannon has an interesting backgr...

  • August 17, 2016

    Where is Obama While Louisiana Floods and Milwaukee Burns?

    The media attacked George Bush for his reaction to the 2006 Katrina floods as if he had caused the floods, even though it was clear that the delay and confusion in the rescue of victims was caused by the incompetence of Democrat mayor Nagin of New Or...

  • August 17, 2016

    Trump Going After Black Votes

    Yesterday, in Milwaukee, Donald Trump announced a bold plan to win black votes and help blacks help themselves.   Instead of pandering to blacks by promising more government benefits, which has been the policy of Democrats and most Republic...

  • August 16, 2016

    Trump announces bold plan to fight terrorism.

    Yesterday, August 15, Trump gave a speech in Youngstown, Ohio that clearly set forth how to deal with radical Muslim terrorism. Trump gave a broad outline that we must work with other countries who wish to destroy terrorism.  This includes Ru...

  • August 15, 2016

    A Hillary Supreme Court means goodbye to Second Amendment

    The July/August issue of Imprimis has an excellent article by Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt on “The Next Supreme Court Justice” in which he discusses important cases and issues that will be decided by the Supreme Court. One im...

  • August 14, 2016

    Trump Running Against Crooked Media Supporting Crooked Hillary

    Yestereday, at a rally in Connecticut, Trump said, "I'm not running against crooked Hillary, I'm running against the crooked media.” Trump has the knack for focusing on and stating the issue.  For example, on illega...

  • August 13, 2016

    Hillary will make the economy work for you...just as it did for Hillary

    At a Detroit campaign rally on August 11, Hillary said: "My mission in the White House will be to make the economy work for everyone, not just those at the top." An observant voter, which would exclude most Democrats and Never Trump v...

  • August 11, 2016

    The political parties are realigning on jobs and trade

    Since NAFTA, both parties have extolled the virtues of "free trade," which means that other countries sell their products in our country at will.  This has reduced the price of consumer goods, although while the price is low, the quali...

  • August 10, 2016

    Hillary's history versus Trump's words

    On Monday, fifty so-called "prominent" Republicans announced they are not voting for Trump.  Many of them served in the Bush 43 administration, such as Michael Hayden and Tom Ridge, former Pennsylvania governor.  Seems  they ...

  • August 7, 2016

    Hillary and Obama have polarized our country

    Donald Trump has identified the major problems we face as illegal immigration; terrorism, which is tied to illegal immigration; and the economy, which has had no real growth under Barack Obama. Trump has proposed to build a wall on the southern bo...

  • August 7, 2016

    Trump is winning the t-shirt poll

    We hear daily reports of polls showing Hillary Clinton in the lead for president.  I find it hard to believe that anyone with common sense and love of our country would vote for Hillary, given her record.  We are vacation at the Jersey s...

  • August 5, 2016

    Rand Paul wants to protect the Second Amendment and federalism

    On December 18, 2015, Senator Rand Paul introduce in the Senate S.B. 2434. "This Act may be cited as the 'Separation of Powers Restoration and Second Amendment Protection Act.'" SEC. 2. Sense of Congress. It is the sense ...

  • August 5, 2016

    Iran just learned the asking price for an American hostage

    We just learned that Obama gave Iran $400 million to ransom four Americans.  The  Democrats and their media went ballistic in accusing Ronald Reagan of trading arms for hostages and wanted to impeach him.  With Obama, the mainstream me...

  • August 3, 2016

    Hillary's going to need a little help to pull this one out

    Obama promised in 2008 that he would fundamentally transform our country.  He has kept that promise and is campaigning furiously to elect Hillary as his third term.  He does not want Donald Trump to undo what he considers his accomplishment...

  • August 2, 2016

    Khizr Khan has no shame

    There is no comparison between Khizr Khan and Mrs. Pat Smith.  Mrs. Smith has consistently spoken out that Hillary lied to her by blaming the Benghazi attack on a video when Hillary knew it was a terrorist attack.  Further, Hillary told her...

  • July 30, 2016

    Want to know Hillary's only qualification to be president?

    The Hillary strategy to win is to destroy Donald Trump.  This was the theme of the convention, with each speaker attacking Trump.  Doug Schoen, who has run many Democrat campaigns, said on Fox that Hillary will spend two billion dollars in ...

  • July 29, 2016

    Only a Democrat could believe Hillary

    Hillary said our economy is not working because our democracy is not working.  Our democracy is not working because of the money in politics allowed by the Supreme Court case of Citizens United, which held that corporations and unions have First...

  • July 28, 2016

    Will Obama sign the Conscience Protection Act?

    On July 13, 2016, the House passed by a 245-to-182 vote the Conscience Protection Act, which would provide legal protection to doctors, nurses, hospitals, and all health care providers who choose not to provide abortion services as part of their heal...

  • July 27, 2016

    Hillary the honest change maker

    According to Bill Clinton's speech praising his wife, Hillary, the paragon of truth, the Republican Convention speakers made up stuff about Hillary while the Democrat Convention speakers spoke the truth about her. Most of the Republican speake...

  • July 24, 2016

    Catholic Tim Kaine insane on abortion

    Hillary Clinton has picked Virginia senator Tim Kaine as her V.P.  Much is being made of the fact that he speaks Spanish and is Catholic and used his Spanish while a Catholic missionary. Kaine has said he is "personally opposed to aborti...

  • July 22, 2016

    How the Judiciary Contributes to the Growth of Government

    Conservatives frequently say we must appoint “conservative judges” who don’t make law, but interpret the law.  This sounds great, but a close analysis shows why it doesn’t work out the way we want. We believe that a ju...

  • July 22, 2016

    Public-sector unions: Killed by their own hands

    One of the favorite whipping boys for conservatives is labor unions.  The usual charges are that unions drive up production costs, and worse, they support the Democrats. It is difficult to understand why private-sector unions still support De...