Isaac Martin

Isaac Martin

  • April 17, 2014

    The Ford Mustang Turns 50

    Happy 50th Birthday to Ford’s Mustang. It was April 17, 1964 when Ford officially introduced their new car at the New York World’s Fair and the industry, car enthusiasts, and America haven’t been the same since. Not only did Mustang...

  • February 9, 2013

    'Assault Weapons' Bans Are Just the Beginning

    With Senator Feinstein's gun control bill, another anti-gun deluge has crashed over gun owners.  After viewing her weapons ban list, I wonder if another rifle should be added: the Karabiner 98K, or 98K for short. On the surface, this rifle has...

  • October 6, 2012

    Building That: Poland vs. Obama

    President Obama's lecture on how "you didn't build that" still rankles hardworking business owners and entrepreneurs.  Offered for your consideration is an international example of people building their dream business in a country that in its re...

  • July 28, 2012

    Refuting Obama: The Story of Henry Ford

    Everyone is by now familiar with President Obama's famous collectivist speech in Roanoke, Virginia. Governor Romney promptly reacted to these statist sentiments, saying, "The idea that Steve Jobs didn't build Apple, that Henry Ford didn't build Ford ...

  • July 4, 2012

    How to Spend Your Fourth of July

    The Fourth of July is the Big Bang of celebrating America.  Conceived and signed by patriots, the Declaration of Independence set into motion the United States of America.  In addition to eating incredible barbecue, to celebrate during this...

  • March 31, 2012

    Fisker's Bad Karma

    President Obama reminds us that successful green energy startups aren't easy, as illustrated by Solyndra's loan fiasco.  What about Fisker Automotive, recipient of $193 millilon in loans* out of a $529-million DOE credit line?  The product ...

  • February 10, 2012

    Fisker Automotive's NASCAR fantasy failure

    Green car builder Fisker Automotive became the latest DOE selected "winner" to show potential Solyndra fiscal mismanagement involving their Delaware factory to build a 99% Project Nina sedan. Some workers were laid off and they're renegotiating the l...

  • October 20, 2011

    Will Fisker Motors Be Another Solyndra?

    There's been considerable coverage of the Department of Energy's $534-million loan guarantee to bankrupt Solyndra.  But lurking unnoticed is a similar $529-million DOE grant to Fisker Automotive to build the high-end hybrid Karma and eventually ...

  • April 18, 2011

    A $500 Million Dollar Car?

    Cars and numbers, like dimensions, mpg, and prices, naturally intersect. Then there's a number like $529 million tax dollars that jumps out and therein lies our story. It begins with Fisker Automotive's Karma previewed at the Auto Club Speedway in On...

  • August 8, 2010

    Have you driven a Chevy Volt...lately?

    Have you driven a Chevy Volt The headline is a play an early ‘80s Ford car ad campaign. Have you driven a Ford. . .lately? was the tag line and it's instructive when considering Chevrolet's new Volt, the car that'll make GM a "leader...

  • June 19, 2010

    Can't control the criminal? Control the law-abiding

    It  was an edge-of-the-radar-screen news story that I happen to notice, surfing the Fox News web site. The story was about the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, which is located west of Douglas, Arizona and its southern boundary is adjace...

  • April 7, 2009

    Would You Buy an Electric Car?

    President Obama revealed what he might think we should be driving when he visited Tesla Motors  , a firm building electric cars in San Carlos, California, while on his Tonight Show trip to the Coast.Unlike political rhetoric read from a teleprom...