Ira Brodsky

Ira Brodsky

  • May 20, 2017

    How the FAA Hinders Innovation

    The civilian drone market was predicted to take off like a rocket. But the market has stalled. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is keeping drone technology bottled up in the U.S. while it continues to move forward in Asia and Europe. The ...

  • November 2, 2016

    Six Reasons Why You Can’t Trust the Polls – Especially Now

    We are told that election polls these days are highly scientific. Therefore, to suggest that they could be off by more than the statistical margin of error is just wishful thinking. Most of the polls have said all along that Hillary Clinton will w...

  • September 13, 2015

    The Real Purpose of the Nuclear Deal: Support Iran and Stick It to Israel

    The purpose of the Iran nuclear deal isn't to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons technology – it's to assist Iran and prevent an Israeli military attack.  The deal promises to help Iran modernize and protect its nuclear program while making...

  • August 20, 2015

    Alfred Hitchcock and the Iran Appeasement Train

    Alfred Hitchcock’s 1938 masterpiece, The Lady Vanishes, provides a stunning portrait of an appeaser and the consequences of his actions. Eric Todhunter is a lawyer who, like President Obama, believes he is smarter than everyone with the possibl...

  • August 14, 2015

    Using the FDA as a Club against Competitors

    Most conservatives believe that mountains of government regulations drive up prices, discourage innovation, and crush small businesses. So why aren’t businesses united in their opposition to oppressive regulations? Because many have discovered ...

  • October 27, 2012

    Free-Market Lessons from the Gadget Boom

    For years, the press was filled with stories about how the U.S. had fallen behind Europe in wireless.  A 1999 TIME article entitled "Why Your Cell Phone Stinks" boasted that Europeans routinely used their mobile phones to pay bills, make reserva...

  • September 5, 2012

    PolitiFact's Faux Fact Checking

    Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were repeatedly accused by the media of making false claims during the Republican national convention.  The reporters didn't just question the accuracy of certain statements as they might have done in years past.  ...

  • August 24, 2011

    The FDA's Hazardous Plan to Regulate Mobile Medical Apps

    One of the few bright spots in the current economy is sales of smartphones, tablet computers, and e-readers.  Led by three U.S. companies -- Apple, Google (Android), and Amazon -- the worldwide market for these gadgets is expected to reach $190 ...

  • July 22, 2011

    Why Google Replaced the Golden Rule with 'Don't Be Evil'

    Google is once again demonstrating that it treats others in ways that it does not want to be treated.  Google is requiring users of its latest social networking service, Google, to have public profiles.  Meanwhile, top Google executives are...