Humberto Fontova

Humberto Fontova

  • September 19, 2012

    U.S. Government Celebrates Terrorist Who Craved to Nuke the U.S.

    Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency kicked off its celebration of "Hispanic Heritage Month" with an e-mail message featuring Che Guevara along with his famous slogan, "Hasta la Victoria Siempre." Let's hope these U.S. civil servants were i...

  • August 18, 2012

    Who's 'Clueless'? Paul Ryan or Rage Against the Machine?

    Paul Ryan claims fondness for the music of Rage Against the Machine, a leftist and union-backing grunge group.  Ryan specified that the music -- rather than lyrics -- forms the attraction.  For this, the band's outraged lead singer Tom More...

  • April 17, 2012

    An Anniversary of Heroism and Shame: The Bay of Pigs

    "They fought like tigers," writes the CIA officer who helped train the Cubans who splashed ashore at the Bay of Pigs 51 years ago today. "But their fight was doomed before the first man hit the beach." That CIA man, Grayston Lynch, knew something abo...

  • February 25, 2012

    Nero Fiddled but Kennedy Partied

    Presidential mistress (while a teenager) Mimi Alford claims that the president who remains the most popular in modern U.S. history offered her amyl nitrate poppers during a nude swimming party at the Palm Springs estate of Bing Crosby, the most popul...

  • August 20, 2011

    Castro Regime Opens Nightclub in Washington D.C.

    Castro's embassy (euphemized as "Interest Section") in Washington D.C. will soon open and in-house "invitation-only" nightclub named "Hemingway's Bar." The news comes courtesy of The Atlantic Magazine -- the same Atlantic that a year ago smugly predi...

  • March 3, 2011

    Charlie Sheen 'the Che Guevara of Television' says Piers Morgan

    This week on his show Piers Morgan Tonight, the smitten host gushed that his impromptu guest Charlie Sheen is "the Che Guevara of television" and "one of life's great characters."What a wacky party-animal, that Che Guevara!  ...

  • December 18, 2010

    Hollywood's Aaron Sorkin the Puritan; Alaska's Sarah Palin the Hedonist

    "The Puritan hates fox-hunting, not because it brings pain to the fox, but because it brings pleasure to the hunter." - Lord McCauley"Puritanism: the haunting fear that someone somewhere may be enjoying himself." - H.L. ...

  • December 13, 2010

    Sarah Palin's Basic Instinct

    "You [Sarah Palin] enjoy killing animals.  What you did is heart-stoppingly disgusting ... if I were picked to be the one to kill [an animal] in some kind of Lottery-from-Hell, I wouldn't do a little dance of joy while I was slicing the ani...

  • October 23, 2010

    Cling to Guns (and Pass the Deer Nachos)

    Fall's here, and many a (young and not so young) man's fancy now turns to grabbing that gun he "clings to" while snarling bitterly against "people unlike himself" and hitting the woods. Fall also brings reports of an epidemic of d...

  • October 15, 2010

    Lincoln Center Sponsors Jazz for Castro-Stalinism

    Multi-Grammy-winner Wynton Marsalis, who serves as artistic director for jazz at the Lincoln Center, also serves as an official "United Nations Messenger of Peace." On Martin Luther King Day 2006, Mr Marsalis addressed Tulane University, qu...

  • October 8, 2010

    'No Che Day'

    Last year, the U.K. Guardian interviewed Oscar-winning actor Benicio del Toro regarding his Cannes-winning role as Che Guevara in Stephen Soderbergh's movie Che. "Dammit This Guy Is Cool!" was the interview title. "I hear of this guy, ...

  • September 18, 2010

    'We Will Get Fooled Again (by Castro),' Chants the MSM

    You'd really, really think half a century of Castro pronouncements might make the MSM a tad skeptical about them. Take this one from 1959. For months by the time of his above denouncement of Communism, Fidel, Raul, and Che had been repairing to their...

  • August 28, 2010

    Engagement with Castro Has Clearly Failed -- Time to Try an Embargo

    "Gosh, maybe if we were only nice to Castro," goes the liberal mantra on Cuba. In fact, the U.S. elite's fetish for "engagement" with Fidel Castro began before he was even in "office.""Me and my staff were all Fidel...

  • July 24, 2010

    Guantánamo Prison Horrors

    "We lived surrounded by rats, cockroaches, scorpions -- and I have to say it -- with human excrement, yes, with excrement ... dengue and tuberculosis ravaged the prisoners. Forty prisoners were crammed into cells measuring 32 square feet."...

  • June 21, 2010

    Journalism's Worst Enemy in the World

    The question was answered on June 16 by the Committee to Protect Journalists' Executive Director, Joel Simon. The setting was a hearing on "Press Freedom in the Americas," held by the U.S. House of Representatives' Subcommittee on the Weste...

  • June 11, 2010

    Is Cuba Smuggling Terrorists into the U.S. through Mexico and Arizona?

    When Fidel Castro (whose regime jailed  political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin's and murdered them at a higher rate than pre-war Hitler's) recently slammed Arizona's SB 1070 as "a brutal violation of human rights," few Cuba-w...

  • May 15, 2010

    Che and the Workers

    The hero of so many leftists was not really what they think him to be. A May Day march without Che Guevara posters and Mexican flags is like a fish with a bicycle. We observed the bemusing spectacle two weeks ago. Now it's time to reflect. ...

  • May 6, 2010

    '¡Cuba Si! - Arizona No!' Says Mexican President Felipe Calderón

    Mexican President Felipe Calderón can hardly contain his revulsion and rage against Arizona's SB 1070. He's "deeply troubled," reports the Associated Press, over a law he denounces as "discriminatory and racist," not to men...

  • April 24, 2010

    Next Earth Day, Thank a Hunter

    "In 1970, a Senator from Wisconsin named Gaylord Nelson raised his voice and called on every American to take action on behalf of the environment," reads President Obama's Earth Day proclamation. "In the four decades since, millions of...

  • April 17, 2010

    Republican Officials Attacked and Injured in New Orleans

    Friday night a week ago in New Orleans, a petite female political operative and her boyfriend were attacked and seriously injured by a vicious group of crazed cowards who shrieked political insults while pouncing. After the pummeling, the female and ...

  • April 14, 2010

    Che Guevara at the Bay of Pigs

    Forty-nine years ago this week, 1,512 Cuban men and boys landed on a Cuban beach with weapons in hand. All volunteers, they were putting their lives and limbs on the line to free Cuba from the Stalinism imposed upon it at Soviet gunpoint by Soviet pr...

  • March 30, 2010

    Apple iPhone: 'Che, si, Glenn Beck, no'

    The same Apple Corp. which introduced the Che IPhone app we posted about last month -- now regards Glenn Beck as a hate-monger!So far as we know, Beck has never had said anything comparable to Che's bloodthirsty and racist  rhetoric"My nost...

  • March 12, 2010

    NBC's Castro-Driven Journalism

    There's no worse crime in journalism these days than simply deciding something's a story because Drudge links to it. - NBC's Chuck Todd, March 6, 2010.Oh, really? Well, how about partnering with a Stalinist regime's military robber-barons to boo...

  • February 27, 2010

    Black Civil Rights Activist Murdered by Castro Regime

    On Feb 23, black human rights activist Orlando Zapata-Tamayo died after an 83-day hunger strike and a series of savage beatings by his Castroite jailers/torturers.Some background: Shortly after Jimmy Carter (famous for his "human rights"-fl...

  • February 18, 2010

    The Che iPhone App

    You knew it was coming. Well, now you can carry around Che Guevara's quotes on your iPhone -- as just announced by the good folks at iPhone!Alas, many of us, though not customer of this unquestionably hip product, suspect that most of Che Guevara's h...

  • January 27, 2010

    Cuba's Latest Whopper

    The U.S. Defense Dept. "caused the Haiti earthquake with electromagnetic shock-wave bombs," reports the Castro regime. "Iran is Next." Intrepid bloggers at Babalu Blog discovered the stunning revelation above in an exclusive artic...

  • December 2, 2009

    Castro's Berlin Wall -- Alive and Kicking

    OK, a decent interval has passed since Freedom-Week, so I'm no party-pooper. The fall of the Berlin Wall certainly merited all the festivities. Its construction eventually whacked many of the "enlightened" on the head, grabbed them by the e...

  • October 31, 2009

    When Fidel Castro Dictated to the Old U.S. Media

    We cannot for a second abandon propaganda. Propaganda is vital -- propaganda is the heart of all struggles. (Fidel Castro in a letter to a revolutionary colleague in 1954)A foreign reporter -- preferably American -- was much more valuable to us at th...

  • October 23, 2009

    Could Rush and Fox News Have Helped Save Cuba?

    White House Communications Director Anita Dunn accuses Fox News of serving as either "the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party." Yet back in the bad old Republican days, I was unaware of any Republican officials ge...

  • October 17, 2009

    Rush, Jesse, and Fidel

    Jesse Jackson's ( public) objections to Rush Limbaugh's NFL ownership plan ran roughly as follows: "Rush Limbaugh made his wealth appealing to the fears of whites with an unending line of insults against blacks and other minorities...the Nationa...

  • October 12, 2009

    Was Obama Nominated for his Nobel before he was even President?

    "The stunning decision to honor Obama just nine months into his first term caught even the White House off guard," gasped the New York Times last week., Grey Lady. Much MORE stunning was Obama's nomination for the prize perhaps while...

  • October 9, 2009

    Che Guevara's Whacking -- A Glorious Anniversary

    Forty two years ago today, Ernesto "Che" Guevara got a major dose of his own medicine. Without trial he was declared a murderer, stood against a wall and shot. Historically speaking, justice has rarely been better served. If the saying ...

  • September 25, 2009

    Advice from Fidel Castro for Ahmadinejad and Gadhafi

    Ahmadinejad and Gadhafi got many New York doors slammed in their face this week. The Helmsley Hotels hurriedly hung "No Vacancy!" signs and Gotham Hall canceled Ahmadinejad's reservation for the site as a speech and banquet hall. Gadhafi wa...

  • September 11, 2009

    The enemy of my friend is my friend says Obama on Honduras

    "Obama doesn't know what he's doing!" snapped Honduran foreign minister Enrique Ortez this July, 4. "He doesn't know anything about anything!" continued Ortez. "He probably can't even find Tegucigalpa on a map." ...

  • September 3, 2009

    Castro Thanks Kennedy Family, Bashes Nixon and Bush

    "The Kennedy family, in particular the assassinated President, John F. Kennedy, were representative of a new generation of Americans confronting the old and dirty politics of men in the mold of Nixon...The Kennedy family's (role) in Barack Obama...

  • August 22, 2009

    CBS' Don Hewitt -- Fidel Castro Enabler

    Forty years after his media advance-work helping install a Stalinist regime in Cuba the legendary Don Hewitt of CBS still seemed proud of his work as a Castro media auxiliary. During that interim, over 20,000 Cubans were murdered by firing squad and ...

  • August 10, 2009

    Cuba's Healthcare a model for the U.S. says CNN

    Good thing for us that Rich Noyes of The Media Research Center keeps on eye on CNN. Good thing for CNN too. Given the latest Nielsen ratings (that finds them 17th during prime time) Ted "Fidel Castro is one helluva guy!" Turner's brainchild...

  • July 13, 2009

    Anniversary of a Castroite Massacre

    In the predawn darkness of July 13, 1994, 72 desperate Cubans - old and young, male and female - sneaked aboard a decrepit but seaworthy tugboat in Havana harbor and set off for the U.S. and the prospect of freedom. Let Jack Nicholson label their cap...

  • June 20, 2009

    Che Guevara, the Counterinsurgent

    Last Saturday marked the day 81 years ago when Ernesto Guevara de la Serna y Lynch entered the world. As luck would have it, a PBS special titled "The 60's Experience" featuring former Animals' singer, Eric Burdon, sporting a humongous (as ...

  • May 21, 2009

    One and a Half Cheers for Interior Secretary Salazar

    Exactly a year ago President Bush's Interior Sec. , Dirk Kempthorne, under pressure from greenies and global warmists, invoked the U.S. Endangered Species Act to list polar bears as "a threatened species."  The listing was idiotic; in ...

  • May 11, 2009

    Why Does Hollywood Love Fidel Castro?

    "Fidel Castro is a genius!" gushed Jack Nicholson after a visit with the Cuban Führer in 1998. "We spoke about everything," the actor rhapsodized further. "Castro is a humanist like President Clinton. Cuba is simply a pa...

  • April 30, 2009

    Arlen Specter, Castro's Dupe

    Sen. Arlen Specter has visited Cuba and met with Fidel Castro three times in the past 9 years, and seems quite proud of the record. His second visit was shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attack, where Specter made a big show of presenting Fidel Castro...

  • April 28, 2009

    Offshore Oil Drilling: An Environmental Bonanza

    On Earth Day, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis wanted to make Obama's energy policy perfectly clear: "If we are going to create clean energy industry jobs in this country," they write in a widely syndicated ...

  • April 23, 2009

    Hillary at the Latin American Summit

    President Obama got an earful about "Yankee imperialism" last week at the Latin American Summit. Nicaragua's pedophile President, Daniel Ortega, led the verbal lynch mob with a 50 minute rant no different, in essence, from the daily lecture...

  • April 17, 2009

    An Anniversary of Heroism and Shame

    "Freedom is our goal!" roared commander Pepe San Roman to the men assembled before him 48 years ago this week. "Cuba is our cause! God is on our side! On to victory!"Fifteen hundred men crowded before San Roman at their Guatemalan...

  • April 14, 2009

    Cuba's Bailout

    On April 13th President Obama lifted all restrictions on travel and remittances by family members to their kin in Cuba. Most Cuba-watchers see this as the first step towards a rapid dismantling of what little is left of the so-called "Cuban emba...

  • April 9, 2009

    Congressional Black Caucus Smitten With Castro

    Cuba's atrocious record on race was somehow overlooked by the Congressional Black Caucus. Last week the Stalinist regime that jailed and tortured the longest suffering black political prisoner in modern history (Eusebio Penalver) rolled out the red c...

  • March 28, 2009

    Civil Rights Activist Dying on Hunger Strike Near Guantanamo

    A civil rights activist inspired by Nelson Mandela, Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King has been on a hunger strike since Feb.17th near Guantanamo Cuba, protesting the incarceration and "abuse" of hundreds of what he labels "prisone...

  • March 24, 2009

    Black Activist and Punk Rockers Jailed and Tortured Near Florida

    Rude and shaggy punk rockers who sneer at their president as "a fraud and an a**hole!", who diss their national icons as "pr*cks" and "murderers!" have recently been arrested for attempting to visit a black civil rights ...

  • March 18, 2009

    AIG Exec Digs Che Guevara?

    The gentleman second from the right in the picture below, Gerry Pasciucco, heads the AIG Financial Products unit. "We learned over the weekend," reads a letter dated March 17 from New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to Rep. Barney Frank,...

  • March 10, 2009

    Heads Roll in Havana, Baffling 'Cuba Experts'

    The very week Obama proposed cozying up to Castro by dropping some economic and travel sanctions, the biggest political shake-up in twenty years rattled Cuba's regime. Last week Raul Castro purged almost twenty regime officials. The most prominent am...

  • March 1, 2009

    Castro's New Republican Friends

    Castro's propaganda ministry is not notorious for fawning over Republicans. But lately they've been gushing over the Ranking Republican member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Senator Richard Lugar. "Changing Cuba Policy-Staff ...

  • February 17, 2009

    The New York Times and 'Book Banning'

    In the classic film Sunset Boulevard, you couldn't help but sympathize with Norma Desmond. She made nostalgia, senility and decrepitude slightly pitiable, but also charming.The New York Times, its stock value in the cellar while squirming under the t...

  • February 7, 2009

    Castro and Che's Victims Honored this Week-End

    You'll often find people with itchy noses and red-rimmed eyes ambling amidst the long rows of white crosses at Tamiami Park on Coral Way and 107 Avenue in Miami.  It's a mini-Arlington cemetery called the Cuban Memorial, in honor of Castro ...

  • February 4, 2009

    Tune in, Turn on-Get Shot

    "Del Toro was fascinated with Che Guevara from the first time he heard his name mentioned in the Rolling Stones song Indian Girl," reads the introduction to an interview with Benicio del Toro last month in Britain's Guardian. "Of cours...

  • January 14, 2009

    A Bailout for Castro Too?

    The U.S. taxpayer remains among the few in the industrialized world not screwed and tattooed by Fidel Castro. But fear not! Most "analysts" see Obama moving quickly to rectify this shameful state of affairs, by scrapping his country's obnox...

  • January 4, 2009

    'Dictators' to the Right of me, 'Presidents' to the Left

    From the AP to Reuters and from the New York Times to the Washington Post the MSM stories on the Cuban Revolution” 50th anniversary all mention a “dictator”-- but his name is Batista. The Castro brothers invariably appear as “...

  • January 1, 2009

    Cuban Stalinism at 50--and the Media Lies Continue

    "Cuban mothers let me assure you that I will solve all Cuba's problems without spilling a drop of blood." Upon entering Havana on January 7, 1959, Cuba's new leader Fidel Castro broadcast that promise into a phalanx of microphones. As the j...

  • December 25, 2008

    A Refugee Family's First U.S. Christmas

    When Cuban refugees by the thousands landed amidst "gun and religion-clinging people" with ingrained "antipathy  to people who aren't like them," the potential for trouble was enormous. When young southern Americans just...

  • December 18, 2008

    Ted Turner's lies about Cuba

    Last week during a FoxNews interview with Bill O'Reilly, Ted Turner, who founded what has become (in their own words) "the world's largest cable news network "claimed that Fidel Castro's Stalinist regime has never killed anyone. O'REILLY: F...

  • December 13, 2008

    Che rides again in Hollywood

    "Che" film gets thumbs up in Cuba," ran the headline from CNN's Havana Bureau on Dec. 8. Benicio Del Toro, who stars as Che, was in the Cuban capital at the Havana Film Festival this week-end presenting the movie he co-produced. "...

  • November 25, 2008

    New York Honors Che Guevara with a Statue

    On Friday November 21st, while strolling through Central Park's Doris C. Freedman Plaza, Commentary Magazine's online editor Abe Greenwald noticed a statue and did a double take. "Is that...Che Guevara?"Indeed! There was no mistaking it: a ...

  • November 19, 2008

    Obama Appoints Castro's Lawyer as White House Counsel

    Among the throng of Clinton regime retreads recruited for the Obama administration we find Gregory Craig. Craig served as Obama's advisor on Latin American during the campaign, and was appointed last week as chief White House Counsel.The MSM has ment...

  • October 27, 2008

    The Left Tries to Find John McCain's Bill Ayers

    Senator Biden's asinine comment about the forthcoming president's "test" provoked John McCain's quick rejoinder: "I've already been tested." Then that French video of the wounded John McCain in a Hanoi prison came along as stark p...

  • October 16, 2008

    Fidel Castro Endorses Obama -- Again

    Barack Obama's Kenyan cousin Raila Obinga did well in naming his son Fidel Castro Odinga. From Havana this week, Obama's nephew's namesake issued his 2nd Barack Obama endorsement. "The only thing that abounds in McCain are years" wrote the ...

  • October 11, 2008

    Che Guevara's Rendezvous With Justice

    41 years ago this week (Oct.9, 1967) in Boliva, Ernesto "Che" Guevara got a major dose of his own medicine. Without trial, he was declared a murderer, stood against a wall and shot.Historically speaking, justice has rarely been better serve...

  • September 9, 2008

    The Party of Genuine Tolerance and Inclusion: Republican

    Our next vice President boasts a lifetime NRA membership and poses for pictures blasting shots from an assault rifle.Yet her speech writer regards the NRA as: "the powerful, selfish National Rifle Association with its brutal lobbying tactics. Yo...

  • June 11, 2008

    Chavez Decrees More Castroism -- then Backs Off

    Last week Hugo Chavez took his aping of Castro's regime to a frightening new level by decreeing the Ley del Sistema Nacional de Inteligencia y Contrainteligencia, (The National Intelligence and Counter-intelligence Law). No more pussyfooting, this la...