Howard Bogative

Howard Bogative

  • December 29, 2018

    Ladders for criminals

    National hero Brian Kolfage has recently taken the initiative to aid President Trump in his quest for greater border security by creating a GoFundMe campaign, "We the People Will Fund the Wall."  At a time of the year when the bud...

  • August 12, 2013

    Muslims Celebrate Ramadan with Battery Acid

    Just when you may have thought the religion of peace could not be more barbaric they prove you wrong. What is worse then being hacked with a machete on a city street? How about having battery aid splashed in your face? From the Daily Mail UK we...

  • October 1, 2012

    Amnesty for Homosexual Illegal Aliens

    If you are an American living in terror that your homosexual lover will be torn from your loving embrace by government agents because he or she is living in our country illegally (an illegal alien), fear no longer. The Great Leader has heard your cri...

  • March 15, 2012

    Holder's New Standard of Due Process

    On March 5, 2012 our Attorney General, Eric H. Holder, Jr. gave a speech at Northwestern University Law School in Chicago.  The topic was to defend the President's authority to execute any American -- anywhere, anytime -- without due process or ...

  • December 9, 2011

    Crony Capitalism, Dare-Devil Bernanke Style

    Forbes Magazine reported that Federal Reserve Chairmen Ben S. Bernanke admitted that two years ago, during the peak of the financial crisis, the Federal Reserve was loaning money to major American corporations. On the surface this sounds okay since i...