H.K. Rivera

H.K. Rivera

  • November 15, 2019

    #NoNutNovember: How Online Pornography is Hurting Men

    What is #NoNutNovember? This is not a new concept by any means, and seems to have originally started in the mid-2000s among the internet crowd who brought us into the “meme culture.”  What “No Nut November” refers to is a...

  • October 19, 2019

    Is 'Hate Speech' Dangerous?

    As a concept, freedom of speech arguably dates back to Socrates. He said to his prosecutors, "If you offered to let me off this time on condition I am not any longer to speak my mind... I should say to you, 'Men of Athens, I shall obey the G...

  • October 11, 2019

    Disposable Humans and the Downfall of Civilization

    Evil takes on a plethora of forms in our everyday lives. It can be the ultimate evil as in the devil incarnate (i.e.: murderers and rapists), or the banality of evil such as simple courtesies falling by the wayside (i.e.: not holding the door for the...

  • September 18, 2019

    How Feminist Social Justice Warriors are Killing Men

    I have said time and time again, that feminism is akin to cancer on the world. Some will undoubtedly question my views on feminism; I agree that first wave, and even to a point second wave feminism did good things for woman and equality. The right to...

  • September 9, 2019

    Is 'Social Credit' Coming to the West?

    There exists in China a “Social Credit” system, which is used to decide an individual's status as regards the state. This system works much like a traditional credit score does in the way of permitting you credit to make purchases. Ea...