Helen Louise Herndon

Helen Louise Herndon

  • One official (or primary) language unites a country

    March 10, 2025

    One official (or primary) language unites a country

    President Trump recently declared English the official language of the United States. English has enjoyed a quasi-sovereign status south of Canada and north of Mexico for centuries. The President’s declaration, however, has met with mixed react...

  • America’s slavery: More complex than black and white

    February 20, 2025

    America’s slavery: More complex than black and white

    America’s slave history continues to haunt us even today, beginning with how it is taught to America’s children and youth in their classes in school.  The current approach contributes to unnecessary and continuing racial animosity, p...

  • Why do we treat murdering a pregnant woman differently from abortion?

    February 12, 2025

    Why do we treat murdering a pregnant woman differently from abortion?

    On October 31, 2024, 28-year-old BreAnna L. Johnson of Wentzville, Missouri, was murdered by her live-in boyfriend, 40-year-old Darryl K. Tyson, Jr. On December 18, 2024, the county grand jury indicted Mr. Tyson with three counts of first-degree murd...

  • Our justice system could learn from the Book of Joshua

    February 2, 2025

    Our justice system could learn from the Book of Joshua

    I recently read Chapter 20 of the Book of Joshua (found in both the Jewish Torah and the Christian Old Testament). Its topic surprised me and enlightened me because it’s a pathway to returning justice to our Justice system to a time when approp...

  • Biblical justice... and mercy

    January 12, 2025

    Biblical justice... and mercy

    With a snow, sleet, and ice storm threatening much of the country, including St. Louis, most church services for Sunday, January 5, 2025, were cancelled out of concern for peoples’ safety. My church provided online resources in order to worship...

  • Kamala would force America’s healers to be angels of death

    October 29, 2024

    Kamala would force America’s healers to be angels of death

    History could be made if Kamala Harris is elected President, but this is not about her being a woman or black. No, this is about her plan to institute tyranny in our nation. Ms. Harris announced she is against any concessions related to abortion, ...

  • Abortion’s misleading euphemism needs to end

    October 19, 2024

    Abortion’s misleading euphemism needs to end

    Today, we are inundated with fake news and biased reporting. Most of the accusations are made by mainstream media against alternative news reports. However, many people are beginning to realize that the mainstream media has become so biased that its ...

  • The Democrat party’s unique historical opportunity

    September 16, 2024

    The Democrat party’s unique historical opportunity

    This presidential election offers a remarkable and unique historical opportunity for the Democrat party. In fact, this may be that party’s most opportune time ever to make history. The Democrat presidential candidate identifies as black, hav...

  • James Carville repeats the Democrats’ history of projecting race hatred onto others

    August 24, 2024

    James Carville repeats the Democrats’ history of projecting race hatred onto others

    With the coming election, one could easily ask, “What next?” What will be added to the many hateful accusations already being hurled back and forth? Well, the latest sordid accusation is incredible and unimaginable—beyond words. And...

  • The reason I’m not anxiously awaiting the upcoming presidential debate

    June 20, 2024

    The reason I’m not anxiously awaiting the upcoming presidential debate

    Some people anxiously await the Presidential debate between Biden and Trump. (RFK, Jr., has been prohibited from participating.) Unfortunately, I am not among such a group. With CNN sponsoring the debate and making the rules, there is little reason, ...

  • Time to Balance Racial History for Justice’s Sake

    May 12, 2024

    Time to Balance Racial History for Justice’s Sake

    Selective history that omits salient facts—especially those involving diverse races—is nothing less than grave injustice. When race is involved, it is itself a form of racism. Sadly, this is true of the general narrative and teaching of A...

  • The left relentlessly racializes formerly race-neutral words

    February 19, 2024

    The left relentlessly racializes formerly race-neutral words

    The English language is challenging to begin with, and it becomes even more so when people start applying new meanings to words. One such word is “thug.” Up until recently, the word had a straightforward definition, removed from race. Now...

  • December 21, 2023

    A season to renounce hate speech

    December is a month of holy seasons to both Christian and Jewish faiths.  Therefore, it is an apt time to raise a serious issue that both faiths address in their sacred scriptures.  Before revealing and addressing such an iss...

  • December 14, 2023

    Children’s lessons about slavery in America leave out the word ‘some’

    The English language is rich in words—nouns and verbs in particular. Children learn early a sentence requires a subject, which is a noun, and a predicate, which begins with a verb. However, those words are greatly clarified and enhanced by what...

  • October 20, 2023

    Jewish and Christian faiths agree about abominable acts

    The crisis in Israel is horrific. What Hamas did and initiated is nothing less than a great evil. At the same time, what may also be called a great evil are the cheers and the justifying of horrendous evil by many Americans and others around the worl...

  • September 24, 2023

    The question of racist red light cameras

    The return of red light cameras to St. Louis City has been in the news, both print and TV.  This is the result, particularly, of the rise in traffic fatalities.  It is reported that in several cities and in the past, they were res...

  • July 23, 2023

    Any reparations paid today would be a grave injustice

    Many people, including blacks, question the current demand for reparations. However, few, if any, call out reparations by their true name, and that name is “Grave Injustice.” There are several reasons why they should be seen for what they...

  • June 24, 2023

    America deserves fair presidential debates

    It’s not too soon to consider presidential debates. As a former League of Women Voters forum moderator and chair of the forum moderating committee in St. Louis, I’ve been astounded by the unfair and biased handling of past presidential de...

  • June 4, 2023

    ‘Pride’ Month is not license to resort to name-calling the faithful

    As I read the paper the other morning, I found an article titled, “Pride parade held amid tensions.” It was an Associated Press article and related to a Pride parade in Jerusalem. In the very first paragraph, it engaged in open insults ag...

  • May 7, 2023

    All proposed reparations plans are based on simplistic history

    Reparations to descendants of slaves is a complex issue and one burdened with pros and cons. Indeed, since slavery ended in 1865, many more cons than pros exist on the reparations ledger. Moreover, a Pew Research Center report finds that three-quarte...

  • April 23, 2023

    Hate crime laws and the illusion of justice

    “Equal justice under law” is engraved above the front entrance of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington, DC. It is our American legal system’s ideal. Different people may understand it somewhat differently, but a si...

  • April 2, 2023

    Easter and Passover both represent God’s miraculous deliverances

    Providentially—more spiritual than coincidentally—two holy seasons of two different faiths coincide on the calendar this year. April 2 through April 13 marks both Christianity’s and Judaism’s holy and sacred times of the year,...

  • February 25, 2023

    Children deserve to be taught accurate, unbiased history

    Across America, parents and educators express concern about how schools are teaching the history of slavery in America, whether it's via The 1619 Project or Critical Race Theory.  The obsessive focus on the fact that it was Blacks in Am...

  • November 24, 2022

    What Thanksgiving is really about

    Both the United States and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Though observed on different dates, in both countries it is an official day of national thanksgiving. I am unaware if any other countries observe such a day, one that is not tied to a spec...

  • November 10, 2022

    Irresponsible media have the capacity to do terrible damage

    The year 1943 was a good year for my family despite World War II. My father was a production troubleshooter for Curtis-Wright, McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft’s predecessor. He and my mother rented a house where my brother and I lived comfortably wi...

  • October 22, 2022

    Midterm elections: innocent lives matter too

    The midterm elections are just weeks away. Many of the Democrat candidates are touting that they are for women’s “reproductive health care” and “the right to choose.” This is due to the not-too-distant Supreme Court...

  • September 10, 2022

    To remain viable, unions must return to their roots

    Labor Day is now behind us, and few know how it came into being.  It became a federal holiday in 1894.  It was essentially a conciliatory gesture toward the American labor movement following the Pullman Strike. Responding to re...

  • August 15, 2022

    It’s time to reconsider hate crime laws

    Recently, four Muslim men were murdered in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area. Fear understandably gripped the Muslim community, as it was suspected the attacks were either racially or religiously motivated. If true, they could have constituted hate cr...

  • July 7, 2022

    An Arab proverb for American political butchers

    When I look at the January 6 committee, I am reminded of an Arab proverb that seems to sum up the unfair and unprincipled attacks against Donald Trump. One of the highlights of my life was living overseas, where I became friends with many people f...

  • May 21, 2022

    All lives really do matter

    The media and politicians are seeking to place illegitimate guilt on conservatives and Republicans for the heinous crime in Buffalo, New York, rather than on a mentally disturbed, hate-ridden, self-claimed leftist man.  By contrast, when an...

  • April 6, 2022

    The St. Louis Post-Dispatch Vividly Illustrates The Media’s Downfall

    My parents were avid readers of the daily newspaper. I can’t remember a day when they didn’t read in full their newspaper of choice, the Pulitzer St. Louis Post-Dispatch. As members of the working class, they chose the Democrat-leaning St...

  • February 22, 2022

    Black History Month Is Appropriate Time For The Truth

    Can there be a more appropriate time for the truth about Black history than this month? Isn’t it an apt time to bring to light the long-held omissions that have skewed not only genuine history by promoting half-truths but most, unfortunate...

  • December 10, 2021

    Jussie Smollett's hateful hoax should itself be a crime

    The Jussie Smollett hoax trial has finished, with Jussie found guilty of five out of six felonies.  The charges all revolved around Smollett's lies to police officers.  None was for a hate crime, but people who lie about hate ...

  • November 30, 2021

    Do you see what I see? Do you hear what I hear?

    Sometimes a Christmas song has a life beyond the holiday season.  As I watch my favorite crime and whodunit programs, I'm pretty sure I see and hear a deliberate effort to normalize the LGBT agenda. Among the many Christmas songs fre...

  • November 16, 2021

    Segregating capitalization by race is a slippery slope

    Important questions begin with who, what, when, and why?  Let's begin with those questions relating to journalists choosing to capitalize one race and not another. Who determined that some journalists would choose...

  • November 7, 2021

    America’s purported 'Original Sin' taints American race relations

    We’re experiencing an increasing racial divide when there should be a remarkable decrease. What is the basis for this historical anomaly, given that American has no more prejudicial race-based laws? No race currently faces legal obstacles to eq...

  • October 30, 2021

    The debatable 'My Body, My Choice'

    The most popular words of pro-abortion and pro-choice advocates are perhaps "My Body, My Choice."  On the surface, it makes sense and sounds rational and reasonable.  In fact, it's so sensible that even anti-vaxxers ...

  • October 12, 2021

    Deeds or motives? Which matters most?

    Every week there seems to be another racist graffiti hoax, with racist words getting traced back to a Black person. And every time, depending on whether progressives believe the graffitist to be a White racist or Black hoaxer, we see that race is the...

  • October 1, 2021

    Will Americans ever be equal?

    Nationwide, we are experiencing increasingly promoted racial division.  Ironically, this is transpiring when so many advances and improvements in racial equality have been legalized and the majority of Americans willingly accept them. Un...

  • August 25, 2021

    As planeloads of Afghans come here, nobody is asking the obvious question

    As we witness planeloads full of Muslim Afghan citizens head for America, it's time to start asking why Muslim countries aren't stepping forward to take care of their co-religionists.  Isn't it time they did? Afghanistan has ...

  • August 22, 2021

    Parents have the right to be vocal

    Around the country, parents are vocally challenging curricula related to race issues in the K-12 schools of their children and on their school boards. Not a few of these curricula contain elements taken from Critical Race Theory, which separates at l...