Helen Cadogan

Helen Cadogan

  • August 17, 2008

    Ten things above Obama's pay grade

    In no particular order: 1. Cogency, concision, and conviction. 2. Ease of manner without a teleprompter. 3. Maintenance of American defense systems. 4. Pro-American assertions. 5. Rejection of moral and cultural relativism. 6. Decision-making. 7...

  • August 13, 2008

    The DNC to feature 'Wright in a Dress'

    Barack Obama threw his pastor Jeremiah Wright under the bus for dissing Obama as just another politician. He will embrace Leah Daughtry, Wright's female liberation theology doppelganger, at the Democratic National convention for, as DNC Chair Ho...

  • August 3, 2008

    Obama's Tigritude

    Barack Obama, perhaps thinking that no one has noticed, keeps hoping that John McCain will tell the world that Obama's black. Actually, he's more a man of tan.In politics, stating the racial obvious for political gain is called "playing the race...

  • August 3, 2008

    Obama the Known

    Richard Cohen denudes Barack Obama of his glorious obamessiah veneer. Cohen concludes his article Obama the Unknown, with this puzzling statement: "I know that Barack Obama is a near-perfect political package. I'm still not sure, though, what's ...

  • July 30, 2008

    Obama's Prayer: The Intended Audience (updated)

    [Editor's note: Please see the important update below on the veracity of the story that the Obama campaign had a role in the release of the note.]Barack Obama wanted the world to know that he can pray like a Christian. Thus, he penned a ‘n...

  • July 24, 2008

    Obama's Berlin Subtext

    Obama gave his long awaited speech in Berlin today. It was much ado about nothing. With classic Obama arrogance, he appropriated Ronald Reagan's rhetoric seeming to think that he was being original. The walls that must come down, according to Obama, ...

  • June 28, 2008

    Why Shakir Can't Read

    I was talking to a friend the other day who teaches at an elementary school and has a student whom I shall name Shakir. Shakir is ten, and he's barely literate. My friend's class is not a large one; she has five to eight students. She also has a...