Harold Witkov

Harold Witkov

  • Four years of Biden proves too close a shave

    January 10, 2025

    Four years of Biden proves too close a shave

    In my coin collection, I own a copper piece that I find impossible to look at and not think about the last four years of the Biden administration. The piece (an early 18th century replica of an original that would have cost me thousands of dollars to...

  • Joe Biden’s consequential apostrophe

    November 3, 2024

    Joe Biden’s consequential apostrophe

    President Biden, talking about Donald Trump, just told the whole world, “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters.”  But the transcript released by the White House press office tells a different story: “...

  • My final two cents on the election

    October 31, 2024

    My final two cents on the election

    One of my favorite coins in my coin collection is my 1864 two-cent piece. As we all know, our nation was once engaged in a great Civil War that started back in 1861. As the war dragged on, the Union side felt the need to connect the just war it was w...

  • Donald Trump is pure yang

    October 25, 2024

    Donald Trump is pure yang

    I have to admit it that when I heard Donald Trump at one of his rallies the other day speak of how physically ‘well-endowed’ golf legend Arnold Palmer was, I cringed. Why in the world, I asked myself, with the election seemingly going his...

  • When Hitler died, the Allies didn’t clamor for a ceasefire

    October 19, 2024

    When Hitler died, the Allies didn’t clamor for a ceasefire

    Back in April of 1945, the Allies were closing in on Berlin and Adolf Hitler.  Taking the coward’s way out, the Nazi Fuehrer committed suicide on April 30.  He shot himself in the head.  The war in Europe continued...

  • More UN 'peacekeeping' hypocrisy

    October 17, 2024

    More UN 'peacekeeping' hypocrisy

    Back in 1967, UN peacekeepers were stationed on the border between Egypt and Israel. In May of that year, Gamel Abdel Nasser, president of Egypt, mobilized the Egyptian army, closed the Straits of Tiran to Israel, and demanded the UN remove their pea...

  • Would President Kamala Harris do away with Columbus Day?

    October 14, 2024

    Would President Kamala Harris do away with Columbus Day?

    I was recently checking out the calendar on my kitchen wall to see what my wife and I had scheduled for the upcoming three-day weekend, and I noticed that instead of “Columbus Day,” my calendar had “Indigenous Peoples’ Day...

  • The ongoing assassination attempts against Donald Trump

    October 9, 2024

    The ongoing assassination attempts against Donald Trump

    Last weekend, Donald Trump made his triumphant return to Butler, Pennsylvania for a rally at the very location where a would-be assassin’s bullet grazed his right ear last July 13.  In September, the former president was the target of...

  • My first encounter with a knucklehead

    October 3, 2024

    My first encounter with a knucklehead

    I know I am dating myself, but there was a very popular TV show in the 1950s called the Paul Winchell Show. It featured Winchell and his two famous ventriloquist dummies, Jerry Mahoney and his buddy Knucklehead Smiff. The show was a sensati...

  • No more Prime Minister ‘Chickensh*t’

    September 30, 2024

    No more Prime Minister ‘Chickensh*t’

    Meet the man the Democrats love to denigrate, demean, and insult -- and they have been doing it for years. His name is Benjamin Netanyahu and he is the duly elected prime minister of Israel and the head of the only Jewish State on the planet. He...

  • A biblical name for Israel’s exploding pagers

    September 26, 2024

    A biblical name for Israel’s exploding pagers

    Israel is forever naming its military operations and weaponry.  For instance, back in the early 1950s, the Israelis had “Operation Ezra and Nehemiah,” an airlift of over 100,000 Iraqi Jews to Israel and safety.  In 199...

  • Picture 20,000 Haitians moving into Mayberry

    September 16, 2024

    Picture 20,000 Haitians moving into Mayberry

    I am a baby boomer and the fictional town of Mayberry is special to me. Lately, I have been trying to imagine what Mayberry would be like if 20,000 uninvited Haitians took residence. Sheriff Andy would no doubt start carrying a gun full-time and Depu...

  • The 2024 DNC and the wisdom of Rush Limbaugh

    August 24, 2024

    The 2024 DNC and the wisdom of Rush Limbaugh

    Identity politics and getting minorities riled up seemed center stage at the just ended 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. There were some new faces, of course, but it was the same old circus. The more things change, the more they stay t...

  • Anti-Israel protestors and 17-year cicadas

    May 23, 2024

    Anti-Israel protestors and 17-year cicadas

    Whereas the anti-Israel college protests are coming to an end (only because summer is near), the 17-year cicada infestation is just getting started in the Chicago area by me. One might think that college protestors and periodical cicadas have noth...

  • Saving all the Queen Esthers

    March 20, 2024

    Saving all the Queen Esthers

    March is Women’s History Month and if the historical mistreatment of women is to serve as an important theme then we are obligated to turn our attention to the most mistreated women of them all, of late, and that would be Jewish women. Last Oct...

  • ’Zionism’ and ‘Zionist’ carry no shame

    February 11, 2024

    ’Zionism’ and ‘Zionist’ carry no shame

    According to the Washington Post, Facebook, due to the abundance of online antisemitic rhetoric, is considering censoring the word “Zionist.” No doubt about it, “Zionism” and “Zionist” have become hate words du ...

  • December 15, 2023

    One ancient coin connecting two great religions

    I may be Jewish but I think I give the best Christmas present. I am a coin collector and I enjoy giving my Christian friends an ancient coin known as the widow’s mite. I will be doing it again this Christmas. According to Mark 12:4...

  • November 25, 2023

    Qatar plays host to terror

    Qatar loves to play host.  In 2022, they hosted the prestigious FIFA World Cup. Presently and into next year, they will be hosting the AFC Asian Cup, and in 2030, they will host a multi-sport event called the Asian Games. There are plans in...

  • November 10, 2023

    Jewish connectedness and the Six-Day War

    I am writing as a proud Jewish American whose father fought under Patton in the Battle of the Bulge.  I wanted to share what I have been thinking and feeling since October 7. I was born in Chicago and grew up in nearby Skokie. ...

  • July 12, 2023

    Safe space comes to my fitness center

    Since my heart attack and open-heart surgery five years ago, I have been doing my best trying to stay healthy.  I make it a point to eat right and exercise daily.  More often than not, my best exercising takes place at the fitness...

  • June 25, 2022

    Why Was Lady Liberty on All Our Original Coins?

    Back in 1951, shortly before I was born, my father had a very challenging job. He worked at a tavern in a very rough Chicago neighborhood on East 51st Street. One very special day for me, anyway, a customer came into the tavern, ordered a drink, and ...

  • March 30, 2013

    Passover: a Time for Reflection

    To Jews, Passover is a festival of freedom. It is the celebration of a people overcoming slavery and obtaining redemption. As a Jew very much devoted to my religion, I take the Passover story very seriously. That said, there is one part of the narra...

  • January 20, 2013

    Looking for the Trillion Dollar Coin's Silver Lining

    It is a hope of mine that one day thousands of years in the future when our nation is long gone, there will be some consequential relic left behind to guide future archaeologists when they try to piece together the fall of the American empi...

  • January 13, 2013

    A Firsthand Perspective on School Security

    You could say I am an expert on school security. With more than 30 years of experience as a textbook salesman, I made my living by calling on Illinois schools. I called on the Chicago public schools, the best and worst of the suburban public schools,...

  • October 22, 2012

    Why I'll be voting for 'great salesman' Mitt

    For the record, I want it to be known that my grandfather was a salesman. My father was a salesman.  And I am a salesman, too. Among the three of us, there are over 100 years of proud selling. Remember what David Axelrod said about Romney a...

  • October 19, 2012

    Memoirs of a textbook salesman

    Because the textbook publisher where I worked for more than 30 years is closing its doors, I can now feel free to pen some of my "personally educating moments" while in educational sales. Make no mistake, there are many dedicated people at ...

  • October 11, 2012

    Memoirs of a Textbook Salesman

    I can now feel free to pen some of my "personally educating moments" while in educational sales, because the textbook publisher where I worked is closing its doors. Make no mistake, there are many dedicated people at CPS and, over the years, I got t...

  • October 6, 2012

    The First time Chicago Teachers Pushed My Button

    The Chicago teachers strike is over and  Chicago schools are back in session.  The teachers are back to teaching the proverbial  "3 Rs" and the students are back trying to learn them.  But is the teaching of the traditional 3 Rs t...

  • October 4, 2012

    Affirmative Action Gone Awry

    The Chicago teachers strike is over and  Chicago schools are back in session.  The teachers are back to teaching the proverbial  "3 Rs" and the students are back trying to learn them.  But is the teaching of the traditional 3 Rs t...

  • October 1, 2012

    From the Halls of Chicago Schools: Memoirs of a Textbook Salesman

    Hooray!  The Chicago teachers strike is over, and Chicago schools are back in session.  The teachers are back to teaching the proverbial "3 Rs," and the students are back trying to learn them.  But is the teaching of the tradition...

  • September 11, 2012

    Who Stole God and Jerusalem from the Democratic National Platform?

    There are those in the Democratic Party who believe that now that God and Jerusalem have been properly reinstated into the Democratic National Platform, all is right with the world -- I mean the election.  I am not so sure.  I guess, only t...

  • September 8, 2012

    The First time Chicago Teachers Pushed My Button

    The Chicago teachers strike is over and  Chicago schools are back in session.  The teachers are back to teaching the proverbial  "3 Rs" and the students are back trying to learn them.  But is the teaching of the traditional 3 Rs t...

  • June 26, 2011

    Another Anti-Semitic/Radical Left Group Rears Its Ugly Head

    A few weeks ago, my wife and I had the mitzvah of attending a bris (ritual circumcision of a Jewish infant) held at the house of the proud parents.  Their home was a place of warmth filled with well-wishers and the smells of delicious foods. A s...

  • January 25, 2011

    Having Fun with the State of the Union

    It matters not what President Obama will say in his speech tonight.  Despite the exit of some old staffers and the entrance of some new ones, he is not changing, and any presidential rhetoric that might imply a softening of left-wing ideology is...

  • November 25, 2010

    The Emperor's New Scanners

    Once upon a time, there lived a vain Emperor. Because he was a man of little substance, he knew he had to project a grand image to fool his subjects. Consequently, he was forever talking with raised chin, dressing in elegant clothes, and just acting ...

  • November 20, 2010

    Elitists of the Left Still Arrogant, Ignorant, and in Need of Watching

    If you had your butt kicked in an athletic contest -- or an election -- you would think it would warrant a long look in the mirror. You might start thinking about what you could have done differently during the past contest, and perhaps you would ref...

  • October 23, 2010

    The American Idea and the Tea Party Movement

    The truth is that some ideas are so powerful that they have a life of their own. Independent of the men who gave birth to them, these time-traveling ideas continue to influence the course of history. The American idea is such an idea. Thirteen years ...

  • April 30, 2010

    Evil's Greatest Emissary, Adolf Hitler, Died on this Date

    On April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide and met his Maker. If his dream of world conquest and subsequent "Thousand-Year Reich" had been achieved, there would be no Jews and no Israel today. Our world would be without Slavs, gypsie...

  • April 8, 2010

    Obama and Medvedev sign disarmament treaty

    A few days ago, President Obama unveiled his new tit for tat "Queensbury Rules" of military engagement for America. So what do you do when you develop a new act?  You take it on the road of course. That is exactly what President Obama ...

  • April 5, 2010

    It's Baseball Season!

    Hooray, it is baseball season! I love baseball.  Baseball has always been my great escape from the problems of life.  This year I hope that by rooting for my beloved team I will be (at least temporarily) distracted from thinking about what ...

  • April 2, 2010

    16,500 More Reasons to Vote Republican in November

    A lifelong Democrat runs into a lifelong Republican, and they begin to debate the just-passed health care bill:Republican: I bet you $5 that ObamaCare will not pay for itself as claimed.Democrat: I bet you $5 ObamaCare will pay for itself -- and I ca...

  • March 29, 2010

    Passover plagues from our Pharaoh

    Because the Pharaoh of Egypt was a stubborn man 3,500 years ago, his subjects were afflicted with ten plagues. These plagues will be remembered tonight as part of a ritual dinner called a seder in Jewish homes around the world.During the seder, ...

  • March 27, 2010

    What If Johnny Appleseed Turned Out to Be Johnny Rotten-Appleseed?

    I can still recall the legend of Johnny Appleseed and the picture of him as he was portrayed in my youth. I see a lanky, barefoot man on a prairie trail hiking across America's heartland, carrying a satchel of apple seeds and generously scattering th...

  • March 23, 2010

    How Many Pounds of Flesh Will It Take to Kill Israel?

    The first time I heard reference to a "pound of flesh," I was only a young teenager. At the time, I was not privy to the whole Merchant of Venice story. All I knew was that a criminal was to be punished by forfeiting a pound of his flesh. S...

  • March 15, 2010

    What I Will Do If ObamaCare Passes

    I have done everything I could to help prevent ObamaCare. I have signed petitions, written letters to my representatives, and penned various articles for American Thinker. Still, I have a growing fear that ObamaCare might happen, so I decided that it...

  • March 1, 2010

    We Need a Ready-for-Prime-Time Barack Obama Impersonator

    Over the years, the Democrats and mainstream media have perfected a litany of ways to smear a conservative's character and image. Take, for instance, Sarah Palin. While bending over backwards to grant Barack Obama the benefit of every doubt, Governor...

  • February 21, 2010

    Your Political Mission, Should You Decide to Accept It

    Back in the sixties, there was a television espionage series called Mission: Impossible. Thirty years later, there was the Mission: Impossible movie, starring Tom Cruise, followed by a couple of sequels. In both the movies and the television series, ...

  • February 9, 2010

    A Dem political ad conservatives could learn from

    While stomping in Massachusetts for Martha Coakley and against Scott Brown, President Obama was comfortable going after Brown despite admitting, "I don't know his record." Truth be told, I don't know much about the Democrat candidate for L...

  • February 3, 2010

    Thanks to Obama, I Now Worry Less about Israel

    It is my firm belief that the predisposition to worry is an undeniable part of human DNA. To begin with, I worry about my immediate family members and myself, and my worries usually deal with health, finances, work, and my writing. My worrying also m...

  • January 27, 2010

    Guessing What President Obama Might Say in His State of the Union

    The secret phrase is "back from the brink."Now that the highly-regarded Ted Kennedy Senate seat has a 41st Republican derrière to keep it warm and the terrified Democrats are fleeing faster than the Brits at the Battle of New Orleans...

  • January 20, 2010

    Ralph Waldo Emerson as he might have weighed in on MA election

    The pundits can say what they want about the elections in Virginia, New Jersey and now Massachusetts, but each was a referendum on Barack Obama and his policies. President Obama campaigned in all three states for the losers. President Obama's name m...

  • January 15, 2010

    Eureka, I Am a Conservative!

    For the longest time, average Americans were in a political stupor. But not anymore. In the past year, across this great nation of ours, an awakening has started. Individual Americans, by the droves, are experiencing their own political eureka moment...

  • January 10, 2010

    Obama's '10 letters a night' from hard luck Americans

    I am not sure I followed the spin President Obama put on the latest job numbers data in his remarks from the White House Friday, but I did learn something new when the President said: "As many of you know, I get about 10 letters a night tha...

  • December 30, 2009

    On the Obama River and Headed for the Falls

    Did you ever imagine what it might be like to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel? How about going over the Obama Falls?Life has many warning markers. Some of these markers represent points of no return: where one must make a commitment so forceful tha...

  • December 25, 2009

    Have a happy, white elephant Christmas

    Christmas is a time for gift exchanging and grab bags. A "White Elephant Gift Exchange" is when everyone brings a worthless gift-wrapped present to a party with the anticipation of bringing something equally worthless home. A "Secret...

  • December 21, 2009

    Gullible's Travels

    I am Barry Gullible and I am King of the most powerful nation in the world: the United States of America. Although I appear to be the same size as my Lilliputian American countrymen, I am not, for I tower above them in greatness and stature. As King ...

  • December 18, 2009

    Health care reform: Is it soup yet?

    There is a dire axiom playing out in the Senate before our very eyes, "Too many chefs spoil the broth." The truism refers to when too many people are involved in a single project, even if they are all experts, the project will be a disaster...

  • December 16, 2009

    Nuptial warming

    What is hotter than man-made global warming and easier to believe in? How about nuptial warming. Twenty-five years ago today (December 16) my wife and I took our wedding vows. The temperature in Chicago was a surprisingly warm 60 degrees. In contr...

  • December 14, 2009

    A second "Miracle of the Oil" this Hanukah season

    Miracles come in many sizes. This week, Jews around the world are celebrating that more than two thousand years ago a ragtag guerilla army led by Judah Maccabee revolted against the numerically superior fighting machine of Antiochus IV. Hopeless...

  • December 13, 2009

    Tea Party patriots reminiscent of Jewish Maccabees

    Are today's American Tea Party patriots anything like the Jewish Maccabees of ancient times? The Jewish eight-day holiday of Hanukah began Friday night. The holiday marks the successful BCE revolt of the Jews of Judea over their Greco-Syrian occ...

  • December 11, 2009

    President Obama's Many Shticks

    American presidents, for the most part, are best remembered for what happened to the nation while they were at the helm, the important decisions they made, and the memorable addresses they gave. Certain American presidents are also remembered for the...

  • December 10, 2009

    Why would Sarah Palin rate Obama a '4'?

    Barbara Walters asked Sarah Palin, " On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, where do you rate Barack Obama?" Sarah gave Barack a "4".As a big fan of Sarah Palin, I must admit I was disappointed with the number Governor Pal...

  • December 10, 2009

    Democrat Trivial Pursuit

    Obama, Pelosi and Reid are playing us. Their game is Trivial Pursuit, Democratic Party Playbook Edition.Remember the original Trivial Pursuit? It was the board game of the 1980's. Millions were sold and success was based on correctly answering ques...

  • December 4, 2009

    Is President Obama a Nice Guy?

    This world of ours seems to be divided into two types of people: not "male" and "female," but "nice" and "not nice." As we go through life, we all too often seem to evaluate everyone we meet according to this s...

  • November 30, 2009

    Thinking about Mark Twain on His Birthday

    They sure don't make American icons like they used to.Samuel Langhorne Clemens, the man who "came in with Halley's Comet," was born on this day (November 30) back in 1835. Better known by his pen name, Mark Twain, Samuel Clemens was the gre...

  • November 15, 2009

    Would Obama have saved General Custer at Little Bighorn?

    Weeks have slipped into months since General McChrystal, NATO commander in Afghanistan, told President Obama that the situation was getting perilous and that he needed more troops. As our President gallivants on yet another world tour while he "...

  • November 13, 2009

    Pelosi Health Care: Drill, Baby, Drill

    Over the years, there have been numerous movie scenes and skits portraying dentists and their patients -- some humorous, some bloodcurdling. Picture yourself nervously waiting in a dentist's chair. How would you feel if instead of your regular dentis...

  • November 8, 2009

    The tens

    1. Moses - Ten Commandments - good2. Ten fingers - good3. John Tyler - tenth president - good4. Bill of Rights - first ten amendments in the US Constitution - good5. Minyan - Jewish minimum of ten required for a religious service - good6. Library Dew...

  • November 7, 2009

    Analyze This

    In the comedy, Analyze This, psychiatrist Ben Sobel (Billy Crystal) finds himself to be psychological nursemaid for mafia boss man Paul Vitti (Robert DeNiro).   The various humor scenes throughout the movie build off the violent life of DeN...

  • November 1, 2009

    NY 23 and the Congressional Liberal Hydra

    There are 535 seats in both Houses of Congress, the majority of which are held by liberals.  Amongst these 535 seats, and invisible to the naked eye, there exists a solitary many-headed liberal beast. This many-headed creature never met an entit...

  • October 25, 2009

    White Fang Obama and Soupy America

    The recent passing of television icon and funny man of the fifties and sixties, Soupy Sales, has saddened baby boomers across America. Soupy (Milton Supman) was best known for his Soupy Sales Show, which always featured a pie in the face moment for h...

  • October 24, 2009

    Monopoly World Championship Reflections

    The 2009 Monopoly World Championship just concluded yesterday in Las Vegas. with a lad from Norway the winner.  Contestants from around the world competed at Caesars Palace at a game that has remained true to itself over the years.If the ga...

  • October 18, 2009

    Only Goldstone Shocked Then Saddened

    Imagine yourself an old man in a bar and you have the shocking experience of a gorgeous young woman singling you out from all the other good looking young men and inviting herself up to your hotel room for a fun night.  Next, imagine how deeply ...

  • October 12, 2009

    President Obama's Porpoise Show

    When I was in elementary school back in the early 1960's, I remember my entire 5th grade class going on a fun field trip to Brookfield Zoo.  The highlight of the trip was something that had only come recently to the zoo, and that was the Porpois...

  • October 11, 2009

    Hooray, It Is a Three-Day Weekend (Controversy)

    Friday, President Obama told the story of how, just after he received the news about his Nobel Peace Prize selection, his daughters entered his room.  Malia declared, "Daddy, you won the Nobel Peace Prize - and it is Bo's birthday."...

  • October 1, 2009

    Oprah Lobbying IOC for 2016 Chicago Olympics

    President Obama will be in Copenhagen soon to join Michelle, Mayor Daley, and Oprah. Together, they hope to persuade the International Olympic Committee into granting the 2016 Olympic Summer Games to Chicago.According to Oprah, "I've appointed m...

  • September 24, 2009

    High Holiday Chutzpah at the White House

    Chutzpah is one of the many terrific Yiddish words that have entered the American vernacular. When a person has chutzpah, he has unmitigated gall, nerve and audacity.Jews everywhere are in the middle of their religious introspection period, know...

  • September 17, 2009

    Constitution Day Regrets

    On September 17, 1787, the Constitutional Convention met for the final time, and thirty-nine of our Founding Fathers, following a painstaking and meticulous effort, signed their names upon the greatest political document ever penned.  Today, in ...

  • September 14, 2009

    The Protocols of Lyin'

    There is a new President in town and he is willing to say and do anything in order to get his health care bill passed. The Democrats and their bedfellows, the mainstream media, are with him all the way.  Their aim is to make sure this Presi...

  • September 10, 2009

    Chicago-Style Tall Tales

    Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has for a long time reassured Chicagoans that if Chicago hosts the 2016 Summer Olympics, it will be good for the people of Chicago, and pay for itself. Chicagoans have made it abundantly clear to the Mayor that they do not...

  • September 4, 2009

    Teddy Care and the Legend of El Cid

    One of the great national heroes of Spain is an 11th Century warrior general named Rodrigo Diaz, also known as El Cid.  Living during a time that the Christians and the Moors were often vying for control of Spain, El Cid often found himself at t...

  • August 29, 2009

    Am I covered?

    I see that you have a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door and forgive me for not respecting your wishes.  I am truly sorry to bother you during your vacation at Martha's Vineyard, but I decided to slip this letter under your front door ...

  • August 29, 2009

    American Democrats, Lend Me Your Ears

    American Democrats, lend me your ears.I come to neither criticize nor praise Ted Kennedy, But to bury him.He was friend to many;And many believe he was an honorable man.He sponsored many bills for the poor,Yet he also was ambitious,And tried for...

  • August 17, 2009

    I Will See Your Hitler, and Raise You a Holocaust

    They're carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare. - Nancy Pelosi (August 5, 2009)Table talk at a poker game can sure get out of hand when the healthcare stakes are high, and it all began with Nancy Pelosi on Augus...

  • August 7, 2009

    Why Jewish Grandmothers Should Oppose Obama Care

    My grandmother was forever warning me to be careful.  Since it usually does not take much for a teenage boy to grow wearisome of hearing such unsolicited advice, especially from a grandparent, I eventually complained to her, "Why do you kee...

  • August 4, 2009

    Who Was Barack Obama In His Previous Incarnation?

    Many people believe in reincarnation and that a reincarnating soul will find itself born into similar circumstances from one lifetime to the next; that a powerful leader, for example, will more or less play an encore version of his previous exis...

  • July 28, 2009

    Obama Music Dropping On the Pop Charts

    Fools rush inWhere wise men never goBut wise men never fall in loveSo how are they to know      Ricky Nelson     (Fools Rush In)The other day I was at a party surrounded by liberals talking politics. ...

  • July 25, 2009

    Science Fiction, Global Warming & Universal Healthcare

    Ever since I was a child, I have enjoyed watching aliens assault our planet Earth on both the small and large screens.  It all started when I first witnessed Ming the Merciless project a deadly Nitron Ray from planet Mars onto the Earth, causing...

  • June 29, 2009

    Painkiller Healthcare?

    Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller.-President Obama (healthcare town hall meeting, June 24, 2009)Like so many of his recently passed multibillion dollar programs, (Stimulus bill, Omnibus bill, etc.), it seems as...

  • June 23, 2009

    Personal Reflections of a Conservative Who Wants To Be Liked

    My wife and I were having volume problems with our laptop so we brought our computer into an electronics store to let the technicians have a look at it.  The way the computer people work at this establishment is they place your computer on a cou...

  • June 19, 2009

    Ahmadinejad and the Price of a Handgun

    The Iranian "election" is over and the handpicked favorite of the Mullahs, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has retained his grip on power. The mullahs get whatever they want in Iran. Now that it is clear that, barring revolution, we will be looking at...

  • June 5, 2009

    Mutual Of Obama's Wild Kingdom

    What's in a pecking order? More than you might wish to believe, especially considering President Obama's speech in Cairo yesterday.The animal kingdom is full of lessons for humans. We must learn from our fellow creatures. 20th Century zoologist Thorl...

  • June 2, 2009

    Republican Party Survival Plan for the Obama Years

    -Satire- I am sick and tired of hearing that Republicans need to shelve their conservative values if they want to survive. This idea could not be farther from the truth. In fact, the way things are going under President Obama, I can guarantee the Rep...

  • May 22, 2009

    Time to Legalize Counterfeiting

    Many Americans today believe certain illegal vices in our society should be decriminalized, taxed, and regulated. The most popular of these vices include marijuana smoking, prostitution, and all forms of gambling. The proponents for decriminalization...

  • May 18, 2009

    The Unprotected Endangered Species

    There is only one endangered species President Obama seems unconcerned about. In the modern-day world, the death of a species can be attributed to shrinking habitats, and out of control hunters and poachers. To what extremes wildlife protectionism sh...

  • May 16, 2009

    Obama's Ladder

    It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World is one of the zaniest comedy classics of all time. Starring an unsmiling Spencer Tracey as the straight man, it is about an ensemble of greedy jokesters in hot pursuit of money that does not rightfully belong to them....

  • May 1, 2009

    Welcome To Buffalo Jump U.S.A.

    Prior to the arrival of the horse in North America, certain Native American tribes had an interesting system for hunting buffalo. The hunters would wait for a buffalo herd to arrive in just the right pasture.  Then, sneaking up behind the herd, ...

  • April 27, 2009

    Plumbing Problem at The White House

    Many years ago, my wife and I purchased our first home.  It was an older house, and I was not very handy then. Whenever something needed fixing, a tradesman was required. Our first plumber was selected by chance, just someone in the phone book....

  • April 20, 2009

    The carbon neutral man

    Medical science has discovered the world's first carbon neutral man, Artyom Sidorkin. Alas, the full import of the discovery has been ignored. As so often is the case, chance had something to do with this breakthrough.In 1928, a London breeze transpo...