Gregory V. Helvering

Gregory V. Helvering

  • April 23, 2009

    Don't Worry: The President Has Your Back

    President Obama ended his press conference yesterday with these words of reassurance to CIA agents who were involved in interrogations of terrorist captives following 9/11:For those who carried out some of these operations within the four corners of ...

  • March 27, 2009

    Obama, Charity, and Fairness

    Leave it to Barack Obama to justify a tax proposal that would significantly reduce the amounts going to charity -- on grounds the proposal is necessary for "fairness."  In his press conference on March 24, the president offered this ex...

  • March 6, 2009

    The Obama Double Tax Whammy

    President Obama's proposal to provide only a 28 percent benefit for charitable contributions by top-bracket taxpayers is part of a double whammy, since he proposes at the same time to raise the top bracket from 35 to 39.6 percent.  The double-ba...

  • October 31, 2008

    Spreading the Wealth and Killing the Goose

    Larry King:  Concerning spreading the wealth, isn't the graduated income tax spreading the wealth? ....Senator McCain:  Well, that's spreading the wealth in the respect that we do have a graduated income tax.  That's a far cry from tak...