Gregory A. Collins

Gregory A. Collins

  • June 6, 2010

    Green Tech Defined

    Despite the frequent use of "Green Tech" to describe the future of the American economy, the phrase remains fuzzy...until now, that is. Green tech can be divided into three categories: Efficiency Tech, Bull Tech, and Real Tech. Efficiency T...

  • September 20, 2008

    MSNBC and the Maturation of Cable News

    MSNBC has swung sharply to the left and that's a good thing. For the network itself, for the American left, and for conservatives and centrists too. The weeks since the Democratic convention have provided the clearest-yet evidence of the maturation o...

  • October 17, 2007

    The Silver Lining Behind the McCain/Feingold Cloud

    The McCain-Feingold Act is almost universally despised by conservatives. But the unintended consequences of this far-reaching act seem to benefit both the right and the national debate.It has been a month since the New York Times printed MoveOn....

  • May 16, 2007

    Obama, the Apprentice

    A recent column by Alex Beam about Barack Obama's ill-fated candidacy that received attention in the blogosphere can be summed up in one line-there are candidates you date, and candidates you marry. More specifically, the establishment candidate alwa...

  • April 20, 2004

    Terrorism Redux

    The Iraqi and Israeli Conflicts ComparedThe conflict in Iraq is an accelerated mirror of the evolution of the Arab world's conflict with Israel following the war of 1948. Analyzing the situation in Iraq in this manner provides insight into its future...

  • March 16, 2004

    Assault Weapons Revisited

    Controlling the terms of a debate is crucial. Take, for example, the debate over partial—birth abortion.  Were it to be called the debate over 'Intact Dilation and Extraction' abortion as abortion—rights advocates call it, there migh...

  • February 23, 2004

    Dean's Revenge

    Ever since Howard Dean's collapse, his most avid supporters have been out for blood. Deaniacs charge the Kerry campaign with carrying out 'dirty tricks' in order to upset what should have been an easy Dean victory. How else could Dean go from a 30...

  • January 30, 2004

    Dean dot Bomb

    Howard Dean was for months touted as the first presidential candidate to harness the power of the Internet. Polls and expectations climbed as the media ran story after story about how the Dean campaign was revolutionizing the way campaigns were run a...

  • January 27, 2004

    Bill n' The Kid

    Prior to his stunning second—place finish in Iowa, the androgynous good looks of John Edwards appeared to make him a better candidate for drummer of the Beatles than for President. Numerous stories called into question whether people thoug...