Greg Moo

Greg Moo

  • When fiction turns into leftist propaganda

    May 12, 2024

    When fiction turns into leftist propaganda

    Civil War is a movie in the same way a grenade is a source of light.  Whatever else Civil War might be — a dystopian work of fiction, for one — it is foremost a psy-op exercise masked as a brave work of creative s...

  • January 5, 2024

    Invasion Inversion: Turning America Upside-Down

    Behold: It’s the leprechaun-logistics theory of magic migration that tells us hordes of clean, fed, and comfortably shod invading migrants miraculously and spontaneously appear at the America end of their personal rainbows, where they demand po...

  • September 17, 2023

    Boys in Girls' Sports? What Did You Expect?

    This time traveler from the late Polite-ocene Era recalls when girls' locker rooms were sacrosanct female strongholds.  In that bygone era, any boy who even accidentally almost walked into a girls' locker room carried with him a lif...

  • August 19, 2021

    Reforming Education: Chasing the Wrong Rabbit

    Schools closed.  Children abandoned.  Parents told to pound sand.  Is a repeat defeat for students and parents in the works for this coming school year?  It seems so.  What’s not in doubt is it will be another big...