Greg Reeson

Greg Reeson

  • July 27, 2007

    Proud to be an American

    Historian Howard Zinn, writing recently in The Progressive, said that this past Independence Day, Americans "...would have done well to renounce nationalism and all its symbols: its flags, its pledges of allegiance, its anthems, its insistence i...

  • November 21, 2006

    You're In the Army Now, If Rangel Gets His Way

    Democratic Representative Charles Rangel of New York has renewed his long-time quest to reinstate the military draft. While all signs from the incoming Democratic leadership indicate that the issue is dead in the water, Mr. Rangel's arguments still w...

  • September 22, 2006

    The UN's Hollow Words and Bolton's Meaningful Warning

    It has now been almost a month since the United Nations demanded that Iran cease its enrichment of uranium or face sanctions from the world community. Sadly, the united front demonstrated during the passing of the U.N. Security Council's resolution h...