Greg P. Richards

Greg P. Richards

  • May 14, 2023

    Something wicked this way comes

    No, I didn’t think of it. Shakespeare did, in Macbeth, inspirting others to quote him.  But it fits with what three recent incidents tell us about what is coming our way.  Under Democrats' governance. You can always, as th...

  • September 9, 2019

    Liberalism and the role of achievement

    There are two Americas: Enterprise America and Welfare America. Conservatives believe that Enterprise America is America.  Enterprise America is in the active voice.  It is built by achievement.  Enterprise ...

  • August 24, 2018

    Massive retaliation

    The way for President Trump to handle the newly energized collusion investigation by is massive retaliation... 1. Trump should advocate in public, and then if necessary assert through his authority, that the investigation of the election...

  • August 17, 2018

    Why is Trump fighting the trade war? – Part II

    On August 3, American Thinker published "Why is Trump fighting the trade war?," which contained a chart showing the devastating flattening of capital spending in the U.S. following the 2001 accession of China t...