Gerd Schroeder

Gerd Schroeder

  • January 2, 2008

    Don't Count Your Victories Before They're Won

    The war in Iraq is not over or waning.  In many ways the false idea that the war is won is far more dangerous than the defeatist ideas of the last year ever were.Many political commentators have, for the most part, definitively announced that th...

  • November 11, 2007

    A Soldier's Sacrifice (a poem)

    This poem is dedicated to Sergeant Aaron C. Elandt, who fell in battle on 30 May 2004,as well as to the millions of American Fighters who paid and are paying for our freedom with their lives and sprits.What is the Greatest Sacrifice a Soldier Gives t...

  • June 4, 2007

    Why the Surge Is Working, Yet More Americans are Dying

    If the surge in Iraq is showing signs of success, are so many Americans dying over the last two months?  It comes down to the old real estate saying, location, location, location.  Lot of good things are being accomplished by putting our tr...

  • May 31, 2007

    Global Warming Hysteria is a National Security Issue

    Recently in the news several retired US generals, came out in favor of using defense resources for fighting the effects of global warming.  The news media only carried it for a day or so, but it raised some potent strategic issues that should be...

  • May 25, 2007

    Congress in Wonderland

    The children's book Alice In Wonderland, tells a charming story of a girl trying to make sense of a senseless imaginary world. Our national defense seems to be caught in an oddly similar story, which is, unfortunately, not a harmless imagin...

  • May 23, 2007

    There's no human decency left in the media

    I was shocked and brought to tears when I saw flashed on a TV screen the news that one of the missing soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division who has been missing for almost two weeks may have been found dead, news now confirmed by the DoD. On ...

  • May 14, 2007

    The Missing Context in Media Reporting on Iraq

    The US mainstream media are failing to provide the public the context it needs to accurately understand both the successes of our progress in Iraq. They do this either purposely or through incompetence and/or lack of intellect.  I know many memb...

  • May 8, 2007

    Who is to blame for Greensburg's slow response?

    The Governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius, is blaming the lack of some military equipment that is deployed to Iraq as hampering the Greensburg Kansas disaster recovery effort.  Two things come to mind that should make reasonable people question ...

  • May 5, 2007

    America! Why have you abandoned us?

    An open letter to the American People My fellow Americans; what have the American Fighting men and women done to cause you to abandon them in a foreign land, surrounded by sinister people that are bent on killing them and all Americans? Do we believe...

  • May 5, 2007

    Trouble for the National Guard?

    I bet most haven't seen this good news for the war effort reported in the major media; but it seems that someone forgot to tell the National Guard that we have lost the War.  Better get on the Harry.  It could be contagious.Army Guard reach...

  • May 2, 2007

    Media Target: The US Military

    The US military, the last bastion of credibility in the war, is now the primary target of the media and the enemies of the war.  Almost like a plan. Not hatched as a coherent and complete arrangement in some dark, smoke filled room. No conspirac...

  • April 23, 2007

    Longer Deployments, Shorter War

    Deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan are too short, and need to be longer.  Deployments of 24-36 months or even longer would be one way to address our problems in those wars. Please put emotion aside for a moment.  For all who are think...

  • April 17, 2007

    When the money runs out (Update)

    On 2 April, 2007 I warned that if Congress did not pass funding by the 15th of April that the Army would have to start cutting back operations.  "If the money dries up in less then two weeks the violence will rise.  Our troops will sta...

  • April 16, 2007

    Whatever Happened to "Duty, Honor, Country"?

    General Douglas MacArthur in his final address given to the Corps of Cadets at West Point on May 12, 1962 spoke these words that every officer in the military knows by heart: "Duty, Honor, Country -those three hallowed words reverently dictate w...

  • April 11, 2007

    Where are the transcripts?

    Where are the transcripts of the dialogue between House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad?  Speaker Pelosi yesterday claimed that she said nothing to contradict the foreign policy of the President, but offers ...

  • April 2, 2007

    When the money runs out

    Now that Congress has passed the Iraq Accountability Act, one of the best questions that I have heard is: "when will the lack of funds start hurting the troops?"  This is not a hypothetical question.  As a matter of fact it has ha...

  • February 24, 2007

    The enemy has a vote

    This past week some Democrats have been taking about dictating the conduct of the war in Iraq to the President. The bill would, in essence, add a engagement criteria to the Rules of Engagement for fighting in Iraq. In short the bill would restrict th...