George Marcina

George Marcina

  • May 10, 2017

    Obama's heroes

    During a speech Sunday night in Boston, ex-president Obama praised the courage of those Democrat congressmen who voted for Obamacare knowing that their votes may cause them to lose the nice new jobs they had just landed in Washington.  And many ...

  • December 18, 2016

    Russian ‘hacking’ is a media disinformation campaign

    The "Russian hacking" story is a perfect example of how the communication experts manipulate us.  It's an example of top notch disinformation. The MSM is ranting and raving about how did the emails from  Podesta a...

  • November 30, 2016

    Why is the left lauding Fidel?

    Fidel is dead.  Finally.  This is really not news, as in reality he's been dead for some time now.  What's news is how many people who should know better write about him as if this murderer, this tyrant was some kind of a hero....