George Harbison

George Harbison

  • July 9, 2018

    Help fight free speech deniers and promote intellectual diversity on campus

    As an American Thinker reader, you are likely concerned about the abysmal state of free speech and intellectual diversity on U.S. college campuses.  If so, the following headlines from a recent article in Inside Higher Ed are sobe...

  • January 6, 2018

    The Evil that Must Not Be Named on Campus

    Academia turns a blind eye to the reality of actual socialism, the ideology practiced by Marxists while they sought the perfection of communism...someday.  Socialism is ruining Venezuela today, and the whitewash pervades elite culture, even...

  • April 16, 2012

    The President and His Secretary: A Study in Tax Demagoguery

    Barack and Michelle Obama's 2011 federal tax returns have now been released, and, not surprisingly, the event has been utilized by the White House to put forth illogical and disingenuous positions regarding the "unfairness" of the federal income tax ...