George Boykin

George Boykin

  • September 18, 2011

    Social Darwinism and Barack Obama

     Consider Darwin's attitude about the black race.  Darwin dreamed of a future for mankind when the black races of man will become extinct, thus enhancing the chances for the evolutionary advancement of the more "civilized" races of man. "A...

  • September 4, 2011

    George Washington Woodbey, Pioneering Black Socialist

    The historical principle of black American Christian spirituality is firmly rooted in the belief that one's relationship with God is intimate, shared, and awesome in its empowerment.  During slavery, it allowed blacks to transcend the profane ci...

  • August 25, 2011

    Black Voters and the Battered Voter Syndrome

    Black voters remain defiantly loyal to Obama, despite suffering from his mishandling of the economy and Maxine Waters' complaints about his focus on wooing white independent voters for his reelection.  But of course, Democrats have long taken bl...