Geoffrey Clarfield

Geoffrey Clarfield

  • What Should President Trump Do For Sub-Saharan Africans?

    December 30, 2024

    What Should President Trump Do For Sub-Saharan Africans?

    I spent just under twenty years in East Africa doing international development work. Since then, I’m often asked, “Have the billions of dollars that Western countries invested in Sub-Saharan Africa since their independence in the early 19...

  • December 12, 2022

    Why Trudeau Keeps on Winning

    During the last three years, the Canadian government has been printing lots of money and hiring lots of employees. The number of government hires has been more than those in the private sector. We also now have illegal Chinese police stations in our ...

  • October 24, 2022

    Kanye West, Anger, And The ‘New Charter of Living’

    Kanye West has recently outraged a large segment of American society that still believes America is a biblically inspired Republic, embodying the values of its Constitution. He has done so by publicly threatening not just one or two specific Jews ...

  • October 10, 2022

    The Anti-White Lie Behind Multiculturalism

    Like America, Canada is a nation comprised of people from around the world. And like America—perhaps even more than America—Canada is wearing racial blindfolds that make the government incapable of seeing that, just as “people of co...

  • October 21, 2021

    Netflix Needs a History Lesson

    A few months ago, I was reading an article from the news station France 24, a piece from its Beirut offices, which reports the news out of Syria in much greater detail and frequency than one can find in America. This is because, after WWI, Fr...

  • September 29, 2021

    If We're Rome, Who Are the Barbarians That Will End Us?

    The founding fathers did not see themselves as constituting a new version of classical Greece.  Instead, they saw themselves as biblically inspired Romans, which is to say, modern Republicans. Paul Meany has written insightfully about ho...

  • September 23, 2021

    The Empire Strikes Back: China Returns to Afghanistan

    If you read the North American and European press, you will get the impression that the Chinese have, geopolitically, reached their westernmost geographical limit in offering themselves as the new patrons of Afghanistan.  It's a bold st...

  • September 13, 2021

    What are the 27 Things that the Taliban of Afghanistan Really Want?

    It is possible to waste many hours, if not days, reading the world press and listening to pundits go on and on about what it is precisely that the Taliban wants. You will not find the answer listening to those fast-talking, talk show hosts on eit...

  • September 9, 2021

    The Future Emirates of Afghanistan

    America and its neglected allies in Afghanistan are in shock and trying to absorb and understand their defeat there. For the moment, the Biden administration is trying to spin their horrific and botched withdrawal as a kind of heroic Dunkirk, where t...

  • August 29, 2021

    The Ten Commandments of Critical Race Theory

    Recently, one of Canada’s best-known rabbis (an American by birth and a graduate of prestigious colleges in the USA) asked me bluntly and simply to explain the essence of Critical Race Theory. This is what I told him. Critical Race Theory is...

  • August 20, 2021

    The Taliban Are Good Anthropologists

    When politicians and journalists talk about Afghanistan, most of them do not know what it really is.  That is to say, they are distracted by the fact that it has had a flag, a territory, and a name, and until recently, its official represen...

  • June 9, 2021

    How Facebook dangled the forbidden fruit in front of a naïve Israeli judge

    Facebook has suspended President Donald Trump's account for two more years.  Given that the U.S. Supreme Court is in a near state of paralysis, those who believe in the freedom of the West must regret this kind of top-down, arbitrary, a...

  • July 14, 2013

    British Praise for Ancient Mesopotamian Tyrants

    The British Museum has recently assembled a sumptuous visual feast of an exhibit of the material culture of ancient Mesopotamia for the general public called Mesopotamia -- Inventing Our World. You can see it now at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toront...

  • September 23, 2011

    The Tyrants' Muse: The Persecution of Music and Musicians in the Islamic World

    At a recent conference on ethnomusicology held in the U.S., I met an Arab researcher.  His paper on traditional Arab music was indecipherable and full of postmodern jargon.  After he finished his presentation, he confided to me in private, ...