Gary Wolf

Gary Wolf

  • March 27, 2010

    Freedom of the Mind and the Emasculated Society

    Struggling to make sense of the dire straits in which the nation finds itself, I recall a trip I took to Washington, D.C. a few weeks ago. One of the many aspects of the city that struck me was the heavy Greek-revival element in the architecture of t...

  • October 2, 2008

    Obama's Foreign Policy: Appeasement and Groveling

    I was able to watch only the last fifteen minutes or so of the first debate between Senator McCain and Senator Obama. The discussion in this final segment centered on issues connected to American foreign policy and security. Senator Obama tried to de...

  • March 9, 2008

    Deconstructing Anti-Israel Bias: The Jerusalem Yeshiva Massacre

    The bias of the mainstream media against Israel never ceases to amaze me. It must rank as one of the most curious sociopolitical phenomena of our era. The further the Palestinian Arabs move toward a barbaric Islamic theocracy, the deeper the support ...

  • September 16, 2007

    Julian Huxley And The Idolatry Of Evolution

    Charles Darwin's theory of evolution has come under increasing attack in recent decades within the scientific community, primarily as the result of a dramatic expansion of knowledge in the field of biology. I do not wish to enter that debate. What I ...

  • August 22, 2007

    Diversity, Nihilism, and the Anti-Rational Mind

    Contemporary Western society is tumbling further and further into the abyss of undifferentiated mediocrity. Much of the blame is due to the ideology of Diversity, which exploits a nihilistic, anti-rational strain in our culture.The world is now divid...

  • June 24, 2007

    Speaking Truth to Art

    Looking out across our society and its recent development, one can no longer pretend that we are not in a state of severe decline. On virtually all fronts, Western civilization has arrived at its most dismal cultural and intellectual output. One need...