Gary Schiff

Gary Schiff

  • My experience with USAID and Israel

    February 10, 2025

    My experience with USAID and Israel

    In 2010 the Mount Carmel Fire just south of Haifa killed 44 Israelis and burned the iconic north end of the Carmel range. It was a national disaster. Israel up to that point had little experience with suppressing large wildfires because they had not ...

  • 10 Recommendations for How Trump and the New Congress Can Advance Peace in the Middle East

    January 13, 2025

    10 Recommendations for How Trump and the New Congress Can Advance Peace in the Middle East

    Supporters of Israel across the world are anxiously anticipating Jan. 20.  They are praying that President Trump and his team as well as a new Congress will swiftly take decisive actions to support the Jewish state.  Leaving aside the...

  • The Influence of Herd Mentality on Sexual and Gender Identity

    November 24, 2024

    The Influence of Herd Mentality on Sexual and Gender Identity

    In a recent study (Gallup 2024) of sexual identity in the US, 30% of female respondents between 18 and 26 self-identified as LGBTQ.  In the Ivy League colleges, the numbers are even higher for both men and women.  At Brown University, a 202...

  • Hamas Justifies Its Massacre With A Big Lie

    August 5, 2024

    Hamas Justifies Its Massacre With A Big Lie

    “Al Aqsa Flood” is the name for the “holy” war that Hamas initiated on October 7 by butchering and kidnapping over 1500 Israelis. It is the rallying cry of the Islamic terrorist leaders and those who support their brutality. H...

  • April 19, 2023

    Israel's unexpected racial alignment tells us a lot about its current politics

    What does America’s left wing Democrat party’s racial alignment look like?  Not surprisingly, white Europeans with liberal perspectives combined with most of the minority communities.  What does Israel’s current r...

  • November 23, 2022

    The Orthodox Union slips on marriage

    The Orthodox Union (Orthodox Judaism's Flagship Organization)'s involvement in the latest "expanded definition of marriage" bill (H.R. 8404) illustrates the status of the nation's cultural slide. The O.U. did a political calc...

  • July 15, 2022

    To reduce the number of abortions, look to culture more than the Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court, while sparking a raucous reaction, unfortunately did little to impact the number of abortions.  Most thinking and feeling Americans on both sides of the abortion debate would like a societal outcome of fewer abortions ...

  • June 9, 2022

    The U.S. Forest Service Should be more Careful with Matches

    Congress and the administration have recognized the incredible challenge facing the U.S. Forest Service.  The agency manages ten percent of the continental U.S. land base.  They have allotted millions to rehabilitate the overgrown, fire-pro...

  • April 3, 2022

    When the leader of your country tells you to keep your guns close...

    Last week, following a wave of terror attacks and murder of Israelis, Prime Minister Bennett publicly encouraged Israel’s private gun-owners to have their weapons with them at all times.  In addition, the government added emergency fu...

  • February 2, 2021

    Worried about America's future?

    Conservatives are bemoaning what they perceive to be a hopeless future for returning America to traditional values.  They are wondering if they will ever again see a conservative administration.  They are dejected, thinking about ...

  • January 16, 2019

    A Mexican border snapshot from someone who knows

    Here is a U.S.-Mexican border snapshot. The Coronado National Forest, in New Mexico and Arizona, shares a 53-mile border with Mexico.  In 2010, the average number of illegals crossing through that 53-mile stretch were 35,000 pe...

  • November 20, 2018

    Wildfire finger-pointing: Both sides are wrong

    As is the case with all natural disasters, there is a tendency to point fingers.  Almost always, the finger-pointing misses the point.  We are seeing this play out with the horrific wildfires in California.  Politicians ...

  • August 25, 2018

    6 Straightforward Recommendations to Help Stop Wildfires

    At 5:00 A.M. on July 14, 2004, I happened to be on the road and noticed a small glow on the hill just above Carson City, Nev.  I called our fire management officer (FMO).  He said they were hiking someone in to size up the fire, a...

  • June 6, 2017

    Could the secretary of agriculture be the most crucial Cabinet position for Israel?

    If you poll the strongest supporters of Israel and ask them who the most crucial U.S. Cabinet secretary is, most will probably select either the secretary of defense or the secretary of state.  The secretary of Agriculture would likely be last o...