Gary Owen

Gary Owen

  • October 26, 2013

    The Shutdown in the West

    The feds closed the doors on private properties two weeks ago. The message was: this is ours, we own it, and we can lock you out. This was a surprise in the East but not in the West. The rural West has put up with arbitrary regulations of vast tracts...

  • June 12, 2013

    Why do black and white marijuana arrest rates differ?

    A new statistical study of federal crime data led by Ezekiel Edwards of the ACLU, as reported by Yahoo News, has concluded that black people are arrested for possessing marijuana far more often than white people, even though marijuana use by both rac...

  • February 22, 2013

    New Words for the Media

    Christopher Dorner is the ex-LAPD officer who went on a revenge rampage, killing several people before shooting himself in a cabin in Big Bear, California.  Nationwide news. NBC News"...detailed the extent of the arsenal that Dorner had with him...

  • October 30, 2012

    Government management by manual

    Ms. Charlene Lamb from the State Department was identified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee as the person most directly responsible for the rejection of multiple requests by the diplomatic mission in Libya for additional ...

  • September 26, 2012

    Professors, Students and Guns.

    The New York Times has provided a view into the thoughts of the  faculty of the University of Colorado Boulder, and, by extension, the  world view of probably most professors nationwide, that sees students carrying guns as a ...

  • December 3, 2011

    Saturday Morning Do-Gooders

    New York City is currently having trouble with animal rights activists over horse-drawn carriages.  This should come as no surprise, as animal rights activists have been at the forefront of the destruction of the rural West for fifty years. It...