Gary Larson

Gary Larson

  • May 25, 2012

    Barrett and the Ho-Chunks

    "There are two important things in politics. Money and I can't remember the second thing." -Sen. Mark Hanna (1837-1903) If Wisconsin voters think Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is the kind of guy who fights on behalf of the poor against the rich, they n...

  • April 27, 2012

    Sixty-Million Dollar Union Assault on Wisconsin Governor Walker

    Tora! Tora! Tora! No, it's no sneak attack. Nationwide unions spearheaded by the public employee unions, teachers' unions in the vanguard, have Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker in their cross hairs. They aim to shoot him down - figuratively, but of co...

  • March 28, 2012

    Signing anti-Walker petition affirms journalists' bias

    An investigation reveals 29 sitting circuit court judges in Wisconsin sign a union-driven recall drive targeting Republican Governor Scott Walker. Newspapers and radio-TV news are outraged -- OUTRAGED! -- that jurists put their names to such an overt...

  • March 2, 2012

    Tale of Two Enemies Lists

    Howls of protests erupted in 1973 news media when it was revealed that President Nixon aides Charles ("Chuck") Colson and John Dean had assembled an "enemies list" of persons they'd like to "take down," to besmirch or otherwise trash. It was the stuf...

  • November 23, 2011

    The Union War on Wisconsin Governor Walker

    Unleashing forces of hate, making it personal, unions roll out heavy artillery in their all-out war against their declared enemy, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.  Union devotees will need about 540,200 signatures on petitions in 60 days to trig...

  • September 8, 2011

    Thuggery in the Wisconsin Union Battle

    At first, the multi-union sponsor of the annual Labor Day parade in Wausau, Wisconsin "disinvited" all Republican office-holders.  No kidding.  No marching for them.  No open convertibles.  No waving to the crowds.  No tossin...

  • August 7, 2011

    Democracy Shrugged in Wisconsin Slugfest

    Pity the poor. No powerful union to rely on for ensuring fully state-paid pensions. No collective bargaining "rights." Caught between public union demands and limited state resources, they end up losers in the ongoing epic battle collectively titled,...

  • July 30, 2011

    Secrecy Surrounds Silver Star Medal Revocation

    Are Senator John F. Kerry's medals also in danger of being revoked?  Don't count on it. "San Diego -- In a highly unusual move, the Navy secretary has stripped a Silver Star awarded to a retired captain and Vietnam swift boat veteran who is ser...

  • July 2, 2011

    Governor Doofus Shuts Down Minnesota

    Governor Mark Dayton, a Democrat, shut down state offices this week in Minnesota by not signing on to the largest budget in state history. It's the stuff of theater of the absurd, and ironic too: It puts more than 24,000 state workers out of work tem...

  • June 16, 2011

    Unions, Judicial Activists and Democrats Lose Big in the Badger State

    Justice has been served in Wisconsin, with the rebuke of a judicial activist judge, union dues taking a hit, and Democrats losing a source of coerced donations. What happened in the streets of Madison and in the unruly, mob-packed Capitol there in Fe...

  • June 5, 2011

    Protecting the Indian Casino Monopoly in Minnesota

    An abhorrent "counterpoint" in the StarTribune, Minneapolis's mainstream daily, by a longtime Minnesota casino lobbyist, is the very definition of demagoguery.  Lobbyist John McCarthy's ad hominem attack on me, personally, while distorting the h...

  • November 6, 2010

    Ripping the USA: Revising History Dismally

    It happened in July. A group of 25 selected professor historians met in Hawaii at a workshop sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). They were to present and hear scholarly papers on the history of these United States in World W...

  • August 28, 2010

    Target of Boycott Rebuffs Shakedown Attempt

    Swooping in like carrion-sniffing vultures, folks associated with "gay rights" tried but failed to shake down Target Corp., the nation's second largest retailer, amid live threats -- now carried out -- of a nationwide boycott. This is all...

  • April 20, 2010

    Sink the Murtha: Outrage on the High Seas

    Naming a U.S. Navy ship after a departed congressman is a slap in the face of all veterans. This God-awful decision should not be allowed to stand. It is a sacrilege, a savage low blow to the United States military, that the late congressman John (Ja...

  • April 8, 2010

    When Elites Revolt

    A New Elite would have their way with the nation's laws, with rule-making, with the Constitution itself. So predicted a prescient book titled The Uncivil War: How a New Elite Is Destroying Our Democracy in 2004.Our futures are at stake. Our very futu...

  • November 18, 2009

    Wishful thinking?

    Check this item from the Minneapolis Star Tribune today (Wed.), the first item under "Corrections" at page A2:  "A brief on Page A12 Nov. 5 incorrectly referred to the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as deceas...

  • June 23, 2009

    Death Knell for 'Mainstream' Journalism

    Pulitzer Prize-winning critic James Agee (1909-1955) observed long ago that journalism is "complacent to its own delusion ... that it is telling the truth." This statement is truer than ever today -- particularly among print dailies....

  • November 14, 2008

    Evil on a Minneapolis Campus

    Years ago youthful thugs murdered a young man for his high-priced sneakers. Decent, law-abiding folks wondered again What Is This Country Coming To? In another case, not long ago in Minneapolis, a youthful thug was murdered for his designer sports je...