Gary Henderson

Gary Henderson

  • August 25, 2013

    Loving God, Loving America

    What has happened to our Constitutional republic? Where is the rule of law? What about "the consent of the governed"? The President and Attorney General pick and choose which laws they will enforce. Faceless bureaucracies and nine unelected, unaccoun...

  • February 7, 2013

    If the Constitution Doesn't Matter...

    The Congress votes on restricting the size of ammunition magazines, expanding controls over who can buy guns, and limiting the types of guns that citizens can buy, even though the Constitution expressly forbids them from passing any such laws. The EP...

  • January 17, 2013

    How big a Gun does Anyone Need?

    The public discourse suddenly swirls angrily around this issue: How big a gun should people be allowed to own, with how many bullets? Despite all the furor, the question has a very simple answer. But it's the wrong question. Even those who routinely...

  • January 11, 2013

    Snapping Dogs and Liberal Logic

    The attack began without warning last Sunday. Two dogs came over the grassy hill from the center of the campus. When the noise grew loud, a large third dog came from the nearby neighborhood to join the fun. Snarling, snapping, biting, they circled th...