Gary Bauer

Gary Bauer

  • July 28, 2017

    No Safe Space for Jews on Campus

    A dominant narrative about the Trump Administration is that Donald Trump’s election ushered in a new wave of anti-Semitism. It’s an absurd claim, given that among Trump’s top advisors, eleven are Jews, including his daughter Ivanka ...

  • April 26, 2017

    The Patriotism Gap

    Political pundits identify several fault lines when attempting to describe the political and cultural divisions in America today based on sex, race, age, political ideology, geography, and more. But another fault line has emerged between those who fe...

  • March 2, 2017

    Trump’s America: As Welcoming as Ever

    One of the dominant themes to emerge during last year’s presidential campaign was that Donald Trump posed a clear and present threat to Muslims in America. Both before and since his election, the news has been full of stories featuring Muslims ...

  • January 30, 2017

    A tale of two marches

    Two weekends ago at the “Women’s March,” hundreds of thousands of women demonstrated in Washington, D.C. and cities across the county.  What they were protesting was a little hard to discern – Donald Trump...

  • August 1, 2015

    Sanctuary Cities for Conservatives?

    “Sanctuary cities” have been in the headlines for weeks. Late last week, the House of Representatives voted to strip federal funds from sanctuary cities, which refuse to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement efforts.  And...