Frederick W. Stakelbeck, Jr.

Frederick W. Stakelbeck, Jr.

  • December 20, 2005

    RFID Technology in the U.S.

    In late October, the U.S. State Department finalized plans to move forward with the implementation of passports containing controversial Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. Despite gaining a miniscule 1 percent of the U.S. public's supp...

  • September 21, 2005

    An anti-American military confederacy may loom in Asia

    The members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), an intergovernmental association comprising China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan,  will recognize the organization's fifth anniversary in June 2006 with a muc...

  • August 19, 2005

    China and the Concept of Global Strategic Positioning (GSP)

    China is taking careful, deliberate and well—coordinated action on a global scale to advance relations with strategically positioned countries possessing both the natural resources and influence to support its ascension in the international com...

  • August 5, 2005

    A new bloc emerges?

    In July, permanent members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) , China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, met in the Kazakh capital of Astana to discuss matters of mutual importance which included trade, energy, se...

  • July 21, 2005

    The Approaching Chinese Cyber Storm

    On numerous occasions in the past, China's authoritarian regime has publicly stated that the U.S. is its ideological enemy. Comments made by Chinese defector Chen Yonglin to Australian authorities in June support the theory that China's leaders view ...

  • July 7, 2005

    The emerging China-Belarus connection

    Belarus, a country contaminated by the disastrous 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, continues to be systematically poisoned by an oppressive government led by strongman Alexander Lukashenka. Visiting Vilnius, Lithuania in April to attend a...

  • June 1, 2005

    China's manifest destiny

    Legendary scenes of determined settlers bravely moving west in a journey to fulfill America's 'manifest destiny' are being quietly resurrected. Only this time, Chinese migrants, not American settlers, are driving west into the cold, forbidding enviro...

  • May 11, 2005

    The North Korean nuclear crisis

    Frustrated by the collapse of six—party talks designed to end the North Korean nuclear program, President Bush last week said of North Korean despot Kim Jong—Il: 'There is concern about his capacity to deliver a nuclear weapon. When you ...

  • May 6, 2005

    China's growing influence in Africa

    China's rapid ascension as an influential economic and political force in Africa is raising complex questions concerning the security of the African continent and the future of its people. China's involvement on the continent has increased dramatical...

  • April 28, 2005

    Israel, Vladimir Putin and Middle East Peace

    Russian President Vladimir Putin's trip this week to Israel will be the first ever by a Russian president. An elated Israel Vice Premier Shimon Peres described Putin's visit as 'historic,' stating, 'This is a sign of the changes that have occurred in...

  • April 11, 2005

    China's container ship fleet and Taiwan's security

    China is busily building a fleet of the largest container ships the world has ever seen. That is a boon for its export trade and economic efficiency. But like the Trojan Horse of ancient Greek civilization, the fleet could potentially be used by Chin...

  • April 8, 2005

    The developing Cuban crisis

    Over forty years after the Cuban Missile Crisis, America once again finds itself in the crosshairs of a determined, Cuban—based adversary possessing the capability to inflict incalculable damage to U.S. democracy efforts and regional stability....