Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas

  • November 12, 2018

    The Common Thread in All Those Florida Election Debacles

    One thing Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis have going for them -- besides the obvious lead in vote totals so far -- is history. Republican presidential candidates Rutherford B. Hayes and George W. Bush both eventually ended up carrying the state of Florid...

  • April 10, 2017

    When Democratic sour-grapes election probes backfire

    Democrats push a congressional investigation they hope will topple a Republican president they think was wrongly elected.  Then the investigation backfires on Democrats.  It's happened before. The intelligence investigation of potent...

  • January 8, 2017

    Fake news is old news for elections – and never all that dangerous

    Fake news was prevalent during the presidential race, and it might well have influenced the outcome of the election by pushing fear-mongering and conspiracy theories on an unsuspecting electorate that couldn't discern truth from rumor. I'm...

  • November 28, 2016

    Hillary’s Last Gasp

    Hillary Clinton would have to win a clean sweep of recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania in order to overturn the election, and even her team concedes flipping one state is unlikely. Nevertheless, the Clinton campaign is officially con...

  • August 15, 2016

    Free Speech and Free Enterprise at Stake as Estranged Couple Collide Over Company

    The plot twists would seem terrific if so much weren't at stake. A classic American success story of a couple starting a company from a New York University dorm room in 1992 and watching it grow into a tech powerhouse turned into a soap opera ...

  • July 14, 2016

    Andrew Jackson: Trump’s Template for Success?

    There are only two parallels to Donald Trump’s presidential nomination in U.S. history – Andrew Jackson and Wendell Willkie. The closest match is Willkie, the lifelong Democrat New York businessman who never held public office, then sh...