Fred C. Kopp

Fred C. Kopp

  • July 31, 2011

    Animal Husbandry for People

    Google offers up 12 million websites on "animal husbandry," so I'd better get started.  The phrase "animal husbandry" was the first thing that popped in my mind while I was watching a popular TV show Tuesday morning.  You'll see why in a mi...

  • July 21, 2011

    Same-sex Marriage: No Gay Required

    It's so much easier to say "gay marriage" than it is to say "same-sex marriage," "gender-neutral marriage" or any other tortured expression the media might invent.  Indeed, "gay marriage" does roll more trippingly off the tongue, but it's really...

  • July 3, 2011

    The Improbable DREAM Act

    Would you rather have a dream or a nightmare?  What sounds more inviting?  Most of us would probably choose a pleasant dream over a disturbing nightmare. Now, what new law would you like to see passed by your legislature:  The DREAM Ac...