Fred Bindewald

Fred Bindewald

  • October 25, 2015

    Benghazi BS and the Democrats' dead horse

    An acquaintance of mine wants those nasty Republicans to “get off this dead horse” – i.e., the investigation into what really led up to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya.  Never mind that oversight is an import...

  • September 27, 2015

    Political Correctness: Do We Have What It Takes To Reverse Course? By Fred Bindewald

    Political correctness (PC) run amok – that's what our public discourse has come down to.  It's diminishing our quality of life.  We're seeing PC used as a weapon at all levels in our society.  It is being viciously an...

  • August 4, 2015

    Trashing Scott Walker

    Dick Polman is a typical left-wing, slash-and-burn syndicated columnist.  One of his recent columns was no doubt printed in several dozen newspapers. Polman's primary objective seems to be to trash Governor Scott Walker.  Obviously, ...