Fred Bauer

Fred Bauer

  • September 21, 2012

    The Economy, but Not Just the Economy for Romney

    For much of the current election cycle, Governor Mitt Romney's campaign has often seemed to take the economy as its organizing premise, platform, and number-one campaign ad: the poor economy would, so the thinking went, spell doom for President Barac...

  • August 9, 2012

    Could Federal Spending Reach 20% of GDP by 2016?

    Some on the left have assailed a Wall Street Journal op-ed by top Romney economic adviser Glenn Hubbard claiming that Mitt Romney's economic plans set the goal of having federal expenditures be 20% of GDP by 2016.  They currently stand at 24% of...

  • July 11, 2012

    Restoration and Renewal In 2012: A Theme For Romney

    The New Frontier.  Morning in America.  Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow.  Compassionate Conservatism.  Hope and Change.  Wrapping themselves in such slogans, men have won the White House in the past.  Some on the righ...

  • May 6, 2012

    Save Social Security: Restore Economic Growth

    The April release of the 2012 Social Security Trustees Report has occasioned considerable media coverage.  Much of this coverage has emphasized the report's finding that the date for Social Security's bankruptcy has been pushed to around 2033 (t...