Franklin D. Raddish

Franklin D. Raddish

  • June 23, 2021

    Keeping the faith with America

    To be an American is a very special privilege.  Our allegiance is to the red, white, and blue flag, not the sickle and the hammer.  We live in one of the few constitutional republics that has freedom as the cornerstone of society....

  • May 30, 2021

    Stop editing free speech!

    The Marxist mob movement and the cancel culture it has produced are devastating our republic. The worst part is that ostensibly conservative news outlets are complicit with what is happening by submitting to political correctness, causing them to dev...

  • May 21, 2021

    Illegal immigration: A masterstroke in race-baiting

    Our country is being fiercely attacked from within by the Marxist mob movement.  There are several areas of our society it is assaulting to overthrow our constitutional government. The Democrats in Congress are strongly promoting an open...

  • May 11, 2021

    Election integrity: Never, ever stop speaking out

    Six thousand eight hundred American patriots died in action, six thousand one hundred were wounded, and eight thousand to twelve thousand died as prisoners of war to free us from the chains of slavery from a tyrannical government under King George II...