Frank Miniter

Frank Miniter

  • September 20, 2021

    Mark Milley: Deep State Poster Boy

    When you're the author of a book titled The Deep State Revolution, and you live in a lovely little town located much too close to New York City, you constantly run into the judgmental politics of the left.  When they will actually have a ...

  • January 18, 2019

    Credit Card Companies Have No Business Playing Second Amendment Censors

    Do we want to live in an America where credit card companies watch our buying habits and then block purchases for ideological reasons? Not long ago, the left side of the American electorate would have shouted "hell no" the loudest. No...

  • October 17, 2018

    The Democrats' IT Scandal

    After spending a year digging into the Democrats' covered up I.T. scandal in Congress, I happen to know there is a lot here that Americans aren't being allowed to know.  If all this group of I.T. administrators from Pakistan did in ...

  • July 24, 2017

    How Much Privacy Should Government Officials Have?

    This is a fun question that a lot of politicians might not be prepared for.  It would probably seem upside-down to them somehow.  They'd think, Isn't it the government that decides how much privacy the people are allowed to have? ...

  • November 23, 2016

    How to Blast Away the Left’s Attacks on Manliness

    I enjoy telling people: “No worries, I’ll man-up and take care of it,” as the reactions I get plainly expose their politics and character. If they are the sort of person who thinks “man-up” is sexist, homophobic, and ...

  • June 23, 2011

    Did the Supreme Court Tip its Hand on ObamaCare?

      On June 16 the U.S. Supreme Court sent a case (U.S. v. Bond) back to a lower court on Tenth Amendment grounds. The ruling, written by Justice Anthony Kennedy (the Court's "swing vote"), hints that ObamaCare just might be ruled unconstituti...

  • May 13, 2011

    ObamaCare Appellate Judges Playing Semantic Games

    A dictionary is all that's necessary for judges to see that "ObamaCare" is unconstitutional; however, dictionaries seem to be in short supply in some courtrooms.  For example, to date four federal appeals courts have scheduled oral arg...