Frank Gutting

Frank Gutting

  • September 21, 2011

    Liberals Helping the GOP

    See also:  Solving the Democrats' Obama Problem,  Will Scandal Drive Obama Off the 2012 Ticket? A recent Washington Times's article by Seth McLaughlin, asserts that the left wing of the Democratic party, led by the irrelevant Ralph Nad...

  • May 28, 2011

    Guaranteeing a Double Dip Recession

    In late 2007 America entered into what has been called, "the Great Recession."  In late 2008, the housing market crashed, stocks fell, credit froze, and mass hysteria took root on Main Street, Wall street, and in Washington.  The ...

  • May 25, 2011

    Double Dip Recession?

    In late 2007 America entered into what has been called, "the Great Recession." In late 2008, the housing market crashed, stocks fell, credit froze, and mass hysteria took root on Mainstreet, Wallstreet, and in Washington. The "wizard...

  • May 21, 2011

    No Congressional Oversight for 'Limited' Military Action?

    This President continues to bewilder me with his misguided and dangerous interpretations of existing law. His suggestion today that our role in Libya does not require further Congressional approval simply because he deems it to be "limited...

  • April 21, 2011

    Obama's Misery Index

    In 1980, Ronald Reagan masterfully handed Jimmy Carter the misery index to illustrate the pain caused by his incoherent policies. The misery index added the inflation rate to the unemployment rate and came to a total of 21.98. Barack Obama has su...

  • April 15, 2011

    Taxes and Freedom

    President Obama is infamous for using lines like, "The rich need to pay their fair share," or "spread the wealth around." His recent budget speech was inundated with class warfare and claims that the "wealthiest" America...

  • April 14, 2011

    Ryan's Budget or Bust

    Everyone knew that releasing a plan to adjust, alter, or manipulate, social welfare programs was risking political suicide.  Everyone understood then, and understands now, that the major programs are heading toward bankruptcy.  However,...

  • April 13, 2011

    Obama's Deceit

    Okay, I have had it with this President's blatant dishonesty. His speech today was appallingly deceitful and misleading.  This President, has spent more money and added more debt than any other President in history.  This is not political r...