Frank Friday

Frank Friday

  • I’m all broken up about Mahmoud Khalil’s rights

    March 14, 2025

    I’m all broken up about Mahmoud Khalil’s rights

    It's sad to see just how far TDS will take some people. The once brilliant Mona Charen is a case in point. She just rushed to the aid of the Columbia U. Hamas activist being now being deported, with the missive Mahmoud Khalil has rights...

  • Who will replace Mitch McConnell?

    February 21, 2025

    Who will replace Mitch McConnell?

    Mitch McConnell announced Thursday he is not seeking another term next year.  It’s funny around Kentucky and around Washington that this was ever treated as something but a foregone conclusion, given his health problems the last few y...

  • Trump’s Gaza plan within international law

    February 6, 2025

    Trump’s Gaza plan within international law

    Interesting, that in U.S. media, the big freak-out over Trump this week was with USAID and all the civil servants, i.e., lefty patronage workers, being cashiered. While abroad, the Trump plan for Gaza has globalist types you see on the BBC numb with ...

  • Jimmy Carter and craft beer

    January 4, 2025

    Jimmy Carter and craft beer

    Jimmy Carter was an awful president. He wasn’t a crook like Joe Biden, but for actual presidential acts, he was perhaps the worst. Certainly, he was the worst ex-president. In office, he did things like give away the Panama Canal, witho...

  • Immigration-loving Merkel’s mind-blowing new book

    December 21, 2024

    Immigration-loving Merkel’s mind-blowing new book

    Former German chancellor Angela Merkel just released her autobiography with the absurd title Freedom.  Right — as if she had anything to do with freeing Eastern Europe.  Frau Dummkopf, as I like to call her, barely ever hear...

  • The biggest loser of the Ukraine war

    December 6, 2024

    The biggest loser of the Ukraine war

    As I thought last summer, Ukraine, having mounted its last major offensive, left both sides exhausted into stalemate, and now we see there will be peace talks of some kind.  Mr. Zelensky seems to accept this reality and is lobbying for...

  • We Can All Thank Don, Jr.

    November 15, 2024

    We Can All Thank Don, Jr.

    This November 28th, when America counts its blessings, the top of my list will be Donald J. Trump, Jr. He is really the guy who made the success of 2024 possible. If you think back to 2016, the whole Trump effort, it was not just unlikely, it was ...

  • Jack Kemp must be smiling about now

    November 1, 2024

    Jack Kemp must be smiling about now

    It looks like Pres. Trump is headed to a historic victory next week. Kamala Harris is so bad, she is even dragging down congressional Democrats, along with what was left of Bruce Springsteen’s musical reputation. A decisive part of Trum...

  • A feud between Trump and McConnell?!

    October 22, 2024

    A feud between Trump and McConnell?!

    Recycling household plastic is apparently a well understood failure, though that hasn’t stopped this very expensive business from going forward.  Nor have Democrat hacks tired of the trick of recycling old Republican quotes ...

  • No, Trump did not violate the Logan Act

    October 11, 2024

    No, Trump did not violate the Logan Act

    Ah, the infamous 1799 Logan Act, John Adams’s never-repealed follow-up to the Alien and Sedition Acts.  Official Washington screams bloody murder about this law whenever some private citizen dares speak to a foreign leader. Ju...

  • No, Ohio Haitians are not legal

    September 17, 2024

    No, Ohio Haitians are not legal

    Interesting how hard Kamala and Joe supported vicious race hoaxes, like the Jussie Smollet fiasco, yet they paid no political price for it. Certainly, the media was happy to cover for them. Yet, Trump and Vance have rightfully highlighted the...

  • Tampon Tim’s Four Feathers

    August 9, 2024

    Tampon Tim’s Four Feathers

    The term “weird” hardly covers the bizarre Democrat VP nominee, Tim Walz. From his embrace of “trans” doctrine, all the way to putting tampons in boy’s restrooms to his love affair with Communist China, right down t...

  • The ultimate October surprise

    July 11, 2024

    The ultimate October surprise

    It was no revelation to me how badly Joe Biden looked in his debate, nor I suspect, to most AT readers; and that in the wake of this disaster, he won’t withdraw. Now lots of Democrats are urging he stay -- John Fetterman, Alexandri...

  • Does GOTV matter?

    June 26, 2024

    Does GOTV matter?

    Charlie Kirk is hoping to be the William F. Buckley, Jr. of 2024. Kirk and Buckley both built from scratch unlikely conservative media/activist empires, and Kirk would now like to emulate Buckley in 1980 and send his man to the White House. While ...

  • A New Era for the DoJ

    June 8, 2024

    A New Era for the DoJ

    The latest Democrat Wile E. Coyote plan went as per usual. They convicted Donald Trump for a phony crime in New York City, causing him to raise a record bonanza of campaign cash, with more on the way. Beep, Beep! The backlash of disgust ...

  • Hang in there, Joe!

    May 21, 2024

    Hang in there, Joe!

    I distinctly remember Joe Biden in 2019 all but promising to serve just one term. Given his deteriorating health even then, it was a wonder how he got through to the finish in 2020. I expected that was that, but in 2022, he started making n...

  • Secretariat’s Toughest Race

    May 4, 2024

    Secretariat’s Toughest Race

    This week is the 150th running of the Kentucky Derby -- thought to be the longest continuous sporting event held at one venue in the whole world.  As I wrote a while back, it’s also the most anti-woke celebration on the plan...

  • Why Johnson okayed the Ukraine bill

    April 20, 2024

    Why Johnson okayed the Ukraine bill

    There has been a lot of anguish over Speaker Mike Johnson from the Putin faction of MAGA these days. That is, the characters like Steve Bannon who are all-in on Russia. While the anti-Putin faction, with more clout -- Seb Gorka  e...

  • The Great Trumpdini strikes again!

    March 26, 2024

    The Great Trumpdini strikes again!

    Was there ever any doubt Donald Trump would somehow escape the clutches of his nasty, yet so incompetent enemies?  Martha Raddatz can start tearing up again, and MSNBC hosts can dejectedly trudge away from their camera positions outside Tru...

  • Big Insurance rooting for Trump

    March 13, 2024

    Big Insurance rooting for Trump

    For a guy who likes to talk so much, I notice even early in his career, Donald Trump never actually gave any insights into the financial details of his real estate empire. In the early 1990s, many Trump properties were overextended, like the Plaza Ho...

  • McConnell may not stick around

    March 1, 2024

    McConnell may not stick around

    Sen. Mitch McConnell announced this week he is leaving his leadership post in November and will serve out his current term, which ends in 2026.  However, he may be planning to leave earlier than that. With the SCOTUS probably delaying Do...

  • Biden Keeps Losing Wars

    February 21, 2024

    Biden Keeps Losing Wars

    I am old enough to remember when it was considered a disgrace to even countenance the idea American could lose a war. Under Joe Biden, losing a war is a regular occurrence. Vlad Putin took a victory lap in our latest defeat, the Ukraine War, by ru...

  • Impeach the bum!

    February 1, 2024

    Impeach the bum!

    You can tell what a good idea it is to impeach Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, just by all the screeching leftists who oppose the idea. MSNBC and their brethren have devoted endless hours to proclaiming there is no evidence on which ...

  • January 20, 2024

    Our corrupt FBI: New Hampshire edition

    This Tuesday, New Hampshire will hold its quadrennial first-in-the-nation primary.  I am sorry to say, I have come to know something of the seamier side of this small state, writing these past years about a great legal injustice that has oc...

  • December 19, 2023

    The great Comer non-scandal explained

    So, the Biden Crime Family took tens of millions of dollars from foreign entities. To what purpose they won’t say, but none of them are even registered under the Foreign Agent Reporting Act (FARA). None of them even have a business activit...

  • December 8, 2023

    Forget the primaries, the trials will decide

    Gov. DeSantis had the best fortnight of his campaign. He released a devastating takedown of Nikki Haley and her girl-boss nonsense. Then crushed it in the RNC debate. The preceding week he annihilated Gov. Newsom in the Hannity deba...

  • November 11, 2023

    The GOP needs a Plan B on abortion

    Based on the results Tuesday night, the Dems seem to think the abortion issue will save them in 2024 and Old Joe is somehow in the clear  despite the awful job he is doing. That’s quite a stretch. No doubt, abortion will be all Dem...

  • October 31, 2023

    Can Trump ensure a Republican governor in Kentucky?

    We are heading into the final stretch of the 2023 elections.  The only big race hanging in the balance is for Kentucky governor. With a huge campaign war chest built over four years, the Democrat, Andy Beshear sprinted out to an early le...

  • October 20, 2023

    DeSantis as preemptive president

    So far, Ron DeSantis hasn’t run much of a presidential campaign, peaking way back in March in the polls. But lately he is taking a page from his rivals, just acting like an incumbent President, which may be a winning strategy. Joe Biden is t...

  • October 13, 2023

    Escape from Gaza

    Leave it to Donald Trump to tell the uncomfortable truth about the often feckless but tough-talking Bibi Netanyahu. Of course, the current Israeli leader is just following in the wake of other Israeli tough guys, who were not able to stay t...

  • October 7, 2023

    Trade Ukraine for the border

    Kevin McCarthy was always accused of being a "deal-maker," and that was somehow part of his downfall.  So, too, Donald Trump was hailed for the "Art of the Deal."  Neither man, though, as I see it, really was m...

  • September 26, 2023

    GM’s Mary Barra not worth $30 million

    It was in 2008 that General Motors went broke and was bailed out by the taxpayers (we eventually got back about $40 billion of the $50 billion we put in) thanks to years of outrageous UAW union contracts. It seems GM CEOs did not ...

  • August 30, 2023

    The bloody Ukraine finale

    There are important developments coming out of in Ukraine this month. It appears their battle to push south to the Sea of Azov has reached “culmination,” as the Ukraine reserves are breaking past Robotyne and the main line of Ru...

  • August 22, 2023

    Trump's ultimate problem

    I continue to marvel at how different American politics has become in the Age of Trump.  The old precedents just don't apply.  A lot of this has to do with how the American left has obliterated the rule of law and all bounds o...

  • August 12, 2023

    Disney Wrecks College Football

    You don’t have to dig too deep in any mess these days to find lefties from Hollywood and academia at the heart of things. Or sometimes a principled conservative fighting them. That’s certainly the case now with the latest round of foot...

  • July 22, 2023

    Oppenheimer was no Superhero

    Hollywood really does seem to be running out of new ideas. British big-budget director Christopher Nolan had his successes a few years ago with yet another round of Batman movies, but his expensive, visually lavish, films have otherwise not drawn lar...

  • June 21, 2023

    Were They Spying on Trump All Along?

    Psychological projection is the stock in trade of our American ruling class. You can see this in the way the D.C. Deep State always treated President Trump as a totally illegitimate bum; especially as regards their most precious possession,...

  • June 10, 2023

    The ‘New Europe’ is Beating Putin

    There is an American military saying: “Professionals think of logistics. Amateurs think of strategy.” To that you can add, “And Russians think of neither.” Historically, Russia has been really bad at warfare. Czars and...

  • May 18, 2023

    Daniel Cameron’s big moment

    Kentucky attorney general Daniel Cameron won an easy primary victory Tuesday to secure the GOP nomination for governor, beating out two impressive opponents -- Kelly Craft, the wealthy former UN ambassador in the Trump administration, and R...

  • May 6, 2023

    Trump’s Endless Legal Wars

    Donald Trump is a different kind of guy and unique as a politician. Whereas, it’s usually a good idea in business and politics to avoid making enemies or taking on expensive lawsuits, Trump family money has allowed him to indulge in both. The g...

  • April 29, 2023

    The Watergate Cover-up Never Ends

    Big Media never tires of repeating two enormous lies -- their versions of Joe McCarthy’s investigations and the Watergate Scandal. The latter gets another bad history treatment this May with HBO’s White House Plumbers.  Back the...

  • April 18, 2023

    Did Trump peak too soon?

    Presidential politics is a roller coaster ride.  Some politicians — Richard Nixon was one — uselessly plot to "peak at the right moment," but events usually dictate their own schedule.  You may recall George ...

  • March 23, 2023

    Trump could be in more danger than you think

    One of the things I often have to remind people about, including lawyers who should know better, is that each state has its own unique laws and procedures.  What is no big deal in most places may be a fiasco in another. For Donald Trump,...

  • February 23, 2023

    Can Chicago finally turn things around?

    Next week is the mayoral election in Chicago, and things are actually looking up a bit in my long-ago home town. Chicago has non-partisan elections for aldermen and mayor — which is good, because there are so many chumbolones: dim-witte...

  • February 7, 2023

    The Biden machine is quite a thing, isn't it?

    Fans of the old Star Trek series may remember an episode called "The Doomsday Machine," about a planet-blasting device from another galaxy, still wreaking destruction long after its builders would have died off in ancient times.  ...

  • January 8, 2023

    No Easy Road for Men of God

    Last week, Pope Benedict XVI was laid to rest.  The world media were forced to cover the event, barely containing the vitriol they always had for the man. Why was such a kindly and humble scholar always the subject of such scor...

  • November 12, 2022

    Trump's son-in-law problem

    I don't know what others would define as a Red Wave, but whatever we got Tuesday night, I'll take it.  As of this writing, the GOP is set to pick up the House of Representatives, giving chairman gavels to both Reps. James Comer...

  • August 11, 2022

    A slightly optimistic take on all those new IRS agents

    One of the most famous grievances the Founding Fathers enumerated in the Declaration of Independence was this: "he has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance....

  • June 7, 2022

    Will the Supreme Court put a stake through the heart of gun control?

    The irony is rich.  Old Joe Biden, floundering in the polls and needing a distraction, seized on the recent mass shootings to launch a gun control push.  Many conservatives are panicked by his talk of an "assault weapons...

  • May 4, 2022

    Why the Democrats Can Expect to Lose a Lot of Elections

    Twenty twenty was a bitter defeat for many of us, and the charges of fraud were not without merit.  What wasn't true however were the tales of rigged voting machines swinging the election.  As I wrote not long afterward, the...

  • March 11, 2022

    The cure for Joe Biden's inflation will come from Biden himself

    A lot of pundits hate to admit they were wrong on something.  Me, I wish to God I weren't so right.  Specifically, about Joe Biden: "Like most great artists, Biden is prolific.  The medium he works in is st...

  • March 1, 2022

    Send Trump to Moscow to make a peace deal with Putin

    It is greatly heartening to see how well the Ukrainians have been fighting off Putin's invasion. Even for someone like me, who is skeptical of Russia's real military capabilities, it was surprising to hear how badly this is going.  ...

  • February 3, 2022

    The one drug that Neil Young doesn't want anyone doing

    Maybe the weirdest part of the Joe Rogan–Neil Young fight is the ridiculous position Neil Young has staked out on "illegal" drug use.   For those of you under age 50, Neil Young was a moderately famous Canadian rocker fro...

  • January 18, 2022

    How brave is Glenn Youngkin?

    With the election of Glenn Youngkin, Virginia now has a Republican governor for the first time since the Charlottesville Riots.  He has already shown he is brave enough to take on the left-wing establishment that runs the public schools in ...

  • September 16, 2021

    A glimmer of hope in Venezuela

    The news in our country and abroad has been relentlessly bad ever since we entered the calamitous Biden Era just months ago, but there are a few hopeful signs out there still. One of the best is a story receiving almost no coverage in the lar...

  • August 27, 2021

    Lloyd Austin, master of defeat

    The fiasco unfolding in Afghanistan was all so predictable.  In fact, I predicted it a while ago — Biden's stupidest mistake.  Yet it's still gut-wrenching to go through this humiliation and to think of the terr...

  • August 27, 2021

    I blame Zalmay Khalilzad

    If we are going to point fingers, there are plenty to take the blame, but the real villain in Afghanistan is a guy no one ever talks about, yet who really set the stage for our failure: Zalmay Khalilzad, George W.'s man in Afghanistan. ...

  • July 8, 2021

    Biden's stupidest mistake

    You can't say Joe Biden hasn't been busy in the months since he took office.  Like most great artists, Biden is prolific.  The medium he works in is stupid mistakes, and he cranks out new ones every day.  It is h...

  • May 22, 2021

    Tucker needs to cool it on UFOs

    I am a big fan of Tucker Carlson and his Fox TV show.  He brings a level of depth, cogency, entertainment, and even courage to his broadcasts that we have not seen in media since Rush Limbaugh at this best.  Still, he has a few blin...

  • April 30, 2021

    At least horse racing isn't woke yet

    No question, we are in for some hard times these coming years.  Not just with the malevolent creatures in the White House, but in so many areas of American life — from popular culture to sporting events.  BLM zombi...

  • April 8, 2021

    George Floyd's rotten friends

    The defense turned the tables this week in the Derek Chauvin case, getting the star prosecution witness, the police chief, to admit that the videos appear to show Chauvin kneeling on George Floyds' shoulder blade, not his neck. ...

  • March 12, 2021

    What is Mitch McConnell up to?

    I wondered how long it would take the national press to notice SB 228 now working through the Kentucky Legislature.  It effectively takes the power of filling a U.S. Senate appointment away from the Kentucky governor, Democrat And...

  • February 20, 2021

    Rush got me started, too

    I just missed meeting the great Rush Limbaugh in person on several occasions.  Whenever he was in Louisville to play golf with Fuzzy Zoeller, he usually wound up at this little pub, which has long been a favorite watering hole for down...

  • February 6, 2021

    Exposing the creepy role Mark Zuckerberg played in the 2020 election

    Right on time, the establishment media spill the juiciest story on the U.S. election, months after the contest.  Almost as if they were just another cog in the Democrats' machine. Time magazine now confirms that there was a massive...

  • December 17, 2020

    How about an American realignment?

    After every presidential election these days, the losing side always wants to talk about secession.  Even our old buddy Rush Limbaugh mentioned that his friends had broached the topic.  Given the outrageous and illegal way Mr...

  • November 10, 2020

    Why Trump's election challenges have a better chance than most of succeeding

    Whenever someone comes on TV introduced as a "national expert on American election law," change the channel, because no such person exists.  We have 50 very different sets of state laws that govern elections and just as many sets ...

  • September 11, 2020

    Bob Woodward pulls out an old trick to down Trump

    The fake news media are so empty of imagination now that they have resorted to rerunning old fake news about President Trump.  Bob Woodward's latest scoop is that Mr. Trump downplayed the virus scare scenarios this spring to preven...

  • August 29, 2020

    On contentious police shootings, the truth will out...eventually

    Mark Twain said a lie is halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.  He might be astonished today at how that is an understatement.  No sooner is a young black person shot by the police than somebody, often Ben Crump of...

  • July 29, 2020

    Where the Civil Rights movement went wrong

    This weekend, my hometown was treated to the antics of an even stupider bunch than Black Lives Matter: Grand Master Jay  and his "Not F------ Around Coalition."  About 200 of these idiots showed up to protest the Br...

  • July 1, 2020

    Are the Chinese buying Pope Francis's silence?

    There are still many wonderful priests, sisters, and bishops in the Catholic Church, sharing the real Gospel of Christ.  They are frequently clobbered for doing so. Father Daniel Maloney was run out of Boston last week by his a...

  • June 20, 2020

    How about we keep Juneteenth and lose Kwanzaa?

    Abraham Lincoln is an amazing guy.  He died over 150 years ago yet seems more relevant today than any of our living leaders.  For timid congressional Republicans, then and now, he has this message: "The dogmas of the quiet pa...

  • May 16, 2020

    Coronavirus panic provides Trump a great opportunity to make a deal on pensions

    The Wuhan virus has brought out the worst in lefty Democrats.  For pure evil, you can't beat the governors like Cuomo, who stuffed infected patients into unprotected nursing homes, killing thousands.  Next worst is the in...

  • April 15, 2020

    Yes, Trump can open America

    Just a few weeks ago the MSM and the Dems were screaming about Pres. Trump not employing the Defense Production Act aggressively enough. This was back when Gov. Andrew Cuomo was doing his woe-is-me diatribe about 30,000 ventilators. You rem...

  • April 2, 2020

    To end coronavirus panic, have every single American wear a DIY mask

    I am not a big fan of Dr. Fauci.  As I previously wrote, the 79-year-old has no operational role in the federal response efforts and should be working at home.  Instead, he is desperate for as many media appearances as possib...

  • March 22, 2020

    Why is Dr. Fauci not at home?

    How telling that the Wuhan Virus is so highly skewed against the elderly and health compromised, yet the massive shutdown of the country is aimed at everybody.  It seems that many of our D.C. rulers are older folks who don't want to mis...

  • March 5, 2020

    Dutiful Democrat candidates follow orders and self-terminate

    You have to give them credit: the Democrat establishment has carefully cultivated and trained a massive welfare state clientele over the decades, and when the word goes out, boy, does everybody fall in line.  This is true even when the desi...

  • January 14, 2020

    Taco Bell trumps Biden and Bernie

    Things are so bad in America, we are told Gen Z has embraced Bernie Sanders socialism just as a way to get by. Meanwhile the ever unhelpful Joe Biden advises unemployed coal miners to "learn to code."  Apparently, the gr...

  • January 4, 2020

    Kicking out the Iranians

    Some people have learned the hard way you don't want to get Donald Trump mad at you.  The long overdue killing of Quds Force leader Qassem Soleimani may mark the final showdown in the long struggle for Iraq between the relativ...

  • December 11, 2019

    Paul Volcker's voodoo economics

    Paul Volcker died this week.  He will go down in history as being the tallest Fed chair, and also the smoker of the smelliest cigars, but not much else. Financial writers of his obituary insist that his policies beat inflation in the 198...

  • December 5, 2019

    Tucker Carlson goes too far on populism and Cabela's

    Tucker Carlson's show on Fox News is always interesting and provocative.  Not only will he puncture liberal talking points like so many toy balloons, but he takes on some of the lamest characters on the right.  I especially li...

  • November 8, 2019

    Kentucky's new star

    President Trump said it best Monday night about Kentucky's new Republican Attorney General, Daniel Cameron, the brilliant young black lawyer: "a star is born."  Republicans wound up winning every Kentucky election except ...

  • October 8, 2019

    How the Hobbs Act Could Sink Joe Biden

    To say the drive-by media have circled the wagons for Joe Biden is putting it mildly.  Every day, in print and on their TV broadcasts, they thunder that there is no evidence!  He broke no laws when his son raked off millions ...

  • October 1, 2019

    Trump's real Ukraine reasons

    Today's Ukraine news, with all its wild characters, crooks, and conspiracies — just to narrow it down to the Democrats — is reminiscent to me of the 1957 Apalachin meeting, the secret, grand conference of the American mafia, whic...

  • August 22, 2019

    The Lincoln-New York Times Debate

    As a piece of malign history, the New York Times 1619 Project is much worse than the effort by the woke community over the years to claim ancient Egypt for black Africa.  DNA testing recently showed what all serious hist...

  • August 7, 2019

    The real cause of the shootings

    The aftermath of the terrible recent shootings surprised no one.  The apparent white nationalist sympathies of the El Paso shooter, despite his anti-Trump comments, set off a lefty firestorm of attacks on the president and the NRA. ...

  • July 23, 2019

    Tlaib isn't 'of color'

    Racist.  As the definition goes, that's what they call somebody who wins an argument with a liberal.  Sounds like a lot of liberals are losing the argument to President Trump this last week, as the media and the Democrats have...

  • July 4, 2019

    Reagan, Trump, and fake news

    Our liberal media have been pumping out lies and gross distortions for decades, and I suppose we might be desensitized to it all, but it still irks me no end, especially when conservatives are attacked simply for relaying stories the liberal press it...

  • May 29, 2019

    Kentucky: A 2020 Preview?

    Some pundits have been trying to say the 2019 Kentucky governor’s race is a preview of Donald Trump’s re-election campaign. This may well be, but after the recent primary, not in the way they might have hoped. Nate Silver is ecstatic...

  • May 1, 2019

    The Pelosi Preakness

    This coming week features Saturday’s Kentucky Derby, the biggest event in the world for horse racing. There’s been a worrisome uptick in the rate of thoroughbred fatal injuries this year. Still, I much prefer the Sport of Kings; given the...

  • March 30, 2019

    Winning World War IV

    Recent coverage of the Rand Corporation’s war simulations showed the U.S. would lose badly in the first stages of a conventional shoot-out with Russia in the event of invasion of our NATO allies in the Baltics, or a Chinese strike as part of an...

  • February 1, 2019

    Dolan’s sneaky New York victory

    Much of the country is rightfully appalled at the horrific new abortion law New York governor Andrew Cuomo just rammed down the throat of the benighted Empire State. It essentially legalizes not just all abortions but infanticide. Calls by sensible C...

  • January 10, 2019

    Trump has the power

    The story of the Trump presidency so far is that the guy himself has done a pretty good job, considering how he is a complete outsider and amateur when it comes to so much of it.  But being an outsider, he has really struggled to put t...

  • October 27, 2018

    Priests, Good and Bad

    The Catholic bishop of Memphis, Tennessee, Martin Holley, was unceremoniously kicked out this week by the Vatican. The Memphis diocese is apparently an absolute disaster, as the arrogant liberal bishop closed schools and churches and moved priests ar...

  • August 21, 2018

    A reckoning for Pope Francis

    Follow the money.  That's the first thing to keep in mind when looking at the recent Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report on abusive priests.  As Bill Donohue has pointed out, the two-year investigation accusing 300 priest...

  • June 26, 2018

    AMLO will be Trump's foil

    The recent border hysteria our fake news media ginned up doesn't seem to be paying off for the Democrats, according to the latest polling.  But I think things will really turn in favor of Mr. Trump and his allies after we get a few...

  • May 6, 2018

    Earth to Bernie: Jobs are plentiful!

    Oh, that Bernie Sanders – thanks to his dopey thinking, he is our time's ultimate reverse indicator.  His latest scheme is a guaranteed job for everyone that is wildly impractical.  This is coming at a time when it ...

  • March 9, 2018

    The witness-tampering hoax

    The latest nonsense in the Mueller investigation is "witness tampering."  It seems that the president asked a few questions of Don McGahn and Reince Priebus "after" they spoke to Mueller's team.  In McGahn...

  • February 11, 2018

    Why Walmart wants Rachel Brand

    There is a lot of speculation this week about the reason Rachel Brand is stepping down as DOJ number 3.  Cue the scary music and intonations of Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre.  Ugh! But I don't think this is ...

  • December 16, 2017

    How husbands and wives figure in the latest government scandal revelations

    There's a nice post on Thread Reader identifying the man at the center of all the Trump-Russia-dossier crap: Bill Priestap, Peter Strzok's boss and James Comey's confidant.  He knows everything and would have made any decision t...

  • December 5, 2017

    On Flynn, the Logan Act dog won't hunt

    Apparently, the upshot on Mr. Mueller and the Flynn plea bargain is that there is not a shred of evidence that anybody remotely connected to Team Trump sought out illegal Russian help in the 2016 elections.  No, it's all about a Logan A...

  • November 14, 2017

    Better soldiers are ready to sign up

    Our military, especially the Army, is in deep trouble because of the low quality of recruits.  Now the Army has a foolish new policy of enlisting even more mentally challenged soldiers.  It's already terribly expensive to find qual...

  • September 26, 2017

    Frau Dummkopf not safe yet

    The big initial winner in Sunday's German election has to be Britain's Theresa May.  German voters gave a huge majority to the parties on the right, all of whom largely despise the E.U. and the shabby way their bureaucrats have treated B...

  • August 19, 2017

    Monuments are a great American story

    What a pathetic bit of mob lunacy we have this summer in the attacks on Southern Civil War monuments.  In my hometown, they are even defacing a statue of a civilian gentleman on a show horse, meant to celebrate equestrian sports. ...

  • August 10, 2017

    Solving the Debbie Blabbermouth mystery

    The disgraced former DNC chairwoman, whom Rush likes to call Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz, is under the biggest scandal cloud in Washington thanks to her former I.T. guy, Imran Awan.  Awan was the ringleader of what looks like a genuine...

  • June 27, 2017

    The Trinity Lutheran revolution

    The SCOTUS decision on the president's travel ban is getting the most attention this week, but more consequential will be the decisive 7-2 opinion in the Trinity Lutheran case, overturning the so-called "Blaine amendment" in the Mi...

  • May 10, 2017

    Trump Is Getting His Wall

    What is it with our best-paid friends in the conservative media these days? They seem stuck on doom-and-gloom no matter the facts. Do they not know what is in the spending bill Congress just passed? Or is there just some playbook of pessimism they fo...

  • March 31, 2017

    Russians cheat better than Democrats

    There's a great scene in the movie The Sting where Robert Shaw's gangster character deals Paul Newman a good poker hand designed to sucker a big bet, only to have Paul pull his own aces out of his sleeve and win the game.  Shaw...

  • February 24, 2017

    Hollywood loves this one charter school

    We've had months now of liberals bashing Betsy DeVos, charter schools, and any concept of school choice for children, even when they live in the most inferior public school districts. But without a hint of irony or self-reflection, that greate...

  • November 15, 2016

    Union collapse doomed Hillary

    Not since the Berlin Wall came crashing down have I so enjoyed watching history unfold as with the 2016 election results.  Even better, back in 1989, most of the lib-left commentators weren’t so emotionally invested in Erich Honecker,...

  • October 31, 2016

    The rats are leaving the ship

    The city I live in is sometimes called the biggest little town in the country because everybody seems to know everybody else’s business, but we have nothing on the nation’s capital.  After James Comey’s bombshell announcement t...

  • October 22, 2016

    Don’t sweat Soros voting machines

    Conservatives are up in arms this week over a report that Dr. Evil is back, this time to rig the election through electronic voting machines he controls.  Now, there are a great many things for us to be concerned about in this election, but fort...

  • September 12, 2016

    Get out the Trump

    Election 2016 is proving educational if nothing else. Thanks to Hillary, we are learning to tell the difference between a stroke, a seizure, and a fainting spell. Donald Trump, meanwhile has been overturning the conventional wisdom of our politi...

  • May 12, 2016

    Trump’s Secret Weapons

    My prognosticating powers were going great for a while, anyway. As I correctly thought months ago, Donald Trump's bogus finances and his complete indifference to organization would undermine his chances in the fight for loyal delegates going to C...

  • April 29, 2016

    Big Labor, Big Problems

    Amid all the election hoopla this year there is an amazing story about to break, almost completely ignored by the liberal media. The country’s largest labor union, the Teamsters, is about to have its largest pension fund, the Central States, go...

  • April 6, 2016

    Indicting Mrs. Boss Hogg

    The FBI is on a winning streak.  They haven’t looked this good since the heyday of Efrem Zimabalist, Jr.  Apparently, they just cracked open the unbreakable Apple iPhone.  In my own neck of the woods, they recently indicted a top...

  • March 3, 2016

    Ignore the pundits; this one's going all the way to Cleveland

    Don't you just hate it when sports announcers insist "it's over" during a ball game or playoff series when, in fact, the action has only just begun?  Even today, I still remember Howard Cosell and company being particularly gui...

  • February 25, 2016

    College is already free, Bernie

    At the end of the movie Animal House we learn the perennial student-slob character played John Belushi went on to success as a U.S. Senator.  I only just realized this was based on a real-life person: none other than Vermont's own Bernie San...

  • February 4, 2016

    Trump's cash crunch

    Count me in with those who suspect that Donald Trump is no billionaire, but merely a poseur who may never have recovered from his many big-deal failures, as AT and others have already noted.  Ted Cruz is finally bringing this idea up, but it...

  • November 13, 2015

    Explaining the Republican blowout in Kentucky

    How overwhelming was the Republican landslide last week in Kentucky?  Big-time liberals are so desperate for an excuse that they are trotting out the rigged voting machine fantasy. To be sure, Kentucky is not the most typical state ...

  • October 23, 2015

    Sorry Ann, Jack Kemp was Right

    Ann Coulter had a nasty little piece of historical revisionism in her column on Jack Kemp and Paul Ryan, proving that now more than ever we conservatives need to understand the real political history of how Republicans lost out on the Hispanic a...

  • September 26, 2015

    Ozone Shultz rides again

    No matter whom you like for president, I think most would agree it’s a good thing so many “outsiders” are getting a real chance to compete for the Republican nomination.  Sadly, the same can’t be said for the top tier of ...

  • July 9, 2015

    The Cosby Global Initiative

    What a sad state of decline has descended upon Dr. William H. Cosby, Jr., Ed. D., the “Cos,” America’s beloved TV pitchman, and habitué of both Sesame Street and the Playboy Mansion.  The good doctor had been a media sup...

  • May 21, 2015

    Kentucky Tea Party triumph

    A year ago Sen. Mitch McConnell was basking in a convincing U.S. Senate primary victory, explaining he had "crushed the tea party" by beating political newcomer, Louisville entrepreneur, and army veteran Matt Bevin. But in a shocking 4-way ...

  • May 12, 2015

    Huck was right, Will is wrong

    Hopefully Mike Huckabee sticks to his guns of late, because he is very much right on a legal issue more Americans need to understand: the limits of judges under our Constitution.  Huckabee recently complained on Hugh Hewitt’s show that any...

  • May 5, 2015

    The Clintons versus the Hobbs Act

    AT was right on top of the Clinton money scandal, explaining recently that author Peter Schweizer is properly citing the Gov. McDonnell precedent for gift-taking criminality even where no actual quid pro quo is proven.  Not that anyone in t...

  • February 26, 2015

    Paul Clears Big Hurdle

    Senators Paul and Rubio have a problem running for both president and re-election to the Senate in 2016, as Kentucky and Florida election laws complicate running for two federal offices. Since Florida has a March presidential primary and an August re...

  • December 19, 2014

    No Castro payday coming

    You have to hand it to President Obama.  With his sell-out diplomacy to Communist Cuba, he has in effect “hit for the cycle,” doing a solid for every last one of the world’s most unsavory dictatorships.  What’s left ...

  • November 9, 2014

    Obamacare is a Goner

    They say the Supreme Court follows the election results, and if so, they certainly didn’t waste any time after the beat down the voters administered to the Democrats this Tuesday. By Friday, the Supremes had decided to rule on the Obamacar...

  • June 12, 2014

    Break up Iraq

    Ah, so this is how leading from behind is done. President Obama inherits a war we had won and just needing a status-of-forces agreement only now a mystery thug who is supposed to be even worse than Bin Laden has conquered large sections of both Iraq ...

  • March 21, 2014

    The End of Chavismo in Venezuela?

    President Obama is so busy doing nothing about Crimea and Ukraine, he has no time to make a show of doing nothing about the crisis in Venezuela. That may be just as well, since it appears the end may finally be coming for the “Chavista” r...

  • February 28, 2014

    Keystone may be Railroaded

    It’s been nearly six years now that President Obama has delayed start of the massive Keystone XL pipeline designed to bring the oil riches of western Canada’s tar sands to Texas refineries. He may well never approve it; that’s certa...

  • December 7, 2013

    Reagan Freed South Africa

    Nelson Mandela is being rightly eulogized as a great force for peace and freedom. Though a deeply flawed man, his moral growth allowed him to voluntarily relinquish power, much the same as George Washington. This is an example bei...

  • October 19, 2013

    Obama The Zax

    Well, if there was any doubt about it, the shutdown fight demonstrated once again today's Republicans don't have anywhere near the messaging or strategic skills of the Reagan era. Ted Cruz gave it a go, but the most memorable lines of all his speechm...

  • July 4, 2013

    O'Donnell's Treason

    You have to hand it to MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell. On a cable channel full of sanctimonious lefties, this guy consistently outdoes his colleagues with smug, nauseating, self-righteous bunkum. Last week was a great example, where he pompo...

  • June 21, 2013

    Why Rush Immigration?

    In 2007, Congress killed the last big attempt at immigration reform, thanks in part to the effortless double-dealing of Sen. Barack Obama. Since then, not much has happened. This year however, we are told the world will pretty much come to an end if ...

  • March 6, 2013

    Looks Like A Job For Marco Rubio

    Good news finally in Latin America- Hugo Chavez is dead. This will trigger a special election 30 days hence, and one hopes his successor will either want, or be forced, to end Venezuela's absurd subsidies to Communist Cuba. If that happens, the Cas...

  • December 29, 2012

    Malcolm X Ruins Gun Control

      I don't think anyone who reads AT was particularly surprised by the gun control temper tantrum liberals have been pitching after the Sandy Hook tragedy. But if you watch what they do and not what they spew, it seems even the gun-grabbers don'...

  • November 9, 2012

    Barely Good Enough for Obama

    In the main, I don't think the GOP did so badly in 2012. The House was retained, and Mitt Romney ran very closely in all the battleground states. As a candidate, he was excellent in debate, on the stump and raising money. His team in Boston sadly was...

  • August 31, 2012

    Condi Rice Speaks Again. And Again

    Condoleezza Rice spoke to the RNC Wednesday night to near universal acclaim. I agree that it was a smoothly delivered speech, no doubt because it's the same speech she always gives and practice makes perfect. Compare her speech to the GOP convention ...

  • November 16, 2011

    Warren Buffett's Keystone Bonanza

    As most readers are aware, President Obama is doing everything he can to indirectly kill the Keystone XL Pipeline  project, which was to bring millions of barrels of oil from Canada's tar sands region into the United States, creat...

  • October 8, 2007

    An Iraq War Milestone

    Reports of success stemming from the U.S. military's surge campaign to finally crush the terrorist violence in Iraq have been numerous, but one little remarked development may be more significant than the press supposes. In late September, convoys of...