Francis X. Ryan

Francis X. Ryan

  • March 12, 2015

    Fiat Currency and German Bonds

    "Germany sells Five-year debt at Negative Yield for First Time on Record," screams the article from Wall Street Journal. The subtitle also states, "Move reflects plummeting borrowing costs across Europe." Germany was able to se...

  • March 11, 2015

    The Lies of 'White Privilege'

    For many years, the term “white privilege” has been bantered about in academia, the press, and in select governmental agencies. Now it has begun to enter public consciousness. The term “white privilege” appears to be the ra...

  • December 12, 2014

    The 'Torture Report': a Soldier's Response

    I am a retired Marine reserve Colonel. I have been in harm’s way. The Senate intelligence committee released a report that is likely to be incendiary at best. On the cover page the words “TOP SECRET – NOFORN” were stri...