Fishel Jacobs

Fishel Jacobs

  • July 1, 2014

    Three Bodies Found: Is It Business As Usual?

    As we write these lines, the worldwide media has just announced the unsurprising news.  The three innocent teenage boys who were kidnapped, eighteen days ago, by local Islamic punks were just found.  They were dead. That was clearly goin...

  • February 18, 2013

    Prison Suicide and Faith

    The assumed suicide of Prisoner X inside an Israeli maximum security solitary confinement cell is presently sweeping headlines worldwide. The location was Ayalon Prison in Ramla. Specifically, a highly monitored suicide-watch cell. One so unique...

  • October 28, 2012

    Women Remain the Best Jewish Leaders

    By this point in time, the entire world has heard of the fight exploding all around us.  In our own country, it's been labeled a fight between the constitutional right to freedom of speech and what perhaps hundreds of millions around the globe s...