Fay Voshell

Fay Voshell

  • The Terrible Mercy of Bishop Budde

    February 2, 2025

    The Terrible Mercy of Bishop Budde

    For decades, the mainstream media and Hollywood justifiably have called out the Catholic Church for scandals involving the sexual exploitation of children by members of the church’s hierarchy.  For example, the 2015 film Spotlight dra...

  • After the Fire

    January 19, 2025

    After the Fire

    Once thieving vultures have picked the carcass of Los Angeles clean and the debris left by the Great Fire of Los Angeles has been cleared, the question arises: “Who will govern and rebuild the city?” One thing is certain: Los Angeles a...

  • A 2025 Year of Jubilee Could End Slavery in America

    January 10, 2025

    A 2025 Year of Jubilee Could End Slavery in America

    If the world’s oldest profession is prostitution, the world’s oldest institution is slavery.  Although the practice has been condemned by the United Nations and although Western nations officially have repudiated the sale of hum...

  • Pre-emptive Pardons and Cheap Grace

    December 22, 2024

    Pre-emptive Pardons and Cheap Grace

    Pre-emptive pardons, which essentially are instruments designed to protect persons who have not yet been investigated or charged with crimes they may have committed, are fundamentally unearned blanket forgiveness.  They are what Dietrich Bo...

  • Mass Immigration and Socialist Sanctuaries

    December 9, 2024

    Mass Immigration and Socialist Sanctuaries

    God-kings who ruled over ancient civilizations and tyrannous authoritarians of modern times have utilized trusted means of achieving radical cultural change: the mass movement or genocidal elimination of peoples. Whether it was Nebuchadnezzar...

  • Time to End Anti-God Lawfare

    November 23, 2024

    Time to End Anti-God Lawfare

    For many decades, the left in America has interpreted the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in a manner that is inherently hostile to religion, particularly to the Christian faith.  An example of the left’s adversarial interpreta...

  • Christians Must Vote

    October 29, 2024

    Christians Must Vote

    At a recent rally in Juneau, Wisconsin, Donald Trump urged evangelical Christians to vote, saying: I’ll tell you another one that don’t vote — I love these people — evangelical Christians. The Christian community doesn...

  • Ideological Excrement Has Poisoned the West

    October 9, 2024

    Ideological Excrement Has Poisoned the West

    A TV series titled Hoarders documents the confusion and chaos generated by a mania for indiscriminately collecting anything and everything.   One particularly shocking episode depicts a hoarder who had a collection of what she said was h...

  • Nazism at Columbia University

    September 12, 2024

    Nazism at Columbia University

    Columbia university activist Mahmoud Khalil is calling for more pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protests this fall.  Perhaps he has been buoyed by the success he enjoyed as lead negotiator for campus protesters last April.  Maybe he ...

  • A Death Cult’s Worship Service

    August 26, 2024

    A Death Cult’s Worship Service

    Viewers of the four-day Democratic National Convention were treated to more than a political gathering.  They saw a spectacle that has been the equivalent of a four-day-long religious retreat.  The services proved that the religio...

  • A Gold Medal for the Marquis de Sade

    August 2, 2024

    A Gold Medal for the Marquis de Sade

    The Olympic games are filled with athletes whose beautiful bodies inspire admiration and awe.  Their amazing physiques reflect the ideal of the human body held by the Greek originators of the contests.  That ideal was nobly realiz...

  • Higher Education and ‘Jewish Science’

    May 8, 2024

    Higher Education and ‘Jewish Science’

    “It was eerie.  I saw myself in that machine.  I never thought my work would come to this.” The frail old man, amazed when he saw an image of his face while undergoing an MRI in 1987, was the world-renowned physicis...

  • We Will Not Forget Jerusalem

    April 17, 2024

    We Will Not Forget Jerusalem

    Those who know the history of the Jewish people know that the terrible event of October 7, during which at least 1,163 Jews were murdered by Hamas terrorists was not unique. Those who still grieve over the Holocaust and now over the recent losses ...

  • The Gospel of Bitcoin

    March 19, 2024

    The Gospel of Bitcoin

    A recent tweet published by James Saylor, executive chairman of MicroStrategy, represents him as having laser eyes, his head surrounded by a Bitcoin halo. While doubtless Saylor’s portrayal of himself is partly humorous, his laser eyes sugge...

  • The Jacobins Occupy St. Patrick’s Cathedral

    February 25, 2024

    The Jacobins Occupy St. Patrick’s Cathedral

    The playbook of the French Revolution has come to New York City.  Once again, we are seeing the attempted destruction of an existing class system, and with it the Catholic Church. Those who recall Kathy Griffin’s photo of a decapitated ...

  • March 3, 2022

    Germany Retakes Center Stage in Europe

    Tyler Durdin’s recent article in Zero Hedge describes the incredible capacities of the FGM-148 Javelin, which is an American-made anti-tank weapon. The weapon has been nicknamed "St. Javelin."  Its success is described in almost ...

  • February 9, 2022

    Will the Churches Follow Mark Zuckerberg into the Metaverse?

    During the last two years, many if not most churches have been wandering in a wilderness.  Exiled from houses of worship due to COVID-19 mandates and regulations, the retreat of congregations to cyber-space at the onset of the pandemic was ...

  • January 18, 2022

    The Trans Sect Is a State-Sponsored Religious Cult

    For the leaders and followers of the trans movement, the photo accompanying Gabriel Mac's article "I Didn't Need a Penis to Be a Man. But I Needed One to Be Me" is a political statement concerning equality of the sexes.  T...

  • December 25, 2021

    Christmas and Freedom from Oppression

    There is so much to love about the story of a medical team who separated conjoined baby boys from Yemen. Now they have a chance of experiencing life as separate individuals. But one cannot help but notice that in contrast to the father, who is dre...

  • November 29, 2021

    The Escape to Mars or Zuckerberg's Metaverse

    The impulse to escape the vicissitudes and sufferings characteristic of human life on earth is understandable.  It could probably be encapsulated in the graffito phrase, "Stop the world!  I want to get off!" There are...

  • November 15, 2021

    Persons of No Color

    The Smithsonian Museum, the American Louvre of unusual artifacts, has a collection of toys.  One is a transparent plastic figure called "The Visible Woman."  She has as her companion "The Visible Man." ...

  • October 30, 2021

    Living in an Age of Lies

    In his novel The First Circle, Alexander Solzhenitsyn pictures Stalin ruminating over the concept of “language as an instrument of production.”  A new way of speaking would establish the reality of the communist order and the communi...

  • September 26, 2021

    The Forcible Conversion to COVIDism

    By now, even progressives are aware that the restrictions imposed by COVID-19 hygiene rituals are onerous.  Temperature-taking, hand-sanitizing, mask-wearing, social distancing — all have become ubiquitous social practices since the a...

  • September 6, 2021

    Nihilism Is Not a Good Look for the USA

    Historian Paul Johnson wrote in his book Modern Times, "It is of the essence of geopolitics to be able to distinguish between different degrees of evil." Biden's lack of moral orientation was clearly revealed in his recent speech con...

  • August 30, 2021

    Is Afghanistan the Next Killing Field?

    America’s abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan portends a humanitarian disaster of unknown proportions. Sam Faddis, a former CIA field operations officer, summarized the appalling situation in Afghanistan in a bulletin put out some days ago....

  • August 23, 2021

    The Failure of Woke Soft Power in Afghanistan

    In Afghanistan, America is experiencing its own Dunkirk, but without rescue boats or a Churchill on the horizon. While pundits, pooh-bahs, and political prophets presently are in finger-pointing mode over the debacle, one lesson is apparent. ...

  • August 15, 2021

    Afghanistan: The 'Graveyard of Empires' Claims Another?

    Afghanistan has been called "the graveyard of empires."  While disputes about the validity of the term continue, the fact is that the country has been a battleground for empires. From ancient times until today, the country has ...

  • June 24, 2021

    Is Joe Biden Catholic?

    As the withdrawal of Christian values from the formation of public policy has accelerated, the religion of progressive secularism has rushed in to fill the gap.  It is to this religion Biden and the Democratic Party have pledged their devotion. ...

  • May 30, 2021

    Evangelical Lutherans Accept Self-Mutilation as Christian

    In 251 A.D., a young woman resisted the sexual advances of Quintian, a Roman proconsul.  Her resistance cost her a sentence in a local brothel and, eventually, her life.  Before she died, she was subjected to tortures that include...

  • May 8, 2021

    The Abolition of Gender

    At the height of the French Terror, Maximillian Robespierre recommended that in the name of equality all church steeples be demolished.  The reason? They towered over other buildings and thus signified conflict with the principles of equality. ...

  • April 18, 2021

    Americans Exiled within America

    "Exile" conjures images of banished figures like Napoleon, who languished on the island of Elba, rendered powerless by isolation. Groups of people considered troublemakers also have been exiled from their lands.  Diasporas of ...

  • April 12, 2021

    Will Oxford University Start Smashing Pianos as Communist China Did?

    World-renowned violinist Isaac Stern arrived in Shanghai to give a recital shortly after Mao Zedong's  Cultural Revolution ended in 1976. No one could find a playable piano in all of the city.  All 500 pianos at the city...

  • March 22, 2021

    Meghan and Harry Rebel against the Crown

    The current dispute among members of the British Royal Family goes far beyond private family matters concerning Queen Elizabeth II, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, and the Cambridges.  It is about more than personality differences, hurt feelin...

  • March 13, 2021

    Joe Biden vs. the Church in Africa

    Nowhere is the evangelical zeal of liberals more clearly illustrated than in the Biden’s administration’s tying aid to Africa and other continents to the acceptance of the doctrines of leftist progressivism. For many decades, liberals ...

  • December 5, 2020

    Dehumanizing Americans

    It is time for Americans to disregard the platitudes that have been the rationale for the shutdowns destroying most institutions, including small businesses, schools and churches. By now everyone is wearily familiar with the supposedly spotless motiv...

  • November 26, 2020

    First, They Came for Thanksgiving; Now They Are Coming for Christmas

    Kate Brown, the Governor of Oregon, was rather ambivalent in her approach to violence during the time Portland was torched by radical mobs.  In fact, she thanked “Oregonians for expressing their free speech rights largely through joyful ce...

  • November 16, 2020

    Biden, the Great Pretender

    It may be a bit soon for the Bidens to be measurring for new drapes and ordering a fresh set of presidential china for a stay at the White House.  Maybe it’s not a good idea to be picking cabinet members and formulating executive orders be...

  • November 1, 2020

    Resisting Voting for the Demonic

    A couple of years ago, author and home schooler Ayun Halliday wrote an article about a child who rode the New York City subway costumed as Hieronymus Bosch's demonic bird. The strangely dressed child was pretty much ignored by unflappable New ...

  • October 7, 2020

    The Cult of Covidism Has Invaded the Church

    What should have been a purely scientific response aimed at control and cure of a disease quickly evolved into the political-religious cult of Covidism.  Objective scientific analysis of and responses to what is the contagious pathogen COVI...

  • October 1, 2020

    Tuesday's non-debate revealed America's great divide

    Students of American history who watched the Trump-Biden "debate" might well have felt a sense of déjà vu. America has been there, done that. On May 22, 1856, Rep. Preston Brooks of South Carolina stormed into the old Se...

  • September 27, 2020

    The Canonization of Saint Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Anyone who watched the lines of people who paid their respects to Ruth Bader Ginsburg as she lay in state at the Supreme Court would have noticed a peculiar atmosphere.  The reactions of those filing past her coffin went far beyond ordinary...

  • September 1, 2020

    The Sacking of New York City: 1970’s Radical Chic Reaches the Streets

      During the 1968 Olympics, most Americans were shocked to see two of the United States’ finest athletes raise their fists in loyalty to the Black Panthers, a radical group advocating violence as a means to change society. The controver...

  • August 16, 2020

    The Ritual Masking of America

    All authoritarian societies are built on the idea that whole categories of people are inherently unhealthy. To contain outbreaks of plagues, physical or mental, authoritarian governments create labyrinths of regulations and laws in order to safeg...

  • August 4, 2020

    A New Prohibition Is Silencing the Deplorables

    Students of American history will recall the colorful figure of Carrie Nation, who in her enthusiasm for the temperance movement, took to whacking up saloons with a hatchet.  The six-foot-tall Nation would later go on to earn her a living from h...

  • July 19, 2020

    ‘Burn, Baby Burn’: The Futile Revolutionaries of Today

    Burning civilization down may seem an odd way to rid a society of its defects.  But trial by fire characterizes the ideology behind the current wave of destruction advocated and perpetrated by the nihilists currently torching cities, defacing st...

  • June 2, 2020

    America's New State-Run Church

    For what seems an eternity, one of the ongoing accusations leveled by secularists against Christians and the Church was that Christians kept their heads in the clouds.  Believers have been told they have been too heavenly minded to be any earthl...

  • May 17, 2020

    Covid-19 Is Becoming a Theory of Everything

    Theoreticians who lead the discipline of physics have for some decades devoted themselves to formulating a theory of everything (TOE), which is a single theory that is assumed to be capable of describing all the physical phenomena in the universe....

  • May 5, 2020

    The Munchausen State's Experiment with Mass OCD

    Near his life's end, Howard Hughes lived in hotel rooms with blackout curtains on the windows, spending most of his day lying in bed.  When he had to walk, he wore tissue boxes on his feet because he feared that his soles would pick up ...

  • April 9, 2020

    A Response to the Lockdown of Churches during Easter

      On the 23rd of March, 1208, Pope Innocent III laid a general interdict on England and Wales. Most of the Church's sacraments were restricted for the entire kingdom.  The spiritual lockdown meant that the people's ability t...

  • March 29, 2020

    Coronavirus Apocalypse Now

    Mark Twain, on hearing an American newspaper had prematurely published his obituary, clarified matters by saying, “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” Some things do not change.  False reports abound in a ti...

  • December 23, 2019

    Satanists at the Christmas Party

    Sussex County, Delaware is perhaps the last place in America you’d expect to find a group of Satanists. Known among some Delawareans as “lower, slower Delaware,” the still sleepy little county is peopled with bible-believing folk...

  • December 13, 2019

    The Fate of Secular Saint Greta Thunberg

    After seeing the cover for Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” award, who can still pretend the Left is irreligious?  It is clear Time has officially sainted Thunberg.  After all, the magazine proclaims, “By clarify...

  • October 1, 2019

    Greta Thunberg: History’s Warning about Secular Child Saints

    Child polemicists have almost always had the dubious distinction of being indicators of movements that have gone to seed. As formerly stable paradigms of thinking and doing reach exhaustion, new leaders tend to embrace extremism in order to keep true...

  • July 22, 2018

    Why the Left Resists a Reconciliation with Russia

    Leftists had to have been astonished to hear President Putin's opening remarks at the Trump-Putin summit.  Russia's president proclaimed, "The Cold War is a thing of the past[.] ... The era of acute ideological confrontation of...

  • July 16, 2018

    The Transgender Mind-Body Split Destroys the Law

    Joanne Woodward, actress and wife of actor Paul Newman, played the role of a timid but troubled housewife named Eve White in a celebrated film entitled The Three Faces of Eve (1957). The person of Eve White was divided into three separate personal...

  • July 1, 2018

    The Trump-Putin Summit

    As the proposed July 16th summit with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki approaches, those involved in the historic meeting will find it important to pay attention to what Putin considers the foundational beliefs underlying Russia's domestic an...

  • June 1, 2018

    The Therapeutic Courtroom

    "I just signed your death warrant." Thus spoke Judge Rosemarie Aquilina to Larry Nassar, doctor for the American gymnastics team.  She sentenced him to 40 to 175 years in prison for sexually assaulting seven women.   ...

  • May 11, 2018

    American Law Is Becoming an Ass

    Whatever objections may be leveled at Ayn Rand’s objectivist philosophy, she certainly knew what arbitrary law looked like. Her father’s business was seized during the Bolshevik Revolution, and she herself was purged from Petrograd State ...

  • May 3, 2018

    Christians' Munich Moment in California

      Scarcely any moment in American history is as important for America's Christians as the developing crises over religious freedom now happening in California. The legislature of Sacramento not only is underhandedly banning books...

  • April 7, 2018

    When the Lie Becomes a Pillar of the State

    It was the film’s most wonderfully stirring scene. Cheering crowds, including newly released concentration camp victims still in their black and white striped prison garb, swarmed to meet Comrade Stalin, who had descended from the sky in his...

  • March 17, 2018

    State-Enforced Paganism in America

    Recently the Huffington Post published an interview with Malcom Brenner, who had sex with a dolphin. He defended his bestiality, saying: “And I’m hoping that in a more enlightened future, zoophilia will be no more regarded as controversia...

  • February 25, 2018

    The Embarrassing, Hilarious, Can't-Look-Away Trudeau Show

    See also: Silly costumes were the least problem with Justin Trudeau's 'disaster trip' to India Imagine the reaction of the media if President Trump donned lederhosen and tried to do a German folk dance during a trip to meet with German...

  • February 17, 2018

    Madness, Christianity, and the Left

    Somewhere out in cyberspace, there is a cartoon portraying two salamanders sitting on a rock while having a conversation.  One of the critters says, "In the lost city of Atlantis, I was Shirley MacLaine." A little bac...

  • February 6, 2018

    Transgender Ideology Promotes Experimentation on Children and Youths

    In the United States and elsewhere, lobotomies were once seen as the cure-all for some mental illnesses. Dr. Walter Freeman, an earnest advocate of experimentation on the human brain in order to “cure” mental illness, developed an...

  • January 6, 2018

    The Triumph of the Will Reborn

    The city of Nuremberg, Germany is faced with a problem: what to do with the decaying monuments of the Third Reich, including Zeppelinfeld, the huge stadium that saw the Nazi rallies of the 1930s. Zeppelinfeld in the 1930s. Zeppelinfeld toda...

  • December 30, 2017

    The global warming end is still nigh!

    It will be a high of 7 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow here in sunny Hammond, Indiana.  As I'm hibernating, I'm recalling the dire predictions of Al Gore, who prophetically announced that my former residence in Delaware, along with much o...

  • December 16, 2017

    The Temptation of Terror

    What might Robespierre, “The Incorruptible” have been thinking after he attempted suicide only to leave the job unfinished? The man who managed the Terror of the French Revolution succeeded only in shattering the jaw that had enabled his ...

  • December 11, 2017

    What Has Jerusalem to Do with America?

    Tertullian, a second-century leader of the Christian church, is well known for a statement he made concerning the importance of Jerusalem as contrasted with the secular city of Athens.  He wrote, "What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?"...

  • November 30, 2017

    Both Men and Women Can Be Sexual Predators

    Men accused of sexual taint continue to be beheaded by the media, falling like aristocrats trundled to the guillotine. The latest in the tumbrel full of miscreants to go under the blade is Matt Lauer, who was fired from NBC’s Today show for sex...

  • November 11, 2017

    Hollywood and Pedophilia

    In a scene from “I, Claudius,” a 70s television drama based on the life of the Roman emperor who ascended to power after Caligula’s death, Claudius relates the dismay of Julius Caesar when the emperor discovers the extent of his dau...

  • October 28, 2017

    From Beheading to Scream-Fests: How to Silence Critics – and Yourself

    Execution has been and still is a tried and true method of silencing critics. Consider the case of Marcus Tullius Cicero, the gadfly of the Roman senate.  A remarkably gifted rhetorician, his agile and biting tongue was silenced by an affront...

  • September 30, 2017

    Hir Majesty Mix Bressack, the New American Royalty

    There is a longstanding but probably apocryphal story about the time a rash equerry told an off-color joke in the presence of Queen Victoria of England. She drew herself up and invoking the royal lingual prerogative said in a chilly tone, “We a...

  • September 7, 2017

    Racism: The Ineradicable Sin?

    For today’s radical Left, which now has virtually uncontested control of the Democratic Party, racism is the universal and unforgiveable sin. It is also considered a sin that so permeates society that it is ineradicable except by a societal rev...

  • August 23, 2017

    Bonfire of the Confederate Vanities

    Recent events are a reminder of the Medici phrase “omne nefas victis, victoribus omnia sancta” -- “all crimes to the losers, to the winners all things are pure.” The Left in America considers itself a pure winner -- at leas...

  • June 11, 2017

    Genderism Destroys Natural and Moral Law

    The leftist genderist radicals attempting to eliminate the distinction between male and female may have societal breakdown in mind, for certainly, their current insanity will achieve the destruction of Western civilization, built as it has been on th...

  • June 4, 2017

    Beheading King Trump XVI

    He was unlike our current president in many respects: He was extraordinarily indecisive, timid and distracted. He seemed not to know his own country at all, isolated as he was from the public.  But his position was very like that of President...

  • May 20, 2017

    The Left's Progressive Pilgrimage

    If anyone had doubts about progressivism being a religious movement, those doubts should be laid to rest by a recent article in New York magazine dedicated to promoting a pilgrimage of faithful liberals to secular shrines dedicated to “equality...

  • May 6, 2017

    Born Perfect: the LGBT Movement vs. Reality

    Time was any person who declared himself perfect invited ridicule along with a suggestion he have his head examined. But those days apparently are long gone, at least according to the National Center for Lesbian Rights, which has recently declared...

  • April 9, 2017

    Sanctuary Cities and States Have Seceded from the Union

    New York City seriously contemplated seceding from the Union just before the outbreak of the Civil War. The mayor of the city was Fernando Wood, a rakish, charming, and handsome devil. He put his finger to the wind when southern states began to seced...

  • March 28, 2017

    Europe: Death by a Thousand Cuts

    There was a form of torture and eventual execution employed by Chinese authorities from about 900-1905. The formal name is lingchi, meaning death by a thousand cuts. The victim being put to death did not expire immediately, but instead bled to death ...

  • March 4, 2017

    The Democrat High Priestesses in White

    There have been many interpretations concerning the mysterious bloc of women Democrats robed in white -- all the while pointedly ignoring President Trump’s speech to the joint session of Congress. Some critics compared the ladies to devotee...

  • February 3, 2017

    Trump’s Political Blitzkrieg

    Over the last eight years, the Left has taken the offensive continually while Republicans either capitulated, cooperated, procrastinated, or employed purely defensive maneuvers that amounted to a finger in the dam. How things have changed. It...

  • January 27, 2017

    Feminists Have Nothing Left but the Roar

    Of all the photos taken of the Million Women March, one that stood out is of a cute little girl barely out of toddlerhood. She is holding of a sign that said, “F**k your fascist bulls**t.”  Her mother stands behind her beaming p...

  • December 27, 2016

    Baby Skins for Sale: $325

    Ilse Koch, also known as “The Bitch of Buchenwald,” had a penchant for heavily tattooed human skin. She would search out the finest examples of skin art from among the prisoners at the death camp and have them skinned before they were sho...

  • December 25, 2016

    Preferring Herod to Jesus

    He has been described as a great moral leader who was “candid, fair and honest…no one was afraid of him and everybody trusted him.” He was “leading his people down new and unfamiliar avenues…His brown eye was exceeding...

  • December 1, 2016

    Jimmy Carter's Anti-Semitism

    It appears former president Jimmy Carter, now 92 years old, has yet to meet a tyrant he doesn’t admire. His continuing embrace of terrorist regimes makes some wonder when we will see the cessation of his continual self-exhumations from ...

  • November 19, 2016

    The High-water Mark of Progressivism

    President Obama seems to think he can jawbone his “legacy” into permanency, despite the recent election. He says the Iran nuclear deal will endure. The Paris agreement will last. Regulations cannot and will not be rolled back. ObamaC...

  • October 1, 2016

    A Requiem for Feminism

    It all seemed so exciting during the heady days of the 1960s and 70s as radical feminists jumped on the civil rights bandwagon, demanding equality with men. Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Germaine Greer, Bella Abzug and others led the push for women...

  • September 19, 2016

    Transgenderism and the New Anthropology

    Chances are, if you were a kid educated in public schools, you were taught about the evolution of man from a common ancestor, a prototypical primate from whom all the human races are derived.  Maybe you were provided a handy visual graph (like t...

  • September 4, 2016

    Globalism: The Religion of Empire

    “Damn the United States!  I wish I may never hear of the United States again!” So said the enraged antihero of  “A Man without a Country,”  a short story published in The Atlantic in December, 1863. The ...

  • August 28, 2016

    The Burkini vs. Bikini War

    The fracas in France over suitable swimwear is nothing new.  It wasn't too long ago (1919) that some twenty special deputies called "sheriffettes" were selected to monitor the swimwear of the bathers at Rockaway Beach, Queens, New ...

  • July 31, 2016

    The New French Terror

    20th century French intellectuals have a lot of blood on their hands.   Their theories about the necessity of violence in order to establish a society characterized by the ideals of egalité, liberté, and fraternité were o...

  • July 22, 2016

    Ted Cruz as Omarosa in 'The Apprentice'

    Anyone familiar with stagecraft knows the watching public’s love of easily identifiable black hats, and so uses the timeless device of setting up at least one person to be the personification of evil.  For Shakespeare it was the treacherou...

  • July 10, 2016

    Brexit Reveals the Complete Bankruptcy of the European Union

    The fatal flaw of the European Union has been its leaders’ assumption that human beings and nations can be regulated and managed as easily and thoroughly as cabbages are grown, bought and sold. Reductionism is always the Achilles heel of ide...

  • June 25, 2016

    Putin: A New Cold War?

    On June 20th of this year, CNN ran a piece containing declassified information about the Cold War spies of the 1970s. During the presentation, a former CIA Chief of Counterintelligence articulated the foundational assumptions behind the struggle...

  • May 29, 2016

    Russia, Solzhenitsyn, and the Reset Button

    In 2009, Hillary Clinton, then U.S. Secretary of State, presented her Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, with a “reset” button she thought symbolized a new era for Russian and American diplomacy. Lavrov pointed out the word the Americ...

  • May 12, 2016

    Welcoming the Brave New World Order

    It used to be only tinfoil hat types who raved about a conspiracy to establish a new world order.  Such nutcases generally did not include the secretary of state of America, a country once known for common sense and pragmatism. But the days o...

  • April 24, 2016

    Greek Gods and the Modern Quest for Immortality

    My son has given me a copy of the Iliad as an early birthday present. He'd like me to read three hundred pages before we discuss it.  It’s been a very long time since I read even excerpts from Homer’s work, and quite a while sinc...

  • April 16, 2016

    How Can a 'Gender-Free' Society Square with Being Human?

    Bruce Springsteen, of "Born in the USA" fame, is boycotting North Carolina because of what he cites as anti-LGBT prejudice. Springsteen describes North Carolina's "bathroom law" as a human rights violation, and "as an ...

  • April 3, 2016

    Killing Christianity in America

    The secular extremism characterizing much of the contemporary political scene sometimes makes it hard to realize Christianity was once the primary motivating force behind the great human rights movements of America.   Men and women of faith f...

  • March 16, 2016

    Ted Cruz: Crazy Holy Roller Dominionist?

    Candidate Ted Cruz is being accused of being a messianic figure who is heading up an evangelical coup d’etat -- at least according to the author of an article published in the East Orlando Post and featured as the leading headline in the March ...

  • March 8, 2016

    Revenge of the 'Bitter Clingers'

    Observers of all things political will recall the backlash from voters when President Obama, campaigning for president in 2008, talked about small-town and rural Pennsylvanians in the following way (emphasis added): You go into these small towns...

  • February 28, 2016

    Evangelicals Are Politically Irrelevant

    A plurality of evangelicals voted for Donald Trump in the Nevada caucus. 41% voted for The Donald; 26% voted for Cruz.  What exactly does evangelicals’ support for a man like Trump signify? First, it reveals the extent to which many...

  • February 19, 2016

    The Trump/pope dustup

    Many conservatives have been waiting to see Donald Trump finally self-destruct. But they have waited in vain for months, as Trump as thrown out insult after insult without any seeming consequences to his favorability in the polls. However, Dona...

  • January 31, 2016

    Donald Trump and Evangelicals

    Analysts and journalists are having a hard time understanding Donald Trump’s appeal to America’s evangelicals.  This is not surprising, considering the media’s widespread ignorance about and (often) repugnance toward evangelica...

  • January 29, 2016

    Radicals Don’t Die: They Just Get Old

    It is so strange to see the Democratic Party field two old former radicals as candidates for the presidency.  Who would have thought such choices possible even a couple of decades ago? When Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton were young, they ...

  • January 9, 2016

    Buy a Sword

    There is an ongoing search for the lost Honjo Masamune, the legendary samurai sword said to be so supernaturally powerful it could split light itself. The blade was an unparalleled masterpiece crafted by the priest whose name it forever bore. Co...

  • December 25, 2015

    Christmas: A Very Merry Progressive Whatever?

    As a Christian, I am glad to see the merriment that accompanies the celebration of Christmas. The joy of the season is palpable. By all means, join in the joy. I, along with everyone else, love the parties, the bright lights, the fun of watching shop...

  • December 13, 2015

    Obama's Theology of Original Sin, Fundamental Transformation and Utopia

    There has been a great deal of nonsense written about the supposed cluelessness of our current administration concerning domestic and foreign policies. None of it is true. President Obama and his allies are not naïve, nor are they clueless idiot...

  • November 15, 2015

    Trump's Big Mistake: Attacking Carson's Faith and Character

    By attacking Ben Carson’s faith and equating him to a child molester, Donald Trump just may have just shot himself in the foot so badly he'll be limping during the rest of his campaign. According To USA Today, in a long and rambling spee...

  • November 8, 2015

    Nationalizing American Churches and Institutions

    Nationalizing institutions seems to be increasingly popular in America. The auto, energy, and health care industries are already largely taken over either outright or covertly brought under government control by means of onerous government regulation...

  • October 27, 2015

    Forced Conversion of Christians in America

    It was a scene guaranteed to gladden the heart of anyone who endorses the state religion of secular progressivism. Under the cover of darkness, construction workers removed from the grounds of Oklahoma’s state capitol a granite slab on ...

  • October 6, 2015

    Who Will Save Middle East Christians: Obama or Putin?

    Few Western foreign policy analysts have taken seriously Vladimir Putin's radical reorientation of Russia from communism back to Russian Orthodox Christianity.  Putin is perhaps uniquely qualified to discern that his nation's identity...

  • September 25, 2015

    Tolerating Pederasty

    Americans have an almost universal revulsion towards child molesters. Even among prisoners, some of whom are guilty of the heinous crime of murder, pedophiles are viewed with such disgust that their very lives are forfeit. They are considered th...

  • September 18, 2015

    Let the Vikings In?

    Nowhere is the lesson that erosion of foundational belief systems invites collapse from within and without made more apparent than in the present immigration crisis in Europe. Wars begin and invasions commence when formerly insignificant and disem...

  • August 30, 2015

    At War with Reality

    Characterizing the opposition as insane is a favorite tactic of the Left. To question their latest fatwa is for them an indicator of mental derangement on the part of the inquirer.    But in case you haven’t noticed, within in the ...

  • August 24, 2015

    Planned Parenthood and America's Loss of Moral Authority

    Remember the waterboarding scandal of 2013 that so outraged progressives?  After learning about post-9/11 tactics against mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others, progressives went crazy with condemnation of CIA methods to obtain informa...

  • August 16, 2015

    The Little Hand

    Sometimes in the life of our nation there comes a tipping point during which a horror of such great magnitude is revealed so clearly the response can only be universal revulsion and outrage.  Such a moment has come into being in the stomach c...

  • August 13, 2015

    The Trump and Kelly Reality Show

    The ongoing Trump and Kelly reality show reveals the influence popular culture, particularly television, has had on politics. And it’s not a good influence. It’s not good because it’s cheap fakery. By now, most Americans are a...

  • July 19, 2015

    The SCOTUS Band of Theologians

    Justice Kennedy’s rapturous ode to love in his written opinion on Obergefell v. Hodges owes more to the tone of the Sermon on the Mount than it does to a legal document.  His usurpation of the role of priest and religion is apparent, as he...

  • July 15, 2015

    Atlanta NAACP Advocates Destroying Stone Mountain Confederate Monument

    You didn’t really think the anti-Confederate, anti-Southern history hysteria would stop with the removal of the Confederate battle flag from South Carolina’s State House, did you? The Left’s aversion to the flag and its success i...

  • July 12, 2015

    U.S. Has Established a State Religion: What Now for Christians?

    The rainbow colors lighting up the White House immediately after the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage seem to indicate loyalty to a new flag of faith that signifies supremacy over the traditional stars and stripes of the Amer...

  • June 25, 2015

    Purging the History of the South

    Calmer heads know unity will not be achieved nor racism ended with the taking down of the so-called Confederate flag from South Carolina’s State House grounds.  While the debate currently is about one symbol seen as offensive by many, ther...

  • June 21, 2015

    The Gods Among Us

    We used to use terms like “phony,” “fraud” and “con artist” to describe people who pretended to be something they weren’t.  How times have changed.  Who knew liars and charlatans like Rachel D...

  • May 31, 2015

    The Left Goes Insane

    It was Albert Einstein who defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” On some levels, he was correct, but insanity is actually the substitution of fantasy for reality.  The guy who...

  • May 10, 2015

    Persecution of Christians in America: It's Not Just 'Over There'

    By now, the whole world is familiar with the snuff films documenting the forced marches and beheadings of orange-jumpsuited Christians by such groups as ISIS.  Churches are blown up or converted into mosques, monuments and tombstones are pulveri...

  • April 12, 2015

    Transgenderism: A Return to Pagan Mythology

    A great prophet once asked the question, “Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots?” Later, Jesus Christ asked, “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?” The prophet's questions...

  • February 16, 2015

    Fifty Shades of de Sade

    Recapitulation of the masochistic and sadistic themes developed by the Marquis de Sade has paid off big time for Erika Mitchell, author of Fifty Shades of Grey. There’s nothing particularly new in her book, which reviewers almost universally de...

  • February 12, 2015

    'Talk Is Always Better Than Shooting,' He Said

    I was standing in line at the Chinese takeout place a few blocks from my house. A guy I guessed to be in his early sixties, dressed in brown corduroy trousers, burgundy shirt and tweed jacket, entered the building and took a place next to me....

  • February 8, 2015

    POTUS: Burning the Jordanian Pilot Avenges the Crusades

    At least the Nazis tried to keep their atrocities under cover.  Secret photographs and films of mass shootings, roundups of Jews, and scorched earth policies were sneaked out to a disbelieving West.  The Holocaust itself was top-secret w...

  • February 1, 2015

    The Left and Absolute Sexual Freedom

    C.S. Lewis wrote in 1952 that “perversions of the sex instinct are numerous, hard to cure, and frightful.”  The good Oxford don did not live to see the times we now live in, times in which progressive extremists can state a straig...

  • January 8, 2015

    St. James Episcopal Church Celebrates Death in 'Bleeding Kansas'

    Reverend Mother Dawn Frankfurt just finished leading her congregation of St. James Episcopal Church of Wichita, Kansas in celebrating the birth of the baby Jesus. Carols were sung, liturgies were performed and communion taken, all in the name of the ...

  • December 19, 2014

    Supporting Repression and Torture in Cuba

    There is a book our president should read. He might find the U.S. should “be better than that” when it comes to supporting torture.  It is the sort of book that once started, it can’t put it down. But the president might fin...

  • December 9, 2014

    Fundamentally Transforming the World

    Barack Obama would not be the first national leader to wish to “fundamentally transform” his country. He also would not be the first to use his country’s power to fundamentally transform the entire globe.   The truth is...

  • November 21, 2014

    Obama's Perfect Storm?

    The leftist lives in eternal revolt and permanent rage against the injustices, real or perceived, of the world around him.  But any rectification of injustices is never enough.  He must be continually on the move, inventing new or resurrect...

  • November 2, 2014

    The Choice Before Us

    When they drafted the Democrat platform for 2012, Democratic leaders decided to remove any references to God as well as to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In other words, they decided to remove God from the political equation. The decision by ...

  • October 7, 2014

    Ebola: Faith Trumps Science

    When the Black Death was raging in Elizabethan London, some terrified citizens sought to assuage the Plague. The Queen herself ordered that anyone leaving London would be hanged. As in times past, some offered penitence to God in the form of self-fla...

  • September 25, 2014

    The Unabombers at the EPA

    Students of recent history will remember Ted Kaczynski as the man who is responsible for three murders and sixteen bombings over a period of eighteen years. These actions were fully excusable from Kaczynski's point of view....

  • August 14, 2014

    The Fifth Crusade?

    Things are bad when even Pope Francis, known as a holy and peaceable man, is pragmatically calling for the world to act against the atrocities happening in Iraq. Things are very bad indeed when Archbishop Giorgio Lingua, the Vatican's nuncio to I...

  • July 15, 2014

    A Plague on All Houses

    In 1345, the Mongol hordes besieging Kaffa were being decimated by the Black Death.  Desperate, the leaders of the Mongol army figured it would take only a few plague-ridden corpses to infect and destroy all the inhabitants of the city. Everyone...

  • July 11, 2014

    Importing Revolution

    One sign of an imperial government is that it does what it wishes with whole populations. It can shift some here; move some there. It can deport some there; import some here. Who will say “No” when facing armed might? Authoritar...

  • July 2, 2014

    Gutting ObamaCare

    While the implications of the Hobby Lobby ruling may be far reaching, as law professor Jonathan Turley notes in the LA Times, there is an even more significant case (Halbig vs. Burwell) now before the highly influential U.S. Court of Appeals for the ...

  • June 29, 2014

    Theological Rabies in the Presbyterian Church USA

    Francis Schaeffer once said, "Tell me what the world is saying today, and I’ll tell you what the church will be saying in seven years." Schaeffer, a theologian, may have been off by a few years, but he certainly predicted the futur...

  • June 23, 2014

    We're All Redskins Now

    Conservatives should be disabused of any notion that the recent revocation of the Redskins’ trademark by the US Patent Office had anything at all to do with the disparagement of Native Americans, real or perceived. On the contrary, the exerc...

  • June 19, 2014

    The Persistence of Empire

    The last one hundred years have seen particularly intense conflict as nation states have either been either been the target or initiator of empire building.  Once again, empires may be taking the place of nation states as boundaries largely p...

  • June 6, 2014

    Denying Reality: The Gnostic Left

    A Hebrew prophet once asked the rhetorical question: “Can a leopard change his spots or the Ethiopian his skin?”  Much later, another prophet asked, “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?” ...

  • May 18, 2014

    The Black Mass at Harvard

    “Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae.” “Truth for Christ and the Church.” In view of what Harvard has become today, it seems oddly shocking to read what was once the motto of America’s oldest university.  It s...

  • May 8, 2014

    North Korean Regime's Days May Finally Be Numbered

    It was Mao Zedong who said the Chinese and North Koreans were so closely allied the countries were “Like lips and teeth.”  But for some time, the two countries don’t seem to be speaking the same language.  The fact o...

  • April 25, 2014

    The Left Reviews the Bush Art Exhibition

    It’s hard to tell when painting morphed into interpretive literature.  But for some time, an illuminating narrative focused on the artist’s mood, personality, and political beliefs rather than on the subject painted or the technic...

  • April 20, 2014

    Jesus with a Whip

    This Easter season, I have found myself looking through a book given to me years ago.  It is entitled His Face.  Painted by world-renowned artists whose technical skills were and are inimitable, the depictions of the head of Christ range...

  • April 9, 2014

    The Sexual Revolution: The Last Domino Is Falling

    The sexual revolution begun in the 1960’s was initially supposedly about consenting adults doing whatever they wished to do in the bedroom.  At the time, few suspected the movement would morph from Hugh Hefner’s and Helen Gurley (...

  • March 27, 2014

    A Shave and a Haircut, Two Bits -- or Prison

    The problem with socialism, as Lady Margaret Thatcher once famously said, is that “eventually, you run out of other people’s money.” But the other problem is that a socialist, fascist, or communist state never runs out of inventi...

  • March 21, 2014

    Our Comrades at NASA

    Are you are among the uninitiated lumpenproletariat who believe the decline of the Roman Empire was attributable to a multitude of factors?  Do you still naively assume that rampant immorality, political corruption, inability to effectuate regim...

  • March 9, 2014

    Wilmington: A City with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome

    “Can you tell me which direction I should walk in order to get to Middletown?” I had been looking at the sidewalk trying to avoid the worst of the slippery ice, so at first the disembodied words didn’t register. I looked up to...

  • February 2, 2014

    Evangelicals: Alone and Exiled in Hollywood

    Her story is the stuff Hollywood films are made of. She is a severely disabled woman with an inspiring story and the singer of a sweet song entitled "Alone and Yet Not Alone," a piece about the person who stood by her side and helped with her strug...

  • January 29, 2014

    The Grammy Cult Ceremonies

    Most of the millions of Americans who tuned into the Grammy awards probably were expecting the program would be devoted to music. Silly us. As it turns out, what we were treated to were deeply religious ceremonies reflective of the most recent cultli...

  • January 25, 2014

    Democrats Are Playing the Knockout Game

    It's no wonder there's been so little outrage from the Left over the phenomenon known as the Knockout Game. The Left loves the game and is increasingly expert in knocking out conservative opposition with one swift and lethal blow to the head of any ...

  • January 18, 2014

    Move Along: Nothing to See at the IRS

    According to the Justice Department, an FBI investigation has found the IRS innocent of criminal activity concerning the targeting of Tea Party and other conservative groups. Predictably, conservative non-profits caught in the crosshairs of the IRS a...

  • January 10, 2014

    Establishing a U.S. State Religion

    In direct contradiction of the First Amendment, which forbids the establishing of a state religion, the Obama administration is busily doing just that. Meanwhile, it is attempting forced conversion of the reluctant, all the while targeting Christians...

  • January 7, 2014

    Karl Popper and the Ideology of Global Warming

    It's about 4 degrees this morning--at least that's the temperature where I live.  Wilmington, Delaware seldom sees temperatures that low.  There's frost on the outside storm window for the first time in years.  Brrrr.  As I enjoy...

  • December 20, 2013

    Erasing Southern History: The Bonfire of the Portraits

    When traveling recently to Virginia Beach, I couldn't help but notice that I was no longer in Yankee land.  I was in an entirely different world, one still significantly defined by the Civil War.   I passed street after street nam...

  • December 19, 2013

    The Duck Dynasty Flapdoodle

    Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson's recent comments on homosexuality and A&E's reaction to the patriarch's remarks reveals that nothing is free of politicization. More importantly, there are a couple of issues the flapdoodle illustrates. One is ...

  • December 17, 2013

    An 'I told you so' Moment

    For years, advocates of gay marriage targeted their opponents as hallucinatory nut cases because resisters to same sex-unions spoke ominously about a slippery slope that would lead to the legalization of polygamy. Open the gates to redefinition of tr...

  • December 14, 2013

    'Help' for Hoarders

    Ronald Reagan knew the progressive rationale so well that he could sum it up in one pithy phrase: "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" Progressives usually wrap their agenda i...

  • December 10, 2013

    The Sound of Music and Culture Shock

    It isn't my intention to compare and contrast the performances of Julie Andrews and Carrie Underwood, both of whom sang the lead role of Maria in The Sound of Music. As a classically trained singer, I find Andrews' crystalline, pitch-perfect voice in...

  • October 9, 2013

    Will Obama Cross the Debt Ceiling Rubicon?

    In Griswold v. Connecticut, Justice William O. Douglas wrote for the majority that the right to "privacy" was to be found in the "penumbras" and "emanations" of other constitutional protections such as the first amendment. The vagueness of the terms ...

  • September 29, 2013

    'Breaking Bad' and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

    The wildly popular television show "Breaking Bad," ends its run this evening. Rumor has it The End is truly apocalyptic. It is hard to see how it could be otherwise, given the moral anarchy affecting most of the characters. For those unfamiliar with...

  • September 21, 2013

    What the Pope is Really Saying

    HuffPo and other liberal publications can stop rejoicing. The Pope has not turned into a radical progressive. On the contrary, he is merely affirming what every pope before him has said. The Holy Father is merely making the proper distinction betwee...

  • September 9, 2013

    HuffPo: Repudiate Corrupt Obama

    With Moveon.org now lobbying against the resolution concerning war in Syria and OFA, the president's own grassroots organization  declaring neutrality, it's becoming apparent there are some cracks in the coalition that helped elect Obama. But ...

  • September 6, 2013

    Syria: A Crisis That Can't Go to Waste?

    Some of us may hope to be forgiven a somewhat jaundiced attitude toward the moral suasion coming forth from the White House concerning a possible strike on Syria.  The president is not convincing. It is hard to believe that for this administrati...

  • August 30, 2013

    Conversion Therapy Law Threatens Christians

    When Chris Christie signed a law against conversion therapy directed at counseling teens experiencing homoerotic feelings, he probably didn't think he had just put New Jersey on a path similar to countries like Saudi Arabia, which forbids conversion ...

  • August 29, 2013

    Is Iran the Real Target?

    The chemical warfare perpetrated on innocent civilians in Syria by the Assad regime has produced at least two obvious effects. First, the attacks have instigated horrified outrage on the part of all civilized nations. There is something different ab...

  • August 18, 2013

    Send in the Clowns

    It's said that Elizabeth I once rebuked the court fool for not being hard enough on her.  While the story may be apocryphal, it demonstrates that even rulers who considered themselves divinely appointed had the ability to recognize their fallibi...

  • August 14, 2013

    Dhimmitude in the US Military?

    At one time race was one of the chief defining factors in marking invidious class distinctions in America.  Racial theories, backed by the pseudo-science of racial genetics, were the chief rationales behind the overt and covert persecution of mi...

  • August 4, 2013

    World War III?

    Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard and regular commentator at Fox news, has said the closing of U.S. embassies in 21 countries is a sign of weakness on the part of the U.S. and suggests capitulation to al-Qaeda. He may be partly right, but...

  • July 28, 2013

    The Lust to Lead

    Anthony Weiner, recently mobbed by reporters during his Staten Island campaign stop, has protested that his scurrilous behavior is "private" and that any fallout has been contained.  He assures us he and his wife have worked out the private matt...

  • July 3, 2013

    Obama the Imperialist

    Rudyard Kipling's "The White Man's Burden" is one of the most excoriated poems in all of Western literary history. The piece is considered the poetic apologia for British imperialism, a concept that following the ravages of World War II and the incre...

  • July 1, 2013

    The Paula Deen Witch Hunt

    No era is complete without the demonization and purging of scapegoats by those who deem themselves able to discern who is allied with the Powers of Darkness.  Every age has folk accused of being witches and warlocks.  There is always someon...

  • June 25, 2013

    Shape-shifters are Changing America

    One of the most persistently alluring but frightening themes of science-fiction films features creatures able to transform themselves into any form they'd like. The power to shift one's self into any form at any given moment by a sheer act of will, a...

  • June 9, 2013

    The Radicalization of the Church

    For decades, radical left theology has been making gradual inroads into the nation's churches. Inserting the God factor has granted a divine imprimatur to leftist tenets, something secularist political organizations can't match. Congregants who atten...

  • May 26, 2013

    Dear IRS: Concerning the Content of my Prayers

    Dear IRS, I understand your people have been deeply interested in the content of my prayers. I never thought I'd see the day. I have always assumed prayer in any form goes against the current notion many of you in the IRS share -- the notion that a...

  • May 19, 2013

    The Stasi IRS?

    It's often been said the Internal Revenue Service is the most feared bureaucracy in the United States. Little wonder. As the agency openly proclaims on their own website, concerning what actions they might take if your taxes are unpaid: We could se...

  • May 14, 2013

    Benghazi: Murder and Treachery Most Foul?

    What person ever says what he really knows at a funeral?  Eulogies bearing little or no resemblance to the deceased or to the facts are trotted out by people who are often bad actors, who though they know better, lie anyway.  It's almost ac...

  • May 5, 2013

    Will the Last Religious Politician Please Turn Out the Lights?

    If at one time being a member of a church was almost a requirement for anyone running for office, that time has long since passed. These days, portraying a candidate as a "fine, upstanding Christian" is enough to send any potential office seeker to t...

  • May 3, 2013

    Gosnell: The New Dred Scott Case?

    Anyone who is entangled by the Law knows it is almost always dehumanizing.   The law distorts the meaning of what it is to be human by chopping up overall concept of justice into finely sliced particulars.  The result often is that the...

  • April 24, 2013

    Tea with Terrorists

    Leonard Bernstein certainly knew how to throw a party.  He had the wealth and the digs to make it happen, as well as the reputation and connections to make news. Bernstein, whose undoubted musical genius was enhanced by his gift for flair a...

  • April 3, 2013

    Stomping on Jesus: The Iconoclasm of the Left

    A recent incident Florida has revived an ancient mechanism for persecuting Christians: forcing them to stomp on a representation of Jesus. It reveals a mindset of the left determined to weaken and destroy Christian civilization from within. Todd St...

  • March 22, 2013

    The Abolition of Sex

    The Massachusetts public school system has taken the tired mantra "You can be whatever you want to be" to new heights of absurdity.  It is now possible for any student to declare what his sex is regardless of whether it is the biological opposit...

  • February 28, 2013

    Bloomberg's Progressive Kosher Kitchen

    Michael Bloomberg is determined to turn the metropolis of New York City into the progressive version of a gigantic kosher kitchen. The mayor now seeks to apply his politically-correct orthodoxy to the entire city, forcing his transmogrified politico/...

  • January 23, 2013

    Bang, Bang! You're Dead.

    Sometimes it's the seemingly insignificant things that are revelatory of major problems. It's the tiny whine in the car engine and a flashing engine warning light that lets the driver know the car is in deep trouble. In a similar manner, it's the see...

  • January 13, 2013

    Changing the Culture One Film at a Time: Baseball, Dennis and the French

    Paul Croshaw, film producer, and Dennis Prager, talk show host and writer, have recently contributed to the budding reform movement aimed at turning Americans back to their Judeo/Christian heritage.  They have created a winsome, quirky, yet seri...

  • January 11, 2013

    From My Cold, Dead Hands

    Readers of political essays may have noticed arguments about guns are much more heated than discussions about religious liberty and freedom of speech. There's a reason for the heat. Argumentation about free speech and religious freedom can become alm...

  • January 6, 2013

    'Fiscal Conservatism,' R.I.P.

    The ongoing "fiscal cliff" debacle should put to rest forever the notion that "moderate" Republicans, who eschew social conservatism can still remain fiscal conservatives who favor smaller government. The capitulation of John Boehner and the House R...

  • January 2, 2013

    The End of the GOP?

    Yesterday didn't see a solution to the "fiscal cliff. What we saw was an artificially manufactured crisis that ensured the administration got its way with taxes while pretending to save the American middle class it is actively destroying. Obama u...

  • December 23, 2012

    Recognizing the Wolf at the Door

    I have found myself remembering a child's prayer dating back to 1711. That year was a time in which little children were brought forth into a world they often too soon departed. Parents prayed with their children, reminding them about the fragility o...

  • December 15, 2012

    There Was Silence in Heaven for Half an Hour

    For God's sake, is there nothing that will shut up the chatter?  Is there no tragedy so great, so profoundly disturbing we cannot note it with silence born of grief to deep to express? Yet again we hear the mind-numbing blather of those who im...

  • December 2, 2012

    The Temptation of Babel

    The book of Genesis relates the ancient peoples of the earth, united by one language and one world view, decided to build a tower bridging the gap between heaven and earth. Being of one mind and heart and inspired by a vision of the universality of a...

  • November 11, 2012

    To Dad on Veterans Day

    In the right drawer of my desk there is a picture of my dad in a U.S. Army uniform. In the picture, he's about 30 years old and he is looking straight at the camera with a clear, steady, unflinching gaze. He reminds me of my youngest son. The same s...

  • November 10, 2012

    Is Petraeus Falling on His Sword?

    Was General Petraeus told by the Obama administration to fall on his sword? Was the general told he would be exposed unless he clammed up about Benghazi? Did he decide to blow his own cover before the president could? Could it be he is sitting o...

  • November 6, 2012

    An Ordinary Vote

    I walked about a mile to my polling place at the Carvel Building in Wilmington, Delaware to vote this morning. When I arrived, I noticed there was a virtual phalanx of what appeared to me to be rather threatening looking people on the steps to the e...

  • November 5, 2012

    The Malignant Narcissist and the Benghazi 'Snuff Film'

    Credible sources indicate that the president of the United States watched in real time what might well be called the Benghazi snuff film. Among those sources is retired Lt. Col. Tony Schaffer.  At the time of the assault, Shaffer relates, two U....

  • October 28, 2012

    Rage and Destruction as the Basis of Obama's Middle East Policy

    While the ongoing crisis in the Middle East is widely perceived by conservatives as Obama's policy failure, the conflagration in the area may be precisely what the current administration wants. The Obama administration appears to be hell-bent on comp...

  • September 23, 2012

    Civil Rights and the LGBT Movement

    According to the study of eugenics conducted by Lutz Kaelber, it wasn't so long ago in my home state of Delaware that homosexuals were arrested, tried, incarcerated, and even sterilized because it was believed that they were mentally defective. ...

  • September 12, 2012

    Incest as Progress

    Back in 2003*, Justice Antonin Scalia was excoriated as a hate-monger and extreme doomsayer when he wrote the dissent on Lawrence et al. v. Texas, a case which basically overturned sodomy laws on the grounds sexual behavior could not be legislated by...

  • September 9, 2012

    And All the Democrats Said, 'AMEN!'

    The Democrats who booed God may have left out an important consideration: maybe God wasn't attending the convention. Some observers have said God had already left the building by the time the folks in charge wrote him out of existence along with his ...

  • August 30, 2012

    Romney/Ryan Must Target Catholics and Evangelicals

    Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his vice presidential pick Paul Ryan have been focusing on the dreadful U.S. economy and the country's staggering debt.  The GOP convention has made their focus abundantly clear by having two debt clocks po...

  • August 17, 2012

    Obama Campaign's Toxic Fundraising Letter

    Rarely does one incident distill the toxicity that characterizes the domestic and foreign policy of our current administration.  But in a recent appeal for more money from campaign donors, the Obama campaign has achieved a trifecta revelatory of...

  • August 12, 2012

    A Train Ride with a Young Progressive

    I was riding home on Amtrak the other day, on my way from Massachusetts to Philadelphia.  On the train with me was a young girl about 18.  She was talking non-stop to a couple in their mid-thirties while hanging over the back of her seat. H...

  • July 22, 2012

    Washington's Message to Americans: 'We Own You'

    The president's Roanoke speech, the full text of which may be found here, goes beyond mere insult to American entrepreneurs. Certainly his words are offensive enough to business builders and owners; however, they go beyond mere insult.  They go ...

  • July 5, 2012

    SCOTUS and the Collapse of States' Sovereignty

    The ongoing collapse of the boundaries between the federal government and the sovereign, individual states has been accelerated by the recent ObamaCare decision.  Conservatives should put aside speculations about John Roberts's legal casuistry o...

  • June 28, 2012

    The Federal Government Secedes from Arizona

    Has anyone noticed the federal government has seceded from Arizona?  Apparently, the state no longer belongs to the Union. In an action bizarrely the reverse of South Carolina's secession from the Union in December of 1860, the Department of Hom...

  • June 24, 2012

    Wake Up, Religious Conservatives: A Summons to Outrage

    Observers of the religious and political scenes in America should have taken notice when President Obama deemed Christian religious symbols too offensive to be seen during his economics speech at Catholic Georgetown University in April of 2009. ...

  • May 23, 2012

    The End of Women's Rights in America?

    Anyone who knows something about the radical feminist movement of the '60s and '70s will be gripped by déjà vu when looking at photos of the recent "War on Women" rally in Los Angeles.  Once again, leftist women were toting placards with slogans...

  • May 8, 2012

    Ethnic Aristocracy in America: Do You Have the Right Bloodlines?

    Bloodlines have become a means to access class privilege.  They are in danger of becoming as important in America as they were in South Africa when the Population Registration Act was put into place.   Imagine your child undergoing the...

  • April 29, 2012

    The Death of Nation-States and the Rise of Empire

    Some readers may recall the rant of a couple years ago by Nigel Farage, head of the United Kingdom's Independence Party, against Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Union.  Mr. Farage described the gentleman from Belgium as possessing "...

  • April 26, 2012

    Sex after Death

    Ah, you've just got to love the results of the "Arab spring."  Such wonderful things have evolved from the people's revolution. Among the most amazing results, according to Lee Moran of the UK's Daily Mail, Egypt's husbands will soon be permitte...

  • April 18, 2012

    Obama's Coalition of the Enraged

    The president and his allies are wooing various groups of angry and disaffected minorities.  These, along with unhappy entitlement dependents, are to constitute most of the voters Obama seeks to lure into granting him another term, during which ...

  • April 4, 2012

    FDR Redux: Obama Challenges SCOTUS

    Who is this president who darkens counsel with ignorant words concerning the balance of power established by the Constitution of the United States? Monday, by declaring that the "unelected" Supreme Court had better rule in favor of the 2,700-page hea...

  • March 26, 2012

    Mom and the Supreme Court

    When the Supreme Court of the United States begins its three-day review of ObamaCare today, my mom won't be there. I wish she could be there to present her case.  For she and millions of other elderly and vulnerable people will be affected in wa...

  • March 15, 2012

    Fluke and the Fall of Feminism

    Sandra Fluke has shown us the new lows to which the women rights movement has fallen. It is not necessary to denigrate Ms. Fluke or to speculate on her sexual proclivities, but it is important to note who she is, what she is doing, and what she hopes...

  • March 9, 2012

    What's for Lunch, Mom?

    Your child's school lunch menu may list more than what's to eat. Here in liberal Delaware, the elementary and middle public school menus for the week include Michelle Obama's blue plate special insignia, a good nutrition logo which cost tax payers $2...

  • March 1, 2012

    Infanticide on Demand

    In ancient Rome, the paterfamilias had the power of life or death over his children from birth onward.  After a baby was born, the midwife put it on the floor.  If the father picked the child up, it was formally a member of the family....

  • February 26, 2012

    A Forced Marriage of Church and State

    The Obama administration is seeking to achieve a forced marriage of Church and State, a loveless arrangement that has been attempted before. During the Middle Ages, the political power advantage most often lay with the Church.  Such was the powe...

  • February 10, 2012

    On the Church, the Military, and the Descent into Tyranny

    The heart of America resides in its free institutions. In a republic committed to freedom, the church and the military, two of the country's most powerful organizations, must be allowed to construct and to follow the ethical guidelines, codes...

  • February 1, 2012

    The State Ruling the Church

    This past Sunday, January 29, Roman Catholic congregations were read letters opposing the Obama administration's demand that all Catholic universities and Catholic-based charities make sure they provide all employees access to health insurance provid...

  • January 19, 2012

    Castrating Children

    Though of course we have no recordings of his artistry, it was said of the great 18th-century singer Farinelli (named Carlo Broschi at birth) that he sang like an angel.  His supernaturally endowed voice had glass-breaking intensity, phenomenal ...

  • January 15, 2012

    The Abolition of Gender

    The far left in Europe and America has attained the same phantasmagoric and orgiastic repudiation of reason as their predecessors, the leaders of the French Revolution.  The hopes of egalitarianism embraced by the leaders of the French Revolutio...

  • January 2, 2012

    The Second Coming of Huey Long and Father Coughlin

    As William Butler Yeats noted in his famous poem "The Second Coming," written in 1921, the disintegration of the world order -- at that time, the British Empire -- brought out extremist tendencies which gathered attention and supporters whom otherwis...

  • December 25, 2011

    Christmas: A Cosmic Revolution

    The nativity of Christ is the most profound example of humility known to humanity. As the author of Philippians writes when exhorting his fellow Christians to humbly consider others better than themselves, the example the Philippians should follow ...

  • December 10, 2011

    Crucifying Santa

    Evidently it isn't enough for rabid secularists to take Christ out of Christmas.  Now, in a macabre twofer, Santa is being crucified, too. The most recent location of the worldwide phenomenon which is characterized by a ritualistic crucifixion o...

  • December 3, 2011

    A Kentucky Funeral

    Glenn Roland Voshell was buried on a hill on his Kentucky farm last week. "We can still do that here in Kentucky," his wife Gayle said. And so my brother was laid to rest on the land he loved. His Amish neighbors volunteered horses and wagons to carr...

  • December 1, 2011

    Fed Buys a Ticket on the Titanic

    The Federal Reserve just gave the United States a ticket to board the sinking Titanic that is socialist Europe.  Now cheap dollars borrowed by weak nations will shore up failing models of socialist governments, which will be enabled to continue their...

  • November 17, 2011

    Will Germany Choose Another Gotterdämmerung?

    The ideological notion of egalitarianism derived from the French Revolution -- "liberté, égalité, fraternité" -- infected Europe with an anti-hierarchical mindset that was to cause the fall of royal houses and empires, gradually followed by a ra...

  • November 1, 2011

    PETA Sues SeaWorld

    Compassionate people detest cruelty against animals.  Incidents such as the reckless and useless slaughter of dolphins and whales provoke stomach churning revulsion.  Stories and pictures of abused dogs, cats and other creatures make any ca...

  • October 30, 2011

    Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Judaism

    Historically, anti-capitalist fervor has been inevitably and inextricably interwoven with anti-Semitism.  Some Occupy Wall Street protesters stand in line with odious predecessors. Anti-capitalist political revolutions of modern times have provi...

  • October 9, 2011

    The American Revolution of 2012

    An inchoate, seemingly rudderless administration coupled with a sinking economy and civil unrest is a recipe for an anarchical response.  Weakness, vacillation, and erosion of institutional authority are an invitation to anarchical thuggery, whi...

  • September 25, 2011

    Kody Brown, His 'Sister Wives,' and the Return of Polygamy

    Tinseltown is seeking to mainstream polygamous relationships. Having long ago forsaken the favorable depiction of monogamy characterized by such shows as the long-running Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (1952-1966) and Father Knows Best (1954-1960), ...

  • September 2, 2011

    Tiberius Redux

    Warning: Contains frank discussion of disturbing sexual acts. See also: Predators With Ph.D.s A reincarnation of the Emperor Tiberius exists in the state of Delaware in the form of one Dr. Earl Bradley, a pediatrician from Lewes, Sussex County, who w...

  • August 24, 2011

    Coin of the Realm of Madness

    Deep in the bowels of the US Mint in Philadelphia are coin presses which run constantly, producing millions of one-dollar coins, day after day, day in and day out.  The mechanized beasts are more productive than the god Vulcan, sweating away in ...

  • August 16, 2011

    Silence of the Shepherds

    As early as 1867, Matthew Arnold warned that the ebbing of Christianity in England would disturb the societal order and usher in waves of violence.  His famous poem, "Dover Beach," noted the result of the weakening of Christianity would mean "we...

  • August 13, 2011

    Yes, it's porn

    The kid in the photo below, taken for French Vogue's most recent publication, is ten years old.  She is dressed up like a prostitute, complete with what are vulgarly termed "f**k me" stiletto heels.  Posed as a seductress with a prematurely...

  • August 5, 2011

    The lemonade stand threat

    Ah, the policemen of Coralville, Iowa, population 18,750, certainly have their hands full tackling crime.  The latest criminal? Abigail Krutsinger,  who is 4 years old. Abigail's iniquitous entrepreneurial skills were awakened when she real...

  • July 3, 2011

    A Right to Kill

    The society that embraces the death of innocents as a solution to its problems will itself inevitably die.  It may carry on for many decades after its fatal embrace of the Grim Reaper.  But with the moral heart cut out of its body, it becom...

  • June 22, 2011

    The Full Biblical Monty

    Parents, shield your eyes, as the material presented within this page may be offensive.  Do you wonder what the offensive material might be?  Do you think your potentially salacious gaze is to be directed at yet another photo of Anthony Wei...

  • June 5, 2011

    A Subtle Tyranny

    Tyranny does not always initially come like the wolf on the fold, red in tooth and claw.  Sometimes it comes tip-toeing on velvet little feet, quietly, one soft step at a time. It often comes in simple guise, as seemingly reasonable requests mad...

  • May 29, 2011

    Laughing at Prophets of Doom

    The cynical snickering over the failed denouement of Reverend Harold Camping's May 21st predicted rapture, now postponed to October 21st, may be somewhat justified.  Sadly, he joins the ranks of hundreds of other preachers throughout history who...

  • May 22, 2011

    A Tale of Two Sex Scandals

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • May 14, 2011

    Japan's Disaster May Accelerate Realignment in the East

    The coastline of Japan is not the only shift that will have been caused by the earthquake and tsunami of March 11.As significant as the material damage, which appears to be almost incalculable, and as worthy of attention as the economic damage, also ...

  • April 24, 2011

    The UN and One World Worship

    Bolivia's president Morales, having achieved the establishment of pantheism as his country's official religion, has taken his religious agenda to the UN, which has acceded to his wishes by establishing April 22 as Mother Earth Day, thus establishing ...

  • April 17, 2011

    Bolivia's Return to Pantheism

    It seems was only a matter of time before multi-culturalism combined with environmentalist religious extremism to produce a new official religion.  It appears that time has come for Bolivia, which according to reporter John Vidal, writing in The...

  • March 1, 2011

    Courting Disaster

    There is a malodorous wind wafting its way from the White House.  It bodes ill for the fate of the US judiciary and the Republic of these United States. The whiff of gunfire was obvious when President Obama publically dressed down the Justices o...

  • February 21, 2011

    Delaware boondoggle

    According to Delaware's congressional delegation, led by Senators Chris Coons, Tom Carper and Representative John Carney, a longstanding and festering historical injustice is about to be remedied. Delaware citizens, long in anguish over their state's...

  • January 30, 2011

    Oh, Baby!

    What would her name have been?  Would it have been Inga or Hilde?  Could she have been named Mary or Emily?  We will never know. We will call her "Baby."This tiny one, this little one with the unutterable look of peace on her...