F. Owen Smith

F. Owen Smith

  • May 30, 2016

    'The Mom Thing' Revisited

    Six years ago, American Thinker published “The Mom Thing,” my article on the high price of freedom paid by members of the American military and their families. Just last week, the “Mom” of the article was once again my assi...

  • April 2, 2011

    Resolving the Birth Certificate Issue

    Satire  Now it can be told. In an exclusive to American Thinker, I reconstruct to the best of memory a recent meeting I had with a certain highly-placed government official in a certain pale-hued official government residence in a certain large ...

  • March 17, 2011

    The Great Intervention of 2012

    America has become dependent on social steroids, the kind pushed under the street-name HGH, standing for Huge Government Handouts. The steroid metaphor is so aptly drawn as to make it irresistible, so with your permission I'll develop it.Hold a photo...

  • March 12, 2011

    Solving the Gay Marriage Dilemma

    "Reserved For The Use Of The White Race Only", warned a sign I saw at the entrance to a public park in Greensboro, North Carolina back in the Sixties. Too bad I didn't appropriate that little historical gem so I could update it to today's s...

  • August 12, 2010

    The Inkblot Mosque

    There is an old joke about a man in a psychiatrist's office taking the Rorschach inkblot test where he identifies the first panel as two butterflies, the second as two rhinos and the third as two elephants, but sees them all engaged in sex, and when ...

  • July 30, 2010

    The Mom Thing

    One morning when I was scrubbing for a surgery in the California hospital where I work, one of the staff nurses approached me and, knowing of my interest in and knowledge of firearms, asked what kind of gun she ought to buy her seventeen-year-old son...