Eva Kneifel

Eva Kneifel

  • In Germany, a problem of clan crime among its migrants

    March 16, 2024

    In Germany, a problem of clan crime among its migrants

    In Germany, there is clan crime among its migrants.   So what is it?   It began with large number of migrants from Lebanon in the 1980s.   Although many say it is not a problem, the numbers tell a different story...

  • Will Islam take over Europe?

    February 14, 2024

    Will Islam take over Europe?

    Even if all migration into Europe were to immediately and permanently stop -– a “zero migration” scenario -– the Muslim population of Europe still would be expected to rise from the current level of 4.9% to 7.4% by the year 20...

  • November 5, 2023

    In Germany, anti-Semitic riots, too

    I'm here in Germany and watching the events in Israel unfold with immense interest, given Germany's anti-Semitic past. And there are still anti-Semites. Instead of, say, celebrating Oktoberfest this past month or the month earlier, for the...

  • October 15, 2023

    With the advent of transgenderism, feminism has killed itself

    With the advent of transgenderism, feminism has effectively killed itself. Its advocates are now surprised that their theory was radically enforced and they are now falling under the wheels. After all, does anyone remember this? ...

  • September 12, 2023

    In Germany, what passes for 'expertise' on U.S. 'democracy' is pathetic

    I live in Germany. I recently read a 2022 book here about America by Annika Brockschmidt, titled "Amerikas Gotteskrieger: Wie die Religiöse Rechte die Demokratie gefährdet," or, in English, "America's ...

  • August 24, 2023

    'Liberalism' itself is now fading in Germany

    Amid the many ideological struggles of the 20th century, liberalism emerged as a surviving force.  However, the prominence of liberalism, once envisioned by Francis Fukuyama, has diminished, at least in the Atlantic world.  E...

  • June 10, 2023

    In Germany, passage of the trans-friendly Self-Determination Act is fraught with dangers

    In  Germany, the ruling coalition proposes to make changing one's gender on legal documents, such as passports, a matter of simple self-declaration. It's being hailed in the press, but there are dangers lurking with it. In other coun...

  • May 16, 2023

    German foreign policy is grotesque

    Since the war in Ukraine, there have been stirrings of a debate on foreign policy in Germany. This is always superficial and not honest.  Although here in Germany we always talk about values, there is still no fo...

  • May 7, 2023

    Time for everyone to admit that Trump was right about Iran

    Maybe Donald Trump was right about Iran this whole time. That may be an uncomfortable reality. The Iran deal was supposed to get Iran to stop uranium enrichment. The West must admit that it failed. It should be stressed that Iran has continued dev...