Eugene Slaven

Eugene Slaven

  • April 13, 2019

    Rep. Ilhan Omar's anti-Americanism exposed

    In case anyone had any doubts about the precise nature of the ideology espoused by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), this week's unearthing of a tweet posted by the freshman congresswoman erased any such doubts: Given the unprecedented number of ...

  • December 19, 2017

    No, tax reform will not devastate charitable giving

    As the historic Republican tax reform bill is expected to pass one or both houses of Congress today, the campaign of insufferably idiotic mass hysteria peddled by the left and its allies in the media should reach its peak.  It would ta...

  • August 27, 2016

    Democrats Have Nothing to Fear but Losing Black Votes

    Donald Trump's outreach to black voters was predictably met with unbridled, laughably over-the-top scorn and derision from Democrats and their media allies – media allies who at this point are so blatantly unfair that one might think they w...

  • July 29, 2016

    Since when does the American left believe America is great?

    In what was mercifully one of his last major primetime speeches as president, Barack Obama declared to the fawning hordes at the Democratic National Convention that "America is already great." The "America is great" message ech...

  • June 20, 2016

    #NeverTrump: The media is using you as pawns. Don't let them.

    The media's unbridled giddiness over the #NeverTrump camp's worsening Trump Derangement Syndrome is palpable. Without delving into the debate on the merits of the #NeverTrump movement, it is painfully clear that at this point, the #NeverTr...

  • December 12, 2015

    Donald Trump Isn't the Problem. Trump Derangement Syndrome Is.

    My Facebook feed is inundated with indignant Republicans excoriating Donald Trump for his comments about Muslim immigrants. This has been a recurring theme since Trump announced his candidacy last spring: Republicans who don't like Trump expr...

  • November 24, 2015

    Meet the insufferable Chuck Todd

    If you're a news junkie like me, you may have the misfortune of watching Meet the Press on Sunday mornings.  Once a beacon of journalistic integrity, Meet the Press has devolved into a mouthpiece for the left and the Democratic Party, with N...

  • November 16, 2015

    No, Democrat Presidents aren't Great Job Creators

    During Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate, the editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal Gerald Baker posed this intriguing question to Carly Fiorina:   “Ms. Fiorina, while you’ve all pointed out how weak the ...

  • July 3, 2015

    The White Privilege Lie

    Of all the invectives launched against the United States by the resurgent American Left, the charge that in America, White Privilege reigns supreme is the most insidious and culturally ruinous.   Its intent is unambiguous: leftists perpetuate...

  • December 28, 2013

    The Great Race Hoax

    When Barack Obama rose to national prominence following his 2004 keynote address at the Democratic National Convention, his African-American heritage was a footnote to the fawning reception he received from the media and from most Americans. While th...

  • December 8, 2013

    The Religious Left's Moral Fallacy

    President Obama is pivoting once again to decrying the alleged sin of income inequality -- the left's perennial and favorite class-warfare theme.  At the same time, the religious left is becoming more vocal in American politics, couching it...

  • August 30, 2013

    Why the Left Really is against Voter ID Laws

    The crusade against voter ID laws is the new front in the Left's perennial campaign to convince Americans that Jim Crow is lurking just around the corner. Left-wing activists and Democrat politicians argue that these laws disproportionately disqual...

  • August 21, 2013

    The Truth about Rap Music

    I listen to rap. I grew up listening to rap. Since I was old enough to enjoy music, rap has been one of my favorite genres. It remains so to this day. I'm not just talking about mainstream or party-mix rap. I am talking about hard-core rap, undergro...

  • November 21, 2011

    Why Occupy Wall Street Is No Tea Party

    As the Occupy Wall Street movement attempts to establish a firm foothold in American society, veterans of left-wing organizing, including former Obama administration czar Van Jones, are urging this fledgling movement to run candidates for office, fol...

  • May 26, 2011

    Be Wary When the Polls are on Your Side

    Throughout the excessively drawn-out and heated debate over President Obama's healthcare reform plan, Republican leaders relied on two broad strategies to undermine the President's key domestic initiative. First, they attacked the plan on its merits:...

  • August 9, 2009

    The Left's Moral Absolutism

    In my high school World History class I remember reading about moral relativists who expressed moral indifference at the practice of forced female circumcision common in some African cultures. These moral relativists argued that moral principles were...