Erwin Haas, M.D.

Erwin Haas, M.D.

  • November 16, 2021

    The Kitchen-Table Drug Industry

    Fivethirtyeight is a gaggle of glib youngish statisticians, who claim to do statistics and scientific analysis better. They produce podcasts and articles which, Surprise! Surprise!, end up supporting adolescent leftish agendas. Their article on how M...

  • April 21, 2021

    A Tale of Two Vaccines

    Two elderly spinsters,  Grace Eldering (1900-1988) and Pearl Kendrick (1890-1980) lived together in a small house in Comstock Park, a down-market suburb of Grand Rapids, Michigan. They developed the first successful whooping cough vaccine. I ...

  • February 4, 2021

    A brief history of vaccine screw-ups

    I’ve made a minor hobby of looking skeptically at immunizations since my case report on atypical measles was published as the centerpiece article in JAMA 45 years ago. That case illustrated at least one unpublicized problem from immunizations. ...

  • July 21, 2020

    COVID-19 cases overstated by one hundred percent because of indiscriminate testing

    Brief Note: It is a well known principle in statistics that all tests will have some biologic false positives that unfortunately label individuals as being diseased but who are not afflicted. The corona viral dna tests have a reported 4% false...