Ernesto J. Antunez

Ernesto J. Antunez

  • May 31, 2021

    The Libertarian Californication of Miami

    The libertarians over at Reason recently ran a piece reflecting favorably on the plans of Miami's mayor, Francis Suarez, to turn the Magic City into an "un-woke, pro-bitcoin, tech billionaire's paradise."  Mayor Suarez is ...

  • September 21, 2020

    Trumpistas: Latinos and the GOP

    Ferociously anti-Trump publications like The Atlantic have been sounding the alarm on the president's growing support among Latinos during an election where both sides have declared a war to the knife.  The unabated demographic rise to ...

  • September 1, 2020

    Sweden heading over the cliff

    Recently, the Muslims of the city of Malmö in Sweden flexed their collective strength and gave their non-Muslim neighbors a taste of things to come when they rioted in a response to the publicized burning of a Quran by activists of Stram Kurs (H...

  • July 24, 2020

    No country for old conservatives?

    Recently, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity awkwardly collided during the nightly handoff between their respective shows.  Carlson had just finished another righteous closing segment of Tucker Carlson Tonight by excoriating Jeff Bezos (founde...

  • July 21, 2020

    An Unperfect Society: Socialist Cuba

    This writing seeks to serve as a brief overview of the power structure of socialist Cuba, one of the 20th century's premier "unperfect societies."  Even a cursory look at this ossified structure will dispel many of the egalita...

  • July 16, 2020

    Biden's mass amnesty would destroy the Republican Party

    Old Uncle Joe (Biden) recently unveiled the so-called "Unity Plan," the demon seed spawned from his campaign's forced coupling with the socialist-progressive contingent led by his former primary opponent and lifelong pinko Bernie Sander...

  • May 31, 2020

    Everyone loses in the George Floyd riots

    A major American city has been sacked as if it were the capital of a hated enemy by roving gangs of wild-eyed revolutionists and snarling hooligans.  Who are these persons?  They are our very own "wretched of the earth."...

  • May 28, 2020

    The unmasking of the synthetic American economy

    Similar to the antebellum South, the current economy of the United States is built upon servile labor, although of a different racial composition from what the Southern plantations of old had.  One speaks of the millions of Chinese workers ...

  • November 25, 2019

    The inglorious surrender of Chick-fil-A

    The Left has acquired yet another stuffed head to place upon its trophy wall.  I speak of the capitulation of the fried poultry–dispenser that is Chick-fil-A.  Effective immediately, Chick-fil-A will no longer be dispensing ...

  • September 29, 2019

    Three Cheers for the Trade War

    There has recently been much weeping and gnashing of teeth over President Donald Trump's trade war with the People's Republic of China.  The ire of this piece will be focused on those avaricious and morally blinded elements of the r...

  • June 22, 2019

    Lessons to learn from Kyle Kashuv, the 2nd Amendment–supporting Parkland survivor

    Recently, one Mr. Kyle Kashuv of Parkland infamy had his admission most unceremoniously rescinded from Harvard by its admission committee, which acted under its own weight and under additional pressure from a concerned citizenry (read: political enem...