Eric Holmes

Eric Holmes

  • September 26, 2017

    After fifty years of NFL, it's over for me

    My whole life since I was six years old, I watched the Cowboys every Sunday.  Never again.  Our country is besieged by communist agitators, and the useful idiots' entertainment industry has been following suit for years.  Now footb...

  • August 11, 2017

    The Other Side of the Bannon-McMaster Conflict

    We all remember the character assassination the mainstream media did on Sarah Palin. It was ruthless and many Americans have negative views of the governor without really knowing much about her. Decades early the MSM did the same to Ross Perot. Of co...

  • November 10, 2012

    A Handful of Counties

    In the post-election analysis, some have started to question Gov. Romney's message, or his strategy.  Looking closely at the county-by-county voting result map, however, reveals that Gov. Romney's message and his target demographic could have wo...

  • August 10, 2012

    Federal Hiring Expertise

    One would think that with unemployment as high as it is, that for every job opening it would be extremely competitive,  and the hiring organization would be able to select the very best from a competitive field.  Maybe in the private sector...