Enza Ferreri

Enza Ferreri

  • December 7, 2014

    The Tragedy of Replacing God with Unchecked Democracy

    I'm not sure how conservative Americans will view the recently-published book Democracy as a Neocon Trick by Alexander Boot. It’s an unusual work: whereas critics of America are generally on the political Left while those on the Right de...

  • November 23, 2014

    The Dutch Say No to PC and Win

    Last Saturday in Gouda, Holland, the police arrested as many as 90 people, the majority of whom were protesting against "Black Pete", part of a traditional pre-Christmas children's street party. We don’t normally associate a Sa...

  • August 27, 2014

    Same-sex Adoption: Not as Harmless as Portrayed

    You may often see articles in the media claiming that "research has shown" that children of same-sex couples are thriving, in fact are physically and psychologically doing just as well as, or even better than, children of couples who are --...

  • August 15, 2014

    What's the Alternative to the Left's Program?

    I was reading the blog of Daniel Greenfield, undoubtedly a great writer and an acute analyst of what is wrong in today's world. But, the more I was reading, the more I felt a sense of dissatisfaction, as you may have when drinking doesn't ...

  • July 30, 2014

    Why Criminals Are Afraid of Classical Music

    Many young people, especially the anti-social, dislike classical music so much that it can be played to discourage them from intimidating, harassing and robbing. This experiment has been successful over many years in countless locations. The ea...

  • March 29, 2014

    A British Tea Party?

    If you had had the dubious privilege of watching the BBC’s political debate programme "Question Time" on March 6, you would have been afforded a glimpse of what immigration and multiculturalism have become in Britain, their consequenc...

  • February 23, 2014

    Nazism Paved the Way

    Of all the myriad myths spread at light speed by the enemies of Christianity and astonishingly believed without much critical thought by vast numbers of people, one of the most surreal must be the idea that Nazism was Christian.This is part of an ema...