Ellen Meade

Ellen Meade

  • January 20, 2014

    First things First, Mr. President

    It seems a little premature for the president to outline reforms for the NSA when we don't even know what it is exactly the agency is collecting. Every week, it seems, there's a new revelation about the extent of surveillance. On Thursday, the Guard...

  • April 6, 2013

    That Pesky Constitution

    Is the Constitution becoming the left's new target? That thought struck me the other night over dinner with my liberal friend, a lawyer and part-time professor. Among his choice statements, "Maybe it's time to get rid of the Constitution and st...

  • April 30, 2012

    Work 'til You Drop: Is that such a bad idea?

    Social Security is slated to run out of money in 2033, three years earlier than expected.  So maybe it's time for politicians to stop pandering when it comes to shoring up the system and instead rethink the retirement entitlement altogether. May...

  • February 28, 2012

    Is Paula Deen Surrendering to the Food Police?

    Paula Deen says she's going to start making lighter versions of her dishes. That's a little like Ron Paul saying he's going to start putting tax increases in his bills.  It's a little suspect. Paula Deen has made a fortune off her rich recipes, ...

  • February 24, 2012

    SCOTUS may scrap affirmative action

    It's time to end affirmative action in higher education. Even Justice Sandra Day O'Connor envisioned an end to it.  In her majority opinion in Grutter v. Bollinger, which allows colleges and universities to use race in their admissions process, ...

  • August 29, 2011

    Should 'The Ugly' Be A Protected Class?

    It's not often I read an op-ed in the New York Times and confuse it with an article from The Onion.  But, I did just that Sunday with Daniel Hamermesh's piece calling for government protections for "The Ugly."  At first, I thought it was wr...

  • August 20, 2011

    Why the Right is Wrong on Gay Marriage

    Listen up, Christine O'Donnell, Mr. and Mrs. Michele Bachmann, and every other like-minded member of the GOP:  When it comes to the topic of sex, take a chill pill.  Relax.  Why do you care what other people do in the privacy of their ...

  • April 16, 2011

    Orwell Was an Optimist

    Take a look at the headlines any day of the week and you'll see the ever-increasing use -- and abuse -- of government surveillance.  The latest offense?  The city of Boston's thermal imaging cameras that can see inside homes.  But, big...

  • January 19, 2011

    Would Congress Silence the Founding Fathers?

    There has been plenty of finger-pointing in the wake of last week's deadly shootings in Tucson.  Unfortunately, not enough fingers have been pointed at the triggerman, Jared Loughner.Instead, people have been blaming the likes of Sarah Palin and...